CC - Item 2A - Resolution 97-35 - Certification of Compliance with LA County Congestion Management Plan E M f�a 0e® staf fseport TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE DATE: AUGUST 5, 1997 RE: PUBLIC HEARING: RESOLUTION 97-35 - CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PLAN The Congestion Management Program (CMP) requires each city to annually adopt a resolution during a public hearing stating its compliance with the CMP. The attached resolution attests to the fact that all requirements of the CMP have been met by the City of Rosemead. The City of Rosemead has previously adopted a transportation demand management ordinance as well as a land use analysis program consistent with the requirements of the CMP. The CMP deficiency plan requires all cities to monitor new development and compare the corresponding increase in trips with mitigation projects that increase highway traffic Capacity. The attached 1997 Deficiency Plan Status Summary indicates new development resulted in 404 debits which were partially offset by 322 transportation improvement credits. The resulting debits are subtracted from the City's credit bank from last years submittal, which will leave a credit balance of 4,740. Upon adoption of Resolution 97-35, staff will forward the self-certification to the county. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 97-35. Rptcty\cmWir.97 COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 121997 ITEMNo. a• 4. RESOLUTION NO. 97-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THE CITY TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) AND ADOPTING THE CMP LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65089 WHEREAS, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Tran portation thority ("MTA"), acting as the Congestion Management Agency for Los An�g�les-Co nty, adopted the 1995 Congestion Management Program in November, 1995; and WHEREAS, the adopted CMP requires that MTA annually determine that the County and cities within the County are conforming to all CMP requirements; and WHEREAS, the adopted CMP requires submittal to the MTA of the CMP local implementation report by September 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a noticed public hearing on August 12, 1997. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City has taken all of the following actions, and that the City is in conformance with all applicable requirements of the 1995 CMP. By June 15, of odd-numbered years, the City will conduct annual traffic counts and calculated levels of service for selected arterial intersections, consistent with the requirements identified in the CMP Highway and Roadway System Chapter. The City has locally adopted and continues to implement a transportation demand management ordinance, consistent with the minimum requirements identified in the CMP Transportation Demand Management Chapter. The City has locally adopted and continues to implement a land use analysis program, consistent with the minimum requirements identified in the CMP Land Use Analysis Program Chapter. The City has adopted a Local Implementation Report, attached hereto and made a part hereof, consistent with the requirements identified in the CMP. This report balances traffic congestion impacts due to growth within the City with transportation improvements, and demonstrates that the City is meeting its responsibilities under the Countywide Deficiency Plan. SECTION 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall forward a copy of this Resolution to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12th day of August, 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK City of Rosemead Report Period: JUNE 1,1996-MAY 31, 1997 1997 CMP Local Implementation Report Date Prepared: 06-Aug-97 Contact: Fred Wickman Phone Number: (626)288-6671 CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY 1997 DEFICIENCY PLAN STATUS SUMMARY 1. Total Current Congestion Mitigation Goal [from Section I] (404) 2. Transportation Improvements Credit Claims [from Section II] 322 Subtotal Current Credit(Goal) (83) 3. Carryover Credit from Last Year's (1994) Local Implementation Report 4,822 Net Deficiency Plan Credit Balance. 