CC – Item 5A – Staff Report – Selection of Street Trees on Olney Street -� C 'f� stafte ort //- TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 22, 1998 RE: SELECTION OF STREET TREES ON OLNEY STREET At the November 25, 1997 City Council meeting.the members of the Council instructed staff to send a postcard survey to all property owners on Olney Street and to conduct a follow-up public meeting with those property owners for the purpose of determining the species of replacement parkway trees on Olney Street. Pursuant to that direction, staff conducted the post card survey and held a public meeting on the project on Tuesday, January 20, 1998. Nine (9) residents and property owners attended that meeting. The results of the postcard survey is as follows: Species Votes Liquid Amber 1 Brisbane Box 2 Crape Myrtle 2 Maple 1 Ficus 1 Coast Live Oak 1 Camphor 1 Magnolia 1 Clearly, there is no consensus on the species of tree preferred by a majority of residents on the street. In addition, the issue became even more clouded at the January 20 neighborhood meeting when two residents, who did not respond to the postcard survey,attended the event and stated a preference for Fern Pines. Staff also received a postcard after the initial results of the survey were tallied, but before the meeting,requesting that the City plant Jacaranda trees alone the street. COUNCIL AGENDA JAN 2 7 7998 ITEM No. r 4 Olney Street Tree Project January 22, 1998 Page 2. While there is clearly no consensus about the specie of trees to be planted on the street, all who attended the neighborhood meeting made it clear that they desired a"clean"tree-or, in other words, a species that does not drop berries. Some residents in attendance spoke fervently in favor of the Fern Pine as being that type of tree. However, the City's Arborist states that Fern Pines will drop berries if a "female" tree cross pollinates with a "male" tree in the area. Since there is no way to differentiate between male and female trees, it is impossible to predict whether or not the species would cross pollinate if it is planted along Olney Street. As such,staff cautions the Council against making that choice unless it is made clear to the residents and property owners on the street that the Fern Pine may not be a "clean" tree. In addition,it is not clear to staff that all nine in attendance supported the call for the Fern Pine. Finally, staff wants to remind the Council that residents who attended the November 25, 1997 City Council meeting were assured that the two (2)Brisbane Box trees that currently exist on the street would not be removed, regardless of the species ultimately selected as a part of the current tree replacement project. Consequently,there will be more than one species on the street if the Council does not select the Brisbane Box as the primary replacement tree. A copy of a memorandum from the Director of Recreation and Parks, providing additional background information has been attached for the Council's review. I have provided this information because I felt obligated to make the members of the Council aware of all issues that staff has anticipated. The selection of the species of replacement trees along Olney Street is policy issue to be determined by the City Council. Accordingly, staff is not making a recommendation on this matter. However, we are happy to answer any questions the Council may have. «"'c,,'sr" TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: JANUARY 19, 1998 RE: OLNEY STREET TREE PROJECT UPDATE At the Rosemead City Council Meeting of November 25, 1997, staff was requested to survey the residents on Olney Street to determine what type of street tree they would like. In addition, staff was to provide back up information on each tree submitted in the survey and meet with the residents. Attached is a copy of the "Information Packet" that was sent to each resident. Following are the results of the trees requested in the survey (A-H) , and additional trees requested since then and at the Tuesday, January 20, 1998, Community Meeting. TREES SUGGESTED AND NUMBER OF VOTES A. Liquid Amber 1 F. Coast Live Oak 1 B. Brisbane