CC – Item 5A – Staff Report – Consideration of Dues Increase for the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments E M f (\11!„,. * � 4'n "'' staf to o r t TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 3, 1998 RE: CONSIDERATION OF DUES INCREASE FOR THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Council deferred this item at the May 12, 1998 Meeting so that staff could request copies of their budget for the previous three years. Attached are copies of the 1995, 1996 and 1997 financial reports and the staff report from the May12, 1998 Meeting. RECOMMENDATION If the City Council is in favor of the request it would be appropriate to direct staff to make the necessary notifications. I � II COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 0 91998 ITEM No. 4 J San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Financial Statements With Independent Auditor's Report Year Ended June 30, 1997 f',13 L. "•' �F.�•. Lr< illi ,C R: R ',v: K INDEPENDENT AUDITOR' S REPORT Members of the Governing Board San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments as of June 30, 1997 , and the related statements of income and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the entity's administration. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based cn our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments as of June 30, 1997 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. September 10, 1997 Edwards, Eichel & Beranek Pasadena, California Certified Public Accountants 41 San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Balance Sheet June 30, 1997 Assets Cash in bank $ 46, 824 Deposits with Local Agencies Investment Fund 137, 580 Accrued interest receivable 1, 990 Accounts receivable Alameda Corridor advocacy 30, 000 Southern California Association of Governments 41,800 Prepaid expenses 15, 417 Equipment, net of accumulated depreciation $139 2. 647 Total Assets $276, 258 Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities Accounts payable $ 38, 480 Deferred revenues 84 , 113 Total Liabilities 122, 593 Fund Equity Capital contribution by the San Gabriel Valley Coalition, to be used for transportation studies. 19, 389 capital contribution by the San Gabriel Valley Association of Cities. 44 , 884 Total contributed capital 64, 273 Retained earnings 89, 392 Total fund equity 153 , 665 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $276, 258 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. _ P 4 ) San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Statement of Income Year ended June 30, 1997 Revenues Dues Transportation $134, 294 Air quality 91, 657 General fund 61. 850 287, 801 Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) grant 196, 931 Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA Grant 240,077 Other 8, 185 732, 994 Program expenses Administration and technical 37, 308 Transportation 78 , 286 Air Quality 54 , 267 Southern California Association of Governments Grant 208,406 Metropolitan Transit Authority Grant 244 ,862 623, 129 Administrative expenses(note 3) 78,836 Total expenses 701,965 Net income from operations 31,029 Interest income 9,360 Net income for the period 40,389 Fund equity at the beginning of the period. 113 . 276 Fund equity end of the period $153 , 665 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. [`46 San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Statement of Cash Flows Year ended June 30, 1997 Cash flows from operating activities Net income from operations $ 31, 029 Adjustments to reconcile net income from operations Depreciation 139 (Increase) in receivables ( 3, 050) (Increase) in accrued interest (1,404) Increase in accounts payable 7, 088 Increase in deferred revenues 48, 933 (Prepaid) expense (15,417) Net cash generated by operating activities 67, 318 Cash flows from investing activities Interest income 9,360 Purchase of equipment (2 .786) Cash flows from investing activities 6, 574 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 73 ,892 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period: 110. 512 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period $184,404 Reconciliation of cash and equivalents, at end of period: Cash in bank $ 46,824 Deposits with Local Agencies Investment Fund 137,580 $184,404 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. r .17 San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Notes of Financial Statements June 30, 1997 Note 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (the COG) was created effective March 17, 1994 by a joint powers agreement among the various member San Gabriel Valley Cities to promote cooperation, -exchange ideas, coordinate regional government programs and to provide recommendations and solutions to problems of common and general concern to member governments. It is the immediate