CC - Item 2 - Staff Report Adoption of CA Building Standards Code S I 4:y stafteport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS �RROOSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL 1Jr--� FROM: n' Y RANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER F DATE: 1- MAY 25, 1999 RE: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE As the Council is aware, every three years the organizations responsible for promulgating the building construction codes revise the building, mechanical, plumbing and electrical codes. The California Building Standards Commission adopts the uniform codes and they take effect automatically in local jurisdictions 6 months after adoption by the Commission unless the local jurisdiction adopts the California Buildings Standards Code, incorporating the uniform codes with local amendments, during that 6 month window. In the past, Rosemead has adopted the Los Angeles County Building Code (Title 26), Electrical Code (Title 27), Plumbing Code (Title 28), and Mechanical code(Title 29). This year, a group of Southern California cities, including Rosemead, worked together with Los Angeles County to write consistent local amendments that are necessary due to the southland's climate and seismic activity. The Los Angeles Regional Uniform Code Program came up with a number of proposed amendments which are included in the Los Angeles County Amendments. If I these amendments are adopted by all of the participating jurisdictions, it will make the "uniform" codes more consistent in their city by city application. lames M. Guerra, Building Official, participated in these discussions and is recommending that the Council make the suggested findings and adopt the recommended final lists of amendments to the building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing codes. Copies of the proposed Los Angeles County Titles 26, 27, 28 and 29 are in the City Clerk's office and are available for your review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council conduct the public hearing and adopt Ordinance 793. 1 COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 2 51999 ITEM No. --.k ) ORDINANCE NO. 793 7 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING 4 BY REFERENCE, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 550022.2, THE 5 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE (TITLE 26 LOS ANGELES COUNTY 6 BUILDING CODE),THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE(TITLE 27LOS ANGELES 7 COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE),THE CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE(TITLE 28 LOS 8 ANGELES COUNTY PLUMBING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 9 (TITLE 29 LOS ANGELES COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE)AND ADOPTING LOCAL 10 AMENDMENTS THERETO 11 12 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES ORDAIN AS 13 FOLLOWS: 14 15 Section 1. Section 8100 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read: 16 §8100 ADOPTION OF THE 1998 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AS AMENDED BY 77 TITLE 26 LOS ANGELES COUNTY BUILDING CODE (ADOPTED JUNE 1, 1999 BY THE 18 LOS ANGELES COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS). 19 (A) The 1998 California Building Code as amended by Title 26 Los Angeles County 20 Building Code (Adopted June I, 1999 by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors), together 21 with their appendices, which regulate the erection, construction, enlargements, alteration, repair, 22 moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy, use, equipment, height, area, security, 23 abatement, and maintenance of buildings or structures within the city, provide for the issuance of 24 permits and collection of fees therefor. and provide for penalties for violation thereto, are hereby 25 adopted by reference, and conflicting ordinances are hereby repealed. 26 (B) All of the regulations,provisions, conditions, and terms of said codes,together with 27 their appendices, one copy of which will be on file and accessible to the public for inspection at the 28 City Clerk's office,are hereby referred to, adopted and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth 29 in this chapter with the exceptions, deletions, additions, and amendments thereto as set forth in this 1 1 subchapter. 2 3 Section 2. Section 8103 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby repealed. 4 5 Section 3. Section 8106 is hereby added to Rosemead Municipal Code to read as 6 follows: 7 §8106 PENALTY 8 Every person violating any provision of the 1998 California Building Code as amended by 9 Title 26 Los Angeles Building Code and appendices, adopted by reference by §8100, or of any 10 permit or license granted thereunder, or any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, is 11 guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction thereof he or she shall be punishable by a fine not to 12 exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and 13 imprisonment. The imposition of such penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or 14 peuuit it to continue. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense. 15 16 Section 4. Section 8200 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as 17 follows: 18 §8200 ADOPTION OF 1998 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL, CODE AS AMENDED BY 19 TITLE 27 LOS ANGELES COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE(ADOPTED JUNE 1, 1999 BY THE 20 LOS ANGELES COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS). 