REHAB – Item 3 – Substandard Buildings and Properties CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS AND PROPERTIES STATUS REPORT November 18, 1997 DATE OF CERTIFIED ADDRESS LETTER STATUS COMMENTS 9733 Abilene 08/14/96 Unsightly SFD Work complete except for roof On CDBG waiting list. 3260 Alanreed Unsightly, 3 units Mailed Please Letter. 8114 Baruch 12/01/95 See City Attorney Update 8120 Baruch 07/24/95 See City Attorney Update 2716 Brighton 03/05/97 Unsightly SFD See Appeals Board Report 3353 Charlotte Case closed. 7611 Columbia 12/20/95 See City Attorney Update 8957 Cortada 08/22/96 Unsightly, 2 units Permits issued. Work in progress. 9541 De Adalena Unsightly SFD Mailed Please Letter. 4503 Delta 07/03/97 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15 day certified. 2742 Dequine 01/29/97 See City Attorney Update 7847 Dorothy 12/11/96 See City Attorney Update TOTAL NUMBER OF ACTIVE CASES: 48 REHAB AGENDA NOV 2 51997 ITEM No. _[ • DATE OF CERTIFIED ADDRESS LETTER STATUS COMMENTS 2632 Earle 10/21/97 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 15 day certified. 4623 Earle 01/09/94 See City Attorney Update 7511 Egley 08/21/97 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 30 day certified. 2716 Evelyn 09/18/96 See Appeals Board Report 3013 Evelyn 01/13/97 See Appeals Board Report 2660 Falling Leaf 12/17/96 Unsightly, 3 units See Appeals Board Report. 2709 Falling Leaf 10/07/97 Unsightly, 2 units Mailed and posted 30 day certified. 7733 Fern 09/26/96 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 30 day certified. 8440 Fern 02/10/92 See City Attorney Update 7525 Graves Case closed. 7701 Hellman 12/17/96 Unsightly, multi-unit Mailed and posted 30 day certified. 3261 Isabel 09/03/97 Unsightly, 2 units To Hearing 11/25/97. 8268 Keim Case closed. 2542 Kelburn 12/18/91 See City Attorney Update 3314 Lafayette 10/06/97 Unsightly, 2 units Mailed and posted 30 day certified. 2543 La Presa 10/14/97 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 30 day certified. 3639 Marybeth 10/01/97 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 30 day certified. DATE OF CERTIFIED ADDRESS LETTER STATUS COMMENTS 8923 Mission 10/18/94 See City Attorney Update Permits issued. Termination of case pending payment of boarding& securing costs to City 2508 Muscatel 04/23/97 Unsightly SFD To Hearing 11/25/97. 2512 Muscatel 12/11/96 See City Attorney Update 2625 Muscatel 10/23/96 See City Attorney Update 2727 Muscatel 08/29/96 Unsightly multi-unit Mailed and posted 30 day certified. 3807 Muscatel 09/11/97 Unsightly SFD w/illegal Mailed and posted 30 day certified. conversion 2522 Pine 12/11/96 Unsightly SFD Permits issued for extensive remodel. 9229 Pitkin 10/28/96 See City Attorney Update 2739 Prospect 10/28/97 Vacant/abandoned Mailed and posted 15 day certified. construction 3202 Rosemead PI Unsightly SFD Mailed Please Letter. 2630 San Gabriel 03/25/97 See City Attorney Update Case being handled by State - tenants in process of being relocated. 4552 Sultana 05/08/97 See Appeals Board Report Property cleaned under City contract. Notice of Cost mailed to owner. Property is for sale. 3545 Temple City 03/05/97 See City Attorney Update 3919 Temple City 07/26/94 See City Attorney Update 9406 Valley 07/03/95 See City Attorney Update 4911 Walnut Grove Case closed. DATE OF CERTIFIED ADDRESS LETTER STATUS COMMENTS 8150 Whitmore 11/03/97 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 30 day certified. 8935 Whitmore 04/10/92 See City Attorney Update 2637 Willard 09/09/97 Unsightly SFD Mailed and posted 30 day certified. CITY OF ROSEMEAD BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD STATUS REPORT November 18, 1997 BOARD DATE OF ORDER ADDRESS HEARING DEADLINE STATUS 8120 Baruch 02/27/96 04/01/96 See City Attorney Update. 2716 Brighton 09/23/97 11/03/97 Extension granted to 12/4/97. 7611 Columbia 04/23/96 06/03/96 See City Attorney Update. 2742 Dequine 05/27/97 07/01/97 See City Attorney Update. 7847 Dorothy 07/22/97 08/06/97 See City Attorney Update. 