CC - Item 5F - State Highway Account - Sustainable Communities Grant1111111111 jir� 11111 1 1111 i
DA'I'E: SF]"FEMBER �25,2018
City of'Rosernead received a grantapplication firorn the Calif*ornia Department ol"Fransportation
(Caltrans), Division of"Fransportation planning in the a1110U11t ol'$184,950, In order to proceed
with the process it is required to approve a Restricted Grant Agreement (R(;A) between the State
of California acting by and through its Department of"Transportation (Caltrans) and the City of'
Rosemead. fly law, the State of' alif"ornia, cannot pay for work undertaken by any contractor
prior to complete approval ofthe RGA.
It is recommended that the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the
Restricted Grant Agreement (RGA) No. 74A1094.
The City "/as successfully awarded as total project grant amount of $184.1950; Grant Award
$159,950; and City snatch $25,0Ol frorn Measure R.
This item has been noticed through the rCgL11ar agenda notification process.
Prepared by: Subn,iitted bye�
GT0,V .. . . ....
Rafacl M. Fa ardo, P.L GregTSU inch
City Engineer Assistant City Manager
AttachmeTIt A: Rcstricted Grant AgreenGA)ient (R
Attachment A
Restricted Gran 'tAgreen iest
No. 74A 109,4
City of Rosemead
AgreementY a Y
agie 1 of 17
,.wSA i
q 1.1kyj 19=010
GRANT Y (RGA),between the IY
Februaryf California
acting by and through its Department of Transportation, referred to herein as
CALTRANSi, and the City of Rosernead, hereinafter referred to as AGENCY, will
commence on October 1, 2018, or upon approval by CALTRANS, whichever occurs
later. This RGA is of no effect unless approved by C�ALTRANS. AGENCY shall not
receive payment for work performed prior to, approval of the RGA and before receipt of
notice to proceed by the CALTRANS Contract Manager. Thiis RGA sihal�l expire on
, 20211
1. Under this RGA, CALTRANS intends to convey StateM grant r
AGENCY,r Budget Act Line Item2660-102-0042,
transportation studies and planning within the regional area under the jurisdiction
underAGENCY r conditions of thiis RGA.
2. CALTRANS and AGENCY intend w only fundsr are authorized w+ ii
Jointgra,nts will be subject to this RGA, and that no fuinds that should be the subject of 2
Agreement, wr,. Agreement, otherr .r agreement
shall be subject to this RGA.
NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the terms, covenants and conditions of this �RGA, the
parties agree as M
the project budget• RGA.
loll 1 liffill III
City of Rosemead
Agreement Number 74A1094
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I . Under this RGA, CALTRANS will convey State grant restricted funds to AGENCY,
pursuant to Budget Act Line Item 2660-102-0042, and AGENCY will conduct
transportation studies and planning!, within the regional area described in Attachment
11. The funds subject to this RGA must be (a) identified as available for a restricted
grant in CALTRANS"s budget and (b) for the purpose of conducting transportation
studies or planning and (c) to a public entity that is responsible for conducting
transportation studies or planning,
2. Under this restricted grant, funds may be only used for the purpose set forth iin RGA,
Resolution (Attachment, I), Scope of Work and Project timel'line (Attachment 11), and
Grant Application Guide, available at:
http://www,dot,c:a.qov/hci/t/offices/orir)/Grants/qraiits.html , and funds may only be
used for costs and expenses that are directly related to such purpose.
3. AGENCY shall perform all the duties and obligations described in the "Rosemead
Citywide Complete Streets Plan," hereinafter the (Project, subject to the terms and
conditions of this RGA. The Approved Project Grant Application (Scope of Work and
Project timeline), which are attached) hereto as Attachment III.
4. The resolution authorizing AGENCY to execute this RGA pertaining to the above
described Project is attached hereto as Attachment I.
5. All services performed by AGENCY pursuant to this RGA shall be performed in
accordance with all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws, regulations, and
ordinances, all appl�cable CALTRANS policies and procedures, and all applicable
CALTRANS published manuals, including, but not limited to, the Grant Application
In case of conflict between any applicable Federal, State and Local laws, regulations,
and ordinances, and/or any applicable policies, procedures or published manuals of
either CALTRANS or AGENCY, the order of precedence of the applicability of same
to this Agreement shall be, established in this order: 1) Federal laws and regulations;
2) California laws and regulations, 3) CALTRANS policies, procedures, and published
manuals; 4) Local ordinances-, and 5) AGENCY policies, procedlures, and published
manuals. This RGA may not include any federal funds.
SHA State $159,950.00
LOCAL MATCH Agency Provided' $25,000.00
000000" 1 NM
No in-kind contributions may be made unless the amount and type of the contribution
is identified above.
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Agreement Number 74A1094
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7. This RGA is exempt from legal review and approval by the Department of General
Services, pursuant to Legal Opinions of the Attorney General- 58 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen.
586 (1975), 63 Op�s.Cal.Atty.Gen. 290 (1980i), 74 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 10 (1991), and 88
Ops.Cal.Afty.Gen. 56.
B. Notification of Parties
b. CALTRANS's Contract Manager is Melanie Bradford. "Contract Manager" as used
herein includes his/her designee.
c. All notices herein provided to be given, or which may be given, by either party to
the other, shall be deemed to have been fully given when made in writing and
received by the parties at their respective addresses:
City of Rosemead
Attention: Greg Tsujiuchi, Grantee Project Manager
Phone Number: (626) 569-21151
8838 East Valley Boulevard
Rosemead, CA 91770
California Department of Transportation
District 7 Office of Regional P�anning
Attention: Melanie Bradford, Contract Manager
Phone Number, (213) 897-9446
100 South Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 900,12
a. Reimbursable work under this RGA shall begin no earlier than on October 1, 2018,
following the written approval of CALTRANS and AGENCY's receipt of the Notice
to Proceed letter of this RGA by the CAL,TRANS Contract Manager, and will expire
on February 28 , 2021,
b. AGENCY will attend a kickoff meeting with CALTRANS to be scheduled within
one (1) week from receipt of Notice to Proceed letter by the CALTRANS Contract
10. Changes in Terms/Amendments
This RGA may only be amended or modified by mutual written agreement of
the parties.
11. Cost Limitation
a. The maximum total amount granted and reimbursable to AGENCY pursuant to this
RGA by CALTRANS shall not exceed $159,950.00.
