CC - Item 5C - City Wide Stripping Project - Contract Award ° $rE M < ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL KC' STAFF REPORT a , TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER\ ' ' DATE: MARCH 27, 2018 SUBJECT: CITY WIDE STRIPING PROJECT — PROJECT NO. 25001 CONTRACT AWARD SUMMARY As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Capital Improvement Program. the City Council approved a program entitled "City Wide Striping Project", which consists of restriping various arterial streets throughout the City. Staff has completed the bidding process and is requesting that the City Council award this project to the lowest responsive bidder. DISCUSSION Replacing faded traffic striping is important for all users of the roadway. It will improve roadway delineation and retro-reflectivity, increase vehicle and pedestrian safety. especially during periods of low visibility. This project will repaint all traffic lanes on: • Walnut Grove Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Garvey Avenue • Valley Boulevard from Easterly City Limit to Westerly City Limit • San Gabriel Boulevard from 110 Freeway to Graves Avenue • Lower Azusa from Rosemead Boulevard to Easterly City Limit At 11:00 a.m. on March 7, 2018, the City Clerk publicly opened and read three (3) sealed bids with the following results: RANK CONTRACTOR LOCATION BID AMOUNT 1 J& S Striping Co, Inc. Ontario. CA $ 50,108.50 2 Superior Pavement Marking Cypress, CA $ 59,995.87 3 PCI Azusa, CA $ 143,224.89 I EEM NUMBER: 5C City Council Meeting March 27,2018 Page 2 of 3 Staff reviewed the bid documents for completeness, as well as investigated the contractor's background and recent projects for competency. Staff has concluded that J & S Striping Co, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder to perform the construction of this project. J & S Striping Co, Inc. has satisfactorily completed similar projects for other agencies, including the City of Rosemead. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: I. Approve the plans and specifications for the City Wide Striping Project. 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with J & S Striping Co, Inc. for the City Wide Striping Project in the amount of$50,108.50 and authorize a contingency in the amount of $5,000 (approximately 10%) to cover the cost of any unforeseen constructions expenses. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this project was approved by the City Council as part of the City's Fiscal Year 2017- 2018 Budget, which includes $60,000 in Prop C funding from the City Wide Striping Project CIP account. The balance of $108.50 will be taken out of Gas Tax funding from the Public Works Department, Field Services Division, Traffic Sign and Markers account, which has a current balance of$72,430. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Construction Cost Description Amount Contract Amount $ 50,108.50 Construction Contingencies (10%) $ 5,000.00 Total Contract Amount $ 55,108.50 Contract Administration (Inspection & Staff Time) $ 5,000.00 Total Construction Cost $ 60,108.50 STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The City Wide Striping Project contributes to Strategy 3 "Beautification and Infrastructure" by continuing efforts to enhance the condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way. City Council Meeting March 27,2018 Page 3 of 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Submitted by: R ael M. Fajardo,P.E. City Engineer ichelle (rector ublic Works Attachment A: Plans and Specifications(Available in the City Clerk's Office) Attachment B: Bid Analysis Attachment C: Bid Proposal of J & S Striping Co. Inc. 4*Eiio M E IVIG R E 1;,, Attachment A Plans and Specifications (Available in the City Clerk's Office) E M * CIVIC F FID1 " oAPo ‘h9 Attachment B Bid Analysis .i S S STE:P:NU CO :NC EIDOER SECTION 1•BID SCHEDULE • • CBF - 1 RIEDER s Ti 7F:N: oo UK BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR CITY WIDE STRIPING PROJECT PROJECT No, 25001 • Walnut Grove Avenue from Marshall Avenue tc Genie, Avenue. • Valley Eo.devard 'mai Easterly City Limit IcWester v City Limit. • Sag Gabrel Ecu evard I"cm 10 Freeway'o Graves:.venue_ • LJAe-zusa"cr Rosemead Eouleaad Ic Eric"y t, -m t. BASE BID SCHEDULE UNIT OF EST. UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE OTY. PRICE COST Clearing &Grubbingpe,p,ars LE • acd seecrficatons. Caltrans Cetal 9 w tr So 44.:25 Segmen:witn REMs e. _._c..__ In ersectiors, crosswalks 3110. In 1 tines I 3Caimans Ce[eil 22 10,420 .18 4 at:runs Cetail 29-ouble double- _ stripes with RFV,. I Caltrans Detail 32-two way lest= 8500 stupes with RPM. E Caltra=.s Cetatl38 ° ".'51 Is :aara-s De•a40 L= 25C -_ 8 Ca trans DeadLF '20 9 12 inches Wide iNhite Crosswalk LF 5-25 'IC 12 ncnes f dev'i reLmt _re LF 13E0 1" 12 nches ce edcw Crusr,ar '_F •yo Lire Marse CBF BIGGER C & s STRIPS”:; CC INC 1 --I li UNIT OF EST. UNIT ITEM NO. I ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE QTY. PRICE COST 12 2-12':rches wide yellow crosswa k LF 1,962 lines with 2 feet:vide ladder 1.86 1 7,651.80 crosshatch- le 'renes width n' crosswalk 13 4 inches yellow crossnatc-area a: LE 170 ca 2I so 45 degrees 5 feet ce center 14 4 inches white rosssa:c- area a: Lr 560 _ ,0 1 45 degrees 5 feel on center 1i 15 6 inches raised pavement H 150 ..v markers 1E 1A Pavement Lecerd Marker;Stop Eti 02 Ahead. Only. Keno Clear Scnoel 11, 25 045.5F Zone. etc 1 17 Pavement Legere Marker :;Arrows EA 109 1.40 HOFGO .igrt or lett) 16 Pavement Legend Market EA 2 i Vs 4.5 9I_90 1., I (Railroad Crossing' j 19 Red Curb LF F 13.833 786e.ce 20 GreenCurb1, LF 30C I -65 Ies.[o I 121 Parallel Parking Stalls ail EA 94 1 z5.55 2,401.70 !, "Thermoplastic shall be used on all striping details,crosswalks, pavement markings,and arrows. TOTAL BASE BID PRICE(SCHEDULE BID PRICE): $ '0- "1b." FIFTY THUL'£:.NJ UNE HTNEPFS EICH: ANE SC/I0C Dollar amount in written tory Note The City of Rosemead reserves :ne runt to reduce of increase me q.rantities of any items h the scnedale cf bid items abovecr:hin the limits define in Section 3-2 2.1 of the Standard Specifications, :o stay within tie budgeted amount of ihs project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid Items,the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above.The owner can choose to include one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project.If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner, the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. CBF- 3 bIDDtR re dngersioned agrees t-ct mese.om'act 3id Forms constitute a"i'crier he tie Cw"er wrier carnet toe witndrawa'or the^u'noer cf Y[cricing Days Ind cated in the Notice kr:i:nc Bids from and ate'the tic ooei-s date or until aContract for:re'ACerrs i 'u•vexecuted bythe Owerane.ethird pry. trierever iserror ThE carYgnbe also agrees Chat'tree s a p sc'epa^cy tietNeCr t^e smie^. amour:of 3 a PrIce arc :^e -unenoal amount of the 3rd Pnccthe or nen amount sha I go re"' Arttacnec herein is a certified chem a cashiers chock o' a bid bond in Ire amount of _Dol ars r;$s'to es said amount ceing not ess Mar ten percent (4 OFF] of the iota. Bid Price The orders gred agrees that sad amour" shat be retarned ca Me Ower f. ogee award me 'a or refuse to execute the Contac:and fur-sh -^e:et reu bods :edit.rates arc_ndorsemer:s. seance and ether per kat ors nit r t p-ovlded at,aidec a Contractthe aniersgned agrees he execrate the forma.Contract wr ph will be prepared by the Owner'3r executionwith'^ five 151 Calendar Days followi^g trio .ever.cl Award to' ''re Contractand wi de'ver to the Owner.v.lhn!ha'.same period the necessary or