Bidder: PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. CITY OF ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS PROJECT SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AT RUSH AVENUE PROJECT No. 27004 CONTRACT BID FORMS PTM Genera]Engineering BIDDER: Services, Inc. CONTRACT BID FORMS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 BID SCHEDULE 1 SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS 5 2.A BID BOND 6 2.8 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS 7 SECTION 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT 10 PTM General Engineering Services,Inc. BIDDER: SECTION 1 - BID SCHEDULE CBF- I PTM General Engineering BIDDER: Services,Inc. BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS PROJECT SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AT RUSH AVENUE PROJECT No.27004 BASE BID SCHEDULE UNIT OF EST. UNIT ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE On. PRICE COST 1 Clearing &Grubbing per plans LS 1 !, G GO and specifications. 500 1� t/ 2 Disposal of Waste Materials. LS 1 500 DO 500 CO 3 Construct Traffic Signal LS 1 �. O Modifications at San Gabriel �( CSS" Boulevard and Rush Avenue per S`��3K` "�'C3 `" Plans and Specifications Complete. gicDo TOTAL BASE BID PRICE (SCHEDULE BID PRICE):$ 0 n3 U 67 Or>41 -three ThousQtnk-i Ther/-y �yh ' Dj//ars Onc !JO OQ/'L Dolla/amo4t in written form J J Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 3-2.2.1 of the Standard Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project. If the Bid Documents specify alternate bid items,the following Alternate Bid amounts shall be added to or deducted from the Total Bid Price entered above.The owner can choose to include one or more of the alternates in the Total Bid Price of the Project If any of the Alternate Bids are utilized by the Owner,the resulting amount shall be considered the Total Bid Price for the Project. The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which cannot be withdrawn for the number of Working Days indicated in the Notice Inviting Bids from and after the bid opening date,or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and a third party,whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancy between the written amount of the Bid Price and the numerical amount of the Bid Price,the written amount shall govern. Attached hereto is a certified check, a cashiers check or a bid bond in the amount of Bid bond 10% Dollars($ )said amount being not less than ten percent(10%) of the Total Bid Price. The undersigned agrees that said amount shall be retained by the Owner if,upon award, we fail or refuse to execute the Contract and furnish the required bonds, certificates and endorsements of insurance and other certifications within the time provided. CBF - 2 PTM General Engineering BIDDER: Services. Inc If awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract, which will be prepared by the Owner for execution,within five(5)Calendar Days following the Letter of Award for the Contract,and will deliver to the Owner within that same period the necessary original Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, Payment Bond and all other documentation and certification required by the Contract. The undersigned offers and agrees that if this bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights,title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made arid become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to he Contractor. Bidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide: (1) evidence satisfactory to the Owner of Bidder's California contractors license(s)in good standing; (2)evidence that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resulting therefrom; and (3) any other information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. Bidder understands and agrees that liquidated damages shall apply to this Contract in the amounts of five hundred dollars ($500.00) if project is not completed in THIRTY (30) calendar days. The Contract Time will begin to run ten (10) Working Days from the date of the Notice of Proceed and subject to the terms and conditions described in the Contract Form and the Contract Documents. Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which it requires to be incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder further acknowledges that the Owner may, at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid. The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following addenda to the Contract Documents. Addenda Nos. None per Rafael Fajardo 04.04.2017 2pm The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total E id Price is inclusive of all labor, materials, and equipment or supplies necessary to complete the W irk as described in the Bid Documents. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and execute the Contract with the necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price a;- compensation in full for all Work under the contract. CBF-3 PTM General Engineering BIDDER: Services, Inc. /. By: 5942 Acorn St Signature Business Street Address Elizabeth H. Mendoza de McRae Riverside, CA 92504 Type or Print Name Cit', State and Zip Code President/CFO -951.710.1000 Title Te?phone Number Bidder's/Contractor's State of Incorporation: California Partners or Joint Venturers: Bidder's License Number(s): 891265 Department Industrial Relations Registered No. 1000001433 NOTES: 1) By its signature on this Bid,the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms. 2) If Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address 3) If Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint venturers. As further discussed in the Instructions to Bidders, Bidder will be required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf of the corporation, partnership or joint venture has the authority to do so. • CBF-4 CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION 1 Erian Mendoza ,Secretary of Pm General Engineering Services Inc . , (Corporation) do hereby certify that at a duly constituted meeting of the Stockholders and Directors of the Corporation held at the office of the Corporation on December 30 , 2007(year), it was upon motion duly made and seconded, that it be VOTED: Elizabeth H. Mendoza de McRae, President/CFO OR. . . . Erian Mendoza, Vice President/Secretary Authorized to sign S execute contracts and submit bids with either one of the corporate officer' s signatures. It was upon further motion made and seconded that it be further VOTED: That El hctt H. Mer.dcza Ce McRae, _ aa.. ,CFO . . . ..0=_ ..3 !ac Mendoza V1ce PresideEt.' Secretary in the capacity as ofthe Corporation is empowered, authorized and directed to execute, deliver and accept any and all documents and undertake all acts reasonably required or incidental to accomplish the foregoing vote, all on such terms and conditions as he in his discretion deems to be in the best interests of the Corporation. 1 further certify that the foregoing votes are in fiill force this date without rescission, modification or amendment. Signed this Ufa:i4- day of (CJJn/ , dDq (year). A TRUE RECORD ATTEST 3rian Mendoza Sect tairy/Clenk Vice President/Secretary (Corporate Seal) PTM General Engineering BIDDER. Services, Inc. SECTION 2 BID DATA FORMS CBF- 5 BIDDER: FIM GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES,INC. Bidder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the following Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as many sheets as are necessary to adequately provide the information required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidder's name and page number. 