CC – Item 7A – Staff Report – SB 2010 Los Angeles and San Gabriel River Conservancy • PF®�=` staff eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS �� R✓OSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: la PRANK G. TRIl'EPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: V MAY 22, 1998 RE: SB 2010 (HAYDEN)LOS ANGELES AND SAN GABRIEL RIVER CONSERVANCY Councilmember Clark has requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for discussion purposes. Attached is a copy of the bill, the bill analysis, a newspaper article on the subject, letters of opposition, and a letter from Senator Solis. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to draft the appropriate correspondence for '.. the signature of the Mayor and direct the City Clerk to make the necessary notifications. • COUNCIL AGENDA 1998 sr ITEM No. PAGE 1 Display 1997-1998 Bill Text - INFORMATION ILL NUMBER: SB 2010 s ,jam BILL TEXT f4,S4 stall 2 98 AMENDED AMENDED IN SENA �L13, 1998 INTRODUCED BY Senators Hayden, Polanco, and Solis (Coauthor: Assembly Member Martinez) FEBRUARY 20, 1998 An act to amend Sections 33000, 33102, and 33200 of, to amend the heading of Division 23 (commencing with Section 33000) of, to add Section 33106 to, and to add Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 33300) to Division 23 of, the Public Resources Code, relating to the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 2010, as amended, Hayden. Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Ali Conservancy. Under existing law, there exists a Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy within the Resources Agency to acquire and protect lands within the Santa Monica Mountains Zone, as described. This bill would rename the conservancy the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy and would establish within the renamed conservancy the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy to establish policies and priorities concerning acquisition of land, river management, habitat and wildlife restoration, water conservation recharging and storage, and recreational and community development projects within the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds, as described. The bill would provide for a governing board of 20 members, as prescribed, and would prescribe the duties of the board. The bill would include as an ex officio member of the governing board of the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy the Chairperson of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy governing board who would have the right to vote on any matter pertaining to a project within the Los Angeles River or San Gabriel River watersheds, as prescribed. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: no. PAGE 2 Display 1997-1998 Bill Text - INFORMATION ' BILL NUMBER: SH 2010 BILL TEXT THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The heading of Division 23 (commencing with Section 33000) of the Public Resources Code is amended to read: DIVISION 23. SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS AND RIVERS CONSERVANCY _ SEC. 2. Section 33000 of the Public Resources Code is amended to read: 33000. This division shall be known as and may be cited as the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy Act. SEC. 3. Section 33102 of the Public Resources Code is amended to read: 33102. "Conservancy" means the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy. SEC. 4. Section 33106 is added to the Public Resources Code, to read: 33106. "Zone" also means the following: (a) The Los Angeles River watershed, including the Los Angeles River and tributaries, including the Arroyo Seco and Rio Hondo, and the contiguous rights-of-way, access routes, pathways, parkways, greenways, and open spaces adjacent thereto. (b) The San Gabriel River watershed, including the channel of the San Gabriel River and tributaries and the contiguous rights-of-way, access routes, pathways, parkways, greenways, and open spaces adjacent thereto as generally depicted on the map entitled "Recreation Baseline Conditions" filed with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works in September 1997. SEC. 5. Section 33200 of the Public Resources Code is amended to read: 33200. (a) The Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy is hereby established within the Resources Agency. The conservancy is composed of eight members designated or appointed pursuant to subdivision (b) , one ex officio member appointed pursuant to subdivision (c) , and two ex officio embers appointed pursuant to subdivision (d) . The members designated or appointed pursuant to subdivision (b) may vote on all matters of concern to the conservancy and the members appointed pursuant to subdivisions (c) and (d) have qualified voting rights as specified in those subdivisions. (b) The members who may vote on all matters are as follows: (1) The Director of the National Park Service or an employee designated by the director. (2) A member representing the City of Los Angeles, appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. (3) Three public members who shall be residents of either the County of Los Angeles or the County of Ventura, one of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, one of whom shall be appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, and one of whom shall be appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly. At least one PAGE 3 Display 1997-1998 Bill Text - INFORMATION BILL NUMBER: SB 2010 BILL TEXT of the public members shall reside within the San Fernando Valley statistical area, as defined in Section 11093 of the Government Code. The seat of a public member shall be deemed vacant if the member changes his or her residence to a county other than Los Angeles or Ventura County. (4) An elected official who is a representative nominated by the city councils of those cities which have at least 75 percent of their areas within the zone who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles or a member appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, or that member's designee. (5) An elected official who is either a member of the City Council of the City of Thousand Oaks or a member of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Ventura and who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Ventura, or the elected official's designee. (6) The Secretary of the Resources Agency or his or her designee. (c) The Chairperson of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy governing board shall be an ex officio member who shall have the right to vote on any matter pertaining to a project within the Los Angeles River watershed or the San Gabriel River watershed. (d) (1) The California Coastal Commission and the State Coastal Conservancy shall each appoint an ex officio member who shall be either a member or employee of their respective agency. The ex officio member appointed by the California Coastal Commission and the State Coastal Conservancy shall be nonvoting members, except that the ex officio member appointed by the State Coastal Conservancy may vote on any matter relating to a project undertaken within the coastal zone portion of the zone. (2) On the 10th working day after certification pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 30500) of Division 20 of any local coastal program, or any portion thereof, for any portion of the zone, the ex officio member appointed by the California Coastal Commission may vote on any matter relating to a project undertaken within the coastal zone portion of the zone and the ex officio member appointed by the State Coastal Conservancy may not vote on the matter. (e) The chairperson and vice chairperson of the conservancy shall be selected for a one-year term by the members of the conservancy designated or appointed pursuant to subdivision (b) . A majority of the membership of the conservancy authorized to vote on a particular issue constitutes a quorum for the transaction of any business related to that issue under this division. (f) (1) The following members of the conservancy shall be compensated for attendance at regular meetings of the conservancy at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100) per day: (A) The public members. (B) The member appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles or that member's designee, unless the member or designee is also a member of the board of supervisors, in which case no compensation shall be paid. (C) The member appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Ventura or that member's designee, unless the member or designee is also a member of a board of supervisors, in which case no compensation shall be paid. (D) The members appointed by the State Coastal Conservancy and the PAGE 4 Display 1997-1998 Bill Text - INFORMATION BILL NUMBER: SB 2010 BILL TEXT California Coastal Commission if these members are not employees of their respective agency or are not full-time compensated elected officials. (E) The appointed member representing the City of Los Angeles. (F) The Chairperson of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy governing board. (2) All members of the conservancy shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses, including travel expenses, incurred in the performance of their duties. SEC. G. Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 33300) is added to Division 23 of the Public Resources Code, to read: CHAPTER 4. LOS ANGELES AND SAN GABRIEL RIVERS CONSERVANCY 33300. There is hereby established within the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy. 33301. The Legislature hereby finds and declares as follows: (a) The Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers and their tributaries and watersheds constitute a unique and valuable environmental and ecological resource that should be held in trust for present and future generations. (b) The Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers exist in a multijurisdictional environment where public policies have in the past led to conflicts between objectives, and it is in the public interest to harmonize and reconcile the various legitimate public policies concerning the rivers so that the environmental and ecological values thereof are maximized, while at the same time providing public safety and flood protection to the residents of the greater Los Angeles and San Gabriel river basins. 33302. There is hereby established within the conservancy the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy governing board composed of the following 20 members: (a) The chairperson of the conservancy. (b) Nine public members, three each appointed by the Governor, the Speaker of the Assembly, and the Senate Committee on Rules. (1) of the members appointed by the Governor, one shall be an expert in the field of hydrology, one shall be an employee of the Resources Agency or a department thereof knowledgeable in conservation biology, and one shall be a resident of a community bordering the Los Angeles River or San Gabriel River. (2) Of the members appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly, one shall be a member of a nonprofit organization established in Los Angeles with longstanding experience that has as its primary purpose the protection and revitalization of the Los Angeles River, one member shall be an expert in watershed management, and one shall be a resident of a community bordering the Lcs Angeles River er San Gabriel River. (3) Of the members appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, one shall be a member of the board of directors of a nonprofit organization that has among its principal purposes the conservation and restoration of Los Angeles County coastal waters, one shall be a person in a for profit organization engaged in the field of riparian restoration or visitor serving recreation in riparian areas, and one shall be a resident of a community bordering the Les Angeles River er San Gabriel River. PAGE 5 Display 1997-1998 Bill Text - INFORMATION BILL NUMBER: SB 2010 BILL TEXT (c) Two members appointed by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors with experience in environmental restoration and sustainable development. (d) Two members One member appointed by the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles with the approval of the city council. (e) One member who shall be a city council member of a city, other than the City of Los Angeles, bordering along the Los Angeles River appointed by the city selection committee. {€} One member who shall be a city eeuneil member (f) Two members who shall be city council members of a city bordering along the San Gabriel River appointed by the city selection committee. (g) One member appointed by the Regional Administrator of the federal Environmental Protection Agency. (h) One member who is either a member or an employee of the State Coastal conservancy as appointed by the State Coastal Conservancy. (i) There shall be two ex officio members, as follows: (1) One ex officio member shall be the District Engineer of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, or his or her designee. (2) One ex officio member shall be the Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, or his or her designee. 33303. The governing board, subject to this division and any policies adopted by the conservancy to provide for the prudent expenditure of public funds in a cost-effective manner, shall do all of the following: (a) Establish policies and priorities concerning acquisition of land, river management, habitat and wildlife restoration, water conservation recharging and storage, and recreational and community development projects undertaken by the conservancy within the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds. (b) Approve specific projects within the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds that will protect and enhance the policies and priorities set forth in subdivision (a) . (c) Recommend to management agencies within the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds specific policies that will enhance riparian resources and protect the ecology of the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds. (d) Coordinate efforts with the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Los Angeles County Public Works Department to create multipurpose river and flood control projects. (e} Submit by January 1; 2989; in eeerdinatien with all relevant agencies and erganiratiens; the following, {1} A watershed management plan that identifies projects that restere eeelegy; conserve water; reduee runoff, and provide reereation- 42} A river restoration plan for the bus Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers that inelndes safe and environmentally sound potential alternatives to existing ehannels7 33304. The governing board shall elect one of their members as chairperson and one as vice chairperson to serve for a one-year term. 33305. All meetings of the governing board shall be held in accordance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act (Article 9 (commencing with Section PAGE 6 Display 1997-1998 Bill Text - INFORMATION . BILL NUMBER: SB 2010 BILL TEXT 11120) of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code) . Members of the governing board who are not full-time public employees shall be compensated at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100) per regular meeting, but for not more than 12 regular meetings per year, and for the actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. 33306. The governing board may appoint any technical advisory committee it deems necessary. 33307. The governing board may approve any project, acquisition, or grant that could otherwise be approved by the conservancy within the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds by a majority vote of the membership of the governing board. 33308. The conservancy shall maintain fiscal oversight over any project, acquisition, or grant approved by the governing board, and may disapprove any project by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the conservancy if it finds that the project, acquisition, or grant is an imprudent expenditure of public funds. 33309. Except as specifically provided in this division, all powers granted to the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy or its executive director by this division apply within the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds to the extent necessary to carry out the purposes and objectives of this chapter, and to this end the provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed, and shall govern over any other provision of law inconsistent with this chapter. 33310. Members of the public, business persons desiring to establish compatible private sector projects, local governments with jurisdiction along the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds, management agencies, and nonprofit organizations shall be encouraged to submit projects for consideration by the governing board. The conservancy shall adopt procedures for the review, public hearing, and approval of those projects, and any other projects that may be submitted on the initiative of the governing board or individual members thereof. 33311. Policies and procedures shall be adopted by the conservancy pursuant to this chapter only after public hearings noticed and called so as to afford maximum opportunity for public participation by communities along the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds. No policy or procedure adopted pursuant to this chapter shall be considered a regulation within the meaning of the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code) . 33312. The conservancy shall adopt a priority listing of projects within the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds approved by the governing board, and shall submit that priority listing to the Governor and the Legislature pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 33208. 05-21-1998 09: 15 5188597785 WATER DUALITY AUTHORITY 2.03 • SB 2010 Senate Bill - Status , Page I of 1 CURfiSNT BILL STATUS MEASURE : S.B. No. /010 AUTHOR(S) : Hayden, Polahco, and Solis (Coauthor: Assembly McMber Martinez) . TOPIC : Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy. HOUSE LOCATION ASM - +LAST AMENDED DATE. 05/19/98 TYPE OF BILL : Active Non-Urgency Non-Appropriations Majority Vote Required Non-State-Mandated Local Program Fiscal Non-Tax Levy LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 05/20/98 LAST HIST. ACTION Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 21. Noes 12. ) To Assembly. 