REHAB – Item 2C – 8749-51 Mission Drive –Rehearing 41fits Pmmead rias 8838 E VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ®M® ROSEMEAD. CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 18, 1997 RE: 8749-51 MISSION DRIVE - REHEARING The subject property consists of three, tenant-occupied rental units, including an inaccessible garage conversion, and a vacant non-complying rear unit.The property is zoned C-1. This case was previously before the Board on February 25, 1997, at which time the Board declared the property substandard and ordered the substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by March 10, 1997. The Board further ordered that the case he returned for Rehearing on March 25, 1997. The Board also requested that a meeting time be given to the property owners to meet with City representatives at the subject property to discuss the list of defects, which the owners claimed were unreasonable, and to decide the use of the old building at the rear of the property. On March 3, 1997, a meeting was held on the property. Present at the meeting were the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Tong; Boardmember Jay Imperial; Planning Director, Peter Lyons; Building Official,James M. Guerra and Building Inspector, Rose Arguello. A revised list of defects was developed and reviewed in detail with the property owners. The owners concurred with the revised list of defects and the Building Official's recommendation that follows. A Notice of Rehearing,with the revised list of defects,was mailed and posted on the property on March 11, 1997. All interested parties have been notified. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions removed and/or corrected by May 1, 1997. However, if permits and approvals are obtained, and sufficient progress is achieved by May 1, 1997, the abatement date may be extended to June 2, 1997. REHAB AGENDA MAR 2 51997 ITEM No. MAYOR. (Pifotcmcad MAf1G>iY CLARK I �J MAYOR E TEM JAYEE L com+nLMLMeERS f�} 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 399 JOE VASOUEZ " •IMF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 RUBOR° RRUE60H TELEPHONE GARYA TAYLOR (818)288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 March 10, 1997 Kevin K Tong & Yushan Tong SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 842 Calle La Prima Vera 8749-51 Mission Drive Glendale, CA 91208 Rosemead, CA 91770 NOTICE OF REHEARING The City Building Official has determined by inspection that the following property is substandard, as defined in Section 9905 of the City of Rosemead Building Laws, because of the defects listed on the attached letter. THEREFORE,NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, March 25, 1997, at 7:00 p.m-, in the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard,Rosemead, California, a REHEARING WILL BE CONDULI ED before the City of Rosemead Rehabilitation Appeals Board on this matter. All persons who desire to be heard shall appear before the above Board at said time and place to show cause why the substandard conditions should not be ordered abated. ADDRESS: 8749-51 MISSION DRIVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: POR.10, ROSEMEAD TRACT, BLK 2 ASSESSOR'S #: 5289-010-065 i n t.,"" JAMES M. GUERRA Building Official Date Posted: ="s - e 7 By: e- A6- -till. • March 6, 1997 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 8749-8751 Mission Drive General: 1. Driveway and parking areas deteriorated and do not drain properly. 2. Two inoperable vehicles license# I72BZA White Nova Chevrolet and black car License # 21-1FP983 stored on property. 8749 Mission Drive: 1. Windows are broken, damaged, or missing throughout. 2. Garage door needs springs and carpet removed . 3. Water heater pressure relieve valve must terminate outside of building 4. Rear door is damaged and deteriorated. 5. Extension cord through wall is unsafe. 6. Main electrical panel needs cover. 7. Unsightly lumber stored between dwelling and carport. 8. Appliances (washer and refrigerator) at rear. 8749 1/2 - 8751 Mission Drive : 1. Damaged breaker at main electrical panel. 2. Exterior walls at rear need of paint. 3. Abandon pipe must be removed or capped at bottom. • page 2. 8751 Mission Drive 1. Exterior walls and trim including barricade are damaged and deteriorated and in need of paint. 