CC – Item 4F – Staff Report – Authorization to Attend National League of Cities Families Conference E\ f , staff,eport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: RANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JULY 15, 1997 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES "YOUR CITY'S FAMILIES CONFERENCE" IN LOS ANGELES - SEPTEMBER 11 - 14, 1997 Attached for the City Council's review is a copy of the brochure for the National League of Cities "Your City's Families Conference" for 1997. Members of the City Council have attended this conference in the past and have found it to be extremely worthwhile. This year's event will include sessions on how to recruit volunteers and implementing neighborhood revitalization programs. The conference will be held at the Los Angeles Regal Biltmore Hotel from September 11-14, 1997. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize attendance of the conference for any member of the City Council. COUNCIL AGENDA JUL 221997 ITEM No. W NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON r tik: , lich , , : , : . , Ftt .E.4 . i ilf ' a t ® f i -w?r .:w'�GYie;eewAb<ipenWy+it..m1R • • E t TTTEAM UP FOR ACTION! t' /,_:: SEPTEMBER 11 -14, 1997 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CRIES TENTATIVE CONFERENCE PROGRAM National League of Cities YOUR CITY'S FAMILIES CONFERENCE: TEAM UP FOR ACTION September ll- 14,1997 All sessions will be held in the Regal Biltmore Hotel.Los Angeles,California. Thursday,September 11 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. REGISTRATION- • 1200 Noon-8:00 p.m. TEAM MF,ETINGSTEAM CLINICS(by appointment) 12:00 Noon-5:00 p.m. PRE-CONFERENCE NEIGHBORHOOD/PROGRAM TOUR (If interacted,you MUST check the appropriate bar on the regimanon form.) 1:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. .. PRE-CONFERENCE INSTITUTE ON YOUTH MASTER PLANNING - • (An intensive nuts and bola work session,designed especially for those - already involved in implementing a youth master plan; additional registration fee required) 7:00 p.m..9:00 p.m. INTRODUC IONTO THE CONFERENCE ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS and FILMS Friday, September 12 - 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ' REGISTRATION 7:30 am.-6:00 p.m. TEAM MEETINGS/TEAM CLINICS(by appointment) 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST. 8:30 a.m.. 10:15 a.m. OPENING GENERAL SESSION - "The Family-Friendly City:A Good Place to Raise Kids"(A discussion of what an ideal community for families looks like and what roles local governments,schools,and community leaders have in creating that ideal) 10:30 a.m.- 12:15 p.m. CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS treating economic opportunities for families and communities" "Identifying and mobilizing community assets" "Linking school reform and neighborhood revitalization" 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. LUNCHEON and GENERAL SESSION "Youth Master Planning"(A discussion about unifying the planning and financing of programs,policies,and practices for children and youth.) 2:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS "Collaborative financing stralegies" "Maintaining momentum:What work "How technology'is changing the way we live and learn" 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. WELCOMING RECEPTION DINNER ON YOUR OWN Saturday, September 13 - 1 7:3D art-Noon REGISTRATION I( 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. TEAM MEP.TINGS/TEAM CLINICS(by appointment) 7:30 a.m--890 a.m. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST and ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS 8:30 a.m.- 10:15 a.m. GENERAL SESSION "Muniapal Government Roles in Enhancing Education" 10:30 am.-12:15 p.m. CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS "Off too good start.-Achieving school readiness" "Building learning communities.-The transition from school to work" "Including youth and families in planning your community;future" 12d0 p.m.-2:00 p.m. LUNCHEON and GENERAL SESSION "Community Strategies for Building A Constituency for Children" 2:15 p.m.-400 p.m. CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS "Making children a priority:Building a grassroots movement" "Creating school-based community centers" "Volunteers.:How to recruit and use busy people" 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. WRAP-UP WORK SESSION "Making Your City's Plan Successful DINNER ON YOUR OWN Sunday, September 14 7:30 a.m.