CC – Item 4B – Staff Report – Approval of Request for Proposal Development of City Website �0 9, staf , eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM::,TRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE DATE: ��jj'' MAY 20. 1998 RE: APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL-DEVELOPMENT OF CITY WEBSITE Over the past several months, several members of the Council have expressed interest in developing a "City of Rosemead Website." Since no member of staff has the technical expertise to complete that project, it will be necessary to solicit the services of a consultant familiar with that kind of work. Toward that end, staff drafted the attached Request for Proposal (RFP) seeking an individual or firm who will assist staff in creating a website. The RFP, as drafted, calls for the creation of a five (5) page website that will include basic text, photographs and other images deemed appropriate. Initially, staff envisions a website that will provide a brief history and overview of the community,a calendar of events,agendas and discussions of topical items as they arise. For the time being, it is recommended that the website remain rather modest in scale. If the Council seeks to expand the site, or change the scope in any fashion, it will be possible to make those chances anytime. Please note also that the RFP calls for the ability to train staff on the software necessary to make changes"in house." Should the Council and staff decide to pursue that option, it will be necessary to purchase an additional computer and software. That option, as well as an accurate cost estimate, will be brought back to the Council when it is time to select a consultant. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Request for Proposal (RFP) and authorize staff to seek responses. COUNCIL AGENDA ocmcino e.,,. MAY 2 61998 ITEM No. th J CITY OF ROSEMEAD REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CITY WEBSITE SECTION 1 -GENERAL INFORMATION A. PURPOSE This Request for Proposal (RFP)provides interested individuals/firms with information to prepare and submit a proposal for consideration by the City of Rosemead to design and implement a "CITY WEBSITE." B. ISSUING OFFICE All contacts pertaining to this Request for Proposal shall be directed to: Jeff Stewart Administrative Services Director City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 C. SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL To be considered, respondents must submit a complete response in accordance with the requirements contained in Section Five (5) of this RFP. Proposals must be signed by the individual or an officer of the firm authorized to bind the firm to its provisions. All proposals, associated costs and agreements shall be considered valid and binding on the individual/firm for a period of ninety (90) days after the proposal due date. All proposals and supporting materials become the property of the City of Rosemead upon its receipt by the City. D. RIGHT TO REJECT PROPOSALS The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received; to terminate the process outlined in this RFP; to choose one or a combination of individuals/consultant firms to perform the outlined duties, or to request additional information from any or all of the respondents for the purpose of ascertaining the most qualified individual/firm for the service requests. Request for Proposal-City Website Page 41 E. RESPONSE DATE To be considered, a complete proposal must be received by the City of Rosemead no later than 3:00 p.m. on , 1998. Proposals are to be submitted to: Nancy Valderrama City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Proposals must be sealed and clearly state on the outside of the package or envelope: CITY WEBSITE PROPOSAL The City assumes no responsibility for errors or delays by public or private carriers in delivering proposals. Late proposals will not be accepted. F. CITY HALL HOURS For the purpose of inquiry or delivering proposals, the Rosemead City Hall is open to the public from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays. G. OPENING OF PROPOSALS The City Clerk will open all proposals received at 3:00 p.m. on , 1998 at the City Clerk's Office in the Rosemead City Hall, H. SELECTION OF FIRM The City shall select a firm to provide services pursuant to this Request for Proposal based on an evaluation of the proposals and references. Selection is based on determination of the individual/firm deemed most qualified and appropriate to provide the services outlined in this RFP and utilizing,but not limited to the following criteria: 1. The quality and completeness of the submitted Proposal, and an understanding of the Scope of Work as shown by that Proposal. 2. The experience of the individual/firm with similar projects. 3. Qualifications of key personnel, including principal(s), project manager(s), and other individuals pertinent to the project's success. 4. Recommendations from prior clients. Request for Proposal-City Websile Page p2 5. Demonstrated ability to produce a timely and high quality product. 