TC - Minutes - 04-05-18 Minutes for the
April 5, 2018
The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California.
FLAG SALUTE: Vice Chair Ornelas
INVOCATION: Commissioner Berry
PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Ornelas. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Sevilla
ABSENT: Commissioner Quintanilla
STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Michelle Ramirez, City Engineer Rafael Fajardo and Administrative
Assistant Silvia Llamas
Brian Lewin, 9501 E. Ralph Street, asked if staff can go back and review his comment regarding Ellis Lane. He
would like his comment to say street condition grading project opposed to a grading project or resurfacing project.
Staff recommended if the Commissioners wanted to adopt the minutes tonight,they can direct staff to listen to the
item and make the change if needed.
Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Ornelas to approve Item A (February 1, 2018 Minutes)
from the Consent Calendar with changes, if needed. Votes resulted in:
Yes: Berry. Ornelas. Masuda and Sevilla
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Quintanilla
Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with a brief description of the item, along with recommending that the
Traffic Commission propose to the City Council the installation of a protected northbound left turn signal and a
protected southbound left turn signal from Ivar Avenue onto Valley Boulevard.
Commissioner Berry asked for the current cost of the project.
Staff answered that the approximate cost estimate is between$80,000 to$90,000.
Commissioner Berry asked where the funding comes from to do this project.
Staff replied that the funding is coming out of the street lighting fund.
Commissioner Berry asked how the funding was allocated and received.
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Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018
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Staff informed the Commissioners that the City Council approved a Capital Improvement Project for Fiscal Year
2017-18 called Battery Back-Up System Traffic Signal Upgrade and that funding will be used to install the protected
left turn and battery backup system.
Commissioner Berry also asked if General funds would be used.
Staff responded that General funds will not be used.
Commissioner Berry asked if they have any caps or restrictions on the types of systems being used.
Staff replied that they don't have any restrictions. Staff explained that if the bids come in lower than the budget,
they might add the video detection system and eliminate the traffic loops. Staff also clarified that they are limited
based on the available funding. Staff explained that the funding is currently all budgeted and there is no additional
funding other than that estimated at this time.
Commissioner Berry asked staff if they thought of any other more modern systems to put in its place.
Staff responded that there are other locations (on Garvey and Valley)with different systems that are coordinated
with LA County. Staff explained that Los Angeles County has a program named KITTS that notifies the City of
deficiencies on traffic signals and also gives recommendations on how to improve those deficiencies. Staff
provided a few examples.
Commissioner Berry asked if LA County has the final say on the type of system the City can put in.
Staff responded no and explained that the City has the final say, and LA County only offers a recommendation.
Commissioner Sevilla asked if the County has a synchronized system.
Staff responded yes and explained the coordinated system along Valley and Garvey.
Commissioner Sevilla asked if they were wireless.
Staff responded that they have antennas.
Commissioner Sevilla suggested using the same type of system that is being used at the intersection of Del Mar&
Muscatel near Janson Elementary School.
Staff asked Mr.Sevilla if he can wait for Matters from the Traffic Commissioners to make his suggestion.
Commissioner Berry asked if they have to use the current system being proposed because they have to coordinate
or can the City use another type of system.
Staff informed the Commissioners that it's up to the City on the type of system being installed based on the best
available system and funding.
Commissioner Berry mentioned that there are more modern systems that don't require the loops in the road,they're
far more accurate and they don't require all the maintenance and repairs that the loop type systems require.
Commissioner Berry wanted to know the price difference between a Traffic Signal Loop system and a Video
Camera at a Signalized Intersection.
Staff clarified with the Commissioners that they were only approving the concept to go to the City Council for
approval and were not approving the type of system to be installed. Staff also explained that the type of system
can change based on when the City Engineer is going through further design and construction of the project.
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Commissioner Berry mentioned that he wanted to discuss these issues since there were already plans and didn't
know how it would change.
Staff explained that plans can change based of available funding and that the Commissioners are not approving
the plans but making a recommendation to the City Council.
Commissioner Berry commented that they had the plans.
Staff explained to the Commissioners that they wanted them to have the complete package but that does not mean
that is the final packet. Staff also noted that they will take the suggestions into consideration and review the design
to ensure the best type of signal is being installed based on the available funding.
Commissioner Berry commented that from his understanding the difference is only a few thousand dollars.
Staff informed the Commissioners that the cost for a Traffic Signal Loop system is about$500 to$750 and the cost
for a Video System is about$6,000. Staff also explained that there are other types of systems available that are
even more expensive.
Commissioner Berry acknowledged that he also understood there were a lot of different systems and just wants to
ensure that we are providing what is best with the best technology.
Commissioner Berry commented that he understood there is currently not enough funding to get a more modern
system installed, but would like to make sure that staff provide what is best for the City. He also explained how the
video system can not only detect cars but pedestrians. bicycles and greatly improve safety, especially for kids.
Staff informed the Commissioners that they have been installing the video system for the last three years and gave
a number of locations. Staff explained that the traffic loops are being replaced as funding allows. Staff also
commented that if the bids are lower than the funding amount, then they can request a changer order to replace
the traffic loops with a video cameras.
Commissioner Berry commented that it may not be a problem asking City Council for extra funding to make the
improvements, if it's a reasonable amount. He also noted that the loops don't work for those on bicycles or
Staff mentioned that the signal gets hit often and when it's turned the wrong way the liability for the City goes up.
Staff also mentioned that adding the protected left turn should eliminate some space for the turn pocket, create
more space for the cars going north bound. and eliminate some of the impacts on that signal.
Commissioner Berry mentioned that with these types of issues at this intersection, it would be better to take the
better route.
Chair Masuda asked for clarification on the type of signal being proposed for the intersection(green arrow to red
arrow or green to blinking yellow).
