CC - Item 1A - Zoning Code Update Workshop PresentationZoning Code Update Workshop MARCH 27, 2018 Zoning Code Update Workshop Residential Short-Term Rental Ordinance Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) Vacant Lot Ordinance Minor Exception Application Signage Ordinance Zoning Code Update Workshop Residential Short-Term Rental Residential Short-Term Rental Rental of homes for short-term stay is causing a nuisance to the neighborhood. Problems -Excessive noise, glare (lights at night), high traffic volume in residential areas, street parking, trash & debris, etc. How homes are rented –Airbnb, HomeAway, HomeToGo, Hotpads, Tripping.com, VRBO (Vacation Rentals by Owner), Flipkey, Craigslist, etc. Many listings are full home rentals, but few listings rents room only and/or beds only. Example, on Ralph Street, a shared room “bunk bed” listing for $20 per night. Current Code does not regulate rental of homes, short or long-term. Business license is required only for multiple-family rental of 5 or more units. Airbnb Listing Residential Short-Term Rental Options: Prohibit any short-term rental of residential home, full home or room only (e.g., less than 30-days, 60-days, 90-days, TBD). Licensing –Require that any rental of home, full home or room only, obtain a City business license. Current fee is between $66 to $179 annual. Room only rental –Require that the property owner (or person with a long- term lease) reside in the home. Residential Short-Term Rental How other cities are addressing Short-Term Rentals: Pasadena –Rental in whole or in part transient occupancy rental up to 30 consecutive days as a way of generating rental income. Short-Term Rental permit and TOT payment is required. Monterey Park –Not allowed in R-1. “Boarding Houses or Rooming House” with 3 or more separate rental agreements/leases allowed in R-2 and R-3 zones with a CUP but not less than 30-day stay. San Gabriel –Not permitted. Rental for less than a 30-day period is considered a hotel or motel, which are not permitted in residential zones. Zoning Code Update Workshop Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) California legislature found that allowing ADUs in residential zones are essential in addressing housing needs in California. SB 1069 and AB 2299 Previously known as “second dwelling units” Key Topics to be Addressed Owner-Occupancy Off-Street Parking Requirements for ADUs Consistency with Zoning Code –Accessory Structures vs. Second Dwelling Units Owner-Occupancy A local agency may require an applicant for an ADU to be an owner-occupant. Advantages and disadvantages of requiring owner-occupancy: Advantages Disadvantages Pride of ownership more likely to lead to well-maintained properties Reduces flexibility of owner to gain additional rental-income Potentially quicker owner response to issues of tenants Issues pertaining to relatives or trusts/corporations fulling requirement May contribute to sense of community Creates additional step for owner to record covenant Off-Street Parking Requirements for ADUs Parking requirements for ADUs shall not exceed one parking space per unit OR one parking space per bedroom. Specific instances may prevent local agency from imposing parking standards. ADU located one-half miles of public transit ADU is part of the existing primary residence or accessory structure Off-Street Parking Options: Option A: Require one parking space per ADU Option B: Require one parking space per bedroom in ADU Option C: Do not impose parking standards for ADU Consistency with Zoning Code Accessory Structure vs. Second Dwelling Unit Consistency with Accessory Structure Section More lenient –easier requirements for applicants to satisfy Further encourages new ADUs to be established Allows for increased flexibility in site design Consistency with Second Dwelling Unit Section More stringent –tougher requirements for applicants to satisfy More aligned with former code section Encourages uniformity in site design Examples of Typical Scenarios Consistency with Accessory Structure Section Consistency with Second Dwelling Unit Section 5 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet 20 Feet 25 Feet 10 Feet Zoning Code Update Workshop Vacant Lot Vacant Lot Staff conducted an inventory of commercially-vacant parcels along majorcommercialcorridors. 53 vacant parcels Unmaintained/unsecured vacant lots can create blight,causing health andsafetyconcerns,is unaesthetically pleasing,and can devalue real property. Current code currently requires a six-foot tall perimeter fence to be installed onpropertythatiscurrentlyvacant,under construction,or being demolished. Fencing materials shall be constructed from chain-link,lumber,masonry,or otherapprovedmaterials. Signs stating “PRIVATE PROPERTY,NO TRESPASSING”is required to be posted onthefence. Survey of Neighboring Cities’ Regulations Monterey Park Montebello Temple City Other Cities •Lots less than one acre: five-foot perimeter landscaping with four-foot tall white vinyl fencing behind perimeter landscaping. •Lots one acre or more: ten-foot wide perimeter landscaping with four-foot tall fencing. •Lots less than one acre: ten-foot wide perimeter landscaping. •Lots one acre or more: ten-foot