CC - Item 6C - Staff Report - Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs izrE M F S ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL Si- °E STAFF REPORT In TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER M DATE: APRIL 24, 2018 SUBJECT: DRAFT CURB MARKING POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR RED, GREEN, YELLOW,AND WHITE CURBS SUM MARY At the direction of the City Council, staff has prepared a Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs (Draft Policy and Procedures) document to identify the procedures and approval criteria associated with installing curb markings within Rosemead. On April 5, 2018, the Traffic Commission reviewed this document, suggested two minor additions, and recommended that it be forwarded to the City Council for approval. DISCUSSION On February 13. 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare a policy that would identify the procedures and approval criteria associated with installing curb markings. Each year, the City of Rosemead Public Works Department receives several requests to install red, green, yellow, and white curbs in front of residences and businesses. The attached Draft Policy and Procedures document discusses the issues that are involved in reviewing such requests, defines the various types of curb markings, and identifies the conditions and locations that are appropriate for such marking. Additionally, this Draft Policy and Procedures document establishes the standards and procedures by which curb marking requests are reviewed and implemented. Curb markings can help customers and delivery drivers with quick and easy access to businesses, increase public safety by maintaining visibility in driveways and at corners, and provide dedicated pick-up zones. The Draft Policy and Procedures document was developed in an effort to meet the needs of the community while following the standards of practice for the installation of curb markings. On April 5, 2018, the Traffic Commission reviewed the Draft Policy and Procedures and suggested two minor additions, which are highlighted in red as shown in Attachment A. In addition, staff has also made the additional recommendation to delete any reference to fees associated with curb marking requests as funding for this type of service is included each year under the Public Works Department Budget. These deletions are shown as a strikethrough in Attachment A. ITEM NO. 6C City Council Meeting April 24,2018 Page 2 oft STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review and approve the Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this type of improvement is included annually in the Public Works Department Budget under Curb & Sidewalk Repair and Maintenance, Field Services Division, and the Other Professional/Technical Services. Engineering Division. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT—None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: afael M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineer ichelle G. Ramirez. D'yf ctor of Public Works Attachment A—Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures Attachment B -Traffic Commission Staff Report (April 5,2018) Attachment C-Traffic Commission Draft Minutes (April 5,2018) iS E M tr ,# . G "AiNGAI-E4 im-li Attachment A Draft Curb Policy and Procedures City of Rosemead Curb Marking Policy & Procedures For Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs Introduction Each year, the City of Rosemead Public Works Department receives several requests to install red, green, yellow, and white curbs in front of residences and businesses. This policy and procedures document discusses the issues that are involved in reviewing such requests, defines the various types of curb markings, and identifies the conditions and locations that are appropriate for such marking. The procedures for reviewing curb marking requests are also discussed. Curb markings can help customers and delivery drivers with quick and easy access to businesses, increase public safety by maintaining visibility in driveways and at corners, and provide dedicated pick-up zones. Policy Objective: It is the objective of this policy to identify the procedures and approval criteria associated with installing curb markings. These procedures were developed in an effort to meet the needs of the community while following the standards of practice for the installation of curb markings. Additionally, this policy establishes the standards and procedures by which curb marking requests are reviewed and implemented. Curb Marking Definitions and Typical Installations The City of Rosemead identifies three general types of parking zones, which are: (1) no-parking zones, (2) time-limited parking zones, and (3) loading zones. Under some circumstances, special parking zones may be established by: 1 . placement of signs only (as opposed to installing curb markings so long as at least two signs are visible from any portion of the parking area), 2. curb markings only (without signs), or 3. signs and curb markings. The definitions of each curb marking are discussed below, along with the locations where such curb markings are appropriate. No-Parking (Red Zones) Red zones are no-parking zones, whereby parking is not allowed at any time. Red means no stopping, standing, or parking at any time. Public transportation is the only exception to the "no parking in red zone" rule. A bus may stop in a red zone marked or signed as a bus zone. 1 Red Zones are necessary for the smooth and safe operations of public transit, fire responders, and in general, all motorists. Red Zones are also necessary for other areas where a parked car will limit visibility for traffic, pedestrians, or bike riders. In lieu of Red Zones, or in some cases to supplement those zones, no-parking signage may be installed and enforced so long as at least two signs are visible from any portion of the parking area. No-parking zones can be installed in any area of the City where the presence of parked vehicles at the curb creates an unsafe situation for vehicular or pedestrian traffic or reduces operational efficiency at a particular location to unacceptable levels. Critical Red Zones Critical Red Zones are installed for the benefit of the entire community. They can be installed on any intersection corner to maintain safe and efficient visibility or on certain segments of streets, where narrow street widths impede the flow of traffic or create unsafe driving conditions. Thus, when it is warranted by the Public Works Department, red curbing can be installed on the corner of any intersection to maintain safe and efficient vehicular maneuverability, or on certain segments of streets where narrow street widths cause vehicular operations to degrade to unacceptable conditions. The red curb installations discussed above are considered critical red zones,where parking restrictions are necessary to maintain safe roadway and traffic conditions. Certain locations may be painted red, without the need of Traffic Commission review or City Council approval, where parking is restricted at any time as is required by federal, state, or local law (i.e. parking in front of fire hydrants, appropriately signed and marked public transit bus stops, etc.). Driveway Red Tipping; Driveway red upping is a special type of red zone that is installed at driveways. Short sections of red curbing, typically requested by property owners, can be installed on either side of a driveway to promote better maneuverability into and out of the driveway and to improve visibility from the driveway. The amount of red tipping will be installed in a way that minimizes the loss of existing on-street parking spaces. Driveway red tipping can be installed to eliminate non-standard parking spaces (less than 18 feet) between driveways; a condition that sometimes leads to one or both driveways being partially blocked by parked vehicles. A typical driveway red tipping installation could include between 2-to 5-feet of red curbing on either side of the driveway. However, if there is a possibility to park motorcycles or micro-vehicles, those locations shall be preserved and striped appropriately. There are limited situations where the length of red curb installed at a location could be adjusted on a case-by-case basis depending on other factors such as adjacent parking and operations at adjacent driveways. 