RAB - Item 2A - 7646 Newmark Avenue - Rehearing MAYOR: ` i�c� mead jor �A,o� MAYOR PRO TEM, .. MARGARP CLARK courvnLMEMeERs.. 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD' BA. BOX 399 10239_ ROSEMEAD. CALIFORNIA 91770 ^Em.:: TELEPHONE(626)288 6671 uwv oM FAX 1E26)307-0218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS BUILDLNG REHABILIIATION APPEALS BOARD FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER > DATE: NOVEMBER 02, 1999 SUBJECT: 7646 NEWMARK AVENUE-REHEARING The subject property consists of an owner-occupied single family dwelling with a detached garage which consists of an unpermitted illegal conversion on the lower level and an unpermined illegal unit on the upper level. The property is zoned R-l. The aforementioned garage was constructed with benefit of permits in 1983 as a 525 square foot single story structure. This propeny was previously before the Appeals Board on August 24, 1999 and September 28, 1999. At the September 28th Hearing the Appeals Board directed staff to meet with the property owner Ms. Bohne to verify if the unsafe conditions in the bathroom on the lower level of the garage had been rectified. A time and date were arranged at the hearing. The inspection was to take place on Wednesday, September 29th at 6:00 p.m.. Board member Imperial, Planning Director Lyons and Building Official Bailey met on the site at 6:00 p.m.. When they arrived they were met in front of the property by Mr. Bohne, the property owner's husband. Mr. Bohne indicated he thought the inspection was to take place the following day. He further stated he could not understand why the City was taking action against them. When Board member Imperial asked if we could enter the property to inspect Mr. Bohne denied access. In a further discussion with Board member Imperial and staff Mr.Bohne stated he came to City Hall several years ago to obtain the necessary permits and approvals to convert the garage however, was denied approval because it did not meet the code requirements. Mr.Bohne indicated since he could not get approval, he performed the work illegally without necessary permits and approvals. Board member Imperial again asked for permission to inspect the property and Mr.Bohne again denied access. Mr. Bonne continued by stating he had no intentions of correcting the Substandard Conditions and Building/Zoning code violations and that the Attorneys and Judges would decide the outcome. REHAB AGENDA NOV - 91999 ITEM No. ? • 4 The following day Building Official Bailey received a phone call from the property owner Ms. Bohne. She apologized for the confusion and stated she was trying to convince her husband to resolve these issues. Ms. Bohne also mentioned she would be in touch with staff in a few days and advise them of her intentions. To date, Ms. Bohne has not provided staff with further information nor have building plans been submitted for plan check. A notice of Heating was mailed and posted on the property on October i S. 1999. All interested pa-tits have been notified. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RECOMMENDATION: it is recommended that the Appeals Board find the property Substandard and order that all Substandard Conditions and Building/Zoning code violations be removed or corrected by November 22. 1999. August 31, 1999 LIST OF DEFECTS (REVISED) SUBSTANDARD CONDITIONS GARAGE L Garage interior and storage area (attic) above garage have been altered without the required permits and approvals. (Improper occupancy) _. Inadequate or faulty plumbing located in bathroom 3. Inadequate or faulty electrical located in bathroom and garage interior. DWELLING 1. Exterior wall covering is deteriorated/damaged and therefore lacks the required weather resistive protection. BUILDING AND ZONING CODE VIOLATIONS 1. Garage interior and storage area (attic) above garage have been altered without the required permits and approvals. 2. Plumbing and electrical installations have been installed without the required permits and approvals. 3. Patio cover/roof overhang has been constructed without the required permits and approvals. 4. Appliances have been installed on the building exterior. Not in conformance with the applicable codes and U.L. listing. SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 NE WMARK AVENUE LIST OF DEFECTS PAGE TWO UNSAFE CONDITIONS (BATHROOM AREA OF GARAGE) 1. Electrical outlet lacks the required ground fault protection. 2. Drainage system venting does not properly terminate on the building exterior. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. Steven C. Bailey Building Official Rose Arguello Building Inspector JJOEVASO.jE._ _.