2.A BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT PTM GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES.INC_ as Principal, and INTERNA'T'IONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY , as Surety, are held firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter called the OWNER) in the sum of TFN PERCENT OF AMOUNT BID DOLLARS ($ 10% ), being not less than ten percent (10%) of the Total Bid Price;for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made,we bind ourselves, our heirs,executors, administrators, successors,and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted a bid to the OWNER to perform all Work required for the TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS PROJECT AT SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AND RUSH AVENUE as set forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and accompanying Bid Documents, dated APRIL 5,2017 NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal is awarded a Contract for the Work by the OWNER and, within the time and in the manner required by the above-referenced Bid Documents, enters into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Documents, furnishes the required bonds (one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials) furnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsements, and furnishes any other certifications as may be required by the Contract,then this obligation shall be null and void;otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the OWNER and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the OWNER in such suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court. SIGNED AND SEALED, this dTH day of APRIL 20I? INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY F'rM GESERAI.ENGINEERING SERVICES,INC. (SEAL) AN( KOMPANY (SEAL) Sure Principal /� By (k"')/, Sure By: Signature 0� 111, lin pSign re PHILIP E.VEGA AT IORNEY-m-FACT (/r¢P✓n;s f7 0y CBF- 6 Tel 1973162`-7200 POWER OF ATTORNEY INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY ONE NEWARK CENTER, 20TH FLOOR NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102-5207 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation organizedand existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey,having their principal office in the City of Newark,New Jersey,do hereby constitute and appoint KEVIN E. VEGA, BRITTON CHRISTIANSEN, PHILIP E. VEGA, MYRNA SMITH ' Covina, CA. their True and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to execute,seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surely,any and all bonds and undertakings,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed,required or permitted by law,statute,rule,regulation,contract or otherwise and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding upon the said INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes,as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by their ryegularly elected officerys at their prindpal ofcesThis Power of . byd By ELITY -Laws and ALLEGHENY CASUis ALTY COMPANY and be is pursuant anted underrnand by authority of the following resolution adopted byL theO Board of Directors E of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly held on the 20th day of July,2010 and by the Board of Directors of ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY at a meeting duly held on the 15th day of August,2000: 'RESOLVED,that (1)the President Vice President,Chief Executive Officer or Secretary of the Corporation shall have the power to appoint,and to revoke the appointments of,Attorneys-in-Fact or agents with power and authority as defined or limited in their respective powers of a torney,and to execute on behalf of the Corporation and affix the Corporation's seal thereto,bonds,undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnityand other written obligations in the nature thereof or related thereto; and(2)any such Officers of the Corporation may appoint and revoke the appointmentsof joint-control custodians,agents for acceptance of process,and Attorneys-in-fact with authority to execute waivers and consents on behalf of the Corpoation;and (3)the signature of any such Officer of the Corporation and the Corporations seal may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certification given ffor the execution of any bond,undertaking,recognizance, contract of indemnity or other written obligation in the nature thereof or related thereto,such signature and seals when so used whether heretofore or hereafter, being hereby adopted by the Corporation as the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Corporation,to be valid and binding upon the Corporation with the same force and effect as though manually affixed' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY have each executed and attested these presents on this 31st day of December,2015. t,1;TTYhys STATE OF NEW JERSEY yGASUA[rr C' seuke JIP� county of Essex ,/� =o./ �03 o �0sezt" 'J?1"-�- r`vi_ti a/ 1936 a y 1904 A,.er 0. 'law 10.'��kh� ROBERT W.MINSTER w ll*/ r 1 Chief Executive Officer(International FidelityyNsyVJeRgE Insurance Company)and President(Allegheny Casualty Company) On this 31st day of December 2015.before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument,to me personally known,and,being by me duly sworn, said he is the therein described and authorized officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY that the seals affixed to said instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies:that the said Corporate Seals and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand affixed my Official Seal,. at the City of Newark,New Jersey the day and year first above written s. :S aun : ": i •.0 ' A NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY 'C„9TF' :.`.',°' C"�' My Commission Expires April 16,2019 '''"„.ene` CERTIFICATION I,the undersigned officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit,and thecopy of the Sections of the By-Laws of said Companies as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with The originals on file in the home office of said companies, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof,and of the whole of the said originals,and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set.my hand this LILL, dayof baa hry ,)Lr7 MARIA BRANCO.Assistant.Secretary CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Riverside On .7K+n i 'LDl� before me, Elizabeth H. M. McRae,Notary Public l/ ltt....•.n nam•and bus et a,waver) personally appeared Phlip F Vega who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(sywhose name(*) istmEssubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/staktbeigkexecuted the same in his/Ism t @{reauthorized capacity(ies}, and that by his/hw,(t (r signature(*) on the instrument the person(*), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(*) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing •-ragraph is true and correct. ELIZABETH H.M.MCRAE; WITNESS hand and official seal. O,y�� +�� COMM.n 2100521 0 .