genal Ceticates e' nsurance. Endorsements of Psrarce Performance Bend =aynent Bond and all over do-:urectatian a^d cerificatan :Nu red by the Contram The linden aned odes a^.c agrees -a::•his old s a:oemed, it wili. ass cn x the phrasing body all rants. (tie. rd merest in and to all canes or a=on is may have under Section 4 of the 0 ayloe Ac', j'5 J S C. Sector '5, or under Inc Ca'twr:ght!rt;Chanter 2 of°a7 2 c'Deas cn 7 of:he Bowness and Protessona Coderarising from purchases of goodsmatenals 0'services by tre Bidder for sale to he purchasing body pursuant to the hid Such assignment s^all be made and oecome effective at:ne time :ne purchasing body tenders final payment to he Ccntret:or Beer Lndersta^cs a^d agrees rat. .vh ' eguested by O.vrr ze sha prance 1r evidence satsanory to Me Owner of Bidder's Calder-11a contracts s icense;sl it good stardmg'. 12,evidence that the person sicn.-g this Bd is author zec to bind Bidder tc this Btd and to a centrad resulting therefrom a^d (3'I a^y other damnation and documenta^on. 'inancla or otherwise needed oy Cwcer to award a Contract to the lowest responsole and responsive bidder. B dde' e^derstands and agrees tat liquidated damages shall aaply to this Contract di the amounts of fwe honored do'ars 000 OC; f project•.s 'Pt completed;n THIRTY (30)caienda'days The Contract Time win! 3cgin to ter (10) fiorkre Days from the date of the Notice of Proceed ant subject to the terms an eenddgrs described.^the Contract Forret aid the Contract Docomen's Bcdderacknovdedges tat'data subm'tted wit its Contract Birt Forms which it requires Ic be incorporated into a Contract arising out of tics SLbm'rta as been so'dent'ed by Bidder. Bidder further acxrew'edges that the Owner play at is iisc'etionincorporate any of the remaining data submitted he'ew•.th into a contract fling out of this 3'c The ordersgred acxnowledges receipt _meters:ending and loll coni e:at or of the'rewrap adde^da tc:-e Contract Documents. .Addenda Nos CBF -4 ( E' ( I1 Y OF ! )SI( \1/1/1 VUIQAA \a.l 1 n all p ospecnrc bidders under lint lie(einem, tin the 111 ) AV11)I S1121111y(119(011 ( 1 Pone,' 'he 21lliA I. 1 m eas hereby melamed Ihel the the opening scheduled hii -UU wu_ oft AA cdlesda) \antra 28,`e18 has been changed In ATare. '. h)I8 al I I DU a.m. 1 he (-It) el Rosemead ¢ill ream c scaled bids up to III_UI..I.M. on 1tat h 7. 21)18 dad wi11 IhlIt up 'cilli gobbed_' (penin( IIIc kids at 1 1 111) )(.nl. Lie tet of Hid )uctlntento nri;inulc iswad snail be ,Ised in sd!nnittind bids. and an a.kmnclydpelnav ofleLeipi ni':hi( \ddrndum 's umbel I .lid,l ne enure(. on :he peg; CRP 4 of (he ( onitaet 11id Form,. 1 2ilane le pro)idc such ,(Laos,edge i e i shall render the hie m. nolln,spotnate and subject to rejection. I1V 0R1)I,R r 11- 1111 ( 11 t 11( R( SI Al)14 /f llate Futuna)) 'o_2nI8 y / lit .427 � .../ -1:11tael 11. 1 ahude 11.I'. ('itv Hm_wcer � C11� CITY OF ROSEMEAD uIDFNDE M No. I o all propecnse bidders under Bid I)ocumenls for the CI l Y \\IDE STRIPING I'R()JEU I Protect No. 21(1(15 Bidders shall he licensed in accordance \%1111 the pros iston of Chapter 'r. Dn inion I I of the Business and Pr'lessmns (ode 0' the State of California Bidder shall has a Class "A" or C 32 license in good standing at the ume Bids are reeds ed. rhe resi of Rid Documents as orieinalh issued shall he used in submitting hLJ'. and an acknossledgemnn of receipt of dhis \ddendum Nuttily' I ',hall be entered on the page CBF l of the Contract Bid I arms. Failure to pros isle such ackno'Jedgement shall render the hid as non- resp< talsc and suhiect to releasin BY ORDER OF 1 III. CI I Y (1F ROSI.SII.AD Date N.larch s. 