CC – Item 4I – Staff Report – Completion of Schematic Design – Garvey Park Clubhouse y M At 4 . stafleport TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER \ FROM: MICHAEL D. BURBANK, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATIOA](r/ DATE: APRIL 2 , 1998 RE: COMPLETION OF SCHEMATIC DESIGN - GARVEY PARK CLUBHOUSE The Architect, B.O.A. Architects, has completed the Schematic Design for the expansion/remodeling of the Garvey Park Clubhouse. The original Scope of the Project has been expanded to include the Sheriff ' s Sub-Station and the requisite funds have been allocated to provide for the addition. Recently, we inspected the interior and exterior of the Clubhouse for asbestos and lead contamination. The only thing that was found was that the floor tile and mastic both contain asbestos. To resolve this matter we will have the tile and mastic removed under the General Contractor's Agreement and acquire a firm to monitor its removal and disposal. To date, the City has a total operating Budget of $ 218 , 197 . 00. Considering all expenses, we have a short fall of $ 21, 000. 00. (See Exhibit A. ) The Architect ' s construction cost estimates for their other projects have come in at about the middle of the bids received. In addition, he has allowed about $ 35, 000 for various contingencies for the Garvey Park Clubhouse remodeling. We have two ways to handle the short fall. First, we could de-scope the project and put those items on the Bid Form, as alternates, so that they could be added in to the contractors base bid after the bids are opened. Second, we could request that the City or Agency fund the short fall before going to bid. Based on the above, I would suggest that we do not de-scope the project and go to bid realizing that we could request the additional funds from the City/Agency should the project come in over budget. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the design and authorize staff to solicit bids upon completion of the Working Drawings. COUNCIL AGENDA 07-N-B55(82) attachments APR 14 i°J8 ITEM No. cC T J EXHIBIT "A" GARVEY PARK CLUBHOUSE REMODEL Revenues and Expenses (1) REVENUE 1992 Prop "A" Residual Funds $ 55, 322 .00 1996 Prop "A" Funds $ 162, 875. 00 $ 218, 197 . 00 (1) EXPENSES Architects Fees $ 22 , 628. 00 Asbestos Consultant (Monitoring) $ 2 , 000. 00 Estimated Asbestos Removal Cost $ 5, 000. 00 Estimated Construction Cost $ 209 , 015. 00 $ 239, 015. 00 Difference <$ 20, 818 . 00> (1) Does not reflect revenue or expenses for Sheriff ' s Sub Station addition. 01-Z-B8S