� f�itc� osesfzead MAYOR PRO TEM.. MAAGAA-CLARK oovrvoLMeMeexs 6636 E.VALLEY BOULEVARD• P0.BOX 399 ROEER1 r agoac✓ Ner ROSEMEAD.CALIFORNIA 9177D JAY T IM.eawL TELEPHONE (626)26&6671 GARY A TAYLOR FAX(626)3079216 Sent Via Facsimile and First Class Mail November 03, 1999 Ruth Ann Bohne 7646 Newmark Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Bohne: In response to your November 01, 1999 correspondence, I wish to schedule a brief inspection on Tuesday,November 09, 1999 at 7:00 a.m.to inspect the Substandard Conditions contained in the list of defects dated August 31, 1999. (see attached) The Rehabilitation Appeals Board needs to be informed as to any change in any of the conditions since the last inspection. I will be performing the inspection. Photographs are an important aid to document the condition of the property as it is inspected. I will respect your wishes regarding photography for this inspection only, but future inspections that are conducted as any future construction work is progressing will need to be documented with photographs. Sincerely, Steven C. Bailey Building Official Attachment: August 31, 1999 LIST OF DEFECTS (REVISED) SUBSTANDARD CONDITIONS GARAGE 1. Garage interior and storage area (attic) above garage have been altered without the required permits and approvals. (Improper occupancy) ?. Inadequate or faulty plumbing located in bathroom 3. Inadequate or faulty electrical located in bathroom and garage interior. DWELLING 1. Exterior wall covering is deteriorated/damaged and therefore lacks the required weather resistive protection. BUILDING AND ZONING CODE VIOLATIONS 1_ Garage interior and storage area (attic) above garage have been altered without the required permits and approvals. 2. Plumbing and electrical installations have been installed without the required permits and approvals. 3. Patio cover/roof overhang has been constructed without the required permits and approvals. 4. Appliances have been installed on the building exterior. Not in conformance with the applicable codes and U.L. listing. SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 NEWMARK AVENUE LIST OF DEFECTS PAGE TWO UNSAFE CONDITIONS (BATHROOM AREA OF GARAGE) I. Electrical outlet lacks the required ground fault protection. 2. Drainage system venting does not properly terminate on the building exterior. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 am.- 11:00 a.m.,Monday through Thursday,and between 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. Steven C. Bailey Building Official Rose Arguello Building Inspector - -11/01299 15:35 DDHERTY&CG'LTW____ 4 Em 307 9218 Nn. 145 P00;922 7646 Newmark Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 November 1 , 1999 Via Par F U.D. Mail Steven Bailey, Building Official CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Bl . Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: 7646 NEWMARX AVENUE/CITY OF ROSE.MEAD Dear Mr. Bailey: Thank you for your correspondence of October 13 , 1999, returning the "Consent to Enter Onto Property" form. I will certainly consent to an inspection prior to the Rehab Appeals Board Meeting of November 9th. However, in light of what occurred at the August 31st inspection and subsequent September 28th hearinc, I am assuming the inspection will be limited to two items: the GFI circuit and the vent pipe. If I an incorrect in this regard, please advise me immediately, :n w`-itinq_ No cameras will be allowed et this inspection. If you desire any photographs of the two subject items, I will have my 35 mm. camera available and will provide you with the photos prior to the November 9th hearing. Further, I am granting permission for you to conduct the inspection, (or Mr. Guerra) , and any Board member who wishes to attend is welcome. I am specifically requesting that Mr. Lyons and Rose Arguello not enter onto my property. -11/01/99 16:35 D3HERTY&CPTi_D4'---- 4 818 307 5.218 .7. 105 PD37-/D0 Steven Bailey November 1 , 1999 Page 2 Please note that the inspection date and time must be coordinated with me within 24 hours in advance. In light of Daylight Savings and my work schedule, the best time to conduct the inspection is anywhere between 7: DO A.M. and 7: 3D A.M. Should you have any questions, please communicate with me by return facsimile. FDX ¢(. 2r -(a4,P-orf-7, Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Rut. Ann Bohne (098 ) P. S. The Board requested that you provide me with a City form to be presented to my lender. I have not yet received that. Please forward it to me as soon as possible. o- u � , 'a ; - ;�: -_ W • M1 -1 _ • ! I _ • Is: 754E Newman E3199C PG 75.0E,New-arc E3199S2.J?6 E-.01/P-9 E3193 f^ _ ;C. 4s3 ail. TaT� b z ,j • ]549 Newman,'_:0193::JoG 7ccb Nec a E3i99[14J?G 92.1.099 5311.99 Tape 1 frrJ 3^ it - .' i _ :� 'q� moi `-”-, - V 7545 Newmark E319905JPG 83199 7c4&Newmark E8199D5J?G 831/99 _F17-2C. . - 0 11..a;01,j 1 ,,:_77:C=I.-–CIL-7i'- tiIC- - _ t �fF- 8; _ ei I 11 kl . L & . (, a to a= . . rL `- _ i . -' 4 £ r - - - -I` U I a 764.Newmark 63199D7JPG 8131199 7645 Newmark E319906 JPG 831099 Paa2 2 - i ' r 9-it a = L - i YtJ i 17- Tay Ne..-,aM1.E319DEJPG 331199 9a9f October 18, 1999 Ruth Ann Bohne Substandard Pro 7646 Newmark Avenue 7646 Newmark Property Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 NOTICE OF HEARING The City Building Official has determined by inspection that the following property is substandard, as defined in Section 9905 of the City ofRosemead Building Laws,because of the defects listed on the attached letter. THEREFORE,NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday,November 09. 