CC – Item 3D – Res No. 98-37 i: st of f eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL • FROM. FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGED, . RE: RESOLUTION NO. 98-37 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY AGREEMENT Attached for your consideration is a letter from the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments requesting that member cities amend the Joint Powers Agreement to allow the creation of the San Gabriel Valley Gateway to America Construction Authority that will carry out the day to day implementation of the Alameda Corridor-East, Gateway to America Project. As a result of current construction of the Alameda Corridor, there will be increased train traffic from the San Pedro\Long Beach area through existing San Gabriel Valley railroad lines. The Council of Governments will receive approximately $300 million in partial funding that is needed to align the tracks and construct grade separations. The total cost is estimated to be $1 billion. The Construction Authority will receive its funding from the COG which will receive funds from federal, state and private sources. Attached is the Resolution with attachments, a letter from the COG, and additional information on the Gateway to America Project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council adopt Resolution 98-37 Approving and Adopting the First Amendment to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Joint Powers • Authority Agreement. COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 2 51998 ITEM No. _777_ •-v. RESOLUTION NO. 98-37 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) was established by that certain Joint Powers Authority Agreement entered into as of March 1, 1994; and WHEREAS, the SGVCOG is contemplating approval of the Alamenda Corridor-East, Gateway to America Project (Project); and WHEREAS, the SGVCOG is in the process of undertaking environmental review of such Project and is in the process of seeking and receiving funds for the Project; and WHEREAS, any funds received by the SGVCOG for the Project will include restrictions and responsibilities concerning such funds, imposed by Federal, State and local entities, requiring the SGVCOG to monitor and control the spending of such funds; and WHEREAS, the administration of the Project and the day-to-day implementation of the Project will require significant time and effort, which would detract from the SGVCOG Governing Board's other duties and responsibilities; and WHEREAS, the First Amendments to San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Joint Powers Authority Agreement would create the Alameda Corridor East- Construction Authority which would have responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the First Amendment to San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Joint Powers Authority Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, is approved and adopted. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK FIRST AMENDMENT TO SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY AGREEMENT This First Amendment to San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Joint Powers Authority Agreement ("Amendment") is entered into by and between the members of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments ("SGVCOG") and is intended to amend that certain Joint Powers Authority Agreement ("IPA Agreement") entered into by and between the members of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, effective March 1, 1994. This Amendment is entered into with respect to the following facts: RECITALS 1. Whereas the SGVCOG was established by that certain Joint Powers Authority Agreement entered into as of March 1, 1994; and 2. Whereas the SGVCOG is contemplating approval of the Alameda Corridor—East, Gateway to America Project ("Project"); and 3. Whereas the SGVCOG is in the process of undertaking environmental review of such Project and is in the process of seeking and receiving funds for the Project; and 4. Whereas any funds received by the SGVCOG for the Project will include restrictions and responsibilities concerning such funds, imposed by Federal, State and local entities, requiring the SGVCOG to monitor and control the spending of such funds; and S. Whereas the administration of the Project and the day-to-day implementation of the Project will require significant time and effort, which would detract from the Governing Board's other duties and responsibilities. NOW, THEREFORE, the members of the SGVCOG do hereby agree as follows: SECTION 1. The JPA Agreement is hereby amended to include the following language: "Section 27. Alameda Corridor—East,Gateway to America Construction Authority. a. In addition to the Governing Board of the Council, there shall be an Alameda Corridor—East, Gateway to America Construction Authority (the"ACE Construction Authority"). The ACE Construction Authority shall have responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of the Alameda Corridor—East, Gateway to America Project (the`Project") as ultimately adopted and approved by the Governing Board pursuant to Federal, State and local regulations. To facilitate such implementation of the Project, the ACE Construction Authority, upon the assignment of funds to it and subject to such restrictions imposed by Federal, State and local Governmental entities and by the SGVCOG Governing Board, shall have the following powers to act on behalf of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments: (1) To make and enter into contracts, including