CC - Item 3C & D - Supporting the Legislative Efforts to Accomplish Ground-water Clean-Up in San Gabriel Basin I 07 _ stat eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 5, 1999 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 99-19 SUPPORTING THE LEGISLATIVE EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH GROUNDWATER CLEAN-UP IN THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN;AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-20 SUPPORTING THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN DRINKING WATER INITIATIVE The San Gabriel Valley Water Association and the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority have requested that the City support the San Gabriel Basin Drinking Water Initiative by approving the attached resolutions. The purpose of the initiative is to bring in outside funding to expedite the cleanup of the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. Attached is information provided by the San Gabriel Valley Joint Task Force. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council adopt Resolutions No. 99-19 and No. 99-20 and direct the City Clerk to make the necessary notifications. it COUNCIL. AGENDA MAY 111999 ITEM Na. L ., i`-D • 4-29--1999 119:39PM FROM USGVMWD 626 dd3 0617 2 • San Gabriel Valley Joint Task Force (628)8158930 Fax 815-8950 RE: SUPPORT FOR THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN DRINKING WATER INITIATIVE Enclosed,for your review, is a packet containing information and sample re-sok/tons for the San Gabriel Basin Drinking Water Initiative. This Initiative effort is the collaborative effort of both the San Gabriel Valley Water Association and the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority. The basis for the Initiative is to bring in outside funding to expedta the cleanup of the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. Providing additional dollars would minimize conflicts between water producers, potentially responsible parties(PRPs)and the EPA resulting in cleanup rather than protracted litigation, mating an adverse effect on the local economy. . The Initiative is an effort from both the Federal and state level. On the Federal side,Congressman David Dreier is sponsoring H.R.910,co-sponsored by Congressmembers Matthew Martinez, Grace Napolitano.and Gary Miller. H.R.910 will provide$75 million towards groundwater cleanup efforts end $25 million for Perchlorate research. On the state level.Assembyrnan Bob Margetf introduced AB 1420 which seeks an appropriation of$10 million for groundwater cleanup. Assemblyman Martin Gallegos authored AB 1217,which will exempt sales tax on equipment needed to treat contaminated water. Senator Hilda Solis authored SJR 8,which memorializes the President and Congress to enact H.R.910. Thank you in advance for your support on this Initiative. Your resolutions of support will greatly aid in rendering a unifying display of local support Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like a presentation to your council. If you prefer,you can forward your resolutions of support to my Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District address(enclosed)and I will forward them to the appropriate offices or you can send them directly to the legislators'offices,but please forward copies to me as well. Again,thank you. 7Ly 4ci V�^ Sam Pedroza Initiative Coordinator Enclosure a-29- 1999 12.41PM FROM IJSGVMWD 525 443 0617 P. G ADDRESSES TO SEND-RESOLUTIONS OF SUPPORT Sam Pedsoza Upper San Gabriel-Valley Municipal Wats District 11310 Valley Blvd El Morita.CA 91731 (626)443-2297 Fax(626)443-0617 Federal Legislation Rawhides of Sapport Mark Mennen Conger David Dreier 112N.r'tAve Covina,CA 91723 (636)339-9078 Fax(626)339.6895 Blair Lyman Congressman Matthew Martinez Rayburn 11.O13.42269 Washington,D.C.20515 (202)225-5464 Paz(202)225-5467 Chuck Fuentes CongteSSW mss GraceNapoltaro Longwoall 11.0J3.#1407 Washington.D.C.20515 (202)225-5256 Stat Le2saties Resniu es of Support Steve Johnson Assemblyman Bob Margett 55 E.Huntington Dr.4120 Arcadia,CA 91006 (626)447-5894 Fax 447-6387 Jaime Garcia Assemblyman Martin Gallegos 15625 Stafford Ave.#200 City of Industry,CA 9174 (626)961-8492 Fax(626)961-2699 Juan Carlos Torres State Senator Hilda L.Solis Capitol Building44039 Sa aoawnto,CA 95814 (9I6)445-1418 Fax(916)445-0485 4-291999 12:41PM FROM USGVMWD G28 443 2G17 P. 7 • Page 1 of 2 • MRS asa2.nt rsra Doamenrt as xo . . Nexk gib Porwaid New Dills Deasgh, Pre Nit Damk Nit Light lett Seeeiene Re ese p ama Contents • lRea m fel r4'ff�I Ara:!= -t• a H1C. as.le . an isle 'tats "t an I ..• ._� •. .