1999 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, a HEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED before the City of Rosemead Rehabilitation Appeals Board on this matter. All persons who desire to be heard shall appear before the above Board at said time and place to show cause why the substandard conditions should not be ordered abated. ADDRESS: 7646 Newmark Avenue LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE ASSESSOR'S r: 5285-033-017 ORIGINAL SIGNED STEVEN C. BAILEY Building Official Date Posted: By: August 31, 1999 LIST OF DEFECTS (.REVISED) SUBSTANDARD CONDITIONS GARAGE Gate interior and storage area (attic) above Enrage have been altered without the required permits and approvals. (Improper occupancy) �- Inadequate or faulty plumbing loratrd in bathroom 3. inadequate or faulty electrical healed in bathroom and Zara2c interior. DWELLING 1. Exterior wall covering is deteriorated/damaged and therefore lacks thexequired weather resistive protection. BUILDING AND ZONING CODE VIOLATIONS Garage interior and storage area (attic) above garage have been altered without the required permits and approvals. -. Plumbing and elecnical installations have been installed without the required permits and approvals. 3. Patio cover/roof overhang has been constructed without the required permits and approvals. 4. Appliances have been installed on the building. exterior. Not in conformance with the applicable codes and U.L. listing. SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 NEAMARK AVENUE LIST OF DEFECTS PAGE TWO UNSAFE COND177ONS (BATHROOM AREA OF GARAGE) J. Electrical outlet lacks the required mound fault protection. '_. Drainage system venting does not properly terminate on the building exterior. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for r pans and may be obtained at the Building.Department between the bolus of 7:00 ant- ]1:00 am,Monday throu=n Thursday, and between 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m, Thursday. Steven C. Bailey Building Official Rose.Arguello • Building Inspector I mnEml C itch _ osezead Tat EE3EE. VALLEY BOULEVARD 7 P.O BOX 399vnr.e=as _I117:'wee1Ptss" SEMEAD CALIFORNIA 9177D 1 naL TELEPHONE IE2EI Za66^ic._ _:Ank FAX (626)30r-92,8 October 13, 1999 Ruth Ann Bohne • 7646 Newmark Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Bohne: in response to your letter dated September 29, 1999 and your request, enclosed you will find the original smed copy of the"Consent to enter onto property orpremists'form. This document is no longer in force or effect Please be advised the Rehabilitation App^"ts Board Hearing regularly scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, 1999 has been canceled due to lack of a quorum. The Rehabilimtion Appeals Board Hearing has been rescheduled for November 09, 3999. You will receive formal notification prior to the hearing date. As with all cases scheduled to appear before the Rehabilitation Appeals Board it is standard procedure to perform an inspection of the property the day of the Hearing. The purpose of the inspection is to detemtine which Substandard Conditions still exist or have been abated Your cooperation in providing access is therefore requested. Sincerely, // Steven C. Bailey ~_� Building Official enclosure: 7646 Newmark Avenue Rosemead, CA 9177D September 29 , 1999 Via Fax & Certified nail/Return Receipt Requested Steven Bailey Building Official CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley El. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: 7546 NEWMARK AVENUE/CITY OF ROSEMEAD Dear Mr. Bailey: Please be advised that the "Consent to Enter onto Property or Premises" signed by me on August31, 1999 , is hereby revoked. A copy of this document is attached hereto. I would request that the original of this document be returned to me and any copies be destroyed. Should you have any questions, n] ease do not hesitate ._n call me. Sincerely, Ruth Ann Bohne (213) 6122-6820 (103) Enclosure _ 9>zq-99 . is,,p,,.r>G : ,2 ezt,491,e, id ; ,��,.�. ��.»� no�s/-.,.uLGd- r� t r. ���m� a ? ,.� /Nicotc dowzJ ",7-244-51 ri Gnu j �f LhaiergAila . 6.1 an,/ti r w� zrZ'U" . e /ncc?I el-F c prsa .attuah�,-). Gl2e- vet- /J'Lcl J c,c .1- .Ad<, A.,o!_,/ •-2,76 4-Glc. . /6-051 pwati ._ have., /hate& ace rl_rd-71-i,k> 70-u_ i e ,2.6" r2o11- gy- w/Selr 7- 7i Pe- y . Cd gwu' ! O - SSD 9 f9-49 AC/Y.„,Q1LGrrlGly /�wl� J vc - GZcrc �o%G �o� fyrti ��a rtes // q 1:2-'^z," /< - C 7646 Newmark Avenue Rosemead, CA 9177D September 23 , 1999 Via Fax & U.S. Mail Peter Lyons, Planning Director CITY OF ROSE'MEAD 8838 F. Valley Bl. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: 7646 NEWM RK AVENUE/CITY OF ROSEMEAD Dear Mr_ Lyons: Pursuant to the council's reTuest of August 24th, Mr. Bailey's investigation took place on August 31st, and I submitted my plans for the room addition/remodel on September 9th. At that time you advised that you would probably be calling me the following Monday or Tuesday regarding revisions. Not having heard from you, I called your office on September 21st and was told of a backlog in your department, but that someone would get back to me that day or the following. I have not yet received a return call. In light of Mr. Bailey's expressed concern as to my expediting this matter, as well as the counsel 's desire to move this along, and as I suspect the submitted plans will need some revising, and the fact that your office is closed tomorrow, would you please have someone call me today. Thank you. Sincerely, Ruth Ann Bohne (213) 612-8820 (104) cc: Steven Bailey, Building Official O r TO: HONORABLE CIiAII2MAN AND MEMBERS BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPl, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 SUBJECT: 7646 NEW'MARK AVENUE-REHEARING The subject property consists of an owner-occupied single family dwelling with a detached garage which consists of an unpermitted conversion on the lower level and an unpermitted unit on the upper level. The property is