City of Rosemead
b. It is agreed and understood that this RGA fund limit is an estimate and that
CALTRANiS will only reimburse the, cost of services actually rendered in
accordance with the provisions of this RGA and as authorized by the CALTRANS
Contract Manager at or bielow that fund limitation established herein.
& CALTRANS reserves the right to terminate this RGA upon written notice to
AGENCY at least thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of such
termination in the event CALTRANS determines (at its sole discretion) that
AGENCY failed to proceed with PROJECT work iin accordance with the terms of
this RGA. In the event of termination for convenience, CALTRANS will reimburse
AGENCY for alll allowable, authorized and non-cancellled costs up to the date of
4. This RGA may be termi�nat�ed by either party for ainy reason by giving written notice
to the other party at least thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of siuch
terminatio,, . in the event of termination for convenience, CALTRANS will
reimburse AGENCY for all allowable, authorized and non -cancelled costs up to the
date of termination.
c. AGENCY has sixty (60) days after the, Termination Date to submit invoices to
CALTRANS to make final allowable payments, for Project costs in accordance to
the terms of this RGA. Failure to suibmit invoices within this period of time shall
result in a waiver by AGENCY of its right to reimbursement of expended costs.
a. It isi mutually agreed that if the U.S. Congress or the State Legislature fail to
appropriate or allocate funds during the current year and/or any s,ubseq�uent years
covered under this RGA do not appropriate sufficient funds for the program, this
Agreementshaill be of no further force and effect, In this event, CALTRANS shall
have no liability to pay any funds whatsoever to AGENCY or to furnlish any other
consideratioins under this Agreement and AGENCY shall not be obligated to
perform any provisions of this RGA.
M ding for any fiscal year is reduced or deleted by theCongress or the State
Legislature for purposes of this program, CALTRANS shalil have the option to either
termilnat�e this Agreement with no fiability occurring to CALTRANS, or offer a RGA
Amendment to AGENCY to reflect the reduced amount.
a, The method oif payment for this RGiA will be biased on the actual allowable costs
that are iincurred in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and in the
pe,rformanic�e of the, Project Work. CALTRANS will reimburse AGENCY for
exM"nded actual allowaosts and including, but not limited to labor
costs, travel, and contracted consultant services costs incurred by AGENCY in
performance of the Project work. Indirect costs are reimbursable oinly if the
AGENCY has an approved Indirect Cost Allocation Plan or an Indirect Cost Ratt
Proposal as set forth in Section III — Cost Principles, Item 16.d. The tota,l cost
shall not exceed the cost reimbursement limitation set forth in Section III — Cost
Limitations, Item I I.a. Actual costs shall not exceed the estimated wage rates,
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Agreement Number 74A1094
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'labor costs,, travel and other estimated costs and fees set forth 'in Attachment III
without ain amendment to this RGA, as agreed between CALTRANS and
bReimbursement of AGENCY expendorized only for those
aUowable costs actually incurred by AGENCY in accordance with the provisions of
this Agreement and in the performance of the Project Work. AGENCY must not
only have incurred the expenditures on or after the start date and the issuance of
the Notice to Proceed letter for this RGA and before the Expiration Date, but must
have also paid for those costs to claim any reimbursement.
c. Travel expenses and per them rates are, not to exceed the rate specified by the
State of California Department of Human Resources for similar employees
non -represented empiloyees) unless written verificaition is supplied that
government hotel rates, were not then commercially availabile to AGENCY, its sul
recIipients, contractors, and/or subcontractors, at the time d location required a
specified in the California Department of Transpoon's, Travel Guide Excepit�io
Process at the following link: http://www,"""asc/travel/"ao b/bWJ'itrn
Also see website for summary of travel reimbursement rules.
d. AGENCY shaill submit invoiices to CALTR,ANS at least quartedy, but no more
frequently than monthil,y in arrears for completion of miiestoines in accordance wit
the Project Tim!eline in Attachment III to the satisfaction of the CALTRANS
Contract Manager. Invoices sha,ll reference this RG,A Number and shall be sign
and submitted to the CALTRANS Contract Manager at the following address, as
stated in Sectioin III — Notification of Parties, Itern 8,.c.
e, Invoices shall include the following Information.-
1) Names of the AGENCY personnel performing wo
2) Dtes aInid times of Project Work
3) Locations of Project Work i
4) Itemized costs as set forth in Attachment 11, including identification, of each
employee contractor, or subcontractor staff who provided services during the
period of the invoice, the number of hours and hourly rates for each employee,
contractor, sub-recipien't or subcontractor staff member, authorized travel
expenses with receipts, receipts for authorized materials or supplies, and
contractor, sub-rec:iIpienit and subcontractor invoices.
5) AGENCY shall submit written progress reports with each set of invoices to
allow the CANS Contract Manager to determine if AGENCYis
performing to expectations, is on schedule, is within funding cost limitations, to
communicate interim findings, and to afford occasions for airing d'ifficulties
respeg special problems encountered so that remedies can be developed.
Incomplete or inaccurate invoices shall be returned to the AGENCY unapproved'
for correction, Failure to submit invoices on a timely basis may be grounds for
termination of this RGA for material breach per Section III — Termination, Itemi
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g, CALTRANS will reimburse AGENCY for all allowable Project costs at least
quarterly but no more frequently than monthly in arrears as promptly as
CALTRANS fiscal procedures permit upon receipt of an itemized signed invoice.
h, The RGA Expiration Date refers to the last date for AGENCY to incur valid
Project costs or credits and is the date the RGA expires. AGENCY has sixty (60)
days after that Expiration Date to make final allowable payments to Project
contractors or vendors, and submit the Project's Final Product(s) as defined in
Attachment 11 and a final invoice to CALTRANS for reimbursement for allowable
Project costs. Any unexpended Project funds not invoiced by the sixtieth (60th)
day will be reverted and will no longer be accessible to reimburse late Project
15. Local Match Funds
a. AGENCY shall contribute not less than a proportional cash amount toward the
services described herein on a monthly or quarterly basis. The frequency of the
payments shall be agreed upon by the parties in a document signed by both
parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that in-kind contributions are
permitted under this Agreement, the contributions may be counted as cash when
they are actually received by CALTRANS. Except where expressly allowed in
writing herein, reimbursement of credits for local matching funds will be made or
allowed only for work performed on and after the date of issuance of the Notice to
Proceed and prior to the Expiration Date of this RGA.