4,740 CMPLIR95.WK1:2.24.94 Page 1 City of Rosemead Report Period: JUNE 1, 1996-MAY 31,1997 1997 CMP Local Implementation Report Date Prepared: 06-Aug-97 SECTION I - NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT PART 1: NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY_ Category 1 Dwelling Debit Subtotal Units Value Single Family Residential 1 25 x 6.80 = (170) Multi-Family Residential 2 x 4.76 = (10) Group Quarters 0 x 1.98 = 0 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category 1000 Gross Debit Subtotal Square Feet Value Commercial (less than 300,000 sq.ft.) 1 81 x 22.23 = (173) Commercial (300,000 sq.ft. or more) 0 x 17.80 = 0 Freestanding Eating 8 Drinking 0 x 66.99 = 0 NON-RETAIL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category 1000 Grpss Debit Subtotal Square Feet Value 'Lodging I 01 x 721 = 0 Industrial 32 x 6.08 = (197) Office(less than 50300 sq.ft.) 6 x 16.16 = (94) ,Office(50,000-299,999 sq.ft.) 0 x 10.50 = 0 Office (300,000 sq.ft. or more) 0 x 7.35 = 0 Medical I 0 x 16.90 = 0 Government 01 x 20.95 = 0 Institutional/Educational 0 x 7.68 = 0 OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Description Daily Debit Subtotal (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Trips Value ENTER IF APPLICABLE 0 x 0.71 = 0 1 ENTER IF APPLICABLE 01 x 0.71 = 0 I Subtotal New Development Activity = (644) 'LAdjustments (Optional)_Complete Part 2 = 240 Total Current Congestion Mitigation Goal (Points) _ (404) CMPLIR95.WK1:2.24.94 Page 2 • City of Rosemead Report Period: JUNE 1, 1996-MAY 31, 1997 1997 CMP Local Implementation Report Date Prepared: 06-Aug-97 SECTION I - NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT (Continued) IPAR72: NEW DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS 1 IMPORTANT: Adjustments may be claimed only for 1)development permits that were both issued and revoked,expired or withdrawn during the reporting period, and 2)demolition of any structure within the reporting period. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Category Dwelling Adjustment Subtotal Units Value _ Single Family Residential 21 ! x 6.80 = 143 Multi-Family Residential 3 _ x 4.76 = 14 Group Quarters 0 x 1.96 = 0 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category 1000 Gross Adjustment Subtotal Square Feet Value Commercial (less than 300,000 sq.ft.) 2 x 2223 = ___ 49 I Commercial (300,000 sq.ft. or more) 0' x 17.80 = 0 Freestanding Eating 8 Drinking 0 x 66.99 = 0 NON-RETAIL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category 1000 Gross Adjustment Subtotal Square Feet Value Lodging 0 i x 7.21 = 0 'Industrial 4 x 6.06 = 24 !Office(less than 50,000 sq.ft.) 1 x 16.16 = 10 Office (50,000-299,999 sq.ft.) 0 x 10.50 = 0 Office (300,000 sq.ft. or more) 0 x 7.35 = 0 Medical 0'. x 16.90 = 0 Government 0 x 20.95 = 0 Institutional/Educational 01 x 7.68 = 0 OTHER DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS Description Daily Trips Impact Subtotal (Attach add"sheets if necessary) Value ENTER HERE IF APPLICABLE 0 x 0.71 = 0 ENTER HERE IF APPLICABLE 0 x 0.71 = 0 (Total Mitigation Goal Adjustments (Points) = 240 CMPLIR95.WK1:2.24.94 Page 3 City of Rosemead Report Period: JUNE 1, 1996-MAY 31, 1997 1997 CMP Local Implementation Report Date Prepared: 06-Aug-97 SECTION I - NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT (Continued) (PART 3: EXEMPTED DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY (NOT INCLUDED IN NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY TOTALS) LowNery Low Income Housing 0 Dwelling Units High Density Residential [_ _ OlDwelling Units near Rail Stations Mixed Use Developments 0 1000 Gross Square Feet near Rail Stations 0 Dwelling Units Development Agreements entered 011000 Gross Square Feet into Prior to July 10, 1989 0 Dwelling Units Reconstruction of Buildings 0 1000 Gross Square Feet damaged in April 1992 Civil Unrest 0 Dwelling Units Reconstruction of Buildings 0'.1000 Gross Square Feet damaged in Jan 1994 Earthquake _ 0 Dwelling Units Exempted Development Definitions: 1. LowNery Low Income Housing:as defined by the California Department of Housing and Community Development as follows: Low-Income:equal to or less than 80% of the median income,with adjustments for family size. Very Low-Income: equal to or less than 50%of the median income,with adjustments for family size. 2. High Density Residential Near Rail Stations: development located within 1/4 mile of a fixed rail passenger station and that is equal to or greater than 120 percent of the maximum residential density allowed under the local general plan and zoning ordinance. 