CC - Item 1A - Presentation Budget Workshop 2018-19Fiscal Year 2018/19 Preliminary Budget FY 2018/19 2 Fund FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Projected General Fund $22,374,092 22,298,900 23,677,533 Gas Tax 1,118,481 1,234,200 2,625,650 RMRA SB1 --913,000 Local Transportation Grant -35,800 37,000 Proposition A 1,102,045 1,126,600 1,172,000 Proposition C 873,206 890,900 933,000 Measure R 646,448 637,400 669,000 Measure M -650,700 758,000 Air Quality Mgmt. District 71,312 71,600 72,000 Street Lighting District 1,003,874 875,000 950,000 Development Impact Fee 14,728 129,000 50,000 CDBG 484,311 617,000 1,005,800 HOME 313,927 906,000 778,500 Internal Service 269,400 279,200 266,100 CIP 3,036,327 2,200,000 - RHDC 851,183 446,500 451,800 Total City Revenues $32,159,334 $32,398,800 $34,359,383 Total Revenues Increase $1.9M (6%) 3 Revenues FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed Property Taxes $8,645,268 $8,902,000 $9,102,000 Sales Taxes 5,366,975 5,524,000 5,550,000 Transient Occupancy Taxes 2,213286 2,200,000 2,400,000 Bldg. Permits & Plan Checks 1,889,087 1,470,000 1,680,000 Franchise Fees 1,123,383 1,125,000 1,120,000 Recreation Fees 989,865 1,033,400 933,400 Public Safety 560,788 615,000 580,200 Public Work Permits 587,642 430,000 526,000 Grants 184,589 218,100 951,033 Other Fees 813,209 781,400 774,900 Total $22,374,092 $22,298,900 $23,677,533 GF Revenues Increase $1.4M (6%) 4 Significant General Fund Revenues Increase ◦Projected Property Taxes increases $200,000. ◦Projected Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) increases $200,000 ◦Projected Building Permits and Plan Checks increases $210,000 Grants Reimbursements to General Fund ◦Urban Greening Grant Program for Duff School Project $520,533 ◦Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant for Dog Park $290,000 ◦Total Reimbursements to the General Fund $810,533 Significant Special Revenue Fund Revenues Increase ◦Road Maintenance Rehab Acct Section 2030 (RMRA SB1) –full year apportionment of $913,000 ◦Gas Tax apportionment increases $162,900 ◦Prop A, Prop C, Measure R, and Measure M apportionment increases a total of $226,400 Grants Reimbursements to Gas Tax Fund ◦Cal-Fire Grant for Tree Planting $285,250 ◦HSIP $241,300 ◦Safe Route to School $702,000 ◦Total Reimbursements to the Gas Tax Fund $1,228,550 5 Elimination of Capital Improvement Project Fund 301 Interfund Transfers ◦Difficult to manage the CIP Fund. ◦Inefficiency managing the CIP projects. ◦Difficult for staff to understand project costs funding. ◦Recommendation: Eliminate the interfund transfers between Special Revenue Funds and CIP Fund. Start budgeting CIP project costs at the fund level, directly from the budgeted funding sources (i.e. Gas Tax Fund, Measure R Fund, Prop C Fund, Lighting District Fund). Improve transparency in record keeping and help staff track project costs. 6 FY 2018/19 7 Fund FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Projected General Fund $ 21,807,961 $ 23,141,132 $ 22,712,000 Gas Tax 881,862 798,200 1,694,550 RMRA SB1 --1,226,600 Local Transportation Grant --37,000 Proposition A 948,292 1,008,000 1,065,100 Proposition C 709,119 1,007,200 700,500 Measure R 137,267 1,131,000 629,300 Measure M -350,000 693,000 Air Quality Mgmt District -50,000 70,000 Narcotics Forfeiture 10,450 -- Street Lighting District 1,784,712 862,800 941,000 Development Impact Fees -38,000 - CDBG 501,828 759,200 883,300 HOME 15,345 151,300 178,200 RHDC 1,013,829 1,553,100 1,479,200 CIP 507,067 156,400 - Internal Service 223,635 238,000 324,200 Total City Expenditures $ 28,541,367 $ 31,244,332 $ 32,633,950 Total Expenditures Increase $1.4M (4%) 8 Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change Legislative $938,697 $977,500 $1,005,500 $28,000 2.9% City Manager 598,479 546,400 634,500 88,100 16.1% Support Services 2,567,065 3,031,274 2,034,200 (997,074)-32.9% Public Safety 8,868,710 9,360,458 9,251,100 (109,358)-1.2% Public Works 3,718,525 4,286,500 4,886,700 600,200 14% Parks & Recreation 2,284,395 2,501,300 2,582,200 80,900 3.2% Community Development 2,034,503 1,780,700 2,072,800 292,100 16.4% CIP 797,587 657,000 245,000 (412,000)-62.7% Total $21,807,961 $23,141,132 $22,712,000 ($429,132)-1.9% 9 o Request of $20,000 to fund the CCCA Annual Conference Event Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change Legislative $938,697 $977,500 $1,005,500 $28,000 2.9% 10 o Request of $17,000 to hire a new Part-time Office Specialist. o Request of $10,000 to reclassify the Office Specialist to an Administrative Assistant. o Request of $10,000 for emergency funds for the City Manager’s Office for unforeseen events. o Retirement cost increased $50,000 due to hiring new City Manager, who is a returning Tier 1 Classic PERS member. Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change City Manager 598,479 546,400 634,500 88,100 16.1% 11 Finance -Increase $125k o Request of $49,000 to hire a new Full-Time Accounting Specialist & eliminate the Part-time Finance Intern position to handle cash reconciliation and business license renewals. o Request of $7,000 (GF $2,000, Prop A $2,500, Prop C $2,500) to reclassify the Accounting Specialist to Senior Accounting Specialist to handle contract and PO processing. o Increase in General Supplies of $12,000 to consolidate all merchant fees for credit cards processing in the Finance Dept., this was previously also budgeted in P&R. o Decrease the admin charges to the Successor Agency Fund due to reduced project management and administrative oversight; therefore, General Fund increases by $45,000. o Other increases relate to increase in worker’s compensation allocation, travel costs to Cal PERLA for the Finance Director, and audit fees. Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change Support Services 2,567,065 3,031,274 2,034,200 (997,074)-32.9% 12 HR -Decrease $205k o HR Manager’s salary and benefits decreased $33,000 as a result of the salary survey compensation conducted last year. o Other professional services decreased $168,000 because the City is not hiring an HR consultant for FY 2018/19. Risk Management -Decrease $221k o General Liability & Workers Comp premiums increased $65,000 (14%). o Changed the risk management allocation to allocate more to City departments. Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change Support Services 2,567,065 3,031,274 2,034,200 (997,074)-32.9% 13 General Services –Decrease $696k o Contribution of $200,000 to the Chamber of Commerce in the prior year. o Legal fee costs of $437,000 relating to the 710 in the prior year. Significant Changes Recap: Finance $125k HR (205k) Risk Mgmt.(221k) General Services (696k) Total Decrease (997k) Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change Support Services 2,567,065 3,031,274 2,034,200 (997,074)-32.9% 14 o L.A. Sheriff Contract Increase $227,000 2.57% increase in the cost of a Deputy Sheriff Service Unit –increased $188,200 from prior year. Cost for FY 18/19 is $7,430,000. Increase Liability Trust Account 0.5% -increased $38,800 from prior year. Cost for FY 18/19 is $740,000. Total L.A. Sheriff Contract for FY 18/19 is $8,170,000 o Move Code Enforcement Officers to Community Development Department –Decrease General Fund ($325,400) & CDBG $215,800 from the Public Safety Budget. o Request for a new Public Safety Manager ($125k) and eliminate one Public Safety Supervisor ($122k). Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change Public Safety 8,868,710 9,360,458 9,251,100 (109,358)-1.2% 15 o Request of $8,200 (GF $4,500, Prop A $2,500, Measure R $1,200) to reclassify the Administrative Assistant to an Administrative Analyst. o Significant changes shown below: Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change Public Works 3,718,525 4,286,500 4,886,700 600,200 14% Division FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Budget Increase Field Services 3010 155,100 312,700 157,600 Facilities Maintenance 3015 273,100 374,600 101,500 Engineering 3035 863,800 980,500 116,700 Project Management 3036 0 192,200 192,200 Total 1,292,000 1,860,000 568,000 16 o Field Services 3010 –Increase $157k Request for salaries increases, Flores overtime, and worker’s comp allocation $26k. Request to increase Other Professional services budget by $69k for regulatory traffic sign inventory and traffic plans. Request to increase Grounds repair & maintenance budget by $5k for repairs needed due to vandalism to traffic lights, street lights. Request to increase Curbs & Sidewalks repair & Maintenance budget by $32k for curb painting and storm drain repairs and maintenances. Request to increase General Supplies budget by $25k $10k was originally budget using Gas Tax Fund for basic hardware supplies. $15k increase in GF for basic hardware such as barricades, cones, traffic control devices and supplies. 