2] (A) The 1998 California Electrical Code as amended by Title 27 Los Angeles County 22 Electrical Code(Adopted June ], 1999 by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors), which 23 provide minimum requirements and standards for the protection of the public health, safety and 24 welfare by regulating the installation or alteration of electrical wiring, equipment, materials, and 25 workmanship in the city, provides for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor and 26 provides penalties for the violations thereof, with all changes and amendments thereto, is hereby 27 adopted by reference, and all conflicting ordinances are hereby repealed. 38 (B) All of the regulations,provisions,conditions, and terms of said codes,together with 29 their appendices,one copy of which will be on file and accessible to the public for inspection at the 7 1 City Clerk's office,are hereby referred to,adopted and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth 2 in this chapter with the exceptions, deletions,additions, and amendments thereto as set forth in this 3 subchapter. 4 5 Section 5. 8203 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:, 6 §8203 PENALTY 7 Every person violating any provision of the 1998 California Electrical Code as amended by 8 Title 26 Los Angeles County Electrical Code and appendices, adopted by reference by §8200, or of 9 any permit or license granted thereunder, or any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 10 is guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction thereof he or she shall be punishable by a fine not to 11 exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and 12 imprisonment. The imposition of such penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or 13 permit it to continue. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense. 14 15 Section 6. Section 8204 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby repealed. 16 17 Section 7. Section 8300 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as 18 follows: 19 §8300 ADOPTION OF 1998 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AS AMENDED BY 20 TITLE 28 LOS ANGELES COUNTY PLUMBING CODE(ADOPTED JUNE 1, 1999 BY THE 21 LOS ANGELES COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS). 22 (A) The 1998 California Plumbing Code as amended by Title 28 Los Angeles County 23 Plumbing Code (Adopted June 1, 1999 by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors), which 24 regulate and control the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, 25 repair,location,relocation,replacement,addition to,use or maintenance of heating,venting,cooling, 26 refrigeration systems, or other miscellaneous heat-producing appliances in the city,provide for the 27 issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor, and provide for penalties for the violations 28 thereof, with certain changes and amendments thereto, are hereby adopted by reference, and 29 conflicting ordinances are hereby repealed. 3 (B) All of the regulations,provisions,conditions, and terms of said codes,together with 2 their appendices, one copy of which will be on file and accessible to the public for inspection at the 3 City Clerk's office, are hereby referred to,adopted and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth 4 in this chapter with the exceptions, deletions,additions, and amendments thereto as set forth in this 5 subchapter. 6 7 Section 8. Section 8303 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 8 §8303 PENALTY 9 Every person violating any provision of the 1998 California Plumbing Code as amended by 10 Title 28 Los Angeles County Plumbing Code and appendices, adopted by reference by §8300, or of 11 any permit or license granted thereunder, or any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 12 is guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction thereof he or she shall be punishable by a fine not to 13 exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and 14 imprisonment. The imposition of such penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or 15 permit it to continue. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense. 16 17 Section 9. Section 8304 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby repealed. 18 19 Section 10. Section 8400 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as 20 follows: 21 §8400 ADOPTION OF THE 1998 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AS AMENDED 22 BY TITLE 29 LOS ANGELES COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE(ADOPTED JUNE 1, 1999 BY 23 THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS). 24 (A) The 1998 California Mechanical Code as amended by Title 29 Los Angeles County 25 Mechanical Code(Adopted June 1, 1999 by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors);which 26 provide minimum requirements and standards for the protection of the public health, safety and 27 welfare by regulating the installation or alteration of plumbing and drainage, materials, venting, 28 wastes, traps, interceptors, water systems, sewers, gas piping, water heaters and other related 29 products, and workmanship in the city, provides for the issuance of permits and collection of fees 4 I therefor and provides for penalties for the violation thereof, with certain changes and amendments 2 thereto, is hereby adopted by reference, and all conflicting ordinances are hereby repealed. 