31 DAYS IN PRINT 03/23/98 TITLE An act to amend Sections 33000, 33102, and 33200 off, to amend the heading. of Division 23 (commencing with Section 33000) of, to add Section 33106 to, and to add - Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 33300) to Division 23 of, the Public Resources Code, relating to the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy, http://wwwaeginfo,ca:gov/pub/billlsen/sb_2001-2050/sb_2010_bill_status.httnl 5/21198 05-21-1996 09:16 9199597788 WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY P.04 SB 2010 Senate Bill - Vote Information Page 1 of 1 VOTES - ROLL CALL M.EASUR- . SB 2010 AUTHOR: Hay• TOPIC: Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy DATE: 05/20/98 LOCATION: SEN. FLOOR MOTION: Senate 3rd Reading SB2010 Hayden (AYES 21. NOES 12. ) (PASS) AYES Thompson- Burton Greene Kopp Lockyer Sher Vasconcellos Costa O'Connell Rosenthal Schiff Polanco Hayden Solis Hughes Watson Dills Ayala Johnson Alpert Peace NOES Leslie Johanneesen Rainey Monteith Knight Wright Mountjoy Brulte Lewis Hurtt Haynes Kelley ABSENT, ABSTAINING, OR NOT VOTING Johnston Vacancy Maddy McPherson Barnette Calderon Craven http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pubibill/setilsb 2001-2050/sb 2010_vote_9S0520_03 52PM_sen_floorS111198 • • OE-21-199B 09:17 5168597788 WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY P.05 • SB 2010 Senate Bill -Bill Analysis Page 1 of 6 SENATE RULES COMMITTEE SS 2010 Office of Senate Floor'Analyses 1020 N Street, -Suite 524 • (916) 445-6614 Fax: (916) 327-4478 • THIRD READING Bill No: SB 2010 • Author: Hayden (D) , et al Amended: 5/19/98 Vote: 21 SENATE NATURAL RES. 4 WILD. COMMITTEE 6-3, 4/14/98 AYES:- Hayden, Alpert, Johnston, O'Connell, Sher, Thompson NOES: Johannesson, Leslie, Monteith SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE Senate Rule 28. 8 SUBJECT River restoration: Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivera SOURCE Author • DIGEST This bill creates a Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivera governing board within the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for the purpose of deliberating on parks and river restoration issues that pertain to the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Riversand their tributaries. p gip, Y1 v ANALYsTs The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy exists within the Resources Agency. The mission of the conservancy is to acquire and protect lands within the "zone" which includes a portion of the south bank of the Los Angeles River, Withinthe zone, the conservancy has the right of first refusal on surplus public property for sale. The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy's current governing board has eight voting members and two ex officio members. The ten members are as follows: Voting . http://www.leginfo.ca:gov/pubibill/senJsb_2001.20501sb_2010_cfa_980519_214830_sen_floor htoA21/98 05-21-1998 09:17 8188597788 WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY 9.05 SB 2010 Senate Bill -Bill Analysis Page 2 of 6 National Park Service City of Los Angeles Ventura County and Los Angeles County including at leant one from the San Fernando Valley City within the zone Thousand Oaks or Ventura County Ex Officio . Coastal Commission Coastal Conservancy Section 33206 of the Public Resources Code requires the Santa Monica .Mountains Conservancy to submit a prioritized 11st of projects to the Governor and to the Legislature. The Loa Angeles County Flood Control District was created in statute and has now been incorporated into the Loa Angeles County Department of Public Works. The mission of the State Coastal Conservancy includes acquisition, restoration, end protection of areas within the coastal zone and, to some extant, the watersheds of coastal rivers. Both the state Coastal Conservancy and the sante Monica Mountains Conservancy have received funding under Proposition 204 for projects. along the Los Angeles River. The Los Angeles River Master Plan is one of a number of planning documents that have been prepared to highlight development and park projects along the Los Angeles River. The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy's Annual Report for 1996/97 states the conservancy's commitment to implement a portion of the Los Angeles River Master Plan. The Coastal Conservancy, pursuant to legislation, completed Los Angeles River Park and Recreation Area Study which points to possible projects along the Los Angeles River. Proposed law . This bill would change the name of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy to the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivera conservancy (SMMRC) and extend the zone to cover the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers watershed. This bill would create the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy governing board within the SMMRc. The chairperson of the rivers board would be An ex officio member of the SMMRC governing board and have the right to vote on matters pertaining to a river project. This bill would provide for the appointment of the rivers governing 'board which would consist of 18 voting members and 2 ex officio members. The rivers governing board would havepersons knowledgeable in various pertinent fields and http://www.legin£o.ca.gov/pub/bilUsen/sb_2001.2050/sb_2010_cfa_980519_214830 Ben floor.hWSt1/98 05-21-199B 09: 17 8189597788 WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY P.07 SB 2010 Senate Bill - Bill Analysis Page 3 of 6 persona representative of the effected areas. The members would be as follows: voting . SMMRc Chairperson Governor - 3 ', Hydrologist Biologist from the Resources Agency Resident along Los Angeles or San Gabriel Rivers Speaker of the Assembly - 3 • Nonprofit organization re: river protection and revitalization Watershed management expert Resident along Los Angeles River Senate Committee on Rules - 3 Nonprofit organization re: coastal protection Business re: riverfront restoration or recreation Resident along San Gabriel River Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors - 2 Sustainable development Environmental restoration Mayor, City of Los Angeles - _ City Council member (along Los Angeles River) Two City Council members (along San Gabriel River) Environmental Protection Agency (federal) - 1 State coastal Conservancy member or employee Ex officio Army Corns -of Engineers Los Angeles County Department of Public Works This bill would provide that the SNPfRC governing board would have the authority to veto, based on fiscal grounds and only by a 2/3 vote, an expenditure of funds by the rivers governing board. The rivers governing board would establish policies and priorities concerning acquisition of land, river and habitat restoration, water recharge, and community development projects. Further, the board would approve projects toimplementthose policies. Under SB 2010, the rivers board would make recommendations to management agencies along the rivers to enhance riparian http://www.legisfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/sen/sb_2001-2050/sb_2010_cfa_980519_214830_sen floor.htiht 1/98 • 05-21-1998 09:18 8188597788 WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY P.05 SB 2010 Senate Bill Bill Analysis Page 4 of 6 resources. The board would coordinate efforts with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works to create a multipurpose river and flood control project. Meetings of the rivers governing board would be held in accordance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act. This bill calls for the public, business persons, nonprofit organizations, and local governments to voluntarily submit • river projects for consideration and funding by the rivers governing board. The priority list of projects would be submitted to the Governor and the Legislature pursuant to existing law. This bill states that policies and procedures would only be adopted by the rivers governing board after public notice - and opportunity for participation. Comments . The Los Angeles River flows over 50 miles from its sources in the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills out to sea at Long Beach. The San Gabriel River is a twin to the Los Angeles River in that it flows for about the same distance south east to enter the Pacific Ocean at Seal Beach, only about 10 miles east of the Los Angeles River outflow at Long Beach. The rivers are also very similar in that they flow through dozens bf urban neighborhoods that mirror the cultural and ethnic diversity of the State. Flood control projects on both rivers have cemented portions of the river bed and walls. Only 12 miles of the toe Angeles remains a soft bottom channel. These soft bottom areas are important for groundwater recharge and allow for habitat for over 200 species of birds. Related legislation Assemblymember Wildman is carrying AS 1840, on Assembly floor, extends the Santa Monica Mountains zone to include the Los Angeles River corridor, and requires public works projects that affect the Los Angeles River Parkway to be consistent with the Los Angeles River Master Plan. FISCAL EFFECT Appropriation: No Fiscal Com. : Yes Local: No - SUPPORT . ' (Verified 5/19/98) Sierra Club Endangered HabitatsLeague Ballona Watershed Conservancy Friends of the Santa Clara River Small Wilderness Area Preservation Santa Clarita Organization for Planning the Environment Friends of the Loa Angeles River http://www,leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/sen/sb_2001-2050/sb 2010_efa 980519 214830_sen_floor.htif21/98 • 05-21-1998 09. 