b, Local cash and in-kind match requirements can be found at. ov/h /t /offiCes/�2.ri/GEants/`� rants,html, Grants Application
Guide. AGENCY agrees to contribute the statutorily required local contribution of
matching funds if any is specified within this RGA or in any Attachment hereto,
toward the actual cost of the services described in Attachment 11. AGENCY shall
contribute, not less, than its required match amount toward the services, described
herein. Local cash and in-kind match requirements can be found: at the Office of
Regional Planning (ORP) website:
a. AGENCY agrees to comply with Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part
200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit
Requirements for Federal Awards.
b. AGENCY agrees, and will assure that its contractors, sub -recipients, and
subcontractors will be obligated to agree, that (a) Contract Cost Principles and
Procedures, 48 CFR, Federal Acquisition Regulations System, Chapter 1, Part
31, et seq., shall be used to determine the allowability of individual Project cost
items and (b) all parties shall comply with Federal administrative procedures in
accordance with 2 CFR, Part 2010, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost
Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Every sub -recipient
receiving Project funds as a sub -recipient, contractor, or subcontractor under
this RGA shall comply with Federal administrative procedures in accordance
with 2 CFR, Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles
and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards to the extent applicable.
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c. Any Project costs for which AGENCY has received payment or credit that are
determined by subsequent audit to be unallowable under 2 CFR, Part 200,
and/or Part 48, Chapter 1, Part 31, are subject to repayment by AGENCY to
CALTRANS. Should AGENCY fail to reimburse moneys due CALTRANS within!
thirty (30) days of discovery or demand/, or within such other period as may be
agreed in writing between the parties hereto, CALTRANS is authorized to
intercept and withhold future payments due AGENCY from CALTRANS or any
third -party source, including, but not limited to, the State Treasurer, the State
Controller or any other fund source.
d. Prior to AGENCY seeking reimbursement of indirect costs, AGENCY must
prepare and submit annually to CALTRANS for review and approval an indirect
cost rate proposal and a central service cost allocation plan, (if any) in accordance
with 2 CFR, Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and
Audit Requirements for Federal Awards and Chapter 5 of the Local Assistance
Procedures Manual which may be accessed at-,roqrams/lam/�apin.htm,
e. AGENCY agrees and shall require that all of its agreements with consultants and
sub -recipients contain provisions requiring adherence to this section in its entirety
except for section c, above.
17.Americans with Disabilities Act
By signing this RGA, AGENCY assures CALTRANS that in the course of performing
Project work, it will fully comply with the applicable provisions of the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability,
as well as all applicable regulations and guidelines issued pursuant to the ADA. (42
U.S.C� 12101 et seq.)
18. Indemnification
Neither CALTRANS nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any injury,
damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by
AGENCY, its officers, employees, agents, its contractors, its sub -recipients or its
subcontractors under or in connection with any work, authority or, jurisdiction
conferred upon AGENCY under this RGA. It is understood and agreed that
AGENCY, shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless CALTRANS and all of
CALTRANS's officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every
name, kind and description brought forth under, including, but not limited to,
tortuous, contractual, inverse condemnation or other theories or assertions of liability
occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by AGENCY, its, officers,
employees, agents contractors, sub -recipients, or subcontractors under this RGA.
19. Nondiscrimination Clause (2 CCR 11105 Clause b)
a. During the performance of this RGA, the AGENCY its contractors, its sub -
recipients, and its subcontractors shall not deny the contract's benefits to any
person on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry,
physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information,
marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual
orientation, or military and veteran status, nor shall they discriminate unlawfully
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against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religious
creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability,
medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender
identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military and veteran
status. AGENCY shall ensure that the evaluation and treatment of employees
and applicants for employment are free of such discrimination.
b. AGENCY shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act
(Gov. Code, § 12900 et seq.), the regulations promulgated thereunder (Cal. Code
Regs., tit. 2, § 11000 et seq.), the provisions of Article 9. 5, Chapter 1, Part 1,
Division 3, Title 2 of the Government Code (Gov. Code, §§ 11135-11139.5), and
the regulations or standards adopted by CALTRANS to implement such article.
c. AGENCY shall permit access by representatives of the Department of Fair
Employment and Housing and CALTRANS upon reasonable notice at any time
during the normal business hours, but in no case less than twenty four (24) hours'
notice, to such of its books, records, accounts, and all other sources of information
and its facilities as said Department or CALTRANS shall require to ascertain
compliance with this clause.
d. AGENCY and its Subcontractors shall give written notice of their obligations under
this clause to labor organizations with which they have, a collective bargaining or
other agreement.
e. AGENCY shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this
clause in all agreements with its sub -recipients, contractors, and subcontractors,
and shall include a requirement in all agreements with all of same that each of
them in turn include the nondiscrimination and complliance provisions of this clause
in all contracts and subcontracts they enter into to perform work under the RGA.
20. Retention of Records/Audits
a. AGENCY, its contractors, subcontractors and sub -recipients, agree to comply with
Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 200, Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
b. AGENCY, its contractors, subcontractors and sub -recipients shall establish and
maintain, an accounting system and records that properly accumulate and
segregate incurred Project costs and matching funds by line. The accounting
system of AGENCY, its contractors, all subcontractors, and sub -recipients shall
conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), enable the
determination of incurred; costs at interim points of completion, and provide support
for reimbursement payment vouchers or invoices. All accounting records and other
supporting papers of AGENCY, its contractors, subcontractors and sub -recipients
connected with Project performance under this RGA shall be maintained for a
minimum of three (3) years from the date of final payment to AGENCY and shall be
held open to inspection, copying, and audit by representatives of CALTRANS, the
California State Auditor, and auditors representing the federal government. Copies
thereof will be furnished by AGENCY, its contractors, its subcontractors and sub -
recipients upon receipt of any request made by CALTRANS or its agents. In
conducting an audit of the costs and match credits claimed under this RGA,
CALTRANS will rely to the maximum extent possible on any prior audit of
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AGENCY pursuant to the provisions of State and AGENCY law. In the absence of
such an audit, any acceptable audit work performed by AGENCY's external and
internal auditors may be relied upon and used by CALTRANS when planning and
conducting additional audits.
c. For the purpose of determining compliance with applicable State and AGENCY
law in connection with the performance of AGENCY's contracts with third
parties pursuant to GC Section 8546.7, AGENCY, AGENCY's sub -recipients,
contractors, subcontractors, and CALTRANS shall each maintain and make
available for inspection all books, documents, papers, accounting records, and
other evidence pertaining to the performance of such contracts, including, but
not limited to, the costs of administering those various contracts. All of the
above referenced parties shall make such materials available at their
respective offices at all reasonable times during the entire Project period and
for three (3) years from the date of final payment to AGENCY under this RGA.