2 Parking restrictions for driveway red tipping is enforceable, just as any other no-parking zone in the City (i.e. any vehicle can be cited for parking in a driveway red tipping zone). Time-Limited Parking (Green Zones) Time-limited parking zones are areas where the length of time that a vehicle can remain parked in a particular space is limited to a specified duration. In the City of Rosemead, a Green Zone generally indicates no standing or parking for longer than 20 minutes at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays or Holidays and when signs are erected giving notice thereof. However, under certain circumstances, green zones with time limits other than 20 minutes can be installed if warranted by Public Works review. Time-restricted parking zones are typically installed in commercial areas. Green Zones can be installed where unrestricted curb space in front of a particular business is used for long-term parking during the majority of the day, such that short-term parking is not available for customers of the businesses in the area. Appropriately marked Green Zones will have the parking time limit painted on the curb to supplement the parking signage. Loading (Yellow and White Zones) Loading zones are special parking zones thatallow for temporary parking for the sole purpose of loading and unloading freight and/or passengers. Loading zones may be marked in front of the entrance to any place of business or hall/place used for the purpose of public assembly. Yellow Curb A Yellow Zone indicates an area that has been designated solely for freight and passenger loading activities. Yellow means no stopping, standing, or parking at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sunday for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or materials; provided that the loading or unloading of passengers shall not consume more than three minutes, nor the loading or unloading of materials shall consume more than twenty minutes. Loading zones are typically installed in commercial areas and near high-density residential developments. Yellow Zones can be installed in areas where frequent material loading and/or passenger loading occur, but where the majority of the unrestricted curb space in front of the subject business or residential complex is used for long-term parking during most of the day, such that there is no usable curb space for loading activities. White Zone White Zones can be installed to permanently reserve curb-space for passenger loading only. White means no stopping, standing or parking for any purpose other than loading or unloading of passengers. There is a 3 minute time limit for passenger loading and unloading. 3 White Zone restrictions are in effect between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sunday or as follows: 1. When a white curb is installed in front of a hotel, the restrictions shall apply at all times. 2. When a white curb is in front of a school, the restrictions may be modified to apply to drop-off and pick-up times only, as determined necessary by Public Works staff and school officials. Passenger loading zones typically are found in commercial areas, near schools, senior care facilities, senior housing, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, apartment buildings, theaters, churches, and other large places of assembly. Curb Marking Requests Business and property owners can request curb markings by filling out and returning the General Curb Marking Request form. The form is included at the back of this -- --- - - -_•• : - - - : : .-- ._ - . .Incomplete requests or those that lack tilt appropr:at will be delayed while staff coordinates with the requestor to complete the application. -- t. t. es - -- -' The application request does not guarantee approval. Fees Curb Marking Evaluation Process Each curb marking request requires time for staff to evaluate the request, conduct field visits, collect and analyze data (if necessary), mark curb-painting locations in the field, and to install the requested curb markings. When the Public Works Department receives a completed Curb Marking Application, City staff will process the request on a first-come first-serve basis. Listed below are the steps involved in evaluating a curb marking request. 4 a. Field Visit — After the completed application is received, City staff will conduct a field visit to assess the problem and identify possible solutions within two weeks of receipt of the completed curb marking application. C urb marking requests involving safety issues have priority over other requests. Therefore, when a safety request is received, City staff will conduct field visits and investigate the location within three working days of when the request is received to determine if immediate improvements are necessary. b. Data Collection (if necessary) — Additional data, such as parking survey information, may be necessary to review some curb marking requests. A parking survey may be needed to assess the impact on parking in the area when parking activity is high, or to determine if the parking activity in the area is high enough to warrant installation of the requested curb marking. When necessary, parking surveys require an additional two weeks to evaluate the need and feasibility of the requested curb marking. c. Contact Adjacent Residence/Property Owners (if necessary) —An additional step in the review process is necessary when the requested curb marking will affect locations other than that owned by the requestor. Under such conditions, the City will seek input from the affected property owners. Noticeswill be sent out to property owners when colored curbing,which was not requested by them, will be installed in front of their property. When the location of a requested curb marking is in a place other than thesrequestors property frontage, the request will not be granted without the affected property owner's signature on the Curb Marking Request Form or a letter from the affected property owner consenting to the curb marking. d. Review and Evaluation — Following the field visit and data collection, staff will evaluate the circumstances of the particular request and make a determination regarding the feasibility of the requested:. curb marking. The review and evaluation process will be conducted within two weeks from the time when the field visits and data collection are complete. If City staff determines that the requested curb is justified, then it will be taken to Traffic Commission with a recommendation of approval. If City staff determines that the requested curb is not justified,then a denial letter will be sent along with an explanation of the appeal process. e. Notification — Upon completion of the review of the requested curb marking, City staff will send a letter to the requestor documenting the results of the analysis, the City's findings, and a schedule for the item to be reviewed by the Traffic Commission and the City Council. f. Curb Marking Approval — If City staff determines that the requested curb marking is feasible and justified, then it will be taken to the Traffic Commission. The Traffic Commission's recommendation will then be taken to the City Council for a determination of final approval or denial. Any decision of denial on curb markings made by the Public Works Department is appealable to the Traffic Commission followed by the City Council. 