CC - Item 4B - Staff Report - Request from WE-Tip to Place Program for National Conference 5 � F R statteport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 13, 1998 RE: REQUEST FROM WE-TIP TO PLACE PROGRAM AD FOR 25TH ANNIVERSARY NATIONAL CONFERENCE, APRIL 30-MAY 1, 1998 Attached is a letter from WE-TIP requesting that the City of Rosemead once again place a half page ad in the conference program. Also attached is a copy of last year's ad. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City of Rosemead authorize the expenditure of$225 for the placement of a half page ad in the Annual Conference Program. COUNCIL AGENDA MAR 2 4 1998 ITEM No. 1✓_ . CC-B BOARD OF DIRECTORS lv.J cHomo, BILL MROsNELL —c,I N - • } OunJes Rancho Cuomo's, DENNIS oOrr IEIER n resident, tip Docnct Antonio. cJ Rod S 1912.et San Dmatl ne Cnwn BRO''YI.I. :e�_°`;;.WeTo February 1998 Ranch.)Cuaaconna DONALD'OLER.JR. 1rc sure,we TIP Dear Friends, DD "oI'San Bernardino SCS,AN AGI, LAR This year WeTip celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the National Crimefighting Confer- Ran,hoCu,mni.'" ence!!! It is unbelievable that a quarter century has gone by since WeTip's founding J OH„DISTELRATII fathers saw a need for a safe way for citizens to give information about crime without `I Chh''.j"' ""'"Polbeing afraid of reprisal. Now here we are, 25 years later and $312 million dollars in ` ` drugs are off the streets and 13,000 criminals have been apprehended because of WeTip. G EORGE KITA Vint µ P Attorney ; l '"aAn9cesWe would like to invite you to express your congratulations to WeTip. You can do so by D,TAS O'KEEFE purchasing an ad in the program for WeTip's 1998 National Conference. The page you \'IV Re:Sm.c..&r Pm,„„,Duactor.G,ra� submit can be in the form of an ad, a proclamation, a resolution or a letter. We have Ea`""`"" worked with you for many years, and we are sure that you will want to reserve a place JOIN A"'1OA in this commemorative edition of the Conference Program. o, ." n We look forward to hearing from you very soon. Pricing information and a copy of your EXECUTIVE STAFF ad in the 1997 program is enclosed. Please remember that 100% of the proceeds from nEFE.ECI:TILE OFFICER the program, go to funding the WeTip crime hotlines. All donations to the program are o'I E°°„^"' tax deductible. Tyi TOR Miriam Earn„netl To 2:1 Thank you in advance for your congratulations and support. If you have any questions, PERU('REVSINN please do not hesitate to call me at 909 987-5005 Ext. 249. DIRECTOR ,:I:: Est INTERN AL DIRECTOR Yours for a safer America, Donnie FaaLuF.h, 2.18 ✓ �� y / ` CREATCE SERVICES PanrclaJe DT' Eta ')9 PRESS RELEASES&NIFOIA Dnldua Susan Aguilar R`r"�L_GLATI, WeTip National Conference Coordinator CITY Est rS Ent :t7 AKKETISG DIRECTOR Dont Eckert Ertl :24 PERSONNELS 'CCOI NTINC Linda Duffey Ce No Susan Solos Ext Kt PESTS S CONVICTIONS Larry Srnbcm D 92 TIP OPERATIONS Dmbv 14.,.::a E.I :9 CITIES.CORPORATIONS. &SCHOOLS Kaye n En i 6` Business Office v P.O. Box 1296 a Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91729-1296 v Business Phone(909)987-5005 v Fax(909)9R7-2477 v eww.welip.com dTHE rin>t1.�1, CITY COUNCIL may, .1 ' VEY OF THE oscioesd CITY OF ROSEMEAD SALUTES Mayor Jay T. Imperial W211 P. Mayor Pro Tern Robert W. Bruesch Councilmember Margaret Clark ON ITS Councilmember Gary Taylor 25TH ANNIVERSARY Councilmember Joe Vasquezasquez "FIGHTING CRIME WHERE WE WORK AND WHERE WE LIVE" WeTip Conference Application to Advertise Save $40 if you advertise in the WeTip Conference Program now! Submit the draft copy of your ad before March 31, and we will typeset it for free! Full Page (Inside Cover) $600 Full Page $350 Half Page $225 Quarter Page $175 Business Card Size $100 Business Listing $25 !7! -N. J Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Business Card Please send your rough draft copy and a black and white copy of your logo (if you have one) along with the form below. If you are sending a check or providing a credit card number, a receipt will be sent to you with your finished ad. Please mail to: WeTip National Conference Ads P.O. Box 1296 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-1296 Attention: Pam Bolduc (for further information contact Pam at (909)987-5005, Ext. 239) NAME COMPANY ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE AMOUNT ENCLOSED U Please bill me Please charge ❑ VISA❑ MASTERCARD CARD NUMBER EXP. DATE Signature Thank you for supporting WeTip's War on Crime!