CC - Item 4D - Staff Report Request to Reimburse the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency for a Portion of Acquisition Costs of Garvey Senior Housing _ Stat%aper DONORABLEMAYOR TO AND ' ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL NAGE FRANK G.TRIPEP1,CITY MA FROMOCTOBER 6,FRANK SUBJECTNT ADREDEVELOYNIEVEY SE TDE ION COSTS OF GAR SENIORHOUSU G DAT '. REQUEST FORA PORTION DEVELOPMENT ISIT USING FEDERA DOME the HOME d FONDS. Iwisdictiona Ment of Housing City F Participating the Department Rosemead became a administered by rte Council the City of Rp$em which is budget Process, in Y 199'1-199 Act program, of the overall ds,$371A ss,the City g and 6-1997, Agency f° owthis dated M f R int ad has budgeted to As part Y 1996-1991 funant Ag Investor ant( 380eim in rs to the Redevelopment Agenc f Urban Development $ Gar Rosemead has y located at 9108-9118 sing of Rosem FY 1998-1999 f° located at 9 the City has property ty in ' rep ed as affordable senior housing. Since community h the acquisition°f p e develop DOME eXpenditure� j vPTt°imbu s proposed t°b eligible reposed gee. Si ce t m acquisition costs is an including a proposed now req the protect, the City n' lent of land to revel for from DUD, Reimbursement ental approval the senior housing, received envrronroRosemead adjacent Yo partnership with the R 72 units of I center located oration,in p of the property ith t wb of the total are. reimbursement. Development Corporation, OQ a portion of property 's 85 uest Housing is proposing sing to develop I The housing portion The Rosemead ency, O� Redevelopment t rental housing UfWC;I. -,�aE' � affordable senior Oil i � }n�� 11 1 '7 ' ` ITEM Mo. J� The Redevelopment Agency purchased the property for$1,660,960.96. The housing portion of the project represents an investment of$1,421,782.58. Staff feels it would be appropriate to reimburse the Redevelopment Agency in the amount of$1,000,000. The reimbursed funds would go back into the Redevelopment Agency's fund for use for either construction of this project or for future projects. Staff recommends that the Redevelopment Agency be reimbursed in the amount of$1,000,000 for acquisition costs associated with the development of 72 units of senior housing in accordance with HOME regulations. RECOMMENDATION Approve reimbursement to the Redevelopment Agency for$1,000,000 for acquisition costs of property at 9108-9118 Garvey Avenue to be used for development of 72 units of affordable senior housing.