5 Evaluation Criteria Every curb marking request involves a different set of circumstances. As such, each curb marking request will require a unique analysis that takes into account the particular set of circumstances involved. Some of the common issues involved in evaluating a curb marking request are discussed below. How much parking is removed to accommodate the request? When a curb marking, is requested, consideration is given to the preservation of adjacent parking spaces. It is undesirable to install sections of colored curbing that would leave a relatively long, but unusable portion of unpainted curb (less than 18 feet). Would the requested curb marking affect other property owners? Occasionally, installing curb markings at one location causes drivers to park their cars closer to an adjacent driveway or property frontage, thereby creating a problem at that location. Under circumstances such as these, the feasibility of adjusting the length of the requested curb marking at adjacent driveways is reviewed. How is parking in the area affected by adjacent land uses? Time-limited parking and loading zones may be warranted in areas where long-term parking regularly occupies the curb space that is needed for loading and short-term customer parking. A parking occupancy survey may be necessary to quantify the magnitude of the parking problem and the usage of curb space in the area. Are there similar parking zones nearby that would serve the requestor? City staff will evaluate the neighborhood where the curb marking is requested to determine if existing colored curb zones (green, yellow, white) could serve the requested location. How big does the requested zone need to be and how many deliveries are expected during peak times? For Yellow and White Zones, what size vehicle will be using the zone? Consideration will be given to providing the zone that is requested while maintaining as much parking in the area so as not to unfairly impact nearby property owners. How does the requested curb marking impact surrounding properties? City staff will evaluate if the requested curb marking would remove parking spaces that nearby businesses rely on. In some cases, any new curb marking requests could also require the consent of adjacent business or property owners. What is the impact on motorist safety? City staff will adhere to accepted engineering practice when determining whether the requested curb markings are feasible and appropriate in regards to traffic safety. 6 Is the curb marking going to be installed in a location other than the requestor's property frontage? If so, then the Public Works Department will not grant the request without consent from the affected property owner allowing the curb on their frontage to be painted per the request. However, consent from the affected property owner is not required if a red zone is to be installed on their property on a segment of curb that does not constitute a legitimate parking space (i.e. less than 18 feet of unmarked curb space), and/or if-the curb marking is required to address an immediate traffic safety hazard. Is there off-street parking available that could address the same issue without the impact of restricting on-street parking? Consideration will be given to whether existing off-street parking space could reasonably be converted by the requestor, or by the requestor's landlord, to provide the needed loading zone or short-term parking. 7 Special Considerations for Critical Red Zones Evaluating the need for critical Red Zones involves the following criteria in addition to those described above. Establishing critical intersection and roadway Red Zones will be based primarily on evidence that could identify a particular location as a safety problem or high- accident location. When evaluating the need for Red Zones at a particular location, the primary areas of investigation will be accident records at the location, the traffic volume at the location, and the street/intersection geometrics associated with the location. Locations with multiple complaints of visibility problems and locations with many requests for red curbing will be considered candidates for safety improvements and will be evaluated further to assess the need for red curbing to improve sight distance and/or traffic operations. Maintenance of Existing Curb Markings Existing curb markings that have become faded will be refreshed by Public Works Department as needed. Under no circumstances shall the property owner be permitted to paint or repaint any curb markings. Removal of Curb Markings Occasionally, the Public Works Department will receive a request for the removal of an existing curb marking. Any such request would be reviewed using the same process and evaluation criteria that staff would use for new curb marking requests. 8 General Curb Marking Request Form The purpose of this form is to enable business/property owners to request the installation of curb markings in front of their business/residence. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: Fill out this application form completely and return to the Public Works Department. • • '• .•- ' a - " _'- -- : " '' "' . ' .". - If you have general questions regarding the City's Curb Marking Policy, please refer to the City's Policy and Procedures for Installation of Curb Markings, which can he found at www.cityofrosemead.org under the Public Works Department. Contact Name: Phone: Business Name: E-Mail: Address: 1. Type of curb marking zone you are applying for: No-Parkin; O Time-Limited Parking O Loading 2. Is requested curb marking zone completely within your property frontage?(check one): O Yes 0 No If no, then please have the owner/resident of the property where the curb marking will be installed fill out the following information: Name: Address: Phone Number: I consent to allow the requested curb marking in front of My property. Signature: Date: 3. Length of Zone Requested: - 7. Land-Use Type(check one) Single Family Home - Restaurant Medical Office Hotel/Motel Retail Office 8. Business hours and days: 9. For Loading Zones: a. Number of pick-ups/deliveries daily: b. Typical size and type of truck: c. Estimated times of highest usage: — For"time-Limited Parking Zones: a. Estimated number of customers/visitors daily: b. Estimated times of highest usage: Is there support from adjacent properties, including support from the!tome Owners Association, for installation of the requested curb marking? _ Can you demonstrate this support if necessary? 