4623 Earle 08/27/96 09/16/96 See City Attorney Update 2716 Evelyn 10/28/97 12/01/97 3013 Evelyn 10/28/97 12/01/97 2660 Falling Leaf 09/23/97 11/03/97 Owner requested Rehearing, but has not paid fee. 8440 Fern 11/24/92 12/31/92 See City Attorney Update 2542 Kelbum 06/23/92 07/31/92 See City Attorney Update. 8923 Mission 01/23/96 03/01/96 Permits issued. Termination of case pending payment of boarding & security costs to City. 2512 Muscatel 06/24/97 08/01/97 See City Attorney Update. BOARD DATE OF ORDER ADDRESS HEARING DEADLINE STATUS 2625 Muscatel 06/24/97 08/01/97 See City Attorney Update. 9229 Pitkin 06/24/97 08/01/97 See City Attorney Update. 2630 San Gabriel 02/27/96 04/01/96 See City Attorney Update. 4552 Sultana 08/26/97 09/11/97 Property cleaned under City contract. Notice of Cost mailed to owner. Property is for sale. 3545 Temple City 07/22/97 09/02/97 See City Attorney Update 3919 Temple City 02/28/95 04/01/95 See City Attorney Update. 9406 Valley 08/26/97 10/01/97 See City Attorney Update. 8935 Whitmore 04/27/93 06/01/93 See City Attorney Update CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY REFERRAL UPDATE STATUS REPORT November 18, 1997 BOARD ORDER ABATEMENT CONFERENCE ADDRESS DATE DATE STATUS 8114 Baruch 04/08/96 Civil compromise. Termination of case pending payment of restitution to City. $500 paid to date. 8120 Baruch 04/01/96 05/22/96 Demolition partially complete. Owner remains on probation. City will continue to monitor for possible probation violations. 7611 Columbia 06/03/96 07/08/96 Previous owners filed bankruptcy. Case will be initiated with new owners. 2742 Dequine 07/01/97 07/28/97 Illegal construction has been demolished. Owner granted additional time to remove debris. 7847 Dorothy 08/06/97 08/27/97 No show at conference. Notice of Intent mailed and posted on the property 9/11/97. Property sold. New owner in process of cleaning property. Significant progress shown. 4623 Earle 05/21/90 10/30/90 Bench warrant is still outstanding against new owner, who has not been seen. Demolition occurred pursuant to court order on 4/28/95. Special assessment filed against property for demolition. Property also cleaned 9/26/96 under City contract. Second special assessment filed 7/1/97. CPA in process of attempting to locate owner. Property remains secure. 8440 Fern 12/31/92 07/28/97 Permits obtained. Work near completion. Owner granted extension to 11/18/97 to make repairs on chimney. BOARD ORDER ABATEMENT CONFERENCE ADDRESS DATE DATE STATUS 8268 Keim Case closed. 2542 Kelbum 07/31/92 06/08/95 No contest plea entered on 6/5/96. Owner placed on two years summary probation. Owner obtained private loan. $10,000 placed in escrow account to ensure required repairs are made. Permit obtained for new garage. 8923 Mission 03/01/96 04/08/96 Permits issued. Termination of case pending payment of barricading & securing costs to City. 2512 Muscatel 08/01/97 09/08/97 Owner did not appear for arraignment. Husband appeared and claimed that his wife was ill. Bench warrant issued for $5,000. Case continued to December 17, 1997. 2625 Muscatel 08/01/97 09/08/97 Property owned jointly by husband and wife. Wife did not appear for arraignment. Bench warrant issued for $5,000. Husband appeared and entered plea of not guilty for himself Pre-trial hearing set for December 17, 1997. 9229 Pitkin 08/01/97 08/27/97 Owner appeared for arraignment, but did not accept plea bargain offer. Pre-trial hearing set for December 17, 1997. 2630 San Gabriel 03/25/97 Certified letter to new owner. Permits obtained. Case taken over by State. Tenants in process of being relocated. 3545 Temple City B1 9/2/97 10/15/97 Extension granted to 12/1/97. 3919 Temple City BI 04/01/95 10/10/95 Owner on probation through August 1998. Owner's appeal denied on 7/10/97. City continues to monitor condition of property. 9406 Valley 07/03/95 10/15/97 Deadline of 11/15/97 not met_ Arraignment to be scheduled. 8935 Whitmore 06/01/93 07/28/97 Significant progress. Extension granted by inspector.