zoned R-1. The aforementioned garage was constructed with benefit of permits in 1983 as a 525 square foot single story structure. This property was previously before the Appeals Board on August 24, 1999. At that time the property owner Ms. Bohne requested the unpermitted conversions be allowed to remain while an addition to the dwelling was being constructed. The Appeals Board directed staff to meet with the property owner on site and perform a more in-depth inspection of the interior of the garage. The purpose of the inspection is to determine if any hazardous conditions exist and to compile a cost estimate to demolish the unpermitted conversion on the lower level and to legalize/convert the unpermitted unit on the upper level to a usable storage room. On August 31, 1999, the Building Official, Steve Bailey met with the property owner on the site. Ms. Bohne signed a consent to enter form and permitted an inspection of the garage interior. The property owner had exposed a portion of the unpermitted construction. The Building Official observed the drainage system for the bathroom was =vented. When the owner was questioned about the location of the vent she indicated she did not know but would ask her husband. The owner phoned the following day and stated the reason the vent had not been properly extended to the exterior was because it would possibly alert the City of an illegal installation. The elect-ice] system in the bathroom was not functioning and therefore was unable to be tested. The bathroom lacks the required ground fault protection on the electrical outlet. The property owner has requested the storage area on the upper level be allowed to remain. The floor system does not meet the minimum structural design loads for storage areas. Also observed during the inspection was the installation of laundry facilities on the building exterior which includes a gas line, electrical and drainage piping installation. The laundry facilities are situated under an unpermitted patio overhang which is attached to the southern wall of the garage and extends to within approximately (6")six inches of the south property line. A revised list of defects was compiled and mailed to the property owner. On September 2, 1999,Ms.Bohne phoned and said she was prepared to submit plans for the addition to the dwelling. To date,plans have not been submitted for plan check. A notice of hearing was mailed and posted on the property on August 26, 1999. CITY BUILDING OFFICLAL'S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Appeals Board find the property substandard and order that all substandard conditions be removed or corrected by October 28, 1999. However, if the required permits are obtained for the corrective work and sufficient progress is achieved by October 28,1999, Me abatement date may be extended to November 28, 1999; or, if plans for the addition to the dwelling are submitted by October 28,1999,the abatement date may be extended to allow sufficient time for the plan checking process.However,plans must be approved and permits obtained no later than November 28, 1999. The correction of the unsafe conditions in the bathroom area on the lower level must be completed by November 28, 1999 to allow temporary use during the construction of the addition. The addition shall be completed by March 28, 2000 at which time all outstanding substandard conditions shall be abated The aforementioned shall be completed prior to final approval and occupancy of the new addition. • August 31, 1999 LIST OF DEFECTS (REVISED) SUBSTANDARD CONDITIONS GARAGE 1. Garage interior and storage area (attic)above garage have been altered without the required permits and approvals. (Improper occupancy) 2. Inadequate or faultyplumbing located in bathroom 3. Inadequate or faulty electrical located in bathroom and garage interior. DWELLING 1. _ Exterior wall covering is deteriorated/damaged and therefore lacks the required weather resistive protection. BUILDING AND ZONING CODE"VIOLATIONS 7. Garage interior and storage area(attic) above garage have been altered without the . required permits and approvals. 2. Plumbing and electrical installations have been installed without the required permits and approvals. 3. Patio cover/roof overhang has been constructed without the required permits and approvals. 4. Appliances have been installed on the building exterior. Not in conformance with the applicable codes and U.L. listing. SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 NEWMARK AVENUE LIST OF DEFECTS PAGE TWO UNSAFE CONDITIONS BATHROOM AREA OF GARAGE) 1. Electrical outlet lacks the required ground fault protection. 2. Drainage system venting does not properly terminate on the building exterior. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 am.- 11:00 am_,Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. Steven C. Bailey Building Official Rose Arguello Building Inspector C - Ai` \ PAP Lo✓ER F rTgc,y€b To 5e LJTN L2U AS HCIZ�DQ-ii 6i.c2AGc w4 e-L pFIL------u lSvi l.D{i+G LYTG r ia: se vnt G/+/1-40.E w,4-Ln.- 1•4- STM1i2S CnS.n-•t TS -a I vpptz T'4T G 1 / /0 5' _ �vv A Wn< sNo� I 1 fro 1 t 't � IbeRI ✓ .3.4T,-'2.nM Iirm Apµoy 2€ q' AyAas xCri — — — 3' D1 r ) *' Appnz,,e 12' I A_ ` Z5, H Appel,4,x . /64i-e, NEWMARK AVE. GARAGE FLODPLAN NTS. LOWS l LEVE L Sy ese ),) 7646 Newmark. Avenue F:31, � j Rosemead, CA 91770 Nr o August 3D, 1999 "`"O d, , Via Fax & U. S. Mail !