CALTRANS, the California State Auditor, or any duly authorized representative
of CALTRANS or the United States Department of Transportation, shall each
have access to any books, records, and documents that are pertinent to a
Project for audits, examinations, excerpts, and transactions, and AGENCY
shall furnish copies thereof if requested.
d. AGENCY, its sub -recipients, contractors, and subcontractors wild permit access to
all records of employment, employment advertisements, employment application
forms, and other pertinent data and records by the State Fair Employment
Practices and Housing Commission, or any other AGENCY of the State of
California designated by CALTRANS, for the purpose of any investigation to
ascertain compliance with this RGA.
e. Additionally, all grants may be subject to a pre -,award audit prior to execution of
the RGA to ensure AGENCY has an adequate financial management system in
place to accumulate and segregate reasonable, allowable and allocable costs.
f. Any contract with a contractor, subcontractor, or sub -recipient entered into as a
result of this RGA Agreement shall contain all the provisions of this article.
21. Disputes
a. Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this RGA that is not
disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the CALTRANS Contract
Officer, who may consider any written or verbal evidence submitted by
AGENCY. The decision of the CALTRANS Contract Officer shall be the
CALTRANS's final decision regarding the dispute.
b. Neither the pendency of a dispute nor its consideration by the CALTRANS
Contract Officer will excuse AGENCY from full and timely performance in
accordance with the terms of the RGA.
EMMI;Frt� semi M
a. AGENCY shall perform the work contemplated with resources available within
its own organization and no portion of the work shalll be contracted to a third
party without prior written authorization by CALTRANS Contract Manager
unless expressly included (sub -recipient identified) in Attachment 11 as part of
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the identified
Project work.
b. All State -government -funded procurements must be conducted using a fair
and competitive procurement process. AGENCY may use its own
procurement procedures as long as the procedures comply with the local
AGENCY's laws, rules, and ordinances governing procurement and all
applicable provisions of state law, including without limitation the requirement
that the AGENCY endeavor to obtain at least three (3) competitive bids for
solicitation of goods, services and consulting services (see Part 2, Chapter 2,,
Articles 3 and 4 of the Public Contract Code); a qualifications-basedl
solicitation process, for which statements of qualifications are obtained from at
feast three (3) qualified firms for architecture and engineering services (see
Title 1, Division 5, Chapter 10 of the Government Code); and, the provisions of
the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM), Chapter 10, which are not
inconsistent with this section 23, Third Party Contracts. The LAPM can be
found and the following link:
c. Any contract entered into as a result of this RGA shall contaiin all the
provisions stipulated in this RGA to be applicable to AGENCY's sub -
recipients, contractors, and subcontractors. Copies of all agreements with sub -
recipients, contractors, and subcontractors must be submitted to the
CALTRANS Contract Manager.
d. CALTRANS does not have a contractual relationship with the AGENCY's sub -
recipients, contractors, or subcontractors and the AGENCY shall be fully
responsible for all work performed by its sub -recipients, contractors, or
e. Prior authorization in writing by the CALTRANS Contract Manager shall be
required before AGENCY enters into any non -budgeted purchase order or sub -
agreement for supplies, or consultant services. AGENCY shall provide an
evaluation of the necessity or desirability of incurring such costs. AGENCY
shall retain all receipts for such purchases or services and shall submit them
with invoices per Section III, Item 14e.4, above.
f. Any contract entered into by AGENCY as a result of this RGA shall mandate that
travel and per them reimbursements and third -party contract reimbursements to
sub -recipients, contractors and subcontractors will be allowable as Project costs
only after those costs are incurred and paid for by the sub -recipients, contractors,
and subcontractors. Travel expenses and per them rates for subcontractors shall
be reimbursed pursuant to Section III, Item 14c, above.
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,k,p-&dTn 61-tt-tim-rix U
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23. Drug -Free Workplace Certification,
By signing this RGA, AGENCY hereby certifies under penalty of perjury under the
laws of California that AGENCY will comply with the requirements of the Drug -Free
Workplace Act of 1990 (GC Section 8350 et seq.) and will provide a Drug -Free
workplace by doing all of the following:
a. Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and
specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations, as required by GC
Section 8355(a).
b. Establish a Drug -Free Awareness Program as required by GC Section 8355(a)(2)
to inform employees about all of the following -
1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace.
2) The person's or organization's poof maintaining a Drug -Free workplace
3) Any available counseling, rehabilitation, an•err e program
4) Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. I
c. Provide, as required by GC Section 8355(a)(3), that every employee who works
on the proposed contract or grant:
1) Will receive a copy of the company's Drug -Free policy, statement.
2) Will agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition
of employment on the contract or grant.
d. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments
under this RGA or termination of this RGA or both, and AGENCY may be
ineligible for the award of any future state contracts if CALTRANS determines
that any of the following has occurred: (1) AGENCY has made a false
certification or, (2) AGENCY violates the certification by, failing to carry out the
requirements as noted above.
It is expressly understood that this RGA is an agreement executed Iby and
between two independent governmental entities and is not intended to, and shal
not be construed to, create the relationship, of agent, servant, employee,
partnership, joint venture or association, or any other relationship whatsoever
other than that of an independent party.
a. AGENCY agrees to comply with the following requirements to ensure the
preservation,, security, and integrity of State-owned data on portable computing
devices and portable electronic storage media:
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1 ) Encrypt all State-owned data stored on portable computing devices and
portable electronic storage media using government -certified Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) cipher algorithm with a 256 -bit or 128 -bit
encryption key to protect CALTRANS data stored, on every sector of a
hard drive, including temp files, cached data, hibernation files, and even
unused disk space.
2) Data encryption shall use cryptographic technology that has been tested
and approved against exacting standards, such as FIPS, 140-2 Security
Requirements for Cryptographic Modules.
3) Encrypt, as described above, all State-owned data transmitted from,
one computing device or storage medium to another.
4) Maintain confidentiality of all State-owned data by limiting data sharing to
those individuals contracted to provide services on behalf of the State,
and limit use of State information assets for State purposes only.