3. Mixed Uses Near Rail Stations: mixed use development located within 1/4 mile of a fixed rail passenger station,if more than halt of the land area, or floor area, of the mixed use development is used for high density residential housing. 4. Development Agreements: projects that entered into a development agreement(as specified under Section 65864 of the California Government Code)with a local jurisdiction prior to July 10, 1989. 5. April 1992 CMI Unrest Reconstruction: until June 1, 1995, buildings and structures damaged or destroyed in Los Angeles County as a result of civil unrest during the state of emergency declared by the Governor on April 29, 1992. 6. January 1994 Earthquake Reconstruction: until June 1, 1997, buildings and structures damaged or destroyed in Los Angeles County as a result of the Northridge Earthquake. 7. Any project of a federal,state or county agency that is exempt from local jurisdiction zoning regulations and where the local jurisdiction is precluded from exercising any approval/disapproval authority. These locally precluded projects do not have to be reported in the LIR. CMPLIR95.WK1:2.24.94 Page 4 City of Rosemead Report Period: JUNE 1, 1996-MAY 31, 1997 1997 CMP Local Implementation Report Date Prepared: 06-Aug-97 SECTION II - TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT CREDIT CLAIMS Total Number of Projects: 5 Total Credit (Points): 322 Enter the Following Information for each projecUprogram: 1. 2. 3. CMP Strategy Name 4. Project Scope Proj CMP Project Description& Reference Documentation No Strategy 5 6 7 8 10a 10b 11 12 Credit Project Expect. Project Loca Current Credt'd Mile- Net Factor Values Comp). Cost in Participation. Mile- in 1996 stone Current Date $1000a,_ stone LIR? Factor Value 1 306.0 CMP TDM Ordinance 4611000 gsf Non-Residential building permits issued,as reported in Section I 0 141 19971 n!a 100% 3 NO 100%I 14 2 211.0 LMP Intersection modificahon 1 intersection I Add protected left-turn phases; Rosemead Boulevard& Marshall Street 575 575 1996 $110 42%; 3 NO 100% 242 3i 311.26 rransit Subsidy Program 0.181100 empl. (Increase in average monthly ridership _ 59.51 11 i 1997 $102 100%1 _ 2 NO, 100%; 11 4 329.0 Dial-a-Ride Service 9 pass-mile increase in average daily ridership; dials-ride 5 41 1997 $3311 100% 2 NO 100% 41 5 330.0 Local Shuttle 14 pass-mile Increase in average daily ridership 11141 19971 -_, $186 N 100%I _---- 14 7 1 CMPLIR95.WK1:2.24.94 Page 5 1996-1997 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESOLUTION NO. 97-33 CLAIMS AND DEMAND LISTING PREPARED FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 12,1997 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $615,825.98, NUMBERED 20776 THROUGH 20841 INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, THE FINANCE DIRECTOR HAS CERTIFIED AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE ATTACHED LISTING OF DEMANDS AND AS TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS, AND WHEREAS THE ATTACHED LISTED CLAIMS AND DEMANDS HAVE BEEN AUDITED AS REQUIRED BY LAW, THE SAME ARE HEREBY ALLOWED IN THE AMOUNT SET FORTH ABOVE. In accordance with Section 37202 of the Government Code, the Finance Director does hereby certify as to the accuracy of the above checks and as to the availability of funds for payment thereof. FINANCErIRECTOR ASSIS •NT ITYMl •GER PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DA OF r UGUST 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 121997 ITEM No. /// . 