2. Trash, debris in interior. Permits are required for the above repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 8:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGEULLO Building Inspector Mas AR ,.ARB `� Ci�c� Ose nead MAYOR PRO MAYE couuCILMBMBEFs, TR - 8838 E.VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 399 JOB Rw S 'At ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91]]0 ROBERT LORECR TELEPHONE(818) 288-6671 GARY A.TAYLOR TELECOPIER 8183079218 MEMORANDUM • TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI , CITY MANAGER FROM: PETER J. LYONS , DIRECTOR OF PLANNING DATE: MARCH 5, 1997 RE: REHAB CASE-8749 MISSION DRIVE-(PERMIT DENIAL) At the February 18th Rehabilitation Board meeting,Boardmember Imperial requested a memorandum regarding the denial of a request by the property owner to add electrical service to an old structure on the rear portion of the subject property. The property in question currently contains a duplex, a single family home with a garage conversion, and an old structure that was originally built in 1940. Last year,just after buying the property, the current owners came to City Hall and requested a permit to add electrical service to the old structure. Because the property is currently zoned C-I(Neighborhood Commercial), and the structure had not been used for residential purposes for several years, staff denied the request. The structure is non-conforming and aside from being used as storage, can not be intensified or enlarged. Staff, along with Boardmember Imperial-meet with the owner yesterday. After inspecting the site the owners agreed to correct all substandard conditions. If you have any additional questions regarding this property, please let me know. MARGA .41Cita oscfnead MAYOROR MA T EM, USA' coBNCILMEMEsas_ 8838 E.VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.0. BOX 399 JOE VAs3vc ROSEMEAD. CALIFORNIA 91710 ROBERT%% SRuESCH TELEPHONE8 81 GARY ATA,LOA ( )288-6671 TELECOPIER 81830792118 February 26, 1997 Kevin K. Tong & Yushan Tong SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 842 Calle La Prima Vera 8749-51 Mission Drive Glendale, CA 91208 Rosemead, CA 91770 NOTICE OF ORDER Evidence and testimony concerning the condition of the improvement at the address listed below has been presented to the City of Rosemead Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board. The Board confirms the Building Official's findings of substandard and ordered: That all substandard conditons be removed and/or corrected by March 10, 1997. This case to be returned for Rehearing on March 25, 1997. The completion date, shown below, was established by Board Order as a deadline for compliance. If the work is not completed, but reasonable progress has been made, you may send a written request to the Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board for a rehearing. Such request must be made at least ten (10) days prior to the completion date. Failure to comply with the Board Order or failure to request a rehearing will result in the necessary work being done by the City of Rosemead without further notice to you. In the event it is necessary for the City to take such action, all costs incurred will be charged to you. These costs will include engineering fees of approximately $785.00 in addition to the actual cost of demolishing the building. Demolition includes the removal of all debris and the backfilling of any private sewage disposal system or the capping of the connection to a public sewer. DA 1 E OF HEARING: FEBRUARY 25, 1997 ADDRESS OF BUILDING: 8749-51 MISSION DRIVE OWNER: KEVIN K. TONG & YUSHAN K. TONG COMPLETION DATE: MARCH 10, 1997 Very truly yours, h,.✓ JAMES M. GUERRA Building Official DATE POSTED: a - a, - -7 BY: MAYOR it lit� C itch os5xncad MAYOR PRO ^ JAY1 .AL coo c LMEMSER ••• 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD P.0. BOX 399 JOE uez • ROSEMEAD. CALIFORNIA 91770 ROBERT BRUEsa' TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 GARY A.TAYLOR TELECOPIER 8183079218 February 11, 1997 Kevin K. Tong & Yushan Tong SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 842 Calle La Prima Vera 8749-51 Mission Drive Glendale, CA 91208 Rosemead, CA 91770 NOTICE OF HEARING The City Building Official has determined by inspection that the following property is substandard, as defined in Section 9905 of the City of Rosemead Building Laws, because of the defects listed on the attached letter. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 25, 1997, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, a HEARING WILL BE CONDUCIED before the City of Rosemead Rehabilitation Appeals Board on this matter. All persons who desire to be heard shall appear before the above Board at said time and place to show cause why the substandard conditions should not he ordered abated. ADDRESS: 8749-51 MISSION DRIVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ROSEMEAD TRACT, BLOCK 2, PORTION OF LOT 10 ASSESSOR'S #: 5389-010-065 JAMES M. GUERRA Building Official Date Posted: / - / By: � �,q)7— January 23, 1997 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 8749-8751 Mission Drive General: 1. Driveway and parking areas deteriorated and do not drain properly. 