'UIS ' 71N � Rulael AI Fatardo P_I City Engineer siDoEk. J ' S STR:c_NC Co NS The Bader jnderstands and agrees:ha:ire Tota Bid price is iac:usive of racecalsand egmprert or suppies necessary to co rn ele the Nora as describes r re Bid JcJcjment<_. If tots bid is accepted the undersienec Bidder agrees to enter rtc ana execute t^e Cenrrac'nnth the necessary bonds anc accep:the -ctal 3d price as cc-nee-sat on in ! I 'or a ','iors urde' the conract CBF - 5 BIDDER 1.44 F.VINE%ARD ' gnaure Business Stree'Address FOBEFT ;,FA' - - _ Type s .Int Diane Tity date and Zip Ccce PRESID3N1 50S.54 I.EO"!3 I!le Te;e'.'nnnE Number tl]dersl o"Iraccrs State,ofince'ooreton ^- F.-ee::;, Partners or Joint vertdrers Bidders License Numbegs; H. _._.. Department Industrial Real on$ Registered NoNOTES:: 1) By its signature or Ins Bd •'e Bidder certifies under penally of penury the accuracy of the reoresertations made cn :^c Contract Ed Rorrs 21 If Bidder is a cot-crabs- emet state c`Incemoratioo n add ben to BJs less Address 3i It Bidder s a panne'srIU et venture. give bill names of all darters Cr aim Jenturers. As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidders.Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf of the corporation, _partnership orjoint venture has the authority to do so. CBF - E IA notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate '.. is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Sn,, Bt9 1flpr.Jo Is SubscribGq and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this 7 day of YVt¢rit 201X, by proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. ACM Clbar Wit; connaae1ee 9 2119141 C'` Pry San Sarra*O Coosa_ M Comm.6 Im Jen 2.220 (Seal) Signature BIDDER. ' " SiHLPIE:a CC _NC SECTION 2 BID DA TA FORMS CBF - 7 H VUER. S iTP:PING CC INC NON-COLLUSION 4FF 7AVI1 Ir accordance wit^ Puo c Conrad Code Semen ?1ga the udders,gned. :erg first duly swcm. Deposes air_says the:I.,y sire holds the position is:ed Perry wth: e bidder :re party rlakiro•re 'orego.no bidthat the Did is -ct ^lade n the mteres•of or Cr teralt :fany and:sccsed person. partncrshp G^rraary. associatiod orgd^Izabon. or porpora?0n, vial the p d is ge%ine and "01 col,usive or sham that the bidder has not directly cr rod nducec o•sohclea any older blade':o put in a false or sham b d. and^as Int directly or nd rect y colluded,conspired,connived or agreed with any bidder o-anyone e se to,pit in a sharr bidor that anyone shall refrai^from b dding that the b Ade' ^as no: r a^y manner. :ueciy Or Ind nee: ! so.:cr, by agreerrert_ communication D' conference with a-yo"e Ic f A the b.d :fire of the h dder or ary other bidder.o-lc x any ove'heac :Dst e event of re bid oncecr of:^a: of any ether bade cr :o secure airy advantage zoains::^.e public bed} award ng the contract c anyone nterested in the croposed zoning' :^at all s:atements contained in the bid a-e true, and,'user that Ire bidder ^as net. directly o-,^directly. submitted nis or her bid prize or any breakdown the'ect of the contents thereof, o' divulged inicrr•anon or data relative thereto. or:aid and will not pay.ad,/fee to any corporation partnership. company assoc aliencolonization bid depository or to ary r^err be,or agent thereof to effectuate a dol os.ve or sr am bid Si ature ROBERT ARAGON Typed or' crated Name FRES::.i:6: ?i:le L & S STRIPRNj_i INC Bidder Subs::bed aac sworn oe'o-e me s ' day of "A'ca __ 20'_ 'Sea;; Notary'Alio in and for t^.o State of California t.ly CDrnm scion Expires. CBF L A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of S. LQ,1M ao Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before�^,� i � me on this day of , 20_, by =6 ziamla A .battik ParJeC proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. JEREMY LEE 1 „Y` Commission n•2139140 Y ' '• Notary Public-CMRnroi1 i % \! or Sin lnountyrl ao C ' 14.5:141M.Era all 3,2020 E C2(2 (Seal) Signature ,. Developers Surety and Indemnity Company Indemnity Company of California CorePointe Insurance Company AniTrust Surety 1.. Iso.an Suite 100•,„«ne oano,nia 52614•tsva.:es3300 BID BOND BOND NO. N/A KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That we J B S Stuping Company. Inc as Principal and Developers Surety and Indemnity Company a corporation authorized m transact a general surety business in the State of California as Surety.are held and firmly bound unto City of Rosemead _ _..