successor to the San Gabriel Valley Association of Cities, an unincorporated association. Its members organized the COG because they recognized a need for a more permanent and formalized structure. The COG is supported by contributions from its member cities and also receives grant funds to conduct regional studies on Transportation, Air Quality, Environment Matters, as a sub grantee of other governmental entities. The COG is a non-profit California Public Agency; thus it is tax exempt. Basis of Accounting The accounting records of the COG are maintained on the accrual basis of accounting. Cash and Cash Equivalents The COG considers money market funds and all equivalent liquid debt instruments purchased with a maturity of 3 months or less to be cash equivalents. Grant Funds The COG is recipient of state grant funds through two local agencies, the Metropolitan Transit Authority, MTA, and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) . The MTA grant for local transportation requires 20 per cent participation by the COG. The SCAG grant requires Accounting for Federal and State grants generally calls for recognition of income from grant funds only as those funds are obligated or paid out. C 4 3 San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Notes to Financial Statements Note 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) Proprietary Fund Types Proprietary funds are accounted for using the economic measurement focus; the accounting objective is determination of net income. All assets and liabilities of a proprietary fund activity are included _on its balance sheet. Proprietary fund capital is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings. Note 2 Cash and Investments Under provisions of the California Government Code (Code) , the COG is authorized to invest in: A variety of federal and state treasury obligations (including local California agencies) . Obligations or other instruments of or issued by a federal agency or government sponsored enterprise Bankers' acceptances which are eligible for purchase by the federal reserve system (subject to certain limitations) Prime quality commercial paper (subject to certain limitations) Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by nationally or state chartered banks, savings and loan associates and credit unions Repurchase agreements or reverse repurchase agreements of any securities authorized by the Code Cash and investments at year-end are categorized as follows to give an indication of the level of credit risk assumed. Category 1 Insured and registered or collateralized securities held by the COG or its agent in the COG's name. Category 2 Uninsured and unregistered, with securities held by the counterparty's trust department or agent in the COG's name. Category 3 Uninsured and unregistered with securities held by the counterparty or by its trust department or agent but not in the COG's name. r} 4 } San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Notes to Financial Statements Note 2 Cash and Investments (cont. ) At June 30, 1997 the net carrying amount of cash was $46,824 on deposit with a major bank and fully insured, category 1. (Balance per the bank to conform to Federal Deposit Insurance requirements, $54, 299. ) investments consisted of $137 ,580 deposited with the Local Agencies Investment Fund, LAIF, an instrumentality of the State of California, and is not categorized. Note 3 Administrative Expenses The following were the administrative expenses incurred for the audit period, unallocated to grant revenues. Transportation consulting $43,334 Electric vehicle research, Air Quality Management District 5,000 Receptions 10,514 Outside meetings 5,280 Legal 6, 932 Audit 5,625 Monthly meeting expense 986 Depreciation 139 Technology Information proposal 258 Other 769 Total $78 . 837 " 50 • ' �� BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 855 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION/LOS ANGELES.CALIFORNIA 90012/12131974-4111 GLORIA MOLINA SUPERVISOR, FIRST DISTRICT November 7, 1997 Mr. Nicholas Conway Executive Director San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments 234 North El Molina Avenue, Suite 202 Pasadena, California 91101-1675 Dear Mr. Conway: Thank you for contacting my office regarding the Youth Employment Policy that the Board of Supervisors adopted in August 1997. I have asked Rodney Cooper to look into the issue of the 1992 project. I expect to review the total amount of money that was expended by cities in 1992 with no youth employment component, and once I have completed my review, my staff will contact you to discuss this matter further. In the meantime, I would appreciate your asking any First District cities that are members of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments and concerned about being impacted in future budget years, as a result of the new youth employment policy, to please contact my Parks Deputy, Carrie Sutkin. As of today, we have not heard anything from any of our cities. Sincerely, c • "IAMOLINA / Supervisor, First District GM/CS . "51 San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Financial Statements With Independent Auditor's Report Year Ended June 30, 1996 EDWARDS, EICHEL & BERANEK CI-k'III u I)P(111 11 Al(111.N1 it INDEPENDENT AUDITOR' S REPORT I Members of the Governing Board San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments as of June 30, 1996, and the related statements of income and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the entity's administration. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the .11 overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments as of June 30, 1996 and the 7I results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then y ended in conformity with generally accepted accountingEckaamla 6414a (� principles. n November 25, 1996 Edwards, Eichel & Beranek Pasadena, California Certified Public Accountants I 1 I -RS N. RPM m m 111MM SP kIk IUU N.w]ea.C 91107-3059 SIS/351_.AW Fns KIX/351.31104 LAI 9l 71106J23@`cnmpu%erve.mm San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Balance Sheet June 30, 1996 Assets Cash in bank $85,090 Deposits with Local Agencies Investment Fund 25,422 Accrued interest receivable 586 Due from Southern California Association of Governments 68,750 Total Assets $179 ,848 Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities Accounts payable $ 31, 392 Unexpended grant revenues 35, 180 Total Liabilities 66, 572 Fund Equity Capital contribution by the San Gabriel Valley Coalition, to be used for transportation studies. 19 , 389 Capital contribution by the San Gabriel Valley Association of Cities. 44 , 884 Total contributed capital 64 , 273 Retained earnings 49, 003 Total fund equity 113 , 276 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $179 , 848 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Statement of Income Year ended June 30, 1996 Revenues Dues Transportation $113, 080 Air quality 89 , 147 General fund 55, 500 257,727 Southern California Council of Governments (SCAG) grant 08 71 Total revenues 36 , 41 Program expenses Administration and technical 47, 956 Transportation 105, 941 Air Quality 42, 589 Southern California Association of Governments Grant 63 , 492 259,978 Administrative expenses (note 3) 46, 392 Total expenses 306 , 370 Net income from operations 60, 071 Interest income 3 , 741 Net income for the period 63 ,812 Fund equity at the beginning of the period. 49,464 Fund equity end of the period $113 , 276 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 1 J San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Statement of Cash Flows Year ended June 30 , 1996 J J Cash flows from operating activities J Net income from operations $ 60, 071 Adjustments to reconcile net income from operations J to cash flows from operating activities 23 ,750 (Increase) in receivable due from SCAG (23 ,750) —1 Accrued interest,LAIF (585) Accounts payable, current year 31,391 Grant revenues unexpended 35, 180 J Net cash generated by operating activities 102 , 307 Cash flows from investing activities 3 , 741 Interest received Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 106, 048 JCash at the beginning of the period. 4 , 464 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period $110 , 512 —i Reconciliation of cash and equivalents, at end of period. J Cash in bank $ 85, 090 Deposits with Local Agencies Investment Fund 25,422 $110, 512 J J 1 • 1 The accompanying notes are an integral part Jof these financial statements. J San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Notes of Financial Statements June 30, 1996 Note 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (the COG) was created effective March 17, 1994.. by a joint powers agreement among the various member San Gabriel Valley Cities to promote cooperation, exchange of ideas, coordinate regional government programs and to provide recommendations and solutions to problems of common and general concern of member governments. It is the immediate successor to the San Gabriel Valley Association of Cities, an —I unincorporated association. Its members organized the COG because they recognized a need for a more permanent and formalized structure. The COG is supported by contributions from its member cities and also receives grant funds to conduct regional studies on Transportation, Air Quality, Environment Matters, as a sub grantee of other governmental entities. The COG is a non-profit California Public Agency; thus it is tax exempt. It is also considered to be a "Special District" by the office of the State Controller, Division of Local Government Fiscal Affairs for the purpose of filing an annual report