`fii Th.NOTARYPOOLIO-CPLIFORNIA0f 1l ) RIVERSIDE COUNTY 0 - " .. „•— • COMM.EXPIRES FEB.20.2019t Notary - blit Signature (Notary Public Seal) • • • ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATIONINSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM This formcompliesa rent California Salutes regarding nolory wording and DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT if needed,should he completed and attached m the document Acknowledgments from other stares may be comiletedfor documents being sent to that slate so long as wording does norregi me the California notary In violate Call mm wort Mr Ree or deco-peon of attached document) • State and County information must be the State and County where the document a erts)personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. (Lobe or deacredon of attached document continued) must w• Dataleoftibenotarization must hethe date that the signer(s)personally appeared wM1lch e the same date the acknowteegmem is completed • The noun public must pont hes or her name as it appears wean Ms or her • Number of Pages Document Datem tui on followed by a comma and then Your title(notary public). • Print the name(s)of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of _ _ notarization CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER Indicate the correct singular or plural forms fbyorms crossing tooff incorrect i forms e theishinformation isfate) leadomcrtittittoohof document reer Failure correctly indicate this ❑ Individual (s) ❑ Corporate Officer • Theon seal impression must be clear and photographicaih reproducible. Impression must not cover len or lines. If seal impression smudges,re-seal if a (Title) sufficient area permits,otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. ❑ Partner(s) • Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. ES Attorney-in-Fact a Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this ❑ Trustee(s) acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. ❑ Other C.et Indicate title ot type of attached document,number of pages and date Indicate the wee,claimed by the g 1f the dawned capacity r5 a corporate officer, d the title( e CEO,CFO.Secretary) 2['5 Vernton AAA.Notaryca: e ,50(i_b l-. ,r • Securely attach this document to the signed document 'th a staple • CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California ) County of Riverside 0/44/ K pal)- before me, Elimheth H Nd•McRae,Npt�jublic personally appeared Rr„ry Me„—n„ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names) is/eirce subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/rptatglalt executed the same in histbarttbek authorized capacity(tea), and that by his/h9gthgr signature{vs) on the instrument the person(e). or the entity upon behalf of which the persons) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. if. 1 WITNESS my find and official seal. / • '%1, lr.e210021 t gage-CPUFoar!roz OE COUNTY 0 1mo• LO ff aL5 FEB.20 20191 Notary Public gnature (Notary Public Seal) w— ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION I cmpRUCncrePORcoMrt,lTmGrTMs,ORM thrie fetefor d shb.mac mcuattche to the aocumentg notarywdgmenune� DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT /o other shouldtbey be competed macacummdocument nngnewtan sl on from tenor. meeerspethe Crete sy being sent In drat SO long s the wording✓n.„e require the cntt.,,��omn to g,amte eat .�.a.,atn„ al !rine ordxmpnonWananred aacltmem7 • State and County mammatoner th notary nor acywhmethe gment em sate ofJpe¢vnallystion apmust elhefdatthe t e date that the publicsforacknowledgmentappmeel pg mustdalso bef the same date thbe e acknowledgment the ngis completed perwnally appeared which (iltle or avec tlon Mabechad document continued) am as ptea • com notary publicoMOT by pant his n her nameouitappears within) his or her Number of Pages Document Date mm(s)of docomma end(s) as (notary public) • Print the names) of document sigar(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms 0 e. Mlsheihj—is Jere)orrcling the correct forms Failure to correctly indicate this 0 Individual(s) informationmay lead to circling of document recording. EX Corporate Officer • The notary seal impression must be n®r and photographically reproducible. Vice President/Secretary Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges,re-seal if a (Title) sufficient area permitsotherwise complete a different acknowledgment form ❑ Partner(s) • Signature of the notary'public must match the signature on cite with the office or the county clerk. O Attorney-in-Fact o Additional information is not reaulred but could help to ensure this ❑ Trustee(s) acknowledgments not misused or attached to a mtrerent document Othera Indicate title or type of attached document.number of pages and date. ❑ a Indicate the capac icy claimed by the signer If the claimed capacity is a corporate officer,indicate Me title(i e CEO.CFO,Secretary) GO'i Vetswn nnvw bmewCtas..o.e.�n aUO-bTf-Y&'g • Securely attach this document to the signed document with a staple. PTM GENERA1.ENGINERRING BIDDER: SERVICES,INC. 2.6 LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act," Sections 4100 through 4114 of the California Public Contract Code, and any amendments thereto, each Bidder shall provide the information requested below for each subcontractor who will perform work, labor or render service to Bidder in or about the construction of the Work in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent(greater than 0.5 %) of the Bidder's Total Bid Price, or, in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater, and shall further set forth the portion of the Work which will be done by each subcontractor. Bidder shall list only one subcontractor for any one portion of the Work. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104,the Owner has determined that it will allow Bidders twenty-four(24)additional hours after the deadline for submission of bids to submit the information requested by the Owner about each subcontractor, other than the name and location of each subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract, it shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion itself, and shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the Work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth below. Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the Work in excess of one half of one percent (greater than 0.5%)of the Total Bid Price or,in the case of bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the Contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater,for which no subcontractor was designated in the original bid shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity, and then only after Owner approval. CBF-7 RIM GENERAL ENGINEERING BIDDER: SERVICES,INC. 2.B LIST OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS(continued) I^Duplicate Next 2 Pages if needed for listing additional sub. itatlors 1 Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. Name and Location Description of Work of Subcontractor to be Subcontracted Name: Address: License No.: Department of Industrial Relation Registration No. CBF - 8 PTM GENERAL ENGINEERING BIDDER: SERVICES,INC. 2.0 REFERENCES The following are the names,addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two(2)years: 1. City of Irvine One Civic Center Drive Irvine,CA 82623 Name and Address of Owner Mr.Darrell Hartman 949.724.6000 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project 435064.00 Northbound On Ramp Traffic Signals Impr. June 2015 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 2. City of Lawndale 14717 Burin Av.e Lawndale,CA 90260 Name and Address of Owner Mr Mig irl klvarev 310 973 3265 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project 636036.00 Citywide Trafi Signal Upgrades and Modifications July 2016 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 3. City of Baldwin Park 14403 E. Pacific Ave. Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Name and Address of Owner Mr.Carlos Aguirre 626.813.5206 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project 343933.00 Two New Ttraffic Signal Installations at Baldwin Pk Blvd.at Ohio St. &L.A. St.at La Rica Ave. Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed 4 City of Huntington Beach 2000 N.Main St.Huntington Beach,CA 92648 Name and Address of Owner Mr.John Griffin 714.375.5011 Name and telephone number of person familiar with project 130105.00 Bolsa CHica St.at Bolsa Ave.T.S. Modification Jan 2017 Contract amount Type of Work Date Completed M[vC t om CBF-9 PTM General Engineering BIDDER. Services,Inc. SECTION 3 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CBF- 10 PTM General Engineering BIDDER: Services,Inc. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned, being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he or she holds the position listed below with the bidder,the party making the foregoing bid,that the bid is not made in the interest of,or on behalf of,any undisclosed person, partnership,company,association,organization,or corporation;that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham;that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding;that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly,sought by agreement,communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof,or the contents thereof,or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. Signature Brian Mendoza Typed or Printed Name Vice President/Secretary Title PTM General Engineering Services,Inc. Bidder Subscri 9d and sw/o�tn b-efore me This Flday of "P"( , 201-]' • u,tie -t M. KALre-C— (Seal) LA, Notary Public in and for the State of California p /� My Commission Expires e.l2 a, rf5 CBF- 11 CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Riverside On I ff.20} before me, Elizabeth H. Mc ae, 2togyaUblie personally appeared Rri2n mendoin who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose nameis) is/pa subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hekthp,ffigy executed the same in his/ibex/their authorized capacity( i), and that by his/Fragr signature(vs) on the instrument the person(g), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(`s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing earagraph is true and correct. WITNESS and and official seal. U ' 'hHMeCRAt � Y21 C u( un �a,m,:0 Notary Pub c Signature (Notary Public Seep ( 4 f 151E C.OUNTY U 29,2019{ • ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRuwth cre FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM resf.^�conlpl b w,m r m cn(110171 u sto regarding notary wordng and. DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT if needed,should he compered and snacked to the document Acknowledgments from other states may be completed for documents being sent toting staie so long as the wording does not equire the CarJ.ma noro°.m r,olare California nn/Or) low gide or desaipEoo of atm/leddocument) • Stam and County information must be the State and County where the document signer(s)personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment •(Title or descdpton of aiecned document Cdnl&ued) Dateualso beof rthe same acknowledgmentdatezation must btheM1te entgnpompaeovally appeared which LA completed • commis notary public must pnnt comma nr the n our it noMyrs basin FIs or hot • Number of Pages Document Dale nnswM docand m)n your perso0otaapear a. • printrnme name(s) of document signer(s) who Ixrmnelly appear at the time of CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER • Indicnotarization. ate the correct singulat or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms p e. ❑ a FNsdNAesm is/are)or circling ma e correct forms.Failure to correctly indicnhis Individual information may lead to rejection of document recording EX Corporate Officer • The notary seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. Vice President/Secretary, Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges,re-seal if a (Title) sufficient area permits otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form E Partner(s) • Signature of the noun public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. O Attorney-in-Fact + Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this ❑ Trustee(s) acknowledgment is nm misused or attached to a different documenit Other d Indicate title or type of attached document number of pages and dam. ❑ 4 Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer If the claimed capacity is a corporate ofcerindicate the title(i e CEO,CFO,Secretary) 2015Ve, ion owu n.rteryClasses en aL(i.371981.5 • Securely attach this document to the signed document with a staple Brian Mendoza P.O.B ox 7745 Riverside CA, 92513-7745 Email:brian@ptm-eng.eom Cell 951.722.5755 Chief Estimator and Supervisor of Outside Operations Supervisor of Outside operations with over 18 years of experience electrician with over 20 years of experience An effective communicator and team leader,experienced in coordinating and executing large and fast paced projects. CAREER EXPERIENCE Freeway Electric/PTM Engineering Services. Inc.Riverside CA 06/2006 to Date Chief Estimator/Supervisor of Outside Operations In charge of managing the estimating department and finalizing bid packages: coordinating the beginning phase of an awarded project between the company and agency.Project submittals,contract review Coordinated and manage crews California region:handled various sized projects ranging in size from $1,000 to$4.5 million dealing with dry utilities,wet utilities,traffic signals,and road improvements, maintained coordination Freeway Electric/PTM General Engineering and subcontractor,and project owners. In charge of handling projects administrative work: monthly gross estimates,project progress schedule,materials requisitions,contract change order negotiations and equipment purchase and rental. High Light Electric Inc./Pete& Sons Construction Inc. Riverside, CA 10/1995 to 062006 Chief Estimator In charge of managing the estimating department and finalizing bid packages Coordinating the beginning phase of an awarded project between the company and agency or prime contractor that include project submittals,contract review. Successfully bid on projects totaling$12 million with an average spread 6%. Area Supervisor Coordinated and manage 10 crews consisting of 6 members per team in the southern California region: handled various sized projects ranging in size from$1,000 to $4.5 million dealing with dry utilities, wet utilities,traffic signal,and road improvements.Maintained coordination between High Light Electric Inc. and subcontractor, general contractor and project owners In charge of handling project's administrative work; monthly gross estimates,project progress schedule, materials requisitions, contract change order negotiations and equipment purchase and rentals. Page 1 of 4 Brian Mendoza CAREER EXPERIENCE CONTINUED MBE Electric, Inc in Riverside, CA 10/1989 TO 10/1995 Vice President and Head of Outside Operations Manage outside operations for all projects ranging in size from& 1,000 to 2.5 million. Headed an around the clock electric crew and coordinated with CC Meyers to repair the 1-10 Santa Monica Freeway after it collapsed during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake to complete the fast paced project in 66 days. Maintain coordination between MBB Electric and subcontractors, general contractor and project owners: implemented and enforced safety guidelines.Handled administrative work: monthly progress estimates, material requisitions,contract change order negotiations. Vasco Corporation in San Fernando, CA 10/1987 to 06,1989 Foreman(Part Time) Managed day to day operations of work crews and various project ranging in size from$1,000 to $5,000 in Eastern Los Angeles County: traffic signals, street lighting, signal interconnect. Ravmore Electric in Rosemead, CA 06/1986 to 10.'1987 Crew Lender(Pan Time) In charge of working crews on projects that ranging from $25,000 to 250,000 throughout Los Angeles County. WORKING SKILLS • Capable of operating heavy equipment such as skip loaders, cranes, and backhoes • Hands-on experience with hand tools and power tools • Capable of overseeing fast-paced and high profile project • An effective communicator and leader EDUCATION • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers • Completed training course(1988-1989)in street lighting and traffic sigmal installations,code enforcement and blue print reading. • South Gate high School • Received High School Diploma in 1988 Page 2 of 4 BRIAN