CC – Item 4F – Staff Report – Authorization to Attend National League of Cities Annual Congressional Conference M `E R�\ stat f,eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL �'�/�J FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER L"� DATE: JANUARY 20, 1998 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON D.C., MARCH 6-10, 1998 Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. There will be sessions on Preemption of Local Control, Transportation,Electric Deregulation, Telecommunications, Federal Mandates, and Stormwater. The City Council has authorized attendance in the past and it provides those attending with an opportunity to meet with officials at the national level. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Council Member, the City Attorney, the City Manager and staff members as designated by the City Manager. COUNCIL AGENDA JAN 2 71998 ITEM No. 2 )u vv VAA•'IU AzczI d 3»J33\0") 0, 20,.,........cp:ii:elin‘e1Ci NI., 44 . Q `No.LONIHSY[ •Ramo' ow isorlrH xoiON ENTAA• 8661 `19 B? .CH 6-10, 1998 • WASHINGTON HIT TON AND TOWERS •WASHINGTON,D•C: c; o • rs �• 'hex yTf �y . �7g I G 3 > ' • ,' 1 - ivi - if hl 111111 IGhIPlllllllelll 1.1811 I. iituI A fl 1.Ar.ink ': SSVLL FRIDAY MARCH 6 ROO a.m.-5:00 pm. Leadership Training Institute Seminars EH p.m:0:30 p m. Orientation Session for First Thee Attendees and Newly Elected Officials 5:30 p.m.7:00 pm. Constituency and Special Group Murines SATURDAY MARCF17 • 9 0 a.m.-590 p.m. NLC Board of Director Meeting 9:00 am,. 5:00 p.m. NLC Advisory Council Meeting 9:00a.m.-ROO m. Leadership Training Institute Seminar l(!00 am.-Non 1098 Legislative Briefing 1:00 pm.-3:OOp.m. Policy Committee Meetings *Community and Economic Dcvclonment(CED) • *Finance.Administration.and Intergovernmental Rclaaoi:s F.Aro *Enemy.Environment,and Natural Rcvmrms IEENRi 5.13 '1e p.m Policy Committee 1 *Transportation d Cni ations'TSC; * Human Development NED) * Puflir Saica and Crime Prevention iIBCIti ..1z p in.•::00p.m. Constituency and Special Group hi ectings'Events SLNDw MAR( H8 NMI a.m. . S 30 m. Steering Committee Va-_.ines *Community and Furst-AP Dndopmem(CED) . * Finance.Administration.and Imagmrr_raxal Relations:PAIR) *Enc v.Environmental.and Natural Resources EENR) 7:30 a.m.-E30 am. Small Cities Council String Committee Meeting 8:30am.-19:00xm. Celebrate Diversity Breakfast 1015 am.-!p3 p.m. General Session on Restructuring Sate and Local Rov.-r.ue Systems 11P3a.m.- NIS p m Roundtable Networking and Lunch inthe Exhibit Hall Hall Noon-I.00n_.:it. Steering Committee Meetings *Transportation and Communications ITCC) • *Human Development dID) *PublicSue:v-and Crime Prevention IPS CP) :30 pm.-2130 pm. General Session on 199F Action Agenda • 2:43 p.m.--13 p.m. Legislative Workshops 4:30 p m.-6:00 p.m. Small Cities Council Meeting 430 p.m_-E30 p.m. Constituency and Special Group Meetings rEverts 6:00 p.m.-1J0 pit. Opening Reception and Emenainmcnt MomDAY MAR01 9 5:30 a.m -10:00 am. General Session on Federal Preemption of Local Authority 1013 am.-11:15 7.M. General Session on Congressional Priorities 1130 am.-:2:30pm. General Session on The Presidents Priorities 12:45 pm.-:(10 p.m. Roundtable Networking and Delegates Lunch 2:15 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Legislative Workshops 4:15 pm..6:00 p.m. State Municipal League Briefings and Caucuses -030pork-3.$0 pm. Constituency andSpecial Group Meetings TUESDAY MARCH 10 7 a m.