5) Install and maintain current anti-virus software, security patches, and
upgrades on all computing devices used during the course of the Agreement.
6) Notify the CALTRANS Contract Manager immediately of any actual or
attempted violations of security of State-owned data, including lost or
stolen computing devices, files, or portable electronic storage media
containing State-owned data.
7) Advise the owner of the State-owned data, the AGENCY Information
Security Officer, and the AGENCY Chief Information Officer of
vulnerabilities that may present a threat to the security of State-owned data
and of specific means of protecting that State-owned data.
AGENCY agrees to use the State-owned data only for State purposes under this
b. AGENCY agrees to not transfer State-owned data to any computing system,
mobile device, or desktop computer without first establishing the specifications for
information integrity and security as established for the original data file(s). (State
Administrative Manual (SAM) Section 5335.1)
In addition to and not a limitation of the AGENCY's indemnification obligations
contained elsewhere in this Agreement, the AGENCY hereby assumes all risks of the
consequences of exposure of AGENCY's employees, agents, sub -recipients,
contractors and subcontractors, contractors and subcontractors' employees, and any
other person, firm or corporation furnishing or supplying work services, materials, or
supplies in connection with the performance of this Agreement, to any and all
environmental health hazards, local and otherwise, in connection with the performance
of this Agreement. Such hazards include, but are not limited to, bodily injury and/or
death resulting in whole or in part from exposure to infectious, agents and/or pathogens
of any type, kind or origin. AGENCY also agrees to take all appropriate safety
precautions to prevent any such exposure to AGENCY's employees, agents,
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Agreement Number 74A111094
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lN sses accruiing or resulting from such exposuire, Except as provided by law,
AGENCY also agrees that the provisions of this paragraph shall aIpply regardless of
the existence or degree of negligence or fault on the part of CALTRANS, the State of
California, and/or any of their offi�cers, agents, and/or employees.
It is uinderstoiold and agreed that pursuant to Public Resources Code §42649.8 et. seq,
if AGENCY generates four (4) cubic yards of organic waste per week the AGENCY
shall arrange for organic waste recycling services, "Organic waste"' meanis food
wasitei, green waste, landscape and'! pruning waste, non-hazardoIus wood waste, and
iocid-soiled paper waste that is mixed in food.
1 ) Source separate organic waste from other waste and subscribe to a basic level of
organic waste recycling service that includes, collection and recycling of organic
2) Recycle its organic waste onsite or self-hauI its own organic waste for recycling.
3) Subscribe toan organic waste recycling service that may include mixed waste
processing that specifiIcally recycles organic was,tei.
a. AGENCY will provide two (2) electronic versions of the Final Product(s) to, the
CALTRANS Contract Manager.
b. CALTRANS reserves the right to withhold final payment to AGENCY pending
receipt of Final Product(s) to the CALTRANS Contract Manager.
a. Definitions
1) Work,- The worik to be directly or indirectly produced by AGENCY under this
2) Work Product: All deliverables created or produced from Work under this
Agreement includiing but riot limited to, all Work and Deliverabl'es conceived •
.N` oir made hereafter conceived or made, either solely or jointly with others
during the term of this Agreement and during a period of siix (6), months after third,
terminatiN' thereof, which relates to the Work commissioned or performed
under this Agreement. "Work Product" includes a,ll N« .N inventions,
innovations, improvemientsi, or other works of authorship AGENCY and/or
AGENCY's contractor, suibcontractor and/or sub -recipient may conceIive of or
develop in the course of this Agreement, whether or not they are eligible for
patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other legal protection.
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3) Inventions: Any idea, methodologies, design, concept, technique, invention,
discovery, improvement or development regardless of patentability made, solely
by AGENCY or jointly with the AGENCY's contractor, subcontractor and/or
sub -recipient and/or the AGENCY's contractor, subcontractor and/or su!b-
recipient's employees with one or more employees of CALTRANS, during the
term of this Agreement and in performance of any Work under this Agreement,
provided that either the conception or reduction to practice thereof occurs
during the term of this Agreement and in performance of Work issued under
this Agreement.
1) Ownership of Work Product: Except in regard to Pre-existing Works, all
Work Product derived by the Work performed by the AGENCY, its employees
or by any of the AGENCY's contractor's, subcontractor's and/or sub -recipient's
employees under this Agreement, shall be owned by CALTRANS and shall be
considered to be works made for hire by the AGENCY and AGENCY's
contractor, subcontractor, and/or sub -recipient for CALTRANS. CALTRANS
shall own all United States and international copyrights in the Work Product.
As such, all Work Product shall contain, in a conspicuous place, a copyright
designation consisting of a "c" in a circle followed by the four -digit year in which
the Work Product was produced, foillowed by the words "California
Department of Transportation. All Rights Reserved" For example, a Work
Product created in the year 2012 would contain the copyright designation
2012 California Department of Transportation. All Rights Reserved.
2) Vestin - hts. i
g of Copyright Rig - AGENCY, its employees and all of
AGENCY's contractor"s, subcontractor's and sub -recipient's employees
agrees to perpetually assign, and upon creation of each Work Product
automatically assigns, to CALTRANS, its successors and assigns, ownership
of all United States and international copyrights in each and every Work
Product, insofar as any such Work Product, by operation of law, may not be
considered work made for hire by the AGENCY's contractor, subcontractor
and/or sub -recipient from CALTRANS. From time to time upon CALTRANS's
request, the AGENCY's contractor, subcontractor, and/or sub -recipients
and/or its/their employees, shall confirm such assignments by execution and
delivery of such assignments, confirmations or assignment, or other written
instruments as CALTRANS may request. CALTRANS, its successors and
assigns, shall have the right to obtain and hold in its or their own name(s) all
copyright registrations and other evidence of rights that may be available for
Work Product. AGENCY hereby agrees to waive all moral rights relating to
identification of authorship restriction or limitation, on use, or subsequent
modifications of the Work.