2. Exterior light fixtures are damaged or defective. 3. Trash,junk and debris stored throughout yard areas. 4. Inoperable vehicles stored on property. 5. Furniture, appliances, auto parts and miscellaneous junk stored throughout property. 8749 Mission Drive: 1. Portions of the roof covering, roof sheathing and rafter ends are deteriorated. 2. Windows are broken, damaged, or missing throughout. 3. Exterior trim damaged or deteriorated and in need of repair and paint. 4. Garage appears to have been converted to living area. 8749 1/2 - 8751 Mission Drive : 1. Hazardous wiring at main electrical panel. 2. Windows and sashes broken, damaged or missing throughout. 3. Exterior light fixtures damaged or defective. 4. Exterior walls and trim are damaged or deteriorated and in need of repair and paint. 5. Gas piping installation to rear yard installed without permit. page 2. 8751 Mission Drive (rear structure): 1. Building is fire damaged and dilapidated. 2. Exterior walls damaged and deteriorated. 3. Vent piping improperly terminated at roof. 4. Roof covering, roof sheathing and rafter ends are deteriorated. 5. Walls and trim are damaged or deteriorated and in need of repair and paint. 6. Windows broken. Access to interior of all dwellings and garage not gained, therefore other substandard conditions may exist. Permits are required for the above repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. CHRISTOPHER LEA Senior Building Inspector Kevin & Yushan Tong 842 Calle La Primavera Glendale, CA 91208 October 3, 1996 Anthony Weimholt City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Weimholt: We are in receipt of your 2nd letter concerning 8749-8751 Mission Drive, (which is an exact copy of the 1st letteer.) — • .Ca •—u- `�—�<^ — e, ° �"''—' .. - 4. o /) .a.f-.- �.._,.�> ti . ,2 c, We are in good faith attempting to correct the "defects" our your list. We are impoving the property, slowly but surely, as our finances allow. We have already cleaned up the property and removed all items on the property that are not claimed by the tenants. Please note that this is a rental property and occupied by tenants. Any items remaining are claimed by the tenants and even though they are "junk" to you,cannot be removed by the landlord, otherwise we could be sued by the tenants. We have already sent letters to the tenants letting them know of the city's desires. The tenant has also assured us that the garage has not been converted to a living area. Sincerely, (ecu y 70/244.,_ ft.> Kevin & Yushan Tong 9 NFC �`.!; il( 03.cmead MAYOR PROTEM: courvc LMEMUERs: ••T 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD PO. BOX 399 JOE VASou Z ROSEMEAD,CALIFORNIA 91770 ROBERT W BRUESCH. TELEPHONE (018) GARY A.TAYLOR 288-66]1 TELECOPIER 8183079218 September 17, 1996 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Kevin K. & Yushan K. Tong SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 842 Calle La Prima Vera 8749-51 Mission Drive Glendale, CA 91208 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Tong: A recent inspection of the property at the above address has found it to be substandard as defined by the City of Rosemead Building Code, because of the defects enumerated in the attached list. Section 9908 of the Code declares all such substandard buildings a public nuisance and requires the abatement thereof by correction, if practical, or demolition of the substandard conditions. As the owner of record, you are hereby notified to comply with the requirements of the above code, and to correct or remove the substandard conditions listed. All such work shall be completed within thirty (30) days after receipt of this letter. This notice will be posted on the property. If in your opinion, you disagree or cannot comply with the above findings or order, you may request a public hearing. The request for hearing must be within thirty (30) days after posting of this notice on the property, must be in writing, and directed to the City of Rosemead Building Official, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. For further information, please contact the inspector whose name is shown on the attached list. Required permits may be obtained between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. Very truly yours, ANTHONY WEIMHOLT _ Building Official Date Posted: y —18 — 9 By: • September 4, 1996 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 8749-8751 Mission Drive General: 1. Driveway and parking areas deteriorated and do not drain properly, creating stagnant water. 2. Exterior light fixtures are damaged or defective. 