MENDOZA CONTINUED LANGUAGES • English(Native) • Spanish (Fluent) AWARD RECEIVED • Recipient of the U.S. Small Business"Young Entrepreneur of the year" Award in 1996, nationally. • Recipient of the Certificate of Recognition by the City to Los Angeles for"Small Business" in 1997. • Recipient of the Certificate of Recognition by the State Assembly, Assemblyman Mr. Rod Pacheco, for the"Top 500 Inland Empire Small Business" in 1997. • Ranked among the"Top 500 Inland Empire Hispanic Owned Companies" Since 1997. • Certification of Appreciation for our participation and maximization in the" Century Freeway Affirmative Action"by CFAAC PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL REFERNCES Caltrans project#071224U4 (Electrical contract amount$4.5 million) Description of project: Installation of traffic signals, ramp metering, sing illumination, Highway Lighting, Fiber option communication and electrical irrigation along the I-10 Freeway in Los Angeles County. • Doug Dawson— Project Manager for prime contractor, Balfour Beatty Cell (949) 232-3276 and Office(909) 397-8040. • Patty Galvan—Resident Engineer, Office(909) 594-4270 • Veronica Ross—Electrical Inspector,Cell (714) 606-6311 Page 3 of 4 BRIAN MENDOZA REFERNCES CONTINUED City of Redlands Contract#208300-72304/41008 (Electrical contract amount is $218,800)project Completed in 2003 Description of project: Installation of traffic signals, modification of ramp metering, lighting and sign illumination. • Bill Hensley-Senior Civil Engineer-Office(909) 798-7586 ext.2 • Juan Olvera-Project Manager for general contractor, H&H Construction- Cell (951)453-7712 and Office(909)473-7331. Caltrans project#08-4567V4) Electrical contract amount is S 938,238)project completed in 2005 Description of project: Installation of lighting system along the 1-15 Freeway in San Bernardino County. • Gary Vogel-Project Manager for prime contractor, Granite Construction Cell: (661) 549-3953 and Office(661)726-4447. Sandbag Projects, Segment 1, 2,3 early segment 9, and alder Ave. (Total electrical contract amount was$3.2 million)Project completed in 2004. Description of Projects: Installation of traffic signals, ramp metering, sign illumination. highway lighting, fiber optic communication, and electrical irrigation along the 1-10 Freeway in San Bernardino County. • Harold Lantis-Sandbag Contract Manager-Cell: (760) 802-7730 and Office (909) 875-8029 ext.213. • Tim Hanable Caltrans Inspector- Cell: (951) 712-0021 • Al Ortega-Project Manager for prime contractor, Yeager Skanska-Cell: (714) 240-5333. City of Indio Project#STO137 (Electrical contract amount was$1.4 million)project completed in 2005. Description of project: Installation of street lighting system,traffic signals, electrical irrigation, and dry Utilities. • Gary Bexter-Area Manager for prime contractor, Yeager Skanska Construction Cell: (909) 721-9749 and Office(760)343-5472. • Tommy Young-Project Manager for prime contractor-Cell:(951)232-6618 and Office(760)343-5472. • Mehran Sepehri-City Engineer-Cell: (760)250-2201 Additional Professional References: • Zak Harris - Caltrans Inspector Cell: (951)289-0047 • Ray Robles-Caltrans area supervisor-Cell: (909) 799-0646 Page 4 of 4 FTM (enerai f noineering ,3ervices inc. 201 5 Job References {TMJobNo: so,i OwncrJo6No.:C2a151 JobLocation:Kamon Farad and Mo„terey A,ci,t,c/5i=rra Del 5ol DeerAptionofWok Tr.4 SgIsland i sheng emir., rale Area Owner:Coonn,o4 KM ersidc Co:wefr Ni r Joel JimenWrrol ec: Ma.-ager mares-5<2/55"so-000- Crty/5mtc Kscrada CA 324oi Telephone '0955-5-30 raXNo. t''I 7;s_5ab4 Email:ly-:.,resaradma-o:g Contract DatsAp'il 2315 Completed Date: Dr: 201, ContractValua$2'-t,02 co rTM Job No• 5-0z OvincrJohNo. +ios, Job Emotion:KccIlanc:, Co =ridMeKrlen Description of Work rcdeatoan 5aiety hipro:ements_ Qwnen Cay of Krd6ods Caa...A.Mr. J.,,or Montgomery/rE Address:,5(_joo 5t 5,ite-yCj/51t Kr dt,ne,_CA=a54, Telephone o''`-a e--58*E=c5 Fax No 0,)-9 2. dv DNA.lo ontg. 1crdtnofrrd• c.,.ors Contract pats A,ol 20 5 Completed Dar October 20 Casrat Va6r.55'5-v0 00 ?TM Job No.r OwcwJoJNo- Coot acdNo. I2AIar Jo6 Localism 6olsa Star Koad D«dyticoof Work Upgrade TraH,c Sgnals and Kelated tlrrtdral(_omporeots Ow�Depa rn:en. o4T:.- noorrmk nCa,orrn K-1r Ti.abn Tba✓Pr_ Addrex I _-5o'h htrectCity/State Sacarierto,LASS isc Telephone,'-r-' 2-'_&as') Fax No. Dial d.ink t6,,odot.:a_cos Contract Data teeruary 231 CenpLetedData Dr.cn 20�a Contract Value s 151 a,-..U' FTTAJob No:r ‘50A OwnerJob No.: Job Loon:On,of Ir,glrwood.Crrnsbaw bl:x.z. `St. Desptrorr dWok -I-atfic Signal Mod if'caton rrolect amen ty„I lrglc„cod Cau..t Mr.Alan Ma,FL Addrcse.OarMd.Cwi5s Irerwooc.CA5050 Telcphona;5 IS" 12-5,55rax No. 3iola12-5s S EmaIk amaiCactyoIinglewoodorg Contract Dam April 2oi5 Completed Dabs In ra,gres. ContracValuc s:e*osO Jo FTM jab NO,P13-o5 OwrcJabNo..,I25 Job Lam Gaiter Grove.Various Locators D«°peon oFWo&Trallaeon and NIod;6cations at Various Locamn5, Owner C.t,of Ga-der.Grove Contact Mr.Dai C V .PE Address: 12 ,Aaa-SPakwayCits/StatcGarden Cro CA 92333 Telephone ^)7+I-5139 FaxNo. (74)-41-s5rs Emal o Bore Contact ram Marc,2013 Completed Dam D=crmkrr as 1. Contract Value$515,'°8.00 FTMJo6No:PI7-0e Oar:o.Jo6No. 413--53-1 JobLoarton: Monter.5ureetOrange DeecdptondWork Reconfigurationredo3393I025) OamenC'in of ponona Contact Mr Frit Guerrero:PF_ Addreem 505 South Garry Ane Gey/$tamromon. Cl.4' Tdep6one;90=;a2o-:2a 1 FaxNo.:C90_,' a3-22,9 Email:renegue rrro@ctpomoaacaaa Contact Date May 20!. Completed Dam December 2013 Contract Velums i 22.59200 TTMJo6No:Pt.-o; OwnerJobNo. ilea5 JohLocatem Rose Dr.&Yorba Lnda 6lyd_ Description of W 0:61 it ersec:ion Ir,pro.erne-it Prole;,: Oe.:e:Ci:y ofPlarennia Contact MrMick,:MK_oara Address: 1 E-Chapman Cith/taterlacen.ia.CA'1 =70 TelcphonaC'1+1945-sI I;raxNo.- I41P9-?n'oLPiai: Co"tractDate AprI/2o Completed Dam Deaaabed20I 5 ContactValue$I 2$.4 i9+ FTM-Job No r -os OwnerJob No.'CM-o s2 JobLovton: Citn ofVernon,G<aw'de DeacriptonefWok Pede,trwn Countdown head Replacement Prosect OwnenC:y of Vernon Contact M .Dc.rLWieskr Address 9305 Salm re Avenue CittyStVemon CA 90033 Telep6oc , c) + 11 Ext 215 ran Nns_o-'* Email d,,,,,,_ :r aua Contract Dam May 2015 Completrdyate Srptemher 2014 Contact Volum 5s4.1 'Too p7MJo6No:r )-oq Ow.-JobNo I5-67$o rod--a erolectNo FISIPl_vF>;is Job Locatinat,ofSantaAna,Mcfaddenatdyo DewolpSnof WaleTra{;c5;gnal ModJFlcatioo,rederal Project No.hlSIPL-soo3 Owe Ci tg of Sanr Ana Caxxee Me[(Lard Tomee.A_ne.stent F ng;ncer Add.esm ao C,lc Center FCky/Sr m5anta Ana.CA Telephone,P1 $1 _56&50 Faallo. 711_6173053 Emal etorreso_a5ant3-3ie.org Contract Dat= May zo Completed Data�ed lily zoi t. Cata1VaL $255.52000 PTMJobNo:PI+-io OwerJobNo.CIF 55is Job Lovuoa Gay of he met ,o„Locatione Description ocWok Safe R..tee,€,,School Reject Owner Ch'0°Fl rest Contact Mr.51-c‘c i_.eno,LL Addresw Last Nona]A'< eCitySatehe„et.CA�_s<s Tdaphona(s5 I LF5-z5szrE.No• i951J'F5-5875 FjmatS:azincscretofheeet org Cna.stDate Sept zo i5 Cu"p11e1 Data 1\00em6cr zo i s Cwrtraa VaLc s p,5?5so PTMJob No: Owne.Job No. Job Location: MeadV,Iley Arra.Caplco Road and Alexander:trcet Description of Wok Trail ic Sgnal and Lghnng Pro cct Owner Coof fG r+, eCit ol Contact Mr Io=I lno. n,Frolect Ma paged Add..52' i-'5t-Croy5ata ni.erNde.CA°25001 _ Telephone,a5 i`"5-e7=o Fax No..i'S it '5,-MntEatail:lrqim nez@-ctlm3.o-g CorrtaetDate:Dec_o i e Completed Data: jai 201 t Contact Value's 25?.550 00 FTMJob Nar! Ova"-Jd,No LSFL`M>& Jobiscaion heliman,,San Gabriel DemQtia:ofWak,r.tcrection Imp .ement Frc ren Ow.w Uty of ho,eme_ad Contact M- Fc13113e1 F113rd5_FE AddreaL 55`3 r_.Valley Bloc. CJaySat Rosemead CA,'r 770 Tdephoncn_n _a215IFa.No. :2oaogp215Emak71a1ardocc1t114ro5emeahorg Contract Date:Mar,201 Completed Dare Decrmbereo i i Canal Value$.13 2,0 22.