4• 08/04/97 18 : 28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 1 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE I INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT AIR CONDITIONING CO. , INC 34728 BLDG MAINT/CITY HALL 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 1014. 00 34729 BLDG MAINT/ZAPOPAN 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 364 .00 CHECK NO. 20777 1378.00 AMERICAN ARTIST 34733 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 01-4110-06460-FUND01 19. 97 CHECK NO. 20829 19.97 AMTECH LIGHTING SERVICES 34892 LIGHTING SERVICE 01-4180-06120-FUND01 1219. 00 34893 LIGHTING SERVICE 01-4180-06120-FUNDO1 0.58 34894 LIGHTING SERVICE 01-4180-06120-FUNDO1 79. 34 CHECK NO. 20778 I 1298. 92 APEX FIRE EXTINGUISHER 34730 FIRE EXTING SERV/GRVY PL 01-4830-04725-FUNDO1 157. 12 34731 FIRE EXTING SERV/RSMD PL 01-4830-04725-FUNDO1 229. 94 34732 FIRE EXTNG SERV/RCRC 01-4810-04725-FUND01 86.40 34895 FIRE EXTNG SERV/UNIT 30 01-4660-05225-UNIT30 104.20 CHECK NO. 20779 577. 66 ASIAN YOUTH CENTER 34891 AFTER SCHOL PROG/APR-JUNE 02-4750-06320-P93002 2070. 00 CHECK NO. 20830 2070.00 B&B SERVICE 34734 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 01-4820-04740-FUNDO1 I 107.27 CHECK NO. 20780 107.27 BARR LUMBER COMPANY, INC. 34735 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUND01 -85.43 34736 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 11. 03 34737 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 0. 96 34738 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 21.41 34739 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 11. 51 34740 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 9. 82 34741 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 3.20 34742 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 40.96 34848 HARDWARE SUPLIES 1 01-4200-06310-P94001 7 . 06 34849 HARDWARE SUPLIES 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 64 .59 34850 HARDWARE SUPLIES 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 20. 50 34851 HARDWARE SUPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 42 .85 34852 HARDWARE SUPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 12 . 64 34853 HARDWARE SUPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 191.34 34854 HARDWARE SUPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 245.34 34855 HARDWARE SUPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 81. 61 08/04/97 18: 28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 2 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT BARR LUMBER COMPANY, INC. 34856 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 186.24 34857 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 77. 91 34897 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 3.59 34898 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 19. 95 34899 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 108. 59 34900 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 48.84 34901 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 129.35 34902 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 01-4200-06310-P94001 73 .23 CHECK NO. 20831 1327. 09 BNI BOOKS 34896 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUND01 207.79 CHECK NO. 20781 207 .79 CALIFORNIA STREET MAINT. 34861 STREET SWEEP/JUNE 97 22-4600-04850-FUND22 11950. 00 CHECK NO. 20782 11950. 00 CALIFORNIA TURF PRODUCTS 34859 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 1436.46 34860 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 1478.44 CHECK NO. 20833 2914 . 90 CINTAS 34744 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUND01 165. 90 34745 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 32 .00 34747 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 175. 59 34748 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 25. 00 34749 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 161. 34 34751 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4810-05320-FUNDO1 29. 00 CHECK NO. _ 20783 588 . 83 COAST IRRIGATION SUPPLY 34743 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 360. 68 CHECK NO. 20834 360. 68 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AGRIC 34782 PEST CONTROL 01-4810-04722-FUNDO1 285. 