3. Trash,junk and debris stored throughout yard areas. 4. Inoperable vehicles stored on property. 5. Furniture, appliances, auto parts and miscellaneous junk stored throughout property. 8749 Mission Drive: 1. Portions of the roof covering, roof sheathing and rafter ends are deteriorated. 2. Windows are broken, damaged, or missing throughout. 3. Exterior trim damaged or deteriorated and in need of repair and paint. 4. Garage appears to have been converted to living area. 8749 1/2 - 8751 Mission Drive : 1. Hazardous wiring at main electrical panel. 2. Windows and sashes broken, damaged or missing throughout. 3. Exterior light fixtures damaged or defective. 4. Exterior walls and trim are damaged or deteriorated and in need of repair and paint. 5. Gas piping installation to rear yard installed without permit. • page 2. 8751 Mission Drive(rear structure): 1. Building is fire damaged and dilapidated. 2. Exterior walls damaged and deteriorated. 3. Vent piping improperly terminated at roof 4. Roof covering, roof sheathing and rafter ends are deteriorated. S. Walls and trim are damaged or deteriorated and in need of repair and paint. 6. Windows broken. Access to interior of all dwellings and garage not gained, therefore other substandard conditions may exist. Permits are required for the above repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ANTHONY WEEHHOLT Building Official MARsA `i 6 it S Posefead RET'CLASH MAYOR PRO TEM: CAS JAY T IVRESIAL COUNcIJMEMBERS8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 JOE VASOL• Z ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 ROBERT VE BRUESOe TELEPHONE 616 288- GARYATAY..OR ( ) 167t TELECOPIER 8183079218 August I, 1996 Kevin K. & Yushan K. Tong SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 842 Calle La Prima Vera 8749-51 Mission Drive Glendale, CA 91208 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Rosemead Property Owner: As you probably know, the City of Rosemead has had in effect for some time, a Building Rehabilitation and Property Maintenance Program. The purpose of this Program is to provide continued health, safety, and welfare for all City residents. I know that you, as a responsible citizen, are interested in the present and future well-being of your community and realize this interest can best be served by making this area an enjoyable place to live and work. With this thought in mind,the Property Rehabilitation Program is designed to assist you in improving your property by pointing out unsafe or unsightly conditions which are detrimental to our community as a whole, and your property in particular. You, as an owner, can best accomplish the objectives of the Program by prompt compliance. To familiarize you with these conditions, and to aid you in solving your particular problem, we are enclosing a list of defects. If you have any questions, please contact the inspector whose name is listed on the request. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Respectfully, FRANK G. TRIPEPI City Manager City of Rosemead • July 31, 1996 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 8749-8751 Mission Drive General: 1. Driveway and parking areas deteriorated and do not drain properly, creating stagnant water. 2. Exterior light fixtures are damaged or defective. 3. Trash,junk and debris stored throughout yard areas. 4. Inoperable vehicles stored on property. 5. Furniture, appliances, auto parts and miscellaneous junk stored throughout property. 8749 Mission Drive: 1. Portions of the roof covering, roof sheathing and rafter ends are deteriorated. 2. Windows are broken, damaged, or missing throughout. 3. Exterior trim damaged or deteriorated and in need of repair and paint. 4. Garage appears to have been converted to Living area. 8749 1/2 - 8751 Mission Drive 1. Hazardous wiring at main electrical panel. 2. Windows and sashes broken, damaged or missing throughout. 3. Exterior light fixtures damaged or defective. 4. Exterior walls and trim are damaged or deteriorated and in need of repair and paint. 5. Gas piping installation to rear yard installed without permit. • • page 2. 8751 Mission Drive (rear structure): 1. Building is fire damaged and dilapidated. 2. Exterior walls damaged and deteriorated. 3. Vent piping improperly terminated at roof 4. Roof covering, roof sheathing and rafter ends are deteriorated. 5. Walls and trim are damaged or deteriorated and in need of repair and paint. 6. Windows broken. Access to interior of all dwellings and garage not gained, therefore other substandard conditions may exist. Permits are required for the above repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ANTHONY WEIMUOLT Building Official / g� �9Y 015' Duct- aid) li J g�N9 M45SioU2.