with the State Controller's Office. Basis of Accounting The accounting records of the COG are maintained on the accrual basis of accounting. Cash and Cash Equivalents The COG considers money market funds and all equivalent liquid debt instruments purchased with a maturity of 3 months or less to be cash equivalents. Grant Funds The COG entered into a contract with the Southern California Council of Governments (SCAG) to coordinate sub-regional input to the SCAG Regional Comprehensive Plan. The contract calls for 20 per cent financial participation by the COG and 80 percent by SCAG. Accounting for federal and state grants generally calls for recognition of income from grant funds only as those funds are paid 1 or obligated. 1 J J J , San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Notes to Financial Statements JNote 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) JProprietary Fund Types Proprietary funds are accounted for using the economic measurement focus; the accounting objective is determination of net income. All assets and liabilities of a proprietary fund activity are included on its balance sheet. Proprietary fund capital is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings. JNote 2 Cash and Investments J Under provisions of the California Government Code (Code) , the COG is authorized to invest in: . A variety of federal and state treasury obligations J (including local California agencies) . Obligations or other instruments of or issued by a Jfederal agency or government sponsored enterprise . Bankers' acceptances which are eligible for purchase by _ the federal reserve system (subject to certain Jlimitations) . Prime quality commercial paper (subject to certain Jlimitations) . Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by nationally J or state chartered banks, savings and loan associates and credit unions 1 . Repurchase agreements or reverse repurchase agreements of any securities authorized by the Code Cash and investments at year-end are categorized as J follows to give an indication of the level of credit risk assumed. 1 Category 1 Insured and registered or collateralized securities held by the COG or its agent in the COG's name. 1 Category 2 Uninsured and unregistered, with securities held by the counterparty's trust department or agent in the COG's name. JCategory 3 Uninsured and unregistered with securities held by the counterparty or by its trust department or 1 agent but not in the COG's name. 71 San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Notes to Financial Statements 7.1 Note 2 Cash and Investments (cont. ) At June 30, 1996 the net carrying amount of cash was $85 , 901 on deposit with a major bank and fully insured, category 1 . Investments consisted of $25, 422 deposited with the Local Agencies _1 Investment Fund, LAIF, an instrumentality of the State of California is not categorized. JNote 3 Administrative Expenses J The following were the administrative expenses incurred for the audit period, including these allocated to Association of Government grants. JAllocated Legal services $ 9 , 149 San Gabriel Valley Consortium 18 , 000 Audit 5, 000 Recruitment 13 , 070 Total allocated 45. 219 Unallocated J Receptions 630 Fees 210 Meetings 303 JMiscellaneous 30 Total $46 , 392 7 J 7 7 7 J 7 San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Financial Statements With Independent Auditor's Report One Year Three Months and Eighteen Days Ended June 30, 1995 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT Members of the Governing Board San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments as of June 30, 1995, and the related statements of operations and cash flows for the year three months and eighteen days then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the entity's administration. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments as of June 30, 1995 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the period then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. September 22 , 1995 Edwards, Eichel & Beranek Pasadena, California Certified Public Accountants San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Balance Sheet June 30, 1995 Assets Cash (note 2) $ 4,464 Due from Southern California Association of Governments (Technical Assistance Grant) 45 . 000 Total Assets 549 464 Liabilities and Fund Equity Fund Equity Contributed Capital Restricted for use in transportation studies (San Gabriel Valley Transportation Coalition) $19 ,389 Unrestricted (San Gabriel Valley Association of Cities) 44,884 64 ,273 Retained earnings (deficit) (14 , 809) Total Fund Equity 49_, 464 ( The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Statement of Operations March 17, 1994 through June 30, 1995 Revenues Dues Transportation Air quality $108,506 General fund 21, 698 Southern California Council 53 a0o (SCAG) grant of Governments 183 , 604 Miscellaneous Total revenues 45. 