3 (B) All of the regulations,provisions,conditions, and terms of said codes, together with 4 their appendices,one copy of which will be on file and accessible to the public for inspection at the 5 City Clerk's office, are hereby referred to, adopted and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth 6 in this chapter with the exceptions,deletions,additions,and amendments thereto as set forth in this 7 subchapter. 8 9 Section 11. Section 8403 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby repealed. 10 11 Section 12. Section 8404 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read 12 as follows: 13 §8404 PENALTY 14 Every person violating any provision of the 1998 California Mechanical Code as amended 15 by Title 29 Los Angeles County Mechanical Code and appendices, adopted by reference by §8400, 16 or of any permit or license granted thereunder, or any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant 17 thereto,is guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction thereof he or she shall be punishable by a fine 18 not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months,or by both such fine 19 and imprisonment. The imposition of such penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation 20 or permit it to continue. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense. 21 22 Section 13. The City Council hereby makes each finding of reasonable necessity for 23 modifications as stated separately for each such modification as identified in Los Angeles County 24 Titles 26, 27, 28 and 29. These modifications to the California Building Standards Code, 25 incorporating the uniform codes are reasonably necessary due to the local climate,characterized by 26 hot, dry summers and the high potential for seismic activity which make structures particularly 27 vulnerable to rapidly spreading fires and structural damage. 78 29 Section 14. Severability. Should any section, subsection, clause, or provision of this 5 I Ordinance for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or 2 unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this 3 Ordinance; it being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, 4 sentence, clause, and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, approved, and ratified 5 irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections,sentences,clauses, or phrases be 6 declared invalid or unconstitutional. 7 8 Section 15. This Ordinance shall take effect on July 1,1999,and shall apply to all projects 9 submitted for plan check on or after that date. 10 11 Section 16. This Ordinance has been determined to be exempt from the California 12 Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines §15061 (b)(3) as a project that has no 13 potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. 14 15 Section 17. The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be processed according to law. 16 17 Section 18. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the California 18 Building Standards Commission. 19 20 APPROVED and ADOPTED this 25th day of May, 1999. 21 77 23 24 JOE VASQUEZ, MAYOR 25 ATTEST: 26 27 ,Mmb3(620) 28 NANCY VALDERRAMA- CITY CLERK ouo90oo4v sco, 6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESOLUTION NO. 99-24 CLAIMS AND DEMAND LISTING PREPARED FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 25, 1999 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING ERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $908,576.99, NUMBERED 27046 THROUGH 27177 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, THE FINANCE DIRECTOR HAS CERTIFIED AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE ATTACHED LISTING OF DEMANDS AND AS TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS, AND WHEREAS THE ATTACHED LISTED CLAIMS AND DEMANDS HAVE BEEN AUDITED AS REQUIRED BY LAW, THE SAME ARE HEREBY ALLOWED IN THE AMOUNT SET FORTH ABOVE. In accordance with Section 37202 of the Government Code, the Finance Director does hereby certify as • the a - racy of the above checks and as to the availability of funds for payment ther-• . Afar FIN. CE D '•ECTOR ASS% CITY AGER PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF MAY 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK COUNCIL. il.GENDA MAY 2 51999 ITEM N�_ C I CITY OF ROSEMEAD CREDIT CARD RECAP NATIONBANK ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 4110-6450-01 Legislative Meeting $214.42 Sacramento, April 8, 1999 Attended by: Frank Tripepi 4240-5225-Unit01 Automotive Expenses- Unit01 135.57 4110-6450-01 City Business Meeting 37.55 March 31, 1999 Attended by: Frank Tripepi, Rosemead Team RE: Traffic control at film location and Valley Boulevard Improvements project 4110-6450-01 City Business Meeting 43.96 April 15, 1999 Attended by: Frank Tripepi, Don Wagner, Ed Pullen (Auto Auction) RE: Los Angeles Dealers Auto Auction Total $431.50 05/18/99 15: 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 1 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT 1998-99 LA COUNTY/SAFER 47215 LIAB/GENL LAW/APRIL 1999 01-4300-06230-FUNDO1 479. 01 47216 LIAB/GENL LAW/MARCH 1999 01-4300-06230-P41501 267. 44 47217 LIAB/LLEBG/GEN LAW/MAR 99 01-4300-06230-FUNDO1 968.71 CHECK NO. 2710 1715. 16 A B CHAMPION TROPHY CO 47062 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 511.48 47064 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 35.72 47068 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 17. 32 CHECK NO. 2710 564 .52 A WARRENS EDUCATIONAL 47070 CLASS SUPPLIES D1-4840-05010-P51501 92. 33 CHECK NO. 2711 92 . 33 AGGREKO, INC. 47022 CINCO DE MAYO/SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94201 1151. 31 PRE PAID 2705 1151. 31 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR - LA 47051 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4350-06110-FUNDO1� 27. 