-10:00 a.m. Shuttle bus setae from the Hilton Hotel to Capitol Hill Early morning State LupeCongressional Breakfasts and Meetings .. o nn..,. - .tanvm Rnundohlrc nn Caniml Hill it J , i I i ( r1 11 HALF-DAY Jt FRIDAY SEMINARS actions elected officals can take to forge an Ito 5-minute speech All participants will iLlL1I AFIERNOON eaerdaegot eminent-media partnocelnp. Grnmrlor. takehome the videotape oftheir pr ta- bon and feedback session to facilitate further MARC-T6 IV. ETHICS AND THE PUBLIC Karen Kalish,President Kalish practice Registration islimited to12partic- � ^• TRUST:LEADERSHIP Communications Washington,DC !pants FULL-DM SEMINARS STRATEGIES FOR LOCAL Iruwmr OFFICIALS (') Dr.Carol M.Simpson,President, 1 I. LEADING THE"NEW BREED:" L30pm-5.000m. SAT IZDA7 Standing Ovations,and Professor. ESSENTIALS FOR MUNICIPAL Registration Fee$v-i UAJ J �1..11�1��1�1[[]]jI Georgetown University,Washington, LEADERSHIP AS THE TURN OF This workshop will focus on the aspen- Z(,['j7 DC THE CENTURY APPROACHES slbilbier ofotaldmeds for ethical HALF-DAY SEMINARS Regam 5 00istration t tion $H- and Feemating Moeda]Iempha- FULGDAY SEMINARS will be placed 011 now electelld officials AFTERNOON This csk p will address the chat mustconductres elves td mem IX CIP.AL STRATEGIC lengensan-ng elected officials car they lead al a the public:rust PLANNING:FROM VISION TO III. DEVELOPING AND USING staffwith stronger nerds ler hrt tor: GOALS TO IMPLEMENTATION ELECTRONIC TOWN MEETINGS ins-olvemontarids- t. D Daniel M.g Organizational eIPARTICIPATION strategics m TO CITIZEN Irn,ip'ma ill learn specific Consultant Laguna Beach,California Registration Fee$145 t t maximizing the of ail Participants unil experiencen st W _ constituents V. COLLABORATIVE t planningfromd I Registration Fee$95 1 1 tm LEADERSHIP:SKILLS FOR the h d s Ishii m determining gd Local officials wigl Hy to revitalize In.]ip1.An Homer\ .nagcmut ENCOURAGING COMMUNITY tasks Special emphasis will be placed on the the town meeting through television I Consultant Ocala.Florida PROBLEM-SOLVING heal elected officer leadership role in Piectronic Town Meetings(ETs)provide I.30 °.00pm. strategicplanning access to thed ti process and the Hv.F-DAYSEMSN.ARS Rete t Feec9nduct on' business. The DTOR'NL'NG' Pas o t 'III fi 7 t:.-- Can II.y JrE i Viceeected official's leadership role in planningm'abo leadership a s that derr,ce 1 President and Gl N tanager_\a and conducting ETA's will be emphasized. II. CONVINCING YOUR tatic. dbzmdsharedpo c: and Gm:n Lathe.mil Cole ado CONSTITUENTS:PUBLIC Local electedofficialswill dstrategiesXIV. BUILDING COMMUNITY SPEAKING SKILLS CLINIC FOR or to . .munity sas i HAI±'-DAy SEMfN,ARS FROM THE INSIDE OUT: MAKING YOUR POINT shared problems. MORNING ASSET-BASED COMMUNITY EFFECTIVELY VI. COMMUNITY-ORIENTED - DEVELOPMENT 5t- ...n PUBLIC SAFETY X. BUILDING COALITIONS °eOp.m- :W p.m. AMONG DIVERSE GROUPS RegistrationFee$95 n RSavF I , -col 9:a.n- -soon Local) d will loam a process for P D ' will receive :U d d Registration Fee$95 assessing eir commutes's aindividual e b k and h Participants uill learn how to engage the Reg.'sttF c9 _deLII ,and enthusiasm l old with Comepreparedwith whole toIo possibly tpped Participants will topic for a at D 11 pan- point± d to deg clop ° role g' gtogether also team strategies for gG g these pants 1,tale home the ti p Men solutionsto - probiems members ofdigerac communin'groups pro napped assets in civic parid m presentation a