REHAB – Approval of Minutes 9-23-97 NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED BY TNF ROSEMEAD RE}L BI_ITATION APRE.5IS BOARD MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board was called to order by Chairman Imperial at 7:11 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag and Invocation were waived as having been completed during the meeting just adjourned. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Boardmembers Clark, Taylor, Vasquez, Vice-Chairman Bruesch, and Chairman Imperial Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NONE I. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons wishing to address the Board. H. HEARINGS A. 2716 BRIGHTON STREET- HEARING The subject property consists of a tenant-occupied single family residence located in the R-2 zone. A "Please Letter" and a "bulky item" trash notice were mailed to the property owner on January 16, 1997. Inspection on February 12, 1997 revealed no progress. The Building Official declared the property substandard and filed a Declaration of Substandard Property with the Los Angeles County Recorder's office. A "Thirty Day" certified letter was mailed and posted on the property on March 5, 1997, requesting abatement of the substandard conditions. A second trash notice was sent to both the property owner and tenant on March 24, 1997. Inspection on April 2, 1997, revealed some yard area cleanup, however many auto parts remained. Interior access was gained on April 10, 1997. A revised list of defects was generated, and a copy was mailed to Mr. Dumas, the property owner, on April 14, 1997. Progress inspections in May and June 1997 revealed only minor progress. Telephone contact was made with Mr. Dumas on June 17, 1997. He indicated he would commence obtaining bids for interior and exterior painting the following week. On July 1, 1997, a third trash notice was sent to the owner and tenant. Inspection on July 9, 1997 found the property to be maintained in the front, with continued slow progress at the rear. The tenant was present at the time of inspection and verified that the owner had been sending contractors to bid on the painting. Follow-up inspection on August 8, 1997 revealed minor yard area cleanup, however no painting had been done. The broken windows and other defects remained. Mr. Dumas phoned on August 12, 1997 and stated that he was having problems obtaining bids for the painting, but that he would continue his efforts. Inspection on August 28, 1997 revealed no change. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on September 9, 1997. All interested parties have been notified. The City Building Official recommends that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions removed and/or corrected by November 3, 1997. REHAB 9-23-97 Page d1 Gary Dumas, 15795 Sprig Street, Chino Hills, stated that the windows were not broken, but that the louvers were missing. Mr. Dumas referred to the remaining items on the list of defects and stated that his tenant is a handyman who collects and uses all the items stored on the property. Mr. Dumas continued that he has written to his tenant since 1990 in an effort to have him cleanup the property and he is willing to evict him via court order, but not personally as the tenant has many family problems and also that he is concerned that the tenant may retaliate by letting the trash accumulate and that the eviction process will drag on for months. Chairman Imperial asked Mr. Dumas if the pictures taken today are correct? Mr. Dumas responded that he was at the property today but did not see some of those items on the property; however, his tenant repairs appliances, washing machines, hauls trash, and those items may be gone by now. Chairman Imperial stated that he has sympathy for his tenant, but, it is time to feel sorry for the neighbors. Mr. Imperial asked Mr. Dumas what his intentions are. Mr. Dumas distributed notices he had written to the tenant, the latest one delivered on March 10, 1997, increasing the rent due to increased insurance costs attributable to the tenant's debris, and notification to clean up the debris and remove all hazardous materials. Mr. Dumas stated that he cannot obtain home insurance anymore. Robert Kress, City Attorney, asked Mr. Dumas what action has he taken since then as the letter indicates the tenant was given until the end of March to clean up the property and a 30-day notice to leave the property if they do not comply? Mr. Dumas responded that he has been talking with the tenant. Boardmember Taylor asked Mr. Dumas what option does he have left other than to give the tenant an eviction notice? Mr. Dumas requested a notice to give to the tenant indicating that the City is ordering the cleanup. Mr. Kress stated that if the Board accepts the Building Official's recommendation, they will find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions removed by November 3, 1997 and if they are not removed, then the City has other options. Mr. Kress continued that the City will then provide notice and go onto the property and clean it up. Mr. Kress explained that a business cannot be run from that property nor can he use the property to store materials. Mr. Dumas requested a copy of the RMC citing that issue in order to give it to his tenant. MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY BOARDMEMBER VASQUEZ that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions removed and/or corrected by November 3, 1997. Vote resulted: Aye: Bruesch, Vasquez, Imperial, Clark, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said order duly carried and so ordered. REHAB 9-23-97 Page#2 B. 2660-62-64 FALLING LEAF AVENUE The subject property consists of an owner-occupied single family residence, two tenant- occupied units and an illegal garage conversion. The property is zoned R-2. A "Please Letter" was mailed to the property owner on November 4, 1996. Inspection on December 10, 1996 revealed no progress. The Building Official declared the property substandard and filed a Declaration of Substandard Property with the Los Angeles County Recorder's office. A "Thirty Day" certified letter was mailed and posted on the property on December 17, 1996, requesting abatement of the substandard conditions. The letter was returned "unclaimed" and was sent again by first class mail. Monthly progress inspections revealed no change. On January 8, 1997, a "bulky item" trash notice was sent to both the property owner and tenants. An updated "Fifteen Day" certified letter was mailed and posted on the property on July 1, 1997. While posting the letter, the building inspector made contact with the property owner, Mr. Martinez. He stated he had no job and no funds to make the necessary repairs. He was informed of the CDBG program, and he came to City Hall on the following day to obtain an application. Unfortunately, Mr. Martinez does not qualify for the program due to multiple units on the property. Inspection on July 17, 1997 revealed no progress. Another inspection on August 18, 1997 showed only minor yard cleanup. The inoperable vehicles and other defects remained. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on September 9, 1997. All interested parties have been notified. The Building Official recommends that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by November 3, 1997. However, if permits and approvals are obtained, and sufficient progress is achieved by November 3, 1997, the abatement date may be extended to December 1, 1997. Boardmember Bruesch asked if the building inspector was able to gain entry? Steve Bailey, Building Inspector, stated that the tenant denied him access upon direction from the property owner. Boardmember Bruesch stated that he is concerned that there may be substantial health problems in the interior of the buildings. Mr. Bailey responded that the Health Department will be contacted. MOTION BY BOARDMEMBER TAYLOR, SECOND BY BOARDMEMBER VASQUEZ that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by November 3, 1997. However, if permits and approvals are obtained, and sufficient progress is achieved by November 3, 1997, the abatement date may be extended to December 1, 1997. Vote resulted: Aye: Bruesch, Vasquez, Imperial, Clark, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. lII. STATUS REPORTS A. SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS AND PROPERTIES No action required on this item. REHAB 9-23-97 Page e3 B. BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD No action required on this item. C. CITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY REFERRAL UPDATE No action required on this item. IV. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS -None V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for October 28, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: Board Secretary CHAIRMAN REHAB 9-23-97 Page#4