10. Are there any facilities(churches,schools, shopping malls, office complexes,etc.)in the area that affect the availability of parking or loading at this location? Signature of Applicant: _ Date: -_ Please Return to: City of Rosemead Department of Public Works 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 9 Kt M f >c pd Attachment B Traffic Commission Staff Report April 5, 2018 ilit ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT r� oRpormoe TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: MICHELLE RAMIREZ, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: APRIL 5,2018 SUBJECT: DRAFT CURB MARKING POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR RED, GREEN,YELLOW,AND WHITE CURBS SUMMARY At the direction of the City Council, staff has prepared a Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs (Draft Policy and Procedures) document to identify the procedures and approval criteria associated with installing curb markings within Rosemead. This document is for the Traffic Commission's review and comment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission review and comment on the Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs, and forward the document (with any proposed changes)to the City Council for approval. ANALYSIS On February 13, 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare a policy that would identify the procedures and approval criteria associated with installing curb markings. Each year, the City of Rosemead Public Works Department receives several requests to install red, green, yellow, and white curbs in front of residences and businesses. The attached Draft Policy and Procedures document discusses the issues that are involved in reviewing such requests, defines the various types of curb markings, and identifies the conditions and locations that are appropriate for such marking. Additionally, this Draft Policy and Procedures document establishes the standards and procedures by which curb marking requests are reviewed and implemented. Curb markings can help customers and delivery drivers with quick and easy access to businesses, increase public safety by maintaining visibility in driveways and at corners, and provide dedicated pick-up zones. The Draft Policy and Procedures document was developed in an effort to meet the needs of the community while following the standards of practice for the installation of curb markings. Traffic Commission Meeting April 5,2018 Page 2 oft PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By; Submitted By: .e Rafael M. Fajardo,P.E. Michelle G. Ramirez City Engineer Director of Public Works Attachment 1: Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red, Green,Yellow, and White Curbs tM d , % 1 ° wiraw City of Rosemead '04""" Curb Marking Policy & Procedures For Red, Green, Yellow, and White Curbs Introduction Each year, the City of Rosemead Public Works Department receives several requests to install red, green, yellow, and white curbs in front of residences and businesses. This policy and procedures document discusses the_issues that are involved in reviewing such requests, defines the various types ot_curb markings, and identifies the conditions and locations that are appropriate for such`mmarking. The procedures for reviewing curb marking requests are also discussed. _ - Curb markings can help customers and dekyerydrivers with quick and easy access to businesses, increase public safety by maintaining visibility in driveways and at corners, and provide dedicated pick-up zones. - Policy Objective: It is the objective of this policy to identify the,procedures:and approval criteria associated with installing curb markings. These procedures were developed in an effort to meet the needs of the communityw.hile following-the standards of practice for the installation of curb markings. Addltionalfy this policy.estab)iahes thestandards and procedures by which curb marking-requests are reviewed"and implemented. Curb Marking Definitions an_d.Typical Installations The City df Rosemead identifies three general types of parking zones, which are (1) no-parking zones, (2)`titne-limited:parking zones, and (3) loading zones. Under some circumstances ;special parking zones may be established by: 1. placement:,of signs only (as opposed to installing curb markings so long as at least two signs are visit* from any portion of the parking area), 2. curb markings,only (without signs), or 3. signs and curb-markings. The definitions of each curb marking are discussed below, along with the locations where such curb markings are appropriate. No-Parking (Red Zones) Red zones are no-parking zones, whereby parking is not allowed at any time. Red means no stopping, standing, or parking at any time. Public transportation is the only exception to the "no parking in red zone' rule. A bus may stop in a red zone marked or signedas a bus zone. 1 Red Zones are necessary for the smooth and safe operations of public transit, fire responders, and in general, all motorists. Red Zones are also necessary for other areas where a parked car will limit visibility for traffic, pedestrians, or bike riders. In lieu of Red Zones, or in some cases to supplement those zones, no-parking signage may be installed and enforced so long as at least two signs are visible from any portion of the parking area. No-parking zones can be installed in any area of the City where the presence of parked vehicles at the curb creates an unsafe situation for vehicular or pedestrian traffic or reduces operational efficiency at a particular location to unacceptable levels. Critical Red Zones Critical Red Zones are installed for the benefit of the entire community. They can be installed on any intersection corner to maintain safe and efficient visibility or on certain segments of streets, where narrow street widths impede the flow of traffic or create unsafe driving conditions. Thus, when it is warranted by the Public Works Department, red curbing can be installed on the corner of any intersection to maintain safe and efficient vehicular maneuverability, or on certain segments of streets where narrow street widths cause vehicular operations to degrade to unacceptable conditions. The red curb installations discussed above are considered critical red zones,where parking restrictions are necessary to maintain safe roadway and traffic conditions. '.... Certain locations may be painted fed, without the need;of Traffic Commission review or City Cauncllspproval, where pad(ing'is. resfrcted at any time as is required by federal, state,S-or local law (l:a parkingin front of fire hydrants, appropriately signed and marked public-transit bus stops, etc.). Driveway Red Tipping Driveway red:l,`lpping is a Speciaf type of red-zone that is installed at driveways. Shoff"sections of red cdtbing, typically requested by property owners, can be installed on either srdaof a'daveway to promote better maneuverability into and out ofthe driveway audio imprtrve visibility from the driveway. The amount of red tipping *311_be installed:ina waY-that minimizes the loss of existing on-street parking spaces, Driveway red tipping conte installed to eliminate non-standard parking spaces (less than 18 feet) between driveways; a condition that sometimes leads to one or both driveways"being partially blocked by parked vehicles. A typical driveway red tipping installation could include between 2-to 5-feet of red curbing on either side of the driveway. However, if there is a possibility to park motorcycles or micro-vehicles, those locations shall be preserved and striped appropriately. There are limited situations where the length of red curb installed at a location could be adjusted on a case-by-case basis depending on other factors such as adjacent parking and operations at adjacent driveways. 