RRA - Item 3 - Proposal From GRC for Redevelopment Services • I RR A ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD.,ROSEMEAD,GA 91770•(818)288-6671*Teiecopier 81830792'8 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: \FFRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: MARCH 19, 1998 RE: PROPOSAL FROM GRC FOR REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES Per Council request at the February 24, 1998 Council Meeting, I have attached a proposal for Redevelopment Services from Steve Copenhaver, GRC Associates, Inc. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Agency approve the attached proposal. AGENCY AGENDA 1 MAR 2 4 1998 ITEM No. 2 GIC ASSOCIATES,INC. March 17, 1998 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Mr. Frank Tripepi Executive Director REDEVELOPMENT Rosemead Redevelopment Agency 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 REAL ESTATE CONSULTING AFFORDABLE HOUSING RE: Letter Proposal for Redevelopment Planning Services Dear Mr. Tripepi: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this letter proposal for redevelopment consulting services related to the preparation of documents for a redevelopment project area in the vicinity of Valley Boulevard. Based upon our preliminary discussions and physical review of the proposed project area we believe that this letter proposal is responsive to the services required to successfully adopt a redevelopment plan for the proposed project area in a cost efficient manner. GRC Associates, Inc. has been involved in redevelopment planning and implementation for over 15 years. GRC is known in the field of redevelopment for being very responsive to the needs of its clients through personalized service and attention to detail. Commitment to a high-quality product and tailoring services to the client's needs are the keys to GRC's success. Our basic approach is to proceed with the redevelopment planning process in two phases. The first phase will consist of preparing the blight and urbanization analysis. This effort will determine the precise boundaries and analyze the feasibility of proceeding with the redevelopment project. Once a direction and exact boundaries are chosen, the second phase work program will result in the development of a redevelopment plan including the preparation of required documents, property owner and taxing agency communications, public hearings and legal notifications. It has not been established whether a Project Area Committee (PAC) will 1340 VALLEY VISTA DRIVE be required. Final determination cannot be made until after the boundaries of the proposed Project Area are selected. The presence of SUITE 120 low- and moderate-income housing in the selected Project Area could necessitate the need to create a PAC. This is particularly true if the DIAMOND BAR,CA 91765 Agency Board decides to include areas containing housing development within the proposed Project Area boundaries and the authority to use T:(909)396-7714 eminent domain to acquire those properties is included in the F.(909)396-7913 E:grcassoc@earthliok.nel Mr. Frank Tripepi March 17, 1998 Page 2 Redevelopment Plan. Therefore, this letter proposal includes PAC formation as an optional activity. We believe that it is advisable to undertake a community participation program consisting of two phases. The first phase activities would take place during the project boundary selection process while the redevelopment documents are being processed. During this period, two community participation workshops will be held to acquaint affected property owners and tenants with the reasons for the Project, and to ensure communication between the Agency and individuals that reside or are in business in the Project Area. The second phase of the program will consist of a newsletter prepared and mailed as part of the public hearing notification process that will address commonly asked questions. The following section will address the major documents to be prepared by GRC. Major Documents Prepared by GRC In order to accomplish the major objectives of the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency, GRC proposed to deliver the following documents to address the redevelopment planning issues. 1. Identification of Physical and Economic Blight - This is an analysis of the physical and economic blighting conditions within the proposed project area. The blight documentation is critical, because it documents the extent of urbanization and blight within the proposed project area, and establishes the rationale for the boundaries from which the ultimate Project Area will be drawn. 2. Preliminary Plan — This document, adopted by the Planning Commission, will formally establish the boundaries of the Planning Area, and is the formal beginning point for the redevelopment planning process. Ultimately, this report will be replaced by the final redevelopment plan. 3. Preliminary Report — The preliminary report will contain all detailed research and justifications for blighting conditions, financial projections prepared by the Agency, authorized public works projects, an impact analysis, and other necessary data applicable to the proposed project area. 4. Environmental Impact Report — In accordance with the CRL and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) a redevelopment plan adoption is subject to environmental review. Accordingly, a program EIR will be prepared on the Redevelopment Plan. Unlike a focused EIR that analyzes the impacts of one or more specific development projects, a program EIR analyzes the impacts of Redevelopment Project buildout at the densities specified in the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Because the specific characteristics of many future development projects cannot be known at this time, the program EIR will address Project environmental effects on a more general, but cumulative basis. 5. Redevelopment Plan — A redevelopment plan document that meets all applicable legal requirements will be prepared for the project. This will be the operative document once the ordinance adopting the redevelopment plan becomes effective. 6. Relocation Method—The CRL requires that a relocation method or plan be prepared and adopted by the Commission before the redevelopment plan is adopted. GRC will Mr. Frank Tripepi March 17, 1998 Page 3 prepare the document, which will describe in general terms, the Commission's responsibilities under law regarding the relocation of families or businesses. 7. Owner Participation Rules — Redevelopment in California requires that existing businesses, tenants, and property owners be given an opportunity to participate in the overall redevelopment program. GRC will prepare, for Commission adoption, owner participation rules meeting CRL requirements. 8. Report to Council — The Report to Council is the final document in the redevelopment planning process, and incorporates all the above products, comments from the tax agencies, responses to these comments, and other information. This document forms the major element of the public record regarding the plan adoption process. 9. Other major products — GRC will provide an updated project schedule, resolutions, transmittals, staff reports, materials needed for taxing agency consultations and coordination; support during consultations, public hearing procedures and support materials and post-hearing transmittals and filings. Proposed Budget GRC's proposed budget for providing redevelopment consulting services for the adoption of a redevelopment plan for the referenced project area is illustrated in Table 1. The budget includes "not-to-exceed" costs for professional services related to the preparation of the redevelopment plan and up to six meetings. All other meetings will be billed on a time and material basis at the following hourly rates: Principal $125/hour Senior Associate $85/hour Associate $55/hour The legal description and map are not included within GRC's scope of work. We typically contract with an engineer such as Wildan Engineering to prepare the legal description. The cost for civil engineering services will be approximately $8,000.00. Mailing costs, lists and printing will be billed at our direct costs plus 15%. Mr. Frank Tripepi March 17, 1998 Page 4 TABLE 1 Task Description Costs 1.0 I Blight Assessment 1.1 Physical Conditions Survey 1.2 Economic Blight Analysis 1.3 Report and Presentation $12,500 2.0 Project Area Designation 2.1 Preliminary Plan 2.2 Coordination of Legal Description and Map 2.3 Phase I Community Participation Process $7,500 3.0 Project Area Committee (Optional) $5,000 4.0 Redevelopment Plan Preparation 4.1 Preliminary Report 4.2 Redevelopment Plan 4.3 Taxing Agency Consultations 4.4 Owner Participation and Business Re-Entry Rules, Relocation Method 4.5 Newsletter $21,500 5.0 Redevelopment Plan Adoption 5.1 Compile Public Hearing Mailing Lists 5.2 Report to Council 5.3 Public hearing materials, ads, announcements 5.4 Assist in the Preparation of Responses to Written Objections 5.5 I, Public Hearing 5.6 Final Transmittals $12,300 Cost including PAC Formation $58,800 Cost without PAC Formation $53,800 Separate Contract Work: 6.0 Environmental Impact Report 6.1 Initial Study and NOP 6.2 Screen Check EIR 6.3 Draft EIR 6.4 Final EIR $28,500 Total Cost Including EIR and PAC $87,300 Mr. Frank Tripepi March 17, 1998 Page 5 We look forward to working with you and serving the needs of the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information. Thank you. Sincerely, 4 �Stephen A. Copenhaver President