000 50 Program expenses 228 654 Transportation Air Quality 99, 831 Southern California Association 21,525 of Governments Grant 45, 000 Other 21. 850 188,206 Administrative expenses(note 3) Total e 5� 031 xpenses 246 237 Net loss from operations (17, Interest income (17, 583) Net loss for the period 2774 Capital contribution b (14,809) Association of Cies the San Gabriel Valley e Capital contributed by the Coalition restricted to be Gabriel Valley 44,884 be used for transportation studies 19 389 Fund equity end of the period =�3 49 464 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Statement of Cash Flows March 17, 1994 through June 30, 1995 Cash flows from operating activities Net loss from operations $ (17,583) Adjustment to reconcile deficiency of revenue over expenses to net cash used by operations Receivable due from SCAG (45 , 000) Net cash used by operations (62,583) Cash flows from investing activities Interest received 2,774 Cash flows from capital financing activities Capital contributions received 64,273 Cash at end of the period ,$ 4 ,464 The accompanying notes are an integral part Lof these financial statements. San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Notes of Financial Statements June 30, 1995 Note 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (the COG) was created effective March 17, 1994 by a joint powers agreement among the various member San Gabriel Valley Cities to promote cooperation, exchange of ideas, coordinate regional government programs and to provide recommendations and solutions to problems of common and general concern of member governments. It is the immediate successor to the San Gabriel Valley Association of Cities, an unincorporated association. Its members organized the COG because they recognized a need for a more permanent and formalized structure. The COG is supported by contributions from its member cities and also receives grant funds to conduct regional studies on Transportation, Air Quality, Environment Matters, as a sub grantee of other governmental entities. The COG is a non-profit California Public Agency; thus it is tax exempt. It is also considered to be a "Special District" by the Office of the State Controller, Division of Local Government Fiscal Affairs for the purpose of filing an annual report with the State Controller's Office. Basis of Accounting The accounting records of the COG are maintained on the accrual basis of accounting. Cash and Cash Equivalents The COG considers money market funds and all equivalent liquid debt instruments purchased with a maturity of 3 months or less to be cash equivalents. During the audit period there were no funds deposited in other than checking or savings accounts. ., Grant Funds The COG entered into a contract with the Southern California Council of Governments (SCAG) to coordinate sub-regional input to the SCAG Regional Comprehensive Plan. The contract calls for 20 per cent financial participation by the COG and 80 percent by SCAG. At June 30, 1995 the COG had completed its share of the Phase 11 sub regional planning program and awaited reimbursement by SCAG. Accounting for federal and state grants generally calls for C. recognition of income from grant funds only as those funds are paid or obligated. San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Notes to Financial Statements Note 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) Proprietary Fund Types Proprietary funds are accounted for using the economic measurement focus; the accounting objectives are determination of net income. All assets and liabilities of a proprietary fund activity are included on its balance sheet. Proprietary fund capital is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings. Note 2 Cash and Investments Under provisions of the California Government Code (Code) , the COG is authorized to invest in: • A variety of federal and state treasury obligations (including local California agencies) • Obligations or other instruments of or issued by a federal agency or government sponsored enterprise ▪ Bankers' acceptances which are eligible for purchase by the federal reserve system (subject to certain limitations) ▪ Prime quality commercial paper (subject to certain limitations) • Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by nationally or state chartered banks, savings and loan associates and credit unions. ▪ Repurchase agreements or reverse repurchase agreements of any securities authorized by the Code Cash and cash equivalents, unrestricted At June 30, 1995 the net carrying amount of cash was $4,464 on deposit with a major bank and fully insured. c__ San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Notes to Financial Statements Note 3 Administrative Expenses The following were the administrative expenses