2 Parking restrictions for driveway red tipping is enforceable, just as any other no-parking zone in the City (i.e. any vehicle can be cited for parking in a driveway red tipping zone). Time-Limited Parking (Green Zones) Time-limited parking zones are areas where the length of time that a vehicle can remain parked in a particular space is limited to a specified duration. In the City of Rosemead, a Green Zone generally indicates no standing or parking for longer than 20 minutes at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays or Holidays and when signs are erected giving notice thereof. However, under certain circumstances, green zones with time limits other than 20 minutes can be installed if warranted by Public Works review. Time-restricted parking zones are typically installed iii commercial areas. Green Zones can be installed where unrestricted curb space in`front aa-particular business is used for long-term parking during the majority of the day, such that short-term parking is not available for customers of the businesses in the area Appr priately marked Green Zones will have the parking time limit painted on the curb to supplement the parking signage. -- Loading (Yellow and White Zoites}. Loading zones are special parking zgnes that allow fofemporary parking for the sole purpose of loading and unloading freight and/or'passenngers_ Loading zones may be marked in front of thecehtfanceto any plate of tit/016W hall/place used for the purpose of public assembly. - Yellow Curb - A Yellow Zone indicates an-area that has been designated solely for freight and passenger loading activities "Yellow means--*ho stopping, standing, or parking at any time between 7:00 am. and 6:66y,m. of any day except Sunday for any purpose other than the loading or unloadiiftof passengers or materials; provided that the loading or unloading of passengers shall not consume more than three minutes, nor the loading or unloading of materials shatl"aconsume more than twenty minutes. Loading zones are typically, installed in commercial areas and near high-density residential developmedtSt Yellow Zones can be installed in areas where frequent material loading and/or passenger loading occur, but where the majority of the unrestricted curb space in front of the subject business or residential complex is used for long-term parking during most of the day, such that there is no usable curb space for loading activities. White Zone White Zones can be installed to permanently reserve curb-space for passenger loading only. White means no stopping, standing or parking for any purpose other than loading or unloading of passengers. There is a 3 minute time limit for passenger loading and unloading. 3 White Zone restrictions are in effect between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.mof any day except Sunday or as follows: 1. When a white curb is installed in front of a hotel, the restrictions shall apply at all times. 2. When a white curb is in front of a school, the restrictions may be modified to apply to drop-off and pick-up times only, as determined necessary by Public Works staff and school officials. Passenger loading zones typically are found in commercial areas, near schools, senior care facilities, senior housing, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, apartment buildings, theaters, churches, and other large places of assembly. Curb Marking Requests - - Business and property owners can request curb markings by filling out and returning the General Curb Marking Request form. The form is included at the back of this document. A completed request form along ,With the submittal of the appropriate fee constitutes a complete application. .incomplete requests or those that lack the appropriate fee will be delayed while staff coordinates with the requestorto complete the application. The appropriate fees are discussed below. The application request does nofpuarantee approval. Fees Fees are collected for curb marking requests Whett-the curb marking will benefit an individual property4ather than the general-public. Earoh curb marking request requires time for City staff to -evaluate the request, conduct field visits, collect and analyze data, mark curb-painting locations in the field, and:install the requested curb markings. To offset the cost of rnaterlitgandr:staff time for these activities, a nominal fee will be collected ,-'when curb marking requests are made. The fees collected also accommodate the onxi.oing maintenance of-the curb(La repainting)for its foreseeable lifespan- In same instances, a study,may be necessary to verify and ensure the request markings are_necessarywilh'notdisturborinterrupt traffic flow,and/or will not compromise surrounding property or building owner, or the safety of vehicular, pedestrian, or bike traffic. When a study is necessary, the cost of the study will be the responsibility of the applicant and mutt be consoled by the City, from the applicant, before the study is requested. All fees can, btfound in the City's Comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges adopted by the'Cty Council. Curb Marking Evaluation Process Each curb marking request requires time for staff to evaluate the request, conduct field visits, collect and analyze data (if necessary), mark curb-painting locations in the field, and to install the requested curb markings. When the Public Works Department receives a completed Curb Marking Application, City staff will process the request on a first-come first-serve basis. Listed below are the steps involved in evaluating a curb marking request. 4 a. Field Visit — After the completed application is received, City staff will conduct a field visit to assess the problem and identify possible solutions within two weeks of receipt of the completed curb marking application. Curb marking requests involving safety issues have priority over other requests. Therefore, when a safety request is received, City staff will conduct field visits and investigate the location within three working days of when the request is received to determine if immediate improvements are necessary. b. Data Collection (if necessary) — Additional data, such as parking survey information, may be necessary to review some curb marking requests. A parking survey may be needed to assess the impact on parking in the area when parking activity is high, or to determine if the parking activity in the area is high enough to warrant installation of the reque"sfed curb marking. When necessary, parking surveys require an additional-two weeks to evaluate the need and feasibility of the requested curb marking;: ;,. c Contact Adjacent Residence/Property Owners (if nedessary) —An additional step in the review process is necessarywhen the requested curb marking will affect locations other than that owned lythe requestor Under such conditions, the City will seek input from the affected property_.owners. Noticeswill be sent out to property owners when;..colored curbing,, whleh was not requested by them, will be installed irt' front. of their prepejty. When the location of a requested curb marking is in a place'otherthan thetequestor's property frontage, the request will not be granted`withdut*the affectea:.property owner's signature on the Curb Marking Request Form,or a letterfrom the-affected property owner consenting to the hire -Barking. = d. Review and Evaluation — Following the field visit and data collection, staff will evaluate the circumstances-of the particular request and make a determination regarding the feasibitit of file requested, curb marking. The review and evaldetro"n'process will e_conducted within weeks from the time when the fieletilsits and data cotteetion are complete. If City staff determines that the requested curb is justified;`then it will be taken to Traffic Commission with a recomittendation of approval if pity staff determines that the requested curb is not justified,then a denialletter willbe sent along with an explanation of the appeal process. e. Notification —Upen completion of the review of the requested curb marking, City staff will send a letter to the requestor documenting the results of the analysis, the City's findings, and a schedule for the item to be reviewed by the Traffic Commission and the City Council. f. Curb Marking Approval — If City staff determines that the requested curb marking is feasible and justified, then it will be taken to the Traffic Commission. The Traffic Commission's recommendation will then be taken to the City Council for a determination of final approval or denial. Any decision of denial on curb markings made by the Public Works Department is appealable to the Traffic Commission followed by the City Council. 