CC – Item 4A – Staff Report – Traffic Stripping on San Gabriel Blvd. North of Garvey Avenue – Burger King \`"`y i' staff,e ort ,-- p TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER 7 /C7 DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC STRIPING ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE- BURGER KING DISCUSSION Traffic Commissioner Knapp requested that staff review access to the Burger King development on the north west corner of San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. A condition of approval was the installation of additional traffic controls to limit access to the site from San Gabriel Boulevard. Staff investigated the site and determined the need to restrict access into the site from San Gabriel Boulevard due to the lack of a turn lane to get vehicles out of the through lanes of travel. Field review of this location indicated the southbound left turn lane is eleven (11) feet wide, which is not adequate to paint a double yellow median and continue to provide a minimum lane width. In order to comply with the conditions of approval for the Burger King project and restrict the northbound left turns from San Gabriel Boulevard into the site, the installation of large botts dots and the installation of a No Left Turn symbol sign is recommended. RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Commission voted 5-0 to recommend that the City Council APPROVE the installation of sixty(60)feet of large botts dots and a No Left Turn symbol sign on San Gabriel Boulevard north of Garvey Avenue as shown on Attachment "B". Exhibits: A. Traffic Commission Staff Report B. Diagram of Northwest corner of San Gabriel Blvd.&Garvey Ave. r COAi 9G9 JUNUNCIL.2 31998 DA ITEM No. \ 2 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER �g DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 1998 RE: TRAFFIC STRIPING ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE - BURGER KING REQUEST Commissioner Knapp requested staff review the access of the Burger King development on the north west corner of San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. In addition, this development was conditioned to install additional traffic controls to limit access of the site from San Gabriel Boulevard. Staff agreed to review the required traffic controls after the development was completed. CONDITIONS San Gabriel Boulevard is a 75-foot wide north/south arterial roadway. There are two lanes of travel in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The posted speed limit is 35 mph north of Garvey Avenue and 40 mph south of Garvey Avenue. Garvey Avenue is a 76-foot wide east/west arterial roadway. There are two lanes of travel in each direction generally separated by a raised median. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. The Burger King development is located on the north west corner of the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. There are two access points to the site; one on San Gabriel Boulevard and one on Garvey Avenue. Figure 1 depicts conditions in the vicinity of the Burger King development. DISCUSSION Staff did review preliminary site plans of the Burger King development. At that time, staff determined the need to restrict access into the site from San Gabriel Boulevard due to the lack of a turn lane to get vehicles out of the through lanes of travel. In contrast, the access on Garvey Avenue can occur from the left turn lane for the intersection of Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard. EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 Field review of the location indicated the southbound left turn lane is 11 feet wide. This width is not adequate to paint a double yellow median and continue to provide a minimum lane width. Therefore, to comply with the conditions of approval for the Burger King project and restrict the northbound left turns from San Gabriel Boulevard into the site, the installation of large botts dots is recommended. In addition, the installation of a No Left Turn symbol sign is recommended to supplement the large botts dots installation. These two recommendations are similar to the installation at the Diamond Square entrance on Garvey Avenue. Commissioner Knapp was also concerned with the location of the southbound right turn arrow in front of the driveway of the Burger King site. Staff believes motorists will not be influenced by the right turn arrow if they are intending to turn at Garvey Avenue. Staff does not identify a significant problem with the driveway access on Garvey Avenue. Vehicles turning left into the Burger King site are in the left turn lane and out of the through travel lanes. Vehicles turning left out of the site may find it more difficult but there are gaps in traffic that allow access to the eastbound traffic flow. RECOMMENDATION The installation of 60 feet of large bolts dots and a No Left Turn symbol sign is recommended on San Gabriel Boulevard north of Garvey Avenue as shown on Figure 1. Attachment JI RSDASG GA RBK GARVEY AV. mos cue 10 20 J n � w3,, a C \� \\� � z 11 IZ' ID 16 �v` co INSTALL U>�26E BOZTS oOTS. 60 IPi A 13ttALL 1Zn mo / LEFT T.cK J SYHCaoL S[GAI. \FIGUgE I 4' MOR_TRWEST CORNEA. OF SAN GABRIEL BL./GARVEY AV h CITY OF ROSEMEAD u EXHIBIT "B"