6. Cost The above selection criteria are provided to assist in the development of a Proposal, and are not meant to limit other considerations which may be identified during the course of the selection process. Some or all of the respondents may be requested to make an oral presentation of their qualifications. Detetnrination of qualifications shall rest solely with the City of Rosemead, and decisions of the City shall be final and binding on all firms submitting proposals. Submittal of the proposal shall be the firm's affirmation of this decision process. Request for Proposal-City Website Page e3 • SECTION 2 -SCOPE OF SERVICES REQUESTED A. OBJECTIVE The City of Rosemead is in the process of planning the implementation of a City Internet Website. The website is seen as a tool to promote the City and provide the essential elements of information the City has to share. B. SCOPE OF WORK The selected individual of firm will be responsible for the design and installation of a City Web Site. The construction of the website shall include page layout, design, programming and implementation. The City of Rosemead has, not yet obtained a registered domain name, nor has it selected an intemet service provider. Both tasks shall be included in this Scope of Work. Task# 1. Obtain a registered domain name. 2. Assist City staff in selecting an appropriate intemet service provider. 3. Construct website of five(5)pages of primarily basic text, to include photographs and/or images as desired by the City. Additionally, the City logo may be used as a wallpaper for the City's default page ("Home Page"). Limited use of tables are proposed. The City will retain ownership of its documents and pictures. The documents and pictures to be utilized on the website are not subject to copyright by the consultant. 4. The City's Home Page is to be designed with icons and menus for navigation, and links to other Home Pages to be designated by the City. 5. The graphic illustrations and colors shall be designed to accommodate both low end and high end users. Animation shall be sparingly integrated into the design of the site. 6. During construction, the website shall be stored on the selected individual or firms website at a private address, for review by the City,until ready for release to the public. 7. The selected individual or firm shall be responsible for coordinating the uploading of the website to the City's host computer and with the City's intemet service provider. 8. Provide an E-mail address link and set-up. 9. Provide registration with five(5)Internet Search Engines and Directories to be designated by the City. Request for Proposal.City Website Page 44 10. The completed website shall be formatted in Microsoft Front Page 98, and provided to the City on 3.5" diskettes. After the City has been provided the "final" copy of the website on diskettes, the City shall have the right to utilize the entire site, or any portion of it, as the City sees fit without further payment to consultant. 11. Provide training in the maintenance of the developed pages. 12. "Debugging" and "troubleshooting", as necessary, for sixty(60) days following the launch of the website. C. OPTIONAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE The City is also considering an on-going maintenance service for the developed pages, in addition to, the design and uploading of new pages. This would occur on a bi-monthly basis. The individual or firm may include, as a separate proposal, an hourly cost for these services in accordance with the requirements contained in the Section 5 of the RFP. The above is not intended or warranted to be a complete statement of needed work. D. TERM OF SERVICE The Service Agreement to be entered into under this Proposal is for the design, page layout, programming and implementation of the web site, as described in Section 2, to be completed no later than sixty (60) calendar days following the issuance of a Notice to Proceed by the City. E. PENALTIES There shall be assessed a penalty of one-hundred dollars ($100.00)per day for each calendar day beyond the above stated sixty (60) days that the work is not completed. Exceptions shall be given only for Acts of God or delays resulting from a directive by the City as represented solely by its City Manager or authorized designee. Request for Proposal-City Website Page q5 SECTION 3 - INDIVIDUAL/FIRM QUALIFICATIONS A. GENERAL OUALIFICATIONS Individuals for firms desiring to respond shall submit a Proposal in sufficient detail to allow a thorough and comparative analysis. The proposals should be as brief as possible, without sacrificing clarity or the requested information. The individuals assigned to the City will be a consideration in the selection. Qualifications and prior experience in similar programs and activities must be demonstrated in the proposal. Once selected, the individuals assigned to the project or contract shall not be changed without prior written consent of the City. Request for Proposal- Website Page d6 SECTION 4- GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. LEGAL AND INSURANCE REOUIREMENTS The following are the legal and insurance requirements of the City of Rosemead for the selected individual/firm: The individual's/firm's proposal, along with this Request for Proposal, and all subsequent modifications to either document, will be included as appendices to a final contract. 