1) Vesting of Patent Ownership- The AGENCY, lits employees and all
AGENCY's contractors, subcontractors and sub -recipients hereby agrees to
assign to CALTRANS, its successors, and assigns, all Inventions, together
with the right to seek protection, by obtaining patent rights therefore and to
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claim all rights or priority there under, and the same shall become and remain
CALTRANS's property regardless of whether such protection is sought. The
AGENCY, its employees and AGENCY's contractor, subcontractor and sub -
recipient shall promptly make a complete written disclosure to CALTRANIS of
each Invention not otherwise clearly disclosed to CALTRANS in the pertinent
Work Product, specifically pointing out features or concepts that the
AGENCY, its employees and/or AGENCY's contractor, subcontractor and/or
sub -recipient believes to be new or different. The AGENCY, its employees
and AGENCY's contractor, subcontractor and sub -recipient shall, upon
CALTRANS's request and at CALTRANS's expense, cause patent
applications to be filed thereon, through solicitors designated by CALTRANS,
and shall sign all such applications over to CALTRANS, its successors, and!,
assigns. The AGENCY, its employees and AGENCY's contractor,
subcontractor and sub -recipient shall give CALTRANS and its solicitors, all
reasonable assistance in connection with, the preparation and prosecution of
any such patent applications and shall cause to be executed all such
assignments or other instruments or documents as CALTRANS may consider
necessary or appropriate to carry out the intent on this Agreement.
2) Agency: In the event that CALTRANS is unable for any reason whatsoever
to secure the AGENCY's, its employees" and/or AGENCY's contractor's,
subcontractor's and/or sub -recipient's signature to any lawful or necessary
document required or desirable to apply for or prosecute any United States
application (including renewals or divisions thereof), AGENCY, its employees
and AGENCY's contractor, subcontractor, and sub, -recipient hereby
irrevocably designates and appoints CALTRANS and its duly authorized
officers and agents, as its agent and: attorney-in-fact, to act for and on
AGENCY, its employees and AGENCY's contractor's, subcontractor's, and/
sub -recipient behalf and stead, to execute and file such applications and to do
all other lawfully permitted acts to further the prosecution and issuance of any
copyrights, trademarks or patents thereon with the same legal force and effect
as if executed by AGENCY, its employees and AGENCY's contractor,
subcontractor and sub -recipient, CALTRANS shall have no obligations to file
any copyright, trademark or patent applications.
M 0 - .. 0 MM
1 ) Avoidance of infringement: In, performing services under this Agreement,
AGENCY and its employees agree to avoid designing or developing any items
that infringe one or more patents or other intelllectual property rights of any
third party. If AGENCY or its employees becomes aware of any such possible
infringement in the course of performing any Work under this Agreement,
AGENCY or its employees shalll immediately notify CALTRANS in writing.
2) Pre-existing Works and License: AGENCY acknowledges that all Work
Product shall be the sole and exclusive property of CALTRANS, except that
any Pre-existing Works created by AGENCY and third parties outside of the
Agreement but utilized in connection with the Agreement (the "Pre-existing
Works") shall continue to be owned by AGENCY or such parties. AGENCY
agrees to notify CALTRANS, in writing of any Pre-existing Works used in
connection with any Work Product produced under this Agreement and
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hereN' y grants to CALTRANS a noin-exclusive, perpetual, royalty -free Iicense
to utilize the Pre-existing Works i�n connection with the Work Product.
3) Contractors, Subcontractors, and Subi-recipients: Through contract with
its subi-recipients, contractors, and subcontractors, AGENCY shall affirmatively
bind by contract all of its contractors, subcontractors, sulib-recipients, and
service vendors (hereinafter "AGENCY's Contractorl Suibcontractor/Sub-
recipient") providing services uinder this Agreement to conform to the
provisions of this Exhibit. In performing services under this Agreement,
AGENCY's Con t�racto r/S u N ntract�o r/S u b-reci piie nt shai'll agree to avoid
desig�ning or developing any items that infringe one or more patents or other
i�nitellectual propertly rights of any third party, If AGENCY's
Contractor/Subconitractob-reicipient becomes aware of any such possibIe
infrinN ement in the course of performing any Work under this Agreement,
AGENCY's Contractor/Subcontractior/Sub-recipediately notify
the AGENCY in writing, and AGENCY shall then immediately notify
CALTRANS *in writing.
1 ) Upon completion of all Work under this Agreement, all intellectual property
righits, ownership and titl�e to alli repiorts, documents, pIans, spiecifications, and
estimates, produced as part of this Agreement will automaticaiIy be vested in
CALTRANS, and no further agreement willi be necessary to transfer ownership
to CALTRANS. The AGENCY shall furnish CALTRANS all necessary copies
N f data needed to complete the review and approval process.
2) It is understood and agreed that all calcuil'atioinis, drawings, and specifications,
whetherin hard copiy of machine readabie form, are intencled for one-time use
in the construction of the project for which this Agreement has been entered
3) AGENCY is not liable for claims, liabes or losses arising out of, or
connected with, the modification or misuse by CALTRANS of the machine
readlabIe information and data provided by AGENCY under this Agreement;
further, AGENCY is not liable for claims, liabilities or losses arising out of, or
connected with, any use by CALTRANS of the project documentation on
other projects, for additions to this project, or for the completion of this project
by others, excepting oniy such use as may be aullthorized, in writing, bly
4) Any sub -agreement in excess of $25,000,00, entered, o as ail result of thilis
Agreement, shall conta:in all of the provisions of this clause.
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6T: * M 1501"ki I M
The following attachments are incorporated into and are made a part of this RGA by
this reference and attachment.
I. AGENCY Resolution
IL Scope of Work and Project Timeline
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this RGA on the day
and year first herein above written:
By: By -
Printed Name: Printed Name:
Title: Contract Officer Title:
Date: Date:
Printed Name:
Printed Name:
City of Rosemead
Agreement Number 74AI094
Attachrrient I
Page I of 2
WHEREAS, The City of Rosemead is eligible to receive Federal and/or State funding for
certain transportation planning related plans, through the California Department ofTransportation;
WHEREAS, a Fund Transfer Agreement is needed to be executed with the California
Department of Transportation before such funds, can beclaimed through the Transportation Planning
Grant Programs; and
WHEREAS, The City of Rosernead wishes to delegate authorization to execute these
agreements and any amendments thereto;
SECTION 1. Delegates the authority to the Public Works Director or City Engineer to
execute all Fund Transfer Agreements and any amendments thereto with the California Department
of Transportation
SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption ofthis resolution and hereafter the
same shall be in full force and effect.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 14 1h day of August, 2018,
Rach–ei R—ich'i—nan, City Attorney
Steven Ly, Mayor
Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk
City of Rosemead
Agreement Umber '74AI094
Attachment I
Page 2 of 2
1, LIricka I lernandez. City (I erk ofthe City Counci I ofthe C ity of" Rosemead, California, do hereby
ccrtifv that the foregoing ity Council Resolution. No, 2018-44, �vas duly adopted by (lie City
COUncil of the City ofRosernead. California. at a regular meeting thereofield on the 14th day O'f
August, 2018, by the following vote, to NN it:
N 0 F, S: NONE,
ABSTAIN: N 0 N 1`1
I ricka I Jcrnandez, ity Clerk
• I . - 11 " 0 w.
