Bidder: PTM General Engineering Services Inc. E CITY OF ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA ' CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT ' VALLEY BOULEVARD AT WAR AVENUE t PROJECT No. 27005 FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD O4 E M 1 UVIL VRIDF ' © 1� DRPoRI.TED• PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, ENGINEERING DIVISION 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 TELEPHONE: (626) 569-2150 FAX: (626) 307-9218 SCHEDULED BID OPENING: MAY 16"',2018. l IPLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS %YPRO\ED: APRIL,2018. 1 I CITY OF ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT ' VALLEY BOULEVARD AT IVAR AVENUE ' PROJECT No. 27005 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS BIDDING DOCUMENTS 1. Notice Inviting Bids NIB-1 -NIB- 2.F"' ' 2. Instructions to Bidders ITR-1 —ITB-10of" 3. Contract Bid Forms CBF-1 —CBF-14 0)7 ' CONTRACT AGREEMENT 1. Contract Agreement and Insurance Requirements 2. Performance Bond ' 3. Payment Bond ' CONTRACT APPENDIX ' - General Provisions 1-37 Part "B' 1-7 Part "B" - Supplemental General Conditions Part "C" - Technical Provisions TP-1 —TP-13 1 1 I I I CITY OF ROSEMEAD I I TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT I VALLEY BOULEVARD AT WAR AVENUE I PROJECT No. 27005 I I I I NOTICE INVITING BIDS I I I tCITY OF ROSEMEAD INOTICE INVITING BIDS NIB No. 2018-13 INOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF ROSENIFAD, California, will receicc sealed bids up to 10:30 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, the 16'h day of May, 2018, and they will be Ipublicly opened at 11:00 a.m. for TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT IVALLEY BOULEVARD AT IVAR AVENUE PROJECT No. 27005 IThe project consist in the traffic signal upgrade and other related work as described in the Plans. Specifications, and Contract Documents,by this reference,made a part hereof. I estimate e is 595,000.00. successful n THIRTY (30) calendar days to ompletthe project ork. Liquidated damages shall be shall IPlans, Specifications, and Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of the City Clerk of the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, (626) 569- III 2177, for a non-refundable charge of $25.00 and $40.00 if mailing is requested. All prospective bidders must register with the office of the City Clerk's in order for your bid to be considered Iresponsive. SB 854 Requirements This project is subject to the requirements of SB 854.No prime contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal for a public works project unless registered and qualified with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 17255. No prime contractor or I subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project unless registered and qualified with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section I 1725.5. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. The bid proposal must include a print out from the DIR registration website showing that the prime contractor and each subcontractor is currently registered and qualified.No bid proposals will be accepted nor any contract entered into with a prime contractor without proof of registration as required above. [Unless within the limited exceptions from this requirement for bid proposals only under Labor Code Section 1771.1(a)] I Each bid must be accompanied by a bidder's security in an amount not less than 10%of the amount of the bid, as a guarantee that the bidder will, if awarded the Contract, enter into a satisfactory I agreement and provide a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each not less than 100% of the total amount of the bid price. I No bidder may withdraw his hid for a period of sixty-one (61) days after the above bid opening date. I The CITY OF ROSEMEAD will affirmatively insure the disadvantaged business enterprises will he afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not he discriminated --.- NIB- 1 .--.W._, ,.. ..,...-1......,,..d...»..,.M.._...+c.-..mess esw.s ' against on the grounds of race, color, disability, sex or national origin in the consideration for an ' award. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wage and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. t Bidders shall be licensed in accordance with the provision of Chapter 9, Division 111 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California. Bidder shall have a Class "A" license in good standing at the time Bids are received. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality, technical defect, or minor irregularity in any hid submitted ' An award of service shall not be final until the bids have been reviewed and a Contract Agreement with the City has been signed by the lowest responsible bidder and by the City. Award of Service Agreement is proposed for June 12th, 2018. Dated this 2018. Ericka Hemandez City Clerk Publish: May 3rd & 10'1',2018. NIB-2 _ - --- I I CITY OF ROSEMEAD ' TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT VALLEY BOULEVARD AT IVAR AVENUE ' PROJECT No. 27005 1 1 1 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 1 I I TABLE OI CONTENTS P,24 II 1. AVAILABILITY OF BID DOCUMENTS I EXAMINATION OF BID DOCUMENTS I 3. INTERPRETATION OF BID DOCUMENTS 1 4. INSPECTION OF SITE; PRE-BID CONFERENCE AND SITE WALK I5. ADDENDA 6. PREPARATION OF BIDS 7. ALTERNATE BIDS 8. MODIFICATIONS OF BIDS 1 9. SIGNING OF BIDS 4 10. BID GUARANTEE(BOND) 4 11. SUBMISSION OF SEALED BIDS 5 12. DELIVERY AND OPENING OF BIDS ` 13. WITHDRAWAL OF BID 5 14. AWARD PROCESS 15. DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS ' 6 16- LICENSING REQUIREMENTS 17. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS; INTEREST IN MORE THAN ONE BID 6 6 18. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 6 19. REQUIRED BIDDER CERTIFICATIONS 20. BASIS OF AWARD;BALANCED BIDS 6 21. FILING OF BID PROTESTS 17 22. PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND REQUIREMENTS 7 23. EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS I 24. SALES AND OTHER APPLICABLE TAXES, PERMITS,LICENSES AND IFPS 8 8 25. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT I26. OWNER RIGHTS 26. 27. BIDDER'S RESPONSIVENESS 8 1 28. BIDDER'S RESPONSIVENESS CI IECKLIST 29. CONTRACT BID FORMS:LISTS OF SUBCONTRACTORS 9 10 I30. RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA I ITB- i I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS All Bids must be made in accordance with these Instructions to Bidders("11B"1. Unless specifically noted, I capitalized terms are used as defined in the General Conditions.found in Part"B"of the Contract Appendix. All terms defined in the General Conditions which occur in the Bid Documents and Contract shall have meanings as defined therein. II. AVAILABILITY OF BID DOCUMENTS I Bids must be submitted to the Owner on the Contract Bid Forms which are a part of the Bid Package for the Project. Prospective bidders may obtain one (1)complete set of Bid Documents. Bid Documents may be obtained from the Owner at the location(s)and at the time(s)indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids. Prospective I bidders are encouraged to telephone in advance to determine the availability of Bid Documents. Any applicable charges for the Bid Documents are outlined in the Notice Inviting Bids. I The Owner may also make the Bid Documents available for review at one or more plan rooms,as indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids, Please Note:Prospective bidders who choose to review the Bid Documents at a plan room must contact the Owner to purchase the required Bid Documents if they decide to submit a bid for the I Project. 2, EXAMINATION OF BID DOCUMENTS 1 The Owner has made copies of the Bid Documents available, as indicated above. Bidders shall be solely responsible for examining the Project Site and the Bid Documents,including any Addenda issued during the bidding period, and for informing itself with respect to local labor availability, means of transportation, I necessity for security,laws and codes,local permit requirements,wage scales,local tax structure,contractors' licensing requirements,availability of required insurance,and other factors that could affect the Work. Bidders are responsible for consulting the standards referenced in the Contract titled Specifications. Failure of Bidder I to so examine and inform itself shall be at its sole risk,and no relief for error or omission will be given except as required under State law. 1 3, INTERPRETATION OF BID DOCUMENTS Any request for an interpretation or clarification of the Bid Documents must be submitted in writing by Bidder I via telex,telegram or facsimile to the Owner's Project Engineer. Any response that the Owner may choose to make for purposes of interpretation or clarification, will be in writing and made available to all the listed holders of the Bid Documents. The Owner will respond to all written/faxed Bidder's inquiries received at least I seventy two(72)hours before the scheduled bid opening date for which.in its sole judgment,a response is in the best interest of the Owner. Where such interpretation or clarification requires a change in the Bid issue n um to the d Documents The Owner shall I bound by. and B dsder shall not rely upwill prepare on,nany a oral interpretationpor claificat on of the Bid Documents- be The bidding process and terms and conditions will be in strict accordance with the following Bid Documents: Ia. Notice Inviting Bids b. Instructions to Bidders c, Contract Bid Forms d. Contract e. Contract Appendix I , Part"A" - General Conditions ITB - 1 I I Part"B" - Supplementary General Conditions Part"C" Technical Provisions Part "D" - Appendix It Any Addenda Issued by the Owner I4, INSPECTION OF SITE; PRE-BID CONFERENCE AND SITE WALK Each prospective bidder is responsible for fitly acquainting himself with the conditions of the Project Site ■ (which may include more than one site),as well as those relating to the construction and labor of the Project,to Ifully understand the facilities,difficulties and restrictions which may impact the total and adequate completion of the Project. I5. ADDENDA I The Owner reserves the right to revise the Bid Documents prior to the bid opening date. Revisions, if any, shall be made by written Addenda. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104.5,if the Owner issues an Addendum later than 72 hours prior to the deadline for submission of bids, and the Addendum requires I material changes,additions or deletions to the description of the work to be performed or the content,form or manner of submission of bids,the Owner will extend the deadline for submission of bids by at least 72 hours. Otherwise,the Owner may determine,in its sole discretion,whether an Addendum requires that the date set for opening bids be postponed. The announcement of the new date, if any, shall be made by Addenda. Each I prospective bidder shall provide Owner a name, address and facsimile number to which Bid Document Addenda may be sent,as well as a telephone number by which the Owner can contact the Bidder. Copies of Addenda will be furnished by telex,telegram,facsimile,first class mail,express mail or other proper means of I delivery without charge to all parties who have obtained a copy of the Bid Documents and provided such current information. Please Note:Bidders are primarily and ultimately responsible for ensuring that they have received any and all Addenda To this end,each Bidder should contact the Development Services Department Ito verify that he has received all Addenda issued, if any. Bidders must acknowledge receipt of all Addenda,if any, in its Bid letter. Failure to acknowledge receipt of Iall Addenda may cause its Bid to be deemed incomplete and nonresponsive. 6. PREPARATION OF BIDS I Bids shall be prepared only using copies of the Contract Bid Forms provided with the Bid Documents. The use of substitute bid forms other than clear and correct photocopies of those provided by the Owner will not be I permitted and may result in the Bid being declared nonresponsive. Bid Letters shall be executed by an authorized signatory as described in these Instructions to Bidders. In addition, Bidders shall fill in all blank spaces(including inserting"N/A"where applicable)and initial all interlineations,alterations,or erasures to the I Contract Bid Forms. Bidders shall neither delete.modify nor supplement the printed matter on the Contract Bid Forms nor make substitutions thereon. I ISI;OF INK.INDELIBLE PENCIL OR A TYPEWRITER IS REQUIRED. 