2. The individual/firm will not assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of its contract or rights, title or interest in or to the same, without prior written consent of the City. 3. The individual/firm agrees to hold the City harmless from any and all liability or loss resulting from suits, claims or actions brought against the City, which result directly or indirectly from the wrongful or negligent actions of the individual/firm in the performance of the contract. 4. At the time of execution of the contract, the individual/firm will be required to carry a minimum of$500,000 of general liability insurance. Said insurance policy shall name the City as an additional insured with respect to all activities arising out of the performance of the firm's services. Certificate of insurance and endorsements evidencing the required coverage shall be provided at the time of contract execution. Such certificate shall afford the City thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or of a material change in coverage. 5. A firm shall provide for its employees Worker's Compensation coverage, as required by Section 3550 of the Labor Code. The firm shall provide the City evidence that the coverage is current and in full force. 6. The individual/firm is required to comply with all existing State and Federal labor laws and to meet applicable Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) provisions. Request for Proposal-City Website Page#7 SECTION 5 -PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. SUBMITTAL PACKAGE The proposed submitted in response to the Request shall contain as a minimum the following information, presented in readily understood and logical format: The submittal form contained as Section Six (6)to this Request. 2. Introduction. A brief introduction to the Proposal, the firm (and subconsultants, if applicable), and the project as understood by your firm. The introduction to the firm (and subconsultants) should identify name, address,principal(s), and areas of expertise. 3. Qualifications. Discuss the overall capabilities of the organization, as well as a description of the firm's history, recent experience, and organizational structure. Similar information should be provided for each subconsultant, as well as a statement as to that firm's contribution to the project. 4. Personnel. Include an organizational chart applicable to this project, identifying the project manager(s),key personnel, and supporting staff. Provide a resume and/or detailed background summary for the project manager and key personnel. Moreover, the specific responsibilities of the project manager and key personnel should be detailed; in addition, indicate the anticipated contribution of each staff member to this project, expressed for instance in terms of person-hours. 5. Prior Experience/References. Provide information and details relative to any experience of a similar nature. Specify exact work performed, including scheduling and costs. This shall include three (3)references with names, current addresses and telephone numbers for project undertaken within the past two (2) years. Also, list(provide address) the internet sites you have developed/maintained. 6. Scope of Work. Respond to the Scope of Work, describing a work program and the generation of a work product. Discuss the depth and scope of analysis and research proposed. 7. Schedule. Present a comprehensive schedule for completing the work program, consistent with the Scope of Work. Specific milestones should be identified (consistent with fee information). 8. Cost Summary. Present the total cost and estimated person-hours required to complete the project, plus fee and person-hours breakdown for completed milestones or tasks. Include information on hourly rates for all project team members. billing methods, and Request for Proposal-City Webs ite Page k8 rates for extraordinary expenses(i.e. reproduction costs, meetings not included in the proposed fee, etc.). 9. Comments. Comments on the Scope of Work; suggestions for augmenting, streamlining, or clarifying the Scope are encouraged. B. SUBMITTAL FORM The following information shall be provided on the submittal form contained as Section 6 of this Request for Proposal. The attached form must be included in the proposal package and shall be located as Page 1 of the proposal. NAME OF INDIVIDUAL/FIRM: Provide the name, address and telephone number of the individual/firm making the proposal. Also indicate a contact person familiar with the proposal who can answer questions that may arise. INDIVIDUALS TO BE ASSIGNED: Provide the names of the individual to be assigned to the project. Detailed qualifications are to be included in the proposal. COMPENSATION: Indicate the total cost for the services to be provided within this Request for Proposal. The fee is to be inclusive of all personnel, travel and other associated cost. SIGNATURE: Provide the signature and title of the individual with the firm authorized to submit the proposal and to bind the firm to its provisions. C. COPIES OF PROPOSALS Ten (10) copies of the proposal package are to be provided. One copy shall bear original signatures and shall be so indicated on the cover of that proposal. Request for Proposal-City Vebsue Pose 49 SECTION 6 - CITY WEBSITE NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: ( j FACSIMILE: ( ) CONTACT PERSON: STAFF ASSIGNED: COMPENSATION: S OPTIONAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE COMPENSATION: S per hour SIGNATURE: TITLE: DATE: Request for Proposal-City Website Page 410