30 PRE PAID 2708 27 . 30 AIRTOUCH PAGING OF CALIF. 47019 PAGING SERVICE 01-4180-04730-FUNDO1 37. 88 PRE PAID 27049 37. 88 47016 PAGING SERVICE 01-4180-04730-FUNDOII 222 . 97 PRE PAID 2706 222 .97 AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE 47010 DENTAL INSURANCE/MAY 99 82-0082-02134 2522 . 48 47010 DENTAL INSURANCE/MAY 99 02-4750-04112-P95102 36. 56 47010 DENTAL INSURANCE/MAY 99 01-4700-04112-FUND01 89 . 20 47010 DENTAL INSURANCE/MAY 99 01-4810-04112-FUND01 52 . 64 PRE PAID 27061 2700. 88 APEX FIRE EXTINGUISHER 47056 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 287.45 47058 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 185. 22 47059 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 248. 81 CHECK NO. 27111 721. 48 ARTHUR PEREZ 47080 PAYROLL ADJ/FINAL 82-0082-02126 133 .71 PRE PAID 27098 133 . 71 05/18/99 15: 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 2 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: Dim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT ASH PARTY RENTALS 47065 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 31. 67 , 47067 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 73 .51 CHECK NO. 27115 105. 18 AT&T 47047 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4180-06110-FUND01 393.54 47047 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4300-06110-P71101 13 . 01 PRE PAID 2707 406. 55 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICE 47050 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4180-06110-FUNDO1 209. 10 47050 UTILITY SERVICE 03-4360-06110-FUND03 59 . 36 47050 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4350-06110-FUNDO1 52. 08 PRE PAID 2708^ 320.54 AVIS 47034 MTG EXP/CCCA/PALM SPRINGS 01-4200-06310-P94701 49. 00 47034 MTG EXP/CCCA/PALM SPRINGS 01-4200-06310-P94701 1. 93 47034 MTG EXP/CCCA/PALM SPRINGS 01-4200-06310-P94701 3 . 30 PRE PAID 27071 54 .73 BACA ASSOCIATES 47220 VALLEY BLVD IMP 22-4500-04905-P76122 1115. 00 47221 VALLEY BLVD IMP 22-4500-04905-P76122 87. 50 CHECK NO. 27113 1202 .50 BANK OF AMERICA NT&SA 47063 TRAVEL & MEETING EXP 01-4110-06450-FUNDO1 295. 93 47063 TRAVEL & MEETING EXP 01-4240-05225-UNITO1 135.57 PRE PAID 27091 431.50 BARR LUMBER COMPANY, INC. 47072 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4200-05010-P94401 30. 61 47074 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-FUND01 2 .88 CHECK NO. 27153 33 . 49 BOUNCE AROUND 47012 MOON BOUNCE/CINCO DE MAY• 01-4200-06310-P94201 90. 00 PRE PAID 27063 90. 00 CA. PARKS & REC. SOCIETY 47084 MEETING EXP/06-26-99 01-4820-06450-FUNDO1 168 . 00 CHECK NO. 27115 168 . 00 CALIFORNIA DESIGNS 47082 UNIFORMS ( 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 105. 26 05/16/99 15:25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE` 3 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECP VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT CALIFORNIA DESIGNS 47063 UNIFORMS 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 95. 26 CHECK NO. 2715, 200.52 CHIN TRUONG 47197 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 2716 50. 00 CINTAS 47075 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 40. 50 47076 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 -111. 00 47079 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 208 .84 47081 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 200. 92 CHECK NO. 2711 339.26 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 47027 NET PAYROLL/05-02-99 95-0095-01002 53772 . 09 PRE PAID 27052 53772 . 09 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 47085 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4300-04740-FUNDO11 75. 00 CHECK NO. 27158 75. 00 COMPETION AUTO BODY & PAINT f 47045 VEHICLE REPAIR/UNIT #31 28-4660-05230-UNIT31 1152 . 00 PRE PAID 2707 1152 . 00 CONSUELO IBARRA 47200 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 2717 50. 00 CORRINE CHU YOUNTS 47199 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 [ 672 . 00 CHECK NO. 27152 672. 00 COUNTY CLERK 47020 FILING FEES 01-4700-03814-FUND01 25 . 00 47021 FILING FEES 01-4700-03814-FUNDO1 25. 00 47024 FILING FEES 01-4700-03814-FUNDO1 I 25. 00 47025 FILING FEES 01-4700-03814-FUNDO11 25. 00 PRE PAID 27068 100. 00 COURT TRUSTEE 47008 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/05-02-99 82-0082-02125 114 . 51 PRE PAID 27051 114 . 51 1 05/18/99 15: 25 PAGE: 4 CITY OF ROSEMEAD dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER i 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT CUMMINS CAL PACIFIC, INC. 47086 BLDG MAINT & REPAIRS 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 200. 00 CHECK NO. 27134 200. 00 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 47090 SIGNAL MAINT/MAR 99 22-4630-04810-FUND22 1595. 68 CHECK NO. 2711: 1595. 68 DEPT. OF ANIMAL CONTROL 47100 HOUSING SERVICES/APRIL 99 01-4330-04610-FUND01 2400. 40 CHECK NO. 2711 2400.40 DIANA E. EVENS 47089 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 22 .80 47089 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4180-05010-FUND01 120. 00 CHECK NO. 2713: 142 . 80 DIVERSIFIED MAINTENANCE 47087 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4180-05025-FUNDO1 356. 76 47088 JANITORIAL SERVICE/MAY 9 01-4180-04710-FUND01 926. 00 CHECK NO. 2711• 1282 .76 DON BURROUGHS 47066 REIMB/DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94201 18. 00 47066 REIMB/DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 17 . 50 47066 REIMB/DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94201 ; 33. 