7. ALTERNATE BIDS I If alternate bid items are called for in the Bid Documents,the lowest bid will be determined on the basis of the base bid only,but the Owner may choose to award the contract on the basis of the base bid alone or the base bid and any alternate or combination of alternates. Since the time for the alternate bid items Ihas already been factored into the Contract Time,no additional Contract Time will he awarded for any of the ITB - 2 I alternate hid items. Because the Owner may elect to include one or more of the alternate bid items, or to othenvise remove certain bid items from the Project scope of work,each Bidder must ensure that each bid item contains a proportionate share of profit.overhead and other costs or expenses which will he incurred by the I Bidder. Bidders shall not unevenly weight or allocate their overhead and profit to one or more particular bid ikons. ' 8. MODIFICATIONS OF BIDS Each Bidder shall submit its Bid in strict conformity with the requirements of the Bid Documents. Each Bid ' prepared by Bidder shall be complete in itself and shall be submitted within a sealed envelope in accordance w ith the instructions herein. I Unauthorized conditions,limitations,exclusions or provisions attached to a Bid will render it nonresponsive and may cause its rejection. Bidders shall neither delete,modify, nor supplement the printed matter on the Contract Bid Forms,nor make substitutions thereon. ORAL, TELEPHONIC AND FACSIMILE BIDS OR IMODIFICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 9. SIGNING OF BIDS I All Bids submitted shall be executed by the Bidder or its authorized representative. Bidders will he asked to provide evidence in the form of an authenticated resolution of its Board of Directors or a Power of Attorney I evidencing the capacity of the person signing the Bid to bind the Bidder to each Bid and to any Contract arising therefrom. I If a Bidder is a joint venture or partnership, it will be asked to submit an authenticated Power of Attorney executed by each joint venturer or partner appointing and designating one of the joint venturers or partners as a management sponsor to execute the Bid on behalf of Bidder. Only that joint venturer or partner shall execute ner to act for and I the Bid. The Power of Attorney shall also:(I)nd(2) izhat hat each venturer or partner scular joint venturer or hall bejo'jointly and bind Bidder in all matters relating to the Bid:and(2)provide severally liable for any and all of the duties and obligations of Bidder assumed under the Bid and under any Contract arising therefrom. The Bid shall be executed by the designated joint venturer or partner on behalf of Ithe joint venture or partnership in its legal name. 10. BID GUARANTEE (BOND) IEach bid proposal shall be accompanied by a certified or cashiers check. hid bond (the hid bond must he submitted on the form included in these Bid Documents) or equivalent substitution in lieu of a bond, as I 9 checdk, b, Code of erlsubstitute Procedure Section made payable 10,in an amount not less than 10%oldie Total Bid Price. Any check,bmrd,or other substitute must he made to the Owner. and shall he given as a guarantee that the Ridder will enter into the Contract described in the Bid Document if awarded the work and will I provide a satisfactory Performance Bond,Payment Bond,the required insurance certificates and endorsements, and any other certifications as may be required by the Contract. By submitting a proposal.each bidder agrees that its failure to enter the Contract if awarded the work or to provide the Bonds and other information or I documentation described above would result in damage to the Owner, and that it would he impracticable or extremely difficult to ascertain the actual amount of that damage. For this reason,each bidder agrees that the Owner may retain the bid proposal guarantee as liquidated damages if the bidder is awarded the work but fails or refuses to timely enter into the Contract or to provide the Bonds and other information or documentation described above,except as may otherwise be required by California law. If electing to provide a Bid Bond, as set forth above,each Bidder must obtain such a bond from an admitted Isurety insurer,as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120,authorized to do business as such in the ITB - 3 1 I d satisfactory to e ner. In on,the d ond must on the State by California or one substantially in conformance with thetOwners form ifpr submitted approved it I furnished writing by the Owner. ICertified or cashier's checks must be drawn on a solvent state bank or a California branch ofa soh em national bank. IAfter the Owner has made an award to the successful Bidder,and the Bidder has signed a Contract-submitted the endorsements,and any necessary the Contract,the remaining Bid guarante certificates ees shall be returned to each particular ularer 'fbidder ifcations rs may be equested Iby that bidder. If the Owner rejects all Bids, it will promptly return to all Bidders their Bid guarantees 11. SUBMISSION OF SEALED BIDS Once the Bid and supporting documents herein have been completed and signed as set forth above,hey shall I d es and ures or be these along with the enveloGuape, ee and any sealed,addressed and delivered or mailed,postage prepaider rials required to the Owner by the e instructions,aa t an envelope, at the place and to the attention of the person indicated in heNohce Inviting Bids.NO ORAL,'TF.I_EPI IONIC I OR FACSIMILE FORMS WILL BE CONSIDERED. The envelope shall also contain the following in the lower left-hand corner thereof: I Bid ofB rtly fth Company) for TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT VALLEY BOULEVARD AT IVAR AVENUE No consideration shall be given by the Owner to bid proposals received after the date and time set for the opening of bids as provided in the Notice Inviting Bids. I12. DELIVERY AND OPENING OF BIDS I Bids will be received by the Owner at the address shown in the Notice Inviting Bids up to the date and time shown therein. The Owner will leave unopened any Bid received alter the specified date and time,and mtv such unopened Bid will be returned to the Bidder. It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to ensure that its Bid is I received as stipulated. Bids may be submitted earlier than the dates(s)and time(s) indicated. Bids will be opened at the date and time stated in the Notice Inviting Bids and the amount of each Bid will be I read aloud and recorded. All Bidders may,if they desire,attend the opening of Bids. Owner reserves the riot to reject any or all Bids,to waive any informality or irregularity in any Bid receivewhere such waiver is in the best interests of the Owner,and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective Bids received. In the event I ofa discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount ofthe Bid Price.the written amount shall govern. I 13. WITHDRAWAL OF BID Prior to the bid opening date,a Bid may be withdrawn by the Bidder by means ofa written request signed he the Bidder or its properly authorized representative. If a Bidder to whom the award is made fails or refuses to I sign a Contract,or to furnish the bonds,certificates and endorsements required below within the time specified in these Instructions to Bidders below,the funds represented by the Bid Guarantee(cash,cashiers check or Bid me remain he erty of the Owner;the being described p evioussly agreed toll be by the Bidder and and t1 the surety uretdto be due the Owner because of the damage resultnt ing I ITB-4 I I from the delay in the execution of the Contract and in the performance of Work thereunder. 1 14. AWARD PROCESS Once all Bids are opened and reviewed to determine the lowest responsive and responsible bidder,the City Council will make all necessary decisions and awards. Perfo the rman BarBe ndt d `(2) the ccessfu1Payment Bond;bider should tand this pointee begin to prepare the following documents: (1) requiredI insurance certificates odendorsements. the rsls ful bidder will have seven (7) WngaYs from the dale of this letter to supply Owe of Award, er witall of I required documents and certifications Regardless whether the successful bidder supplies the required documents and certifications in a timely manner,the Contract Time till begin to run ten(10)Working Days from the dale of the Notice of Proceed. Once the Owner receives all of the properly drafted and executed I documents and certifications from the successful bidder.the Owner shall issue a Notice to Proceed to that successful bidder. I 15. DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS Pursuant to state law, the Bidders must designate the name and location of each subcontractor who will perform work or render services for the prime Bidder in an amount that exceeds one-half of one percent(0.5%) I of the Bidder's Total Bid Price,as well as the portion of work each such subcontractor will perform. Bidders must make these designations, as well as any others requested by the Owner,on the document titled "List of I Proposed Subcontractors"which has been included with the Contract Bid Forms. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104,the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty-four(24)additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor,other than the name and location of each subcontractor. I16. LICENSING REQUIREMENTS I Pursuant to Section 7028.15 of the Business and Professions Code and Section 3300 of the Public Contract Code,all bidders must possess proper licenses for performance of this Contract. Subcontractors must possess the appropriate licenses for each specialty subcontracted. Pursuant to Section 70285 of the Business and I Professions Code, the Owner shall consider any bid submitted by a contractor not currently licensed in accordance with state law and pursuant to the requirements found in the Bid Documents to he nonresponsive, and the Owner shall reject the Bid.The Owner shall have the right to request, and the Bidders shall provide I within five(5)Calendar Days,evidence satisfactory to the Owner of all valid license(S)currently held by that Bidder and each of the Bidder's subcontractors,before awarding the Contract. I 17. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS; INTEREST IN MORE THAN ONE BID No bidder shall be allowed to make, submit or be interested in more than one hid. However,a person,firm corporation or other entity that has submitted a subpronosal to a bidder,or has quoted prices of materials to I a bidder, is not thereby disqualified from submitting a subproposal or quoting prices to other bidders submitting a hid to the Owner. IIS. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Within the time specified in these Instructions to Bidders above,Bidder shall provide the Owner with four I identical counterparts of all required insurance certificates and endorsements as specified in the Bid Documents. Failure to do so may,in the sole discretion of Owner,result in the forfeiture of the Bid Guarantee. All insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M.Bests rating of no less than ANIII,licensed to Ido business in California,and satisfactory to the Owner. ITB - 5 I I I19. REQUIRED BIDDER CERTIFICATIONS IBidders must comply with the following: A. CONTRACT BID FORMS: Within the Contract Bid Documents the bidder must certify to I various information,including but not limited to.the accuracy ofthe representations made in the Contract Bid Forms . IB, NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT: Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 7106, each Bidder must execute and submit with its hid the statutorily mandated non-collusion affidavit included in the Bid Documents. ' 20. BASIS OF AWARD; BALANCED BIDS I The Owner shall award Contracts to only the lowest responsible Bidders submitting responsive Bids, as required by law. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids. The Owner may reject any Bid which_ in its opinion when compared to other bids received or to the Owner's internal estimates,does not accurately reflect the cost to perforin the Work. In addition,because the Owner may elect to include or exclude any ofthe I hid items and alternate bid items at its sole and absolute discretion,each Bidder must ensure that each hid item contains a proportionate share of profit,overhead and other costs or expenses which will be incurred by the Bidder. The Owner may reject as non-responsive any bid which unevenly weights or allocates overhead and II profit to one or more particular bid items. 21. FILING OF BID PROTESTS IBidders may file a"protest' of a contract award with the Owner's Project Manager. In order for a Bidder's protest to be considered valid,the protest must: IA. Be filed in writing within five(5)Working Days after the bid opening date. B. Clearly identify the specific accusation involved. C. Clearly identify the specific Owner Staff/Board recommendation being protested. D. Specify, in detail,the grounds of the protest and the facts supporting the protest. E. Include all relevant, supporting documentation with the protest at time of filing. IIf the protest does not comply with each and every one of these requirementx it will be rejected as invalid. I If the protest is valid,the Owner's Project Engineer,or other designated Owner stall-member,shall review the basis of the protest and all relevant information. The Project Engineer will deny or concur with the protest and provide a written decision to the protestor. The protestor may then appeal the decision of the Project en/tinter to the City Engineer. 22. PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND REQUIREMENTS Within the time specified in these Instructions to Bidders above,the Bidder to whom a Contract is awarded shall deliver to the Owner four identical counterparts of the Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the form supplied by the Owner and included in the Bid Documents. Failure to do so may, in the sole discretion of I Owner,result in the forfeiture ofthe Bid Guarantee. The surety supplying the bond must he an admitted surety insurer,as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120.authorized 10 do business as such in the Suite of California and satisfactory to the Owner. I ITB -6 I w..Ro- Y.-: ... >ear +.. <.. , . .. ria.. R .+zw». * ... I 1 The Performance erform for hundred be e onercent hundred (I Bid )rice.the Total Bid Price.and the Payment Bond shall I Contractor shall require,pursuant to Public Contract Code article 4 108.all subcontractors providing labor and materials in excess of the dollar amount indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids to supply Payment and Performance Bonds in the amounts and manner required of the Contractor. The Contractor shall specify this ' requirement for subcontractor bonds in his written or published request for subcontractor bids 23. EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS �■r ■ Bidders are required to provide the experience and qualification information required as part of the Contract Bid Forms. The purpose of this data is to provide the infommtion necessary for the Owner to determine I whether Bidders have the necessary experience in order to responsibly carry out the Work. Each Bidder shall answer all questions and provide information requested by the Contract Bid Forms. I 24. SALES AND OTHER APPLICABLE TAXES, PERMITS, LICENSES AND FEES Contractor and its subcontractors performing work under this Contract will be required to pay California sales I and other applicable taxes,and to pay for permits,licenses and fees required by the agencies with authority in the jurisdiction in which the work will he located,unless otherwise expressly provided by the Bid Documents. I 25. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT The Bidder to whom an award is made shall execute the Contract in the amount of its Total Bid Price and furnish the required insurance certificates and endorsements,as well as Performance and Payment Bonds,in a I timely manner. The Owner may require appropriate evidence that the persons executing the Contract and the bonds for both the Bidder and its surety or sureties are duly empowered to do so. ' 26. OWNER RIGHTS The Owner may investigate the qualifications of any Bidder under consideration, require confirmation of I information furnished by a Bidder, and require additional evidence of qualifications to perform the work described in these Bid Documents. The Owner reserves the right to: A. Reject any or all of the Bids if such action is in the best interest of the Owner. B. Issue subsequent Notices Inviting Bids. C. Cancel this entire Notice Inviting Bids. ' D. E. Appoint evaluation committees to review any or all Bids. Seek the assistance of outside technical experts to validate the Bid(s). F. Approve or disapprove the use of particular subcontractor. IG. Waive informalities and irregularities in Bids. TheNotice Inviting Bids does not commit the Owner to enter into a contract,nor does it obligate the Owner to I pay any costs incurred in preparation and submission of Bids or in anticipation of a contract. 27. BIDDER'S RESPONSIVENESS The Owner will evaluate Bids for responsiveness at the time of Bid opening and before award is made- A Bid must be in strict compliance with the commercial and technical specifications,without exception. Only Bids which conform in all material respects to the Bid Documents can be eligible for award. A Bid not meeting the Irequirements of the responsiveness checklist may be rejected immediately upon opening,and returned to the ITS- 7 I ' Bidders representative. I 28. BIDDER'S RESPONSIVENESS CHECKLIST The Own is initial responsiveness evaluation will consider the following: A. Completed and properly executed Bid Letter (Including a completed Total Bid Price, eted state of venture Bid Bond amount,able) completed liged cense number.andsignature by author zed companyoration or officer), venturer information p(if fed a, P B. Completed Bid Data Forms(including valid and properly executed Bid Bond for 10%of the Total Bid Price and a completed List of Proposed Subcontractors); C. Properly executed Non-Collusion Affidavit;and ID. Completed and properly executed Bidder Information Forms. I If the Bidder is a joint venture,each joint venturer shall prepare and submit a separate form. Extra forms,if needed, can be obtained from the Owner,or photocopied by the Bidder, if necessary. 29. CONTRACT BID FORMS; LISTS OF SUBCONTRACTORS A. Contract Bid Forms. IThe Bid Letter and Forms must be completed as set forth below. (1) The Contract Bid Forms and Letter must be prepared using ink,indelible pencil or a ' typewriter. (2) The Bid Letter must he signed by the Bidder or on its behalf by the person or persons I having the authority to do so. Proof of the authority to act on behalf of the firm must be submitted when requested. The proof shall be in the form of a certified copy of an appropriate corporate resolution,certificate of partnership or joint venture. or other I appropriate document. If Bidder is an entity made up of multiple parties and no person or persons are designated to act on its behalf.all panics shall execute the Bid. L (3) Addenda-Receipt of addenda must he acknowledged in the space provided in the Bid Letter. I (4) The Bidder shall not delete.modify,supplement or make substitutions thereof.on the printed matter of the Contract Bid Forms or Bid Letter. 1 (5) Corrections shall be initialed by the person ‘‘ho signs the Bid Letter. (6) Exceptions or qualifications to the Bid Documents are strictly forbidden. Any comment by the Bidder which the Owner determines can be construed as altering the I requirements of the specifications or the terms and conditions of the Contract will render the Bid nonresponsive and disqualify the Bidder from consideration for award. IB. List of Proposed Subcontractors(Forms). State law prohibits substitution of subcontractors listed in the original Bid except as otherwise provided in Sections 4107 and 4107.5 of the California Public Contract Code. Bidders are required to ITS- 8 I list all Subcontractors whose participation in the Contract will exceed one-half of one percent(0.5%) of the Total Bid Price. The List of Proposal Subcontractors Forms must be completed as set fonh below. (I) Name. List the name of Subcontractors who will pefform work in excess of one half of one percent(0,5%)of the Total Bid Price. I (2) Location. For listed Subcontractors, identify the location of its place of business (City and State). I (3) Work. For listed Subcontractors,identify the type/portion of work to he performed in the Contract. I Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104, the Owner has determined that it will not allow Bidders twenty-four(24)additional hours atter the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor. other than the name and location of each subcontractor. 30. RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA I Responsibility is the apparent ability of the Bidder to meet and complete successfully the requirements of the Contract. The Owner reserves the right to consider the financial responsibilityand general competency of each bidder, as well as its reputation within the industry. Owner may request, and apparent low bidder shall I provide, a financial statement, audited if necessary, including the Bidder's latest balance sheet and income statement. Owner expects that each Bidder will fully and truthfully disclose all information required of the Bidder by the Bid Documents. The prospective contractor,in order to be evaluated by the Owner as being a responsible contractor,must complete Section 4 of the Contract Bid Forms to determine that it: A. Has or can secure adequate financial resources to perlhrm the contract; ' B. Is able to meet the performance or delivery schedule of the contract, taking into consideration other business commitments;and I C. Has a satisfactory record of performance. A contractor seriously deficient in current contract performance,considering the number of contracts and extent of the deficien- I cies, is presumed not to meet this requirement unless the deficiencies are beyond its control or there is evidence to establish its responsibility notwithstanding the deficiencies. Evidence of such satisfactory performance record should show that the I contractor. (I) I las a satisfactory record of integrity in its dealings ssith government agencies and with subcontractors,and is otherwise qualified to receive an award under applicable II laws and regulations; (2) Has the necessary organization,experience,satisfactory safety record.accounting and Ioperational controls and technical skills or the ability to obtain them; and (3) Has the necessaty production construction,and technical equipment and Dci lilies or ' the ability to obtain them. IEND OF INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ITB - 9 I i i I I I CITY OF ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT VALLEY BOULEVARD AT IVAR AVENUE PROJECT No. 27005 CONTRACT BID FORMS 1 1 I BIDDER: PTM General Engineerin Services, CONTRACT BID FORMS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 SECTION 1 BID SCHEDULE - - . . SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS 6 2.A BID BOND 7 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS ' SECTION 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT 10 I 1 CBF- 15 BIDDER: PTM General Engineering Services, ' Inc. t I SECTION I - BID SCHEDULE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CBF - 1 BIDDER: PTMGeneralEvineerir2x Services, I I BID SCHEDULE 1SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT VALLEY BOULEVARD AT IVAR AVENUE PROJECT No. 27005 IBASE BID SCHEDULE UNIT OF MEASU EST. UNIT ITEM COST NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION RE QTY. PRICE 1 Clearing&Grubbing per plans and specifications. LS I ��j T/� 2 Disposal of Waste Materials. 1.S I 11J7-� - /C7-1 I I 3 Construct Traffic Signal LS Improvements at Valley q5 "15oo6 - Boulevard at Iver Avenue per ' Plans and Specifications Complete. I TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):S ��,// _S on .er) Dollar amo t to written form I Note:The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 3-2.2.1 of the Standard Specifications,to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. Ilithe Bid Documents specify alternate bid items,the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above.The owner can choose to include I one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project.If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner,the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. IThe undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a film offer to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and I e pafter arty,whi whbid icheng date,ver earlier. rTheuntil underrsigned also agreees thatfully there is executed discrepancby the y between er wththird I CBF - 2 I BIDDER: PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price.the written amount shall ' govern. ond in e ount of Bid on hereto is a certified check,said amount cabeing not less than ten pier's check or a bid ercent nt(10%) of the Total Bid Bond Dollars($_ )- Bid Price. The undersigned agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Owner if upon award. I we fail or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided. I If awarded a Contract,the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract,which will be prepared by the Owner for execution, within five (5) Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract,and will deliver to the Owner within that same period the necessary original Certificates of I Insurance. Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, Payment Bond and all other documentation and certification required by the Contract. I The undersigned offers and agrees that if this bid is accepted,it will assign to the purchasing body all rights,title,and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C.Section 15)or under the Cartwright Act(Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business I and Professional Code),arising from purchases ofgoods,materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall he made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor. IBidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide: (1) evidence I satisfactory to the Owner of Bidder's California contractor's license(s) in good standing; (2) evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom;and(3)any other information and documentation,financial or otherwise,needed 1 by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. Bidder understands and agrees that liquidated damages shall apply to this Contract in the amounts of I five hundred dollars ($500.00) if project is not completed in THIRTY (30) calendar days. The Contract Time will begin to run ten(10) Working Days from the date of the Notice of Proceed and subject to the terms and conditions described in the Contract Form and the Contract Documents. IBidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contact Bid Forms which it requires to he incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder I further acknowledges that the Owner may. at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid. The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following � addenda to the Contract Documents. k-plS. 8,01 ° A.d�r�, des r at Addenda Nos. The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor,materials. and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the Work as described in the Bid Documents. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Contract with the I CBF - 3 I BIDDER- PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. ' necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation in full for all Work under the contract. 1 1 1 1 ' CBF -4 iBIDDER: PIM General Engineering_Services,Inc. ' By: _ 5942 Acorn St. Riverside, CA 92504 Signatu40.11111. Business Street Address I Riverside, CA 92504 Elizabeth H. Mendoza de McRae Type or Print Name City, State and Zip Code IPresident/CFO _ (951) 710.1000 . Title Telephone Number I ' Bidder's/Contractor's State of Incorporation: California - IPartners or Joint Venturers: _ — — I I Bidder's License Number(s): 89iz65 I Department Industrial Relations 3000001433Registered No. ' NOTES: I) By its signature on this Bid,the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address 3) If Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint IIventurers. As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidders, Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf of the , Icorporation, partnership or joint venture has the authority to do so.J I CBF -5 CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION I, Brian Mendoza ,Secretary of PTM General Engineering Services Inc. , (Corporation) do hereby certify that at a duly constituted meeting of the Stockholders and Directors of the Corporation held at the office of the Corporation on December 30 , 2007(year), it was upon motion duly made and seconded, that it be VOTED: Elizabeth H. Mendoza de McRae, President/CFO OR. . . . Brian Mendoza, Vice President/Secretary • Authorized to sign Sc execute contracts and submit bids with either one of the corporate officer' s signatures. It was upon further motion made and seconded that it be further VOTED: That 8lleabeth 9. Mendoza de McRae, President/CFO OR....9rian Mendoza, Vice PresydM[/Sect tary in the capacity as of the Corporation is empowered, authorized and directed to execute, deliver and accept any and all documents and undertake all acts reasonably required or incidental to accomplish the foregoing vote, all on such terms and conditions as he in his discretion deems to be in the best interests of the Corporation. I further certify that the foregoing votes are in full force this date without rescission, modification or amendment. Signed this /� taay of 601A°/ (rte). A TRUE RECORD ATTEST Brian Mendoza .' Sectetary/Clerk Vice President/Secretary (Corporate Seal) BIDDER-PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. 