Box 2 G. Camphor 1 C. Crape Myrtle 2 H. Magnolia 1 D. Maple 1 1. Jacaranda 1 E. Ficus 1 2 . Fern Pine 2 Staff met with nine (9) residents from Olney Street at the Community Meeting and reviewed the project and the survey. It should be noted that after the "Information Packets" were sent to the residents, staff received a post card that requested a Jacaranda (Item 1) . During the Community Meeting, two (2) of the residents suggested a Fern Pine (Item 2) . To date, the Contractor, (S & M Landscaping) has removed the initial seventeen (17) trees, as authorized by the City Council (Exhibit 1) . In addition, he has removed two (2) additional trees based on the owner' s request (9612 & 9545 Olney) and we have received one more request to have another tree removed (9703 Olney) . After reviewing the project and considering potential liability, staff is recommending that the Contractor be authorized to remove twelve (12) additional Maples that were classified in the initial survey as "Retain with Reservation" , and that we purchase 24" box trees (species to be selected by the Council) . Once the Council selects the species, Contractor will plant and maintain the trees under a 90 day maintenance agreement. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. MDB:sb/07-N-BSS Attachments - Information Packet - Copy of Post Cards Received - Exhibit "1" - Citizen's Request 3 - Resident's Petition Submitted at City Council Meeting of 11/25/97 - Mailing List for Postcards - Sign-in Sheet from Community Meeting (January 20th) INFORMATION PACKET Dear Resident/Property Owner: Re: Olney Street Tree Survey - Results and Information The following are the results of the postcard survey that was sent to the Residents/Owners on Olney Street in order to solicit their input as to what type of street tree they would prefer. Z. A. RESULTS Total Post Cards Sent out 72 B. Survey Results - 16 cards received Type of Tree Requested Number of Votes 1. Liquid Amber 1 2 . Brisbane Box 2 3 . Crape Myrtle 2 4 . Maple 1 5. Ficus 1 6. Coast Live Oak 1 7. Camphor 1 8 . Magnolia i 9 . No Particular Choice 3 10. No Trees 2 11. Any Green Tree in Winter 1 ZI. A. INFORMATION SHEET & LOCATIONS Enclosed is an information sheet for each of the street trees submitted by the Residents/Owners. B. Residents/Owners can see the above trees at the following locations: Type of Tree Location/Address City 1. Liquid Amber Muscatel between Rosemead Mission & Grand 2 . Brisbane Box 9619 Olney Street Rosemead 3 . Crape Myrtle City Hall & Library Rosemead Parking Lots -1- (Over) 4. Maple Olney St. between Rosemead Rio Hondo & Brookline 5. Ficus 2155 San Gabriel Blvd. Rosemead 6. Coast Live Oak Mission - North Side Rosemead between Willard and Delta 7. Camphor Park Area - Corner of Rosemead Steele & Ivar 8. Magnolia 4129 Claudia Rosemead III. A. COMMUNITY MEETING Finally, there will be a Community Meeting on Tuesday, January 20, 1998, at 7: 00 p.m. , in Rooms 1 & 2 , at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center located at 3936 North Muscatel Avenue, Rosemead. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (818) 288-6671. Sincerely, FRANK G. TRIP• 'I City anag-%' ////5.iiajir, 7 / BURBANK Directoz` of Park and Recreation MDB:sb/olney-st: /c(70) -2- . r, f n ,z, :1;O C 2- 7 - O _ L - � 0 _ __--x _ n -i 6i n 0 --:; -,-•• C o p o _ r. e ° 7. ? no r„-.., cz ° r n - 'a - 7-='•: .-' O O or: 2. n r f' - - - a wS 4r- a - -i mil s_ - - - - ° - __ _ ' rm z - 0 _-_ _ , _ _ - - - --rna• o _ .=7. .a _-_ _ -i •` _ _ a: r, _ r > - - Q` fir. - S - - c -- - m = _ m G - 7' K ' / '.r ' _r ,_r r .r a s ! ;I r ✓ r .s .! - r . r r - r v 3 rr s '"H'a'd.•£ :''c'_ s _.h.,. L.! ` , t ,rx i'C �-e ..... } ✓— .. ...,rtz$e... ate""' '1 �r v/ t , r .Y} 'ext H ° - e■ Lc n .•'1 f - Li 7 .. - :715 _ _ _ -1 — - W 1 _ e. P11 — = C Mil F - 22 -llI. MO_ • = _ = = - 3 i. i. _ - - = - = _ " Z -1 ...=77e 7 T - N 11 7 _ = a > • r r- _ - _ _ __ _ Z _ r -a- _ = — • . 5 i^ r r r rS v� v ry -.`t. J jp t; Y. 1F rr r ., i 4. .. t vrS ` T , 4. . - ' ; mac. 