Staff informed the Commissioners that the signal will go from green to red.
Staff also informed the Commissioners that they have noted Commissioner Berry's comments and will take them
into consideration and look into what can be done to make it happen.
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Commissioner Berry motioned. seconded by Commissioner Sevilla to approve staffs recommendation that the
Traffic Commission propose to the City Council the installation of a protected northbound left turn signal and a
protected southbound left turn signal from Ivar Avenue onto Valley Boulevard. Votes resulted in:
Yes: Berry. Sevilla, Masuda and Ornelas
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Quintanilla
Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with a brief description on the item, along with recommending that the
Traffic Commission review and comment on the Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red,Green,Yellow
and White Curbs, and forward the document(with any proposed changes)to the City Council for approval.
Brian Lewin, 9501 Ralph Street. suggested some minor modifications and one addition. First. under the Curb
Marking Evaluation Process, Item C, Mr. Lewin suggested that the last sentence be changed to say "With the
exception of red curb to address an immediate traffic safety hazard. when the location of the requested curb
marking is in a place..." Mr. Lewin explained that this suggestion is being made to ensure visibility issues are
addressed where a property owner may not want a red curb and lose a parking space in front of their property. Mr.
Lewin also asked if the omission of business owners from this section was intentional. He explained that
businesses may be significantly impacted by the addition of colored curbing, but are often not the property owners,
and seeking the input of potentially-impacted non-property owning businesses could be relevant. Second. under
Evaluation Criteria. Mr. Lewin suggested for the very last one"Is the curb marking...."that the last part be changed
to"...and/or the curb marking is required to address an immediate traffic safety hazard." Mr. Lewin explained that
it would be good to make it clear that a property owner's desire should not be allowed to trump a safety issue.
Lastly, in the Evaluation Criteria, he suggested adding "Is there off-street parking available that could address the
same issue without the impact of restricting on-street parking?Consideration will be given to whether existing off-
street parking space could reasonably be converted by the requestor.or by the requestor's landlord,to provide the
needed loading zone or short-term parking." He explained that it is important to look at what they already have to
determine if the problem can be solved that way rather than affecting on street parking.
Commissioner Berry asked when business request a green curb, are they required to ask their landlord first and
then come to the City.
Staff replied no, and explained that would be an owner/tenant agreement included in their lease.
Commissioner Berry asked how the City enforces parking and traffic restrictions.
Staff informed the Commissioners that parking restrictions are done through our Code Enforcement Division.which
is under the Community Development Department. Staff explained that when a complaint is received it is put in
the computer system and Code Enforcement will investigate the complaint.
Commissioner Berry asked if they can get someone from Community Development to provide them with the
process for parking enforcement, outside of complaints.
Staff explained that they will put in a request with the Director of Community Development, Ben Kim, to have the
process put in writing which could then be forwarded to the Commissioners.
Chair Masuda suggested if they can look at the type of business that is requesting the time limited zone and count
the amount of spaces on and surrounding the property. Mr. Masuda also asked if they can add a "consent" and
"do not consent"box on the application.
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Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018
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Staff replied yes and explained to the Commissioners that the bottom of the application will also have a section to
indicate when staff received the application. and that the application and all information was verified.
Commissioner Berry asked when a business owner makes a request, will the property owner be notified of the
Staff replied yes
There was discussion among the Commissioners on how to proceed due to comments from the public(Mr. Lewin)
and the Commissioners difficulty following the suggestions.
Staff suggested inviting Mr. Lewin back to the podium to go over his comments and requested that Mr. Lewin
provide page numbers so they could then address his comments.
Chair Masuda invited Mr. Lewin back to the podium.
Brian Lewin noted the first suggestion was located on page 5, last sentence of Item C, and requested that the
beginning of the sentence be changed to add With the exception of red curb to address an immediate traffic safety
hazard;..." He explained that he is just suggesting taking that one exception out and explicitly mark it off. Mr.
Lewin described his reasoning for this request as related to safety and visibility issues. Mr. Lewin noted his next
suggestion located on page 7 under Evaluation Criteria the last item. Mr. Lewin explained that he is suggesting
the last part of that sentence be changed to add the word "or"and take out the word "if'so that it reads"...and/or
the curb marking is required to address an immediate traffic safety hazard." Lastly. Mr. Lewin suggested adding a
criteria as an additional evaluation step as follows: "Is there off-street parking available that could address the
same issue without the impact of restricting on-street parking?Consideration will be given to whether existing off-
street parking space could reasonably be converted by the requestor,or by the requestor's landlord,to provide the
needed loading zone or short-term parking." He explained that it is not a determination thing just an additional
evaluation criteria that would be looked at.
Staff informed the Commissioners that they had no issues with any of the suggestions. Staff explained that any
comments added by the Commissioners would be included in the document and noted for the City Council to review
and approve.
Commissioner Berry suggested that the last two suggestions be added to the draft document.
Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ornelas to approve that the Traffic Commission
forward to the City Council the Draft Curb Marking Policy and Procedures for Red. Green,Yellow and White Curbs,
for their approval,with the noted changes. Votes resulted in:
Yes: Berry, Ornelas. Sevilla and Masuda
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Quintanilla
Commissioner Sevilla asked if they can have the red curbs repainted along Rosemead Boulevard.
Commissioner Ornelas asked if they can get solar powered stop signs installed on Bartlett Avenue and Marshall
Street, near Janson Elementary School.
Commissioner Berry asked if they can get a list of the projects that are going throughout the City and their progress.
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Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018
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The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for May 3, 2018, at 7:00
p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard.
Howard Masuda
t /
L. A. ... I .4a .
ichelle Ramirez
Director of Public Work'
Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting
Meeting Minutes of April 5,2018
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