__... (hereinafter called the Obligeel in the lull and lust sum of ten percent of amount bid----- -------- Dollars.(S 10%---- )for the payment whereof in lawful money of the United States. we bind ourselves.our heirs,administrators,executors, successors and assigns,jointly and severally. firmly by these presents WHEREAS.the said PRINCIPAL has submitted the accompanying bid for Citywide Striping Project NOW. THEREFORE. if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid,or in the event of the failure of the Pnnapal to enter such Contract. if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid.then this obligation shall be null and void.otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and Sealed this6th day of March 2018iitt Au J&S StnpinnCompany, Inc _ Developers iI • amity Cotnpa� ,r Surely die ... . Principal By $ir 4relire ftlbmeY in Fact ID-115816g 0onMI0*V 705.: ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California e Oran County of g On March 6, 2018 before me, Michele A. Fedoruk, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Scott Salandi, Attorney-in-Fact who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(.)is/aec subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/tilt/ay executed the same in his/kMM*E ek authorized capacity(ieep, and that by his/kexfksk signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(.)acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. wain!A.NM= Camra/20621/0 WITNESS my hand and official seal. �+ &w dy J/n ////�y� . GZ Comm_ .Etta Yr 22`2011$ Signature /( /4Oi�/X C--+��(Seal) POWER Of ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA P0 Ba 19725.OWE.CA92823(991$)2500700 ANCHAlL BY THESE MISHITS la sap r apes,old DEVELOPERS MFETYMO tO lH1RY COMPANY ad EDEWTY CCSFAJY OF CALIFORNIA Eo sot b.aty mato wet and erode* *David S.JambsOn.Leonard E.Ziminlay,Scott Stand,MORN Or seveiar red Mona IeaMAeanMu)oESG lo meet an*dam and Nfno.W.bwdr MaBveld spam es r,wda bmd.undertake aid caecal stabil*tap and pato aW midMaalSS)ofr W poser aid wady Odom*b perform Hwy W lory HOS a plge b be dale k aaMlm taatr mob dedd caporl=om do bdrrwNg to each Beak mpora»u paver dsubAland Iaoc>Bat and el oleo Ms deedMRI(pbFut mesa Sem pieta W hereby Mid end atroat IS Paw al Hamm Is paid and Hord by bailie ude and by.laity d be Hoeft Rlwlar adopted by h r sped a Wards of Pecan d DEVELOPERS SURETY MO INDEI/ITY=UMW and NDESEDY COSFART OF CLLFORNIA SSSaa a al away lo 2001 REREAD.tots=HES day too oleo Coma d to Bort the Reade.EawAn\ aSd .S.v`ArPteSdM a ay Yea Resident deo casabas ba ad tot eat d ten Sty I rladr b emcee NS Pow SASmS%ISRyrg h Slaw(s)land Si to Pas SNoney ba.oA.on HSI deo capaya.,Oea*ed.bYYlr ad contra ol mistohe:ad that we Slaay awry A.Ha.d Savary of Sher d the oxtail=t.and ale dawn haat,k ata ed bred beawoke Berry oil Power°Magma RESOLVED,FURTHER lotto*Hiss d such dead may be Wdb ary.M Pow a Ainley ab ow Hebb Halm tone by bald*and wry.sA Poor of Mary a arlede berm sib lobate Orates Sol be at HI Wing Wer h apa+bs aha so abed Ind In the tan raw nem.