91 CHECK NO. 20799 285.91 DEPT. OF ANIMAL CONTROL 34780 HOUSING SERV/1996-97 ADJ 01-4330-04610-FUNDOl / 413729 34781 HOUSING SERV/JUNE 1997 01-4330-04610-FUNDO1 / 4660.44 CHECK NO. 20784 28797 .73 08/04/97 18: 28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 3 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 34778 SIGNAL MAINT/APRIL 1997 22-4630-04815-FUND22 1267.89 CHECK NO. 20785 1267.89 DIANE E. EVENS 34864 SODA MACHINE SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 81. 60 34865 SODA MACHINE SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 213 . 60 CHECK NO. 20816 295.20 DIVERSIFIED MAINTENANCE 34779 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4180-05025-FUND01 265. 65 CHECK NO. 20786 265. 65 EL MONTE FORD 34863 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT #02 01-4240-05230-UNITO2 1675. 99 CHECK NO. 20787 1675. 99 G & H AUTO PARTS 34792 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDOI 9. 68 34793 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 8. 10 CHECK NO. 20788 17 .78 GARVEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY 34789 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 40. 96 34790 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 121. 17 34794 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 25. 00 34871 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 25. 00 34872 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 452 . 17 CHECK NO. 20789 664. 30 GORDON TERMITE CONTROL 34783 PEST CONTROL/GARVEY PK 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 18. 00 34784 PESTCONTROL/RSMD PARK 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 32 . 00 34785 PEST CONTROL/RSMD POOL 01-4830-04725-FUNDO1 18. 00 34786 PEST CONTROL/GARVY POOL 01-4830-04725-FUNDO1 18 . 00 34787 PEST CONTROL/GARVEY PARK 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 18 . 00 34788 PEST CONTROL/RCRC 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 40. 00 CHECK NO. 20790 144 .00 GUNDERSON CHEVROLET 4 Z 34791 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 11 01-4240-05225-UNIT11 �4 34795 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 30 01-4310-05225-UNIT30 . 62 34796 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 29 01-4310-05225-UNIT29 93 . 62 34797 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 30 01-4310-05225-UNIT30 9 . 68 34868 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 37 01-4240-05225-UNIT37 153 . 17 34869 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 26 01-4240-05225-UNIT26 29. 50 34870 VEHICLE REPAIRS/UNIT 26 01-4240-05225-UNIT26 244 . 31 08/04/97 18 : 28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 4 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT GUNDERSON CHEVROLET CHECK NO. 20791 3098.84 HAROLD'S KEY SHOP 34873 LOCK SERVICE 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 55. 00 CHECK NO. 20793 55. 00 HARVARD HEART LETTER 34874 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 01-4780-06460-FUND01 16. 00 CHECK NO. 20792 16. 00 HOWLAND ELECTRIC 34798 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 181. 86 CHECK NO. 20794 181.86 INACOM COMPUTER CENTER 34875 COMPUTER EQUIP 01-4130-05011-FUNDO1 635. 80 34875 COMPUTER EQUIP 01-4130-08220-FUNDO1 399. 44 34876 COMPUTER EQUIP 01-4130-05011-FUNDO1 77. 62 CHECK NO. 20795 1112 . 86 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 34801 GROUNDS MAINT/GARVEY PK 01-4810-04728-FUNDO1 261. 13 34802 GROUNDS MAINT/JULY 4TH 01-4200-06310-P94001 48. 00 34803 GROUNDS MAINT/RSMD PARK 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 216. 00 34805 GROUNDS MAINT/JULY 4TH 01-4200-06310-P94001 247 . 71 CHECK NO. 20796 792 . 84 J. HAROLD MITCHELL CO. 34799 SUPPLIES/JULY 4TH 01-4200-06310-P94001 71. 72 34800 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 21. 65 34806 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 47.86 34807 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 126. 08 34808 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 19.46 34809 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDOI 297. 