public works contracts and contracts for design, materials and construction, and for the services of engineers, consultants, planners, and single purpose public or private groups, on behalf of and in the name of the SGVCOG; (2) To employ agents, officers and employees; (3) To acquire, by purchase or eminent domain, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, maintain in whole or in part, on behalf of and in the name of the SGVCOG, land, facilities and appurtenances necessary or convenient for the completion of the Project; (4) To lease, manage, maintain, and operate on behalf of and in the name of the SGVCOG any buildings, works or improvements; and (5) To provide for or obtain insurance for the SGVCOG and members of the ACE Construction Authority, and their agents, officers, and employees. b. The powers of the ACE Construction Authority shall be exercised only in furtherance of the Project and may be further limited and/or expanded by the SGVCOG by-laws, as adopted or amended by the Governing Board. c. The ACE Construction Authority shall be comprised of nine (9) members, the qualifications for which shall be set forth in the by-laws. The ACE Construction Authority shall consist of one member from each municipal jurisdiction within which the Project, or any phase thereof, will be constructed; one member from each non-member jurisdiction: (the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles and the City of Pico Rivera); and the President of the SGVCOG, or his or her delagee. For non-SGVCOG member jurisdictions, participation on the Committee shall require an agreement between the non-member jurisdiction and the SGVCOG by which the non-member jurisdiction agrees to be bound by this Amendment and the SGVCOG by-laws governing the ACE Construction Authority. d. It is contemplated that the SGVCOG will receive funds to be used for the Project from various federal, state and local funding sources and that the Refit: 548.2 2 receipt of such funds will be conditioned by regulation, law or agreement. The Governing Board shall have control of all such funds until such time as responsibility for management and/or use of the finds is transferred to the ACE Construction Authority by the Board by appropriate Board Action. Such Action, in additional to the delegation of annual budgeting authority, may contain restrictions on the use of such funds and on the ACE Construction Authority, in addition to any found in the Board- adopted by-laws, and as is required by Federal, State and local entities and the SGVCOG. e. The ACE Construction Authority may be dissolved by the Board upon a majority (50% + 1) vote. In the event that the Committee is dissolved by the Board, the Board shall succeed to the rights, responsibilities, obligations and duties of the ACE Construction Authority." SECTION 2. This Amendment to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Joint Powers Agreement shall be effective September 17, 1998 if fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the members of the SGVCOG have signed this Amendment by that date. If not, then the effective date shall be the first date upon which fifty(50%) plus one (1) of the members sign this Amendment. This Amendment may be executed in counterparts. The members of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments have caused this Amendment to be executed on their behalf, respectively, as follows: City of Mayor Attest: City Clerk] Ret#: 548.2 3 • -- „Tr ": . .�It.t San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments , I 1/ 3R71 Fact Cnlnrzdn Rnulevard .Glifa 1111 PacMMPnn CL 9110]79]0 Phnnzi( VR1564-9707 Fav IR2615FA-1118 OFFICERSAugust 14, 1998 President Algid a Leiga Hon. Robert Bruesch rice President Mayor Pro Tern Harry Baldwin City of Rosemead rreasuradAudtor 1086 D Walnut Grove Avenue Lara Blakely Rosemead, CA 91770 MEMBERS Alhambra Re: Amendment to the SGVCOG JPA creating the ACE Construction Authority Arcadia Dear Hon, Bruesch: Anus Baldwin Park At the June 1998 meeting of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Bradbury (SGVCOG), the Governing Board directed the preparation of documents necessary to establish Claremont the entity that will conduct the day to day implementation of the Alameda Corridor-East, CovinaGateway to America Project (the ACE Project). Diamond Bar Enclosed is the "First Amendment to the San Gabriel Valley Council Of Governments Duarte Joint Powers Authority Agreement" and a sample resolution for adoption by your City Council. El Monte The Amendment will create the San Gabriel Gateway to America Construction Authority (the Glendora "Construction Authority.") The Amendment has been reviewed by the ACE Subcommittee and Industry their comments have been included in the document. lowinds/, ea poem, Please agendize the enclosed resolution for adoption of the "First Amendment to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Joint Powers Authority Agreement" by your City La Yarns Council prior to the September 17, 1998 meeting of the SGVCOG Governing Board (or as soon Monrovia as practical). Montebello Monterey Park Our goal is to have as many of the SGVCOG member cities as possible approve the Pasadena Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement prior to the September 17th SGVCOG meeting so Pomona that other "start up" matters setting up the ACE Construction Authority can be considered for Rosemead approval by the SGVCOG Governing Board at the September 17th meeting. San Dimas Once created, the Construction Authority will be authorized to carry out