18 8188597708 WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY P.09 SB 2010 Senate Bill -Bill Analysis Page 5 of 6 North East Trees OPPOSITION (Verified 5/19/98) Cities of Downey, Duarte, Lakewood, Paramount, Pico Rivera, and Signal Hill ' California Water Association Central Basin Water Association Diamond Bar San Gabriel Valley Water Association Department of Finance Southern. California Association of Governments ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT Supporters state that in order to coordinate the many demands for land acquisition and • management project, on the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers, it makes sense to create a single body which includes representatives from the many jurisdictions end interest groups with a stake in the future of the rivers. Supporters also note that preservation and enhancement of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers are important to the economy of the Los Angeles area. The bill would provide opportunities for community involvement such as for at-risk youth and flood control through natural spreading basins that offer wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities. Supporters point out there is currently no vehicle to coordinate and accomplish these tasks. ARGUMENTS IN OPPOSITION Opponents argue that the rivers governing board should include more local elected officials. They urge that the legislation expresslyallow for the completion of a particular flood control project along the Los Angeles River. opponents also contend that the governing board should include a member representing entitles who hold water rights. More specifically, they are concerned that the SMMRC would exercise its authority and condemn areas currently being used for groundwater recharge. C?:jk 5/19/98 Senate Floor Analyses SUPPORT/OPPOSITION: SEE ABOVE .a.. END a • http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/sen/sb_2001-2050/sb_2010_cfa_980519_214830_sen floor,11C11/98 05-21-1998 09:19 6180597766 WATER DUALITY AUTHORITY P, 10 SB 2010 Senate Bill -Bill Analysis Page 6 of 6 hupalwww.ieginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/sen/sb_2001-2050/sb_2010_cfa_980519_214830_sen_loochW@1/98 CE-2_-SEE e9._E s-e5557 5t LATER C..-4L, ry AL7HIR:-c -.C? SSk p � •Ye0at _ SC�VT gia ` J r s4 R a' a �� �fie9 ; .' 5-a1- • 48 Nk , a. ar • ru ,4y3 ' • - cJ .p3N ,•4TsT:: � o :. • 1 a 4 , secured $20 m1UapR from the }9 , r I� 1 RIV `� 'R t9te For work Wong the Los y • r A^_1bs River',1 b4so twrk- _ ? •!1 +I °r ,. s6I1atE 8pproveS bill attgwlth the Nkfidua] Birks t Service on a plan for the'San' ' / , " • t0.,'ye alley voice •Gabriel •River 1n.Ain a which Piai• I{ co pInclude a swimming arra f a y Cantlnued from Al eriPletting Thatpr apt would tdJ Y` l vamenegaq.q •• ur w ! that the-conservancy-down t vancy ASrogmu m!, Y. • 1 1d get more money,justtateke it 7ritaiws ark albne. Cgi ' 1 somelhe-eels theiVeif , Paik; r je ` • r • i t: -Solis irked to calm some of • ekteiidmg Cike talk,and hlrf+. { r 'rine er be add ng an ing pk2an$ b weresome ll C �ffamendmentto SB 2010 rennin, thg proJz is2har5dlis wouldr' rel „ e -g , o. hhaof .lag three ¢ erfilataeAsa :41000.1%, the Rivers Conse-tane9.to be "a't�iq�r7 e"4rA'Y{1vS{ from-cities along the-San Cbl' -Is ejs tirt*se; ` e r a' s, Gabrie!Rher Angeles" projects w utdeEem-Mnel ae ,^„ R - a E a Er 11- Cities elan Me Les ..hallos --t,'rough the 59ata' Monera' - k.,:7-1.67,.E. f: 9threr epo will ht yes. Th total of t a r ¢ r;•_1), .hr -rep^esenstives. 'I'ne rest Mountain Conservancy, but �' _ id E e.e. P E17! o W`•the-aammlt-=ee will be made decisions on Row It is spent. `- •J `o B'- 5. r E n s. o E up of exper' county efielats- would oe mad by the commit-: t • J a v :3 and one:rperson appointed by ;S.D'Agosta said-. c B ' ^, thejovetnor "The San Gabriel River will w - r t,=' o." g 3 l think he amendment benefittom ,his ':she said "I". -assures full representation to . is-a misconception.that,the � e- h the communities said state r'ver wilf be tgtored.,This wt1. '— . ' S ; Sen- `lom Hayderc, D.Santa help-th'epr t ,o i .ur B Monica, woo sponsored the While cities waht:represen - 'Q [- . btll1 There arsoma fears by tataon'; some environmental ^ 5 5 .�' th San Gabriel Valley :rhes goupsaro worried about,land -J that-they are being manipula' management- = = e0 but mrnl. we are totally .J..r comm, d to making the ••ver gran Croissant, with the s = < Glendora Consonancy, is can- C 4- - a be Crn th is D Agocra. river earned that the Santa Monica . do-sion. chief for the Santa Mountain Conservancy is not - c = Monica 'w ountains famllfa. enough with the San a _ 5 ' '0 Conservancy, said he San ravel Rlv r Gabriel Rh will b n 9t from 1 would fo+e o See agenda' , _iE h legislator. since r eFowm wOrktng to er h . :not one Ic exnorienced n loob- for a eneg.dommenne ''she sari'... U =` = governmentuncs: n plan - the need nore than token rep- ' _ _ _ m lv r i m w ernem=. esentatio.t it has to be&lam �_f r'r�, _ Toeco.^.s .nc ,_car .y lc salutor ~ _ z t Yr I 0 l 1.� ±- MRY-14-98 THU 13:28 FAX NO. 5629047270 P. 01 y 0..ue wHF _ Gatyof Downey t v;�. Cnl fi _ --_-- ----- FUTURE UNLIMITED DATE: 13,1998 v nolea,' May TO: Mayors and City Managers of the following cities: Bell fl..ilL. Lakewood s Rosemead Bell Gardens Commerce Long Beach Signal Hill Bellflower Compton Lynwood South Gate Burbank Cudahy Maywood So. El Monte Carson Glendale Montebello So. Pasadena Cerritos Huntington Park Paramount Vernon Pico Rivera Whittier From: Mayor Barbara J. Riley Gerald Caton, City Manager LEGISLATIVE ALERT Background In 1992, Senate Bill 20X was fast-tracked through the State Legislature. At that time, SB2OX would have established a regional entity called the Los Angeles River Conservancy that would have governed issues like transportation, environmental land use,planning,etc. and affected issues like flood control and public safety, for communities along the Los Angeles River Channel from the Long Beach Harbor through the Tujunga Wash up through the City of Glendale. The bill had grave implications in that not only would it have impacted local control issues for cities along the channel, but any potential changes would have impacted communities that did not even border the Los Angeles River. If not for the efforts of our cities in this region, working together in opposition of this bill,SB2OX would have become law. WE DIED YOUR f1ELPAGAIN! We would appreciate your help in opposing several bills that are moving through the Legislature. These bills again have far reaching Impacts on our cities' ability to retain local control of land use Issues and our ability to represent our local communities' best interests. Please oppose S82010, 5131875,and A111840. 11111 BROOK$HIRE AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 7016 DOWNEY. CALIFORNIA 1102U.718 113Y-14-98 THU 1329 FAX NO. 5629047270 P. 02 WE STRONGLY URGE YOU TO OPPOSE THE FOLLOWING: SR2010- Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy (Authors; Senators Hayden,Folanco,Sobs, Assemblyman Martinez) This bill would expand the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy to include the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers watershed (this includes all tributaries, rights of way,parkways, greenways and open spaces). The Conservancy would be governed by an 18 member board appointed by the Governor (3 positions comprised of a Hydrologist, Biologist from the Resources Agency,Resident along the L.A or San Gabriel Rivers); Speaker of the Assembly(3 positions comprised of a non-profit organization for river restoration,a watershed management expert,resident along the L.A. or San Gabriel Rivers); Speaker of Committee on Rules (3 positions comprised of a nonprofit organization for coastal protection,business for riverfront restoration or recreation,resident along L.A. or San Gabriel Rivers); LA County Board of Supervisors (2 positions comprised of a sustainable development expert,environmental development expert);Mayor, City of Los Angeles (2 positions comprised of City Councilmember along L.A. River, City Councihncmber along San Gabriel River); U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; California Coastal Commission; State Coastal Conservancy; and two nonvoting members of Army Corps of Engineers and Ins Angeles County Department of Public Works. This creates a board very heavily heaviited toward environmental interests that will establish priorities and policies for land acquisition,water recharge,river and habitat conseLafiop,, economic redevelopment and community development_n the river watersheds, and along Its tributaries and flood channels - This board would haveprimacv over any other provision of law and directly impact local government responsihilities This board can conceivably be comprised of individuals who live outside the affected area or represent only a small Levment of the total impacted area. Beyond one rcprestaWtiv c-from the City of Los Anoeles, there would be only one position on the board available for an individual to represent all the cities impacted by this bah Cities are very concerned about environmental issues, water conservation and preservation issues that have been and will continue to be addressed through a variety of resources, programs and long-range planning projects within our respective communities. However,our cities must also prioritize the public safety and economic issues on behalf of our residents. The Los Angeles,Rio Hondo and San Gabriel River Channels are our region's primary protection against flooding and its public safety and economic protections must not be compromised. The potential limitations on land uses will have a significant fiscal impact on local governments. SR 1875 Th M tropolitan Di trio Eth' s nd Water Con r anon A t This bill would require the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to consider habitat restoration,watershed management,groundwater recharge as primary uses of the Los Angeles River,significantly altering the historic use of the river as a flood control and drainage system. MAY-14-98 THU 1.3:30 FAX NO. 5629047270 P. 03 The Act also requires MWD to make land use decisions regarding environmentally compatible community