- FTM Job No:F15-1- OvenerJobNo.,ContractNoo,'A'riII o7LF-ao4) Job Lo®ta.L o.Angde.County De.aptia,ofWok F]eaancal °Wien Drpartmrat oFTraa,portatonContat McJa,ler Cuanar.FF Address 1.27 ,o-Str rrt Cty/State 5a,ramento,CA 9i 1 a Tckpkone('IL 2 -cao0 Fax No..,91 [ 2 -515AEma:t Igaa iancgma;l c-.,ni Contract Data:Ju,<zo15 Completed DatMerck 201, Contract Value 520],,171 ao FTMJo6No:F1'-i OwnerJobNo. ( o-trict No.o^A+=0°i0;4Tc 104) Job Lovton:Le.Argcic,Co,nt 1 Desalt of Welt LIGcta.i Pm= Drpartmcoto(T-an,portatonCaschMr Mike Farooun.PF Adyes,:,'2 eo``StreefCitj/5 teSauame�err,CA>5,ac Telephoned 055'.1601 L't: I 9 ra<N Ic12- c 15Email:mike f.r.dou,c2dot ca go. CEmtractDate:jun< 201- CaTkral Dar J 2015 Catad Va ao 5 r-6,oOo oo ITMJobNo I7 OwnaJcbNo:Pede:al Project No.H51FL-55c3L01 z) JobL0011kt% O+n of I M:,nha«aobrick mo-sAo < e Deseepti ,of Work Tra3�c Cignal Moddication.Federal Froir<t Nc,.1-151Fl 0,e0t3 a` Omn 0,4.,rLa.a.,aeCateachMrMiguel Ak = FL Addn 19;1-b.inn Anemic Crtay.5ute Laund lr.CIA 90.2do Telephones o)°',-5220'raxNo. 10)70729 'Emal makare_.iaw.ne'aleuirl ors Contact Date: hine:o i Completed Date Moy 2019 Cont ad Value s 1 to 00003 rm4Job No:P : 0.-306N. Job Low Cny of D�,ar,r.llannngtn,r Dnur a,P.,o,Kond Description ofWork T-aff', Signal andhnter.ecton!mpro,ement, jeer chmetc sj u,eContact Mr_NafadC35II.,.FF. Addrese: I coo Ylaatrg ur Dner 09/5bl:e D.jarte,CA 91310 Telephone ezc,'r_-931 raxNo. -0.5;5-0;1.3 Email:rn anCananne.-nnt.Irtenom Contract Dat:Jtnc201 5 Completed Da' May 2014 Cat.aValue 5'•;.<:;-00 FTM,b6NarlS-1e OwnaJobNo.. ,5-3e5.CTNO.s430 JobLocatka Crg 0f Mm=r.Intersection of Numieg Street and 5e.Ralph[)FIN'c Dracaena efWok Recto ngutarrI.shirg beacon ibRrb?In.tallaso, Owom(t of MumetaCa:aace Ma-6r",Srrpke,>o,.rE Address: 1 Town Square 015/State Mumeta,CA,24e(2 Telepkone;95 I)5 a*2^99[xt 6259 PaxNo. CE ITho42+s5 Email:1,12tephernontamixrnmgo. Contract Dar Auguet 2319 Coed Date M.,rci 22,19 Co.L,.±Value:5,O 999.50 FTMJobNo rI5-19 OwnejokNo JobLocalleoOty of MeadValleg,Tumknl ash-Die C.rew.,ys Me,d Va7ey De a;puon d Wok bus 5kclter rroicct Own Rovers dr Trnns�:!Ue=ey Carr c M-.Andrew r:o_,r,rroieot M„ag<r Addres 1525 Th rd Str=et City/State KRaerside.LA 02517 Telephone i95 I?5 -500o Fax No. ?I`se5-50O IEmal4:,frtSH?'rvcr,Illetroisitcum Contract Date June 2013 Ccepleteel Date November 2015 CatVaki 4-5eJO FTMJobN>r15,o O,.wJkNo 71211 jcb fjcadin RoseCr nbA,enucatCro,eaaleA.e,ue Deb¢trrcf Wa rede,tran Imprn.ement, Osn Ct:l of Non,alkCa,mot Mr.Randy f131n:a' rro]cct M,n,ge� Address: 12700Noncan:hI,r:_Cimj5t N.,nvalkCA909+1 Telepho --;1 e raxNa. „c 525 '555E1114 11mAntino55.u5k,: Contract Dar luny 2015 /Compl�d Date:pccrn.,,er23]5 Cab.dVabv?0.54..00 FTMJobtt:rI.-z1 OmnerJcLNo 1114 Job iscarralMonroe5treet&Orange Desytird Wale Safe Rour.t,SAool OCay :9 naaentia Caw-Mr NAL k,e1 M,C '.ra,lert Ma-,:,ger Address:431 E-Ckernan A.c.Cky/.State:rlacentia,CIA U 73 Telephone:'140995-51 1 FaxNa. v7 I f 52A-4050. Email: Contract DarJ.92°1-9 Completed Dar Nc ember 2m5 Catm±Va ie 5999.c 9 00 FTMJo6Not 71s=2 OwcJobNo--ST-,rr JobL CityofL_apalma.alongWalker5treetfromCrescentAenictgI_apalmaA'rracarr Cc.crnt /Venue f.onr.Moody Streets Walker 5trcct D�ytondWak WalkerJu �orhigh School r=cc.o-�aa Safety Improrrmrnts rrolr�t OwnenCityofLapalm:, Coda*Mr.Michael bclkrapCcmma-41mfServices Director Address:7322 Worker MrectCity/5tatLaFele. Cood2', Telepbon Fax No.:(-12523'- ,1 Emelt mikeb@:tyoflapalna-org Contract Dat Septrmhrr:015 Completed Data Jaly 20 5 CatraCt Vako$1 10,707.00 PTM,Job Nb:r i 3-4 Garintici,NO.. ,2-1t- r eaera]rro pct No.h51r>-55I z Jdlve Cn,of Cosa Mesa.Vztom.,Strret.aad Valley Knad/rac fie A.Crse Description ofWork: Int cr,acI,00 :emcnt, OwenCty of Cosa Mesa Contact Mr. 1 on;bans.et Address:7822 Walker 5treetOty5tatC_ostn Mesa.CA Tckpbonct 1-y54-5775 FaxNo. 17 1 417 5 4-5 2n<Etnatori kat!c,Pcastarricsact,go. ContractData.Juy 2015 Completed Dat Jaly 20 Creme Vakeeb„2,4 pI1 c3/2� I M�N6rl'.'-zb Vr^erJob No.,eel 0.3-09077 JobLeea&. Ctg of Moreno Valley,Oty.ade Dma4rtloedWeek r1,cal'y 201 00010( tyw.dr rrdct E.ha-,zements Owen Cit,ofMo-cooVaticy&MathMrGoyrCgar,rr. Address i 4 i?-h-CdenCk 5trectC V5tate Moreno Valley,LA in 2 552 Tdepbona l's )- .5-s 1 15 FaxNo. „51 a 1 t n i sP Emat gaypmmo:nlors Contract Date Ai.gust20Is Completed Dat Ai g- 0 4- Contrast Value_ J4I3 PTMJ0bNa r l'-27 Owner,JobNo. JobLoca on:OtyofIrwr.dalcAtmAVCa:Lc Description of Work:I nsalbrvon of Spcni Tahlc and 5t ret Imp- .rmrnts OwmenGty of I n.nda c Contact Mr_Arrant o hegdahl Address:5050 North Iminclnle Cirtd/5tht-w odale.CA p 1706 Telephone.,r 20)4'40-2101 FaxNO.:iea_ o 2-4z0g0 Ematakegni ahl@irw indalc:a,go, Contract Date Argustbo15 Contract Datbrpt 2015 Contract Values j,77700 PTMJo6Ncr n-23 0VdeerJ06NO jobLo®eom Otn of 5,bernariinttAlitio2i Ate t Desc ondWow5dewaIKrrjcct O.nm:Cty of 5a,5c-,ardin n Conmea Mr.Gant C.Mann.rrol«e Manager Address:s25t,,:ThirJStreetCroy5+t5,-.beaarn o,CA924 5 Telep60ee;go3)).5 -2923 Fax No4,°o973s? Contact Date 1ugust_015 Completed Dat July 201 a. Contract Value s 154.108.00 ?TMJabN s:229 On+trJe6No.=1 J-COLS 5I I ticbLocaticn City of Coa.:.,d::.i5Ts1 GRAyT DmapemdWak. Gene hike Ln°p OCty o5 Coronado Cama Mr Marro Mendoza,E,g TccS. Adder: s255trand Wa9Chy5tatCo:or.a do.CA 9211s Tekphonclr I ')``2-z ys4 FacNo.lc I9)jz—I-120 pled:nimeneoza@eoronado cs us ContractDate Ser ,niher 2015 Completed Date: Dec 2014 Contact Value $7]sD, 00 PTMJobN .ri,_,o Oanerjn6No_s 4e Job Location:C it: of hemer.C.aw tonAtennc and Menlo 0ascription ofWork:5afr Rome to5choni Prniect Ot +e:C t ofhe,etContact McSee Latino:rt Addrcmrt=East honda Avenue CJnySt t eme* c A 5'2548 Telephone. 25r2FaxNo.i111'51)-r525Emad_al r c:r,ofhcmct_org Contract Date Octoncr 20 Completed Dat A 5 zo - Contract Valuesc*a.IOr JO FTM,bb Nr 1,-51 0.-Job Na. Jab L_..... Ct_,of Colton.Railroad C.rosaing Deapm,dWork St.tot Imono mootria us.Quiet Zone °Wien( 4.51oFC oloil Cat Mr-\/Thy Ortiz Address:e-o North La Cadcna D:,veCayS att Colton.CA 92324 Telephone,9s0)t 73-aons Fa.No2';Do nty70- 104 Ema4: oree®coltnr.0;.g Contract Dat,Aug::st'_01 Completed Date:rehrvar„201 COa43tValuas J0f.ar l 03 FTM,bbNaF�S-32 Owv,ldNa as-ooze Jobl.ccair•Cry oiCorceo.Cincol n/Venue and rarLrdge Avenue Daoiptiv:dWork Tal4 c Sig.,aI Ir•sr_,11,atkill,51<1.5'' O Cry of Conna Cadet Ma.Vikkl L.FE Address:i-oo5.V crnr�a A.rnar S:c 2 i o Cit9/�te Cor. :,.CA'zs sa Contract Data. Novcmhcr 2315 Completed Dram 3ert20 , Qaract\Ak.as 552.iogao FTM Job No:r',5-"5 OwnaJobNo.: Job Location:( oICaker Cary.Ln oodro E.i o c Dascdpeon of Wok Safe Rooms to 5chool Fro1rct OwnenCry of Caber 039 Contact Mr.Sammy Komo Address''-oCukcrGig Cat/State:C J155,C.t ,CAao2S2 Telephone(5 10'255-se1c FaxNo.,i5 0)255-4r2e Eata45ammytor o wkerdey.org COntradDate Drcrrikrr20 5 Completed Data:5egtembn 20 i/- Contract Contract Value$t" I a 00 PTMJdNo•I'. ,-, Owm=JdNo.-. JdLmstias r ofColro .M -�>P:Icn,r r : ,dkvsf�:,r ,� gddlc5:',:.:,�. Deeagtia.cWal+Safe rout,t;5ch.,o1 Ow� Coanryof,',an crrord�nc a bMr AIktrnQna Address:dto Nod.La Cadcoa Da=c City/Sun,Colton,CAo,a2q. TelephoneU ';3- 0 FaxNo. (goal"-o-r i 0-Vmai vort�accoltoori:>` 0 ContractDate: Drcemberrto Completed Date.June 2015 &flintV C31383503 FTMJobNe PI S-'•d ChinoJd No...tirro Job Location Cty of Redlands. Desaiptim dWork Sale Routes b Scknok:Cydca Own,:Cry 0c Redland, Com Mr. Jason Montgomery Addy 39 Colon 5t' metce Cey/.Sat Redlands.CA Tdepho o P3--5st r No. ,'oa . v;0 EntaiL imontson try e. rt i-cilande ors ComractDatm tether 2015 Completed Dom:lane tow ConlractValue 5^Sel s 00 1 MJobNer15-5z OJ No. 410'0 Jokbeciaboft CGrsskaw boulc.a-d Dcao ,t dWa6 Furnishing and lsrrll ralr„,AL so, C:,adart..and rull ffuLLecs for the Installation o[ License rlam Rccogmmn Gme:us Citi of liawthome Ca,m&Mr.Alan L rung.rr_ Addmae:4455 W. '-sen StrectCmj/Sat Iia„tionic CA.90250 Tdcpkonc e I ni nn _-:'01 Fax No. 3 I0' 2 Dial 31nillignUc njof . th,:nr or Contact Data:1\1su 2014 Completed Date: lune 2014 Con-acValue., PTMJo6No:ri r-is Owncrjo6No.. o;A95z',o74);oaoC Jo6Locatiom L:=s.Mg s County.Route I0s DesalpNonof Worn Repair Damaged rump Staeo:s OwnanDcpartment of T-aspoaahon Comate Ms Joan Gca=.FE Address: 72„0'"St M56 s Ctj/5tat S'c:.,a.c:,m_C1 Telepkone(z 1 s)ozoos>zraxNo. iz I}` Emal:loan-crews(doeca go, Conaace Dam:Dccrn:hcr m 1, Completad DatAprl 20 I Contract Valuc$7a,,14s s z { TM rierenal F ngineering .c)ervices Inc FTAUobNo:rtt0 Q,:n:erJobNo.