the day-to-day San Gabriel implementation of the ACE Project. Funds for the Project will be obtained by the SGVCOG San Marino and forwarded to the Construction Authority by specific action of the Governing Board. The Sierra Madre exercise of powers by the Construction Authority will be limited by such action, as well as the South El Mon, amended SGVCOG By-Laws. The By-Law amendments have been and are being reviewed by SoutAPaaadana the ACE Subcommittee and will be in the agenda packet for the September 17, 1998 Governing Board Meeting. The Committee will also review draft Standards of Conduct at its August 25, Walnut 1998 meeting. That document will also be included in the agenda packet for the September West Goer a 17th meeting. EXE[IIPVE DIRECTOR' SECAEIAR! DmAelae 1.Conway Arroyo Associates,Inc Please feel free to contact either Nick Conway (626) 564-9702, or Lee DoIley (213) 236-2711 should you have any questions pertaining to the Amendment or the resolution. Please forward the resolution adopted by your City Council to Nick Conway at your earliest convenience. We are moving forward on this important project. Sincerely, grid G. (4C —A President Enclosures cc: Nick Conway ]n Dolley vt .'" 1O� San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Alameda Corridor-East, Gateway to America Project FACTS Project: (Map Attached) The corridor project is comprised of a distance of 35 miles through San Gabriel Valley between East Los Angeles and Pomona (generally paralleling the 1-10 San Bernardino Freeway San Bernardino Freeway and SR-60 Freeway). The corridor project serves an area of approximately 1.8 million residents and 30 municipalities. The project connects the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to the transcontinental rail network creating a faster more efficient method for distributing the expected $250 billion in trade. The project is a corridor wide improvement program which will expand global trade;increase commuter rail capacity; provide safety protection measures; reduce auto/truck congestion traffic at 55 crossings to improve safety and mobility; provide roadway widenings to increase global trade capacity at 17 locations; construct grade separations at 25 locations to reduce a 300% increase in wait times with average gate down dwell times of 10-24 minutes. Key Project Components: The projects consists of a combination of mobility and trade capacity expansion; safety protection measures, advanced traffic signal control measures; roadway widenings; and grade separations. Jump Start Program ($61 million): The Safety Upgrade Program($30 million)will be implemented at all 55 crossings and includes: protection equipment and measures; signing and striping; updated signal preemption; new or improved medians; active warning devices; pedestrian provisions; regrading and repair of crossing blocks. The Traffic Control Measures ($31 million) will implement advanced signal control measures in seven signal groups along the 35 mile corridor. The measures would detect and track train movement and 'condition' signals to minimize signal preemption impact by directing vehicles to grade separations;avoid loading vehicles onto streets with grade crossings: and favor movement on arterial parallel to the rail line during train passage. Roadway Widening Measures ($68 million) and Grade Separations ($821 million): The project would widen 17 roadways and grade separate 25 rail crossings throughout the most heavily used 55 crossings. Key Statistics: • Cost -Estimated cost is $950 million (1998 dollars) • Schedule-The project has an eight year construction completion schedule • Funding -The $950 million, estimated cost of the project, will be funded through a combination of federal, state, local and private sources Bi-Partisan Support of Alameda Corridor-East, Gateway to America Project: • Four congressional members whose districts are served by the Project (including David Dreier;Jay Kim; Esteban Torres; and Matthew Martinez) • Mayor of Los Angeles • State of California • 30 municipalities of San Gabriel Valley • County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors whose Districts are served by the Project • Los Angles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MIA) • Southern California .Association of Governments (SCAG) Project Benefits: • 128 tons of air pollutants will be saved annually in the worst air basin in the nation • 25% of all US waterborne international trade, Pacific Rim trade will come through the Long Beach and Los Angeles Ports • International trade will double from the current 100 million metric tons of cargo valued at $157 billion annually to $314 billion by 2020 • 700,000 jobs will he added in California by the successful completion of the Alameda Corridor • 192,000 additional jobs projected for San Gabriel Valley by 2020 will he preserved • Projected doubling of gate down dwell times of 10-24 minutes will not occur • Projected 300% increase in auto/truck traffic delay would not occur as a result of 67% increase in rail traffic and 40% increase in vehicular tra ffic due to the project implementation • The economic vitality of San Gabriel Valley would be maintained • The project is a ready to go; unanimously supported; national model of how to increase global trade, improve mobility;solve freight/truck capacity; reduce pollution and provide for additional jobs • The project materially contributes to the national economy as well as Southern California 5 -0 7 3 m to o m o l tN^+4 m In E N .-. 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