*say bad aduYFN a aMtl of wart to dedi It a aadod FalIsyW HEREOF, atomadredE,SS $S CWaeBaeaya Matra Haar YC AF CAEORWAIse novel,reser are peas b be Waled by ay Cal----)4418.442 NM,a4, 2` Y O y Dain Yews. Sala Ym-0mb/,vitt 7 S��f+ 4 A 1• A 'J nC In ten r kb lam 8y. /ere • %/POOP NM laedm.WrRrMa1 ♦ V * A notary wales coN the Identity of the OOHS who signed document toattach this cedilla%is W ectad..M M or other Haat canpletIng this Me bill i'*n..w y,or wildly NY of that downer*.the Stan ti Cakm. COS*a doe On Awl It 2016 bete me. _ Lure Ronald.Not REN — -- or Ir.Lel rr as aa.. ameba wpned _ DNS Yah ad Nub Landon areaapw Ho proved b me H h brad Sato*Hera t be the peradl)eta. *5)Woe.bated In Pea*aal,Male AM n tesdeed to me M twAne ey dew-es•awe NNwita H nns asocINHO.and aw by lithentreir SpMndil on as Mand the pada$(*a Me way lace Mr d IUCttLE RAYMOND H1W to puns)Set aabd h Heol. F: MayR IC-C leas Imo,abr PENALTY OF PERJURY undo to Wer d h BaadCShaed Nthbe$Wg paragraph is -Y i NRNO HSCONS C N1MMMl Mad mnaa 11�Comm `el OM Heti( bet my lad and alai sat NaNd.ySed Mme HostasVaaE9� yPubic CERTIFICATE 1• He- .undsailmed.r Sonbay a AS SanWy d OEWIOPERS SURETY NO NOESYH`,CC.PAl1Y a INDEMNITY COMPANY CF CALIFORNIA,doe hereby airy to the baoiy Pow of Ramo roan Si el bre old Ns W tea ailed oil.taboo"lid the pmbbs of the rrouas deo r',sp t Boob a SHAHol HI aaaale M bat OH Pear artery w In ban a d Is dM a h CeMrl. This CAMAS is mewed In Oa at/or ase.CAHM.eo bard MAR 0 6 2010 C!') �D ,�OCT.mByA(i • 0lea, • '. le D10e0(Rea 04/16) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached. and not the truthfulness. accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of SA.3 t.P.+utbr.+o I tn� On AfYc.tt 7 t Zor4 before me, ell/x.444 LE t A Asia( t+.Bccc_ (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Roe,Eac ARAra.ii who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s)on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. JEREMY LEE hand and official SFr: Commission 2139148 L WITNESS my Notary Public•Celeormn V n% Sw I nardS0 Dorney Signature (Seal) - M�Comm.Er�NrEJn 3,2020 BIDDER. - s 6 SIRIF_NG CC INC 2.8 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS I^ :omalante vr,ls tie 'Suclettra ant Suocon:'aUina Far Practices Ac: Sections GC trrcuer 41''4 of toe Ca for^a FJbl6,Contac:Code and a^y arnercrnents:hereto each Bidde'sna'. provide ^elnfcriabc":rephestec below'or earn subccnt:ractor'we°V, pedorn work later or render service 'a Bidder n cm about the cans:rushy of the irork In ar rri excess of one-nal`of ore percent greater than 0.5% of:le Bidder's-oral Bid Prce.or ,n the case of bids or offers fcrthe construction c streets x mghways 'ducting bricces.,n excess of one-half at 1 percent of the Contractor s total bid sr fer thc,isand cc ars 21 C COOL whichever s n"eaterand shall further se:lorh tie peraorof the ?.on.wive ,•. be done!:I exon sJ:costraat Bidder sea, ['SI oily one subcortracIor for any see :or on of tre lrsaert ub'ic Cortrac;Cede Section 41C4,*no Owner as determined that it will arow Bidders twentv-4cur 124f additional hours after the deadline for subr,ssicr of bids to submit the rrormaf e- req.:estec by the Owner scow each subcontractorother tnar the name and location of eac. ear:or-acta If:be Boder Pa is o sceciry a sur corn at:or'or any portion of lne'Won( :o be performed under the Contract .t sha'I be seenec to nave agreed to perform such portion itself and snail not be Der-ratec :o subcontract that pertlo'i cf the Nor<except uncle'the cord.to rs hereinafter set forth below- Subletting or subcontracting cf any portion of the WorK in excess of ore half of one percent;greater Mari 0.5%1 of the-otal Bid Price orit the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or ^.ghways ,ending brdgesn excess of one-hall of 1 percent of the Cortractor's total bid or ten thousand do ars i5"0,:061, whenever$greater. or,which nc subcontractor was designated in tre o'gine cid snail cr4r oe pernetted n cases c` public emergency or necess ty anc the- on) after Owner acoroval. CBF - 9 BIDDER n S STRIP:NA CO INC 2.8 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS(continued) I"Cupllcae Next 2 Pages i'needed fc'sting additional subcontractors" Name and _oca!on 7escnatlon of'hors of Scbcontradtor to be Subccracted Nacre A Address License be Decartment a'InCustral Relation Registration No Name and LOC2t ON :esti-Lt.On c"Work o'Subcontract, lobe Sutcu tracted Newt Address 'eeense Nc Decanrent 0' ndustrial Realcr Registration No Name are Location Description of Wore of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name Address '_cense Nc Depacmen: 1 Inddslna Readier Rea a: atr:;n No. _ Name and Location Descripacr o'WOFK cf Sabcontractor tc be Subcontracted Name. Madress. _icense Deoarmen:of ndostna, Relation Registration No. :'dame aro _ocaier Description c' Aerk of Subcontractor d-e S,bn mtraeec Name Add-ass Lice..'se No. Deoadmer:of !ndjstna Relation Registration No. CBF 10 EIODEft. s z S STR_a:HG Co INC 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names,addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for wn.ch BUDDER has pe-formed simraw work within the past two(2; years SEE ATTACH Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number d person familiar wit oroject Con;act amount Type o'Work Date Completed Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number o'person fanmiar with project Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed Name and Address of Owner Name and telephone number of person familiar with project Contract amount Type of Won+ Date Completed CBF - 11 I. Cite of Tustin-Annual Maintenance 3011 Centennial Was. Tustin. CA 927811 fiat' Lee - 71457.1.3177 $268.951.18 2. Cit' of Chine-Annual Maintenance 5050 Schaefer A c ('bine. Ca 9171(1 Joe Lopez-909-917-2248 $18(.000.00 3. City of Garden Ciro%e Annual Maintenance (Completed 02 21 '2 211161 13802 Netchope St. Garden Grove. CA 92843 MARK LADNEY 714'741-5372 $171.000.0(1 4. City of San Clemente Annual Maintenance 390 Avenida Pico. Bldg. A San Clemente.CA 92672 Craig Nunn- 949•361-8305 5164637.79 5. Cite of I.aguna Beach Annual Maintenance 505 Forrest Ave Laguna Beach. ('A 92651 I odd Henn - 9491497-0348 549.0311.33 6. Citt of Hesperia Annual Maintenance 971111 Sex enth Ae I lesperia. CA 97:45 Scott Smith - 760'947-1405 $313.07750 7. County of Riverside Raised I'avement Marker Removal & Replacement 29511 Washington St Riverside- CA 92504 Jack Cumming- 951 955-6815 $1116M00.00 8. City of Yorba Linda - Annual Restripe 4845 Casa Loma Ax en tie Yorba Linda.('A 92886 Armando Jaime $149.470.00 9. ( itt of Redondo Beach - ( it'wide Restripe 415 I7iurnond St. Redondo Beach. CA 90277 Jim kim -310 318-0661 $345.725.00 10. CITY OF IRVINE - ANNEAL STRIPING & SHIN MAINTENANCE I CIVIC CENTER LANE IRVINE. CA SCOTT ROSEBERRY-949-724-7620 $199,992.10 11. CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE- CITY WIDE RESTRIPE 130 S. MAIN ST LAKE ELSINORE CA 92530 JULIAN PEREZ- 951.840.8013 $ 175.000.00 12. CITY OF ATASCADERO 6907 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 JIM CAMPANA-805.674.3498 13. CITY OF SANTA FE SPRINGS 122636 EMMENS WAY SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90670 HELD ESPINOZA-562.409.7500 OPEN PURCHASE ORDER NOT TO EXCEED 5000.00 EACH BIDDER J & S STRIPING Co INC SECTION 3 NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CBF - 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this • certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is I attached. and not the truthfulness. accuracy. or validity of that document.__ State of California County of Sara BtArtarixt.so 1 /I n On before me, \ _ y LEE r A 0trm.' Rites-e— (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared 'aea.1 AMtoJ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies). and that by his/her/their signature(s)on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. _ _ JEREMY LEE Wit? coamulon S 21391/5 WITNESS my hand and official seal. s tY is ttowa Public California £ 3 St..