1 1 I SECTION2 BID DATA FORMS I 1 CBF -6 BIDDER: 27M GENERA.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC • Bidder shall submit its 13id data in accordance with the Rmnat shown on each of the fallowing Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as ninny sheets as are necessmy to adequately provide the information required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidder's name and page number. 2.A 131D BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY TI IL!Sl' ('RESENTS: T,f IAT PTM GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES. INC. .as 1' mrgnd, and GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY as Surety, are held Firmly hound unto the CITY OF ROSE MEAD (hereinafter called the OWNER) in the sum of TEN PERCENT OF AMOUNT BID DOLLARS IS to% _ ) being not less than ten petcent II 0%)ofthe fetal Bid Price; lir the payment of which sum will and truly to he made, we hind ourselves. our heirs, executors, administrators, successors. and assigns.jointly and seve_.rally_ lirP.tly by these presents. WI IFREAS,said Principal has submitted a bid to the OWNER to perform all Work required for the TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AT VALLEY BOULEVARD AT WAR AVENUE asset forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and accompanying Bid Documents.dated MAY 16TH,2018 NOW. THEREFORE, if said Principal is awarded a Contract for the Work by the OWNER and, within the time and In the manner required by the above- referenced Bid Dotal mCMS, enters into the written Lorin of Contract bound with said Bid Iocuuie its, famishes the required bonds(ouc to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee paymem for labor and materials) lirnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsements,and furnishes any other certifications as may he required by the Contract, then this obligation shad be null and void: otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the OWNER and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay ail costs incurred by rho OWNER in such suit, including reasonable attorneys' Ices to be fixed by the Co art_ SIGNED ANI ' IALIf). this 14TH dry of MAY , 2018 111 GREAT AMERI AN INSURANCE PIM GENERAL ENGIN RING SERVICES INC (SEAL) h) COMPANY (SEAL) I Emu A ___ s L,,. Sat cls L0 f d II s1 -Le` By: _ .' P By: t �. Signature P E VEGA.ATTORNEY-in-FACT I CBF - 7 GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY® Administrative Office: 301 E 4TH STREET • CINCINNATI,01-110 45202 • 513-369-5000 • FAX 513-723-2740 The number of persons authorized by this power of anomey is not more than FOUR No.0 20974 PO\VER OF ATTORNEY KNO W ALL MEN OYTHESE PRESENTS: That the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY,acorlomtion orgmsized mud existing,coder and by virtue of the laws of the State olOhio,does hereby nominate,constitute mid appoint the person or persons mimed below,each individually If more the, one Is named its Inco and lawful a(tontey-in-lbct,for it mid in its none,place and stead to execute on behalf of the said Company,M surety,any mid MI bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship,or other Witten obligations in the nature tlterco f,provided that the liability of the said Company on any such bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall not exceed the limit slated below. Name Address Limit of Power PHILIP E.VEGA ALL OF ALL KEVIN VEGA COVINA,CALIFORNIA S100,000,000 BRITTON CHRISTIANSEN MYRNA F.SMITH Ibis Power of Attorney revokes nll previous posers issued on behalf of the a(lomcy(s)-ire-fact named above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officers mid its corporate seal hereunto nllised this 29TH day of NOVEMBER 2017 Attest GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY e„nrne,IS•awan,. ,i_I_ia/ referNcerxnl,n:- STATE OF OHIO,COUNTY OF HAMILTON-ss: DAVIDC.RAC111N 027-e17-24051 On his 29TH day of NOVEMBER , 2017 before me personally appeared DAVID C KITCIIIN, to are known,being duly smote,deposes and says that he resides in Cincinnati,Ohio,that he is a Divisional Senior Vice President of the Bond Division of Great American Insurance Company,the Company described in mid which executed the above insinimentt that he knows the will of the said Company;that the seal anted to the said instillment is such corporate seal:that it was so affixed by authority of his o01ee ander the By-Laws ofsnid Company,and that he signed his name thereto by like authority Susan A Kahml /Q0 > ab My t 06'18.2020 This Power afAttorney is granted by authority oldie following resolutions adopted by the Non rd oil)rectors of Great American Insurance Company by unanimous written consein dated June 9,2008, RESOLVED: Thai the Divisional President.the reveenl Divisional Senior Vice Presidents,Divisional Vice Presidents and Divisonal Assisiarn Tice Presidents,or any one of Mem be and hereby is authorized,fi nt time to time,to appoint 011e or more'Itorneys-h,F et mexeCIlle or behalf oftire Coupons, as surety anyandail bonds,undertakings and contracts ofsmepslrip,or miter IPr!ten obligaikuu in the nature thereof;to pre.mlbe their respective dories(Ind the respective limits of their mnhorto;and to revoke m9'such appointment at any lime. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Conrpmuy seal and the signature of ay of the aforesaid officers and any Secretor,ur ASS]Matt Serie ores the Coupons.may be feed bk'facsimile to any power of attorney or certificate of either given far lire execution ofmp bond undertaking contract ofsuretyship. other waren obligation in/he nature thereof.such signature and seal when so used being hereby adopted by ire Company as the°ulnas!signature of such r officer and Aha original seal of de Company,to be valid and binding'pall the Company with the same force and effect Os though manually aped CERTIFICATION I,STEPHEN C.BERA IIA,Ass stn rt Secretory of Great American Insurance Company,do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney and the Resolutions of the Boyd of Directors of June 9,2008 have not bear revoked and are now iii full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 14TH day of MAY,2018 ,a...:,rW 1. t f.. A,avas Sesames 51222AF(MIA CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE§ 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California County of LOS ANGELES On `S . )6/ before me, PHILIP VEGA, NOTARY PUBLIC Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appeared ELIZABETH H. MENDOZA de McRAE Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies),and that by his/her/their signature(s)on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. 1 a, PHILIP VEGA WITNESS my hand and official seal. NWI Cowl 2152121 i\®e NOTARY uNLN1 11NM N LOA AHEM COUNTY , V.. MY CONN.EXP.MAY 11,AIG i Signature Signature of Notary Public Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer's Name: ❑Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — 7 Limited ❑ General ❑Partner — ❑ Limited ❑General ❑ Individual ❑Attorney in Fact ❑Individual ❑Attorney in Fact ❑Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑Trustee C Guardian or Conservator ❑Other: ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: ,w^_G_z'ecu.+=av'1v'�fAh.-c^Js�'4vS.�. _ �... .. a��-4•�4'�5�.3' a ...'t35�s�z9�'.x' '^<: ©2014 National Notary Association • www.NationalNotary.org •1-800-US NOTARY(1-800-876-6827) Item#5907 CALIFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE§ 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California County of ORANGE MAY 1 4 2018 Monica Blaisdell, Notary Public On before me, Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appearedPhilip E. Vega Name(s)of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(i}$ whose names) is/ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/XMatM4Xexecuted the same in his/pgt(pttek authorized capacity0,00{,and that by hisltitiOtli signature(5)on the instrument the personW, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(g) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws •._» . '^« of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph t r, is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and of ficial s Signature Signature of Notary Public BIDDEr2. PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act," Sections 4100 through 4114 of the California Public Contract Code, and any amendments thereto. each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will ■ perform work, labor or render service to Bidder in or about the construction of the Work in ian amount in excess of one-half of one percent(greater than 0.5%)of the Bidder's ifotal Bid Price,or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including ' bridges,in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000),whichever is greater,and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor. Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104,the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty-four(24)additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor,other than the name and location of each subcontractor. ' If the Bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract,it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself,and shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one half of one percent (greater than 0.5%)of the Total Bid Price or,in the case of bids or offers for the construction ' of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one-half of I percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. 1 i 1 i 1 CBF - 8 __ a.....aasec mp.,scu., r»,a - - uu rrsfl IBIDDER. PTM General Engineenho Services, Inc. I 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS (continued) (**Duplicate Next 2 Pages if needed for listing additional subcontractors.**) Description of Work I Name and Location to be Subcontracted of Subcontractor I Name:-- Address: . ame:__Address: _ _ License No.: ' Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. _ I Description of Work Name anLocation to be Subcontracted of Subcontractor Name:_ Address: — 1 License No Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. I Description of Work Name and Location to be Subcontracted of Subcontractor I Name:_II — Address:= License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. I Description of Work Name and Location to be Subcontracted of Subcontractor I Name: — I Address: License No.: — —_ - Department of Industrial Relation Registration No_I ___-- Description of Work Name and Location to be Subconoracted 1 of Subcontractor Name:__ — I Address: --- License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. I CBF - 9 I BIDDER: PINI General Engineering Services, Inc. I 1 I I I I I I I I I I CBF - 10 I BIDDER: ETM General Engineering Services, Inc. I 1 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names,addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which IBIDDER has perforated similar work within the past two (2)years: I1 City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Name and Address of Owner ITelephone: 626.569.2151 Fax No. 626.307.9218 Mr. Rafael Fajardo, P.E. Email: rfajardo@cityofrosemeand.org IName and telephone number of person familiar with project I $593,395.00 Intersection Improvement Project October, 2017 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 2. City of Lawndale 14717 Burin Ave. Lawndale, CA 90260 I Name and Address of Owner Telephone:310.973.3265 Fax: 310.793.2813 Mr. Miguel Alvarez Email: malvarez@lawndalecity.org I Name and telephone number of person familiar with project I5636,036.00 Citywide Traffic Signal Upgrades and Modifications July, 2016 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed I 3. I City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Name and Address of Owner IMr. Sean Sullivan Telephone: 626.569.2117 Email: ssullivan@cityofrosemead.orq IName and telephone number of person familiar with project I $479,079.00 Highway Safety Project July, 2016 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed I CBF - 11 I BIDDER'. PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. 