CC - Item 5B - Minutes for 4/10/2018 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGULAR JOINT MEETING APRIL 10,2018 The regular joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation was called to order by Mayor Steven Ly at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California PRESENT: Mayor/Chair Ly. Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Clark, Council Members/Board Members Armenta and Low ABSENT: Council Member/Board Member Alarcon PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Frances Willard Elementary School Student Imani Duran INVOCATION was led by Rabbi Jason Rosner STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Interim City Attorney Murrows, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Community Development Kim, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Yugar, Director of Public Works Ramirez, and Acting City Clerk Hernandez 1. PUBLIC COMMENT - None 2. PRESENTATIONS A. Introduction of Interim Human Resources Manager Andrea Cutler City Manager Molleda introduced and welcomed Ms. Cutler, Interim Human Resources Manager. Ms. Cutler comes to the city with over 26 years of human resources experience. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from University of the State of New York and a Master's degree in Public Administration from California State University Long Beach. Ms. Cutler expressed her appreciation to the city for the opportunity to recruit a permanent human resources manager. B. Introduction of Interim Parks and Recreation Director Pamela Yugar City Manager Molleda introduced and welcomed Ms. Yugar, Interim Parks and Recreation Director. Ms. Yugar comes to the city with over 26 years of parks and recreation experience. She worked for the cities of Alhambra, Azusa, Bell, and Bell Gardens. She earned an Associate's degree in Communications from Mt. San Antonio College,a Bachelor's degree in Communications from San Diego State University, a Master's degree in Communications from California State University Los Angeles, and a Master's degree in Public Policy from Cal Poly Pomona. Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Regular.Joint Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2018 ITEM NO. 5B Page 1 of 6 Ms. Yugar expressed her excitement for the opportunity to serve the city and briefly discussed her personal history growing up in the area. Council Member Low stated Ms. Yugar's reputation is well known and has had people approach her to share their excitement that Ms. Yugar has joined the city. Council Member Armenta stated while in Sacramento, she spoke to a Council Member from Bell who expressed accolades for Ms. Yugar. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Interim City Attorney Murrows announced as it relates to the city clerk's contract, the summary of the proposed salary and fringe benefits is an initial annual salary of $95,563.80 and the benefits of the middle management classification of city employees. A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2018-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,236,231.30 NUMBERED 99424 THROUGH NUMBER 99556 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-23 • Resolution No. 2018-06 RHDC A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $20.00 NUMBERED 1598 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-06 RHDC B. Display of the Vietnamese American Heritage and Freedom Flag with the United States of America Flag Along Valley Blvd. as a Symbol of Freedom and Democracy. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the request of the Vietnamese Refugee Community of Los Angeles County to display the Vietnamese American Heritage and Freedom Flag side-by-side with the United States of America Flag along Valley Boulevard from April 22, 2018 through April 30, 2018,in accordance with the protocol specified in the United States Flag Code. Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes ofApril 10, 2018 Page 2 of 6 C. Approval of City Clerk Contract Recommendation:That the City Council approve the Employment Agreement with Mrs. Hernandez and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Low and seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve Consent Calendar items A, B, and C. Motion was carried by unanimous vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Low, and Ly 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF - None 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR& CITY COUNCIL Mayor Ly noted the following items will be taken out of order and reflected accordingly. B. Administration of the Oath of Office to Margaret Clark to assume the position of Mayor Pro Tern. Tim Clark administered the Oath of Office to incoming Mayor Pro Tem Margaret Clark. A. Administration of the Oath of Office to Steven Ly to assume the position of Mayor. Michael Ly administered the Oath of Office to incoming Mayor Steven Ly. C. Recognition of Polly Low as outgoing Mayor. Mayor Ly commended outgoing Mayor Low for her service and leadership as Mayor and presented her with a plaque to commemorate her service. E. City Council Comments Council Member Armenta thanked outgoing Mayor Low for her leadership and commended her for an excellent year as Mayor. She stated it was an honor to serve under her. Council Member Low thanked Council Member Armenta for her comments and expressed her fortune to serve as Mayor as she received strong support from her fellow council members and staff. She expressed she believes Mayor Ly will do a good job and it will be her pleasure to serve under him this year. Mayor Pro Tern Clark concurred with the comments regarding Council Member Low's leadership as Mayor. Council Member Armenta briefly discussed her personal history growing up in Rosemead along with Mayor Ly and expressed she knows his parents are proud of his accomplishments. She expressed she is looking forward to Mayor Ly's Rosemead City Council and the Rousing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2018 Page 3 of 6 leadership over the coming