TC - Item 3A - Installation of Red Curb - 3652 Earle Avenue Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 7 of 18 4 ‘411:---7-4 . c ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION dap(t.'4\---.., STAFF REPORT WirtV‘it'ofvosano 014 uu TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: MICHELLE G.RAMIREZ,DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: May 3,2018 SUB.IN,CT: INSTALLATION OF RED CURB—3652 EARLE AVENUE SUMMARY The Traffic Commission has received a request from a resident who lives at 3652 Earle Avenue for the installation of red curbing on each side of her driveway apron. The resident's complaint describes a lack of visibility due to vehicles parking along the curb, in front of her residence, obstructing the view of oncoming traffic,which creates a hazardous condition for her and her family members to reverse out of the driveway. The curb in front of the resident's property north of her driveway is approximately 37-feet in length and approximately 33-feet in length south of her driveway. This arca would accommodate two parking spaces of 18-feet in length on the north side and one parking space of I8-feet in length on the south side,which is the minimum length for a parking space established in Standard Plans issued by the California Department of Transportation(Caltrans). STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Traffic Commission pn)posc to the City Council that the wings of the driveway apron,along with au additional I-foot on each side of the curb,be painted red at 3652 Earle Avenue. ANALYSIS The resident at 3652 Earle Avenue has expressed a concern that vehicles are parking too close to her . driveway apron,blocking the view of oncoming traffic,which makes it difficult for her and her family members to reverse out of the driveway. Earle Avenue is a residential,single-family neighborhood. Parking is permitted on both sides of the street and currently is unrestricted with the exception of certain hours every week for street sweeping. Staff • conducted a site visit and determined that the curb north of the property driveway apron is approximately 37-feet in length and the curb south of the property driveway apron is approximately 33-feet in length. By installing a red curb on the wings of the driveway apron,plus an additional 1-foot on each side of the curb,accessibility and sight issues will be mitigated without any significant parking implications. • Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 8 of 18 Trefic Commission Meeting May 3,2018 Page 2 of PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process,us well as notification to 41 property owners located within a 300-foot radius of the subject property. Prepared Hy: Submitted By: Dittitiate Rafael M.Fajardo,P.E. Michelle U.Ramirez City Engineer Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Resident's Request 2. Vicinity Map 3. Proposed Red Curb • 4. Public Notification • • Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 9 of 18 Traffic Conuniasion Meeting May 3,2018 Page 3 of 6 Attachment I Resident's Request Pat Pitt ems: 1 nereza Santa Sent: iaaday.Want.1.12C199.12 P?' To: Pat Watt Tall: ted c,h trrga.d Attrdrm.au: AIG_O hdlg ode 00474w ate octziva naG 01:179os tklln 1'at, I live 01652 Fmk Avenue Yin writiog to request s rel curb.1p tilkally,that it few kit lappos}fl;of tl:e rub CAI each side acme a'uhnway 1•e pointed red. • TN;riluntion is that:Imre use uevclyd lwuassox ow slrecl thel ac meting warn 11r4Lbl hose multiple cnotiile* living In one here;tad every ado t hu a cat lurked tot the On*.hal to nes woutple,to the light of us theses ale 6 tan and In No tet 1lsare ore 6 mese.Tires*12 ears t ehNlg M only 7 Mase.. As gnu eves Coe tr.,thoy till try ur .cpaar:inti tiny spat:of club ret,Unit Io...csa!tnd they ow find Which means they costatiucnly'rusk too el sy into or Ity4sily bleekingeax discway;mhklos it vtxy ddlkeult of im:possible ft:eo to exit ow droeway.Add to that th ]lattawaga Of OU::t oat IOd ifs on tcaident wailing to h:p{r; +`f 1hecab in(raniofout hewer IsInr•f{enough for 2cats mpttlhwcortthe2dtivOvifn.buttMitrotds:aero for e.uv hogs:OA the blush.4alk ecigltburt r.:arh axle love shoran sub Icugtla in fad albeit isuusci,lir! sill park 2 an dire even if they me rsttispy Mocking a driteway.At ttighd.ucs><rd dshawayr are catnpietely booked mut to my Las are;been a:Lend. People ore Ihittlting this is nkey. I can't mar fur the wiwle sheet, buil weal it small mess ua such:aide of my thivvway waned nd. • I have tried to adisats the(sere my toil by Icavirg now rat care.asking il•s nsigrba.is perms;and uIil parking comsat. I Axes rot form.asvrtuW.Mist wei1jthw,just(brit ran:mod last lytxr.d roe Store kyr lora n»ly motes ingot:.It's own Nader with viai:xa tntaus these f 7 res way to katow what]togas they me al Ws a doily Isal:ktm fu as rrakia5 awe that wiwesrt beaks near(till drirevnty keret us eon-0h specs to get uW.. if Ire curb is ruined ted,hnpchtl ly people wall net Rel.in this I have stuclr;d F0010 pic.lurtt to toil avail so you can sae what wst'w ceprsimins wilt the perking and wise seemr es cloud stubs from tic ht IArsnaad Tike pm nyxalun}t. 1tndt you for your help! !levels, then st Fnm:ll Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 10 of 18 Traffic C'ommi.