65 34810 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUND01 283 .45 34811 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 9.23 34812 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 11.46 34813 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDO1 43.52 34814 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05010-FUNDO1 75. 96 CHECK NO. 20797 1008.04 LA COUNTY DEPT PUBLIC 34881 CONTRACT CHARGES 22-4650-04856-FUND22 166.50 34882 CONTRACT CHARGES 22-4600-04830-FUND22 2110. 56 34883 CONTRACT CHARGES 22-4600-04830-FUND22 5549 . 30 34884 CONTRACT CHARGES 22-4600-04830-FUND22 637 .87 08/04/97 18 : 28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 5 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT LA COUNTY DEPT PUBLIC 34885 CONTRACT CHARGES 22-4600-04865-FUND22 303. 23 34886 CONTRACT CHARGES 01-4720-04240-FUNDO1 1088. 39 34887 TRAFFIC SIG MAINT AGMNT 22-4630-04810-FUND22 745.57 CHECK NO. 20800 10601.42 LA COUNTY FIRE DEPT. 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4310-05225-UNIT29 388. 68 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4310-05225-UNIT30 111.60 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 28-4660-05225-UNIT31 266. 97 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNITO1 241. 93 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNIT02 200. 22 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNIT07 199.82 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNIT11 519.78 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNIT14 140. 10 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNIT26 243 . 61 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNIT33 267. 70 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNIT34 203 . 34 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNIT35 68 . 61 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 i 01-4240-05225-UNIT37 72 . 87 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 28-4660-05225-UNIT32 176. 34 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05225-UNIT38 468 .76 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 28-4660-05225-UNIT36 150. 48 34888 FUEL EXP/APRIL-MAY 97 01-4240-05250-UNIT11 0.56 CHECK NO. 20801 3721.37 LA COUNTY METRO TRANSPORT 34905 BUS PASSES/JUNE 97 28-4660-07510-P96928 13674 . 00 CHECK NO. 20798 ,13674 .00 LA COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT 34936 JUNE CONTRACT SERVICES 01-4300-04516-FUND01 18999. 34 34936 JUNE CONTRACT SERVICES 01-4300-04514-FUNDO1 103427. 92 34936 JUNE CONTRACT SERVICES 01-4300-04512-FUNDO1 196045. 68 34936 JUNE CONTRACT SERVICES 01-4300-04615-FUNDO1 9976.50 34936 JUNE CONTRACT SERVICES 01-4300-04518-FUND01 9918 . 75 CHECK NO. 20802 : 38368.19 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL 34904 MONTHLY SERVICE 22-4640-04723-P92722 790.90 34904 MONTHLY SERVICE 22-4640-04723-P92622 385. 00 34904 MONTHLY SERVICE 22-4640-04723-P92522 743 . 60 34904 MONTHLY SERVICE 22-4640-04723-P92422 2928. 96 34904 MONTHLY SERVICE 22-4640-04723-P92322 371. 80 34904 MONTHLY SERVICE 01-4870-04720-FUNDO1 200.20 34904 MONTHLY SERVICE 22-4640-04723-P92222 400.40 34904 MONTHLY SERVICE 01-4180-04720-FUNDO1 915.20 08/04/97 18 :28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 6 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL 34904 MONTHLY SERVICE 22-4640-04723-P92122 171. 60 CHECK NO. 20803 6907. 66 MCGLADREY & PULLEN 34815 PROF SERVICES 01-4130-04415-FUNDO1 1200. 00 34889 AUDIT SERVICES/1996-1997 01-4130-04410-FUNDO1 4000. 00 CHECK NO. 20805 5200.00 MINIT-LUBE 34816 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 20 01-4240-05225-UNIT20 43.23 34817 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 35 01-4240-05225-UNIT35 28.26 CHECK NO. 20836 71.49 MITCHELL PEST CONTROL INC 34818 PESTICIDE SPRAYING 01-4810-04722-FUNDO1 300. 00 34819 PESTICIDE SPRAYING 01-4810-04722-FUNDO1 225. 00 CHECK NO. 20804 525. 00 MUNICIPAL COURT 34937 PKG CIT PROC/JUNE 97 01-4310-03332-FUNDO1 4165. 00 CHECK NO. 20776 4165. 00 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 34826 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 01-4110-06460-FUNDO1 3017 . 