development-a responsibility that should be borne by cities, counties and regional planning boards, not the local water supplier. The bill would require MWD to develop alternate sources of water and rely lessupon Colorado River for water supply. This bill would require MWD to work with member agencies,the Water Replenishment District,LA County and the Corps to develop and implement programs that would utilize the resource potential of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers as a significant source of water, including storm water runoff from these rivers. - Potential fiscal impacts are significant as flood protection is diminished in the interest of other objectives mandated by this legislation. This bill could significantly impact future water rates. AD 1840- Los Angeles River Parkway - This bill would require every public agency constructing a major public works project within the Los Angeles River Parkway to make the project consistent with the Los Angeles River Muster Plan. - This bill adds the Los Angeles River "corridor" to the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy. - Public agencies MUST grant the right of first refusal to the Conservancy before disposing of surplus land. The Conservancy's purchase price would be the original purchase price of the land plus operating and maintenance costs. - TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. THE SENATE BILLS WILL BE HEARD IN THE SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE,MONDAY,MAY 18. IF PASSED THROUGH THE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE,THESE BILLS COULD IIT THE FLOOR FOR VOTE AS EARLY AS NEXT WEEK. THE ASSEMBLY BILL IS ALREADY TO THE FULL ASSEMBLY AND CAN BE VOTED ON AT ANY TIME. PLEASE FAX YOUR OPPOSITION LETTERS TO YOUR STATEI.EGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVES AND LA COUNTY DISTRICT SUPERVISOR,AS WELL AS: Yvonne Hunter League of Califora ittes FAX (916) 444-8671 California Contract Cities Association and/or Independent Cities Association FAX(310) 861-2389 FAX(818)784-1187 Governor's Office(in case they pass through the Senate and/or Assembly) FAX(916)445-4633 City of Downey-City Manager's Office FAX(562)923-6388 THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP IN STOPPING THESE BILLS! • MAY-14-98 THU 13 3C FAX NO. 5629047270 P. 04 Sample Letter Dear The City of strongly opposes (Description of bill). The cities along the Los Angeles and San Gabriel River corridors recognize the importance of regional planning, environmental protection end public recreation. These cities have individually and collectively participated in the development of the Los Angeles River Master plan with the County of Los Angeles, reached consensus with environmental interests on improvements to the Los Angeles River flood control system,and organized Councils of Governments throughout the region to ensure the economic development and improved quality of life for our communities. However, we believe that(Legislative bill no)would be detrimental to my city of(population)for the following reasons. (SB2010- Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy,would detract from these efforts by elevating the important but single issue of enhancing the river corridors beyond the control of the residents of this region: This bill expands the existing conservancy to include the San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers watersheds, creating another layer of government in this region, usurping local land use authority by giving the board the power to "govern over any other provision of law inconsistent with this chapter." The potential limitations on land uses will have a significant fiscal impact on local governments.) (SB 1875 -the Metropolitan Water District Ethics and Water Conservation Act, would require the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to consider habitat restoration,watershed management, groundwater recharge as primary uses of the Los Angeles River,significantly altering the historic use of the river as a flood control and drainage system. The Act also requires MWD to make land use decisions regarding environmentally compatible community development--a responsibility that should be borne by cities,counties and regional planning boards, not the local water supplier. Potential fiscal impacts arc significant as flood protection is diminished in the interest of other objectives mandated by this legislation.) (AB 1840- Los Angeles River Parkway, would require every public agency constructing a major public works project within the Los Angeles River Parkway to make the project consistent with the Los Angeles River Master Plan and adds the Los Angeles River corridor to the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy. Public agencies MUST grant the right of first refusal to the Conservancy before disposing of surplus land. The potential limitations on land uses will have a significant fiscal impact an local government and usurps the local decision making responsibilities of cities and their ability to represent the best interests of its residents.) Cities are very concerned about environmental issues. water conservation and preservation issues that have been and will continue to he addressed through a variety of resources,programs and long-range planning projects within our respective communities. however,our ei lies must also prioritize the public safety and economic issues on behalf of our residents. The Los Angeles,Rio Hondo and San Gabriel River Channels are our region's primary protection against flooding and its public safety and economic protections must not he compromised. A defeat of(Legislative bill no)would preserve our cities' ability to represent the best interests of our residents on a local level and to determine issues that are of paramount importance to their quality of life. Sincerely, Mayor's signature Senc by: JetFax MS 1 81 85631 933; 05/05/98 9:52Au;Jeffax #115;Page 3/3 ICERS C2R5 tXE AND SFII COMMITTEE !lawn'.!awn Lo Inas /x Ronald I. �(✓ NmuL1 Merry �����yyyyyy ))) / '� lury -i1'RMI?.ielf 7 Charier E.Shan 44r4-1 rilu..vw N,rpnlvn SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Cant]'"'"°"" WATER ASSOCIATION .Jud""LAlmond, April 6, 1998 Ra.n W.wnwn + Jim Br. klrMFd W.Cantwell 14wory C.Cary The Honorable Torn Hayden Wed I bike lame,Gallagher 23rd Senate District Manny 1.M•Grta Pat Malloy Capitol Building #2080 'whim V coli Pete Pn,.wa. Sacramento, CA 95S14 NIIMEERS :Utter: ill Alhmmnne RE: SB 2010 — OPPOSE City of Arcadia City Cityof e:dw'n Park Pay of Covina Dear Senator Hayden: Cry n1 El Meir lily iJ Glendora City W Irwindale City of Miwuvta The San Gabriel Valley Water Association has reviewed Senate Bill 2010 regarding City of Mnnur•y Park City of P.rmama the Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy, and we are OPPOSED to the City of Rosemead City if Sena M.dly bill because of the many significant issues and concerns that it raises. City of West Covina Lily of Militias ktlic�u n""muThe San Gabriel River System provides the primary source of drinking water for more Rowland Wo people than three million le from San Gabriel CanyonLongBeach. The River sail Gabriel CWD P P to San rabnel Valley MWD System isgoverned bythree court judgments adjudicating water rights in the Main Ohne Valley.MWD Y J $ J 8 Weer sail Cabral Volley MWD San Gabriel Basin and in Central Basin and allocating the River System's water Valley Curti Vail supply between the upper and lower areas covered by the two basins. The Los ° eWon:y Water Co. Angeles County Department of Public Works replenishes the groundwater basins Ca4rnni..Americsn Water Cu. . ban Gabriel Valley weer Co through its waxer conservation activities, using spreading basins and the unlined Co w �„ �o �.neWalK ., portion of the San Gabriel River. The same facilities arc used to supplement local M^.IaMnu�mal Water Co. water supplies with imported water used for groundwater basin recharge. Imported Aiteverly a`zulMca Waite weR Aa&atcr recharge activities are a fundamental component of the physical solutions Labwrre la mcsne Watarca imposed bythe court judgments for basin management. tampion Mutual Water Cu'twiP J g B ria Irrigetmg Co 1Hemlock Mutual Walt'Co siirban Homes Miscue!Warnco. The Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy, which SB 2010 seeks to Sicrhn Y.itul%Mier Ca sunny Slope Water Cu. create, could pose a conflict with existing jurisdictions: Valens Heights Water Cil. Valley View Mutual Water Cit. Prnml•&Induuml Pn4.rn' CalMmak•t • As a state resource agency, the conservancy's power of eminent domain could L A.Ca�a>poPublc works threaten the security of land along the river currently used for groundwater Millet Montoya.Num recharge. Conservancy projects could potentially interfere with water Rine Mille Memnon! a. conservation, recharge and flood control operations -- all of which are Trauma Mixed Conermo co. essential toublic health and welfare. United Rod.Pmnuca Corp. P Workman Mill Investment Ca. Cmadenet)IMr' ASLCansunba8 Engineers • The conservancy is given jurisdiction over local water conservation, storage Advance. y'.M ate ing.ar. and recharge projects, even though most of its voting members do not lane M.Bray Consulting Brown it Caldwell represent the areas impacted by these operations. Furthermore, local entities Donald a Howard Consulting Engineer. have, for decades, performed and managed these functions to the benefit of W. Plk arry.P.E. the public. Iamb Imo Company Main San tabnel Basin Waerrru.ter Montgomery Watson tmaulene Encin n Penang Engineering Xauncc,Inc. 3A Anrooatea 725 North Azusa Avenue •Azusa,California 91702 San Gabriel u..in Water Qwmty Authority Phone(62E)815-1305• Fak(626)815-1303 Ron Gabriel River Water Committee Seam Engina+s Inc. http: i/www.deltanet.com/ayvw Sent by: JetFax M5 181B5631933; 05/05/98 9:52AM; Jetrag /1115;Page 2/3 • The Honorable Tom Hayden Page 2 • The conservancy does not recognize existing water rights and could present a separation of powers conflict between existing court decrees and state legislation. • The conservancy creates yet another layer of bureaucracy to be funded by the public, with no demonstrated need. While the SGVWA recognizes the importance of preserving and restoring local rivers and wildlife habitats and creating recreational facilities for enjoying these areas, we must also stress the need to protect and maximize our local water resources. Our Association members would welcome the opportunity to work with environmental and other community interests on projects that would mutually satisfy our needs and concerns. Unfortunately, SB 2010 does not adequately consider the critical water needs and interests associated with the operation and management of the San Gabriel River and its adjacent lands. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please don't hesitate to call Carol Williams, Executive Secretary, at (626) 815-1305. Sincerely, David D. De ]esus President cc: Joe and Anthony Gonsalves SGVWA Legislative Committee S. Pedroza, USGVMWD J. Bray N. Edelen, MWD A. Gribnau, LACDPW Apr-22-98 14:56 City of Diamond Par 909-861-3117 P.OZ post-il Fax Note 7672 ""err "71V-b., / jam �n-c.` e ad- o.. y � 1m8. ,mrAm . . le tG -0.eA-Ie C.ox/ swkizt-4-47 City of Diamond Bar 11111,010ND I AR'l 21E-00 E.Copley Drive.Suite TOO . Diamond Bar,CA 91765-0177 (9119)1360-2489• Fax(949)7141-3117 ono ter. Mlp:/Arromi diamondaa A.ca.ua r Iun'ImO, 1909,0bOHer April23, 1998 The Honorable Torn Hayden Senator,State of California State Capitol Sacramento,CA 95814 SUBJECT: OPPOSITION TO SB 2010 Dear Senator Hayden I am writing this letter on behalf of the Diamond Bar City Council,and the people of Diamond Bar,to express our complete opposition to the expansion of the authority to acquire and protect land of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. Senate Bill 2010(SB 2010)would place virtually the entire county of Los Angeles under the authority of the proposed Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy. We,the people of Diamond Bar,disagree Carol Herrera with that expansion. Mayor Our experience with agencies such as the Santa Monica Mountains Wen Chang Mayor Pro ani Conservancy,is That they are completely unresponsive to elected officials who ere responsible for,and answerable to the people who live within the Eileen R.Ansari areas which the Conservancy is proposed to have authority. The legislation is Council Mnnber flawed in two unalterable ways. First,it goes far beyond a reasonable distance from the river corridor in terms of the exercise authority of the land. Second, Robert S.Huff the Board is comprised of people who arc appointed as opposed to people who Co,mdl.Memha have to go though elections. As Board members,there is very little Deborah H.O'Connor responsiveness on the part of these types of appointed officials. Council Memhm It is my impression,that this Conservancy is,either intentionally or unintentionally,going to create an agency that will engineer land uses, population distribution,business locations,and transportation corridors throughout the Los Angeles County area;and frankly,the more I know about the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and those that support it,the more I believe that this social and land engineering is intended. I think it is time we begin to talk about this type of agency. Apr-22-98 14 : 55 City of Diamond Bar 909-861 -3117 P . 01 Letter to Senator Hayden April 23, 1998 Page Two In any event,the City of Diamond Bar OPPOSES SB 2010 and will actively and pointedly consider efforts to assure that this legislation does not become law. Sincerely, Carol Herrera Mayor CH:nw cc: Governor Pete Wilson Senator Richard Mountjoy Assemblyman Gary Miller . P. The City of Azusa �; FQ Ell E212-Foothil243BlvFax Azusa 626 California 91102 (626)812-5301 Fax(626)330-6358 Diane Beebe Mayor Pro-Tem May 19, 1998 Al Leiga, President S.G.V. Council of Governments 234 N. El Molino, Suite 202 Pasadena, CA 91101 Dear Al Leiga, President: The City Council of the City of Azusa has adopted a Resolution opposing SB 2010,which in our belief will expand the jurisdiction of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy to take in the Los Angeles River Watershed and the San Gabriel River. We understand that if this bill is passed,the proposed Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy would have jurisdiction over almost all of the County of Los Angeles. The Santa Monica Mountains and Rivers Conservancy would go from 10 Board members to 20 Board members. This could have a large impact on your city's current plans regarding property uses at transportation solutions. We are concerned that decisions regarding the San Gabriel Valley River, will be made without many of the cities in Los Angeles County being involved in the decision-making process. The majority of the Board members of this new Conservancy will be appointed by people other than City officials,such as the Governor or other legislators,and they will have very little accountability for the decisions they make. We are encouraging amendments that will give city representatives a 51% majority on the new Board. I urge your City to take a position of opposition to SB 2010 and communicate that with Senators Tom Hayden,Richard Polanco,and Hilda Solis,as well as Assembly Member Diane Martinez,Please send copies to Al Leiga,President,San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments;and Marshall Mouw, President,Los Angeles County League of California Cities,your local Assembly Member,and area Supervisor. Sincerely, DIANE BEEBE Mayor Pro-tern Enclosure SB 2010 Pace 2 of 2 cc: Governor Pete Wilson Cities of: Irwindale Santa Fe Springs Senator Richard Mountjoy La Puente Downey Senator Bob Margett City of Industry Norwalk Assemblyman Martin Gallegos Arcadia Bellflower Assemblyman Gary Miller El Monte Cerritos Supervisor Mike Antanovich South El Monte Lakewood Supervisor Don Kanabe Baldwin Park Long Beach County of Los Angeles Pico Rivera Seal Beach Duarte Whittier Los Angeles RESOLUTION NO. 98-C84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AZUSA OPPOSING STATE OF CALIFORNIA SENATE BILL 2010 CONCERNING THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER WATERSHED AREA AND THE SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY WHEREAS,we believe that Senate Bill 2010, in that form existing as of May 18, 1998, will impact the San Gabriel River ecosystem and the cities adjacent to it; and WHEREAS,SB 2010 was discussed at length during a City Council meeting of May 4, 1998, and the City Council unanimously agreed to voice opposition to this bill; and WHEREAS,Senate Bill 2010 may remove local control in the decision making process in all aspects of the management of the Son Gabriel River Zone, And may further submerge our area of interest in a large conglomerate, of which a very large part is the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy; and WHEREAS, the priorities of this bill, at least from our vantage point, appear to be reversed: the most important, and top of the hierarchy, the Santa Monica "Mountains" and Rivers Conservancy, appears to present a somewhat distorted view of what has more need in the policies concerning river management, habitat and wildlife restoration;if viewed objectively, it is easy to see that the San Gabriel Mountains are, in truth, mountains. These mountains have almost all the wildlife habitats, recreational uses and and of which this bill speaks. More correctly, we suggest that the title and aim of this bill should be: The San Gabriel Mountains, Rivers and Santa Monica Hills Conservancy. The version now before the Legislature appears to not be in line with our local objectives. NOW THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Azusa hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. While it feels great concern over a blatant reversal of priorities in this matter, it hastens to assure the authors and coauthor of SB 2010 that it feels only regret and disappointment over what has happened,or, at least,is intended to happen,and hopes that the authors will continue to work with us in assuring that the priorities of cities along the San Gabriel Valley River are considered and made a part of the bill. Section 2.The City will continue to hold a fond hope that the authors, and coauthor, will, upon reviewing all aspects of the matter, realign the priorities involved here,establishing control of the San Gabriel River area to local authorities, instead of leaving it in the hands of representatives who are appointees of remote entities who are not familiar with, nor do they possess the identification and interest in this area, as do local authorities. Section 3. The City Clerk is directed to distribute this resolution to Senators Hayden, Polanco, Solis; Assembly Member Martinez; Al Leiga, President, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments; Marshall Mouw, President, Los Angeles County League of Cities; all of the surrounding cities. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of May, 1998. �� 1 I o . 