%imi MceUng May 3,20l tt Page 4 of Attachment] -Continued Resident's Request .1' • • Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 11 of 18 • Traffic Cnnmiission Meeting May t,201K Page 5 of? Attachment 2 Vicinity Map - w . , 1 LEGEND 1' `. • —, Approximately �' 37-feet of curb iir :, - f ,.1 to the north 4 ' . ii 1.i and 33-feet of . 1 "_ curb to the r I , south of the - { -,"~ driveway • ` approach r .1 1EN r • d 16 ILIt, _ . \, . • it I !!1 NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMk Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 12 of 18 Traffic Commission Meeting May 3,2018 Page 6 of 7 ^-- Attachment 3 l'roposed Red Curb ,_.,..., ,,, , , , kr.,.. , ., lk c ,v.I' 9tiFY1� ; t i *. i1:i y -r _ r - 6111111110 liimmm YmM 1. LEGEND ENNIENFI. Red curb painted on the wings of each side of the approach plus an additional 1-foot Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 13 of 18 Traffic Commission Mooting May 3,2018 Page of 7 Attachment 4 City of Rosemead 'Traffic Commission Public Notification VOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday,May 3.2018,at the hour of 7:00 p.m.,or soon thereafter as the mutter may be heanl,the Rosernead . ['raffle Commission will Iwld a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall,8838 F.Valley Boulevard.Rosemead,California 91770,fot he purpose of reviewing the possible installation of parking restrictions(red curbing)on the north and south side of the driveway apron at 3652 arle Avenue. The City received a request front n resident that vehicles parked along the curb on the north and smith side of the driveway at 3652 Lark Avenue block the view of oncoming traffic for vehicles attempting to exit the premises. (on arc being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding raffle safety in this arra. Citizens'wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Triflic Commission meeting,or by sending a comment cuter by 5:00 p.m.on Thursday,May 3,2018. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rusemeed,California 91770 Attention: Mrs.Michelle Ramirez,Director of Public Works Written comments may he mailed to the above address,emailed to tui antirvi vitytslioscinead urg,or faxed to(626)307-9218. Again,only letters eccived by 5:00 p.m.on Thursday,May 3,2018,will be atzepted. We appreciate your concern fur Willie safety in the City of Rosemead. Should 'ou have any questions regarding this letter,please contact the City Engineer,Rafael Fajardo,at(026)569-2151 For information please call: Para ohtcncr mels informacihn,favor do Hamar al: -'#tr. q 13 bit them chi nil,sin got: 626.569.2150 Proposed Red Curbing 3652 Earle Avenue • _ •l.. If — �. � 4 a•m. Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 14 of 18 Attachment 5 Traffic Commission Comment Letters Received May 3, 2018 May 1,2018 Mrs.Michelle Ramirer.Director of Public Works City of Rosemead•Public Works Department 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead,CA 91770 VIA:U.S.Mail and Electronic Mail at:mrumircntheilyofroscmcad.org Re: Response to Proposed Red Curbing at 3652 Earle Avenue,Rosemead Dear Mrs.Ramirez I'm writing in response to the public notice that I received regarding a proposal to red paint a curb located at 3652 Earle Avenue.Rosemead. I have a few concerns regarding the red curbing proposal and feel that this request may be unnecessary for the neighborhood and affect the overall characteristics. The proposed curb is dimity in front of my residence as I reside on the south side of the red curb request. The street has minimal traffic passing through(mostly residential traffic)and there is ample viewing range when I pull iniuut of my driveway every day for the past 31 years that I've lived here. I've never experienced any issues with checking for passing traffic or pedestrians during this period. 