5 Evaluation Criteria Every curb marking request involves a different set of circumstances. As such, each curb marking request will require a unique analysis that takes into account the particular set of circumstances involved. Some of the common issues involved in evaluating a curb marking request are discussed below. How much parking is removed to accommodate the request? When a curb marking, is requested, consideration is given to the preservation of adjacent parking spaces. It is undesirable to install sections of colored curbing that would leave a relatively long, but unusable portion of unpainted curb (less than 18 feet). Would the requested curb marking affect other propertyowners? Occasionally, installing curb markings at one location causes;drivers to park their cars closer to an adjacent driveway or property frontage, thereby creating-aproblem at that location. Under circumstances such as these, the feasibility of adjusting the length of the requested curb marking at adjacent driveways is reviewed How is parking in the area affected by adjacent land uses? Time-limited parking and loading zones may be Warranted-in areas whers long-term parking regularly occupies the curb space thataa-needed for loading and short-term customer parking. A parking occupancy survey may be net&ssarry-to quantify fare magnitude of the parking problem and the usage of curb space in the area: Are there similar parking zones,nearbyithat would-serve the requestor? City staff will evaluate the neighborhood where-the cur6 marking is requested to determine if existing colored curb zones.(greeny yellow, white) could serve the requested location. How big does;thrrequestert260t nett to besand how many deliveries are expected during peafp tunes?- ForYellowsandWhite-Zones, what size vehicle will be using the zone? = Consideration-will be given to1irovidingihe zone that is requested while maintaining as much parking in the area so as not tomnfairly impact nearby property owners. How does the requested curb marking impact surrounding properties? City staff will evaluate if the requested curb marking would remove parking spaces that nearby businesses rely on. In some cases, any new curb marking requests could also require the consent of adjacent business or property owners. What is the impact on motorist safety? City staff will adhere to accepted engineering practice when determining whether the requested curb markings are feasible and appropriate in regards to traffic safety. 6 Is the curb marking going to be installed in a location other than the requestor's property frontage? If so, then the Public Works Department will not grant the request without consent from the affected property owner allowing the curb on their frontage to be painted per the request. However, consent from the affected property owner is not required if a red zone is to be installed on their property on a segment of curb that does not constitute a legitimate parking space (i.e. less than 18 feet of unmarked curb space), and if the curb marking is required to address an immediate traffic safety hazard. 7 Special Considerations for Critical Red Zones Evaluating the need for critical Red Zones involves the following criteria in addition to those described above. Establishing critical intersection and roadway Red Zones will be based primarily on evidence that could identify a particular location as a safety problem or high- accident location. When evaluating the need for Red Zones at a particular location, the primary areas of investigation will be accident records at the location, the traffic volume at the location, and the street/intersection geometries associated with the location. Locations with multiple complaints of visibility problems°andlocations with many requests for red curbing will be considered candidates for safety,ii'rprovements and will be evaluated further to assess the need for red curbing to improve sigitdistance and/or traffic operations. Maintenance of Existing Curb Markings - Existing curb markings that have become faded will . be refreshed by Public Works Department as needed. Under no circumstances shall the property owner be permitted to paint or repaint any curb markings. Removal of Curb Markings Occasionally, the Public Works 6epartment will receive a request for the removal of an existing curb marking`iRny sueh,'request would:be reviewed using the same process and evaluation criteria that staff would uee for new=curb marking requests. 8 4410111S,./ General Curb Marking Request Form The purpose of this form is to enable business/property owners to request the installation of curb markings in front of their business/residence. '.. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: Fill out this application form completely and return to the Public Works Department. Please include the appropriate fee payment for the requested curb marking. If you have general questions regarding the City's Curb Marking Policy,please refer to the City's Policy and Procedures for Installation of Curb Markings, which can be found at www.cityofrosemead.org under the Public Works Department. • ContactName: Phone: - ,. Business Name: _ E-Mail: Address: • 1. Type of curb marking zone you are applying for: 0 No-Parking !) Time-Limited Parking 0 Loading • 2. Is requested curb marking zone completely within your property frontage?(check one): 0 Yes O No If no, then please have the owner/resident of the property where the curb marking will be installed fill out the following information: Name: Address: Phone Number: _ -- — I consent to allow the requested curb marking in front of my property, ' Signature: _._ Date: • 3. Length of Zone Requested: - • 7. Land-Use Type(check one) Single Family Nome Restaurant _Medical Office _Hotel/Motel _Retail Office 8. Business hours and days: 9. For Loading Zones: a. Number ofpick-ups/deliveries daily: b. 'Typical size and type of truck: c. Estimated times of highest usage: For Time-Limited Parking Zones: a. Estimated number of customers/visitors daily: b. Estimated times of highest usage: - Is there support from adjacent properties,including support from the Home Owners Association,for installation of the requested curb marking? Can you demonstrate this support if necessary? 