4. Caltrans 2053 Presiker Lane, Ste. E Santa Maria, Ca 93534 Name and Address of Owner Telephone:805.441.6935 Fax:805.922.2511 ' Lilian Bennetzen Email: lilian.bennetzen@dot.ca.gov_. Name and telephone number of person familiar with project ` Modify signals, install countdown and accessible I $1,086,896.00 pedestrian signals April, 2017 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed I SECTION 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT I I I 1 1 t I CBF - 12 BIDDER: PTM General Engineering Services, Inc 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I CBF- 13 I BIDDER: PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT IIn accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned, being first duly I sworn, deposes and says that he or she holds the position listed below with the bidder, the party making the foregoing bid,that the bid is not made in the interest of,or on behalf of,any undisclosed person,partnership,company,association,organization,or corporation;that the I bid is genuine and not collusive or sham;that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid,and has not directly or indirectly colluded,conspired,connived,or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham hid, I or that anyone shall refrain from bidding;that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the hid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead,profit, or cost clement of the 1 bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, I submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof,or the contents thereof,or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation. partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent Ithereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. ISignai0 I Elizabeth H. Mendoza de McRae Typed or Printed Name LPresident/ CFO Title IPTM General Engineering Services, Inc. Bidder I I Subscribed and sworn before me This 15th day of May , 2018 (Seal) i Notary Public in and for ' the State of California iMy Commission Expires: .. I CBF- 14 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE§ 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California ) County of �LOS ANGELES ) { / On "' 1 8 before me, PHILIP VEGA, NOTARY PUBLIC Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appeared ELIZABETH H. MENDOZA de McRAE Name(s)of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies),and that by his/her/their signature(s)on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. PHILIP VEDA Signature " COMM.{2167111 N IP+t� MY, t MOIARY NAM-CALIFORNIA LOf RAWIrM Signature of Notary Public , m Caw Eu.MAYIi,t,}030' Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) • Signer's Name: Signer's Name: 0 Corporate Officer — Title(s): 0 Corporate Officer — Title(s): C Partner — 0 Limited 0 General ❑ Partner — O Limited ❑General C Individual 0 Attorney in Fact U Individual 0 Attorney in Fact 0 Trustee U Guardian Cr Conservator U Trustee U Guardian or Conservator ❑Other: El Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: 02014 National Notary Association •www.NationalNotary.org • 1-80D-US NOTARY(1-800-876-6827) Item #5907 Supplier Proftlle Page 1 of 1 Printed on:4/11/2018 12'.00145 PM To verify most current certification status go to: https..//www.caleprocure.ca.gov 765 3Ef E><L SE;vCES Office of Small Business & DVBE Services CertcationID:49564 Email Address: Legal Business Name: elizabeth@p:�n-eng.corn PTM GENERAL ENGfNEERING SERVICES Business Web Page: INC Business Phone Number: Doing Business As(DBA)Name 1: 951/710-1000 PTM GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Business Fax Number INC 951/710-1006 Doing Business As(DBA)Name 2: Business Types: Construction Address: 5942 ACORN ST RIVERSIDE CA 92504 Certification Type Status From To S8 Approves 04/11/2018 04/30/2020 w Rl Stay informed! KEEP YOUR CERTIFICATION PROFILE UPDATEDI -LOG IN at CaleProcure.CA.GOV Questions? Email: OSDSHELP(a�DGS.CA.GOV Call OSDS Main Number: 916-375-4940 707 3rd Street, 1-400, West Sacramento, CA 95605 https://cal eprocure.ca.gov/pages/SupplierProfile/supplier-profile-print.htinl 4/11/2018 CALIFORNIA UNIFIED . .'Y CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (CUCP) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 1823 I4'"STREET SACRAMENTO,CA 95811 Phone (916)324-1700 Fax (916)324-1862 1TY711 February 9,2018 Elizabeth H. Mendoza de McRae File Number: 38118 PTM General Engineering Services,Inc. P.O. Box 7745 Riverside,CA 92513 Subject: Approval of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification I am pleased to advise you that after careful review of your application and supporting documentation,the California Department of Transportation(Caltrans)has determined that your firm meets the eligibility standards to be certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise(DBE) as required under the U.S. Department of Transportation's Code of Federal Regulation(CFR)49, Part 26,as amended. Your firm will be listed in the California Unified Certification Program(CUCP) database of certified DBEs under these specific areas of your expertise and license identified following a comprehensive review of your firm: NA ICS Description - Category Codes I 238210 Electrical Contractors 237310 Highway, Street and Bridge Construction 238910 Site Preparation Contractors 561730 Landscaping Services Work Category Description Codes C8601 Maintaining Existing Traffic Management Systems Elements During Construction C8601 Maintaining Existing Traffic Management Systems Elements During Construction C9867 Landscaping Contractor Your DBE certification is recognized solely for the above codes. You may review your firm's information in the CUCP DBE Database, which can be accessed at Caltrans' Web site at http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/bep/. Any additions and revisions must be submitted to Caltrans for review and approval. Ms. McRae Fimi Number: 38118 February 9, 2018 Paget In order to assure continuing DBE status,you must annually submit a No Change Declaration Form(which will be sent toyou)along with supporting documentation. Based on your annual submission-that no change in ownership and control has occurred or if changes have occurred, they do not affect your firm's DBE standing. The DBE certification of your firm will continue until or unless it is removed by Caltrans. Also,should any changes occurthat could affect your certification status prior to receipt of the No Change Declaration Form,such as changes in your firm's name,business/mailing address, ownership, management or control, or failure to meet the applicable business-size standards or personal net worth standard,please notify us immediately. Failure to submit forms and/or change ofinformation will be deemed a failure to cooperate under Section 26.109 of the Regulations. Caltrans reserves the right to withdraw this certification if at any time it is determined that it was knowingly obtained by false,misleading,or incorrect information. DBE certification is subject to review at any time. The firm thereby consents to the examination of its books,records, and documents by Caltrans. For information on Caltrans'contracting opportunities, please visit our website at http://wwwdot.ca.gov/hq/esc/oe/. Congratulations, and thank you for your continued interest in participating in the DBE Program [wish you every business success. Sincerely. (A 717 MARYLEE MIGLINO Office Chief Certification Branch Business Information P T M GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES INC P 0 BOX 7745 RIVERSIDE, CA 92513 Business Phone Number(95')710-1000 Entity Corporation Issue Date 02/20/2007 Expire Date 02/28/2019 License Status This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. Classifications A-GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR S CONTRACTO Lica STATE LICENSE BOARD 010-ELECTRICAL —^•m--••r— ACTIVE LICENSE 031 - CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL C27-LANDSCAPING . ,,,,„. 891265 :.>CORP C32-PARKING AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT B-GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR -»...... P T M GENERAL ENGINEERING C-61 /D42-NON ELECTRICAL SIGN INSTALLATION SERVICES INC C-7-LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEMS 013-FENCING s,,.„,,A 010 C31027 C32 B C61/D42 C-61 /D09-DRILLING, BLASTING AND OIL FIELD WORK - HA2 C-7013061/D09 C-B-CONCRETE m.e :.. 02/28/2019 www.cs!b.ca.gov Rama Certifications HAZ- HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES REMOVAL California Department of Industrial Relations - Contact DIR Page 2 of 2 This is a listing of PWC registrations pursuant to Division 2, Part 7. Chapter 1 (commencing with section 1720 of the California Labor Code.) Export as: Excel PDF Search Results One registered contractor found. 1 Details Legal Name Registration County City License Current Registration Expiration Number Type/Number Status Date Date (s) PTM GENERAL CSLB:8912651 ENGINEERING: View ' 1000001433'. RIVERSIDE'1RIVERSIDE Active 06/01/2017 06/30/2018 �', SERVICES INC — ��— — — ��-- -— v2.20171120 About DIR Work with Us Learn More Who cc are ]obs at DIR Acceso al idiorna DIR Divsions, Boards & Licensing, registrations, Frequently Asked Comnrssions certifications & permits Questions Contact DIR Required Notifications Site Map Fustic Records Requests You Bac,: b Top Condit ons of Use ac)' Policy Disclaimer D':sacility Accommodation Standard Browser Usability Features Site Help capyria IS,dem State of Ca rtonia hrtps://efiling.dir.ca.gov/PWCR1Search.action 2/27/2018 Brian Mendoza P.0.8 ox 7745 Riverside CA, 92513-7745 Email:briangliptm-eng.com Cell 951.722.5755 Chief Estimator and Supervisor of Outside Operations Supervisor of Outside operations with over 18 years of experience electrician with over 10 years of experience An effective communicator and team leader,experienced in coordinating and executing large and fast paced projects. CAREER EXPERIENCE Freeway Electric/PTM Engineering Services,Inc. Riverside CA 06/2006 to Date Chief Estimator/Supervisor of Outside Operations In charge of managing the estimating department and finalizing bid packages: coordinating the beginning phase of an awarded project between the company and agency.Project submittals,contract review Coordinated and manage crews California region: handled various sized projects ranging in size from $1.000 to$4.5 million dealing with dry utilities,wet utilities,traffic signals,and road improvements, maintained coordination Freeway Electric/PTM General Engineering and subcontractor,and project owners.In charge of handling project's administrative work:monthly gross estimates,project progress schedule,materials requisitions.contract change order negotiations and equipment purchase and rental. High Light Electric Inc./Pete& Sons Construction Inc. Riverside, CA 10/1995 to 06/2006 Chief Estimator In charge of managing the estimating department and finalizing bid packages Coordinating the beginning phase of an awarded project between the company and agency or prime contractor that include project submittals,contract review. Successfully bid on projects totaling$12 million with an average spread 6%. Area Supervisor Coordinated and manage 10 crews consisting of 6 members per team in the southern California region: handled various sized projects ranging in size from 51,000 to$4.5 million dealing with dry utilities,wet utilities,traffic signal,and road improvements. Maintained coordination between High Light Electric Inc. and subcontractor, general contractor and project owners In charge of handling project's administrative work; monthly gross estimates,project progress schedule, materials requisitions,contract change order negotiations and equipment purchase and rentals. Page 1 of 4 Brian Mendoza CAREER EXPERIENCE CONTINUED MBE Electric, Inc. in Riverside,CA 10/1989 TO 10/1995 Vice President and Head of Outside Operations Manage outside operations for all projects ranging in size from & 1,000 to 2.5 million. Headed an around the clock electric crew and coordinated with CC Meyers to repair the I-10 Santa Monica Freeway after it collapsed during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake to complete the fast paced project in 66 days. Maintain coordination between MBB Electric and subcontractors, general contractor and project owners: implemented and enforced safety guidelines.Handled administrative work: monthly progress estimates,material requisitions,contract change order negotiations. Vasco Corporation in San Fernando,CA 10/1987 to 06/1989 Foreman(Part Time) Managed day to day operations of work crews and various project ranging in size from$1,000 to $5,000 in Eastern Los Angeles County: traffic signals,street lighting,signal interconnect. Raymore Electric in Rosemead,CA 06/1986 to 10/1987 Crew Lender(Part Time) In charge of working crews on projects that ranging from $25,000 to 250,000 throughout Los Angeles County. WORKING SKILLS • Capable of operating heavy equipment such as skip loaders,cranes,and backhoes • Hands-on experience with hand tools and power tools • Capable of overseeing fast-paced and high profile project • An effective communicator and leader EDUCATION • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers • Completed training course(1988-1989)in street lighting and traffic signal installations,code enforcement and blue print reading. • South Gate High School • Received High School Diploma in 1988 Page 2 of 4 BRIAN MENDOZA CONTINUED LANGUAGES • English(Native) • Spanish(Fluent) AWARD RECEIVED • Recipient of the U.S. Small Business"Young Entrepreneur of the year`Award in 1996, nationally. • Recipient of the Certificate of Recognition by the City to Los Angeles for"Small Business"in 1997. • Recipient of the Certificate of Recognition by the State Assembly, Assemblyman Mr. Rod Pacheco, for the"Top 500 Inland Empire Small Business"in 1997. • Ranked among the"Top 500 Inland Empire Hispanic Owned Companies" Since 1997. • Certification of Appreciation for our participation and maximization in the" Century Freeway Affirmative Action" by CFAAC PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL REFERNCES Caltrans project#071224U4 (Electrical contract amount S4.5 million) Description of project: Installation of traffic signals, ramp metering, sing illumination, Highway Lighting, Fiber option communication and electrical irrigation along the 1-10 Freeway in Los Angeles County. • Doug Dawson—Project Manager for prime contractor, Balfour Beatty Cell (949) 232-3276 and Office(909) 397-8040. • Patty Galvan- Resident Engineer, Office (909) 594-4270 • Veronica Ross—Electrical Inspector, Cell (714) 606-6311 Page 3 of 4 BRIAN MENDOZA REFERNCES CONTINUED City of Redlands Contract#208300-72304/41008 (Electrical contract amount is $218,800)project Completed in 2003 Description of project: Installation of traffic signals,modification of ramp metering, lighting and sign illumination. • Bill Hensley- Senior Civil Engineer-Office(909)798-7586 ext.2 • Juan Olvera -Project Manager for general contractor, H&H Construction-Cell (951)453-7712 and Office(909)473-7331. Caltrans project#08-4567V4)Electrical contract amount is$ 938,238)project completed in 2005 Description of project: Installation of lighting system along the 1-15 Freeway in San Bernardino County. • Gary Vogel- Project Manager for prime contractor,Granite Construction Cell: (661) 549-3953 and Office(661) 726-4447. Sandbag Projects, Segment 1, 2, 3 early segment 9, and alder Ave. (Total electrical contract amount was S3.2 million) Project completed in 2004. Description of Projects: Installation of traffic signals,ramp metering, sign illumination, highway lighting, fiber optic communication,and electrical irrigation along the 1-10 Freeway in San Bernardino County. • Harold Lantis- Sandbag Contract Manager-Cell: (760)802-7730 and Office (909) 875-8029 ext213. • Tim Hanable-Caltrans Inspector-Cell: (951) 712-0021 • Al Ortega-Project Manager for prime contractor, Yeager Skanska Cell: (714) 240-5333. City of Indio Project#ST0137(Electrical contract amount was$1.4 million) project completed in 2005. Description of project: Installation of street lighting system,traffic signals, electrical irrigation, and dry Utilities. • Gary Bexter-- Area Manager for prime contractor, Yeager Skanska Construction Cell: (909) 721-9749 and Office(760) 343-5472. • Tommy Young-Project Manager for prime contractor- Cell: (951)232-6618 and Office(760) 343-5472. • Mehran Sepehri-City Engineer- Cell: (760)250-2201 Additional Professional References: • Zale Harris-Caltrans Inspector-Cell: (951)289-0047 • Ray Robles --Caltrans area supervisor-Cell: (909)799-0646 Page 4 of 4 RTA References General Ensineerine Services Inc. Job References 2017 PTMJolaNo:rI7_0 Qwnerio6No.PWoa2-15 Job Location:Palos\eines E_sta.es.0 1 DescnptonofWork.lnst,ll., 'up.i irP „ee.'