WA=$*M=ffZ-I Am
Attachment ll
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The City of Rosemead plans to develop a Citywide Complete Streets Plan to fully assess existi•
conditions and resources and strategically identify and create a plan that will achieve the City
overall vision for a comprehensive transportation system that addresses roadway usage a
pedestrian, bicyclist and transit needs. The project will ger data and community input to provi
an assessment of existing bicycle, pedestrian and transit infrastructure. This Plan strives to ali•
with federal and state transportation goals by increasing the safety of the transportation system•
motN rized and non -motorized users and enhancing the integration and connectivity of t
transportation system, across and between modes. The City of Rosemead Citywide Coimple
Streets Plan will strive to accomplish California's Transportation Plan 2040 Vision of creating
w w
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Ensuring the public safety and security of people, goods, services and information in all modes of
transportation is pivotal for the City to foster a livable and healthy community that promotes, social
equity. The Rosemead Citywide Complete Streets Plan will design transportation solutions that will
address the growing demand for transportation alternatives, The City of Rosemead has major
arteirialls, — Rosemead Boulevard, Garvey Avenue, Vafley Boulevard, and San Gabriel Boulevard -
with a high volume of vehicle movement that connect to adjacent cities and provide access to
Interstate 10, a key regional freeway. DO Mar Avenue, Mission Drive, Walnut Grove Avenue, and
the major arterials mentioned above suffer from the highest collision rates within the City every
year. Citywide in 2013, there were 24 reported colilisions involving a pedestrian or bicyclist, one
resulted in a fatality. Fifty-eight percent of those collisions were located along one of the arterials
previously listed. Thirty-four pedestrian or bicyclist coilisions were reported in 2014„ 70% of those
occurred on one of the arterials above-mentioned. There were 49 pedestrian or bicyclist reported
collisions in 2015 including one fatality, 82% were located along one of the arterials aforementioned..
Forty-five pedestrian or bicyclist collisions were reported in 2016, 73% of those occurred on one of
the arterials mentioned above. The high collision rates for pedestrians and bicyclists along these
arterials points to the fact that there are unsafe conditions for all modes of transportation. The high
volume of vehicles, transit operations, designated truck routes, and pedestrians and bicyclists
creates an environment that requires much needed attention to ensure the safety of all travelers.
The deficiency in safety measures throughout the City, especially along the arterials identified as
Valiey Boulevard, Garvey Avenue, Del Mar Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard, discourages the
use of bicycles as a method of transportation. The Complete Streets, Plan would assist in identifying
the best method to attract multi -modal options to residents, employees of local businesses, and the
general public.
Furthermore, a Complete Streets Plan that would lead to the identification of transportation
infrastructure projects which would assist the City lin increasing its competitiveness when pursuing
funding opportunities for the projects contained in the Plan.
A comprehensive and carefully designed Complete Streets plan will aid the City in providing
pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and motorists a convenient, efficient and safe way to, travel by
performing the necessary research and studies required to achieve the City's overall vision for a
comprehensive transportation system. A Complete Streets plan that addresses roadway usage, and
pedestrian, bicyclist and transit needs will fulfill the California Transportation Plan 2040 vision and
goals, will address environmental justice in a disadvantaged community, will support the Complete
Streets and Smart Mobility Framework, and assist in the implementation of projects that focus on
climate -ready transportation, The Complete Streets Plan will tackle the firstilast mile challenge that
deters the community from walking, biking and utilizing public transportation. The 2016-2040
Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy will provide guidance in
developing the best first/last mile strategies to, extend the effective reach of transit for the community
and the region. The City of Rosemead Citywide Complete Streets Plan will lead to:
1. Optimization of operating effectiveness and efficiency of the existing fixed -route bus service
by modifying routes and fine-tuning service levels to ensure the best allocation of system
2. Recommendations for long-range planning to assist in developing bicycle infrastructure
throughout the City, with emphasis on designating bike routes, fostering a safe en,vi,ronmen)
for cycling, and promoting bicycling as a viable transportation option,
1 Conduct sidewalk analysis to accurately identify potential sidewalk construction and
maintenance projects, score and prioritize these projects using weighted comparisons, and
provide cost estimates,
City of Rosemead
Agreement Number 74A1094
Attachment 11
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4. Analyze existing travel patterns of transit riders, bicycl'lists and pedestrians to provide the
best possible fit for alternatives to the automobile and mitigate the increasing congestion in
the service area.
5. Potential expansion of or restructuring of service area to provide improved inter -county
integration and improved integration into Metro's regional bus and light rail service plan.
6. The pursuit of transportation grants for infrastructure projects identified in the findings of the
Complete Streets, Plan. The Plan will allow the City to go after implementation grants such
as Metro Call for Projects, Caltrans Active Transportation Program, and Caltrans Highway
Safety Improvement Program among other funding programs.
7. A reduction in OHO emissions and vehicle miles traveled through the identification and
des,ign, of potential projects whose primary focus will be creating a sustainable community
that fosters innovative land -use options and safety for all residents.
The results of the study will be used to identify perceived strengths and weaknesses of the transit,
bicycle and pedestrian services provided, and to serve as a foundation for developing programs to
improve service quality. They will prioritize scarce infrastructure funds and target them toward a
most-effective-facillities-first" project implementation list. The identified projects will close gaps in
the transportation network, The results, will also be used to identify appropriate marketing strategies
to provide appropriate customer information.
The City of Rosemead will solicit the assistance of a qualified consulting firm(s) to perform the
studlies, research, data gathering, counts, community outreach and all related tasks for the City of
Rosemead Citywide Complete Streets Plan. The City of Rosemead has not yet selected a
consulting firm(s) and the proper procurement procedures will be used through a competitive
Request for Proposals/Qualifications process. City staff anticipates these figures will not differ
substantially and will not exceed the grant request amount.
The primary objectives of the studies are to:
1. Obtain a complete statistical picture of the ridership, bike and pedestrian data (counts) to
properly assess the needs and conditions of existing infrastructure.