56 47066 REIMB/DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94201 34 . 98 PRE PAID 2709 . 104 . 04 DON SAKAMOTO 47207 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 148. 00 CHECK NO. 27156 148. 00 DONALD J. WAGNER 47009 NET PAY/05-02-99 82-0082-02126 1446. 78 PRE PAID 2706' 1446. 78 47014 TRAVEL ADV 05/13-16-/99 01-4110-06450-FUNDO1 75. 00 PRE PAID 2706 75. 00 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOP. DEPT. 47053 UNEMPLOYMENT REIMS CHARGE 01-4110-04105-FUNDO1 -106.75 47053 UNEMPLOYMENT REIMS CHARGE 01-4820-04116-FUNDO1 321. 00 47053 UNEMPLOYMENT REIMS CHARGE 01-4700-04116-FUNDO1 119. 00 I PRE PAID 2708 333 .25 ERIC RAMIREZ 47026 PAYROLL ADJ/FINAL 82-0082-02126 34 . 07 05/18/99 15: 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 5 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT ERIC RAMIREZ PRE PAID 2706• 34 . 07 ERLA INC/EMSAR LA 47092 POOL SUPPLIES 01-4830-05010-FUNDO1 63 .59 CHECK NO. 2715 63.59 ERNEST TORRES 47193 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 68 . 80 CHECK NO. 2714 ' 66.80 F&A FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 47037 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/05-02-9. 82-0082-02120 5299. 23 PRE PAID 27059 5299.23 FAMILY COUNSELING SERVICE 47040 COUNSELING SERVICE/APR 9. 02-4750-06320-P93102 3794 . 5D PRE PAID 27081 3794 .50 FOOTHILL ACADEMY OF GYM 47196 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 260. 00 CHECK NO. 2711 260. 00 FRANK G. TRIPEPI 47013 TRAVEL ADV 05/13-16/99 01-4110-06450-FUNDO1 75. 00 CCC.4/PALM SPRINGS PRE PAID 27064 75. 00 GIL VILLACORTE 47206 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 100. 00 CHECK NO. 27171 100. 00 GLORIA E. FIERRO 47007 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/05-02-99 82-0082-02125 I 285. 00 PRE PAID 2705 285. 00 GOLDEN ROSE FLORIST 47094 FLOWERS/CRUZ 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 36. 79 47096 FLOWERS/ALARCON 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 113 . 65 CHECK NO. 2715: 150. 44 HAROLD'S KEY SHOP 47097 LOCKS 01-4810-05010-FUND01 57. 35 CHECK NO. 2712 ' 57. 35 HI-TOWERS OFFICE SUPPLY 47101 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4130-05010-FUNDO1 282. 27 CHECK NO. 2712 282.27 � II 05/18/99 15:25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 6 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 47035 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/05-02-9 . 82-0082-02121 2286. 89 PRE PAID 2705, 2286.89 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 47099 BLDG MAINT & REPAIRS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 1879. 91 47099 BLDG MAINT & REPAIRS 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 385. 00 CHECK NO. 2712 2264 . 91 JEANETTE MARTINEZ 47205 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 256. 00 CHECK NO. 2712•, 256. 00 JESSE GUTIERREZ 47041 PAY ADVANCE/05-02-99 82-0082-02126 360. 94 PRE PAID 27084 360. 94 JIFFY LUBE 47105 VEHICLE REPAIRS/UNIT #38 01-4240-05225-UNIT38 30. 07 CHECK NO. 2715 30. 07 JUAN DE LIRA 47201 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 294 . 00 CHECK NO. 27124 294. 00 KATIE VICARIO 47102 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 575. 54 CHECK NO. 271671 575 . 54 KELLY PAPER COMPANY 47104 COPYING SUPPLIES 01-4180-05015-FUNDO1 991. 57 CHECK NO. 27125 991.57 LA COUNTY DEPT PUBLIC WORKS 47103 CONTRACT SERVICES 22-4600-04865-FUND22 62. 67 47106 CONTRACT SERVICES 01-4720-04240-FUNDO1 6424. 08 47107 CONTRACT SERVICES 22-4600-04830-FUND222719.50 47109 CONTRACT SERVICES 22-4600-04830-FUND22 1031.86 47111 CONTRACT SERVICES 22-4600-04830-FUND22 327 . 18 47113 CONTRACT SERVICES 22-4600-04865-FUND22 225. 69 47114 CONTRACT SERVICES 22-4600-04835-FUND22 6101. 42 47115 CONTRACT SERVICES 22-4600-04840-FUND22 393 . 19 CHECK NO. 27127 17285.59 LA COUNTY FIRE DEPT. 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNITO1 38 . 24 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNITO2 54 . 22 05/18/99 15:25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 7 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: Jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT LA COUNTY FIRE DEPT. 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT07 66. 87 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT11 103 . 05 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT14 14 . 61 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT20 38. 34 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT26 112. 37 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT33 92 . 85 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT34 93 . 15 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT35 56. 67 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT38 61 . 58 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT37 24 .51 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 28-4660-05225-UNIT36 75.40 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 28-4660-05225-UNIT32 60. 79 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 2B-4660-05225-UNIT31 34.32 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4310-05225-UNIT29 109.52 47073 FUEL EXPENSES/FEB 99 01-4310-05225-UNIT30 88. 05 PRE PAID 27095 1124.54 LA COUNTY METRO TRANSPORT 47046 BUS PASSES/MARCH 99 28-4660-07510-P96928 14007. 00 PRE PAID 2707 14007 . 00 LA COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT 47091 PRISONER MAINT/MARCH 99 01-4300-04520-FUNDO1 92. 24 47218 CONTRACT SERVICES/APRIL9$ 01-4300-04512-FUNDO1 7983 .42 47219 GENL LAW/LLEBG/MARCH 99 01-4300-04512-FUNDO1 16145. 11 47219 GENL LAW/LLEBG/MARCH 99 01-4300-04512-p41501 4457. 