. Kec:. jy,l Kf_�dr1 Kp}e:icon::: -105Vcis,D ..cWc,t:> Via 3milo Owner CtyofralosVerdes Contact Mr.Ken.KukaIra.CtyEngineer. Address,540Fdlo-VerdesDn,eWest City/State:Palos VerdesL.states.CA '02+ Telephone:$ 05',x0535 ranNo5:05'.8.,23,0 Email Li 1. ,r _ Contract Date rekruay._315 Date:Complete j 11'1111E.2O:3 Contact Value szo 'zo.00 End Value s-o?2300 FTM Job No: r';azOwnerjo6No:C'ryrrolectTO-in no' red No-Fi51P1 -.,sNO2-) Location C ita o.West Coh ,:CA Description of Work En Ecifeito A :ejr 5uc tAvenue Ta f 5rign 31 ,e,ents. Owner:Cita o .(Lair Contact:MrMieuellleraandez Address, -*W-Calle:,Ave. City/State Wet CGena,CA e -00 Telephone rroP5a3q.,5 NJ< crr /50. coo E l .1M.j, „e>� Contract Date: N1arcii :01 Date Completed In Frderenn Contract Value$ 121.15 2 00 End Value Progre_s FTM J06No: I'I--o QwnerJobNo: 02 ai -.zoanLocation:CCt,iofK=rchoAjar,, M:,: .ora CA Description of Work: I a4i1ic Signal Modification at Crino Altezano sAveedj do Lan b:,nde.,. Owner:Ct2 of Kan_ko 5anta Margarita Contact Mr A bon Lcung Associate Eng_ Address._2112 C Fasec City/State Kaneko or 5anta Mars.rvta,CA pzess Telephone caao5;.I$30 Fax No. =tip I Emarl ..-ia. Contract Date Manrh.zoiz Date Completed October 20�; Contract Value 5 °5 Do End Value $22_. 233 FTM Job No: F:;-0a OwnerJohNo,K:aio Freect No. 14331, LcAcaiAd.No.F151PL<:'os(z0r Location:Kdora.CA Description of Work r ihiofKi.dre Acei 1A, 0 Essneline 1-ceilic5'gnalPecct Owner C of Ei alto ContactMS.I_e.,F eC_L,;m..D torc:oOhRepo! lc5; chi. Address. -o5.FalmAvenueCity/5tate: Kial:a.CAp'S7 Telephon 4.n ?FaxNo. oopvi-ZzIOEmaiL - , .:-_� ._. ! Cell.:2c _c_ Contract Date: Aug„201 Date Completed Oct ober 23 I- ContactValue$i az acn End Value. 5 I 15,00 PTM Job No: P:'of QwnerJob No,0s 5-100 Location: Penecula.CA DescriptionofWork: ReplaceJatagcdT I ro e at e N5 Winc nesteroffK:'nip NWEL,rner. Owner neinjar,::e, ofTr:•_,pormoion Contact MK.5ten Fuc<ert Address. 1 32 511.3:51.5t M.533 Cit9/5tate 5j, fr ecru,Com- :r s i Telephone : '._ '.f000 Fax No. o: 225_.SJ Email ,f . .I,u_- Contact Date March 20 ; Date Completed luno 2:51' Contract Value Se 50,,SQ End Value sa 1.,51130 RIM References General Enaineerina Services Inc. Jeb References 2011 rTM J06 No: PiT-O Owner Job No rods Location:Ke-,en,ead:CA Description of Work _Fra-Tic,5 :,a'Mond tion Fr sect 5ar C abrel5ve.at Kush Ave. Owner City of Kosemced Contact:M. False]raj.ardo.r.0 Address 5355 L.Valley Slid Cita/State: Koeen,eac.CA 770 Telephone: oj.21oo raxNo. s,, 9213 Lmal -alnd rc Contract Date:Ju,j:o1; Date Completed: Inrreg Contract Value ss s os End Value. InTog e FTM Job No: P 17_o;Owner Job No:CDOT 12A:oT d Location:0ange.CA Description rob Work. F<-53octkbound'014Fempt istall Addition FehtlngR- ,e s.Repl: eSnspng, Making:-.. i r Panel,. Owner Cal,Forn.a Deptof rrocurcmcnt C ontrarts Contact:Dnne Morns Addres . r_- 5s^5t MSo. Oty/State. Sec,;,:v entc,C�P>31 Telephone. .1c 22'.o300 Contract Date: June m,T Date Completed:�h Progress Contract Value.51 13.93 p 00 End Value. in Pro e PTMJob No: P 1--os OwnerJob No: CDO I 122A•052 Location.Orange Com, Description of Work Kept T:Ff:SynJ lc.c,e'Pea .ri 5ignae Along„nth their Keened-Re Mounting tir if.et AI A,.:ous Locations on Rte. 1 Owner:CaliforniaJe n.of P ement, C :ntrocts Contact M A a 5trauck Address. 1227 >a+5t.N15ds City/Stat 5. c:.,ment .C49591 Telephone. inNI'.nuns Fax No. 1 Tzsa=Emal a . _5 -.e1 Contract Date: lane.201- Date Completed: H Po„ Contract Value s724,02-1 End Value H Pa PIM Job No: :', Ain' Owner job Nor 27412.M;sP-Ts,' 5t..,tcrundedgTPL-yoM1s0` Location:.AnakeHn.CA DescrptionofWork- ATr-Wet n Ave rededr in Sign e]Fq ,.e,;,ert. Owner: C.ity of An akeH Contact: Mr.Patrick Kelley,Contact Administrator Address:ZOO S.Ai::ke a fh-d. City/State. CA e 2305 Telephone: + _.Si:n raxNo. -I9 -. --s E I �: Contact Date) Juy?o,T Date Completed: In ri ogr ego Contract Value 5s as End Value. l= Frofdres- r FM Job No: P 17-13 Owner Job Nor Prosect No.201 v3 Location:5ar,ep,. CA Description of Word,1nisrcII)ke5Tr:ifrc 51;piugMed-f -ro,.ForPjkeLan s_ Owner Cry of haatow Contact:Mr Domingo D CronsiCs ner^e CIE r.L'erVICe,Ad, 11.;ir_ Address.. o E.Mount,. iew St,St_A Cty/5tate briretrom,CA,a-71 Telephon _935]21 FaxNo- ra>5e HI Emal _ ContactDate. Ocr bar2o1; Completed. In rrogi ess Contract Value:515 if ..a..,,, End Value ;n rro,qe,. RTA references General Eneineerine Services Inc. Job References 1017 FTM Jo6 No: F,7-1i Ownerjo6No: CDOT -A 1nee 004. 04Locatron;1:rpur,far,ctrlisJefiegbe be:d, ,ndSealear.:ch Description of Wk Marcbra error fLxIstingL entre 3l5jten: Owner Dep rrtnrert 4 rr..p rtrt on Dr AC Contact 61: Stay Tule, AcL111 flan Ar.aIy,t Address- 1;:750•^StSe C1ty State 5acamentn,CA car o Telephone „1n__ .coo.) Fax NO 01 0- _, .a3- Email :, 1 r Contract Date, qr;:,t.z01; Completed In rr°Sresn ContactValuesz7cs1;ao Lnd Value In rrosrcss PTMJo6 No, Fr--1: Owner Job No. CDO F 1:A1 052 1:_oQz 1> Location.Anaherm rend Yorbr Gad.,nn K,uteS at 0,tangetkoree Aye h,Fsper;n. 0 Fd. Description of Work: M dfcaton 05 Lor Lxistrig Elect ,l 5tster Owner: Del':cement of Tr Har nation DFAC Contact-M ,St,reTc .?, cn�='eon Ana ar,t Addressi-:7 are*St.M56 s City/State: 5aera::,er,to,CAS SE 1d Telephone 0oo0 Contract Date: Anga,i.:01- Completed: in Proses Contract Value x: i-.co] oo End Value In Pro PTMJo6No: r OwnerJohNo: 5IL-r_.DF - - 1151Fi -+50::0:3' Location Fontana,CA Description of Wok Randall Ave.at JurrperAe Tra1icSgnalProlert. Owner Cry of rontaan Contact,Mrhnsopher5met6e t AS-4 Lrgincer. Address. s5 a;Sent:/\.-e Ct5/5tate, i`or.:.C,1 Telephone ,s areci- Fax No. .,o9-500.nrts Contract Date: Augu,t:oi- Completed: In Progress Contract Value e2-So-h00 End Value H rogue, PTM Job No: F --1= OwnerJobNo: F':S-t Location- TempleGty.CA Description of Work ( ihrwine 5gnal CJer rie rd Fat reel Kcal cc,:crt. Owner: C;ty of Temple Ott) Contact Mr Mir cel I-orbes Address x501 - D� C Cay/5tate TempleCt, CA9!750 Telephone 232 212 Fax Non 20.28, S _ Ernall ':r Contract Date: .A „q:oi- Completed, Procres Contract Value 572,27000 Lnd Value n Frogres, PM Job No: F i;-1 y Ownerjo6 N. Ole Golert No. 21 ;o, Location. Pico Ih,e-a.C Description of Work l are c Sgnal Safctu I nom,-ore tic Ctywide Owner, O11<1Fro K;ver: Contact Nqr. J Fn,pa, Director of AAorb Address =Prisonsbiker. Ctyi5tate: FcoReia.CAJar do Contract Date 5e,ter,ber201 " Completed, Jr Frogre:e Contract Value s _-,,o,°ern Lnd Value n Fr ogres RLN References General Enaineerine Services Inc. Job References 2017 FTM Job No: f7-If Owner Job No 115IFL-,nss,yon' Job Location, [Del Amo bbd.Aihiamator Description of Wok:Ta-fc big,.1 I nstallaton Owner. LA.0curb'of-fubfcWo:'ns Contact _orb rartAdmin atrarr 5. Address:430FreA.&most 'e Cityr5tat Zip: .Alnomb:.,.C A a 130a Telephone. «_r5ss?si raxNo. e,n9ss .197 Email - .J �a..i_ Contract Date: Dercn6er zoo; Completed: In Progress Contract Value: s519!01 00 LndValue: InVrogre VIM Job No:F�7-�- OwnerJobNo: i;-osI Jeb Location: 1-5\Ins51. Ks,side Description of Work Vine St Seger Lateral F,oler' own,Hers-de Tansrt Age C1T Contact Mr Anorcw lcost Address: is zs Tblyd 5treet City/State/Zip: FAcrnIce.CA 1br Pi Telephone rsi ,e. .Z io Pax No. . e.” 5001 Em -sr, Contract Date: Octol,r: 1017 Completed: InFroo s Contract Value,5 1-.312.000 End Value m F:ogress VIM Job No: Fi--is OweerJobN.. Job Locaaon:bishop CA Description of Work: Street Light Rdocat or in the Ct,of Pyshop. Owner:Ct.)of 5isbop Contact:Mr.D:,.id Car,h/Dire<mret rub-itAVoles Address;377 AVest Line t, . CJtyState/Zip:h:shop,CAn -[ Tel No- -so.s;; s 8 Fab No Email: .d ' n , Contract Date: November 201' Completed in Progre s Contract Value,s-9:079 33 End Value: In Frogress PTM Job No, F:-i e QwnerJo6 No. 20 -aZ Job Location. bog of Apple VA Description of Work 5gn,l Modiacation at WestmontDr.e Owner Tows et Apple VaIna Contact M:.Kingeen e: .'F.ns gAsoc,ate Address: P snnDale 6:, .P=k„uy City5tate/Zip: tap I Volley,C- 5,91337 Tel No- c 1*3 -aa) Fax -oo.Z90'ni Mail. - c rr e.. Contract Dates Dcrernher zo : Completed: In!rosin-, Contract Value:$ 5 ie _nu End Value: IrF PIM Job No: P'.--10 QwnerJob No. Job Location Citq of West Coy-na Description of Work Hi pllp nn or re.t prgip'ut Rapid I lashing b.con.s 5, e Se: ice Owner:(./uy til West Covin a Contact: Mguel Y lernandes Address P \N.Ganey A.,e.-Sent!) Cit5/State/Zip. AVest Covion,C_An I:'o Tel No.d_cr .3'..,a21S rax- Contract axContact Date:Decen,ber1017 Completed: Ir['pug, Contract Value:s i 5,0 e 00 End Value In Pro s PTA References General Engineering Services Inc. Job References 2017 PIM Job No, P:7-2: OwnerJob No. TD,5 oo s: : Job Location:Muh,,,y.,t Kanan D'inic KA�n Counrt of Log Angde=,CA Description of Wodc. Tandc Sgnal Ir,e,liabon Owner:L .A.County of Public Wod_s Contact:Iia Vasyucc Addressi poo$.LrmontAre City/State/Zip:Alltniik,,,C1930I Tel No e_ rays s=3i Fk o_bs 5,9-zi97 Email: Contract Date: Mecemberzoi7 Completed, I,rrogce_ee Contract Value, sq,•osgcoo End Value: In Progrese FTM Job No. Piz-n Owner Job No.LI A :z-OKizoe Job Location:In Orange C.ount on 'CLI 5ctccn Ifiasco and New,o-r Description of Work Reimer Replace railed Qved,c-dbyre Shims ire mirk new Flasking.Imber Hkt,,.sign =m,:lure file and,l oundation Owner: Dcp3rtmentofTr. .p°EdonNA tit c ITn gD=sericti2 Contact:Mr inY ./Mayor Damage?Cnor Ain ar r Address. i'73L e.ti 51- Cut-I-471e 3-: 13 City/State/Zip: Sarva Ana,CA Tel No- c, ..,sizs Zzs rax. Contract Date:December zo i 7 Completed: In FrOgICSS Contract Value s_.50,000oo End Value ogress FTM Job No. F --27 OwnerJobNo. 1.751PL-5ozso73? Job Location:Santa Koes Description of Work Croneewalb Enhancements Thr oughout Sar,:, Kos.. Ower- CituofSint Kos: Contact: Mr.Koh 5: ::Uc.P.L Address- 69 Stony Circle City/State/Zip: Sant,Kos.,.CA o 540 Tel No ' 7'1-7 aei; Fay 70..,43.5 so: Email co if A di.. Contract Date: December 10 17 Completed: „Prc e Contact Value 7'1703-00 End Value Pro FTM Job P :4 Owner Job No. CDOT I2--0M53oi Job Location.Qrest CountyinAnaheim and Ls Rant.,fa,m At:ant-,A,e.to C-upre_s St Description of Work: FA iddl imiy Tr.,inc5 L1ogr„dcred ,-1 „p=nil c,cADA,Sun ardRoute I o:.-. . - ae/2 Owner Dc pa,±n,cn€cli-I cm cc pci :m t'On Contact:Mspetof:ahall Address. i 727)o`^St City/St<te/Zip, 5=ic:.:mcu o,CA 95 4 i e Contract Date: December zoi 7 Completed: In Progrc„ Contact Value: slern no JJ End Value, In&trues RLN References General rnQineerin4 Services Inc. Job References 2017 VTMjob No: CJwoer3o6No.1-i51Fl ^.r";03A Job Location, Vanou,Locations onAtlantic A.e. Description or Wok: lo_.rdl Fr Anna„Lout h=atsdrd P :tentedLeft Fern Phi 5 Intereectione on Adartic A•e. Owned Ct.]of CiA:lej Contact:Aron hemander-Torr,,/FL Address R-o janrn Ana Street City/State/Zip. C udohy,CA°023 Tel No. 7'9.2is47 La.. Email:ahemander@cityofcudahyca-gov Contract Date: December 20 7 Completed: InFrogre_ss Contract Value tssPs,00 LndValue: HProgress DlM General [neineerine Services, 1m:. Jobsences PTMJob No:Fre-oi Owner-Job No: n_ Job Location Cap:e: CA DescnptronofWork:; r-llot:onofK :a freularjZapldFl liar; :. , ylseem, Owner:Cita of Cypress Contact:Mr K:m orn Dadbeh,Cita Engineer Address: 72:e Or Ae Ces/5tate:C.1pre_se,CAp0o,o Teleph r1+.az9. So Fax No_7i9 0i5rLm I ,. . ,, ,, Contract Date:March,zo i e Date:Completed:June.201; Contact Value:s101,99900 Lnd Value so,.I7900 FTM Job No:F144-09 Owner job No-ContactN'o.os-ihoso+ Job Location: 52n bernardino.CA Description of Work At the]ntersectior, l•Rte.the Jriter5echor of Rte co and+a 5t.Keplacemert s Relocation of Electrical Fpuipment&Concrer Vvork Owner:Department of Transportation Contact:Chet Ong.Frolect Mantntter Address: 172790*5t. City/Stater 5ac:amento,CA ess,� Telephone:909.7 39.reCrax No90a_,s,.d+S:Emcnec. :aKea Contract Date:March.201 n Complete Date:I,F�a�gress Contact Value:s 230O3033 Lnd Value: In progress FTM Job No:F;d-0+ Owner Job No:201u-0123 Job Location:baldw;,Fork.CA Description ofWork:T ailcSeralln_stauationatLosgn, s5tan hombrookAye Owner:Off)of5,IdwirF.,rkContact: MrCodas,Au;rre.Lngrineetng,gsst Address: +905 East FacdIc.Ae City/State:baldwin Fadk,CA 9:ace Telephone 0.2n)s 13.7-75 Fax No. Contract Date:May.201c Complete Date:Febao:y.2017 Contract Value.Sr pd..