� RHD. a �ae•nem . the Hoove • HR910IH 106th CONGRESS; • tat Session H.R 910 To authorize the Secretary of the Army,act*through the Chief of Engineers and in coordination with other Federal agency heads,to participate in the finding and implementation of a balanced, long-term solution to the problems of groundwater contamination,watt supply,and reliability affecting the San Gabriel groundwater basin in ragtime, and Se otherpuspoeen. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 2,1999 Mr.DREIER'(for himself,Mr.HORN,Mr.MARTINEZ Mrs. NAPOLITANO,Mr. GARY MILLER of California, and s.ROYBAL-ALLARD) irroduced the following b111;which wall referred to the Comririttce on Transportation and Infrastructure A BILL To authorize the Secretary of the Anny, acting through the brief of Engineers and in coordination with.other Federal agency heads,to participate in the funding and.implementation of a balanced, tong-term solution to the problems of groundwater oontsminatiorti water supply,and reliability effecting the San Gabriel groundwaterbasin in California, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofReprveniatrvas of the United Stain of America in Congress assembled SECTION 1. SHORT TTTLE. Thlt Act may be eked as the'San Gabriel Basin W ater,Quality Initiative, SEC. 2. SAN GABRIEL BASIN RESTORATION FUND, (a)ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RESTORATION FUND-Thera shall be established within • http://www,wngrose.goy/egi-lisiguery/z/c10611.R910: 3/3/99 4-29 -1999 12 42P FROM USOVMWD 626 443 0617 P 03-03-1898 15:0a 03/03/99 18:12 FAS D0Y Page 2 of 2 the Treasury of the United States an interest boating account to be known u the San Gabriel Basin Resteratien Fund(in this section referred ton'Restoration Fund'), (b)ADMINISTRATION OF THS RESTORATION FUND-The Restoration Fund shall be administered by the Secretary of the Army(in this Act referred to as the'Secretary'), acting through the Chief of Beone:a.The Secretary shall a/minister such Fund in cooperation with the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority,or its successor agency. (e)PURPOSES OF me RESTORATION FUND-The proceeds of the Restoration Fund shall be utilized by theSemetcy to design,construct,operate, and maintain water quality projects edmiaietered by the San Gnbdel Basin Water Quality Authority. (d)AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS-For each of the fiscal years 2000 through 2004,there is authorized to be appropriated to the Restoration Fund 515,000,000. (e)CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA-The Secremty, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized to accept.end administer in cooperation with the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority any fluids which the State of California,local government agencies,or private entities may contribute to the Restoration Fund. (1)COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW-In carrying our the activities described in subsection(e),the Secretary shall comply with any applicable Federal or State law. (g)RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER ACTIVITIES-Netting 10 this Aot shall be construed to act other Fedsil or State authorities that are being tiled or may be need to acilitate the clef up and protection of the San Gabriel groundwater basis In carrying out the activities dotalbed in subsection(c),the Secretary shall integrate such activities with ongoing Federal and State projects and activities.None of the Emile mads available for the activities described in subsection(e)pursuant to this Act shall be counted against any Federal authorization ceiling establahedfor any previously authorized Federal projectsor activities. . SEC.3. PERCHLORATE. (a)INVESTIGATIONS AND PROTECTS-The Secretary,acting through the Chief of Segment and in cooperation with State and loom govermnent agencies,is authorized to participate in Studies and other investigative activities and in the plmming and design of projects determined by the Seeretaxy to offs a long-tam solution to the prnblern of groundwater contamination caused byperchlontes. (b)AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS-Fertile purposes of carrying out the activities authorized in subsection(a),there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secremty S25,000.000. taxa SILnncc TILTS nocoasfT ao To nest sit Forwent p.., milt. Search Orel! Kit sank 10,060Fap0 Zit rdat but Sections Eels roe Came.nt. • httpJ/www.congress.gov/ogi-UUquery/z7c106:H.R910: 3/3/99 4-29-1999 12 42P FROM USGVMW9 626 dL3 0617 P. a,egmmuou rage r tit c W California State Senate Horst Senators Legislation Committees Schedules OfruttaiCaucuses Audio/TV Fr Sunser11)e - Current Session Legislation-s at fah SJR 8 Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. Past Sessions odes BILL NUMBER: SJR 8 INTRODUCED 02/18/99 Statute. INTRODUCED BY Senator Solis "'smut' FEBRUARY 18, 1999 . Senate Joint Resolution No. S--Relative to the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SJR 8, as introduced, Solis. Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. This measure would memorialize the President and Congress to enact legislation to make available necessary funds to implement groundwater remediation in the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. Fiscal committee: no. • WHEREAS, The Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin is the principal source of drinking water for approximately 1.4 million people who live in southern California; and WHEREAS, The economy of the San Gabriel Valley is dependent upon the availability of a safe, reliable source of water for the residents and businesses in the region; and WHEREAS, The groundwater supply in the Main San Gabriel Basin is contaminated by both volatile organic compounds and inorganic chemicals, including perchlorate, that are known to be carcinogenic and otherwise dangerous to human health; and WHEREAS, The presence of perchlorate contamination is directly associated with the production of solid rocket fuels and explosives related to the defense and national security of the United States of America; and WHEREAS, The contaminated groundwater in the Main San Gabriel d-2991999 12:43PM FROM USGVMWD 626 d413 0617 P. 13 ucgtatauuu rage . m e Groundwater Basin is now spreading toward Los Angeles County's Central Groundwater Basin; and WHEREAS, The spreading of contaminated groundwater into the massive Central Groundwater Basin will adversely affect the drinking water of over half of Los Angeles County; and WHEREAS.The health and economy of the entire southern California region may be devastated by the continued presence and possible spreading of contaminated groundwater; and WHEREAS, Perchlorate contamination of drinking water is a serious health related problem in other areas of the United States outside southern California; and WHEREAS, The application of treatment technology in the Main San Gabriel Basin may be used as a model for areas in the United States with similar contamination problems; and WHEREAS, All stakeholders affected by the contaminated groundwater have joined together to support a comprehensive plan to treat the contaminated groundwater and reclaim the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin for the storage of a safe, reliable drinking water source; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and Assembly of the State of California, jointly, That the Legislature respectfully memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to make available necessary funds to implement groundwater remediation in the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin; and be it further Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the President and Vice President, to the Speaker of the House of.Representatives, the majority leader of the Senate, and each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the United States. H Dore Senators .egizlation Committees Schedului 011icesiCaucuse. .\udlu/I'\ Foos:I Please send any questions or comments about this site to \Veh\tnsterru smt.n.ko. d-29-1999 12:d3PM FROM USGVMWD 626 443 3617 P. I1 LOb'1516LNLI rt%'c 1 UI J California State Senate Home Senators Legislation Committees Schedules OfcesiCaucuses Audio?rV F. Subscribe -Current Session Legislation- Hill lnta AB 1217 Sales and use taxes: exemptions: water treatment post Sessions Codes BILL NUMBER: AB 1217 INTRODUCED 02/26/99 Statutes INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Gallegos (Coauthors: Assembly Members Calderon, Havice, Margett, and Soto) ('.,stirla_orL (Coauthor: Senator Solis) FEBRUARY 26, 1999 An act to add Section 6377.3 to the Revenue and Taxation Code, relating to taxation, to take effect immediately, tax levy. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 1217, as introduced, Gallegos. Sales and use taxes: exemptions: water treatment equipment. The Sales and Use Tax Law imposes a tax on the gross receipts from the sale in this state of, or the storage, use, or other consumption in this state • of, tangible personal property. That law provides various exemptions from that tax. This bill would additionally exempt from sales and use tax tangible personal property purchased for use by a qualified person, as defined, to be used to treat contaminated water under specified conditions. Counties and cities are authorized to impose local sales and use taxes in conformity with state sales and use taxes. Exemptions from state sales and use taxes enacted by the Legislature are incorporated into the local taxes. Section 2230 of the Revenue and Taxation Code provides that the state will reimburse counties and cities for revenue losses caused by the enactment of sales and use tax exemptions. This bill would provide that, notwithstanding Section 2230 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, no appropriation is made and the state shall not reimburse local agencies for sales and use tax revenues lost by them tu_.11. /:... L,...InflnDIILD nnnl-n.rOTTI rTmnrTrT /A0,n nin ninn A-2971999 12:44PM ROM USGVMJD 626 443 0617 P. 12 rngc VI 0 pursuant to this bill. This bill would take effect immediately as a tax levy, but its operative date would depend on its effective date. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: yes. SECTION 1. Section 6377.3 is added to the Revenue and Taxation Code, to read: 6377.3. (a) There are exempted from the taxes imposed by this part the gross receipts from the sale of, and the storage, use, or other consumption in this state of, any of the following: (1) Tangible personal property purchased for use by a qualified person to be used primarily to treat water to meet or exceed standards established by this state or any local or regional governmental agency within this state, provided all of the following conditions are met: (A) The water to be treated is the primary source of drinking water for a population exceeding one million. (B) The water to be treated contains multiple contaminants in excess of state and federal drinking water standards and requires multiple treatment processes in order to meet all applicable health standards. (C) The presence of contaminants has severely impacted the availability of water for a portion of the region. (D) The treatment of water is necessary to restore the local water supply and protect against the spread of contamination to uncontaminated areas. (2) Tangible personal property purchased for use by a qualified person to be used primarily to maintain,repair, measure, or test any property described in paragraph (1). (b) This exemption shall not apply to any tangible personal property that is used primarily in administration, general management, or marketing. (c) For purposes of this section: (1) "Primarily" means tangible personal property used 50 percent or more of the time in an activity described in subdivision (a). (2) "Qualified person" means a public agency or court-appointed ti,w..//....... -1DISCO Dflflrl.1Dn r fRm uArr IADInI A in inn d-29-1999 12:d6PM FROM USGVMWD 626 663 0617 P. 13 • icgmmuvu rage . ut . groundwater management entity with statutory or contractual responsibility for coordinating or implementing the cleanup of contaminated groundwater, or any entity, public or private, that is licensed by the State Department of Health Services to provide public water service. (3) "Tangible personal property" includes, but is not limited to, all of the following: (A) Machinery and equipment, including component parts, moving parts, and operating structures. (B) All equipment, materials, supplies, or devices used or required to operate, control, regulate, or maintain the machinery or equipment, including, but not limited to, telemetry equipment, computers and computer software, and water filtration media and treatment resins. •(d) No exemption shall be allowed under this section unless the purchaser furnishes the retailer with an exemption certificate, completed in accordance with any instructions or regulations as the board may prescribe, and the retailer subsequently furnishes the board with a copy of the exemption certificate. The exemption certificate shall contain the sales price of the machinery and equipment that is exempt pursuant to subdivision (a). SEC. 2. Notwithstanding Section 2230 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, no appropriation is made by this act and the state shall not reimburse any local agency for any sales and use tax revenues lost by it under this act. SEC. 3. This act provides for a tax levy within the meaning of Article IV of the Constitution and shall go into immediate effect, However, the provisions of this act shall become operative on the first day of the first calendar quarter commencing more than 90 days after the effective date of this act. Home Senators Legislation Committees Schedules Offices/Caucuses Audio/TV Fags/Links Please send any questions or comments about this site to \Vehhtlasterti/un.ea.gov 6w.. ihtn.n.. rat, n /taconh,irn_6trn 19nnInTPP tonnto Joan Cl MD'GMT /Ann/ ninn inn A-297-1999 12:45PM FROM USGVMWD 528 dd3 0617 P. 14 - t,egmmuou rage tit d California State Senate Hone Senator, Legislation Committees Schedules Offices/Caucuses Audio/TV Fr Si_6rribe . —Current Session Legislation"' Bili Info AB 1420 Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin . Past Sessions o<!es BILL NUMBER: AB 1420 AMENDED 04/15/99 Statutes AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 15, 1999 t a,'..stit#qun INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Margett (Principal coauthor: Senator Solis) (Coauthors:Assembly Members Gallegos, Robert Pacheco, and Scott) (Coauthor: Senator Mountjoy) FEBRUARY 26, 1999 Ler cee_:_1 6,.si., wae,.: Q..e:it r...t he_it). An act relating to the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin, and making an appropriation therefor. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 1420, as amended, Margett. Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin iv..te. Cuilt The San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Act creates the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority and authorizes the authority to accept federal, state, and local funds for the purposes of groundwater cleanup in the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Bas in and otherwise implementing the act. This bill would -_ _ _. _ • - _ _ _ .. appropriate $10,000,000 from the General Fund to the State Water Resources Control Board for allocation to the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority, or its successor agency, to provide grants and loans to local agencies to carry out groundwater remediation demonstration projects in the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. The bill would make related legislative findings and declarations . Vote: .3;a_It{ 2/3 . Appropriation: re-yes . Fiscal committee: .,e—yes . State-mandated local program: no. �-,.....ir.._._.. .e., ,.,..,n..r.:..r.e,..1.;.,r,.,.ti,r.«ronnnuoo DnnTldOrr r 07 TODrxrT /.n,AO ,nn inn d-2971999 12:45PM FROM USGVMWD 626 dd3 0617 P. IS i,eglva,mu rugc L ul J SECTION 1. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (a) The Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin is the principal source of drinking water for approximately 1.4 million people who live in southern California. (b) The economy of the San Gabriel Valley is dependent upon the availability of a safe, reliable source of water for the residents and businesses in the region. (c) The groundwater supply in the Main San Gabriel Basin is contaminated by both volatile organic compounds and inorganic chemicals, including perchlorate, that are known to be carcinogenic and otherwise dangerous to human health. (d) The presence of perchlorate contamination is directly associated with. the production of solid rocket fuels and explosives related to the defense and national security of the United States of America. (e) The contaminated groundwater in the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin is now spreading toward Los Angeles County's Central Groundwater Basin. (n The spreading of contaminated groundwater into the massive Central Groundwater Basin will adversely affect the drinking water of over half of Los Angeles County. (g) The health and economy of the entire southern California region may be devastated by the continued presence and possible spreading of contaminated groundwater. (h) Perchlorate contamination of drinking water is a serious health related problem in other areas of the United States outside southern California. (i) The application of treatment technology in the Main San Gabriel Basin may be used as a model for areas in the United States with similar contamination problems. (j)All stakeholders affected by the contaminated groundwater have joined together to support a comprehensive plan to treat the contaminated groundwater and reclaim the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin for the storage of a safe, reliable drinking water source. SEC. 2. (a) The sum of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the State Water Resources Control Board, for allocation to the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority, or lu.�.11. .. .. .�....h.,6:..6nn,L:. L Li...lnfln➢Vrn nnn,-n.rnnT /RRab LAiT IAOI An A/hn Tn d-291999 12:d6PM FROM USCVMWD 626 443 0617 P. 15 i,CKtmauuu rage ) LH 3 its successor agency, to provide grants and loans to local agencies to carry out groundwater remediation demonstration projects in the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. (b) The appropriation set forth in subdivision (a) does not affect the imposition of any fines on responsible parties by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in connection with contaminated groundwater in the Main San. Gabriel Groundwater Basin. wat.._ n.a-iztr Home Senators j ji>Iation Committees Schedules Ot1iceh/Coucuses AudioiTV tuts/Links Please send any questions or comments about this site to WeI,'Iasterar sen.e a go. httn //www.Ken ca nnv/hthin/tecthin/ca-html9f(1PPF12 R(1(1TY1RTT T (`TTRRRNT /ARidD d/on/oo RESOLUTION NO. 99-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 111E CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUPPORTING PHE LEGISLATIVE EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH GROUNDWATER CLEAN-UP IN THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN WHEREAS, the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin is the principle source of drinking water for about 1.4 million people who live in Southern California; and WHEREAS,the economy of the San Gabriel Valley is dependent upon the availability of a safe, reliable source of water for the residents and businesses in the region; and WHEREAS, the contamination of the San Gabriel Basin's water supply was discovered in 1979, causing the loss of a vital, important local resource in several areas; and WHEREAS,the groundwater supply in the San Gabriel Basin is contaminated by both volatile organic compounds and inorganic chemicals, including perchlorate, that may be dangerous to human health; and WHEREAS, the restoration of the groundwater supply in the San Gabriel Basin will provide benefits to the health and welfare of the residents and the environment; and WHEREAS, the burden of funding the clean-up program would cause undue financial hardship on the San Gabriel Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD THAT: SECTION 1. The City of Rosemead supports AB 1420 to appropriate $10,000,000 to assist in the funding of groundwater cleanup projects in the San Gabriel Basin. SECTION 2. The City of Rosemead supports AB 1217 to provide a sales tax exemption for the purchase of equipment and facilities for the clean-up of the contamination in the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. SECTION 3. The City of Rosemead supports SIR 8 which memorializes the President and Congress of the United States to enact legislation to make available necessary funds to implement groundwater remediation in the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. DONE, THIS 11th DAY OF MAY, 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk - RESOLUTION NO. 99-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUPPORTING I HE SAN GABRIEL DRINKING WATER INITIATIVE WHEREAS, the San Gabriel Goundwater Basin is the principle source of drinking water for about 1.4 million people who live in Southern California; and WHEREAS, the economy of the San Gabriel Valley is dependent upon the availability of a safe, reliable source of water for the residents and businesses in the region; and WHEREAS, the goundwater supply in the San Gabriel Basin is contaminated by both volatile organic compounds and inorganic chemicals, including perchlorate, that are known to be carcinogenic and otherwise dangerous to human health; and WHEREAS, the presence of perchlorate contamination is directly associated with the production of solid rocket fuels and explosives related to the defense and national security of the United States of America; and WHEREAS, the contaminated groundwater in the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin is now spreading toward Los Angeles County's Central groundwater basin; and WHEREAS,the spreading of contaminated groundwater into the massive Central Basin will adversely affect the drinking water of over half of Los Angeles County; and WHEREAS, the health and economy of the entire Southern California region may be devastated by the continuation and possible spreading of contaminated groundwater; and WHEREAS, perchlorate contamination of drinking water is a serious health related problem in other areas of the United States beyond Southern California; and WHEREAS, the application of treatment technology in the San Gabriel basin may be used as a model for areas in the United States with similar contamination problems; and WHEREAS, all stakeholders affected by the contaminated groundwater have joined together to support a comprehensive plan to treat the contaminated groundwater and reclaim the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin for the storage of a safe, reliable drinking water source. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemead that: As an active stakeholder in the health and economy of the San Gabriel Valley, the City of Rosemead recognized the government of the United States as a necessary participant in the clean-up of the San Gabriel Basin Groundwater Basin. As an active stakeholder in the City of Rosemead calls upon the Congress of the United States to pass all necessary legislation to implement the San Gabriel Basin Drinking Water Initiative. DONE THIS 11th DAY OF MAY, 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk