CC - Item 3A - Claims and Demands CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESOLUTION NO. 98-50 CLAIMS AND DEMAND LISTING PREPARED FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10,1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $582,687.16, NUMBERED 25247 THROUGH 25344 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, THE FINANCE DIRECTOR HAS CERTIFIED AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE ATTACHED LISTING OF DEMANDS AND AS TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS, AND WHEREAS THE ATTACHED LISTED CLAIMS AND DEMANDS HAVE BEEN AUDITED AS REQUIRED BY LAW, THE SAME ARE HEREBY ALLOWED IN THE AMOUNT SET FORTH ABOVE. In accordance with Section 37202 of the Government Code, the Finance Director does hereby certify as to the -ccuracy of the above checks and as to the availability of funds for payment tr ��- FINANCE '!RECTOR AjTCI4, AGER PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK COUNCIL AGENDA NOV 101998 ITEM No. 7. 4 CITY OF ROSEMEAD CREDIT CARD RECAP BANKAMERICARD ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION __. AMOUNT 4100-6450-01 Urban Water Conference $200.00 August 27, 1998, San Diego Attended by: Councilwoman Clark 4100-6450-01 EENR Conference 118.26 September 17-20, 1998, Tucson, AZ Attended by: Councilwoman Clark 4100-6450-01 Sheriffs/Council Breakfast - 616.43 September 16, 2998 4100-6450-01 National League of Cities Conference 138.00 December 1-5, 1998, Kansas City Attended by: Councilman Imperial, Councilwoman Clark, Frank Tripepi, and Donald Wagner 410D-6450-01 League of California Cities (215.00) August 27-28, 1998, Monterey Attended by: Councilwoman Clark 4110-6450-01 City Business Meeting 35.14 September 17, 1998 Attended by: Donald Wagner, Tom Lee (Developer) RE: Valley Boulevard Economic Development Total $892.83 11/03/98 13 : 44 CIN OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 1 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT 1998-99 LA COUNTY/SAFER 43524 LIAB/GENL LAW/AUGUST 01-4300-04512-FUNDO1 479. 01 43525 LIAB/GENL LAW/SEPT 01-4300-04512-FUNDO1 479 . 01 CHECK NO. 25285 958. 02 A B CHAMPION TROPHY CO 43376 SUPPLIES/HALLOWEEN 98 01-4200-06310-P94501 182. 94 CHECK NO. 25287 182.94 A WARRENS EDUCATIONAL 43373 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 71. 11 43374 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 63 . 78 CHECK NO. 25289 134 . 89 A-1 STEEL FENCE CO. , INC. 43377 GROUNDS MAINT/JESS GNZLE 01-4810-04728-FUNDO1 116. 00 43377 GROUNDS MAINT/JESS GNZLE 01-4810-04720-292801 310. 00 CHECK NO. 25286 426. 00 A/C RENTAL CENTER 43370 SR LUNCH PROGRAM/SUPPLIE 02-4750-05010-P95202 42 .23 43371 SR LUNCH PROGRAM/SUPPLIE 02-4750-05010-P95202 15.85 43372 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 21. 12 CHECK NO. 25288 79. 20 BACA ASSOCIATES 43391 VALLEY BLVD IMP 22-4500-04905-P76122 2033. 00 CHECK NO. 25290 2033 . 00 BANK OF AMERICA NT&SA 43559 TRAVEL & MTG EXP 01-4100-06450-FUNDO1 857. 69 43559 TRAVEL & MTG EXP 01-4110-06450-FUNDO1 35. 14 PRE PAID 25259 892.83 BARR LUMBER COMPANY, INC. 13378 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 33 . 80 13379 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 6. 27 13380 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 17 . 08 43381 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 20. 86 13382 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 56. 14 13383 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-FUNDO1 215 . 15 13384 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 28 . 23 13385 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 -2 . 81 13386 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 17 . 73 13387 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 lI 31. 09 13388 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 j 82 . 51 13389 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4740-05010-P95501 �i 3 . 27 11/03/98 13 : 44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 2 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT BARR LUMBER COMPANY, INC. CHECK NO. 25347 509 . 32 BOA ARCHITECTURE 43575 GARVEY PK CLUBHOUSE PROJ 01-4880-04420-P73301 943. 07 CHECK NO. 25291 943 . 07 C.S.M.F.O. i 43403 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 01-4130-06460-FUNDO1 100. 00 CHECK NO. 25292 100. 00 CALIFORNIA STREET MAINT. 43402 STREET SWEEP/OCT 98 22-4600-04850-FUND22 11950. 00 CHECK NO. 25293 11950. 00 CATALINA 43393 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 325 . 63 CHECK NO. 25348 325. 63 CHAI HWEE TAN 43530 CLASS REFUND 01-4840-03943-P51501 30. 00 CHECK NO. 25361 30. 00 CINTAS 43400 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUND01 86.79 43401 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 179.79 CHECK NO. 25294 266. 58 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 43545 NET PAYROLL/10-18-98 95-0095-01002 53320. 18 PRE PAID 25247 53320. 18 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 43404 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4300-04740-FUNDO1 75. 00 CHECK NO. 25349 75. 00 CONLIN BROS. 43395 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51201 372 . 60 43396 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 75. 50 43397 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 14 . 51 43398 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51201 72 . 26 43399 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51401 145. 49 CHECK NO. 25295 680. 36 CONNORS PLUMBING AND 43394 POOL MAINT & REPAIRS 01-4830-04726-FUNDO1 2680. 00 CHECK NO. 25350 2680. 00 11/03/98 13 : 44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 3 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT CORRINE CHU MOUNTS 43392 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 12 . 00 CHECK NO. 25346 12 . 00 COURT TRUSTEE 43554 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/10-18-9 82-0082-02125 135.36 PRE PAID 25254 135. 36 DAMON CONSTRUCTION 43409 VALLEY BLVD PROJ/PMT 2 61-4500-04905-P76161 96609 . 07 43409 VALLEY BLVD PROJ/PMT 2 02-4750-04905-P76102 42382. 66 43409 VALLEY BLVD PROS/PMT 2 05-4500-04905-P76105 101964.90 43409 VALLEY BLVD PROJ/PMT 2 '. 25-4500-04905-P76125 8853 . 19 43409 VALLEY BLVD PROJ/PMT 2 27-4500-04905-P76127 24375. 30 43409 VALLEY BLVD PROJ/PMT 2 01-4500-04905-P76101 12816.22 CHECK NO. 25351 287001. 34 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING CO. 43407 OFFICE EQUIP MAINT 01-4180-04730-FUNDO1 466.50 CHECK NO. 25300 466. 50 DAY-TIMERS, INC. 43405 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4130-05010-FUNDO1 88 .97 CHECK NO. 25296 ', 88 . 97 DIANE E. EVENS 43412 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 46. 00 43413 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4180-05010-FUNDO1 144.40 CHECK NO. 25331 190.40 DICK'S AUTO SERVICE 43411 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT #38 01-4240-05225-UNIT38 1765. 50 CHECK NO. 25298 1765 . 50 DIVERSIFIED MAINTENANCE 43406 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4180-05025-FUNDO1 56. 08 CHECK NO. 25297 56. 08 DURHAM TRANSPORTATION 43410 RECREATIONAL TRANSIT 28-4660-04690-P97128 1172 . 10 CHECK NO. 25299 1172 . 10 ERNIE RIOS 43416 XMAS DECORATIONS 01-4200-06310-FUNDO1 325. 00 CHECK NO. 25329 325. 00 11/03/98 13 : 44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 4 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT ESTHER LEIZEROWITZ 43558 EXCURSION REFUND 01-4840-03944-P51601 21. 00 PRE PAID 25258 21. 00 EVANS TREE SERVICE 43415 TREE SERVICE 22-4640-04722-FUND22 6535. 59 CHECK NO. 25301 6535. 59 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 43414 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUND01 101. 66 CHECK NO. 25302 101. 66 F&A FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 43546 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/10-18-98 82-0082-02120 5083 . 36 PRE PAID 25248 F 5083 .36 FAMILY COUNSELING SERVICE 43418 COUNSELING SERVICES/SEPT 02-4750-06320-P93102 3790. 00 CHECK NO. 25303 3790. 00 FORTIS BENEFIT INS CO. 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 199 02-4750-04114-P95102 18. 00 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 1998 01-4740-04114-P95501 36. 00 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 199 01-4100-04114-FUNDO1 93 . 60 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 199 01-4110-04114-FUNDO1 90.00 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 199 01-4800-04114-FUNDO1 54 . 00 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 1998 01-4810-04114-FUND01 165. 60 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 199 01-4820-04114-FUNDO1 54. 00 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 1998 01-4130-04114-FUNDO1 108 . 00 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 199 01-4700-04114-FUNDO1 37. 20 li 43573 LIFE INS PREMIUM/NOV 1998, 01-4120-04114-FUNDO1 18. 00 PRE PAID 25270 674 .40 FRANK STEIN NOVELTY 43426 HALLOWEEN SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94501 76.47 '. CHECK NO. 25304 76. 47 FREDA GUNN 43420 DEF COMP/NOV 98 81-0081-02200 300. 00 CHECK NO. 25309 300. 00 FREDDIE MAC'S, INC. 43417 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT #33 01-4240-05225-UNIT33 50. 00 CHECK NO. 25305 50. 00 GARVEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY 43419 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 86. 60 11/03/98 13 :44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 5 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT GARVEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY CHECK NO. 25306 86. 60 GLORIA E. FIERRO 43553 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/10-18-98 82-0082-02125 285. 00 PRE PAID 25253 285. 00 GORDON TERMITE CONTROL 43422 PEST CONTROL/CITY HALL 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 45.00 43423 PEST CONTROL/ZAPOPAN 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 36. 00 43424 PEST CONTROL/RCRC 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 40. 00 43425 PEST CONTROL/GARVEY PARK 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 22 . 00 CHECK NO. 25307 143 . 00 GUILLERMO RECINOS 43537 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 100. 00 CHECK NO. 25362 100. 00 HAROLD'S KEY SHOP 43427 KEYS 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 11. 37 43428 KEYS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 8. 12 43430 KEYS & LOCKS 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 93. 27 43430 KEYS & LOCKS 01-4830-05010-FUNDO1 42. 22 43432 LOCKS 01-4310-05010-FUNDO1 30. 69 43433 LOCKS 01-4310-05010-FUNDO1 10.23 43434 KEYS 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 24.36 CHECK NO. 25310 220. 26 ICMA RETIREMENT CORP. 43551 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/10-18-98 82-0082-02121 2289 . 20 PRE PAID 25251 2289 . 20 INACOM COMPUTER CENTER 43431 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 01-4130-05011-FUNDO1 191. 54 43435 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 01-4130-05011-FUNDO1 181. 86 CHECK NO. 25311 373.40 INLAND EMPIRE STAGES 43436 RECREATIONAL TRANSIT 01-4840-06464-P51601 2684 . 00 I 43437 RECREATIONAL TRANSIT 01-4840-06464-P51601 1071. 00 43437 RECREATIONAL TRANSIT 28-4660-04690-P97128 338.75 CHECK NO. 25312 4093 .75 IRON MOUNTAIN 43438 RECORD STORAGE 01-4180-06411-FUNDO1 57 .70 CHECK NO. 25352 57.70 11/03/98 13 :44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 6 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT J & D PLUMBING 43447 BLDG MAINT 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 39 . 00 CHECK NO. 25313 F 39 . 00 J. HAROLD MITCHELL CO. 43439 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 264 . 80 43440 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 209 . 79 43441 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 12 . 04 43442 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 52. 91 43443 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 6.73 43443 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 6.49 CHECK NO. 25315 552.76 J.E. DEWITT, INC. 43444 DIESEL FUEL 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 260. 99 CHECK NO. 25314 260. 99 JAMES MACLAREN 43539 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 100. 00 CHECK NO. 25363 100. 00 JOE A. GONSALVES 43446 NOVEMBER SERVICES 01-4200-04465-FUNDO1 2152 . 50 CHECK NO. 25308 2152 . 50 JUANA MEZA 43533 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 25364 50. 00 LA CELLULAR TELEPHONE CO 43569 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4350-06110-FUNDO1 16. 39 PRE PAID 25267 16. 39 LA COUNTY DEPT PUBLIC 43449 CONTRACT SERVICES 22-4630-04810-FUND22 48 . 32 CHECK NO. 25316 48. 32 LA COUNTY PROBATION DEPT. 43448 JULY-SEPT GAPP SERVICE 03-4360-04525-P40903 5326. 50 CHECK NO. 25317 5326. 50 LA COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT 43526 GENERAL LAW/AUG 01-4300-04512-FUNDO1 7983 . 42 43527 GENERAL LAW/SEPT 01-4300-04512-FUNDO1 7983 . 42 CHECK NO. 25318 15966.84 11/03/98 13 :44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 7 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT MAC0MC0 43458 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 175. 00 CHECK NO. 25319 175. 00 MARCIE RODRIQUEZ 43536 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 25365 50. 00 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL 43454 LANDSCAPE MAINT/SEPT 98 01-4180-04720-FUNDO1 960. 00 43454 LANDSCAPE MAINT/SEPT 98 22-4640-04723-P92422 3076. 00 43454 LANDSCAPE MAINT/SEPT 98 22-4640-04723-P92322 390. 00 43454 LANDSCAPE MAINT/SEPT 98 22-4640-04723-P92122 181. 00 43454 LANDSCAPE MAINT/SEPT 98 22-4640-04723-P92622 405. 00 43454 LANDSCAPE MAINT/SEPT 98 22-4640-04723-P92522 780.00 43454 LANDSCAPE MAINT/SEPT 98 01-4870-04720-FUNDO1 210. 00 43454 LANDSCAPE MAINT/SEPT 98 22-4640-04723-P92722 831. 00 CHECK NO. 25320 6833 . 00 MARY ANN GOMEZ 43540 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 25366 50. 00 MARY REDD 43532 EXCURSION REFUND 01-4840-03944-P51601 7 . 00 CHECK NO. 25367 7. 00 MFI TITLE SERVICE 43455 TITLE REPORT 01-4710-04288-FUNDO1 65. 00 CHECK NO. 25373 65. 00 MISSION SUPER HARDWARE 43457 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 20. 18 CHECK NO. 25321 20. 18 MONROVIA SPANISH SDH CHORCB 13535 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 25368 50.00 MORRISON'S HOSPITALITY 43450 SR LUNCH PROGRAM 02-4750-07610-P95202 9. 00 43451 SR LUNCH PROGRAM 02-4750-07610-P95202 1304.25 43452 SR LUNCH PROGRAM 02-4750-07610-P95202 1299. 55 43453 SR LUNCH PROGRAM 02-4750-07610-P95202 1334. 80 CHECK NO. 253553947 . 60 11/03/98 13 : 44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 8 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT MUNICIPAL COURT 43456 PKG CIT PROC/SEPT 98 01-4310-04620-FUNDO1 2670. 00 CHECK NO. 25284 2670. 00 NAPA - GENUINE PARTS CO 43469 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 29 . 84 43470 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 9 . 68 CHECK NO. 25354 39. 52 NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY 43459 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 53 .91 43460 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 204 . 59 43462 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 158 . 29 CHECK NO. 25323 416.79 NEW CENTURY FORD 43467 VEHICLE REPAIRS/UNIT #33 01-4240-05225-UNIT33 286. 18 CHECK NO. 25356 286. 18 NORMAN'S PLUMBING & HEAT 43463 PLUMBING REPAIRS 01-4830-04725-FUNDO1 F 147. 08 43464 PLUMBING REPAIRS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 75. 71 43466 PLUMBING REPAIRS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 147. 30 CHECK NO. 25324 370. 09 PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE 43567 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4180-06110-FUNDO1 373 .31 43567 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4630-06110-FUND22 33 .06 PRE PAID 25265 406. 37 PARTY CITY 43468 DEPT SUPPLIES 02-4750-07610-P95202 61. 70 43468 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUND01 61. 69 CHECK NO. 25325 123 .39 PLUMBING WHOLESALE OUTLET 43482 DEPT SUPPLIES li 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 50. 60 CHECK NO. 25353 50. 60 POST ALARM SYSTEMS 43471 ALARM SVC/GARVEY CLUBHSE 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 511. 50 43476 ALARM SVC/GARVEY PARK 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 511. 50 43478 ALARM SVC/GARVEY POOL 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 511. 50 CHECK NO. 25326 1534 .50 PRICE COSTCO 43564 OFFICE SUPPLIES ' 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 350. 00 11/03/98 13: 44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 9 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: epi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT I ' PRICE COSTCO PRE PAID 25262 350. 00 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 43461 MOPS & MATS 01-4810-04725-FUND01 52 . 23 43465 MATS 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 19. 81 43508 MOPS & MATS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 14 . 55 CHECK NO. 25327 86. 59 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYS 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-98 01-4150-04120-FUNDO1 790. 87 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-98 01-4100-04120-FUND01 656. 51 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-98 01-4130-04120-FUNDO1 1048.49 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-9 01-4120-04120-FUNDO1 344 .49 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-9 01-4700-04120-FUNDOI 887 . 14 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-9 01-4740-04120-P95501 376. 08 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-9 , 01-4800-04120-FUNDO1 1031. 62 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-98' 01-4810-04120-FUNDO1 1980.81 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-9 01-4820-04120-FUNDO1 804.55 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-9 02-4750-04120-P95102 213 .33 43557 RETIREMNT ANUITY/10-18-9 01-4110-04120-FUNDO1 2349.80 PRE PAID 25257 10483 . 69 REGAL ROOTER PLUMBING 43485 PLUMBING REPAIRS 01-4810-04720-FUNDO1 3000. 00 CHECK NO. 25357 3000.00 ROSA MENDOZA 43541 FACILITY USE REFUND 01-4820-03514-P51001 22 . 00 43541 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 25369 72. 00 ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL 43502 ANNUAL RUN/WALK ANTI DRTH 01-4200-06310-FUND01 3000. 00 CHECK NO. 25328 3000.00 ROSEMEAD REBEL ATHLETIC CLUB 43538 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 50. 00 CHECK NO. 25370 50. 00 RSMD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 43496 MTG EXP/10-09-98 01-4100-06450-FUNDO1 7. 00 43498 CONTRACT CHARGES/NOV 98 01-4200-06320-P93201 3750. 00 CHECK NO. 25330 3757.00 SAKAIDA NURSERY 43542 GROUNDS MAINT i 01-4810-04720-FUNDO1 ', 62 .91 11/03/98 13 : 44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 10 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT SAKAIDA NURSERY 43543 GROUNDS MAINT 01-4810-04720-FUNDO1 27. 02 43544 GROUNDS MAINT 01-4810-04720-FUNDO1 144 . 62 CHECK NO. 25332 234.55 SAM'S CLUB 43561 SR LUNCH PROGRAM/SUPPLIES 02-4750-05010-P95202 39.28 43562 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4830-05010-FUNDO1 23 . 62 43563 SR LUNCH PROGRAM/SUPPLIE 02-4750-05010-P95202 31. 24 PRE PAID 25261 94 . 14 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER 43566 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4640-06125-P92622 459. 34 43566 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4640-06125-P92322 371. 66 43566 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4810-06125-FUNDO1 975. 10 43566 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4640-06125-P92422 318 . 68 43566 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4810-06125-P92801 1042.40 PRE PAID 25264 3167. 18 SANWA BANK 43548 FIT/10-18-98 82-0082-02110 8847.81 43549 SOCIAL SECURTIY/10-18-98 82-0082-02112 8534 . 00 43550 MEDICARE/10-18-98 82-0082-02113 2246. 96 PRE PAID 25250 19628 . 77 SHERRY WILLIAMS 43570 CPO TRAINING/S. DO 01-4820-06450-FUNDO1 250. 00 PRE PAID 25268 250. 00 43479 CPO TRAINING/REGAN 01-4820-06450-FUNDO1 250. 00 CHECK NO. 25358 250. 00 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE INC. 43486 SIGNAL MAINT 22-4630-04815-FUND22 47 . 19 43487 SIGNAL MAINT 22-4630-04815-FUND22 727.52 43488 SIGNAL MAINT 22-4630-04815-FUND22 172 . 23 43489 SIGNAL MAINT 22-4630-04815-FUND22 1874 . 72 CHECK NO. 25334 2821. 66 SMART AND FINAL IRIS 43475 SR LUNCH PROGRAM/SUPPLIE 02-4750-05010-P95202 43 . 08 43477 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 136 . 27 CHECK NO. 25333 179 . 35 SO CAL GAS CO 43568 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4810-06115-FUNDO1 221. 16 PRE PAID 25266 221. 16 11/03/98 13 :44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 11 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT SO. CALIF. EDISON CO 43560 UTILITY SERVICE 22-4630-06120-FUND22 140. 30 43560 UTILITY SERVICE 61-4340-06120-FUND61 20131. 17 43560 UTILITY SERVICE 01-4810-06120-FUND01 39. 65 PRE PAID 25260 20311. 12 SOUTHEAST CONCRETE 43480 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE` 01-4740-05010-P95501 15.26 43481 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIE` 01-4740-05010-P95501 15. 26 CHECK NO. 25335 30.52 STANDARD INSURANCE CO. 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 01-4820-04117-FUNDO1 95.73 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 01-4100-04117-FUND01 34 . 85 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 02-4750-04117-P95102 25. 16 J 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 01-4110-04117-FUNDO1 250. 20 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 01-4120-04117-FUNDO1 40. 63 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 01-4130-04117-FUNDOJ 118.51 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 01-4700-04117-FUNDO1 104 . 50 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 01-4740-04117-P95501 39 . 68 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 01-4800-04117-FUNDO1 121.76 43572 L-T DISABILITY/NOV 1998 01-4810-04117-FUNDO1 215. 61 PRE PAID 25272 1046.63 STAR MAINTENANCE SUPPLY 43483 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 798 . 45 CHECK NO. 25336 798 .45 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 43547 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/10-18-98 82-0082-02111 1977. 07 PRE PAID 25249 1977. 07 SUSAN J. MARTINEZ 43484 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 531. 05 CHECK NO. 25322 I 531.05 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 43490 POOL SUPPLIES 01-4830-04726-FUNDO1 405. 13 43491 POOL SUPPLIES 01-4830-04726-FUNDO1 1124 . 98 43492 POOL SUPPIES 01-4830-04726-FUNDO1 I -519 . 60 CHECK NO. 25337 1010. 51 TED LEVINE DRUM COMPANY 43565 X-MAS DONATION CONTAINER 01-4840-06314-FUND01 67. 66 PRE PAID 25263 67 . 66 43493 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 433 . 00 CHECK NO. 25359 433 . 00 11/03/98 13 : 44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 12 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE I INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT TERRONES CONSTRUCTION 43555 HNDYMN GRNT/3168 IVAR AVE 02-4750-07610-P95302 5400. 00 PRE PAID 25255 5400. 00 43556 RET PYMT/4438 BARTLETT 02-4750-07610-P95302 3644 .38 PRE PAID 25256 3644 .38 43571 EMER RSD REHAB/9255 STEEL 02-4750-07610-P95302 500. 00 PRE PAID 25269 500. 00 THIEA PHUNG LUONG 43531 EXCURSION REFUND 01-4840-03944-P51601 28 . 00 CHECK NO. 25371 28. 00 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP 43495 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 01-4130-06460-FUND01 248 . 00 CHECK NO. 25338 248. 00 TOM'S MEN'S WEAR 43504 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4310-05010-FUNDO1 286.86 CHECK NO. 25339 286.86 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS, INC 43497 TRAFFIC MARKING 22-4650-04860-FUND22 506.25 43499 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 I 1219.72 43500 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 760. 05 43501 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1499 . 05 43503 TRAFFIC MARKINGS 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1481. 37 CHECK NO. 25341 5466.44 TRI-COUNTY OFFICIALS 43494 OFFICIATORS 01-4840-04450-P51401 i 120. 00 CHECK NO. 25340 120. 00 U.S. TOY COMPANY INC. 43505 SUPPLIES/HALLOWEEN 101-4200-06310-P94501 217. 00 43506 SUPPLIES/HALLOWEEN 01-4200-06310-P94501 269.57 CHECK NO. 25342 486. 57 UNITED WAY 43552 PAYROLL WITHHLDG/10-18-9: 82-0082-02125 29 . 00 PRE PAID 25252 29. 00 VERONICA MANZANARES 43534 FACILITY USE REFUND 81-0081-02300 100. 00 CHECK NO. 25372 100. 00 VILLAGE TIRE SERVICE 43507 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 10 01-4240-05225-UNITIO 234.87 11/03/98 13 :44 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 13 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 98-50 11/10/98 USER: cpi PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT VILLAGE TIRE SERVICE CHECK NO. 25343 234.87 VISION SERVICE PLAN 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 01-4740-04113-P95501 48 .48 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 01-4700-04113-FUND01 72 .72 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 01-4810-04113-FUNDO1 218. 16 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 01-4800-04113-FUNDO1 ' 72 .72 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 02-4750-04113-P95102 24 .24 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 01-4820-04113-FUND01 72 . 72 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 01-4100-04113-FUNDO1 121. 20 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 01-4110-04113-FUNDO1 121.20 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 01-4120-04113-FUNDO1 24 . 24 43574 VISION PREMIUMS/NOV 1998 01-4130-04113-FUND01 121. 20 PRE PAID 25271 896.88 WALLIN, KRESS, REISMAN 43509 RETAINER/NOVEMBER 1998 01-4150-04310-FUNDO1 4600. 00 43510 REIMB/RET ANNTY/NOV 98 01-4150-04120-FUNDO1 -814.47 43511 REIMB/HEALTH INS/NOV 98 01-4150-04110-FUNDO1 -705. 00 CHECK NO. 25344 3080. 53 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES I 43512 ADA OVERLAY/AUG 98 61-4500-04725-P73961 700. 00 43513 LORICA ST RT WAY/AUG 98 22-4500-04225-P76322 1632 . 00 43514 SUPPORTIVE ENG/AUG 98 01-4720-04220-FUNDO1 3193 . 00 13515 COMMERCIAL REHAB/SEPT 98 02-4750-07610-P95402 1136. 00 13516 RESID REHAB/SEPT 98 02-4750-07610-P95302 3680. 00 43517 CDBG ADMIN/SEPT 98 02-4750-07610-P95002 9637.70 43518 VALLEY BLVD IMP/AUG 98 25-4500-04225-P76125 27337 . 00 43519 CODE COMPLIANCE/SEPT 98 02-4750-07610-P95702 4288 . 00 13520 NPDES/AUG 98 01-4720-04260-FUNDO1 275. 00 43521 VALLEY BLVD IMP/AUG 98 22-4500-04225-P76122 1764. 00 13522 LORICA ST RECON/AUG 98 22-4500-04225-P76322 1169. 00 13523 CMP/AUG 98 01-4720-04270-FUNDO1 330. 00 CHECK NO. 25345 55141.70 YOLANDA ESTRADA 43528 CLASS INSTRUCTION 01-4840-04455-P51501 481. 65 CHECK NO. 25360 481. 65 GRAND TOTAL 582, 687 . 1 11/03/98 13 :44 PAGE: 14 dp704u1 WARRANT SUMMARY BY FUND 11/10/98 USER: cpi RECAP BY FUND PRE-PAID WRITTEN GENERAL FUND 01 17, 093. 99 75, 810.75 CDBG 02 9,895. 63 69, 024 .82 NARCOTICS FORE. & SEIZURE 03 5, 326. 50 FEDERAL HWY GRANTS 05 101,964. 90 STATE GAS TAX 22 1, 323 . 04 39, 083. 01 PROPOSITION C 25 36, 190. 19 LOCAL TRANS ARTICLE 3 27 24,375. 30 PROPOSITION A 28 1,510.85 STREET LIGHTING, DISTRICT 61 20, 131. 17 97, 309. 07 TRUST & AGENCY 81 900.00 PAYROLL REVOLVING FUND 82 29,427.76 TREASURY FUND - CITY 95 53, 320. 18 TOTAL 131, 191. 77 451,495. 39 GRAND TOTAL 582 , 687. 16 ' y M 6,,Ast of wo _report TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER ' / DATE: NOVEMBER 2 , 1998 RE: AWARD OF BID - GARVEY PARK CLUBHOUSE AND SHERIFF'S SUB-STATION As part of this year ' s budget, funds were acquired from the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency and two grants to revamp the Garvey Park Clubhouse and construct a Sheriff ' s Sub-Station. Toward that end, bid documents/packets were prepared and bids were solicited with the following results: 1. Ocean State Development (O. S.D. ) $ 388 , 000. 00 2 . Cogley & Sons $ 439, 455. 00 3 . Award Building Services $ 447, 350. 00 4 . Anderson Construction $ 449 , 000. 00 5. Select Construction $ 485, 000. 00 6 . A.M.D. Construction $ 525, 000. 00 7. Voss Industries $ 530, 000. 00 8. Verne's Plumbing $ 534, 000. 00 9. Morillo Construction $ 563 , 000. 00 Attached for review is a copy of the low bidder's Bid Bond and Bid Proposal, Contractor's Qualification Statement and Dun & Bradstreet Report. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above, it is recommended that the project be awarded to the low bidder, Ocean State Development in the amount of $ 388, 000. 00 . COUNCIL. AGENDA NOV 1 o ing Attachments - Bid Bond - Bid Proposal �T a d - Contractor's Qualification statement ITEM No. /.Y, • a4 - Dun & Bradstreet Report \\ U/-N-bbS • • • BID BOND PREMIUM INCLUDED IN PERFORMANCE BOND BOND NO. 20944-50 BID DATE: 9/29/98 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, OSD CONSTRUCTION INC. , DBA: OCEANSTATE DEVELOPMENT as Principal, and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA a corporation authorized to transact a general surety business in the State of CALIFORNIA as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter called the Obligee) in the full and just sum of FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 Dollars, (S 50,000.00 ) for the payment whereof in lawful money of the United States, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the said PRINCIPAL has submitted the accompanying bid for GARVEY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER & SHERIFF SUBSTATION (RENOVATION) NOW.THEREFORE,if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid,then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and Sealed this 23rd day of SEPTEMBER 19 98 OSD CONSTRUCTION INC. , DBA: 71TE D VE •S PMENT grEMNITY o(�f /CALIFORNIA � By: �XC ( Principal 'TDY L. 'I t LEY • Attorney-in-Fact 10114 (Bid Bond) BID PROPOSAL FORK (BIDS53 ) City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 I have received the documents titled: Notice Inviting Bids, Drawings, Instruction to Bidders, Agreement, Specifications, Sub Contractor' s List, Contractor's Qualification Statement, Exhibits I-VI, Exhibit A-D, and Bid proposal Form and Addendums f 1, # 2 , f 6 if I have satisfied myself as to the scope of the work and the condition of the sites. In submitting this proposal, I agree: 1. To hold my bid open for sixty (60) calendar days from the date of this proposal . 2 . To comply with the provisions of the Notice Inviting Bids, Instruction to Bidders, Specifications and Drawings. 3 . To furnish bonds and Insurance as noted in the Instruction to Bidders. 4 . To begin work within 20 working days after receiving the Notice to Proceed. 5 , • All work shall be accomplished within (165) calendar days. 6 . Owner will retain 10% of the incremental payments pending resolution of Notice of Completion. 7 . I have completed and enclosed Exhibits I-VI. 8 . I have enclosed my Sub Contractor's completed Forms, Exhibit A-D. 9 . I have completed and enclosed the Contractor ' s Qualification Statement and List of Sub-Contractors. 10 . To name the City of Rosemead and Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District as additional insured on the Insurance Certificate and list the Project Title - Garvey Park Clubhouse Renovation and Grant No. 58H8-98-1025 on the Insurance Certificate. I will provide all labor, materials, supplies and equipment and perform all the work as specified �"i'n� ,�these documents for the lump sum bid of: Clubhouse Renovation ) hut( onckYUiSa 4obx .s.23fJOCC.Do 1 hu fr k-Veln � 4V43$ 1C�; Doc , 00 Sheriff ' s Sub Station 6 ���� p - I Lump Sum Bid: $3o3/ gy; LP/ Oceanstate DevelOpmentCOGATE: 9-29-98 ADDRESS: 2409 W. Hellman Avenue Alhambra, CA / 91803 Street City Zip Code 597028 TELEPHONE NO. ( ) 676/ 27 s88 ^5 CONTRACTOR' S LIC./ • • • • AIA Document A305 • Contractor's Qualification Statement 1986 EDITION • • This form is approved and recommended by The American Institute of Architects (ALA)and The Associated General Contractors of America(AGC)for use in evaluat- ing the qualifications of contractors. No endorsement of the submitting parry or verification of the information is made by the AIA or AGC. The Undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and suffi- ciently complete so as not to be misleading. SUBMITTED TO: City of Rosemead - ADDRESS: 8838 E. Valley Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770' SUBMITTED BY: OSD CONSTRUCTION, INC. dba Corporation fZZ NAME: Oceanstate Development Company Rick A. Cardello, PResident Partnership ADDRESS: 2409 W. Hellman Avenue, Alhambra 91803 Individual 0 PRINCIPAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 7227, Alhambra, CA 91801 Joint Venture ❑ Other 0 • NAME OF PROJECT (if applicable): Garvey Park Community Center Alterations & Sheriff Substation TYPE OF WORK ink separate form for each Classification of Work): x General Cons/rue:ion HVAC Numbing • Electrical Other (please specify) copynenl I9La. 1969. 19'9, d..1936 by rhe Amman Inspnulc of Architects. ITiS Ned York Avenue NAC Wasbmp :on.DC. '_b906 Rcq:oducuonuflhc nvcr:vl hcnn or cuhvonue rluuounn ufltcprovrs,ons without wnucn permission of the AIA rluina me copyright lows of the Ln1Icd Sums ontl nal be suhlca 10 legal prosccuuun. AIA DOCUMENT A305 •COSTR.ACTOR$OGLIPICATION}T;T CENT• I•)n6 EDITION• A (019MS THE \MERICA\INTI l CE OF ARCHITECTS. pS NEW)ORA AS CAL E.A sr,unsIII>C.TON. DC. `'t A305-1986 1 WARNING.Unlicensed photocopying vio'a!es US.Copyngnl laws and Is Subject to legal prosecution. • 1. ORGANIZATION 1.1 How many years has your organization been in business as a Contractor? • 12 years 1.2 How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 12 years 1.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organization operated? None 1.3 If your organization is a corporation, answer the following: .. 1.3.1 Dare of incorporation: October 1 988 - 1.3.2 State of incorporation: California • 1.3.3 President's name: Rick A. Cardel to 1.3.4 vice-president's name(s):Rick A. Cardello • 1.3.5 Secreurv's name: Rick A. Cardello 1.3.6 Treasurer's name: Rick A. Cardello 1.4 If your organization is a partnership, answer the following: 1.4.1 Date of organization: • 1.4.2 Type of partnership (if applicable): 1.4.3 Names) of general partner(s): 1,5 If your organization is individually owned, answer the following: 1.5.1 Date of organizsrion: 1.5 2 Name of owner: AIA DOCUMENT 4305• (OA TRACTOR E Qt ALl11(\TION STATE)IENT• I1 ,EIITIO\• MA" • Dinh ..._LICA\I\.TITI TE OF A xunnU LTS. I . NEYORK AC E\LE. NW.L A,III\CGTON uc 21111116 A305-1986 2 WARNING Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.coprnght levy and Is suh1Kt to level prosecution. 1.6 If the form of your organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals: N/A • • • • 2. LICENSING 2.1 List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate registration or license numbers, if applicable. License N 597028 _ California A & B • 2.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is filed. 3. EXPERIENCE 3.1 List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. Demolition, grading, concrete, excation, 3.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details.) 3.2.I Has your organization aver failed to complete any work awarded to it? no 3.2 2 Are there arrjudgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or sults pending or outstanding against your organization or its officers? no 3.2.3 Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construc- tion commas within the last five years? No 3.3 VA'ilhn the Lim five years, has any officer or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another Organization lvhen it failed to complete a construction contract?(If the anster IS yes. please attach details.) No AIA DOCUMENT A305•(A]TEUTOF.Ql nwlC.uu. .rnreuL\T• l•rw,EDITION. .MA' - z law, THE k ItRi( y.I..nTI TE or ;it(lnrecn. I-1S NVe SORK ec EM E.s u .u.a lt\eTo] D C. -20(.K• A305-1986 3 WARNING:Unlicensed pholoopy lag voraleS V.S.copyright laws.and Is sobjecl to legal proecul.on. 3.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving thr • name of project, owner, architect. contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. 3.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and under contract: $600,000. 00 3.5 On 2 separate sheet, list the major projects your organization has completed in the past five years. giving the name of project,owner,architect,contract amount,date of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces. 3.5.1 State avenge annual amount of construction work performed during the past five cors: 3.6 On separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key indioid- uals of your organization. 4. REFERENCES • 4.1 Trade References: CA Paving & Grading Co. Zarif Construction Company JR Early Plumbing Company 4.2 Bank References: Sanwa Bank - Alhambra/Garfield Branch 100 S. Garfield Ave. , Alhambra, cA 91801 4.3 Surety: • • 4.3.1 Name of bonding.company Insco Dico Company . • 425 West Broadway,...Sutie 207 Glendale, CA 91204 4.3.2 Name and address of agent: Patty Zenizo Preferred Bonding Company 1800 McCollum Ave. , Los Angeles 90026 AIA DOCUMENT A305•< )N70.3QON S k>I'A LI r IC•TIt>X ,TATE>I ENT• I'd.COITION• AIAa • I'M. Tile aid PHAN IN.TiTI TE OF.FUIITECD. r):NEm OAK ACENCE..N'1 .a Aua.GTON.D au+. A305-1986 4 WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and iy su4,ect to Ieg Nl prosecution. • 5. FINANCING 5.1 Financial Statement. *Financial statement will be submitted upon contract signing if necessary. 5.1.1 Attach a financial statement, preferably audited, including your organization's latest . balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: • Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses); Net Fixed ASseL ; Other Assets: Current Liabilities(e.g.,accounts payable, notes payable,accrued expenses, pro- - vision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll uses); Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings). 5.1.2 Name and address of firm preparing attached financial statement, and date thereof: John Briedenbaughr CPA 5.1.3 Is the attached financial statement fur the identical organization named on page one? yes 5.1.-i If not. explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided reg.. parent-subsidiary). 5.2 Will the organization whose financial statement is attached act as guarantor of the contract for con- struction? yes • AIA DOCUMENT A3OS•{ r.TltaLIIP•(1 L:Ill Al I(IN cr;II s ILNT• EI T • :I♦ -YYrv, T IFRILA•I].T TI TL CIF ARCHITECT I a\W VMS AVLM E.N GTO'.11 C.-Lorne, A305-1986 5 WARNING:Unlicensed pholocopying v,olales U.S.copyrgM Iaws and Is subject to legal prosecution. 6. SIGNATURE 6.1 Dated= Alhambra,CA[his 29th of September day 0f 199 8 • Name of Organization: OSD Construction Inc. , dba Oceanstate Development Company : s:er Rick / /if 6.2 �� M r. Rick Cardello duly sworn deposes and says that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not tolng be misleading. Subscribed and sworn before me this 29th day of September 1998 Notary Public: Linda Marie Gonzalez My 01 Commission Expires: , LINDA MARIE GONZALEZ - X11'. Commission b 1121916 f" .a Notary Pudic-California-r a l+% Ial Masks Courtly MYCamt9tiallan 15,2 D1 CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. ... e n orgi,,al assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. • PIA DOCUMENT A]O5•CO,TRACTUR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT• 19W EDITION•AM• • p I9t14 THE MIERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE.NW..WASHINGTON.D.C.mow A305-1986 6 WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright an and Is subject to legat prosecution. Nov-04-98 12 : 50P 626/ 588-2782 P . 02 t OSD Construction,Inc. dba OCEANSTATE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LICENSE NO 597018 2109 W.HELLMAN AVENUE ALMA.MBRI, CA 91803 PO BOX 7127-91801 Income Statement Year-to-date Revenues CONTRACT INCOME $ 1,511,459.00 Total Revenue $1,511,459.00 Cost of Sales COST OF SALES $ 935,650.00 Total Cost of Sales $ 935,650.00 Gross Profit $ 575,809.00 Expenses OPERATING EXPENSES $ 126,839.00 Total Expenses $ 126,839.00 Net Income $ 448,970.00 PHONE 626-588.2795 FAX 626-588-2782 Nov-04-98 12 : 5OP 626/ 588-2782 P. O3 O5D CONSTRUCTION, INC. Oceanstate Development Company Year to Date, Month Ending 10/31/98 ASSETS Current Assets CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS $138,093.00 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE $535,499.00 CREDIT CARD RECEIPTS $ 5,158.44 Total Current Assets $678,750.44 Property and Equipment $ 35,885.00 Total Properly 8 Equipment $ 35,885.00 Other Assets $ 32,000.00 Total Other Assets $ 32,000.00 Total Assets $746 635 44 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $124,500.00 CREDIT CARDS PAYABLE $ 9.069.00 Total Current Liabilities $133,569.00 Long-Term Liabiltties LOANS PAYABLE $ 35,550.00 Total Long-Term Liabilities $ 35,550.00 Total Liabilities $169,119.00 Capital NET INCOME $448,970.00 • Total Capital $448,970.00 Total Liabilities and Capital $618 059 00 Page 2 . November 4, 1998 • Dun &Bradstreet Business Information Report Page 1 of 4 For: TAMBORA B October 14. 1998 MILLDAN ASSOCIATES 11: 14 am BUSINESS SUMMARY OSD CONSTRUCTION, INC DUNS: 80-750-4279 RATING -- (FORMERLY: CARDELLO, INC) +OCEANSTATE DEVELOPMENT CO SINGLE-FAMILY STARTED 1986 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION SALES $950, 000 (PROD) 626 N GARFIELD AVE N 143 SIC NO. EMPLOYS 3 ALHAMBRA CA 91801 1521 HISTORY CLEAR TEL: 323 225-7083 CHIEF EXECUTIVE: RICHARD CARDELLO, PRESIDENT SPECIAL EVENTS 02/19/98 Business name changed from Cardello, Inc to OSD Construction, Inc. CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-234-3867 from anywhere within the U. S. If you are outside the U. S. , contact your local D&B office. *** Additional Decision Support Available *** Additional D&B products, credit recommendations and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet' s Solution Center at 1-800-362-3425 from anywhere within the U. S. SUMMARY ANALYSIS The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D&B' s file as of October 12, 1998. RATING SUMMARY . . . . The absence of a Rating (--) indicates that the information available to D&B does not permit us to assign a Rating to this business. In this case, no Rating was assigned because of D&B' s overall assessment of the company' s financial , payment, and its historical information. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOC]ATES. Copyri ght 1998 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Business Information Report RSO CRVSIRUC7IRV. INC Page 2 of 4 For: TAMMORA B October 14. 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 11: 14 am SUMMARY ANALYSIS (continued) Below is an overview of the company' s D&B Rating(s) since 12/07/94: RATING DATE APPLIED -- 12/07/94 PAYMENT SUMMARY The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D&B' s file as of the date of this report. D&B has not received a sufficient sample of payment experiences to establish a PAYDEX score. Below is an overview of the company' s dollar-weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: TOTAL LARGEST DAYS SLOW TOTAL DOLLAR HIGH W/IN RCV' D AMOUNTS CREDIT TERMS <31 31-60 61-90 91+ # $ $ , Total in D&B' s file 2 1, 050 1, 000 Payment By Industry: 1 Nonclassified 1 50 50 100 - - - - Other Payment Categories: Cash experiences 0 0 0 Payment record unknown 1 1, 000 1, 000 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 Placed for collection with D&B 0 0 other 0 N/A The highest "Now Owes" on file is $ 0 The highest "Past Due" on file is $ 0 D&B receives over 315 million payment experiences each year. We enter these new and updated experiences into D&B Reports as this information is received. Provi ded under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri yht 1998 D&B Inc. V3.9 • ..DM Business Infornatim Report CSD COVS7RUC7IOV, INC Page 3 of 4 For: TAMMORA B October 14. 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 11: 14 am PAYMENTS Antic - Anticipated (Payments received prior to date of invoice) Disc - Discounted (Payments received within trade discount period) Ppt - Prompt (Payments received within terms granted) REPORTED PAYING HIGH NOW PAST SELLING LAST SALE RECORD CREDIT OWES DUE TERMS WITHIN 08/98 Ppt 50 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos 01/98 (002) 1000 -0- -0- 6-12 Mos * Each experience shown represents a separate account reported by a supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Amounts may be rounded to nearest figure in prescribed ranges. FINANCE 02/19/98 On FEB 19 1998 Linda Gonzalez, proj cord, deferred financial statement. She submitted the following partial estimates dated FEB 19 1998: Projected annual sales are $ 950, 000. PUBLIC FILINGS The following data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. * * * LIEN( S) * * * DOCKET NO. : 93190719 AMOUNT: $1, 986 STATUS: Open TYPE: State Tax DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 09/17/1993 FILED BY: EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE FILED: 09/17/1993 AGAINST: OSD CONSTRUCTION INC LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 11/09/1993 and OTHERS WHERE FILED: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION SACRAMENTO, CA The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. Provi ded under contract for the exclusive use of WI LLDAN ASSOCI ATES. Copyri yht 1998 0&a Inc. V3.9 ' ..DBB Business Infornatlm Report 05D COY57RNCTICW. INC Page 4 of 4 For: TAMMORA B October 14. 1998 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 11: 14 am HISTORY 02/19/98 RICHARD CARDELLO, PRESIDENT DIRECTOR(S): THE OFFICER(S) CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF 10/02/1998: This data is for informational purposes only, certification can only be obtained through the Sacramento Office of the California Secretary of State. BUSINESS TYPE: Corporation - DATE INCORPORATED: 10/11/1988 Profit STATE OF INCORP: California Corporate file #01447311. Business started 1986 or prior. 100% of capital stock is owned by Richard Cardello. RICHARD CARDELLO. Antecedents are undetermined. OPERATION 02/19/98 Contractor specializing in general building. EMPLOYEES: 3 which includes officer(s). FACILITIES: Occupies premises in building. LOCATION: Undetermined section. 10-14( 6BH /337) 99999 098111111 -- END OF REPORT -- Provided under contract for the exclusive use of WILLDAN ASSOCIATES. Copyri yht 1998 D&B Inc. 1/3. 9 10/14/98 08: 26 FAX 6952120 WILLDAN ASSOC 001 W**.:Si:* * :1:.1:1:v** ***1:**.1:.',:** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** x»A:n:i:*..t .1:tl:***1:Y 9:*.1:v I:e:*1'1:* RECEPTION OK TX/RA NO. 6818 CONNECTION TEL 9098784511 CONNECTION ID START TIME 10/14 08:24 USAGE TLME 01'09 PAGES 2 RESULT OK