-SPLCLos , 2014 Job References JobLocatiomLei,ofMaRboKit irChatbgKocLDr DptiomfWek Rte. racdic Coast higkway Ietera«uor Impro,errer.ts OwnenClt4 of 11a.iba Contact Mr Artkur A'.acl cIi'ar Add,ta 239 2'Smart Kanch Road Ciq/5rate:MaIIba,CA$02e Telephone:;3lo'tib-las gcxt 175 rax No. I0'gI -09-: {_mail:AAL LI - bi:clrgorg Co mpleted tDaterebruacy 2013 Campleted Date:luguat 201• Contract Valuer it, oo FTMJobNm r w-02 Q. :erjobNo.: i 2A i n 2[A )2-0N1011 JobLo®tom (Th.of l I i:ntn:gwn beach Kt,-.39(nen,k bhvd)at C6r9,ler Dr DesceptionorWok Kemove 5ecron of Lxmtund and Keconstrecr Median Nose Owne:Der::rtme:o-of J-r napnrcatann Contact Mr Danh Thai.eL Address 1'2'So L-tecct CittY5Mit5atramerto.CA',r I Tdephonc(dtr�279-s Soy Fax No. Email: ago, Cott Date:resruarg Completed DateDec 2014 ContractValue:s i7, 7e-00 FTMJo6No:r1-hos OwnerjohNo.:sr5o JobLo at on: Cm of San,Marino,Oak Knoll and Monte-cg Koad D>sa;ptonof Wok:Traf.;r.G Inning et le„I Owner( r:l of San Manna Contact Mr Chuck K ckey.rrolecr Manager Address 2200 hn-.nngeon Dr ne Cs /5tatedan Marno,CA,i 10s Tdcpbon ,r2 c)30J-o793 Fax No. (6261300-07Ja Emat Contract Data Mae zo13 Completed Date:Drc 20]+ Contract Value 5 n 2 =,f.00 FTMJobNo:rIt-ar- OwnerJohNo. or 331202 bid N . it-Ioor JobLocation:Ct,r of In int Warner Are.Jamboree Road Descdptionof Work Nortkbone:d On_Kanip Tal 6c Signals[rap:m,emeet Owner:C:y of ImlreContact MI Darrell llartnran Adder:One Cn<c Center Drn e City/5w=Irvine,CA 92025 Telephon ;= -29--0o0o Fa<No.:;9tnt7 -745 EmailIh r an2a inec_,as Contact Date April 2014 Completed Dat=_Ione 20 Contract Value ss 3 s.oa*00 1J PTMJobNod'I+-os OwnerjobNo.,n_27-53 fr5Kz5L-`oioioael JobLocation: (_ ry of Fo o n.L e ingtor.Ane (Gary Aar to Wien'1•e) Desorption o{Work:Traffic Modl6aacon OwnonCti of Fanorn Contact Mn Ron Chan FE Address:soy 5.Gary A.e.C/— am=r0n,ona,CA y i75 a Tdepboncd°oa`n zo-zzn l ra.No .'ogl,:z0-12h° n,1:Kn aici_Adranci rorionia..a.«. Contract Dat:Marah2014 Completed Date:Ocwherzo 15 Contact Value 5-1,209 00 PTINJobNo:FI4-oh OwnerJobNo. 4 6-=5-1 JohLOcstiom Cog of Mnrnrtn.V,.�:,nr Lorauon_. Desc tptionof Wok Pedcstnan Safety Enhancement Froirrt Flame Owne„Cry of Mijr irtn ConachMr 5ratia Ste phen.o-i.FE Addreaea 1Town Center 5quare Cay/StmerMirrriatt CA 'zt z Telephoned.>Isr--znep rax No. (°51)shI-So49E,matl:hsmphensonc n,,,:,ICtago. Contact Date April 2014 Completed Date Octoher 201h Contact ValuGb 1 e 519E 51 as FTMJobNeOwnerJobNo.. 154-77 JobLocattom Citt of Orange,Vista Kedge De.,e DesemptionofWok Drarag=end Sterne lmpr„rrirnt OwnenCityof Orangr Contact Mr NI.,tthe., Lorcnzcn.Fraieet Manager Address wo L.CkapmanCi y5tat=Oange:CA a23eo Teiephonci.I'5919_--55rat No. ,7191;''-s77 Email:mlorcn<e n@uty oorange.ore ContractDateAanlz011 Completed Dat January 20,c Contact Values i 05,13:oo VTMJObNeFw-0e OwnerJobNo,C400.> JobLocation Oa of Rivcm,dr.eggs Nod on bard Road Pe.c ptondWokTraf'cSignalLightingFrojcctinthrCo �mu,tyofFinn.hVnIir OwcnCn.�nryofReer_sideContact MrJoel Jircncz F-olectManager Address:5>25 I 5-N So-ect City/State side,CA q=`04 TcIcp6Ona.95I 955-9730 ra.No. .951)'S5-5 I 04 Ema:4.rim nez.rtlmaorg Contract DateApd 2011 Completed Dat=Fat z0I 5 Contact Values I ne !a z 00 FTMJobNo[N-o9 OwnarjobNo=Cm,FrorectNo im 20 JobLocatiom —act or Coa:a Mrarn_.a,a.e at2c 'Stint D ascription of Wok: Cr,SS,,,alk Froget OwnanGtr r, Cosc Mrs.Conacb M-..ThOmas backs. L Address 77 Far Drive°WS:ate:Costa Mesa.CA 92525 Tdepbonc i . 7 :--35 Fax No. cc I o c.coo,s 025a Epailttoni kmmicmckmetmmemiLmgo„ Contract Data:Ju,e 201< Completed Data:In Progrots Contract Value:s i,g990 00 FTMJobNo:rI4-ii OwnerJobNo. Cty[-ojcctNo. Io_is JobLocatiorm CtCosL Mrsa-51:nfiower Ase.at A=tonhbd Deacriptionof Wok Franc Signal ModFmacoa.Federal Framed No.h51FL-,,12 ;05-) OwnctCty or Costa Mesa contact Mr-Thomas honk,FL Adams&771'air Drie 03451rat Costa Mesa.CA p 20 25 Telaphan (7i<;754-;5es 5 Fax No. o a)751-go25 Emaih tom c:ank<amt3mcsaca.go, Contact Date:May 2014 Completed Date:In pros-ems ContactValue:5_}ss2}00 FTMJo6Na[I< t OwncrJobNo..3-R-�j Job Location: Litt Or La habra.Varo,s Locations Description ofWokAnnaal 5mlewalk and Wherkham improvement Frolect Owne:C of La ha'b:a Co:lochM- ChristopkerJohaPSCI Fro nct Manner Address:201 F.I_,habra Drive C' '5tatc La habra,CA em0 Tdephonc(5oz`,e,fri,I Fax No. nz)ese-u, Email: Contract Date May'O14 Completed Dt Dec 20 Contact Valu C$I a z3 s,.00 FTMJobNo.r 4-1, OwnerJobNo. JobLocatiom Cit,Or Stanton.beach 5kd.:, ',liege CenterDrve DCSCnptonofWokTrarr;c Signal Ir:pio,enents OwnenCitq o=5rnton Contact Ms.Stephanir C or nga,Fng-Asst Addru 7500 Kardl:.A,< :e Citty5tatc:5tanmri,C�Apor50 TelepkOOCw 14)s 9.__ ^Fax No. .'�4�s 0-I+4-,f. :ad:scamorlingacac st:ctn.:.us 0 Contact Data:June 2311 Completed Data In Frogress Contact Values a',BS 585 J0 FTMJo6No:F15-I4 Owneriol,No F-nr.ctNo- I1-55, ors'Ss JobLoctiom Co,of Murrieta,Alta MU rnrta and Whmcwood Deacoptionof WorkTaf6e 5,g:,,I In=t,liaer,n QwnanCty of Morneta Contact M5 bre^Stephenson.VL Mara:I Town Center 5pu Cie9/5ate ML: gem,CA° o. Telephone.. 45ot-2480 FaxNo. 3131-5'4c1-6oa9 Email:bstepkrnooncmorrim ors Contract Date:Aug 2014 Completed Datm June 2015 Cr onactValuei 258.0'1-o_K+ o prM " I JobNo:r*-Is O�njob NO.C2M 14-09 JobLootion: C_:ty of Alhambra Interscctinn of Ca=eld A e s Talmage Burke Wag Dcactiptonof Work Tn1 u n 5:gnal and hLghway Safetg I Ighn,g 5asrcm QwnenCty 0f Alh,ml, , Contact M0.s.Am ndaE:d Address: 111 .oath rrrst 5teet Cj 5tat-`Alhamha.CA 9 z502 Telephonm.e_ ,5'O-5002 Fax No. ,ego °zo I Email:aemdne,tyof.,Iham:ra.cos Contract Date:Ju y 2015 Completed Date Msy 2015 Contract Volum s 100.;`z 00 rrMJobNo:FIS- 0 QwncrJobNoz124-2,reArrnI No.hair'-5351:025) JobLocatiom C�t,. ;Fico Kip Ceyw ,r. Demnptonof Work Ta1 Safety Impro,ements OwnenCt„o1ri=oR,. n ConmacbMrjocroca Address.„n 15 Faso s Cy6-d. Ci /5 rmo Kr : Ca 90000 Telephone:i562)50 I-415 raxNo. ,., 1)."1:1-' . .- Ot.Emal:jlo raoricon,cm ors Contract Date,inn c 201 Completed Data uto.,t 2015 Contract Value.I 0 t,-.5 lace FTMJobNo:F14- - QwncrJobNo 1-5-041 JobLocatlom Ctn of Moreno V.,Fr.,.Moreno Valley Mal;Stop Dcsaiptonof Wok Mall Stop t nhanaement.F-o,rct QwnenKivr=,dr „sit -\'r-a,1;KT,- C ConracbMr Anorc.Lost Adder: 1525 Tk,rd 5t Ci/5mte:Kivcrs:de,CA 9250- TelepContract honetos 1t5 n5-siaoFaxNo : _A5-591 Email: F r d.rst.c�dct: as� on) CDate:5eptemknr 2314 Completed Dat:Aug 2014 Contract Volum s 599.66200 15 PTMJobNtls OwnerJo6No^a27-+eo;0 JobLoca on, C,,,.of Pore.,,a.rnFTim.D.:, Desc+ipnonof Wokeaffic Signal Poles,Relocation O•'eenCty of Ponooa Conant M•.Rao C6aa.PF Address.<0g S.Ga cqA _City tent roman,.CA? . Telephone o , m-zze 1 rax Fax No. ; FTM General Engineering Services Inc. 201 5 Job References FTM Joh No!P3-01OwnerJobNo_ 1928 Job Location: Montebello Way from Mines Ave.to Olamp;c(3kd- Description of Work Montebello Wag Traffic Sg.al improvements from Mines Ave.to Olympic bllnd. Owner Carr of Montebello Contact Mr_No:T:oz Address: i eoo W-be.