% Son]7Comm.ExtIe Courcy, Mi Comm.Ex�raJan 3.2925E Signature (Seal) City of Rosemead CITY OF ROSEMEAD NOTICE INVITING BIDS NIB No. 2018-03 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF ROSE(1EA2. Califeraa wit: receive sealed b ds up to 101_70 o'clock a.m.on Wednesday,the 281h day of August,2018,and they will he publicly opened at 11:00 a.m.for CITY WIDE STRIPING PROJECT PROJECT No.21005 The project consist 0f'estri ing'bea:owing locations • Al;anal Grote Vtame Iron VIunhdII Atcnuc to (tone) Atdutc • A:Inc.. liouletard leen I u,lerl ( ut I int'd to \\cslerlt ( ill I inch • 5tmu saline! 13ouletard from l Ill l rec" t' to f irutc„A)(flue • I mt(r:Azusa Front ko,cnicud Douletdrd to I.u,t rld ( I.imlt and other related work as described in the Plans. Specifications and Contract Documents by this reference. made a part hereof Tne base aid engneers estimate sar Mis crOleC s 550 000 0 The sucoessfu odder sna'u have T-iR't 30n calendar days to cora:lete the Gorr liquidated damages sinal be$500 20 per working day Plans Spec'ications and Contract Documents_ may De obtained at ine office of the Cry Clerk of Ice CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E vaney Boulevard Rosemead. Ca:ifomia 91770. tE261 569-2177. for a non-refundable charge of $25 00 and 540 00 if mailing is requested All prospective bidders must register with the office of the City Clerk's in order for your bid to be considered responsive. SB 854 Regi cements lams proect s sublec:•o Inc rege.rerter s or SE 554 No prone coniractor or s,.L,',ontractor may De tided on a bid propose;for a public works project ucless registered aria qualified Mr: the Departmea of Industrial Relatons pursuant is uabor Cone section 1725 5 No prime contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works protect unless regserua and qualified with the Department of Industria Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725 5 This project is subject to compliance monitor:no and enforcement by the Department of Industria!Retafons The bid proposal must include a print out from the DIR regstration website showing that the prime contractor and each subcontractor is airrentiy registered and qualified No bid proposals will be accepted nor any contract entered'mc With a orate contractor wlhout proof of registrancp as required above 'Unless WnnA the viten exceptions from this requirement for Did proposals only under Labor Cale Senor 171 'aa' E ME S C n FR'DE 9 KaORnTED ERh Attachment C Bid Proposal of J & S Striping Co, Inc. o m $ 0 a 00 .4,, 00 0 0 00 0 00000m 0 > C O. /d O O .G 0 vi O O O_ O 44 boC 4-1i 00- O m 0 N P Pei -- r O - P - v- 2 t"' w w w ' r. - v, w w w w w 4,4,, v, L= F � ww w - P 0.5.0 O O 0o. 0 O o 0 0 00 0 0 O - - - C N N N N m N m - !O 0 - L 0 N n = K .P K M Vi fR Ya '4 '4 W vi W K W f9 Vi W f9 v, W ., 0 v. c 0 0 0 0 0 5 - 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CI a i o .n d < O N r PNO0NJin o OPm - p b - N _ W el el N N s X a - in I A E C Vi K W Vi f9 Vi Vi Vi Yf W Vi Vi W 69 K Vf K 69 Hi Vi Vf W i -�___. _ _ c. _ 0 vi vi dL. u O O - C rn O - P OO. C, kr, O Ov Ov 0 6 6 6 6 .6 6 6 - EO - - h a C ?L • y 1 w w yr w v Yr '4 w w A N w w w W w vi vs W M w CO O N < 0 W % O 0'0 0 0 0y 0 c P C P O O la0 - c N P % o - N - n _ P N � g cia K v. W vN w P vi Vi W vi Ji U .- — _ I .... _ 0o ° m » 5 - h (II 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 OO 0 OO J - y N V) 6 C 7 O in E K W Vi .R Vr, W N W M W Vl ✓, V3 W U Le fs 49 W Vi Y+ r........... O _ 0 L y 1 L t t _ L L < i Y -2 < L N c_Y 5 > --.Z d o C_ = z :i E . - - - s - 5 Co C > c _ Y m A o _ E . c r = Y' u` 2 A 7 - - e < C P - C al 00 0 N n n e 'S - y 5' a - o v o a o 'fiJ 'A n - c.- ' ? > a 3 ? Y o c_ vizi: � Y 'm 0 c - as 7. c - " - 3 - 5 3 3 - - - - a ,d, E cg $ u an _ Low c _ > Ni 3 , z ' - - cs e m` = o p Z - N '0 0 0 s V CO V V CO V - - - N e +- x aY m ; aC U aF :' r 24 E N ne v, .c r_ 6P - - - p p N N