�N - (I dr J Steven Bailey, Building Official Peter Lyons, Planning Director CITY OF ROSENEAD 6636 E. Valley 31. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: 7646 NEWMARK AVENUE/CITY OF ROSEMEAD Dear Mr. Bailey and Mr_ Lyons: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on August 24th, before and after the Council hearing on this matter. It was agreed at that time that the further site inspection will take place tomorrow, August 31, 1999, at 5:30 P.M. at 7646 Newmark Avenue. My attorney, John Doherty, would like the opportunity to review the release you are requiring me to sign prior to entering the premises. Therefore, please fax him a copy of this document at (213) 686-0057. - Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Ruth Ann Eohne (213) 612-8620 (108) m<.V, i�� yOSESi2C8d VEDUEZ MAYOR PRO TEM: covxcitmsmesns'. B635 E VALLEY BOULEVARD- P.O. BOX 3_99 xos=F M PRUESCH ROSEMEAD.CALIFORNIA 91770 JAMO imp a'^I TELEPHONE (625)288-6671 CARE i.noa FAX(626)367-9218 August25, 1999 Ruth Ann Bohne SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7546 Newmark Avenue 7545 Newmark Avenue Rosemead, CA 9177D Rosemead, CA 9177D NOTICE OF HEARING The City Building Official has determined by inspection that the following property is substandard, as defined in Section 99D5 of the City of Rosemead Building Laws, because of the defects listed on the attached letter. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, September 28. 1999 at 7:D0 p.m., in the City Hall, 6636 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, a HEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED before the City of Rosemead Rehabilitation Appeals Board on this matter. All persons who desire to be heard shall appear before the above Board at said time and place to show cause why the substandard conditions should not be ordered abated. ADDRESS: 7646 NEWM-RK AVENU= LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE ASSESSOR'S #: 5285-033-017 ORIGINAL SIGNED - STEVEN C. BAILEY Building Official Date Pelted: C By. C\Propram FliesIOLTIAPUSICA.MEDIA Master 1 °Rehab photos 1 . i . -.• . . J. ...-- - '•'. ' I .. . 1O.- 1' • ' r . s . ,Yirdr• ". „,.. . 7.10: - E.... ' f ' -7.1 •4- -!ras .... 29r- ." . ' . • '• . ., _ _., : r•••••••••• 1 ' . ...wr-,_,.. - -.- ...:.::..:. .‘.. t• I .. • AL a '"a4 I 11 i t ... i .. .. • • 1 . ..:*!:!.....',1 : E l• 1 ' 4 ., I - . ._. - d• ..m...- ... , - . ,_____- ft- )77071, • . ....- _ . - • - .: . ...:. :•734--7---!=r-t'2'. i'.,-."'-”C:'.... .. -2.;--7 __._. _ - : _ • ..9-... . ---- 10 ,7-4.'acetagsisaasiimir.;,.....j.k...4 ay..,A;da J 754;-..Newmark E.249901.JP5 7E45 Ne..wriarx E2.19332_1P5 6.74,93 824'99 . • , --a-- --- /...:-f- -V .t. / - - . . -_-_t - . - .....-.- . ..bo _ ' , . 1 — - . /.; - - , . 1.... .. • r:---1 - - -'-' - - - ... . . ...._ . . . r't - . • . ' . • ..-....4., ....----, --emotri.! _ --. • .. - - In --.:.-"-:::+t-c-.. ..•/4--r-sni.,.- . _-. _ _ . - - • -..- -'''• .7- •-, - 1r - . j i I i 1 -. - • - ... -- . - - ...__,... . -• . . .. • joe — • , ..N.It. . ..... . ' 7545 Newmark 62599:3 JPG 7546 Newmark S2499JC JPG B.24129 13:24,P9 ,,,ape 1 • August 24, 1999 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 Newmark Avenue REVISED SUBSTANDARD CONDITIONS Garage 7. Garage and storage area (attic)above garage. have been altered without the required permits and approvals. (Improper occupancy) Dwelling Building exterior wall covering is deteriorated/damaged and therefore lacks the required weather resistive covering. BUILDING CODE VIOLATIONS 7_ Garage and storage area (attic) above garage have been altered without therequired permits and approvals_ Plumbing and electrical installations in garage have been made without the required permits and approvals. - Access to interior of dwelling was not gained therefore other substandard conditions may exist. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and maybe obtained al the Building Depanment between the hours of 7:00- 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00- 5:00 p.m., Thursday_ ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626) 288-6671 x354 - August 24 , 1999 James M. Guerra, Building Official CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley B1. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: 7646 NEWMARK AVENUE/CITY OF ROSEMEAD Dear Mr. Guerra; In light of the enclosed loan denial, I am requesting that the City of Rosemead remove its "Declaration of Substandard Property" from the title at the County Recorders office for a period of six months to allow for financing Phase I of construction as suggested to you in my letter of August 5, 1999. I would further request that the "Declaration" remain off title for a period of 12 months from the completion of Phase I, to allow for financing of Phase II of construction. It is agreed that at the end of Phase II, the bathroom will be removed from the garage and thereby render reinstatement of the "Declaration" unnecessary. Please advise me whether this proposal is acceptable to the City. Sincerely, Ruth Ann Bohne (213) 612-8820 Enclosure BANCO POF LAR 2133 W. Beverly Blvd. City of Montebello , California 90640 NOTICE OF ADVERSE ACTiON TAKEN I RUTH ARG BOONEN17AND 801 S. GRAND AVE. nth FLOOR REASONS LDS ANGELES CA 90017 APPLICAN'T'S NAME: RL*fB ANN BDDNE APPLICAN'T'S ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DE ACCOUNT.TRANSACTION.