00 CHECK NO. 20806 3017. 00 NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY 34822 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-04740-FUNDOI 55. 66 34823 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 882. 33 34824 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 44 .38 34825 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 13. 86 CHECK NO. 20807 ! 996.23 NORMAN'S PLUMBING & HEAT 34820 PLUMBING REPAIRS 01-4830-04725-FUNDO1 128 .75 34821 PLUMBING REPAIRS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 385. 00 CHECK NO. 20808 513 .75 PACIFIC DUPLICATOR SYS 34945 OFFICE EQUIP MAINT 01-4180-04730-FUNDO1 19.85 CHECK NO. 20809 19.85 PACIFIC EQUIP & IRRIG 34938 SPECIAL EQUIP MAINT 01-4810-04740-FUNDO1 75. 00 CHECK NO. 20810 75. 00 08/04/97 18 : 28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 7 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT PLUMBING WHOLESALE OUTLET 34832 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 01-4810-05030-FUNDOI 86. 12 CHECK NO. 20835 86. 12 POSTAL INSTANT PRESS 34830 PRINTING SERVICES 01-4840-04678-P51501 194 .44 34831 PRINTING SERVICES 01-4110-04678-FUNDO1 201. 71 CHECK NO. 20812 396. 15 PROFESSIONAL CLEANERS 34829 UNIFORM CLEANING 01-4310-05320-FUNDO1 377.25 CHECK NO. 20837 377.25 PROPUB INC. 34827 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 01-4130-06460-FUNDO1 152 . 64 CHECK NO. 20813 152. 64 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 34833 MATS 01-4180-04725-FUNDO1 19 .81 34939 MOPS & MATS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 37. 52 34940 MOPS & MATS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 42 . 81 34941 MOPS & MATS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 42 . 80 34942 MATS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 22 . 26 34943 MOPS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 14 . 35 34944 MOPS & MATS 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 14. 55 CHECK NO. 20814 194. 10 PUBLISHERS CLEARING HOUSE 34828 SUBSCRIPTION 01-4780-06460-FUNDO1 27. 85 CHECK NO. 20838 27.85 QUICK LUBE FLEET SERVICES 34834 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 20 01-4240-05225-UNIT20 28 .26 34835 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 2 01-4240-05225-UNIT02 28.26 34946 VEHICLE MAINT/UNIT 2 01-4240-05225-UNIT02 18. 24 CHECK NO. 20839 74.76 ROSEMEAD BOYS & GIRLS 34903 CONTRIBUTIONS/4TH QTR 97 02-4750-06320-P93502 5615. 00 CHECK NO. 20815 5615. 00 S.C.A.Q.M.D. 34906 POOL MAINT/RSMD POOL 01-4830-04726-FUNDO1 343 . 80 CHECK NO. 20817 343 . 80 SACHS ELECTRIC 34908 GROUNDS MAINT 01-4810-04720-FUNDO1 552. 00 08/04/97 18: 28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 8 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT SACHS ELECTRIC 34909 POOL MAINT & REPAIRS 01-4830-04726-FUND01 160. 00 34948 ELECTRICAL SERVICES 01-4810-04725-FUNDO1 2197 . 00 CHECK NO. 20818 2909. 00 SHAWNEE VALDIVIA 34954 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 01-4700-05240-FUNDO1 32 . 60 CHECK NO. 20840 32. 60 SMART AND FINAL IRIS 34907 PRESCHOOL SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 12. 98 CHECK NO. 20819 12.98 SO CAL EDISON CO 34914 LEASE FEE/ZAPOPAN/97-98 01-4810-06475-FUNDO1 600. 00 34952 LIGHTING DISTRICT 61-4340-06120-FUND61 2074 . 32 CHECK NO. 20820 2674 .32 STAR MAINTENANCE SUPPLY i 34910 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 907 .24 34911 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 608. 91 34912 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 68 .85 34913 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 1023 . 21 34950 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 663 . 84 34951 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01-4810-05025-FUNDO1 163 .35 CHECK NO. 20821 3435.40 THE PARTY SPECTRUM 34836 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 39. 05 34837 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 42 .23 34838 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 46.89 34839 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 19. 