34 CHECK NO. 2712$ 28678. 11 LA TEL CORP 47093 OFFICE EQUIP MAINT 01-4180-04730-FUNDO1 107 . 00 CHECK NO. 2712 107. 00 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 47011 MEETING EXP/05-06-99 01-4110-06450-FUNDO1 46. 00 47011 MEETING EXP/05-06-99 01-4100-06450-FUNDO1 69 . 00 PRE PAID 27062 115. 00 LEXIS LAW PUBLISHING I 47095 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 199. 18 47098 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUNDOlI 47 . 63 CHECK NO. 2716d 246. 81 LITA LOPEZ 47202 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 100. 00 CHECK NO. 27172 100. 00 05/18/99 15: 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 8 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICEI CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT MAE SUE IBEAS 47204 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 331.20 CHECK NO. 2712 331.20 MAP MOBILE COMM. INC. 47031 PAGING SERVICE 01-4180-04730-FUNDO1 103 . 21 47033 PAGING SERVICE 01-4180-04730-FUND01 35. 95 PRE PAID 2707 139 . 16 MARTIN & CHAPMAN CO. 47060 CANDIDATE ELECTION STMNTS 01-4120-05135-FUNDO1 3968.45 PRE PAID 2709 3968.45 MFI TITLE SERVICE 47118 TITLE REPORT 01-4710-04288-FUNDO1 65. 00 47119 TITLE REPORT 01-4710-04288-FUNDO1 65. 00 47120 TITLE REPORT 02-4750-07610-P95802 65. 00 47121 TITLE REPORT 02-4750-07610-P95802 65. 00 47122 TITLE REPORT 01-4710-04288-FUND01 65. 00 47123 TITLE REPORT 02-4750-07610-P95802 65. 00 CHECK NO. 27177 390. 00 MIKE'S HOME REMODELING 47055 RESID REHAB/HNDYMN GRNT 02-4750-07610-P95302 455. 50 PRE PAID 2708 455. 50 MONTGOMERY KONE 47116 ELEVATOR MAINT/CITY HALL 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 375. 13 47117 ELEVATOR MAINT/CITY HALL 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 82 . 20 CHECK NO. 2713 457. 33 i MORRISON HEALTH CARE INC 47108 SR LUNCH PROGRAM 02-4750-07610-P95202 1339. 50 47110 SR LUNCH PROGRAM 02-4750-07610-P95202 1346.55 CHECK NO. 27161 2686. 05 MUNICIPAL COURT 47112 PARKING CIT PROC/MARCH 9 01-4310-04620-FUNDO1F 5185 . 00 CHECK NO. 2710 5185. 00 MUSIC THEATRE OF SO. CA 47222 MEETING EXP/05-13-99 01-4510-06450-FUNDO1I 28 . 00 CHECK NO. 271331 28 . 00 NEILSON PRESS, INC. 47124 PRINTING SERVICE 01-4110-04678-FUND01 664 . 93 47125 PRINTING SERVICE 01-4110-04678-FUNDO1 116. 91 05/18/99 15:25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 9 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT NEILSON PRESS, INC. CHECK NO. 2713: I 781. 84 OCEANSTATE DEVELOPMENT CO 47212 GARVEY PARK CLUBHSE/#4 01-4880-08450-P73301 121385. 25 CHECK NO. 27162 121385. 25 PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE 47023 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4180-06110-P95501 17 . 94 47023 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4180-06110-FUND01 2580.71 47023 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4300-06110-P71101 60. 69 PRE PAID 27051 2659. 34 PADDY CHENG 47018 CLASS REFUND 01-4840-03943-P51501 120. 00 PRE PAID 27067 120. 00 PARTY CITY 47126 SR LUNCH PROGRAM/SUPPLIEryL02-4750-05010-P95202 35. 67 CHECK NO. 2713 35. 67 POST ALARM SYSTEMS 47127 GARVEY SATELLITE 01-4300-04725-P71101F 505. 00 CHECK NO. 2713 505. 00 PRESENTATION RIVERA 47203 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 100. 00 CHECK NO. 27173 100. 00 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY ' 47138 MATS 01-4180-04725-FUNDO17 19. 81 CHECK NO. 2713 19 . 81 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYS 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 02-4750-04110-P95102 273 . 00 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4740-04110-P95501 870. 85 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4800-04110-FUNDO1 1147 .41 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4700-04110-FUNDO1 1 427. 48 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4150-04110-FUNDO1I 710. 00 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4810-04110-FUND01 3194 . 87 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4820-04110-FUNDO1 1862. 28 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4130-04110-FUNDO1 ' 4570. 02 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4120-04110-FUNDO1 164 .41 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4110-04110-FUNDO1 2823 . 68 47039 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4100-04110-FUNDO1 1029. 30 PRE PAID 27072 17073. 30 47042 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4700-04110-FUND01 198 . 99 05/18/99 15 :25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 10 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER X 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYS PRE PAID 2707 198. 99 47044 HEALTH PREMIUMS/MAY 99 01-4110-04110-FUNDO1 330. 93 PRE PAID 2707, 330. 93 RADIO SHACK ACCOUNTS REC. 47128 OFFICE EQUIP REPAIRS 01-4180-04730-FUND01 6.48 CHECK NO. 2716 6.48 RENTOKIL-LOS ANGELES 47129 BLDG MAINT 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 91.50 CHECK NO. 2716 91.50 REVOLVING ACCOUNT 47071 REPLENISH ACCOUNT 28-4660-07510-P96928 8. 00 47071 REPLENISH ACCOUNT 81-0081-02300 15. 00 47071 REPLENISH ACCOUNT 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 6. 89 47071 REPLENISH ACCOUNT 01-4100-06450-FUNDO1 74. 35 47071 REPLENISH ACCOUNT 01-4110-06450-FUND01 142. 06 47071 REPLENISH ACCOUNT 01-4710-04288-FUNDO1 78. 00 47071 REPLENISH ACCOUNT 01-4840-05010-P51501 66. 34 PRE PAID 2709 390. 64 ROSA SEPULVEDA 47211 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 244. 80 CHECK NO. 2716•] 244.80 S.G.V. PUBLISHING CO. 47132 LEGAL ADVERTISING 01-4120-04680-FUNDO1 458. 