%REQEDCR ECL NHD EDIT: DESCRIPTION OF 4DVERSE ACTION TAKEN: PLACATION PRINCIPAL REASONtS)FOR ADVERSE ACTION CONCERNING CREDIT. II We oD not grant aetln to any apoLoam on Inc terms and[anmuans :Molt dLpIC2Lon rnCDrrrDlBle you reouesled. ; Insufficient creditreleren¢s Unable In verify credit references Too snon a Period of residence III Temporary or Irregular employment j I '•J:aoie verify employment l Unable to verily resit nce corn •o!employment I I No crept,foe insufficient tnpJme Insufficient credit file I I Excessive obirpdmns I DeimOvent credit onlrpallons Ucaole ID verify income GarNSnmentata[nment foreclosure"repossession Dl Suit 1 III Bankruptcy IaaoBquate Collateral Omer. '-nadevuate col - - - . __i __ -_ _ _ . _._ _ e_ .z .. -i DISCLOSURE OF USE DF INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM AN OUTSIDE SOURCE Dsdosure inapplicable Our credit oec'sion was based in wnole Or in Dan On in!DrmaLon obtained from an affiliate DI from an outside source ether khan a consumer r_oomnc aoency Under Ine Farr Credit Reporting Actyou have Inc Trent ie Make a written request.no later than 50 days alter you receive ;cis noose"Ix olscrosure of Me nature of this mlorrnation. Mimi-nation rained in a repos from z consumer reponin-y aoency" Our desit cohesion w2S bzsed in whole Di in pan on informmoon=Pained m a reaps from the consumer repomnc aoency listen nelaw. You have a non upper Fair Credit Retonino AC to know the mlorrnanan contained in your mem: fie al the consumer reooninc aoency. The epnnmp aoency Piave: ye _ Cot of ou act s nave ,sm t:of in ow Cad aoen . Ssiorreet ouet supplyo specific C orsalter you 'm5 noticecIn audition you fins a. informationo -c " am foo r you ec s r!you ores: no later khan SO creceive Inc moon receive . inaccurate o:.n_-omoiete.you have IncIse olio;ko�msnwe the macer VAP.Inc reponino acenny. 7.I c%PERIAN n,i TRANS 'UNION CORPORATION 0 Sox o-. 9 _ 55' c _Oranoelhnrse Avenue W.e�-.n[.CA e _.) 'ooZ?_T 0.74.7 800.-SES-A213 Allen _K E0oc_-_2i3 IF YOU PAVE Ll:y SUESTIONS REGARDING THIS NOTICE.YOU SHOULD CONTACT: C._.I_ 's Nse. Crean nl s=none IVO Creollo'5 40 -5 NOTICE !Mom Os.I n f at nt 2 ..s. DO On'ne ba "OI9 a _ a I .red tor: ! n heron j I. because or c: L. omoan [r O a_DI' S gout a' 5 a r On underC r. Yn Ta D _ P2: ? nlv. Ea __ _IP - . Or The :dl ;permar x0mns c- ..'30-. S a:: CO _ I New YOTK ''.OJCc I I -E AUGUST 6. 1o9Q „u•ro.__: 'poalor Lucia Maya-Solis ecjingVCnnsntp`.Fo.=tpecinest zinc TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND 1.CEMBERS BUILDING REHABILITATI ON APPEALS BOARD FROM: FRANK G_ TRIPEPL CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 17, 1999 RE: 7646 NEu'M.ARK AVENUE- BEARING The subject property consists of an owner-occupied single family dwelling with an unpermitted unit above the garage. The property is zoned R-7. The aforementioned garage was built with benefit of permits in 1963 as a 525 square foot single story structure. The building inspector went to the property on September 2, 1995 as the result of a citizen complaint. The tenant, Mr. Bohne, warned the inspector to leave the property and to obtain a warrant for any further inspections- Despite this confrontation, the inspector was able to compile a list of defects. A "Please Leper" was mailed to the property owner on September 15, 1996. On October 7, 1998, the building inspector returned to the property with Assistant City Manager, Donald Wagner. Mk Bohne provided access to the interior of the garage. 71 was noted that the attic area had been converted to living space, including a stairway, bathroom, skylight and windows. Mr. Bohne was advised of the necessity of permits and approves. A revised list of defectswas compiled and mailed to Mr. Che;rin_Ilon, the propeny owner. A follow-up inspection on November 10, 1995 revealed no progress_ The Building Official declared the property substandard and filed a Declaration of Substandard Property with the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office. A "Fifteen Day" cenifed letter was mailed and posted on the proper): on November 7 6, 7 996, requesting abatement of the substandard conditions. On November 24, 1996,the Building Official received a letter from Mr. Cherringt on. He stated his inten:ion was to sell the property to the tenants, Mr. E Mrs. Bohne. He stated the Bohnes planned _ to demolish the residence and construct a new house on the property_ Mr. Cherring,on was granted a three month extension to allow time for the transfer of the property and for:he preparation ofpians for the proposed new residence. An inspection on January 19, 999 revealed no change at the properly. On January 25, 1999, Mr. Cherrm_a on telephoned and stated the property was in escrow_ On February 3, 1999, Ruth Ann Bohner the buyer. phoned and spoke with the Building Official. He explained the rehabilitation and permit process to her. She indicated that she and her husband imended to comply. An updated title report confirmed that the property had sold. A "Thirty Day' certified letter was mailed to the new owner and was posted on the property on March 2, 1999 On March 31, 1999, a letter was received from Mrs. Bohne requesting a public hearing. She also requested that the City discontinue sending any correspondence by certified mail and further requested that the City cease all communication with Mr. Cherington. (Mr. Cheringl on is listed as beneficiary on a second trust deed, and is therefore considered an"interested