1 cannot sec any rational reason for this section(2 feet of red striping)of the shoed to be necessary for traffic and public safety. Visibility and clearance near the driveway has never been an issue along this small portion of driveway space at this location,nor has it been a safety issue. A bright red painted cath with only idled the charm of our beautiful residential neighborhood which is not consistent with the surrounding neighborhoods. I feel that Earle Avenue is a safe street for the public and its'residents. In addition.there has NEVER been c history or a ducumentcd case in which this request call he supposed. We do NOT require any changes tea our street or curbs. I hope the City decides NOT to paint the curb red and preserve the streets of this town. Thank you for your time and for listening to this longtime Rosemead resident Respectfully, Cindy Diephuynh chlicrliv.h,4111311 626.542-5027 Eitel. Photos on Earle Avenue,Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 15 of 18 Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 16 of 18 • 1 • 4 • . A A` T -wode , • 1; II AIL Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 17 of 18 Michelle Ramirez rorp: Michelle Ramirez Sent: Thursday,May 03,2018 9:59 AM To: 'DJ' Cc: Rafael Fajardo;Pat Piatt(ppiattr_?cityofrosemead.org);Silvia Llamas Subject: RE:Traffic Commission-Rosemead Good Morning DJ - Thank you for providing the requested information Your below email will be presented to the Traffic Commission this evening (May 3r°)and made part of the City's official record. If you have any further comments and/or questions, please feel free to contact me. Have a great day. Michelle G. Ramirez. Director of Public Works 2 626.569.2158 ' 626307.9218 te4 uiprnllf l,.s iI,UIT .-all'-a'l.nl}' 1r 0 E AD 4:813 I: V':Illc,nhd. nsemead.C.%91770 PLEASE FOLLOW US ON: Fl 1_ in r ■ From:DJ lmailto:djcrew07@yahoo.com) Sent:Thursday,May 03,2018 8:57 AM To:Michelle Ramirez<mramirez@cityofrosemead.org> Subject:Re:Traffic Commission-Rosemead 3652 Earle Ave On May 3.2018,at 5:21 AM. Michelle Ramirez<mramitczacihulioxn1e)J.4n1=>wrote: • Good Morning DJ- Thank you for your below email. In order for me to include this in tonight's meeting I need to know the item(street address)that you are against. Please let me know. Thanks' Michelle 1 Traffic Commission Meeting June 7,2018 Page 18of18 • Get re itlook for Android From DJ Sent: Thursday, May 3, 12:58 AM Subject.Traffic Commission-Rosemead To: Michelle Ramirez Hello, If this resident is complaining of vehicles parking too close to their driveway and wants red curbing,then everyone in the city of Rosemead should have one to be fair. I'm sure other residents have experienced it, but not to the extent to make it this big of a deal. If you evaluate and measure the length from one residents driveway curb to another and take into consideration the maximum length of a vehicle,then you can see that red curbing this resident will no longer allow 2 vehicles to be parked in between each driveway curb.Their neighbors to their right and left will have their own driveway blocked because the red curb has pushed vehicles down their way. This will affect parking for the whole street and crowding other residents home and curbs. I have been in this area for years and there has been no incident or issues of traffic safety in this area, nor has anyone parked too close or blocked the view of oncoming traffic for anyone, If so, I would have made a complaint. but everyone is considerate of everyone's space and usually parks on the street in front of their own home when possible. However,this particular resident has claimed to own the street in front of their home and does not allow anyone to park in front of their home other than the brown pick up truck which if you drive by daily and investigate,will see that;t s 100%always in the same spot because they have made it clear to residents around them that they cannot park there and it is reserved for that vehicle. You can even ask nearby neighbors about this resident and their true thoughts. If the city and public safety department keeps records of emails, complaints and calls,then I'm sure you will be able to pull up records of how many times this particular resident has made a complaint about everything and anything even when it's not even true or wanting something to be done lust because they have nothing else better to do. Please drive by yourself and investigate and you can see that no one parks too close or along their curb to block the view of oncoming traffic.Also,how is their view blocked when exiting their driveway?Just because a vehicle is parked on the street that isn't their vehicle?That still doesn't make sense.As they leave their driveway,whether driving straight out or reversing out,they would see the front of another vehicle and the back of their other vehicle parked on the street. If this is the case,then everyone's view is also blocked because there's always cars on the street in the same positioning. I have made my clear analytical, investigative and realistic comments and is not in favor of this red curbing.One red curbing install is going to lead to more requests and cause traffic and overcrowding of streets because only one vehicle will fit in between one residents driveway curb to another residents driveway curb if this install happens. Residents won't realize the effect until after it's too late because no one ever really thinks it through and make the effort to speak up about it. Isn't that always the case in life too?Sincerely, Resident X