CC – Item 4B – Staff Report – Request for RED Curb in Front of 8706 E. Garvey Avenue - Ying Lan Auto Body Center M F lo-(ti _ E qo� r ,i stafteport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE!_. DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR RED CURB IN FRONT OF 8706 E. GARVEY AVENUE - YTNG LAN AUTO BODY CENTER DISCUSSION Staff received a request from Mr. Tony Tan of Ying Lan Auto Body Center to install red curb in front of his business and to provide parking for approximately one vehicle. The concern is that large delivery trucks parked in front of the Auto Body Center have made it difficult to access the driveway and see the Auto Body Center. These trucks are making deliveries to the business, Dai Pong, east of the Auto Body Center. Mr. Tan has attempted to discuss this situation with Dai Pong representatives, however, without success. On the several occasions staff reviewed the location, there were no delivery trucks in front of the Auto Body Center. Such deliveries to many businesses are often unscheduled and random. Staff did identify some vehicles parked in the vicinity and which were often adjacent to the driveway access. • During the Traffic Commission meeting in May, members of the Commission requested staff review the location with respect to the alley behind the Auto Body Center and Dai Pong. Staff review determined that there was no direct access to the alley for either business. The Commission also discussed the installation of signs instead of red curb. In the June meeting,the Traffic Commission voted 3-0 to approve recommendation of the installation of red curb in front of 8706 E. Garvey Avenue. RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Commission recommends that the City Council APPROVE the installation of red curb in front of 8706 E. Garvey Avenue as shown on Figure 1 (Attachment "B"). Exhibits: A. Traffic Commission Staff Report,dated April 27, 1998 COUNCIL AGENDA B. Traffic Commission Staff Report,dated May 19, 1998 JUN 231998 ITEM No. J=am Et-7-6 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION r' FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER 0 DATE: APRIL 27, 1998 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB IN FRONT OF 8706 E. GARVEY AVENUE - YING LAN AUTO BODY CENTER REQUEST Mr. Tony Tan of Ying Lan Auto Body Center is requesting the installation of red curb in front of his business. Mr. Tan indicates large delivery trucks park in front of the Auto Body Center making it difficult to access the driveway and see the Auto Body Center. These trucks are making deliveries to the business, Dai Pong, east of the Auto Body Center. He has tried to discuss this situation with Dai Pong representatives without success. CONDITIONS Ying Lan Auto Body Center is located on the south side of Garvey Avenue east of Bartlett Avenue. The Auto Body Center shares a driveway with Dai Pong. Figure 1 depicts the area in front of the Auto Body Center and Dai Pong. Figure 1 indicates approximately 75 feet of available curb exists in front of the Auto Body Center and Dai Pong. There are two parking restrictions posted "No Parking Tuesday - Friday, 2AM - 6AM" and "2 Hour Parking 7AM - 6PM" in this vicinity of Garvey Avenue. DATA The reported accident data was reviewed for the area on Garvey Avenue east of Bartlett Avenue. The reporting period reviewed was from January 1 , 1994 through September 30, 1997. Four reported accidents were identified during this period. It appears that at least two of these accidents may be related to the shared driveway of the Auto Body Center and Dai Pong. These accidents are summarized below: Location & Description Date Time 15' east of Bartlett 07/18/97 8:15am Eastbound right turn sideswiped eastbound right turn (lane change). EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 Location & Description Date Time 93' east of Bartlett 08/15/97 12:15pm Eastbound proceeding straight broadsided eastbound right turn (improper turn/improper pass). 89' east of Bartlett 07/22/95 8:25am Westbound proceeding straight rearended westbound left turn (unsafe speed). 107' east of Bartlett 06/29/94 10:19pm Eastbound slowing rearended eastbound proceeding straight (right-of-way auto/lane change). DISCUSSION Field review of the location on several occasions did not identify large trucks parking in front of the Auto Body Center. However, deliveries to many businesses are often unscheduled and random. Staff did identify some vehicles parked in the vicinity and often adjacent to the driveway access. Mr. Tan has requested that red curb be installed in front of his business and provide parking for approximately one vehicle. Based on existing conditions including the location of a fire hydrant, parking for one vehicle can be accommodated. RECOMMENDATION The installation of red curb in front of 8706 E. Garvey Avenue is recommended as depicted in Figure 1 . Attachment JI RSD'B7D6GAR • 1.0 • Q 2 W W 7 Q O T CC W W 7 O < r Q • 0 w 19 O r 03• 7 CP r r! til Q • f: • vl it re O oL \l m i a E: a iv cro —. 2 K 9 ? r8 C 1CPLL • N • 3ntj 112-7121V9 • cc' FIGUEE I TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER I DATE: MAY 19, 1998 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB IN FRONT OF 8706 E. GARVEY AVENUE - YING LAN AUTO BODY CENTER - FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION The Traffic Commission tabled this item during the May Commission meeting. The Commission requested staff review the location with respect to the alley cehind the Auto Body Center and Dai Pong. Staff field reviewed the Auto Body Center, Dai Pong and the alley located behind these businesses. The alley ends approximately 100 feet east of Bartlett Avenue. Directly behind the Auto Body Center and Dai Pong are existing residential homes. Therefore, there is no direct access to the alley for either business. The Traffic Commission also suggested the installation of signs instead of redcurb. The appropriate sign, should the Commission so choose, would be the installation of "No Stopping Any Time" signs. Relocation of some existing signs would also be necessary. RECOMMENDATION The installation of red curb in front of 8706 E. Garvey Avenue is recommended as depicted in Figure 1. Attachment Pi RSD\B705GAR1 EXHIBIT "B" 0 w Q 77 J W ! m LU MW ° WO 7 CC • Q W rO wy 7 F . ¢ U c4 LLI 1Q CO Lll LU C LO 1o- -- Z 7 , i Q • t • a° CD In k A at en itI e z w W U Ci II —1 ?- NJ N Z 3 ? a de } -4T if IS '1 � •10- ,< 3s0 . • Q C -any tr -rlW+g Fl 6U RE I