80 47133 LEGAL ADVERTISING 01-4120-04680-FUNDO1 112 .48 47134 LEGAL ADVERTISING 01-4120-04680-FUNDO1 430. 68 47135 LEGAL ADVERTISING 01-4120-04680-FUNDO1 350.76 CHECK NO. 2714C 1352 .72 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER 47052 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4810-06125-P92801 415. 90 47052 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4640-06125-P92622 157.42 47052 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4810-06125-FUND01 705. 92 47052 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4640-06125-P92422 162 . 47 47052 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4640-06125-p92322 248 . 12 PRE PAID 27079 1689 . 83 SANWA BANK 47028 FIT WITHHLDG/05-02-99 82-0082-02110 8533 .28 47030 SOC SEC WITHHLDG/05-02-99 82-0082-02112 9720. 14 47032 MEDCARE WITHHLDG/05-02-9 82-0082-02113 2273 . 28 PRE PAID 27053 20526. 70 05/18/99 15: 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 11 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT SELECT BUSINESS SYSTEMS 47158 OFFICE EQUIP MAINT 01-4180-04730-FUNDO1 267 . 29 CHECK NO. 2713 • 267.29 SEQUEL CONTRACTORS 47213 H ACCESS/ST RESURF/1 02-4750-04905-P98902 178528. 05 47213 H ACCESS/ST RESURF/1 02-4750-04905-P98802 59278. 77 47214 H ACCESS/ST RESURF/2 02-4750-04905-P98902 280480. 68 47214 H ACCESS/ST RESURF/2 02-4750-04905-P98802 1170. 00 CHECK NO. 27143 519457 .50 SMART AND FINAL IRIS 47154 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 144. 73 47155 CCCA/PALM SPRING/SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94701 363 . 05 47156 DEPT SUPPLIES 02-4750-05010-P95202 277. 97 47157 CINCO DE MAYO/SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94201 223 . 01 CHECK NO. 27141 1008.76 SO CAL GAS CO 47049 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4830-06115-FUNDO1 14 . 30 47049 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4810-06115-FUNDO1 92 . 24 PRE PAID 2707 106.54 SO. CALIF. EDISON CO 47043 STREET LIGHTING 61-4340-06120-FUND61 3540. 22 PRE PAID 27083 3540.22 SOUTHEAST CONSTRUCTION 47146 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 10. 18 47147 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 5. 09 47148 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE$ 01-4740-05010-P95501 10. 18 47149 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE§ 01-4740-05010-P95501 10. 18 47150 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE 01-4740-05010-P95501 19 . 81 47151 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 10. 18 47152 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 10. 18 47153 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501- 5 . 09 CHECK NO. 27142 80.89 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER 47017 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4810-06125-P92522 142 . 87 PRE PAID 27048 142 . 87 SPARKLETTS 47048 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4130-05010-FUNDO1 50.50 PRE PAID 27084 50. 50 05/18/99 15: 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 12 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT SPECTRA PAINT CENTERS, INC 47159 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE 01-4740-05010-P95501 269.38 47160 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE . 01-4740-05010-P95501 69. 37 47161 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE• 01-4740-05010-P95501 1168. 02 47162 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE 01-4740-05010-P95501 37 . 99 47163 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE 01-4740-05010-P95501 1168. 02 CHECK NO. 2717: 2712 . 78 STANDARD INSURANCE CO. 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 01-4820-04117-FUND01 95. 73 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 01-4740-04117-P95501 39. 68 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 01-4100-04117-FUNDO1 34 . 85 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 01-4110-04117-FUND01 250. 20 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 01-4120-04117-FUNDO1 40. 63 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 02-4750-04117-P95102 25. 16 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 01-4700-04117-FUNDO1 102 .85 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 01-4800-04117-FUNDO1121. 76 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 01-4130-04117-FUNDO1 99. 36 47015 L-T DISABILITY/MARCH 99 01-4810-04117-FUNDO1 215. 61 PRE PAID 27047 1025. 83 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 47038 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/05-02-9i 82-0082-02111 I 1844 . 85 PRE PAID 27050 1844. 85 SUCCESS STATIONERS 47139 EASTER SUPPLIES 01-4200-05010-P94401 8. 76 47140 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4700-05010-FUNDO1 92 . 16 47141 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 6. 94 47142 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 124 . 23 47143 DEPT SUPPLIES ] 01-4700-05010-FUNDO1 35. 90 47144 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4700-05010-FUNDO1 21. 87 47145 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4830-05010-FUNDO1 16. 75 CHECK NO. 2714 . 306 . 61 SUSAN J. MARTINEZ 47077 PRESCHOOL SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501I 50.71 PRE PAID 2709fi 50. 71 47136 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 339. 62 47137 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 559 . 98 CHECK NO. 2713 899 . 60 TERESA HARNEN 47208 FACILITY USE REFUND 31-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 27174, 50. 00 05/18/99 15: 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 13 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT TERRONES CONSTRUCTION 47057 PROGRESS PMNT/3856 BRKLI 02-4750-07610-P95302 4500. 