CC - Item 4A - Public Hearing Adoption of Updated 2017 CMP & Local Development Report[NOTWI TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER .%w� ' DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 SUBJECT: ADOPTION OFTHE UPDATED 2017 CONGESTION MANAGEMEN'I' PROCr1tAM AND 2,017 1,OCAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT SUMMARY 'rhe Congesti(m Management Program (CMP) is as state mandated prograr'n that helps address the impact of urban congestion in local cornmunities. The CMI) requires that all cities in Los Angeles County file arIlWally a 1-oca] Development Report (LDR) indicating the City's actions taken to reduce traffic congestion, in the region. Additionally, oil odd numbered years, the City must conduct traffic counts and calculated levels of service for identified arterial intersections. The City has conducted the necessary traffic counts atthe intersection of G'arvey Avenue and Valley Boulevard, as required by the C" T'. In order to meet its requirements, the City 111USt adopt a resolution finding the City of Rosemead in compliance with the CMP for Los Angeles County and also subunit a. Local Development. Report. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is reconlinended that the City Council,: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 2018-52 finding that the City is in conformance with the Congestion Management Program (CMP) for the County of Los Angeles; 2. Adopt the 2017 Local Development Report and authorize staffto, submit the CMTs Local Development Report to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority. DISCUSSION All cities in Los Angeles County are required to report information regarding development permits issued during the reporting period, from June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018, To remain in compliance with the CMP. each local agency must contribute to the: prograin by tracking new building activities, reporting local land use decisions for the analysis of their impacts oil the regional transportation system, and implementing local transportation dernand management (TDM) guidelines while ensuring that new development is supportive of them. City Comicil Meeting September 25, 2018 Page 2 ot`2 The Local Development Report demonstrates as net increase in 25 single family residential units during the reporting period. '['his figure is derived from the number of new construction permits issued, less the number of demolition permits issued during the same period. Single Family Residential New Construction Permits Issued: 35 Units Demolition Permits Issued: 10 Units Net Increase in Residential Development: 25 Units There was no reportable activity for either Multi-Fainily Residential or Corninercial units for the reporting period. Additionally, on odd numbered years, the CMP requires that the City conduct traffic Counts and calculate levels of service for identified arterial intersections. Pursuant to the CMP, the City was required to conduct traffic counts and SLIbruit calculated levels of service for the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard, Del Mar Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue along Garvey Avenue. With the adoption of the attached resolution and submittal of the LDR, the City will fulfill all obligations to comply with the CMP. FINANCIAL REVIEW The City receives approximately $1 Million in state gas tax funds annually which arc used to fund capital improvement projects, road repair, and general maintenance to the City's public rights-of-way. City conformance with the CMP is required annually in order to continue receiving these state gas tax funds and to rernain eligible to receive other available tninsportatton funding. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Submitted by: M. Fajardo P.E. Greg Tstkjiuchi City Engineer Assistant City Manager Attachments A: Resolution No. 2018-52 Attachments B: Local Development Report Attachment A. ResolUtion No. 2018-52 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-52 A RESOIXTION OFTIII-�'CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THE CITY TO 13E IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE I CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) AND ADOPTING THE CNIP I,OCAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT, IN' I ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65089 WHEREAS, Congestion Managenient Program 1."CN11)") :statute requires the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority ("LACN/1TA"). acting as the Congestion Management Agency for Los Angeles County, to annually determine that the County and cities within the County are conforming to all CMP requircments-, and WHERF.'AS, LACMTA requires submittal of the CMP Local Development Report by September I of each year; and WHEREAS, the CityCouncil considered the Local Development Report and Congestion Management Plan compliance at a PUblic meeting on September 25, 201& NOW, TIJERE'FORE, ']'HE CII T'Y COUNCIL 1;'m ml`.' C 11"'Y OF ROSEMFIAD DOEIS I lt,REBY RESOLVI." AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City has taken all of the l'ollowing actions, and that the City, is in conformance with all applicable requirements of the 2010 CM11 adopted by the 1,ACN4TA Board on October 2 8, 20 10. The City has locally adopted and continues to implement a transportation demand management ordinance, consistent with the minimum requirements identified in the CMP Transportation Demand Management chapter. T fie City has locally adopted and continues to implernent as land USC analysis program, consistent with the minimum requirements identified in the CMP lurid Use Analysis Program chapter. SEC,riON 2, That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall forward a copy of this Resolution to tile Los Angeles County Metropolitan 'Fransportation Authority. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTEDTHIS DAY 2018 Steven 1,y Mayor ATTEST: Ericka f lermindez City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachel 1-1. Richman City Attorney Attachment B 2017,Local Development Report, CITY'OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared - 2018 CMP Local Development Report Reporting Period:201'7 - MAY 31, 2018 Contacto Rafael Fajardo a . , MMUNW-ma- 'OIL IMPORTANT: All "#value!" cells on this page are automatically calculated. Please do not enter data in, these cells. DEVELOPMENT TOTALS Single Family Residential Multi -Family Residential G:roup Quarters COM N _.I�JAIME Commercial (less than 300,0010 sq.ft,) Commercial (300,000 sq,ft. or more) Freestanding Eating & Drinking NON -RETAIL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY' Lodging Industrial Office (less than 50,000 sq -k) Office (50,000-299,999 sq.ft.) Office (300,000 sq.ft. or more) Medical Government Institutional/Educabonal University (# Of Students) OTHER DET'ELOPMEAT A=TTT ENTER IF APPI-ICABLE ENTER IF APPI-11CABLE .=XEMPTED DEVELOPMENT TOTALS Exempted Dwelling Units Exempted Nio000s Dwelling Units 25.00 0.00 0 00 Page I Z Net square feet is the difference between new development and adjustments entered on pages 2 and 3 --------- - ,CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: AugUSt 16, 201l8 2018 CMP Local Development Report Reporting period: JUNE 1, 2017 - MAY 31, 20118 ........ ... PART I NEW DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category Dwelling Ulnits ------------- - - - - ----- Multi-Family Residential Group Quarters COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Category i 00 -0 Gross I L sq, — - ----------- ICommercia (300,1000 sq.ft. or more) F�eestaQqLq_.Dhnk,ing NOWRETAIL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY ..... ..... . ww ross Square Feet ll�dustrial Office (less than 50,000 sq,ft.) Office (501000-29i9,999 sq.ft.) ,Office (300,000 sq,ft, or more) # ---------- 'Government Institutional/Educational University (# of students) OTHER DEVELOPMENTACTIVITY Description Daily Trips (Attach addonal sheets if necessary) (Enter'O" ff none), ENTER lF APPLICARE W� CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date Prepared: ALIgust 16, 2018 2018 CMP L,oical Development Report Reporting Period: JUNE 1, 2017 - MAY 31, 2018, 121. enter "o," PART 2: NEW DEVELOPMENT ADJUSTMENTS IMPORTANT: Adjustments may be claimed only for 1) development permi s ffiat-were both issued and revoked, expired or withdrawn during the reporting period, and 2) dernolition of any structure with theje#q� RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ADjUSTMENTS Dwelling Units Single Farnily Residential Iglu 61 n M u Iti-Farn i ly ResJde ntlal Quarters ,Groluip COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY - 1 000 Gross Square Feet Commercial (3010,000 sqft, or more)_____ �Free standing Eating 8, Drinking [NON -RETAIL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY ;Category 1,000 Gross Square Feet 1501111 M- mguflflnl�# Office (306,000 sq.ft. or more) • . .. . ........ ............. . ........ InsfitutionaUEducational �OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY Deschpfion Daily Trips (Attach, add itioets . . ....... .. --- JENTER �F APPL�CABUE Page 3 CITY OF ROSiEMEAD 0 �2018 CMP Local Development Report 0 Reporting Period: JUNE 1, 2017 - MAY 31, 201? lEnter data for all cells labeled "Enter." If there are no data for that category, enter "0." [All r*11111111 I I'M0101 014 0J I Z I ki I High Density Residential Near Rail Stations Mixed Use Developments Near Rail Stations Dev6loprnent Agreements Entered into Prior to July 10, 1989 Reconstruction of Buildings Damaged due to "calarnity" Reconstruction of Buildings Damaged in Jan. 1994 Earthquake Total Dwelling Units Total Non-residential sq. ft. (in 1 1000s) i Dwelling Units 0 1,000 Gross Square Feet 0 Dwelling Units 0 1,000 Gross Square Feet 0 Dwelling Units 0 1,000 Gross Square Feet 0 Dwelling Units 0 1,000 Gross Square Feet 0 Dwelling Units Page 4 Exempted Development Definitions: 1, Low/Very Low income Housing: As defined by the California Department of Housing and Community Development as follows: - Low-income: equal to or less thain 80% of the County median income, with adjustments for family size. - Very Low-lncome: equal to or less than 50% of the County median income, with adjustments for family size, 2. High Density Residential Near Rail Stations: Development located within 114 m0e of a fixed rail passenger station, and that is equal to or greater than 120 percent of the maximum residential density ailowed under the local general plan and zoning ordinance A project providing a minimum of 75 dwelling units per acre Is automatically considered high density. 3. Mixed Uses Near Rail Stations: Mixed -Use development located within 114 mire of a fixed rail passenger station, if rnore than half of the land area, or floor area, of the mixed use development is used for high density residential housing, 4. Development Agreements: Projects that entered into a development agreement (as specified under Section 65864 of the California Government Code) with a local jurisdiction prior to July 10, 1989. 5 Reconstruction or replacement sof any residential or non-residential structure which is darnaged or destroyed, to the extert, of > or = to 50% of its reasonable value, by fire, flood, earthquake or other similar calamity. 6. Any project of a federal, state or County agency that is exempt from local jurisdiction zoning regulations and where the local jurisdiction is precluded from exercising any approvaUdisapproval authority. These locally precluded projects do not have to be reported in the LDR.