incurred for the audit period: Management services $33 ,250 San Gabriel Valley Consortium 9, 000 Legal services 10, 205 Meetings 5,284 Accounting and miscellaneous 292 Total $58 , 031 eI hS� ¢. ) staf eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 7, 1998 RE: CONSIDERATION OF DUES INCREASE FOR THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Attached for your consideration is a memorandum regarding a proposed dues increase for the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments. The current dues of$ 11,617 include $5.510 in Proposition A Funds, S 3,857 in AB 2766 Funds and $ 2250 in General Funds. The proposed increase would raise the Proposition A & C and AB 2766 contributions to S6,612 a piece. The General Fund contribution would remain at 52,250. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Manager be directed to inform the San Gabriel Council of Governments of the Council's decision to support or oppose the request. easodsrcog,4R COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 121998 • ITEM No. -LL cG-E J ••3ir'i�- •I•w MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 5, 1998 TO: SAN GABRIEL VALLEY CITY MANAGERS FROM: l l WILLIAM R. KELLY, PRESIDENT - SAN GABRIEL VALLEY CITY MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION SUBJECT: DUES FOR THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS As was briefly discussed at the last City Manager's luncheon, enclosed is notice of a proposed dues increase for the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments ("COG"). The reason for the increase is that the COG cannot continue to operate with its present revenue. Accordingly, it has been suggested that the dues be increased as outlined on the attachment and that the money come from your Proposition A and C and 2766 funds with a small amount from your general fund. The Executive Committee of the COG has determined that they do not want to roll back work programs because of the lack of revenue. They feel it is appropriate to charge the above referenced funds in order to keep going. The increase will raise about $410,000 and will keep the COG in operation for the next fiscal year. I will need to know if there is any significant opposition so that I can present this at the next COG meeting on May 21. Therefore, please get back to me as soon as you can if your City opposes the dues increase. I realize this is coming to you late as most of us have already done or are finishing our budget. Please feel free to call me at (626) 574-5401 if you have any questions. If you have specific questions about operational issues you may want to call Nick Conway, COG Executive Director, at (626) 564-9702. Thanks. Attachment cc: Nick Conway, Executive Director - COG San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Proposed Dues Increase . - 1997 Dues .r.roposa6on A'&C AB2766 Genen1 Pzopoeed City Population Employment lteee ved ;T9512 /Capda' 31719,17.ta Tung. 1998-99Dues -: Alhambra 90,395 5 17,915.0 $ 10,740.00 : 5 10,740.0015 2,700.00 S 24,180.03 Arcadia 53,126 11,19200 6,31200 6,31200 2,25000 14,874.00 Azusa 45,097 9,69050 5,358.00 5,358.03 2,100.00 12,816.00 Baldwin Park 75,144 :15,198.00 8,928.00 8,928.00 2,550.0 20,406.00 Bradbury 909 1,653.00. 108.00 108.00 1,500.00 1,716.00 Claremont 34,744 7,798.0 4,128.0 4,128.00 1,950.00 ....10,216.0 Covina 45,915 9,996.50 5,574.00 5,574.00 2,1000 13,248.00 Diamond Bar 57,267 11,889.00 6,804.00 6,834.00 1250.0 15,858.00 Duarte 22373 5,56550 2,658.02,658.00 1,800.00 7,116.00 E1 Monte 116,251 20,00.0 13,812.0 13,812.0 . 3,090.0 30,624.00 Glendora 52,419 11,073.0 6,228.0 6,228.00 2,250.00 14,706.00 Industry 697 - 1,61730 82.80 82.80 1,500.00 1465.60 Inrindale 1,172 1,697.20 139.20 139.20 1,500.00 1,778.40 La Puente 41,208 9,036.0 4,896.0 9,896.00 2,10.0 11,892.0 La Verne 33,779 7,543.0 3,948.0 3,948.00 1950.00 9,846.00 Monroma 39,794 8,648.0 4,728.00 9,728.0 1,950.0 11406.00 Montebello 63,428 11926.0 7,536.00 7,536.00 2,50.00 17,322.00 Monterey Park 65,246 13,3820 7,752.0 7,752.00 . 2,40.00 17,904.0D Pasadena 140,289 20,00.0 16,668.00 16,668.00 3,00.0 36,336.0 Pomona 142,814 20,00.0 16,968.00 16,968.30 3,00.00 36,936.0 ", Rosemead 55,651 11,617.0 6,612.0 6,612.0 2,250.0 `��1..15,474.0 7C San Dimas 36,108 8,02730 4,290.0 4,290.00 1,950.00 10,530.00 San Gabriel 40,451 8,90850 4,806.03 4,806.00 2,100.00 11,712.00 San Marino 13,686 3,95350 1,626.0 1,626.00 1,650.0 4,902.0 Sierra Madre 11.413 3,571.0 1,356.0 1,356.00 1,650.00 4362.0 South El Monte 71170 5,38150 2,634.00 2,634.03 1,650.0 6,918.00 South Pasadena 25,402 6,07550 3,018.00 3,018.00 1,800 00 7,63600 Walnut - 32,320 7,390.0 3,840.00 3,840.0 1,950.00 9,630.0 West Covina 104.434 . 20,00.0 12.408.0 12,905.0 3.00.0 27,816.00 1.464,147 5 291.74430 S 173.958.03 5 173,958.00 5 62,10.0 S 410.016.0 • 1997 Prop.A dr C rates:5.10 ^1997 AB2766 rates:5.07