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The tree may wilt or lose squirrel plants anacorn for them).Or,they leavesafter a root-cutting transplant but if move into a plahere a nativeoak tree wed in well it should show new growth wins from the days when tland was in 4.6 weeks. Oak seedlings from nursery ld.1 containers never show spiralling of tall roots The method of acquisition is quite signifi- at bottom of containers. They form fibrous cant. An oak tree planted in a garden will roots from the outset.Plant them just as any grow vigorously and fast (IE-4 ft.a year). other tree from the nursery. It will very likely not experience any u - How to train a young oak. By nature, usual pest attacks or poor health—whetherany young oaks grow twiggy. The growth it's a Western native ornot. The old wild is divided among so many twigs that n trees. on the other hand. suite frequently elongate fast. To promote fast vertical cannot handle the surfeit of water and nu- growth,pinch off the tips of unwanted small Idents that they get in a garden and must branches, meanwhile retaining all the leaf be given special treatment. surface possible in order to sustain maxi Special treatment for exerting native oaks. mum growth. If possible,do not raise or lower grade level Q. agrlfolio.COAST LIVE OAK. Evergreen between the trunk and the drip line. If you tree. Zones 7-9, 14-24. Native to California must alter the grade, put a well around Coast Ranges. Round-headed, wide-spread- the base of the trunk so that grade level ing tree to 20.00 feet high, often with there is not changed. Never water within 4 grater spread. Smooth, dark gray bark. In.ofa waf the trunk or allowmno stand with- Dense foliage of rounded, hollylike, 1-3-in: Fat area- Any number of sucking long leaves,slightly glossy on upper surface. and chewing insects, mites,and diseases can As a planted tree from nursery Or an ac rn strike anexisting native oak. It is definitely it can growas high as25 ft.in 10 years,50 we to contract with a commercial arborist (t. in 25 years. Attractive greenall year or pestcontrol firm to diagnose and spray less hit by sts or treat as necessary because of size of the oak moth larvae or other pests. tree (amateur equipment can seldom reach Has greedy roots and drops almost all of it), the complex chemicals that do the job its old leaves in early spring just when Far- ber (seldom sold to consumers), and be' dening time is most valuable. Regardless of these faults, its cause high-pressure spraying is necessary for handsome and quite the material to act onmany of the pests. worthwhile shade tree or street tree. Oak root fungus (A nnillaria) is of life any Californianeighborhoods that oak forests.n Get advice of : once on how to sustaininfected trey All old oaks, infected the d or not, can benefit from feeding and dee epw termng,fenil ize and irrigate only out near drip e Old, existing, native oaks also benefit from peiodic grooming to remove dead wood. Ar bo ruts should not cut thick branches unless they have good remons for doing so. Excessive pruning may stimulate succulent new growth that will be subject 9 menu to mildew. aO•arnx How to plans an t. Select shiny, Q xaallpt1A plump fallen acorns, free of worm holes. • Remove the caps. Plant acornson or just beneath soil surface and put upscreento r( protect from jays and squirrels.A surer nay J. l tos gather newly sprouted acorns or to sprout fresh ones between layers of damp t peat moss (takes 2 weeks). Plant those with strong runt sprouts. Make a Crater deep enough so acorn can be just cosered with soil. At bottomof crater poke a - tical hole to take prouetap root. Insert ggta[qs root and presssoil around it.Water.Expect Puma 0 'la' 0. `amts" first eaves in 6-8 weeks. If you plant s sal acorns one arca you can thin laterOak leaves comein many sizes and forms. to thbest seedling. After planting, waterMost people consider lobed leaves typical. weekly (when there is rain) the fiat 2 months, then monthly. Fertilize lightly once a month after leaves appear. 7) .• I/1 i:e 4'" t, ori ' R%4: `I i � • ! i 31Ay � N„4in .0." ,sill 1` "C+'7 s i �.a'' �" • VF! < ��i fit^ 9 "1_. .tA r to;' o `<�i i'�t °Jt " y •••""'. Y •if / V I � 4 ,-... p J 9 1'A l q, ti "1 f t ♦ tY `xii i n s- `r^' k law se_ ornerogi iil I Volt" : f., ^S •) r - ry, ��,:. �C i t it marti = 1c rf: F Y' ' . t ' •�aYia �. r 4-5•--•• ' {'�IT^ b Yt l'ePe' • e' � { I lila, y + it air'' 3R .a 99ynR I, , . 