00 PRE PAID 27085 4500. 00 TOKIO SAKAMOTO 47209 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-p51501 272 . 00 CHECK NO. 2716E 272 . 00 TOMARK SPORTS, INC 47164 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 56.21 CHECK NO. 2714: 56.21 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS, INC 47170 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-F1jND22 1313 .55 47171 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04850-FUND22 1097. 55 47172 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 379 . 01 47173 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 994 .21 47174 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 467. 84 47175 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1270. 35 47176 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 503 . 63 47177 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1071. 09 47178 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 309. 82 47179 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1194 . 00 47180 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 815. 61 47181 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1319 . 62 47182 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 240. 30 47183 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 433 . 00 47184 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1299. 67 47185 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4850-04860-FUND22 989 . 01 47186 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1381. 05 47187 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1358. 10 47188 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1401. 30 47189 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 : 137 . 03 47190 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1499 . 64 47191 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1155. 60 47192 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22809. 19 CHECK NO. 2714 f1 21440.22 UNITED WAY I 47005 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/05-02-99 82-0082-02125 i 29. 00 PRE PAID 270571 29 . 00 UNOCAL 47069 FUEL EXPENSES/APRIL 99 01-4310-05225-UNIT29 91 . 39 47069 FUEL EXPENSES/APRIL 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT34 16. 26 47069 FUEL EXPENSES/APRIL 99 01-4240-05225-UNIT35 16. 87 47069 FUEL EXPENSES/APRIL 99 01-4310-05225-UNIT30 49. 44 05/18/99 15: 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 14 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 99-24 5/25/99 USER: jim PAYEE IAMOINT CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT UNOCAL PRE PAID 27093 173 . 96 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 47165 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUND01 264. 79 47166 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4130-05010-FUNDO1 60.58 CHECK NO. 27145 325. 37 VISION SERVICE PLAN 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 01-4120-04113-FUND01 24. 24 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 01-4100-04113-FUND01 121.20 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 01-4130-04113-FUNDO1 96. 96 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 01-4700-04113-FUND01 72 . 72 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 01-4110-04113-FUNDO1 121. 20 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 01-4740-04113-P95501 48 .48 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 01-4800-04113-FUNDO1 72. 72 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 02-4750-04113-P95102 24 .24 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 01-4820-04113-FUNDO1 72 . 72 47006 VISION PREMIUMS/MARCH 99 01-4810-04113-FUNDO1 218 . 16 PRE PAID 2704 872 . 64 WALLIN, KRESS, REISMAN 47054 LEGAL SERVICES/APRIL 99 01-4150-04330-FUND01 2457. 00 47054 LEGAL SERVICES/APRIL 99 01-4150-04340-FUNDO1 748 . 86 PRE PAID 2708d 3205. 86 WEI YUEH 47198 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 2717J 50.00 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 47167 PLANNING ASST TEMP/MARCH 01-4700-04010-FUNDO1 10500. 00 CHECK NO. 2715d 10500. 00 WILLIAM EDDY 47078 PAYROLL ADJ/05-02-99 82-0082-02126 229. 02 PRE PAID 27097 229. 02 XEROX CORPORATION 47169 OFFICE EQUIP MAINT 01-4180-04730-FUNDO1 51. 50 CHECK NO. 27151 51. 50 YOLANDA ESTRADA 47168 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 544 .43 CHECK NO. 27168< 544 . 43 GRAND TOTAIf 908, 576. 9 05/18/99 15:25 PAGE: 15 dp704u1 WARRANT SUMMARY BY FUND 5/25/99 USER: jim RECAP BY FUND PRE-PAID WRITTEN GENERAL FUND 01 35, 724 .85 196,942.84 CDBG 02 9, 108. 96 522 , 652 . 19 NARCOTICS FORE. & SEIZURE 03 59.36 STATE GAS TAX 22 710.88 35, 099. 91 PROPOSITION A 28 15, 337.51 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 61 3, 540.22 TRUST & AGENCY 81 15.00 500. 00 PAYROLL REVOLVING FUND 82 35, 113 . 18 TREASURY FUND - CITY 95 53, 772 . 09 TOTAL 153,382. 05 755, 194 . 94 GRAND TOTAL 908,576.99 i E M E a„ HK0'4,4_,-,7-:y' staff,eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL �—� FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGEli�7✓ � DATE: MAY 19, 1999 �J RE: RESOLUTION NO. 99-21 - OPPOSING THE APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION(CPUC) TO RAISE RATES FOR "411" CALLS This item was deferred at the regular meeting of the City Council on May 11, 1999, pending further information. Attached is information from Pacific Bell. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve Resolution No. 99-21. Attachments COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 2 51999 ITEM No. -Z• -8 J