•,r 00 End Value>20+.1 cz.19 FTM Job No:Flros Owner Job No:IFB isa,s Job Location:Riersde CA Description of Wok:Kant L bas 5r p Frojecr Owner:Riverside Transit Agenc„Contact:Mr Robert W gr an,Contract Adrunist.ator Address: 1925 Th.:d 5t-City/5r ten Kars c.CA 02517 Telephone:05 i_s:7 sl a3 Fax NO 941o 300 Lmail: .. : .e c -rr. Contract Date:May.201 r Complete Date:,March.201- Contract Value:52r70,ADO 0.0 Lnd Value:s2,ra'0,s 21 FTM Job No: F1c-or (Dane,job No: ZA I esu Job Location:Orange.CA Descnpeon of Work Electrical Repair Keplace„ert 5enee Owner:Department of:-F ,pants tion Contact Ms_Kt h;_ ,.5tonetadai Contract An.rtiat Address: i7 z7 33"5ireet,Ma-a City/State:5ac,amenta CA 93 IS Teleph n 91 c.__, o i z-1 Fa<No.,i .5 L talccns� : .,d.rts:: Contract Date July,23,c Complete Date:Jr.Frogren, Contract Value:$Le I3 a; S3 End Value:In Progress FTM Job No: OwnerJobNo:zi023 Job Location:Kci,seniesd.CA Description of Workilet man DelMar Herne:.turn Innra,emcntPr„cc, OwneeCry of KO:cr:e:id Contact:Mr K-afael Fal.,rdo.F L Address:ssesLV,Il:,bad City 5tate:Roaeme d.CA a 1770 Teleph _c ... = Si fa.No.r _3^.-. 2isLm l , Contract Dam: June.lois Complete Date. October,2017 Contract Value: ss-3 ass:oo End Value: $0 at.2p-.-d Page 1 of 2 CTM General Engineering Services, Inc. Jabs tzeleren(es Al 11 PTM job No:P1 o-os Ownerjob No:2 ,- job Location, V<estnnrater,CA Des option of Work Ts,fit McSrlb,:ton\ eHtli Her b',.. ..i e Ss Owner C of AVest roster Contact M--Veronica lohrson 5r. Ahnii,,trstecAsstP f!0 Work'Fne_ Address.s 200 AVestrnrs[or blvd.Ct9/State.AVescminsrer CA =s s 5 Telephone -H4 5' FaxNo. i + ousw'= Email .e: , _ Contract Date:January.201- Complete Date:No%cr:bcr.201 7 ContactValuea l+9,P '-00 End Value:5I s.o-c PTM Job No:P 1 o-0°Owner Job No.oSAz c7- Job Location:Van a s Locator nEttedde&San 5cn.ard,no County/�n L.A. Deschption of Work:Electrical 5erinces Pcdcsta!Rcpfaccntent,Hen-iLet, Owner Department ofTransoort tonContact Mr Kasen Knight Contact Analyst Address: i -7h0`rStreet City/State:5acar,ento,CAe k$1s Telephone 9irzz7-bots Fax No 01 nso-_oigsE 1 K Contract Date:Noirembe_2010 Complete Date:.hint. , Contact Value s^:0. '°_a° End Value:*10 FTM Job No,Pls-10 OwnerJobNo: Agreement nAro1s,Por1;pooh +51-33;h n Job Location:Whittier.CA Description Work: Street Lght;nglnerorenennfo N Ohi egtOr bhoiWhittierr5 d caVaro:, Locations:,ndl.R.AV.L Owner: City of Wh:tt,er Contact:Mr.Carl tic!.PL. Address 5,z 5o[=Penn Se City/State:Wk they,CA°0o02 Teleph sons 79502 Fax No. ?0z?n?2874E I .. Contract Date:February.z0 - Complete Date:H Progrc.. Contact Value.sir 147,1 i 400 End Value In Progree PTMJo6No:r n-1i OwnerJobNo:5J-5zs Job Location ban Jac,to.CA Description Work Sanderson Aire_e-Ramona bbd.Stgrobzator Protect. Owner:Ctq of 5n,_lac;,ta Contact Gar.,Nguyon Crsineer Address 555c Jacinto Are CtYState: )nr 1 . coo.( A P=?'s5 Telephone )c1 J2 Fax No., f0>4.n, _ Email g irtiCt ,ult,,ns ars Contract Date Jinti it tt 20 Complete nate Jinn Oil zo I a Contact Value,5265.21300 End Values'_u9,210 On Job Fin-1 '- Owner Job No:5Y5so.I1.51PL-o-SJ„ job Location h ir: J::cnea,CA Descnpton Work,San)ac;-.to Peaestr,an U s .e. Qwnen City o1 5an aonto Contact Mr harbibMotllaak,Cty Lng. Address:c0,5.SarJct:.nto Aire.City/State:San_Iac,nro,CA cu s5 Telephone o-h,110 +.3 o;z Fax No:(°11A54 72 reiall iroihatiehihe onsulc,n._con, Contact Date 1 inu::ry 3017 Complete Date December 201- Contract Value 522 VII 03 End Value $222 092 Page 2 of 2 CTM tenerai Enaineel int Services, mc. Jobs References 2t15 FTM Job No:PI,-0I Owner JobNo.. I' S Locabon Description of Work: Montel ello VJ, I-I-r.:ff Ss al;mpro it,from Met- e.to Q.ymp:c 51,-d. Qwnen C'nf of Montebello Contact Mr Floaroz Vapid Address: I coo W.be..edy 6kd- Montebello,CA°0040 Telephone:325.88'-1970 Fa.: Email:blVakidOnitpofmontebel:o.run Contract Date,Non „bc,.2015 Completed Date: In rrogress ContactValue:sof z,o39.00 Lnd Value In Frogresn FTMJob N.: FIS-05 OwnerJobNo: None Job Location: Lawndale:CA Description of Work: Ct,wn c Imam (apgra .es and Mod,fic,nor:s Qwnen C:t4 of Law nil:lc Contact M,.Miguel Al, ret Address: It 1:burn Aac.Lnwnda.e:LA go 2so Telephone 510 n 5322 5 F . 510. ' .LS 1 : cel:nundaledty org Contact Date: August,2015 Completed Date July.20i0 Contract Value.enjt oi..30 Lnd Value. Sur_05? s7 FTM J06No:F15-0b OwnerJobNo.:2013-0o8 Job Location, boldw:nFark.CA Description of Work Two new traffic,:final Inst at buldw:n Forkbkd.at Ohlo Sty Lon Angeles 5rrr La Kc,An-c OwnenCityofbaLiu nFakContact:MrCaron*for e Address, 19905 F:P=eSin A.e. ha;dw,n Far;,CA s I Telephone t 2c.SI 3-szoo rax:rib __oz 5 Small ceagtrrretVoalcl.irrar L.con: Contract Date: June,2015 Completed Date:December.201? Contract Value:$335 955 ao End Value:53Sf.5-2.15 FTM Job No: i,-o-OwnerJob No-: -oos J06 Location- Kner.de.CA Desenption of Workbus Kan:p Project Owner KT A Contact Mr Kok Wc,man Address i._5 ard Street Knere: e C.A9 7 Telephone 7nIsni. 000F .5 Iso,.5001 Email nv.nn: s ,:den:.n_s:icon. Contract Date.Jun .2015 Completed Date June:2015 Contract Value:ene 5153 50 End Value,53s,0S3 00 FTMJobNo:P:>-os OwnerjobNo.: is/ I?-05 Job Location: La Canadahf:ntndgc,CA Description of Work -I-af/lc.d:final Fn,oro.ement,Foothill hind.-:,r.d Corr.�nhon Are. Owner Of E,01-I C uce,Fi t ud fie Contact Mr Nsnnei yh „Marian Address. 1527 Footk:ll61,d.La Canada f-I ntndge.CA p 101 1 Telephone s1,9 7'0.5552 F ax 3 1 7$0.) 5Email .Cf go' Contract Date.Ju, ,2055 Completed Date: October.20,5 Contract Value:557.5700 End Value.s sore 21.i5 Page 1 of 4 LTM General Eneineerinu Sersices, Inc. Jobs Eeferences 2C10 PTMJob No,Pi5-9 (DwnerjobNo, II-OS i7 Job Location: halt..LA Description ofWork:r ,-1 ]1Mh1.dnt hone Depot .5.,1 and Ced A.e.Medina I men tweineran Owner Ctm of halto Contact:Mrhar. Address: )35 W.KInlmAve. Kenbo,(A91 Telephone 90$.8zo zd5I Fax =09.810.,27 Email.echancanalmca-go, Contract Date:November zo i 5 Completed Date: Apr'.La IE Contract Value:$355p5830 End Value,st.5.1-85. 7 PTMhob NoP,S-iiOwnerJobNo:1151P-i72o(01ft. Job Location: Montclair C.A Description of Work:Traffic 5lgnal Impro.en,ent Project Centra:A•.=.and 5an he,I:D14110 5t. Owner:Ct,of Montclair Contact Mr.5te..e Stanton Address: 11 hence Street,Montcli:;CA 9I Telepbon mom Flax: 22I.15SI-Email:«tans ;tyofmonminn erg Contract Date. No,ember,2_0 15 Completed Date:,May,20 Sc Contract Value.520,,mot atm End Value: $200,4S.3 PTM Job No PI s_i z OwnerJob No.: i e-alae 9-0300Job Location:5arta Ana,CA Description of Work:New Ti-. fic h5ignal on Nnnkope5tr l.ind Camille,5ti err,o799) ralf;e 5ignal Mod ficaton on Newhope 5treet arr'Cam-1le Street to 800) owners city of 5nrta Ann Contact:Mr V ctor5o Address: 20 Civic Center Pla=a- M-22 5nnt_„q,,.,.C:,,2 702 Telephone.71a-847-sono Pax 7i4.E1 s Email:,so0santa-aca ors Contract Date: Pebtinny 2015 Completed Date:May,20;7 Contract Value:5', ,3 End Value: :hee, s,. PTMJob No P15-13 OwnerJob No.: 1 3701 I 5-005 Job Location:hell Gardens,CA Description of Wok,Kerlaccment of Internally Illuminated 5treet Name Signs Ownenn Cltti of hell Gardens Contact:Mr.Jerome Joapun Address,8827 G:nfrcld Am.hell Gorden,CA'ozor Telephone. ._ -..000E n , n 7. 030 E,mail:)jo,.pu c ,m.,e Contract Date:M. rh.1019 Completed Date, Mn,,. 1010 Contract Value:s, ,73:733 End Value.553 7.1 ruM Job No. P4Owner job No.:m15a5Job Location:Kosen:cd.CA Description of Wok, C.,ine:l Avenue-high,.ay nrety rroject Owner:Cty of Ko.emend Contact Mr 5e,n 5ullnan Address: 3335 L.valley hl,-d. Kosenead,CA n1773 Telephone:e2d.5n9.2 I I rax: Email: ancacayofn:se:iiC:,d,.rg Contract Date:October 101 5 Completed Date: J,dy20.0 Contract Value:54;9 0:5'00 End Value: $519:co 03 Page 2 of 4 DIM General Enuineerine Sersices, Inc. Jobs De(erenc s 1010 FTM Joh No:l'1 s-15 Owner Job No.z Or 00 7_66 Location: Wildo:nar CA Description of Wort:Clinton Keith Lioadghidden Springs Nd-r affg Signal Southbound Left urn Modsicat-on Owner:Gtu of N4lcomar Contact:Mr Matt Nenrett Address_ -5955(anion Keitk Rd.020 Wtldor,ar,CA.921195 Telephone:957_0777751 Fax_951.x98.t ads Lmail:mbennetnnw.iIdomarorg Contract Date:Deem._ .2015 Completed Date: Deaenber,2015 Contract Value: 555, 55 00 End Value.$Se.11000 PTMJob Noir 15-19OwnerJobNo.: None Job Location: CA Description of Work: [raffic Signal Improvement at l orgden Avenue and Myrtle Aveeue Owner:City of lnuindale Contact:Mr Francisco Carilo Address >ose N_IPAicdaleA.e_In. ,o e,CA9roe Telephone.e 2.f 01;0.22.13 ra5c rite.450.22 a5 Emaih f<aa,ldnee innndaleCa us Contract Date:Mag,2010 Completed Date:Jur ,2017 Contract Value 5215.8 I 00 Lnd Value: 52 r5-CI FTM Job No:Fi5-17QwnerJobNo.:CC-1985 Job Location Ili ntingtonhea<n.CA Description of Wok balsa C&pa 5t at 5olsa Ave Traffic signal Modification. Owner:Ot,of huntngton Beach Contact: Mr.John Address: 2.000 N. M 5t huntingi.in 5ear10 Ca,Ings Telephone: 19 755.501 t rax:719.55 f-5209 Email. IgriY @surfco-y-h9.org Contract Date: February.201 c Completed Date: Jan ar,.201; Contact Value: 51'50 001 so End Value.5155, ,. . PTMJob No ri Owner Job No.: o .1 Ci2soa Job Locatio ,5„L.:aQIapo 5anra barhan a and 55,55155,CruzCounties,LA Description of Work:Modifr,signalsinstall countdown and accessible seGestrar.signoIs Owner C..h rrs Contact:[ pjennsiren Address,c05* Presi. rLace.Ste LSanta Mans,Ca. . ._ . Telephone --w, r„si --511 L .I IJ;anl t. n<r..,tc:gov Contract Date:Maw 201, Completed Date: April.2017 Contract Valu s l,Jac.92c 0o End Value: s 1112.94-.27 FTM Joh No: 1715-19QwnerJobNo. Job Location, CA Description of Work: Lghrng I:»pro.ements at AlAmercar.Pak Owner Ctt1 of f'_,r.,moaPt Contact: 5= =h 11c. Address: I5500Downey/Age_ Para:nounCAgo-23 Teleplione,502220.21 na raxsc2220.2105 Lmail: sho>paramour.r_mg_com Contract Date.April,201 s Completed Date.March,201- Contract Value:Sr °911.00 Lod Value:55l95,65900 Page 3 of 4 DTM General Eneineerine Senices,Inc. Jcbs References 1C1J FTMJob No.P15-2oOwnerJo6No. 5P-y;I Job Location:OangeCA Description of Wok Tuft F_rbrarj s;1C Station F3 rider Optic Cabe h_aall.atio,,Project Owner,Cit or Oango Contact: Matthew l :reaeen Address: 503 r.(Ji;p:, ,A.eOrange,Ca,23do Telephoo 71e 71-1 s sse: rax 7 147rr3,75 Email, niloreczencdtyd o com Contract Date. Ap'',$01 tt Completed Date:December,zo I E Contract Value,5216,E 12.00 End Value:s2130+240 FTM Job No:P's-21 Owner Job No.:0--_. ,-zo+ Jo6 Location,!_:inward-Paramount,CA Description ofWork:YorConstruction on,5rt hi igiiiwuri in Loa Angeles Ct. ir, Lpnw anclPnr-imo,ntatRoute 0 5cpa Owner:C,Itr.,ns Contact,F dsar Herrera Address, 187$05.Wilmington A.e Ste. 1,s , Rancho poringuez,Ca 90220 Telephone 3 10 700 02c+eat.z,1 Fax Email,cdpi,urkerrers dotca go, Contract Date, 5e:'tem6er.2013 Completed Date, progreiii re Contract Value $3. 4D0 End Value:]n Frogress FTM Job No,F s-22 Ownerjob No.'N/A Job Location,Rollins.hills.CA Description of Wok,-I rdf Sg„l Modificrition on PalosVerdes Dr.N.rir Rolling hills Kai./P rtgeese bend Kd. Owner,Gey of Kra hells Contact,Ms-Hope No6r. Address: 4:241k Pales VerdesD .N. Kodins h ,Ear.,tes,C: '0 Telephone.x 103 1,7;if x1 '.07 Fax a10777 4osLm ftecerparollirttatesisieca.cat Contract Date: Jd.�.201 e Completed Date: ,:6,.20) Contract Value, $ a=,scam End Value_ 5,50 el FTMJobNo:P1s_23OwnerJobNo 2016-0t-INJobLocation, (* emortCA Description of WorkTafr Sr.=1 Medan Bon at base Line Koad and Monte Vesta Aisne Owners C�t,t„t Cl:,re�„c,� t Comet Mr.Vance Rar ora Address. 207 Harvard A.e.Ca:en,.tit,CA=1- Contact Date: z0.n Completed Date: March,2016 Contract Value:x'.;.00;.00 End Value,517.03."30 FTM Job No:F I -z4 OwnerJob No- TS-1332 Job Location ,ndio CA Description of \'ork; Jefferson. 5trcrlatDunb_arDr.,eTal cSgnal Owner:Om{of Ino o Contact: Eric Wreck Address, ioO C✓ic Ce-:ter Mall,',ndio,CA 022231 Telephone: 7 nao 25.1373 rex:700St"1-c'20 Emath ea ecks:andooar, Contract Date,May.201c Completed Date:Decer,ber.2a 1 Contact Value,s_$1,15200 End Value:52¢,02200 Page 4 of 4 rT,4t General rnaineerina Sersices, Inc. Jcbs references 1(14 PTMJob No:F14-0. Owner Job No-SFr C2os Job Location: Malik.. CA Description of Work Rte. I Frec Coast hgk,.ay Intersection Improvements Owner City of Malibn Contac:Mr Arthur Ah:dj:idi;:,,: Address:2)3 25 Start Ranh Road City/State:Malibu.CA Telephone:1,310(!4.3b-2489 Fax No..(51$5 17-0.950 Contract Date: February:2O15 Completed Date:August.2019. Contract Value:51+5,0400 End Value:s203,s5'-51 FTM Job Noir yob OwnerJob No. n_Ai 522 EA 12-0Nio14 Job Location: rtinting.onbrach.CA Description of Work:Mame Section of Existing Median island and Reconstruct Median..Nose at Rte 59at Chrysler Owner- ayslerOwner-Department of-I ransportation Contact:Mr.Dank-Fka:,FL Address: i 727=o`"5treet City/State:5arr.an ergo,CA°591 r Telephone: Email:dank tnai@dotca-go, Contract Date: Ferri Jr:1,2014 Completed Date: December:2014 Contract Value:s .5 ma 00 End Value:355 555 ,e FTM JobNo:1 'eras OwnerJobNo-9960 Job Location: SanMarro.CA Description of Work:Trailer Calming Molter at Cak Knoll 3,Monterey Road. Owner:Cmy of San Margo Contact Mr.Chuck Rickey.Froject,Man_ager Address:2100 lirI on prise Cay/State:SanMa n,,CIA 9 '03 Telephone: - 5 Fax No- ,u_c'700-0709 Email t1 fsanmannoorg Contract Date: March.:0 Completed Date: December,2019 Conk Value:sozsvea0 End Value.s=s ?s.=f FTM Job No:P14-07 OwnerJobNo.!CIF }z02.5idNo 3-100c bob Location: Inint,CIA Description of Work:Northbound.On-Ramo Taffic.fYgnals In ro.rmert at Warner Ate.s.Jamboree Rd. Owner Cit; o:Inge Contact:Mr DarrelU hanma, Address:One C:tao Center Dste City/State,Inane.CAMc.eb Telephone, p 4._ -&000 Fax No-i'4p,. t . . >r Lma� k ct�n.�ue ca us Contract Date: Apr 2019 Completed Date: lose t0is Contract Value:s- .004-00 End Value.s-r5s,oc4.