-ed 5l..d_ Montebello,CA aoc to Telephone:3z}_ss. a]O rax Email,t lVuhidcdtyo+mont<be'l.lo corn Contract Date i i3ai s Completed Date, ,zs_I Contact Value:of irL,Ltti Jm End Value:In rrngre_.s PTMJobNo. Pis-05OwnerJobNo.: Job Location: Various Locations Description of Work: Citywide Traffic Signal Upgrades and Modifications Owner Cary of Lawndaie Contact:Mr Miguel Alvarez Address: 1471;bu: e Air I =wnd lr CA"02 co Telephone a Ioa-33—o s rx 3 ia;p3.za I iE al inns a:t ndskita_oo Contract Date e_a s Completed Dateie ContactValue:sn3oaa 00 End Value Jr:Doane:it rTM Job No:P i 5-0o OwnerJob No.:zo i_oas Job Location: 5uldwin Park BI„d at Ohio 5r.i Los Angeles 5t at La Rica Ave. D escr4ption of Woc Two newtrgliicIllations at baldwn Park blvd at Ohio 5r a di 05 AnE:dea ht at L R:ca Ave. Owner Cr„of baldwir Pair Contact: Mr Carlos Aguirre Address, 19403 r.Pacific Ave. baldion Paf.,CAn!mon Telephone:e..d.9 I9 czoo rax6Z' 9t 2.2 '25 re@baldwrn,arknon Contract Date:rn Completed Date 5 z 1- ContactValue:ail-5=a9 00 End Value in Progress 1 PIM Job No:Pi S-J-OwnerJob No- i5-o0s Job Location V mous Locations Description ofWoh bus Ramp FroierI Owner R FA Contact:Mr.Rob Wyman Address. i ez 5 Third Sheet Rrversh,e,CA 92507 Telephone p5 i•$s 5000 Pan-g5 i-505.5001 Email n.yma.ncr:.,ersidetransitnom Contract Date.e.<_ Completed Date e_I z-'S ContactValue:s End Value.$55058 00 PTM Job No P 5-0s Owner Job No.: 14/5 5-05 Job Location: Poocyllbhl.,5Cyin erlonAte . Description ofWork TrafficSigna,I Frove1ent Footh,! 6vd.andCornis onA.,e. Owner,City of La Canada [-Infringe Contact:Mr.Nasser Snon,hr,gran Address: i 527 Food,dl blvd.Ia Ca:a.a hintridge,CA q101 Telephone: s 8.'?C 8852 Pan s i 8.790.5535 Email:nassccsha cf ca.gov Contract Date e_z5 Completed Date, i0 2e.I5 Contract Value.$5-"57.00 End Value:sso,ezzoo PTM Job Na:KI sae Owner Job No.: i 405 1 7 Job Location Foothill gird Desorption of Work t-oot,iY.bn-d_at home Depot-I Signal and Cedar Ave. Median mp-o.ement, Owner Ct9 of KHalto Contact:Mr Ldde Chan Address. 535\V.R'ulr Ave K.Iw,CA 925'r Telephone $o9.e2oz65I Paw Lmall.e,nanC�daltoca_gov Contract Date i i 02. 5 Completed Date: 4 2 I it, Contract Value s$55,05 5 00 End Value. PTM Job No,P i 5-i i Owner Job No..h51P-532Fo i; Job Location: Cental Ate/San bernardino 5t. Description of Work TaHGc 5s,al In:pro`cment Project Central Ate arid San bernai 5t_ Ownen City of Montclair Contact Mr 5+„e Stanton Address, 5 ' I ben to Street Montclair.CA 91-et Telephone.Poo t,2 94+4 rag p00ezi_I584Emall:sstanw,@cityo{nonrlairors Contract Date: I is.. Completed Date:3_o. e Contract Value$20$40,04 End Value: 2 FTM Job No:r ,-1;L OwnerJob No-, 11-e 75'9 :4_o 500 ,Job Location:Newhope Street/Camille Street Newnope 5treet and Camille 5treet Description of Work:New Traffic Signa:on Newhope 5treet and Camille Street:c7993 f raffic 5igna Moduication on Newhope Street a,d Camilo 5treet(bnoo) Owner Cry of Santa Ana Contact:Mr Victor So Address: 20 Civic Center rasa- M-22 Santa And,Ca 92702 Telephone:714-7<,-3076 Fax 7 4.547 sass Email:.soc0santa-ana.org Contract Date:14 14 Completed Date:In pros. Contact Valuest737s 00 End Value:In Froge s FTM Job No:Pis_ 3 Qwner Job No.: 17,70' 15-07,51 Job Location:Var ous Locations Description of Work Replacement of In.ernaHy Illuminated Street Name 5i3ns Owner Eitc ci hcU Gardens Contact:Mr Jerome,Joaon�n Address:5327 C,ah.dd Ae.bell Gardens.CA 90201 Telephone:$,.$9777000 Fax C260573000Email:jjoacl:d corn co Contract Date:_ Completed Date. In Frog2» Contact Value 5577.027 30 End Value:$33 I 3720 FTM J06 No Pi+-:4QwnerJob No.:a0i5-os Job Location:Garve A,e- Rosemead PI,Muscatel Ave. Description of Work Garey Avenue highway 5afet,Frolect Owner:Cit,of Rosemead Contact:Mr Se.,n 5u11Ran Address 3333 F.Valley 5l,d. Rosemead,CA 91770 Telephone:cze 909 2117 Fax Email: ss ulli,anc0cityo`-:osemead-o:g Contract Date: lo e.I Completed Date 7 22.I Contract Value:s477,o:it 00 End Value: FTMJob No:rix_13Owner Job No.: ❑F0017 Job Location: Clinton Ks th Rd-/hidden Springs Rd. Description ofWork Cfinto kith Ko..4stlicIden Springs Rd Malian Signal Southhound Leh Turn Moolilicatior. Owner:Cita of Wrldomar Contact:Mr Matt bennett Address: 23573 CI nton Keith Rd s20t Wiildon r CA 92±95 Telephone.97: 577 7741 Fax 95 I o98.ISrS Email:n:be.nettCwddomarorg Contract Date: I_.14.13 Completed Date: In rogre s Contract Value:tits 7,953 Os End Value-In Frogress 3 PTM Job No:P i s-i OwnerJob No.: Job Location-Longden Ave/Myrtle Ave. Descdption of Wank T ralLc Stinal Improvement at Longden Avenue and Myrtle Avenue Qwnen Qty of Irwindale Contact:Mr rrancisco Car110 Address:50oN.ln.indalcAye.In~indale,CAniToa Telephone:626 9-',0 2210 raw 52E2150.22 Email: fcamll r :ndale cc,r Contract Date:>a.I s Completed Date: it:progress Contract Value:s 21 5.51 z ort End Value:In Frog:c e PTMJob No:Pis-i7OwnerJobNo.:CC-Hiss Job Location. balsa China 5t;Bolsa A,-c. Description ofWork balsaSt atbosso Ave Tinffir Mod:dent:or Qwnen Citr,of Huntington beach Contact: Mr John Griffin Address: 2300 N.Main 5t Huntington.beacr,Ca 02t4-& Telephone:719-g?5.5 of i Ea>;7 1 4.N s.''2",4 Emaillgdffm. surfdr,,-hyorva Contract Date: Completed Date: In progress Contract Value:51g o.105 as End Value:In Pro,ess PTM Job No. F i>-i s QwnerJob No.: o.-r Gzs.>< Job Location:San Luis Obispo.Santa Barbara and 5anta Cruz Counties Description of Wok Moddn Countdown anda dle pc:de:so:sr. ign.d> Owner Caltrans Contact:Loan bennetze, Address:,0,3 PresiLer Lane.Ste.L Santa Mana,Ca 97:e g4 Telephone:sot,441.69 rat SOsr___g I iL al lilian dienneizeneodcil c,:go.. Contract Date:e 7+1_i o Completed Date In progress Contract Value:51,aso,sae ort End Value:In rrosress PTM Job No: Pi+-i0Owner Job No.: Job Location:Orizaba Ave. Description of Work: LightingImprovementsatAli An:cna,nVak Qwnen Cita of Paramount Contact:San h Ho Address: I 55oo Donne,Ave. Paramount,CA$372 Telephone sZ.220 2_157 ran: szs_o.z I o< LmaiL shocmparamountmtgcom Contract Date+s.i d Completed Date. In Iwogres Contract Value 5 I 0:9 I I 00 Lnd Value:lei Pvgreen 4 FTM Job No P 15.10 OwnerJob No.: SPs=s Job Location;-f aft A e./Corb:.dge St,Taft Avr :Seger 5t Descnption of Work.Tait Library to P-re Station a' ftbcr Optic Cable Installation Project QwnenCityofOrange Contact: Matrkew1_o:enaen Address: soo F.Chapman Ate On nge Ca.28do Telephone:7rr.-4a5 i66 Fax?I4.744.5574 Ema6 mloren.enrndtjoforingecam Contract Date:4.o.I c Completed Date:h'rogre a Contract Value:5219,81200 End Value:521 bj 12 00 FTM Job Na r15-2 i Owner Job No.:07-2C2oa Job Location:Lynwood/Paramoont Description of Work: or Conatruction on State Dgkway in Los Angeles Counts in Lynwood and Paramount at Route I O7,,/7 o Separation Owner:Coltrane Contact,Edgar Iierrern Address: 187505.Wtlmington Ave.Ste. i os Kancko Dom:nguea.Ca 90220 Telephone:510.009020^ext ZS I Fax: Email,edgarherrercdotcago.- ContactDate: Completed Date, In progress Contract Value ss.:be x900 End Value:in Prngre s PTMJob No:P1 ,-di OwnerJobNo. N/A Job Location.Palo.Vcrdes Dr. N./Rolling Dills Kd./Ponauese bend Kd Description of Work Tr:f6n 5 :d Moaicition on Palo,Verdes Dr N.&K l ng Milk Krpriinusileac bend Rd Owner:City of Rolling Pills Contact;Ms. Dope No,in Address; e045 Palos Vcro s Dr NLstatcs,Ca 90174 Telephone vo777.l 577 Lxt 107 Fac s1o.577 4-4-bs Lm 'L4 t c.'mllin hll rrcercgo0 Contract Date,' 10 le, Completed Date;In piog os Contract Value: s 199,s9a oo End Value,In Progress PTMJob No:Ps17Owner Job No_: 2015-0c b Job Location: base line Rd./Monte Vat.' Description of Work TrafficSignal Modification at base Line Road and Monte Viet-,Avenue Owner:City of Claremont Contact:Mr Vince Kamos Address: 207 lianvard Ave.Cloren:ont.CA 91?:. Telephon ?09399.5405 Fax 904.'92.5442 Email: .ramos@d.da:emontca.LAS Contract Date 1.5 c Completed Date 5. Contract Value:si 77007.00 End Value.Jr Pro 5 'TM Job No:r =-II-Owner JobNo.: T5-i do Job Location: Jefferson 5t/Dunbar Description of vVcrlc _Jefferson 5trnet atDunbar Dri‘ TraWcSfinal Owner City of Indio Contact: Cr.Wreck Address: 100 Civic Center Mall,Indo,CA 9220 i Telephone: 760o2Si a5a f=ax:)-4,0.•9i.ea29eweak©indb-o,g Contract Date: zs l Completed Date: Jr.progress Contract Value: 525 i3-00EndVAle,;nPr<;gre 6