11 ` { t3 i'r'e • 3 '' S 4 `risk /u1 t .24. 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Pi v z x w - ro tiN �y � o yy ti cores "Cl 0 a COIV 0 0 3 n X m x . 0 .< N, H r) N tz+1 M m 'On o m N 0 70J LT] n rn m xrtm P1 X ro o m m rb n 0 m 0 V1 M V-' O Cl) m X' rt m �, o m t• t• z 0 It r 0 1 ", ' m mmcn. n �m7 , 0 m `-- 0 �Cn �1 n • . 0 ION 7 3 m ID � mi o O. �CI�f� C- x O r�r rt m "Cd.,1 N �- b m m `< ��''� n, ti '1 j o co o 7 L' l`. ' m Ur oP. N n I W X N X co 3 o m i oam n naort mrt a% k r S • O m H 9 r O 0 k rt C•) H n pip y n ^ \ •• in mn co - x -.1 �t tiro m n(Z/ 11 -,.Z rtm H 0...) y rt N Irak Cm -1 CPi ID D o - ` rtm ". ` o \ mK it k "Q nm CD � l' 1 Q. \ , rod. 0' 0 t• �) �O 0 rt r. d % .3 'I ° Hi rt o H. (� rt1 �_ n N £ � X ° y I G 7 a 4 RI .."1a �'� y m iT a 7 ro v z x � � b ro z x — pro x b 'G m r r x O y `C co r- H Z [h Ni11 Dr M •0 0 m w Z 0:1 3 t 0 m W Cri CrD CD DC rt CD m Zank In M it- O Z !n H O O m r- H. 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Valley Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Mr. John Scott Parks & Recreation Department I would like to request that my tree be REMOVED for the reasons that: 1. Tree bark keeps falling from the sides. 2. The tree has a big cavity towards the root of the tree. 3. The tree looks infested. 4. I have had root problems constantly in the main line. I understand that the City of Rosemead will remove my silver maple and another tree will be planted. You attention on this would be greatly appreciated. My address in 9612 Olney Street, Rosemead. If you have any question please feel free to call me at (818) wk-570-5044 or at (818) hm-442-7009. Thanking you in advance. Since .ly, r II rex Ayr_ Luz ena Martinez CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD,CALIF. 91770 Attn..:Don Branner Re: tree removal Please remove the infested tree in front of 9703 Olney St. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at (626)448-3552. Thanks Victor Ruiz 9703 OLNEY ST. ROSEMEAD, CALIF. 91770 ,J / vn ,..r xe OF apsvaAD 3 0 2 7 . . // 2, aa�n rod 7 o / f ;`l/ ._ 4.14nc. A / „,/ o.n..rr ,d.a.e Addeaea I. / nut Yes 0ar t.a,..0 - a ' 2-O/` Pi / _V /S xo ` / PARK SUPERVISOR'S RESPONSE or / / Tree checked croup No. Sizesfpek / 4�' Date LI• / / jie .1 Tre0191,'j,4,�lee /k V �1/; n' �////// I,'•Y' L.-- / TWo I s 3(/✓ ` par ^/ ��,r Work of T con..'''' BY OFFICE / 9 .�L%'. ���-+�SrPemp.al }/"E.. / dyed by Secr ary Al' < 1 C) RaiTri WrY�e [ don Annual Contract NT Dl sprae W mming / �'(� nth of ry E) x Actionifieal) r—/� Tree Scheduled for Planting p $� nc� j� CDnnENTS:av9kl,=.�..._�' el i ./.�y2 //ti/ 4 --- .� to c — /2{/ /,zee ( / ” 7(dr „r Top White Copy (supervisor's Copy) Pe fume. .. eej' sup Approved by / a/^e '/ Hard Bottom Copy (Office Copy) •irecnr o Park a. Recreation 4 > 67/( // X .. 7 .,ff c_7 « ilia. 1 .� dt-J tip a-_. , �- .7Z _ i� , ',kr/it4-� PETITION OLNEY STREET PETITION TO REOPEN ISSUE ON TREE REPLACEMENT SELECTION . { 1 ,NAME PHONE ADDRESS 1 �l kc'`b2. �'I Q1(,� `1b3z c�.lv ....1 3 �y,64,.0 Jm` - 1&ryn 99 a7� Ac-cs 4 71r_� 04 76pCi art.z� r 5 -37-1�2 J -. L.Ave—,- -T i I% -----------_ 69 =3499 22 09 7 �s-j 8 /'// �9/ 3 -36 35- 99/ ': y 1 - 5? -107? 7bee 0-4 ,589 i `+�z-7gS r4 9SLO a a i , 2 � j )— 1 3 . a�1 �i�_ . ._ 1111� 77 [ 1J Imo/ 15 frelijat__Hrern 1 ) 1 ��01�317- �s0 7.730 OJr oy/ .E16vv tJ c . - '6cl`Pa- ' 3// ' O(-,.r)r-- 3+ 17 iekiiL 27, _. i D - ___..626 CNY737f 956/5-Z. oc,✓&v II )1,1'3 8 G y q amEys,� ' 19 S! 4,,,J0 ,-,, Svr707a-1 93 % 04in)/ 1172 23,P5 26 ULCAAeiG Ctv `0gis 1 - Ll-3q i�3o 0y\el S\, 21 �j- �... _�. 0, Zu. 6 )_ 1/4y-.bs3 95-2q 0/_e y SA- My Oilr� —T 6.26 / %Y_9/- sac _ySeYo4,ve7 3 f- I23, ./ ✓ 72,_ Q Ze9 945 7/Ry 'SW dhlf/q J OLNEY STREET PETITION TO REOPEN ISSUE ON TREE REPLACEMENT SELECTION . NAME y ,}1PHONE y ADDRESS 2 4 G/lr����l�' z �� "�2 ,bz6 ,/35v9z 9s/a 0L�,4 /aPir 25 r i iar a't ' (✓h4jG f'1.¢3G q-'&D .� J2. 