37 34840 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 42 .23 34841 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUND01 36. 73 34842 SUPPLIES/SENIOR LUNCH PRG 02-4750-07610-P95202 57. 21 34843 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 22.70 34844 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 42 .23 34845 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 15. 93 34846 CLASS SUPPLIES 01-4840-05010-P51501 21. 12 34847 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4820-05010-FUNDO1 21.12 34953 SUPPLIES/SENIOR LUNCH PRG 02-4750-07610-P95202 42 .26 CHECK NO. 20811 449. 07 TOM'S MEN'S WEAR 34975 UNIFORM PURCHASE 01-4310-05310-FUNDO1 204 . 05 CHECK NO. 20822 204. 05 08/04/97 18: 28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 9 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS, INC 34915 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 502 . 35 34916 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 989. 05 34917 TRAFFIC MARKING 22-4650-04860-FUND22 176.38 34918 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 385.43 34919 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 1028. 15 34920 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 232 .17 34921 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 476.50 34922 TRAFFIC MARKING 22-4650-04860-FUND22 302 .74 34923 TRAFFIC STRIPING 22-4650-04860-FUND22 1251.45 34924 TRAFFIC SIGNS 22-4650-04856-FUND22 385. 67 34925 TRAFFIC SIGN 22-4650-04856-FUND22 332. 41 CHECK NO. 20823 6062 . 30 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 34926 DEPT SUPPLIES 01-4110-05010-FUNDO1 I 271. 56 CHECK NO. 20824 271.56 VORTEX 34927 BUIDING MAINT/SPRTS COMPX' O1-4810-04725-P92801 264. 00 CHECK NO. 20841 264.00 W.S.G.V. JUVENILE 34929 COUNSLING SVC/JAN-JUNE 97 02-4750-06320-P93402 30662 . 00 34929 COUNSLING SVC/JAN-JUNE 97. 01-4200-06320-P93401 905. 00 CHECK NO. 20825 31567 . 00 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 34928 TRAFFIC ENG RETAINR/JUNE 01-4510-04280-FUNDO1 2030. 00 34930 BLDG INSP/JUNE 97 01-4710-04290-FUND01 39433 .75 34931 REHAB INSP CDBG/JUNE 97 02-4750-07610-P95802 8997 . 88 34932 REHAB INSP/JUNE 97 01-4710-04291-FUNDO1 3894 . 25 34933 COMPLNT & INVEST/JUNE 01-4710-04292-FUNDO1 2573 . 00 34934 SECURITY BARS CDBG/JUNE97 02-4750-07610-P96102 2832 . 00 34955 CDBG ADMIN/JUNE 97 02-4750-07610-P95002 11898. 00 34956 RESID REHAB/JUNE 97 02-4750-07610-P95302 4368 . 00 34957 COMM REHAB/JUNE 97 02-4750-07610-P95402 816 . 00 34958 CODE COMPLIANCE/JUNE 97 02-4750-07610-P95102 3600. 00 34959 TRAFFIC STUDY/MAY 97 01-4510-04281-FUNDO1 1106. 00 34960 FINAL MAP REVIEW/JUNE 97 01-4720-04232-FUNDO1 565. 00 34961 ABILENE ST AC RAMP/JUNE97j22-4500-04225-P99222 952 . 00 34962 LORICA ST RT WAY/JUNE 97 22-4500-04225-P76322 4995. 00 34963 PUBLIC WKS INSP/JUNE 97 01-4720-04250-FUNDO1 6643. 00 34964 DEV MAP REVIEW/JUNE 97 01-4720-04231-FUNDO1 4773 . 00 34965 CITY ENG RETAINER/JUNE 97 01-4720-04210-FUNDO1 800. 00 34966 PMS UPDATE/JUNE 97 22-4500-04265-FUND22 540. 00 34967 VALLEY BLVD IMP/JUNE 97 01-4500-04225-P76125 3490. 00 08/04/97 18 : 28 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PAGE: 10 dp704u1 WARRANT REGISTER # 97-33 8/12/97 USER: kal PAYEE INVOICE CHECK VOU. DESCRIPTON ACCOUNT CHARGED AMOUNT AMOUNT WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 34968 SUPPORTIVE ENG/JUNE 97 01-4720-04220-FUND01 2062 . 50 34969 NPDES/JUNE 97 01-4720-04260-FUNDO1 414. 00 34970 VALLEY BLVD IMP/JUNE 97 01-4500-04225-P76125 1327. 00 34971 CAPITAL IMP/JUNE 97 22-4500-04225-P99222 429 . 00 34972 MISSION/RSMD TSI/JUNE 97 01-4530-04225-P81101 165. 00 34973 LORICA ST/JUNE 97 22-4500-04225-276322 880. 00 34974 CMP/JUNE 97 01-4720-04270-FUNDO1 235. 00 CHECK NO. 20826 :09819 . 38 XEROX CORPORATION 34935 COPIER MAINT/07/96-06/97 01-4180-04730-FUNDO1 519. 69 CHECK NO. 20828 519. 69 GRAND TOTAL 615,825. 98 08/04/97 18: 28 PAGE: 1 dp704u1 WARRANT SUMMARY BY FUND 8/12/97 USER: kal RECAP BY FUND PRE-PAID WRITTEN GENERAL FUND 01 486, 144 . 04 CDBG 02 70, 958 . 35 STATE GAS TAX 22 42, 381.48 PROPOSITION A 28 14,267.79 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 61 2, 074. 32 TOTAL 615,825. 98 GRAND TOTAL 615, 825.98