17 o Facilities Maintenance 3015 –Increase $101k Increase primarily due to Custodial Contract increased $82k for monthly janitorial services. Increase Other Professional Services $11k to fund various agreements for HVAC, elevator, alarm systems, pest control at City and parks facilities, and etc. o Engineering 3035 –Increase $116k Increase NPDES budget of $100k to fund MS4 permit compliance. o Project Management 3036 –Increase $192k Establishment of a new division to account for salaries and benefits related to CIP projects. This was previously charged to Fund 301 Capital Improvement Project Fund. 18 o Eliminate Parks & Recreation Manager (decrease $124k). o Request for 3 Part-time Seasonal Pool Managers to manage the pool during summer, $36k. o Request to recruit Recreation Leaders at a higher rate in order to remain competitive in the SGV area, $15k. o Comply with the Minimum wage requirements for part-timers, $40k. o Increase in worker’s compensation allocation for P&R employees, $42k. o Increase in overtime of $15k for part-timers, which was never budgeted in the past. o Request for funds to celebrate the City’s 60th Year Anniversary, $50k. Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change P&R 2,284,395 2,501,300 2,582,200 80,900 3.2% 19 o Code Enforcement moved to Community Development Increase General Fund $325,400 & CDBG $215,800 o Retirement costs decreases ($67k) due to hiring of new Community Development Director. o Other Professional Services decreases ($58k) due to completion of the Garvey Ave Specific Plan o Building Inspection Fees decrease ($45k) due to savings on the new RFP contract for building services. o Plan Check Fees increase $155k due to more developments anticipated in FY 2018/19. Expenditures FY 16/17 Actual FY 17/18 Budget FY 18/19 Proposed $ Change % Change CD 2,034,503 1,780,700 2,072,800 292,100 16.4% 20 FY 2018/19 21 BUDGETED BUDGETED BUDGETED BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS 2017-18 2018-19 FULL-TIME POSITIONS 2017-18 2018-19 City Manager's Office Parks and Recreation City Manager 1 1 Director of Parks & Recreation 1 1 Assistant City Manager 1 1 Recreation Manager 1 0 Executive Assist. to the City Manager 1 1 Recreation Coordinator 3 3 Office Specialist 1 0 Recreation Supervisor 3 3 Administrative Assistant 0 1 Administrative Specialist 1 1 City Clerk City Clerk 1 1 Public Safety Deputy City Clerk 1 1 Public Safety Manager 0 1 Public Safety Supervisor 2 1 Human Resources Sr. Code Enforcement Officer 1 0 Human Resources Manager 1 1 Code Enforcement Officer 3 0 Human Resource Specialist 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 Financial Services Finance Director 1 1 Public Works Finance Services Supervisor 1 1 Director of Public Works 1 1 Accounting Specialist, Senior 1 2 Public Works Manager 1 1 Accounting Specialist 1 1 Public Works Superintendent 1 1 Administrative Analyst 0 1 Community Development Administrative Assistant 1 0 Director of Community Development 1 1 Administrative Specialist 1 1 Planning & Economic Development Manager 0 1 City Engineer 1 1 City Planner 1 0 Maintenance Worker 9 9 Associate Planner 1 1 Maintenance Lead Worker 4 4 Assistant Planner 1 2 Facilities Technician 2 2 Housing Project Coordinator 1 0 Housing Project Coordinator 0 1 Senior Management Analyst 1 0 Senior Management Analyst 0 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 Sr. Code Enforcement Officer 0 1 Code Enforcement Officer 0 3 Grand Totals 56 57 22 FY 2018/19 23 Estimated Fund Balance at June 30, 2018 16,920,743 Estimated Revenues: Taxes 17,152,000 Intergovernmental 951,033 Licenses and permits 2,206,000 Charges for services 993,400 Fines, forfeitures and penalties 580,200 Special assessments - Investment income 50,000 Business License 220,000 Other 1,524,900 Total Revenues 23,677,533 Requested Appropriations: Legislative 1,005,500 City Manager 634,500 Support Services 2,034,200 Community Development 2,072,800 Parks & Recreation 2,582,200 Public Safety 9,251,100 Public Works 4,886,700 Debt Service - Capital Improvement Projects 245,000 Total Appropriations 22,712,000 Change in fund balance 965,533 Estimated ending fund balance at June 30, 2019 17,886,276 $965,533 Change in Fund Balance (810,533) Grant Reimbursements -Dog Park & Duff School Project $155,000 Projected Surplus 24 133% 112% 92%86% 62% 56% 53% 61% 51% 53%55%53% 45% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% Unassigned General Fund Balance GF FB 25 In 1/8/2008, the City Council established a Reserve Policy to commit 31% of Operating Revenues to maintain adequate levels of fund balance to mitigate current and future risks. Therefore, contributing to the decline of unassigned fund balance % starting FY 2008/09, which is shown on the chart above. FY 2018/19 26 Fiscal Year Budget 2009/10 6,794,800 2010/11 21,897,000 2011/12 8,575,000 2012/13 5,000,000 2013/14 12,209,500 2014/15 5,590,000 2015/16 2,825,000 2016/17 3,955,000 2017/18 2,523,100 2018/19 4,085,850 27 Project Total Cost Funding Source CIP Budget Request 1 Walnut Grove Ave Resurfacing Project Phase I $1,108,000 RMRA SB1 $1,100,000 2 Walnut Grove Ave Resurfacing Project Phase II 448,000 Measure M 440,000 3 SR2S Sidewalk Gap Closure – Delta Ave 81,000 Measure R 75,000 4 Colored Crosswalk Installation 126,600 RMRA SB1 126,600 5 Valley Blvd. Resurfacing Project Phase I 810,000 Gas Tax Measure R Measure M 300,000 300,000 200,000 800,000 6 Landscape Median Bioswale 156,000 Prop C 150,000 7 City Entry Monuments 186,000 Prop C 175,000 28 Project Total Cost Funding Source CIP Budget Request 8 Street Light Installation $81,000 Lighting District $70,000 9 Annual Slurry Seal Project 370,000 Gas Tax General Fund 60,000 300,000 360,000 10 Underpass Lighting System 30,000 Lighting District 30,000 11 Sidewalk Replacement Project 103,000 Measure R TDA 63,000 37,000 100,000 12 Traffic Impact Analysis 46,000 Measure R 40,000 13 Crosswalk Installation Project 64,000 Measure M 53,000 Total $3,609,600 $3,519,600 29 Project Total Cost Funding Source CIP Budget Request 1 Tree Planting Project –Cal Fire Grant $394,250 Gas Tax Grant $96,000 285,250 381,250 2 City Hall Basement Improvements 100,000 General Fund 100,000 3 Re-finish Surface Basketball Court 30,000 General Fund 30,000 4 Community Garden 25,000 General Fund 25,000 5 Picnic Tables and Trash Receptacles 30,000 General Fund 30,000 Total $579,250 $566,250 30 Projects Required Funding Ramona South/North Drainage Analysis $235,000 Sidewalk ADA Master Plan 50,000 RCRC Audio Visual Installation 35,000 New Roof at Canopy (Garvey Park)55,000 Acoustic Panels 30,000 Picnic Tables and Trash Receptacles Phase II 30,000 Wrought Iron Fence 25,000 Field Lighting Upgrade Project (Garvey Park)100,000 Gazebo and Landscape (RCRC)286,000 Playground Replacement 200,000 Parking Lot Renovations (Sport Complex)50,000 Total $1,096,000 31 Estimated Project #Project Funding Fiscal Year Funding Source Expended Carryover 21009 Rosemead Blvd HSIP 430,000$ 2013-14 HSIP Grant - 430,000$ 250,000 2013-14 Lighting District Funds 20,000 230,000 70,000 2013-14 Gas Tax 70,000 - 50,000 2013-14 Measure R 50,000 - 266,100 2017-18 Measure R - 266,100 Subtotal 1,066,100 140,000 926,100 21023 Annual Residential Resurfacing 500,000 2015-16 Gas Tax 394,940 105,060 49001 Bridge Maintenance Program 75,000 2015-16 Gas Tax - 75,000 25001 City Wide Striping Project Valley Blvd., Walnut Grove 60,000 2016-17 Prop C 15,917 44,083 26006 City Signage Replacement Project 50,000 2016-17 Gas Tax - 50,000 28003 Traffic Safety Analysis 50,000 2016-17 Measure R 39,265 10,735 32 Estimated Project #Project Funding Fiscal Year Funding Source Expended Carryover 28004 High Intensity Activated Crosswalk - Mission/Ivar 241,300 2016-17 Grant - HSIP 4,588 236,713 28005 Circulation Study for Klingerman/Angelus 50,000 2016-17 Measure R 425 49,575 27005 Battery Backup System Trafffic Signals 50,000 2017-18 Lighting District Funds 824 49,176 75,000 2017-18 Measure R - 75,000 125,000 824 124,176 28006 Walnut Grove Underground Project 110,000 2017-18 Measure R 4,626 105,374 31017 Garvey Park Restroom Renovations 600,000 2017-18 General Fund - 600,000 41015 Duff Park Improvement Project 805,033 2017-18 General Fund/Grant - 805,033 41022 Dog Park 580,000 2017-18 General Fund/Grant - 580,000 Total Carryovers 4,312,433$ 600,585$ 3,711,849$ 33 34