year. especially for his ideas related to technology and innovation. She then thanked Mayor Pro Tern Clark for her mentorship and leadership. She believes that while the council members don't always agree, they have tremendous respect for one another and a passion for the city they serve. Mayor Pro Tem Clark presented Mayor Ly with a street pole banner honoring his service in the military, stating the freedom people enjoy is due to the service and sacrifice of the individuals like him. Council Member Armenia noted Mayor Ly previously skipped his rotation as Mayor in order to serve his country on a number of occasions. Mayor Ly expressed his appreciation to the council for their strength and intelligence as they guide and direct the city and move it forward in a positive way. He described Mayor Pro Tern Clark as the Dean of the Council as her wisdom and institutional knowledge of the city and the region is unchallenged, specifically in the areas of water quality, public safety, and homelessness. He stated Council Member Low is the premier advocate for making the city more business friendly and responsive to its small business owners, ensuring processes are efficient and effective. He then described Council Member Armenta as the Teacher and Educator of the Council. He discussed how he met her and came to run for council as a slate with her and Mayor Pro Tern Clark. He stated city staff is the backbone of the community,delivering quality services. He outlined his goals for the coming year including the expansion of parks and open space, wireless technology, and undergrounding powerlines. He noted his state of the city address will include yet another year of a balanced budget. In closing, he stated council members are nothing without the community they represent and recognized his fellow soldiers who are making a difference every day by serving their communities and their country. D. Presentations and Commendations for newly appointed Mayor Steven Ly. Mayor Pro Tern Margaret Clark, and Polly Low as outgoing Mayor. Becky Chang, District Director representing Congresswoman Judy Chu, congratulated Mayor Ly and Mayor Pro Tern Clark on their appointments and Council Member Low for her accomplishments during her tenure as Mayor. She then presented Mayor Ly and Council Member Low with Certificates of Congressional Recognition. Henry Lo, Senior Field Representative representing Assemblyman Ed Chau and Garvey School District (GSD) Board Member, expressed appreciation to Council Member Low for her tenure as Mayor and presented her with a certificate. He then introduced GSD Board Members John Nunez and Vinh Ngo and Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2018 Page 4 of 6 GSD Superintendent Anita Chu, expressing deep appreciation on behalf of the students of the GSD to the city for its partnership. Lastly, he congratulated Mayor Ly on his installment as Mayor and presented him with a certificate. Jimmy Tang, Assistant Field Deputy representing Supervisor Hilda Solis, commended the council for its dedication to innovations in social services, transportation, economic development, and homelessness. He then presented certificates to Mayor Ly, Mayor Pro Tern Clark, and Council Member Low. Mayor William Man,City of Temple City, congratulated Council Member Low for her accomplishments during her tenure as Mayor and thanked her for being an inspiration and mentor. He then congratulated Mayor Ly for his upcoming tenure and wished the city success, noting the City of Temple City holds the same values as the City of Rosemead such as community, family, and pride in the military. Lastly, he presented them with certificates. Mayor Ly concurred with Mayor Man stating the cities in the area have more commonalities than differences. John Quintanilla, Rosemead School District Trustee, congratulated Mayor Ly and Mayor Pro Tem Clark and thanked Council Member Low for her leadership over the past year and looks forward to continuing the partnership with the City Council and staff. Ray Jan, Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director Rosemead Chamber of Commerce (Chamber), introduced Board Members Paul Chen (President), Daniel Deng, Elizabeth Martinez,and Amy Wu. She thanked the City Council for supporting the Chamber's three-year plan and will return to the City Council with a semi-annual report on its progress. Chamber President Chen presented a plaque to Council Member Low to commemorate her tenure a Mayor and thanked her for her leadership and her guidance and support to the Chamber. He congratulated Mayor Ly and Mayor Pro Tem Clark and presented them with tokens of appreciation. Lastly, he thanked the City Council and staff for being a great partner to the Chamber. Council Member Low thanked the Chamber for its support. Mayor Ly stated the Chamber is a great partner to the City of Rosemead. Ky Do, Binh Dinh Chinese Friendship Association, presented Mayor Ly with a certificate to express the Association's sincere appreciation admiration and respect for his service, dedication, commitment, and leadership. Victor Gau, Executive Vice President of the Southern California Fukienese Association, presented Mayor Ly with a plaque for his installation as Mayor and wished him great success. Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2018 Page 5 of 6 Mayor Ly explained his ancestors came from the Fujian Province in China. The Southern California Fukienese Association is a representation of that community. Mayor Ly introduced various Commissioners, elected officials, and dignitaries in attendance. In closing,he expressed a special thanks to the city's department heads and staff for their support and service to the community as well as the County Sheriffs Department who serve as the police force for the City of Rosemead. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on April 24. 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Approved: Steven Ly,Mayor Rosemead City Council and the Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 10. 20/8 Page 6 of 6