-kb FTM Job No:F14 0.4 Owner job No -.43s9:5R=5L-so70 io2e5 Job Location: romona.CA Description of Wok-Taft t,1 dfr,ruu:l I . ser:nfrun C:aey to N'h�te Ave. Owner:Cay of Pomona Contact:Mr. Kon Ckan.FE Address:50s 5-Corey Ave.City/State:Pomo a,CA917d9 Telephone:(a091O 0-2-d I Fa,No- So$)620-2 2e9 Emal6 Ronld_chanccrpomoma ca U5 Contract Date: M::rcb 2019 Completed Date: October.2015 Contract Value 55,71,209 03 End Value:557 _ Page 1 of 4 FIM Central Eneineerine services, Inc. Jchs references 2C14 FTM Job No:Pl4an OwnerJob No-415-77371 Job Location: Murrieta,CA Description of Work Pedestrian Safety F nkanccn,ent Proton Pk:„„II Owner cot,,of Mui eta Contact:Mr bean 5tep.,enson,PE Address: l Town Center5quare City/State:Mr r„er.:CA925r2 Telephone: 951)561-dO70 fax No. J09)1- -6049 Email,bsr phensora@mur,eta.ors Contract Date: April,2014 Completed Date: Ortohea,2014 Contract Values 15..S71.00 End Value:s l 57.27r-25 FTM Job No:F14-a: QwnerJobNo_-- i 742 Job Location: Qrange.C1 Description of Work:Drainage and 5trect Improvement at Vista Kedge Dove. Qwnen City of Orange Contact:Mr Matthew Lorenzen,Project Manager Address:500 F Chap ar City/State:Orange.CA 92S Telephone: +), .+-55 +F.No. 1+524--i 7 5 Email nccityoioange org Contract Date: 201+ Completed Date: Sept 2014 Contract Value:s 1 O;15,.00 End Value-s 100,e FTMJob No:F14-03 Owner job No,.C4-0o55 J06Location: County0fK6e,ide.Cq Description 4 Work,Traffic 5s.] ghtirg rroject 5-,the C orimunita of r rerck Malie2,brgg5 Kd onbeardKid . Owner Co int,o4 Rivers'/ Contact:MrJod).menez,[rolect Manager Address:5525 14"Street Cit3/5tate Kniers,de.CA 9 z5o4 Telephone: '51%951-1577 Fax No-(9517955-51 e4 Lmarl inimencz65,tima-ore Contract Date: April,2014 Completed Date: Feb,2015 Contract Value: l'9.17-40 End Value:5l-9,17231 [TMJo6 No:F l-_Oa Qwner job No C: [roje, No. 15-20 Job Location: C:o,t_,Mea,.CA Description of Wok:Illi-mnated Crosswalk Protect Placentia Ave.at 2o7,5t. Owner Ctrl of Costa Mesa Contact:MrThom s 5anLs,FL Address: :FaeDrive Ct.✓State, Cst.1Me5,:(.A--re 25 Telephone: 5— e 53Fax No 4)r. 1 ,025 Email tom barY2sc5co5-tame,a55go, Contract Date: lime,2019 Completed Date: In Fro_,ress Contract Value:5]5O,,9O.O0 End Value:51397,5-sr FTM Job No:D9-1 QwnerJob No:Cita F:oiect No 15-15.Fede rat Fr.,jeri N.:-Hb[[ ,512(o$5t Job Location: Costa Me_,,CA Description of Wok:Taific 535a1 Modifcrtion Sun Mower Ave it An,.,n bl.d. Qwnen Ct,l of Costa Mesa Contact:Mr Iho-la-e-harks FT Address: Fa:-Drove C1ty/5tate: Costa Mesa.CA 92o25 Telephone:2I+)?54-55.5Fax No. ,7Email:tar an costan.esa-a-goy Contract Date: Mai,z0:4 Completed Date: Jr prg s ContractValue 52 5,525.00 Lnd Value:s2,c,coo.00 Page 2 of 4 CTM General Fneineerine Services, Inc. Jobs references 2C14 'TM Job No:i :9_iz QwneriobNo=3-K-it Job Location: [ a llzbra.CA Description of Work:Annual Sidewalk and Wheelchair lap e:-entriasectatVano sLocaeo,- Owner:CNiofLahabeContact:Mr.ChristopherJohnsen,ProiectManager Address'201 Ii. bra Drre City/State: La habra,CA goo 5 Telephone:is-'5e3-41 e I Fax No ,,42)385-44-e Email.engineenngcahabraca so, s Contract Date: May201. Completed Date: December,20I s ContractValues i 82,353.00 End Value 5:82382 do FTM Job No:P 1 4-I 3 Owner Job No. None Job Location: 5tanton,CA Description of Work,Trsfd=5igr.al:mpro,emem_at[ cod:Pjkd. CmDi Owner.C.tq of5tanr n Contact:Ms Stec-Nan e Camorlinpa,tog-Assr. Adore r3330.03 Kate la A,e .ue City/State: Stanton.CA autoso Telephone:,7 i 4's 304201 rax N r0-:41-3Emat6ccampilii parsci stanton._tus Contract Date: Ju-e.20]4 Completed Date: hrnooeas ContractValue:sieasss03 End Value $44o,lee24 PTMJobNo:Vi*-i* OwnerJobNo-ProlectNo- n_35*CIP5138 Job Location: Murrieta.CA Description of Wok Taffic,5gnal In=r:llanon at Alta Mo: etas Whitewood. OwnerCitaofMumiet= Contact:Mr.brianStephenson,PL_ Address: iTown Center e City/State.Mameta.CA925s2 Telephone.Pta H-)1507o Fax No. „00)4 i- 1 Email keirekenieeinnumcta.org Contract Date: August,2011 Completed Date,June1.$1 5 Contract Value:acts 05 100 End Value:514e 911.J3 FTM Job No:Pi4-i> OwnerJobNo,.CM +-3,, Jo6Location: AlhambraCA Desc„ptionof\NorkTafflc 5bind andhigh a4.'5afct: ighting5ysrew. t( rei&A.ee I lmaecbur Lebl'ay. Owner:Cry of Alkambra Contact:Ms-Amanda Lite: Address: i i i South rirst5treet City/State.Alhambra,CA$2rFI Telephone:;62)'573-532 Fan No.r;r zo)4=8-4201 Email:aeitd@dtyofalkambra.org Contract Date. dui.J.2014 Completed Date: May 2015 Contract Value:5: ... .?.03 End Value:$ o5,7103 PTM Job No: OwnerJob No-2124,Ledea'.No-hi5:PL-s35i02-ir Job Location, Pico K,err.CA Description of Work:Traffic 5igral Sa(ery$1115 511$1t$ Qwner(33.t ricc F5ea Contact:Mr-JoseLoea Address co s Paso sENi,d City/5tate:r co Kuc C. 0250) Telephone: . 0301-43 eJ Tax No ciarmi mracme Email C,p Contract Date: lint/3103i Completed Date: Aug st1014 ContactValue:bi,99',>:o.6s End Value:sivic.gioos Page 3 of 4 PIM General Enoineerine%entces.Inc. Jobs references 2014 FTM Job No,el-I-17 OwnerjobNo I+-04. Job Location, Mor err,V.aue„�CA Description of Wade MaL Stop Cnhaneements Project n Moreno Valle,. Owner,KS'ersHe T :Auer, ,R FA)Contact,Mr And. r,0 St Address: 1525 Tk�,d 5L City/State:Rraerside.CIA 52.507 Telephone. nal'Pe -s 150Fax No 1a5 I n. iI,fI Emailcr,sotto,emld t-rsc_cum Contact Date: September.zoi 4 Completed Date, August.zoi<. Contact Value:s5-Lmr,s2oo End Value, FTM Job No;rI4- e OwnerJobNo .2 ;_58070 Job Location: Porona,CA Desception of Wok Traffic5ignal Poles Kulocaeor.ut Faaple'.Drve. Owner:C o-t)of Pomona Contact,Mr Ron Chan,PE Address,♦055G.neaAve.Ci /5tate:Pomona,CAci-n„ Telephone, ..$2.0-zzr I Fax No. ,'05520-255°Email R of_clmusrac.r011inma.cs.u, Contract Date: No.eeber.23i Completed Date: April zoic Contract Value,Isss4-w End Value.seas 54.00 Page 4 of 4 rTM General Eneineerine Services, Inc Jobs references 2013 FTM Job No:P1s101 OwnerJobNo:Ca-0151 Job Location:Tbn:is.,noralm,,CA Description of Work:Taff 5 g : I and isktiast Froleta C K Cin1073 Road zr Monterrey Abea.ycma Del Sot Owner.Curt()of Kiverside Contact:Mr Joel fmc c3/5 caerl Manager Address: }s_a /4",rant Ct9/5tate:KI,cr rile.LA 92531 Telephone:(95 I)992-d980 Fax No. .5 11 9 5 5-3 464 limrez@rtlma ors Contract Date:April.m l5 Completed Date: December,2315 Contract Value:5244.021.00 End Value:5236,45 i.70 FTM Job No:Pls102 OwnerJobNo-41083 J06 Location:RedIon(4e.CIA Description of Wok:Pedestrian 5afetpl kora,ements at Redlands.Cope ry MckinL,. Owner:Cita of l edL rids Contact:Mr loco" Montgon er y,rfL Address:55 Cajon 5t State 4 CitY5tate:Red.::nds.CA t):-.57': Telephone:( o . 8.7584 L.xt5 Fax No 1 a -p-oE, Lir:urtgc Hci:ayofred.ndsor.; Contact Date: Ap 1,2015 Completed Date: October.201 n Contract Value:559„'do End Value. Si 0.780-se PTMjob No:Pl5-a, Owner)obNo.:Contract No. IzAla;s J06Location:'Orange Co:,rt ,C.A Description of Work blogdiele Traffic Sgnals and Related Fl arical Com ,tints at bolsaCState Koad. Owner:Department ofTronsportat:on Contact Mr Dahn Tb:/Fr Address: 1327 535 Street Cty/5tate:5acamento,CA en I sn Telephone: I el 217-0000 Fax No.: 1e ,_g I5.EmaI nrit6au�dot.cn.for Contract Date Feb:a r:e.2015 Completed Date: December,2014 Contract Value:5:s±.554OS) End Value: $154 38* "8 PTMJo6No:F15a4 OwnerJobNO- None Job Location:lnryewood,CA Description of Wok: -Taff 5: of cN o:I ion resect at C -.56aw bk tb I o4"St Owner:Ct4 of Inglewood Contact: Mr.Alan Mai.FL Address:One Mane6esterFjl,d.City/5tateingle: o d,CAp0'35 Telepkon Obi 12 =5 arax No ,x - o5 ._,--Email L-fior ir,slewood Contract Date: Ap 11, 201 sCompleted Date: Ir rrogrcsa Contract Value:s l o4,ojo o0 End Value.51e 138^.15 'TM Job No:r 5-02 OwnerJo6No 9122 Job Location: Garden Coate.CA Description of Wok:Tn iLc 5ignal installation and Mo-'f cat ons at Various Location„ Owner Cay of Carder Coo%c Contact:Mr Mr Da:C. Vu.PL Address: I 1222 AcaciaFork,.o:I City/5tate:Cor der.Grose C;A,zs4o Telephone: 19)04 - Fax No. ;,1)711-s,78E_mal c .garde c.cas Contract Date: Ma-c6. 2013 Completed Date: Dee ember La is Contract Value$$75,7°8 00 E_nd Value:5525.29500 Page 1 of 7 DTM General Eneineerine Services._ Inc. Jobs References 2C13 FTM Job No:F15-oc QwnerJobNo 418-:354'1 recIerb Foiled k_ 1151PI_-5 0;015. Job Location: Fomona,CA Description of Work Intersection Keeonf;gurator rr Momor51_,>Or:die. Qwnen Ott,of Pomona Contact Mr Ati plandau.FE Address CDS SoutkCarey Ave City/StateFontana:CA9 I;us: Telephone:(905'',e 20-7.2.r rax Na.:;9oP)ra0-2L 5 EmaEl:,dmocmyofpomora.com Contract Date: Mat,:101i Completed Date: December.2015 Contract Value:511239200 End Value:s 122 On 1.00 FTM Job No:r 5-o7 Owner Job No-fioa5 Job Location: rlocenti,,CA Description of Wok Inter sectron Imp:o,criers Fiord st Rose Dr olio:b.L,d.:. Owner:CityofPlacentia Contact:Mr.MichaelM_Coraha Address:40 L r-CI,:::.::::,a Cty/SatezFlcccne,.CA"as;o Telepbon ,14•eg3-e 1 1 r F-ax No 1415 tc40 Em::1 { -t ..rondo. . t�a.o:g Contract Date: Apel.2017 Completed Date: December.2015 Contract Value:s i 14533 e End Value: $114,533 43 FTM Job No:F13-0e OwnerJobNo.:C.5-o'oa Job Location: Vernon.C A Description of Work Pedestrian Countdown Head KepL,cement Project Owner:Ctyof\e.roc Contact:Mr Samuelwlson Address:4305 Sana N Avenue City/5ate:Ve nu4 CAPoops Telephone: .S 553-8811 Exc 21 s PaxN 3231'244 955 EmaIkw:lso .e:nor_ca..:e Contract Date: May.2013 Completed Date: Jan any.so l4 Contract Value:sss.11,-30 End Value: 554.110.9 FTM Job No:r 7-0' OwnerJob No_ 12-d7do:Feder::Fro_jer= No-HSIFL-3or3i14i` Job Location: 5-ruts Ana.CA Description of Work: ,5, ,nI Modr -:eonst Ms -,dden oic Lyon. Owner:Ctl of Sana Ara Contact:Mr Edw.::d Tones.Assre:nt Cn, m.eer Address:23O,icCerr'Flaza City/5ate:Santa Ana.LA_270: Telephone.:'14)647-5fso Fax No 1.1 ,;-4 s0 s Email ctoreescssants-ana org Contract Date: .May,2015 Completed Date: Jilts 2014 Contract Value:s 285410 00 End Value:srsn,3`s_oo FTM Job No,r: 5-:0 QwnerJobNo.CIF+sit s Job Location: Hemet CA Description of Wok:Safe Ko o-ec to Schots Fcnject Qwnen Cit.,of Hemet Contact: Mr Steve Latino,PE Address 445 ifs `lends A,e sue City/Sate:Hemet.CA'_545 Telephone.951`Tf5-2545 f=ax No: ,r^14' 44-2540 frmail:Slatinoc$clryofhcn:el org Contact Date: Sect_2314 Completed Date: No ember,2014 Contact Value:s9, . ..5o End Value:s9 'o Page 2 of 7 11)134 Ceneral Fneineerine Services. Inc. Cc Ps Reterences 2C13 PTM Job No,ria_, 1 Owner Job No.None Job Location,. Kr,.dr.CA Description of Work:Trdfr5gnaland Ligtgrrolectalnico 1Zd.cAI n.er. MeadValley. Ownen Cu it,of Rrerr sde City of Contact. Mr_loci Jimenez Prosect Managed Address:5'2s 14'1-5t City/5tate Rsverrde,CA 9 modt Telephone. s 1. nsi-6730 Fax Noa. s i -5-544 Email:It ors Contract Date: December,2015 Completed Date: Ju_y,20w Contract Value s554ssb.00 Lnd Value: sj2gI21 +7 PTMJob No:F15-15 Owner J.6No-F_SFI_sr'sick,Location: RoaemeadCA Description of Work Intersect,or.Inproacment Projects at f Mir on rn San Gabriel. Owner:Coy of Rosemead Contact:Mr Rafael Fajardo..rL Address-38;S L Valley gkd_ City/5tate Roseme d,CA91--0 Telephone lo 55-tt 1103 rax No..e 2030, 1 S[.math org Contract Date Mag 0015 Completed Date: December 23.5 Contract Value,5132 0Le r0 Lnd Value Jess-;42 so VTM Job No:r is-u - Ownerio6No•Contract No.o7A5z1 .074T1:9J4t Job Location:Los Angeles,CA Description of Wok: Eject-rick Owner Department ofTrar,po,tat;oeContact:Mr la,ierCaucmun,PL Address: 13 a:53d'5treet City/State. Sacramento.CA so Telephone ; i$ 22 -0003 Fax Na..;a 10Jzz,-els"Lmatl:omit:bg nano, gmad nom Contract Date: June 2315 Completed Date: March.201 ', Contract Value:J'-35171.03 Lnd Value 5 I p^soso,• PTMJob No.F15 QwnerJobNo:Connect No-o7At10c ,07+loa0 Joh Location: i o_nAngeies.C\ Description of Work F leet;cal highway L',htirg Own rDcp..cr ens of Tr.rmportation Contact;Mr M.ke l arc,o ,,P[ Address: r_;}0"5'treet City/5tate.5ac(-.erto,(.A ' so Telephone yre 559.1 03 [xt 1 I n rax No t I o2z7-o 5 4, Lnrel MILC fcrdounccdotca fou Contract Date lure 2014 Completed Date: Jan.2011 Contract Value: 'Lc 000 oo rind Value: 52b00330 IJTMJob No;F)r-1,c OwnerJobNo. Tedea:rlfreleciNah51PL-95eo(o,2) Job Location. L'wndale CA Description of Work:Work:I-tall,57 0551 Mort tat 0 on at beack - Firmona Ave. Qwnen City of Lawndale Contact:Mr.Miguel Aannes,FL Address, l4- Esti n :Venue Crty/Statei,a‘Anclale,CA 902o3 Telephone: 51 t375-526 rax No ,7'.o 644.'a EmailI:nwnd:ld ij.or; i Contract Date: June,2015 Completed Date. May.2014 Contract Values 100.993.03 Lnd Value s I no cc° n Page 3 of 7 GTN General Engineering Services, Inc. Jobs References 1C13 FTM Job No:r a-1: QwnerJob No. None Job Location: Duarte,CA Description of Wok: -dr fflc Signal and Interrerton Improvements Fr-alert at h anongton Dr_at Pop=Kd. Ower:City of Duette Contact:MrKaiaelCan,aasrr Address: 160°hu-trngr n Drive City/Sar Dua:rer CA 91010 Telephone b57-,79a I Fax No_ 6zd se-oois El mat rcasillaskaacceseduartecom Contract Date: June.2015 Completed Date: Mac),z0w Contract Value:5.7 670 00 End Value: $s i a,c,6.9 PTMJo6No:F1a-is Owner-Job No- 1t-3r,;.CIFNO-s^ao JobLocataM1 Murceta,CA Description of Work: Kectangular hashing[Seddon installation at Nutmeg 5t.a,d 5t.Kalph Dr. Owner:Celt of Murneta Contact: Mr gran Stephenson.FF_ Address: I Town poste C,ty/5tate:Mumeta.CA 92s 2 Teephon 's'Soa.Lists F•c n 2 Fax No sI) or.z21-e9 Email:ID.:tetHensoriOniinneta.,rg Contact Date: August,201 t Completed Dar. March,2011 Contract Value:saoa as ao End Value: SMO 03 FTMJobNo:F1'el 9 QwncrJob No.-None Job Location:Kiverside,CA Description of Work bus Shelter Project at Fast Vale and Mead Va)ey. Owner:K,ver$udeT-nst,kir,encyContact:Mr.Andrew i ro..t,ProjectManager Address: 1 add Tk,rd Street Cit /State:Kn'ersie,CA pza 17 Telephone: a5 I)515-Soo Fax No 35 I) .i;-5001 Email _tOrMersd eansitcom Contract Date, Ju, ,201 t Completed Date: Norenber,2019 Contract Value:5 no 45r 30 End Value: Eno.1 00 FTM Job No:Ili a-2o Owner Job No-;,a Job Location, Nrsal'e-C1 Description of Wok:Fedess;an C rasa/mg Impro,ements at Kosecac,/Ave.at Crosad.,lC Ane. Owner,Cita)of Norwalk Contact,Mr Kandy Froject Manager Address: I 2700 Ni alk blvel.C1ty/5tate:No ,:ilt CA Sof±1 Telephone: )0- -p-00 Fax No :77Fr aillmumWrormaILca Contract Date: )ul.1,ars t Completed Date: Dhestre:.201 Contract Value:s:oa<soo End Value: 54o.*s co FTM Job Norri -I OwnerJobNo-p1114 Job Location: Oange,CA Description of Wok:Sale Koutes to 5chool at Monroe5t Ownen Cty of FlaCerea Contact:Mr Mahae:McCon.aha,Frojecr Manager Address,?o1 F_ Chapman Aim City/5t.te:Fl:ncentia,CA 9 zs;o Telephone,l: I 7Mt-si;1 Fax No Jlbtn o4OLn. ,: _tation0p,.cenna.erg Contract DateJuly,2011 Completed DateDecenber 23! Contract Value,see,ba9.00 End Value: size 32'.00 Page 4 of 7