2 6 �(��' r� �`' C.jFaH Criv� (62.6) ‘/Ig1-1 4 S 9 H l 4 1 �O. A r'=&) -/h-aY/1 yv/e 3 0 // / �F f3 - t /d o � (� _ 767-2 to,34Qefe „I 33 ' 34 35 36 F 3711 36 39 401 41 42 43 44 45 46 MAILING LIST Christine Sholdra Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Ayon Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Godo 9603 Olney Street 9609 Olney Street 9613 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mary Lavey Muoi & Gia Lam Toan Vinh D. Han 9619 Olney Street 9623 Olney Street 9629 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Flores Elizabeth Dang Mr. & Mrs. Victor Ruiz 9633 Olney Street 421 E. Graves Avenue 9703 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Monterey Park, CA 91755 Rosemead, CA 91770 J. Gallegos & M. Esthela Oscar Cendejas Loretta J. Urquidi 9709 Olney Street 9715 Olney Street 9721 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 V. Crandall & W. Reedy Resident Resident 9727 Olney Street 9639 Olney Street 9530 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Resident Resident Resident 9618 Olney Street 9628 Olney Street 9638 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Irene Ross Paul Russ, Jr. Mr. & Mrs.Victor Madrig 9622 Olney Street 935 E. Ada Avenue 9632 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Glendora, CA 91741 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo DePaz Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Perez 255 N. Union Avneue, #17 9702 Olney Street 9708 Olney Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Grace Randall Bernadette Madrid Fung Kuen Tang 9714 Olney Street 9720 Olney Street 9726 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. &Mrs. Handjoko Sastra Mr. & Mrs. William Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ohly 3522 Rio Hondo Avenue 9419 Olney Street 9425 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Fuentes Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Cruz Tran Carine 9435 Olney Street 9441 Olney Street Pharkpoom Ruangsangth Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 9447 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Camacho Chan Keung & Yee Mui Chin Mr. &Mrs. F. San Filipp 9453 Olney Street 9457 Olney Street 9503 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Suk Chong Mr. & Mrs. Marty Chan Jose & Maria Diaz 9509 Olney Street 9513 Olney Street Ignacio & Herli Mayora Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 9519 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Moya Silvia Aispuro Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Moya 9523 Olney Street 9533 Olney Street 9539 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Godinez Mr. & Mrs. Raul Quezada Christel Fairbanks 9545 Olney Street 9551 Olney Street 9555 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Travis Mr. & Mrs. Greg Travis Elizabeth Valenzuela 3510 Rio Hondo Avenue 9418 Olney Street 9424 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Nancy L. Armenta Mr. & Mrs. David Calvert Hulda M. Hill 9428 Olney Street 9434 Olney Street 9438 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. &Mrs. Nicanor Vasquez John Peterson Mr. &Mrs. Warren Stanfo 9444 Olney Street 9450 Olney Street 9454 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Starrett Helyn F. Amrhein Resident 9460 Olney Street 9464 Olney Street 9502 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Anna Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lewis Delmar D. Hatley 9510 Olney Street 9514 Olney Street 9520 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dominy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Guzm 9524 Olney Street 9723 Loftus Drive 9534 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Guzman G. Pedregon & S. Atilano Mr. & Mrs. Gus Martinez 9540 Olney Street 9546 Olney Street 9550 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flores Mr. & Mrs. Angel Sanchez Ruth Cohen 9556 Olney Street 9560 Olney Street 9602 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Rosemead, CA 91770 Terry Ferrara, Mr. & Mrs. Reyes Martinez Berryman Pabst Gilbert & Rhonda Ferrara 9612 Olney Street 11216 Whittier Blvd. 9608 Olney Street Rosemead, CA 91770 Whittier, CA 90606 Rosemead, CA 91770 SIGN-IN SHEET