wide perimeter landscaping with a six-foot tall opaque fencing behind perimeter landscaping. •Vacant lots are required to be registered with the City. •General property maintenance requirements (removal of litter and debris, graffiti, and landscape maintenance, etc.) •Vacant property registration required with the City. •South El Monte requires property registration for foreclosed properties. •No specific regulations with other cities. Example of Vinyl Fence with Landscape Buffer Vacant Lot Ordinance Options: Require property owners to register vacant properties (vacant landorunoccupiedbuildings)with the city. Establish standards for maintaining vacant parcels. Require the submittal of landscape and irrigation plans for permitapproval. Submit a fence plan specifying fence requirements for securing properties. Require white picket fence with a five or ten-foot landscape bufferadjacenttothestreet. Require existing vacant parcels with nonconforming landscape andfencingtocomplywithin60days. Where feasible,collaborate with property owners to establishtemporaryusessuchasacommunitygardenthatwouldbenefittheneighborhood. South Pasadena Community Garden Zoning Code Update Workshop Minor Exception Minor Exception Purpose To give the Community Development Director authority to allow an exception to certain development standards prescribed in the Zoning Code when practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships,or results inconsistent with the general purposes of this Title occur by reason of a strict interpretation and enforcement of any of the provisions of this Title. Key Topics Streamline the Minor Exception process to be “business-friendly”. Simplifies the process for both property owners and staff. Allow for conforming enlargements and/or new structures to proceed without a Minor Exception. Current code makes it more difficult for property owners with legal nonconforming structures to expand or construct new structures that would meet today’s development standards. Streamlining Minor Exception Current Process Enlargement to non-conforming structure (with or without the 20% deviation) Planning Application Notarized Affidavits 3 Sets of Plans Consent of all property owners abutting the project site If all consent is obtain, no hearing is required. If consent is not obtained, then a hearing is conducted by the Director of Community Development. Proposed Streamlining Process New structure with an existing non-conforming structure on subject site Planning Application Notarized Affidavits Environmental Information Form 15 sets of Plans Colored Elevation Board Consent of all property owners abutting the project site If all consent is obtained, a Planning Commission Hearing is required. If consent is not obtained, the applicant is UNABLE to construct a new structure. Enlargement to non-conforming structure or new structure Create a new application which would allow the Director of Community Development and/or designee to approve Minor Exception requests. Notarized Affidavits Staff would review the Minor Exception application to ensure that the request would secure an appropriate improvement to the project site to prevent unreasonable hardship or to promote uniformity of appearance, provided such exceptions do not exceed a 20% exception from existing regulations. Conforming Enlargements and/or New Structures The Rosemead Municipal Code requires property owners to obtain a Minor Exception even if the proposed enlargement and/or new structure would meet current development standards. Continuing this practice would require property owners to go through an additional unnecessary step. Zoning Code Update Workshop Sign Sign Ordinance Ordinance 310 -adopted in 1971 Developed sign ordinance A few minor revisions have been made to the sign code, however, a comprehensive update has not been completed. The existing sign code can be confusing to understand and can be challenging to administer for staff. Sign Code Update Goals Clarity: Creating clear and easy to read provisions, resulting in a sign code that is “user friendly.” Flexibility: Creating flexible standards, resulting in a more “business friendly” sign code, while also ensuring that new signs are of the highest quality. Controversial Signs Freestanding Signs Digital Display Signs Electronic Message Signs Freestanding Signs A freestanding sign is a sign that is self-supporting in a fixed location and not attached to a building. Freestanding signs include: Pole Sign Supported by one or more metal or wood posts,pipes, or other vertical supports, which the support structure is not integrated into the overall design. Pylon Sign Supported by poles or columns that are concealed. Monument Sign Supported by a structural base constructed of a permanent material,such as brick,concrete block,or stone. Digital Display Signs A sign that displays methods utilizing LED,LCD,plasma,projected images,or any functionality equivalent technology,which is capable of automated remote or computer control to change the image (i.e.slideshow). Electronic Message Sign Sign with intermittent display, stream, or movement of electronic, computerized, digital, or similarly produced letters, numerals, words, or messages. Discussion