party"and will remain on the mailing list) On April 1999, the"Thirty Day" certified letter was returned "unclaimed" and was sent again by first class mail. On May 5, 1999,Jaynes Guerra Consulting Building Official, met with Mrs. Bohne at the property. Mr. Guerra inspected the interior of the garage and the upstairs converted st DI-22C area. At that time Mr. Guerra and Mrs. Bohne discussed the list of defects and agreed that the case would not be taken before the Property Rehabilitation Appeals Board in May, as previously scheduled. Mrs.Bohne also requested permission to correct the garage violations in conjunction with the construction of a new dwelling. Mr. Guerra discussed this request with Planning Director, Peter Lyons. Ms. Lyons had no objections provided that the garage remain unoccupied and that final approval of the new dwelling is contingent upon correction of the violations. To date,no plans for z new residence have been submitted, nor has Mrs. Bohne been in contact with Planning or Building start .A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on August 9.1999. All interested parties have been notified. • CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RECOMMENDATION: 1; is recommended that the Board find the propeny substandard and order that all substandard _ conditions be removed and/or corrected by October 4, 1999. However, if the required permits are obtained, and sufficient progress is achieved by Oct ober 4, 1999,the abatement date maybe extended to November I, 1999; or, if plans are submitted for a new residence by October 4, 1999, the abatement date will be extended to allow sufficient time for the plan check process. However, the plans must be approved and permits obtained no later than April 1, 2000. I _ August 05, 1999 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 Newmark Avenue REVISED SUBSTANDARD CON'DIT/DNS Ga-ac ]. Garage and storage area (attic)above garage have been altered without the required penis and approvals. (Improper occupancy) Dwelling 1. Building exerior wall covering is deteriorated/damaged and therefore lacks the required weather resistive covering. BUILDENG CODE VIOLATIONS ]. Garage and storage area (attic) above garage have been altered without the required permits and approvals. 2. Plumbing and electrical installations in earaue 'nave been made without the required permits and approvals_ - Access to inierior of dwelling was not rained therefore other substandard conditions may exist PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and maybe obtained at the Building Depanment between the hours of 7:00- 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00-6:00 p.m., Thursday_ ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (526) 288-567] x354 ; Cif 0. - ..eff2E8cii M.goegr9r e Sae '. eou.a..EMSERS: Wer BB3B E.VALLEY BOULEVARD HD.BOX 399 apeFw pau_5Cw ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91,7D ERIAL _LE?HDNE(626)265--5671 GAR)F TAW FA):fw-�2p 3C7-9216 Au-us: 9, 1999 Ruth Ann Bohn:: SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 Newmark Avenue 7646 Newmark Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 NOTICE OF HE.ARTNG The City Building Official has determined by inspection that the following Property s substandard, as defined in Section 9905 of the City ofRosemead Building Laws. because of the defects listed on the attached letter. THEREFORE,NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, Auwst 24. 1999. at 7:00 pm., in the Ciry Hall, SSSS E. Valley Boulevard. Rosemead, California, a FEARING W LL BE CONDUCTED before the City of Rosemead Rehabilitation Appeals Board on this matter. All persons who desire to be heard shall appear before the above Board at said time and place to show cause why the substandard conditions should not be ordered abated. ADDRESS: 7646 NEWMARK AVENUE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE ASSESSOR'S 5S -03$-O]7 STEVEN C. BAILEY Building Official Date Posted: S. • 9 . 5 5 By: August 05, 1999 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 Newmark Avenue REVISED SUBSTANDARD CONDITIONS Gare^e J. Gamce and nomee area (ani c)above garage have been altered without the required per tits and approvals. (Improper occupancy) - Dweliin�n 7. Building en-en or wall covering is deteriorated/damaged and therefore lacks the required weather resistive covering. • BUILDING CODE VIOLATIONS 7_ Garage and storage area (anis) above ^ar age have been altered without the required permits and approvals. 2. Plumbing and electrical installations in _^era^e have been made without the required permits and approvals. Access to interior o: dwel]inn was 7101 rained '.herefore other substandard condi:Ions may exist PERMITS ARE REQUIRED ;err repairs and maybe obtained at the Building Dena-mens between the hours of 7:00- II:00a.m.,Mondaythrouh Thursday, and between 4:00- 5:00 nm., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Buildin_ Inspecior • (626) 288-6671 x354 7646 Newmark Street ( Rosemead, CA 91770 August 5,1999 James M. Guerra.Building Ot-ncial CC om' CITY OF ROSEME.ADx. 7� 8838 E.Valley Bl. � ,F ct. ,c941) Rosemead, CA 91 770 y y 0 CJ #6. RE: SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY QX4.5 7646 Newmark Avenue GV\ Dear Mr- Guerra' G\ I apologize for the delay in getting back to you with regard to our May 25u meeting. In that meeting,we discussed the following proposal: 1. Kurt Bohne