CC - Item 4B - Approval of Y2K Action Plan iftmE stafleport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS KRANIC ROSSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 1999 RE: APPROVAL OF Y2K ACTION PLAN Included in the footnotes in the City's June 30, 1998 Annual Financial Report, was a paragraph about the potential impact of the year 2000 issue. It stated that the City was in the process of responding to those concerns by testing and evaluating the systems that would be affected by the "Y2K"problem. In response,the City Council approved a contract with McGladrey &Pullen for the development of an Y2K Plan at the May 11, 1999 Meeting. After considerable work on the part of staff and the consultant, the attached plan has been developed. Between now and December 31, 1999, it will be reviewed and updated on an as needed basis. Staff's main areas of concern were the computers,the phone system, traffic signals, and public safety. In response to these concerns, all the City's computers have been replaced or upgraded. The new phone system, which is Y2K compatible, will be operational on Monday, December 13, 1999. All of the traffic signals have been tested or have been certified in writing that they are in compliance. The 911 emergency systems have been tested and both the Sheriff and Fire Department are satisfied with the results. Los Angeles County is well prepared and their Emergency Operations Center will be activated from 6:00 am on Friday, December 31, 1999 through Monday, January 3, 2000. In regards to the City, five staff members are scheduled to be at City Hall from 10:00 pm Friday, December 31, 1999 through 2:00 am Saturday morning. The switchboard will be open during that time and staff will perform a variety of inspections during that period. Los Angeles County will also call in for periodic updates. An updated Y2K article is included in the December issue of the Rosemead Report. tui NOV 231999 ITEM No. Y2K Action Plan November 17, 1999 Page two Representatives from McGladrey & Pullen will be present at the meeting to answer any questions. The vendor compliance letters are in the City Clerk's office should you wish to review them. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council accept the attached Y2K Action Plan. Cceha:vLtlmplemenlplan