feedbacksessionto .I Local will examples P c dpe ton. tate(uahop. cel Registration is limited atone,and strategicways trt implement n,olemn: and u orking against coermp- XV. SUCCESS-ORIENTED to 12 paniciparts. This ssion will'x -anted policing in their own mg cidp judice STRATEGIES TO REVITALIZE ducted four times no accommodate 4S regia ommunities XI. CHARACTER EDUCATION: ' YOUR COMMUNITY'S trams(see sessions VII,VII.and X1 It Il'II. CONVINCING}'OUB RESTORING RESPECT AND DOWNTOWN Iw,r.Camum RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR I:3opm•=0opm Dr.Caro vMa Sim resided., CONSTNTUEKTS:PUBLIC Simpson Registration Fee$95 COMMUNITIES, AND SCHOOLS ;n Geoceetun Lints-ohms 11 Professor MAKING YOUR POINTTFIC FORThisWill -de lou:leaders _ MAKING YOUR p eg1 n'^ - "Fn workshop w vision Geo:ca L em1�,Uai ' Registration C,e$9ahtools m dC 'on(dr}oureom- DC EFFECTIVELY ' 'sd - t d cagovernment - Tune) lop action-orente0 s stance m downtown su<ars III. DEVELOPNG EFFECTIVE Registration Feec92 and youtht =ether .d build- parte hip between the local PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE Participants -1 f�in k Ii micomd -�' d hide= =passion' .in community He'm p b This sed bud and the business communim. h1EDIA irksooDwill seaer educa:on XVI. CONVINCING ING YOU Rp0- Noon Come prepare with topica Registration Fee9 t All participants willstones. ? g she' nal :PUBLIC t do contributetocorn SKILLS CLINIC FOR p will dp . g takehome th videotapeoei p lionand( e k tohi cant 'de coarct . dintefort MAKING YOUR for workinge y .fI : tr EFFECTIVELY t their oto oalc h t :gin ln d.dt_Pa:ti Dr Tilt.. -sL Dirtc t actionselected ob al d: ( e t - Center t the4th and thR Registration nFe $95 (t _ e t d n. rn DrCarol AI.': f Respect dh S n'„Stat -rt !pant ill evideotaped- divid- T ' sessionthis afternoon Standingand Professor 1 cram' Irk.Concent, ual feedback and a coaching session with the Instmaoru repeated Georgetown'aniserxn Washington \ fork instructor. Come prepared with a topic for a Karen Kalish.President Kalish DC XII CONVINCING YOUR 3to 5-minute speech All participants will CorrununicSons,Washington,DC VIII DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE CONSTITUENTS:PUBLIC talie home the videotape of their presenta- P.ARTNERSHIPS WITH THE SPEAKING SKILLS CLINIC FOR tion and feedback session to facilitate further MEDIA l MAKING YOUR POINT practice. Registration is limited to 12 1 30 p m :00pm EFFECTIVELY participants. YAG am.-Xoom humus=Registration F 595 ti DrCarol MSimpson President, Patip t III and - t . RegistrationF C9 " Standing0 i forworkingtthe media toParticipants -II. d pddd Genet University,Wushin g monimprove communicationintheir common! ua feedback ands coaching session with the instructor- Comeprepared with a topicforDC tics. Special emphasis will be given to 4 M f Qo. Y OA t . stat feport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 16, 1996 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA JPIA MANAGEMENT ACADEMY, APRIL 1 - 3, 1998, LA JOLLA Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned seminar. Staff has attended these types of conferences in the past and they have proven to be of benefit to the City. Some of the topics covered will be leadership action, delegation and developing organizational talent, discipline, and understanding supervisory styles. Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned seminar. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of the Finance Director to the aforementioned seminar. FGT:ko Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA klo:wp61/ageconf.doc:p 11 JAN 2 71998 ITEM No. 68" LSLT-OLLT6 VDl'eauiasoa •pnig LaiieA ista S£SS peausasoN ;o L40 HIHDVNVYVJJ AID 8661 'E IIadV - 0£ 14DnIAI Ainapeay }uauiageueyj yid{vINeoanvJ iersaleyy anptsuas-awry 96 'ON I!WJad Vo NUVd VNANEI 01Vd e6e;sod 's'n PIN sselpgvU a966 nxeoenr vrrnra V1 M 311H3nvrw1vdtnx66e PaUosai uo d- N_ war vmeoenva CALIFORNIA JPIA Management Academy 2-day Supervisors Course March 30-31, 1998 or • 2-1/2-day Management Course April 1-3, 1998 Embassy Suites Hotel, La Jolla 4550 La Jolla Village Drive CALIFORNIA JPIA Management Academy The CAt1FORNIA JPIA has developed a program to assist the members in training supervisors and managers in areas beyond the scope of risk management. The catalyst for this program was the expressed belief of the City Managers Committee that with well-trained supervisors and managers,the effectiveness of our organizations will increase,and worker accidents and liability claims will decrease. The second CALIFORNIA JPIA Management Academy will be held the week of March 30-April 3,1998,at the Embassy Suites in La Jolla. The Academy is divided into two elements to address both the needs of new supervisors and the needs of more experienced managers. A summary of the two courses follows. Supervisors Course Management Course • This is a two-day,two-night intensive training This course is a two and one-half-day,three- program which focuses on development of night program which addresses 'big personal skills and basic supervisory skills. picture topics such as leadership,supervisory styles,and decision-making skills. Topics to be covered include: Topics to be covered include: • Role of a Supervisor • Skills of Supervising and Leading • Leadership Action • Developing Performance Expectations • Delegation and Developing Organizational and Standards Talent • Decision-Making and Problem Solving • Discipline • Writing for Results • Understanding Supervisory Styles • Customer Services and many more. • Stress Management and many more. THERE ARE NO EVENING PROGRAMS SCHEDULED Participant Information ❑ Supervisors Course n Management Course March 30-31 April 1-3 n YES,reserve my place al the Academy(2 days) $165 Academy(2-1/2 days)$245 CALIFORNIA JPIA Management Academy. Lodging(3/29-3/30)$245 Lodging(3/31-4/2))$365 Registration deadline is February 25,1998. - Non-Smoking Non-Smoking — Smoking — Smoking Lodging includes: breakfast,lunch and parking Name(Please Print) Name on badge Reservations will be made by JPIA staff. Supervisors Course Management Course Tide/Department(Please Use Full Name) Amount Due: $410 Amount Due: $610 City/Organization Method of Payment - Check enclosed in the —Check enclosed in the Address amount of$410 payable[o amount of$610 payable CALIFORNIA 1PIA. to CALIFORNIA 1PIA. City/State/Zip —Bill City/Organization —Bill City/Organization Phone( ) Ext. — Bill Credit Card(MastercardNisa): Fax ( ) Card#: Expiration: Due to the nature of this program and the location,a refund will not be given for cancellation. Signature Print name(as shown on card) HOW TO REGISTER By Fax: Fax COPY of completed form to 562-860-4992, Attn: Academy Registration By Mail:Mail COPY of completed form to CALIFORNIA JPIA, 4952 La Palma Ave.,La Palma,CA 90623, Attn: Academy Registration SUMMER ACADEMY WILL BE HELD JUNE 72-26,1998 AT THE SAME LOCATION