will modify the parking allowance in the gaaee to compliance (18' deep x 9'wide)by removing the bathroom area downstairs; 2. The remainder of the items on the City's"list of defets-will be waived, The City would agree to table its enforcement of ltem Na 1 until such time as the construction of the new dwelling is completed,but reserve issuing an occupancy permit for the new dwelling until Item No. 1 was accomplished. • The above was proposed by you with the understanding that the current dwelling would be demolished in its entirety. In discussions with Kurt,we would like to counter the above offer as follows: 1. In Phase I,the current dwelling will remain intact with our adding a bedroom and bath to the rear portion of the house; electrical services and utilities will not be cut off This is expected to be completed within six months; 2. In Phase II,the old portion of the house will be demolished leaving the newly constructed bedroom and bath intact and occupied by us; 3. A new two-story house with basement will be constructed, attached to the existing bedroom and bath addition. Tnis is expected to be completed within six to twelve months from the date of-completion of Hem No. I; 4- At the completion of]tem Na 3,Kurt Bohne will modify the parking allowance in the garage to compliance(18' deep x 9' wide)by removing the bathroom area downstairs. The remainder of the items on the Ciryy s"list of defects'will he waived. Please contact me to discuss the above. Sincerely, - n.Ann Bohne - (213)612-8820 l / i7645 Fern Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 See 19 May 19,3999 .4. s''..3`eIla ' ge C- 9,99906A ,999 E cit G\-C4 James M Guerra, Building Official CITY OF ROSEMEAD . 8838 E. Valley Bl. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 Newmark Avenue Dear Mr. Guerra: I am requesting that the City remove my name from its mailing list at this time as to any further notices pertaining to the substandard conditions • existing at 7646 Newmark property. It is my desire and intent to reserve the right to reinstate myself back on the City's mailing list if in the event Ruth Bohne is unable to remedy the situation, or relinquishes ownership of the property. As to the overhang behind the Bohnes' garage, this was built with my knowledge and consent at a time when I was owner of both properties. As . current owner of the adjoining property,I do not wish for the overhang to be removed. Sincerely, i � , A i /� George A. Cherrington (626) 288-4987 • `1 tf S. Ee'H'PSII_c:.v µ O� A AL1 liJ]C�/4LL suE• TI vASOUPEN �. / TT • ur.cnMevaens: 6636 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD- P.0.EO):399 totPaAAE1 aAv. ROS_MEAD.CALIFORNIA 91770 • unvoimc. TELEPHONE (626)288-6671 9;,(47 A 1nL3 FAX (EZo)367-9Z1B March 1. 1999 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ruth Ann Bohne SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 Newmark Avenue 7646 Newmark Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bohne: A recent inspection of the property at the above address has found it to be substandard as defined by the City of Rosemead Building Code, because of the defects enumerated in the attached list. Section 9908 of the Code declares all such substandard buil dings a public nuisance and requires the abatement thereof by correction, if practical, or demolition of the substandard conditions. As the owner of record,you are hereby notified to comply with the requirements of the above code, and to correct or remove the substandard conditions listed. All such work shall be completed within thirty (30) days after receipt of this letter. Be advised ifvou arerentinc this property to others the City may file a Notice ofNon-Compliance with the State Franchise Tax Board. Revenue and Taxation Code Section 17274 stales: "No deduction shall be allowed for interest. taxes. depreciation. or amortization...with respect to substandard (rental) housink." This notice will be posted on the property. if in your opinion, you disagree or cannot comply with the above findin^_s or order,you may request a public hearing. The request for hearing must be within thiny (3D) days after posting of this notice on the property, must be.in writing, and directed to the City of Rosemead Building Official, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. For fu.her information, please contact the inspector whose name is shown on the attached list. Required permits may be obtained between the hours of TOO - 11:D0 atm, Monday through Thursday, and 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. Yens truly yours. JAMES M. GUERRA Buildinu O;.Icial ORIGLN'AL SIGNED STEVEN C. BATLEY Deputy Building Official - Date Posted_ _ _ , , By x February 23, 1999 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7646 Newmark Avenue REVISED Garage 1. Garage and storage area above garage have been altered without the required permits and approvals. 2. Plumbing and electrical installations in garage have been made without the required permits and approvals. Residence 1. Building exterior wall covering is deteriorated/damaged and therefore lacks the required weather resistive covering. 2. Driveway is unpaved and does not drain properly. Access to interior of dwelling was not gained therefore other substandard conditions may exist. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00- 11:00 an, Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626) 288-6671 x354