- 1100 Noon TEAM MEETINGS/TEAM CLINICS(by appointment) • TEAM UP FOR ACTION Recruit a team from your community to attend this action-packed conference! Teams of key municipal and community leaders will participate in the conference together.You and your team will collaborate during the conference to translate emerging ideas into action when you return home.You'll leave prepared to start implementing a plan to strengthen families in your cite Who should be on your team?That's up to you. Our experience suggests that a team of 5-8 individuals is best.In addition to the mayor or a council member,the team could include municipal leaders responsible for parks and recreation,libraries, schools,public safety,housing or community development as well as key non- government leaders from business,neighborhood organizations,religious groups, and private service delivery agencies.Remember,parents and youth are also effective team members. Please note that the registration fee per individual is lower when you participate in the conference as a team of four or more. Coming without a team?Individuals are welcome,too.We'll help you identify the key players and strategies for your community so you'll be ready to start the moment you return home. ENERGIZE YOUR CITY'S RESOURCES This conference will put you and your city on the cutting edge! Learn about programs and policies that work today for family-friendly communities; even more,prepare for the future,and build on who you are,what you have,and where you want to go. You'll leave the Your City's Families Conference prepared to: - focus on education and forge productive links with schools,implement youth master plans,and build a community constituency for children! I • mobilize local teams to generate options,set priorities,select strategies,and achieve healthy,vital,and caring communities! • hone your city's tools to implement effective measures toward family and community success—pool resources,improve efficiency;empower families! • involve local officials as catalysts for action! • support strong families and build strong communities by realizing the intercon- nections between them! clit-riA E.: rr ?� 9 �y� >{ , x � tI SV Ft a �e�T dantL- tyy - i▪ '� 'WhM rets REASONSrTO ATTENDP%, i 4 z , r -4 THE YOUR CITY'S FAMILIES'r 44 CON FERENC EN F fZ. rfr ' • L, 1 You'll share experiences andknowledge with your peers from commumties of -;;:- ,-4-,all sizes thiohoutugBic country rf. -h ,• . re 2: You'll learn about innovativepolcies and effective programs and about the 'tools and strategies you'll need to imp]ement themmyourhometoivn 'r_ ,�- 3. :You']]participate in workshops learn skills,meet people gather materialls°and hear local and national experts dtscass ideas and innovationsthatyou auuse• 4. You and your team will receive One-on-One asset ince from expertson"the issues fanny you and your community •If'our team is newly formed,you'll get information on addressing"theirs. challenges ahead and on beginning an effective planning process -- If you are part of an experienced team,you'll participate in advanced:rd discussions aimed at over corning barriers and sustaining success 5.,.You'll learn about - ; I •supporting strong families with high expectations for childrens behavior, •providing education that prepares students to he productive ot,vens - - _ •planning initiatives and programs that support positive youth development, 1 • cultivating vital,strong,and diverse neighborhoods,and - •building on the capacities of each and every youth,family;and citizen`, ;,s,';. Ir-< 6. You'll lift your city's thinking about supporting strong families and building family friendly communities to a more productive Level - 7:e You'll gasp the broad scope of conditions and events that link familystrengths, -, youth,education,and community developmen o ' ` <--.*k. a 8. You ll actively participate m creating your city s unique action plan for strong • families and positive youth development t, tr _r cases 9.You ll become a caialgif for adopting eRcctrve.commumtymcasures that • .,� vstcr e - _er¢ .� Oil tit-: -i . -`4'' -: _ realign municipal prioritiea; 4 • coordinate front-line departments •integrate city hall resources,and ry r t sg sip: +x a engageyandmvolve.stakehoIders 't. 's y --es xs "..1., 10 Youlllcarn owLos Angeles hvesandworks } - `*a z {a, _ r ° -, i aii tilr t r idste § kr �3`` u}� 'Ys- 'l_c �; # n. r '• tit L J-X yaw tv --��qq,,''� A ticzco jF V s y + r t +y a &•Y?"