1. . / Re-efu lion No.98-C84 page 2 of 2 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Azusa at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18'" day of May. 1998, by the following vote of the Counci: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARDISON, STANFORD, ROCHA, BEEBE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: MADRID ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE /L raga /PITY LE GOVT 8 PUBLIC AFFAIRS ID :213-236-1964 MRY 21 '9.8 8 : 19 No . 004 P . 02 13 May 1998 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SenatorHayden 2Capitol 2080 Capitol Building Sacramento. CA 95814 Dear Senator Hayden: The Energy and Environment Committee of the Southern California ASSOCIATION of Association of Governments, at Its May meeting, voted to OPPOSE GOVERNMENTS BB 2010, "Santa Moncia Mountains and Rivers Conservancy', which would create a Los Angeles and Son Gabriel Rivers governing board to deliberate on parks and river restoration projects. Mein Office 8113 West Seventh StreetWe believe that this legislation: ,.m Floor Fos Angeles.California Would result In the loss of local control regarding the use of the Arroyo Seco, Rio Hondo, and Son Gabriel Rivers; 900179435 • Would eliminate input from the COGs and titles directly 2) 236-11106 affected by the decisions made by the Santa Monica i(2111116i(05 Mountains and Rivers Conservancy: ww cs:e B.Id.9°v • Would establish policies and priorities concerning land acquisition and river management without allowing a local voice in the creation of certain procedures; • Would not constitute sufficient local entity representation in the •�e make-up of the governing body; • .d • Would create a bureaucracy that would decide upon local watershed Issues which could be worked through by local ihallin groups; and • Would present problems to local entities regarding water issues. Questions about our position on this Issue may be directed to Denise M.Smith, SCAG Government Affairs, at (213) 236-1875. w. • ;�IQ,Armies ,.• ,....W SSiiy nnjc�erelyy,,2 Cai BOB BARTLETT ••» --••�•- -••°•• •»'" " President, SCAG Ceary fa WUNISa. Mn T; Mayor, City of Monrovia icttho Arctresv rot,I- '..° ,a1 ,w,.Pa„R.,..,.. ehue.' o,on RESOLUTION NO. 98- 33 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE ADOPTION BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE LEGISLATURE OF SB 2010 GRANTING AUTHORITY TO THE SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY OF REGULATORY POWERS IN THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER WATERSHED AREA THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF GLENDORA, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy has initiated legislation to expand its powers to take, control and regulate lands in the San Gabriel River Watershed, an area significantly outside of the domain of its originally intended authority; and WHEREAS, by definition, the San Gabriel River Watershed encompasses a vast area including all of the territory lying easterly of the San Gabriel River and southerly from the Angeles National Forest to Orange County and the ocean; and WHEREAS, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy has initiated this legislation without consultation on the merits and equity of this legislation with local governing agencies nor established conservancy organizations already in existence in the San Gabriel River Watershed; and WHEREAS, the Conservancy appears to be seeking powers, influence and control over certain lands irrespective of adopted land use plans established by local city and county governing bodies; and WHEREAS, without any constructive discussions with the aforementioned agencies, it would appear that the imposition of another layer of government through the creation of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy Governing Board will be detrimental to the interests of the affected cities; and WHEREAS, the distribution of voting power on the proposed new Conservancy governing board excludes adequate representation from the affected cities so as to have little voice in matters affecting the destiny of these cities in the San Gabriel River Watershed region. Specifically, appointment to the Conservancy board are made by outside-of-the--area politicians who have no accountability to the locally affected electorate; and WHEREAS, absent any forthright discussions with the affected cities and private conservancy organizations, the intentions of the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy are suspect as being nothing short of a surreptitious effort to expand its political powers into regions not heretofore contemplated by the State Legislature; and 98-33 WHEREAS, in consideration of the above factors, it would appear that the passage of SB 2010 in its present form would ultimately have a dilatory affect on a broad range of entities both public and private within the San Gabriel River Watershed. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Glendora does hereby find, determine, order and resolve as follows: Section 1. The City Council strongly opposes the adoption of SB 2010 in its present form and requests that it be amended to include provisions acceptable to the affected public and private agencies in the San Gabriel River Watershed. Section 2. The City Council requests that no further legislative action be taken on this measure until meaningful bipartisan discussions take place and agreements have been reached between the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and existing public agencies and private conservancy organizations to fully consider the necessity, equity and merits of this legislation. Section 3. As SB 2010 is presently drafted, the City Council of Glendora sees no public benefit or equal voice for the San Gabriel River Watershed being placed under the jurisdiction of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. Section 4. The Glendora City Clerk is instructed to communicate the Council's opposition to SB 2010 to Senators Tom Hayden, Richard Polanco, Hilda Solis and Richard Mountjoy, as well as Assembly Members Diane Martinez and Bob Margett, Governor Pete Wilson, County Supervisor Mike Antonovich and the Los Angeles County Division of the League of California Cities. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12tfday of May , 1998. CITY OF GLENDORA /S1 C11E RAt1:P, Mayor ATTEST: rSNMNSHARP City Clerk State of California ) County of Los Angeles ) ss . City of Glendora I, Jo Ann Sharp, City Clerk of the City of Glendora, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 98-33 , was duly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Glendora, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a Regular Meeting of said City Council held on the 12th day of May 1998 , and that the same was passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit : AYES : Bauer, Mouw, Glenn, Degrassi , Fishman NOES : None ABSENT: None DATE: Jo' Ann SA -Sharp, harp, City C1er City of Glendora RESO1/CERTCC (tttlifnrnitt tate 'enttte SENATOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SACRAmENTO 91614451416 14 HILDA L. SOLIS UBCOMMITTEE ON ASIA TRADE AND COMMERCE 4401AVENUE TWENTY-FOURTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT SANTAECOTE POOR RNa CE.INVESTMENT.AND 16ONTE CA 91173 a%,i' INTERNATIONAL TRADE EL ' tIT,�°L HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 4716C EZ AVENUE JDARY G.Ai. I y NATURALRESOURCES AND WILDLIFE EAST LOS ANGELES.CA 90022 'k _ PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT AND 12131960-9560 Af� SY RETIREMENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON WORKFORCE PREPARATION SELECT COMMIT IEE ON BILINGUAL EDUCATION SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON CRITICAL To: City Councils, City Managers ITHINKING HOOLS EM SOLVING Re: Senate Bill 2010 (Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy) There are ongoing efforts in the State Legislature to create a rivers board to restore both the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers. I am well aware that the majority of finds for river restoration have not included the San Gabriel River. Senate Bill 2010, which I have co-authored, will assure that the San Gabriel River has the same opportunity to receive money to help improve it and its tributaries. Not only will this directly impact the river, but it will better our communities. Imagine a river with bike trials, picnic grounds and other recreational opportunities for our children and for our families. Many of our residents must travel away from our communities for recreation. We can move forward to make it possible for more of our families to enjoy our natural resources. I believe that this bill will help us accomplish this goal. I am aware that there is some concern about the representation on the conservancy board. I proposed amendments, which have been accepted, to change the composition of the rivers board. My amendments provide a more equal distribution of local representation for each river area. Local control and local input is crucial and my amendments will create a much more balanced board. The bill will also coordinate efforts with other management and local agencies, including cities. Perhaps most important to you is that my amendments also increase city council representation. The bill will now have two city council members from cities bordering the San Gabriel River. The board also will have representation from residents from the river area. I have always been a strong advocate for the San Gabriel Valley and will continue to assure that our communities not lose out on any opportunities. There has been many concerns about the impact of the legislation on our local area and I am working with city officials, water agencies and others to address their concerns. I want to create a rivers board which will provide our area with the opportunity to restore the San Gabriel River. I request your support in my efforts and welcome any comments on how we can best make this a reality. We must work together to ensure that we move forward to restore our San Gabriel River. Attached you will find copies of the amendments to the bill, today's San Gabriel Valley Tribune editorial, the latest un-amended version of the bill and a fact sheet about the bill. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Juan Torres at my district office at (626)448-1271. STATE FAWTOL ROOM 208o ,Srrtafe CHAIR SACRAMENTO.CA 9e••` " SENATE NATJRAL <918 a4s.105] (California 7[tgislafurr SELECT COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION 70951 W,PICO BLVC..0202 5U6CCMMTrTEE ON COASTAL LOS ANGELES.CA 90064 TOM HAYDEN AND OCEAN PROTECTION 310)an.S094 AND RESTORAION SENATOR COMMITTEES. TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT EDuCAT:ON -Zdp ENERGY.UTILITIES ve. " AND COMMUNICATIONS 3 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Sj_ TRANSPORTATION ;hU=M`^ May 15, 1998 Poatir Fax Note 7671 Dila S /S '.'•/1z To 3^ From raker- Bion ke�y� Bion M. Gregory; c,nem Co. V//y/ Legislative Counsel I Phone* Phone* State Capitol: Rooth 3021 FR"*C',? -"H"(f.R--etn6t EM" Sacramento, CA958f14 Re: Modify.M9811252 -SB 2010(Hayden) Dear Mr. Gregory'," Please modify RN9811252(attached) by adding a draft of the following amendments to SB 2010(Hayden);It would be greatly appreciated if the new draft would be available by Monday,May.18;098 at noon. Additional Amendment 1 Page 7, line 6, strike out, "or San Gabriel River" Additional Amendment 2 Page 7,line 15,stake out "Los Angeles River or" Additional Amendment 3 Page 7, line 20,strike out 'Two members" and insert: One member Additional Amendment 4 Page 7, strike out Gbe26, and insert: (I)Two members who shall be city council members Thank you for your help, Sincerely,cerely, - Kennedy • � ' '. Al2 V I 'S. �$. S $ Li A timely shift in green funds 1 = • HE bias on environ-mental money favors ing management county agencies of the west side over us Public Works and the Army T east siders.That may Corps of Engineers. Rivers be changing. board meetings will be open. Amendments by state Sen. giving the public a voice in Hilda Solis.D-fa Puente,to policies,procedures and pro- Senate Bill 2010 by Sen. Tom �P blic oveonigantiisuviital ` Hayden. D-Santa Monica, i forced the Santa Monica SH 2010 also calls for busi- Mountains Conservancy and ness, nonprofit-- senalocal�s , the Los Ange- and local to les River con We urge the state erumentsvoluntarilt servancy to include efforts Senate to approve a submit b'er river to restore the bill that would create consideration k on San Gabriel River and its a local board respon- w the+ : board Thtributaries. stole for restoring and -good news - cre to a joint iil for those who .: Los a repairing local water- live and do t Los Angeles ways and habitats. business in and Sani e s ��� and near Azu- ' bole]Rivers to board within op powerfullly Angeles s National Foresthnd j sendsome hopefully } semoney to our neck the San Gabriel River. of the woods for conservation Who aan, guidend ith a board to , and restoration of river habi coordinate m Duarte to Pico RI- l tat. We think a regional effort vera coulddevelop plans for trestore and reclaim ri e4 wildlife jogging 7 an wildlife refuge ad address and bike paths and quieta- - ground recharge families could learn - good idea. Not only does about fresh-waterpondife. cooperation save duplication Tadpoles.dragonflies,frogs of effort, it guarantees a laig- and heron all call waterways er pool, if you will, of Infor- home. Let's expand those • mation and expertise. neighborhoods—for once. This type of coordinated el While some would rather fort was missing when Los have an independent agency Angeles County was told by to deal with the San Gabriel the federal government that it River,we think Solis showed • would have to find a way to a lot of savvy,striking while .- - essentially "flood-proof'the the political Iron was hot for �: .. Los Angeles River.The knee- river restoration on the west ' jerk response was higher side.We like her quick re- walls and more concrete.Su- sponse to put the east side— pervisors were forced to look her side—our side—on the at other more eco-friendly al- environmental map. ternatives only after legal ac- We agree with the Sierra tion and much harranging by Club, Endangered Habitats environmental activists. League and other environ ' A rivers board could have mental groups that support prevented situation. and urge the Sen- proposed InhSolisamend- ate appropriations ments,the board will have lo- to vote up the amendments to- cal representation and will co- day when it meets in Sacra- ordinate efforts with other mento. (Califurnia 'tatz SenateEFF TO 0 o..� BE SENATE STATE CAPROITOL SENATOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SACRAMENTO aro.4A95BlA HI LDA L. SOLIS SAND COMMERCE ASIA TRADE B NUE TWENTY-FOURTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT ND DOORS - INVESTMENT AND SECOND CA 9'.731 FINANCE TRADE IB1B,4461241 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 476 CESAR CHAVEZ AVENUE JUDICIARY NATURALBUILDING RESOURCES AND W ILDUFE EAS-L05 ANGELES CA 90022 PUBIC EMPLOYMENT AND (2181980 9560 RETIREMENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON WORKFORCE PREPARATION SELECT COMMITTEE ON BILINGUAL EDUCATION SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON CRTCAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING IN OUR SCHOOLS SENATE BILL 2010 (HAYDEN/SOLIS) LOS ANGELES AND SAN GABRIEL RIVERS CONSERVANCY THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER IS ONE OF THE GREAT NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY. WE CAN ALSO HELP RESTORE THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER AS A RIVER WITH RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, WILDLIFE RESTORATION AND OTHER PROJECTS. SENATE BILL 2010 WILL CREATE A RIVERS CONSERVANCY BOARD TO ENCOURAGE CITIES, AGENCIES AND RESIDENTS ALONG THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER TO WORK TOGETHER IN ORDER TO IMPROVE THE RIVER FOR ITS OWN COMMUNITY AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. THE BILL OUTLINES MEMBERS OF THE CONSERVANCY WHICH WILL ENSURE LOCAL INPUT AND LOCAL DECISION MAKING. THE BOARD WILL BE COMPRISED OF VARIOUS REPRESENTATIVES FROM FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES. I FOUGHT TO ASSURE LOCAL REPRESENTATION AND EQUAL REPRESENTATION WITH THE LOS ANGELES RIVER CONSTITUENCY. SPECIFICALLY, - TWO MEMBERS WHO SHALL BE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS BORDERING THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER - THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON RULES MUST APPOINT A RESIDENT FROM THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER AREA - THE GOVERNOR MAY APPOINT A RESIDENT FROM THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER AREA RIVER RESTORATION SHOULD BE A PRIORITY FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. MOST IMPORTANTLY, WE MUST ASSURE THAT THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER RECEIVES AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE FUNDS AND BEGIN PROJECTS ALONGSIDE ITS TRIBUTARIES. IT WILL IMPROVE OUR COMMUNITIES, CREATE RECREATION FOR OUR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES AND RESTORE A SOURCE OF PRIDE FOR THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER. PLEASE JOIN ME AND OTHERS IN SUPPORTING SENATE BILL 2010. Los Angeles & San Gabriel Rivers Conservancy Membership Roster , Governor Appointment 9 Speaker Appointment a Expert, hydrology , Non-profit, riverline resources I Governor Appointment i Resources Agency Speaker Appointment Expert, watershed Governor Appointment j Speaker Appointment Resident, LA or SG River Resident, LAar60 River bi Rules Appointment PP � Los Angeles County 1 Nonprofit, cll.S &ri I Not Specified S Rules Appointment Los Angeles County For Profit, riparian restoration Not Specified Resident Rules Appointment Mayor of City of LA I3 , L u. SG River Appointment City Council Member C;�� LA River, not City of LA S=Ar 6 tr neaL City Council Member I State Coastal Conservancy SG River US Army Corp of Engineers Federal EPA Ex Officio Ex Officio (Chairperson of Conservancy Director, LA Public Works till Not Specified Ex Officio Margaret Clark,Councilwoman May 22, 1992 6:00 A.M. 1 am hereby requesting that an additional item be placed on the RosemeadCity Council Agenda for Tuesday,May 26.Recognizing that all items must be on the agenda 72 hours prior to the meeting,and that city hall is closed on Fridays,! am asking that a space be reserved on that agenda. Please add Senate Bill 2010 (Hayden). My reasons are as follows: Relying on assurances from Sen. Hayden to Sen. Solis, who is co-authoring the bill, that he would not move the bill until the cities and concerned agencies bad had the chance to air their concerns in a series of meetings scheduled for Thursday,May 21,we trusted that we could express our concerns then. These meetings had been scheduled at least a week prior to May 21. As a result we were shocked to open the Tribune on Thursday,May 21 to find on the front page that the bill had passed the entire senate on Wednesday,May 20! Consequently,I can only believe that the concerns we raised at the meetings on May 21 will need to be underscored through opposing resolutions. Therefore I am asking that the council consider opposition to S.B.2010.