10. Arc there any facilities(churches,schools,shopping malls,office complexes,etc.)in the area that affect the availability of parking or loading at this location? _ --- Signature of Applicant: - _ - Date: Please Return to: City of Rosemead Department of Public Works - 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead,CA 91770 9 S E M f rO * 0 kko La -NPox.iFD 1® Attachment C Traffic Commission Draft Minutes April 5, 2018 Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING April 5,2018 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m.in the Council Chamber,8838 E.Valley Boulevard, Rosemead,California, FLAG SALUTE: Vice Chair Omelas INVOCATION: Commissioner Berry PRESENT: Chair Masuda,Vice Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Sevilla ABSENT: Commissioner Ouintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Michelle Ramirez,City Engineer Rafael Fajardo and Administrative Assistant Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE NONE 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Brian Lewin, 9501 E. Ralph Street, asked if staff can go back and review his comment regarding Ellis Lane. He would like his comment to say street condition grading project opposed to a grading projector resurfacing project. Staff recommended if the Commissioners wanted to adopt the minutes tonight,they can direct staff to listen to the item and make the change if needed. Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Ornelas to approve Item A (February 1, 2018 Minutes) from the Consent Calendar with changes,if needed. Votes resulted in: Yes:Berry,Ornelas, Masuda and Sevilla No: None Abstain: None Absent Ouintanilla 4.NEW BUSINESS A. PROTECTED LEFT TURN INSTALLATION ON WAR AVENUE AT VALLEY BOULEVARD Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with a brief description of the item, along with recommending that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council the installation of a protected northbound left turn signal and a protected southbound left turn signal from Ivor Avenue onto Valley Boulevard, Commissioner Berry asked for the current cost of the project. Staff answered that the approximate cost estimate is between$80,000 to$90000. Commissioner Berry asked where the funding comes from to do this project. Staff replied that the funding is coming out of the street lighting fund. Commissioner Berry asked how the funding was allocated and received. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018 Page 1 of 6 Staff informed the Commissioners that the City Council approved a Capital Improvement Project for Fiscal Year 2017-18 called Battery Back-Up System Traffic Signal Upgrade and that funding will be used to install the protected left turn and battery backup system. Commissioner Berry also asked if General funds would be used. Staff responded that General funds will not be used. Commissioner Berry asked if they have any caps or restrictions on the types of systems being used. Staff replied that they don't have any restrictions. Staff explained that if the bids come in lower than the budget, they might add the video detection system and eliminate the traffic loops. Staff also clarified that they are limited based on the available funding. Staff explained that the funding is currently all budgeted and there is no additional funding other than that estimated at this time. Commissioner Berry asked staff if they thought of any other more modern systems to put in its place. Staff responded that there are other locations(on Garvey and Valley)with different systems that are coordinated with LA County. Staff explained that Los Angeles County has a program named KITTS that notifies the City of deficiencies on traffic signals and also gives recommendations on how to improve those deficiencies. Staff provided a few examples. Commissioner Berry asked if LA County has the final say on the type of system the City can put in. Staff responded no and explained that the City has the final say, and LA County only offers a recommendation. Commissioner Sevilla asked if the County has a synchronized system. Staff responded yes and explained the coordinated system along Valley and Garvey. Commissioner Sevilla asked if they were wireless. Staff responded that they have antennas. Commissioner Sevilla suggested using the same type of system that is being used at the intersection of Del Mar& Muscatel.near Janson Elementary School. Staff asked Mr.Sevilla if he can wait for Matters from the Traffic Commissioners to make his suggestion. Commissioner Beny asked if they have to use the current system being proposed because they have to coordinate or can the City use another type of system. Staff informed the Commissioners that it's up to the City on the type of system being installed based on the best available system and funding. Commissioner Berry mentioned that there are more modern systems that don't require the loops in the road,they're far more accurate and they don't require all the maintenance and repairs that the loop type systems require. Commissioner Berry wanted to know the price difference between a Traffic Signal Loop system and a Video Camera at a Signalized Intersection. Staff clarified with the Commissioners that they were only approving the concept to go to the City Council for approval and were not approving the type of system to be installed. Staff also explained that the type of system can change based on when the City Engineer is going through further design and construction of the project. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018 Page 2 of 6 Commissioner Berry mentioned that he wanted to discuss these issues since there were already plans and didn't know how it would change. Staff explained that plans can change based of available funding and that the Commissioners are not approving the plans but making a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Berry commented that they had the plans. Staff explained to the Commissioners that they wanted them to have the complete package but that does not mean that is the final packet. Staff also noted that they will take the suggestions into consideration and review the design to ensure the best type of signal is being installed based on the available funding. Commissioner Berry commented that from his understanding the difference is only a few thousand dollars. Staff informed the Commissioners that the cost for a Traffic Signal Loop system is about$500 to$750 and the cost for a Video System is about$6,000. Staff also explained that there are other types of systems available that are even more expensive. Commissioner Berry acknowledged that he also understood there were a lot of different systems and just wants to ensure that we are providing what is best with the best technology. Commissioner Berry commented that he understood there is currently not enough funding to get a more modern system installed,but would like to make sure that staff provide what is best for the City. He also explained how the video system can not only detect cars but pedestrians,bicycles and greatly improve safety,especially for kids. Staff informed the Commissioners that they have been installing the video system for the last three years and gave a number of locations. Staff explained that the traffic loops are being replaced as funding allows. Staff also commented that if the bids are lower than the funding amount,then they can request a changer order to replace the traffic loops with a video cameras. Commissioner Berry commented that it may not be a problem asking City Council for extra funding to make the improvements, if ifs a reasonable amount. He also noted that the loops don't work for those on bicycles or motorcycles: Staff mentioned that the signal gets hit often and when it's turned the wrong way the liability for the City goes up. Staff also mentioned that adding the protected left turn should eliminate some space for the turn pocket, create more space for the cars going north bound,and eliminate some of the impacts on that signal. Commissioner Betty mentioned that with these types of issues at this intersection, it would be better to take the better route. Chair Masuda asked for clarification on the type of signal being proposed for the intersection(green arrow to red arrow or green to blinking yellow). Staff informed the Commissioners that the signal will go from green to red. Staff also informed the Commissioners that they have noted Commissioner Berry's comments and will take them into consideration and look into what can be done to make it happen. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018 Page 3 of 6 Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Commissioner Sevilla to approve staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council the installation of a protected northbound left turn signal and a protected southbound left turn signal from Ivor Avenue onto Valley Boulevard. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Sevilla, Masuda and Ornelas No: None Abstain: None Absent: Quintanilla B. DRAFT CURB MARKING POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR RED, GREEN, YELLOW AND WHITE CURBS Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with a brief description on the item, along with recommending that the Traffic Commission review and comment on the Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red,Green,Yellow and White Curbs,and forward the document(with any proposed changes)to the City Council for approval. Brian Lewin, 9501 Ralph Street, suggested some minor modifications and one addition. First, under the Curb Marking Evaluation Process, Item C, Mr. Lewin suggested that the last sentence be changed to say "With the exception of red curb to address an immediate traffic safety hazard, when the location of the requested curb marking is in a place..." Mr. Lewin explained that this suggestion is being made to ensure visibility issues are addressed where a properly owner may not want a red curb and lose a parking space in front of their property. Mr. Lewin also asked if the omission of business owners from this section was intentional, He explained that businesses may be significantly impacted by the addition of colored curbing,but are often not the property owners, and seeking the input of potentially-impacted non-property owning businesses could be relevant. Second, under Evaluation Criteria.Mr. Lewin suggested for the very last one Is the curb marking....' that the last part be changed to",..and/or the curb marking is required to address an immediate traffic safety hazard." Mr. Lewin explained that it would be good to make it clear that a property owner's desire should not be allowed to trump a safety issue. Lastly, in the Evaluation Criteria,he suggested adding"Is there off-street parking available that could address the same issue without the impact of restricting on-street parking?Consideration will be given to whether existing off- street parking space could reasonablybeconverted by the requestor,or by the requestor s landlord,to provide the needed loading zone or shod-term parking." He explained that it is important to look at what they already have to determine if the problem can be solved that way rather than affecting on street parking. Commissioner Berry asked when business request a green curb, are they required to ask their landlord first and then come to the City. Staff replied no,and explained that would be an owner/tenant agreement included in their lease. Commissioner Berry asked how the City enforces parking and traffic restrictions. Staff informed the Commissioners that parking restrictions are done through our Code Enforcement Division,which is under the Community Development Department. Staff explained that when a complaint is received it is put in the computer system and Code Enforcement will investigate the complaint. Commissioner Berry asked if they can get someone from Community Development to provide them with the process for parking enforcement,outside of complaints. Staff explained that they will put in a request with the Director of Community Development, Ben Kim,to have the process put in writing which could then be forwarded to the Commissioners. Chair Masuda suggested if they can look at the type of business that is requesting the time limited zone and count the amount of spaces on and surrounding the property. Mr. Masuda also asked if they can add a'consent' and "do not consent"box on the application. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018 Page 4 of 6 Staff replied yes and explained to the Commissioners that the bottom of the application will also have a section to indicate when staff received the application,and that the application and all information was verified. Commissioner Berry asked when a business owner makes a request, will the property owner be notified of the request. Staff replied yes There was discussion among the Commissioners on how to proceed due to comments from the public(Mr.Lewin) and the Commissioners difficulty following the suggestions. Staff suggested inviting Mr. Lewin back to the podium to go over his comments and requested that Mr. Lewin provide page numbers so they could then address his comments. Chair Masuda invited Mr. Lewin back to the podium. Brian Lewin noted the first suggestion was located on page 5, last sentence of Item C, and requested that the beginning of the sentence be changed to add"With the exception of red curb to address an immediate traffic safety hazard,..." He explained that he is just suggesting taking that one exception out and explicitly mark it off. Mr. Lewin described his reasoning for this request as related to safety and visibility issues. Mr. Lewin noted his next suggestion located on page 7 under Evaluation Criteria the last item. Mr. Lewin explained that he is suggesting the last pal of that sentence be changed to add the word'or and take out the word "if so that it reads"...and/or the curb marking is required to address an immediate traffic safety hazard." Lastly, Mr.Lewin suggested adding a criteria as an additional evaluation step as follows: "Is there off-street parking available that could address the same issue without the impact of restrictingon-street parking?Consideration will be given to whether existing off- street parking space could reasonably be converted by the requestor,or by the requestors landlord,to provide the needed loading zone or short-term parking.."-He explained that it is not a determination thing just an additional evaluation criteria that would be looked at. Staff informed the Commissioners that they had no issues with any of the suggestions. Staff explained that any comments added by the Commissioners would be included in the document and noted for the City Council to review and approve. Commissioner Berry suggested that the lasttwo suggestions be added to the draft document. Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ornelas to approve that the Traffic Commission forward to the City Council the Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red,Green,Yellow and White Curbs, for their approval.with the noted changes. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Ornelas,Sevilla and Masuda No: None Abstain:None Absent:Quintanilla 3. STAFF REPORT NONE 4. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Sevilla asked if they can have the red curbs repainted along Rosemead Boulevard. Commissioner Omelas asked if they can get solar powered stop signs installed on Bartlett Avenue and Marshall Street, near Janson Elementary School. Commissioner Berry asked if they can get a list of the projects that are going throughout the City and their progress. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018 Page 5 of 6 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for May 3, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Michelle Ramirez Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018 Page 6 of 6