2. Develop a strategic plan detailing routes and service frequency necessary to meet
anticipated growth in the service area - taking into account the multi -modal integration of
bus, light rail, heavy raid and single occupant vehicles.
3. Identify strengths and weakness of existing transit service, paying particular attention to the
different available options (fixed route, dial -a -ride and medi-taxi.)
4. Obtain recommendations to improve productivity (passenger/hour) by line.
5. Identify types and number of buses needed to imeet current and future demand.
6. Propose immediate revisions to routes and schedules to meet the needs of current and
potential transit users Which maximize the operating effectiveness and efficiency in the
allocation, of resources.
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7. Develop recommendations for improved bus stop amenities.
8. Conduct a community and linguistic needs assessments of the service area and use that
data to determine the primary languages spoken by customers and where linguistic clusters
exist in the service area.
9. Recommend improvements and policies to increase the number of people who bike,
increase the, frequency and: distance of bicycle trips, improve safety for bicy6ists, and
increase public awareness and support for bicyclling.
10. Provide direction for expanding the existing bikeway network, connecting gaps, and
ensuring greater local and regional connectivity.
11. Propose bikeways that connect to transit stations, commercial centers, schools, libraries,
Cultural centers, parks and other important activity centers and promote bicycling to these
12. Promote efficient system management and operation.
13. Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system.
14. Foster a livable and healthy community and promote social Equity. Find transportation
solutions that balance and integrate community values with transportation safety and
performance, and encourage public involvement in transportation decisions.
15. Craft a planning document that identifies a plan of action to improve transportation system
performance and that develops information to help make decisions on the future
development and management of the transportation system.
In review of plan findings, develop a list of projects that the City can pursue infrastructure funding
for inclusive of opportunities, such as Metro Call for Projects, Caltrans Active Transportation
Program, Caltrans Highway Safety Improvement Program and other sources of funding.
TrNIM7771 =1
Task 1.11: Pr2jpct Kick-off Meefin
a. In coordination with Caltrans, the City of Rosemead will organize a kick-off meeting where
all parties can discuss the project elements.
b. Caltrans and the City will discuss grant procedures and project expectations including
invoicing, quarterly reporting, and all other relevant project information. Meeting summary
will be documented. Additionally, the meeting will layout the City's process for coordinating
with the Consultant the fulfillment of the project tasks.
c. Caltrans will advise the City of whether the proposed process for coordinating with
Consultant(s) on the fulfillment of the project tasks is acceptable and provide any insight
that can assist the City in the process.
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a,. City staff will coordinate proper execution of the Grant Agreement with Caltrans before the
start of the project.
b. Monthly face-to-face project team meetings with Consultants to ensure good commulnication
on upcoming tasks and to make, sure the project remains on schedule and within budget.
Caltrans will be asked to participate in the monthly meetings with City and Consultant(s). If
Caltirans is unable to attend the meeting, a report with a summary of the meeting will be
provided to Caltrans and the City could meet separately with Caltrans to discuss any topics
discussed with Consultant(s,), if deemed necessary.
c. An evaluation of the work performed on a month to month basis will be made to determine
the project's progression and identify any issues or obstacles that may result in any delays,
Continuous communication will take place to, ensure each project task is being successfully
executed within the timeframe outlined in the timeline.
d. Consultant(s) will report directly to City and keep City abreast of the plan's development and
findings. At the outset it will be established that the work, research, studies and data
necessary to craft the City of Rosemead Citywide Complete Streets Plan will be contingent
upon effective communication between City and Consultant(s), resulting in completion of
each project task.
e. Responsible Party: The City/Consultant
Task 1.3: RFQ for Consultant Services
a. Complete an RFQ process for selection of a, Consultants) using the proper procurement
b. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will outline the procurement process and contract
terms, and provide guidance on how the statement of qualifications (SOQ), should be
formatted and presented, The RFQ will be open to a, wide range, of bidders.
c. The City will establish the project's boundaries. The City will consult with its organizational
leadership and other key stakeholders about major project constraints.
d, The City will assign someone to lead the process.
e, Write the RFQ. The Clty will create the RFQ and outline scoring criteria.
f, The City will post/publish RFQ to solicit responses. The City will use different avenues to
extend reach of potential applicants by working with local companies, business journals in
the City's region and nonprofit outlets for RFQ publication.
g. Review responses. The City will perform an initial read -through of the responses, paying
particular attention to Consultants' statement of work, qualifications, prior experience in
similar projects, references and: background.
The City will research the vendors' track records. The City will review Consultants'
references from, RFQ respondents and view (or ask Consultants to provide) examples of
their work. As much as possible, these references and samples should relate to the, project
and match the project size, budget, and timeline. Once the City narrows down the hist of
respondents to the most promising, the City will arrange in-person meetings with the
i. The City will score the Consultants' responses and select a vendor(s).
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The City will negotiate and sign a contract with selected Consultant(s). As, the City reaches
an agreement, all details concerning deadlines and project deliverables will be documented
and included in the contract,
k. Responsible Party; The City
.. . ....... -------- -
Task Deliverable
Meeting,tJotesw--------- ---- - - - ---
Overall Project Management; Monthly
1�2 Meeting Notes; executed Grant Agreerognt
... ...... . . .... -- - ----- ....... .... ...... . ....
Copy of Procuretnent Procedures and
1.3 Executed Consultant Contract s) I
-- --------- ---- . ..... .
Community outreach will be conducted in a variety of ways. The City will work with its local, state
and federal representatives along with local community centers and organizations to organize
community meetings to engage citizens about the proposed planning project. Monthly bike rides
could help set the stage for significant community interaction and participation in the planning of
this project.
Caltrans, will be invited to participate at the City's community imeetings and related events and
Caltrans logos will be placed on all informational material that its distributed as well as all signage.
Since this Plan will entail analyzing existing bike, transit and pedestrian conditions, the City will
include all sectors of the community to ensure the Plan includes feedback and support of residents
and all stakeholders. The City understands that any successful project will be contingent on the
support and participation of the community, thus all meetings will be publicly announced to ensure
maximum attendance. All public notices/announcements will be in English, Chinese and Spanish.
Translators, will be present at all workshops and meefings.
In the past, the City has been successful in launching community outreach campaigns by employing
innovative and effective strategies that not only lead to the dissemination of information but that
actually elicit and engage the community in a meaningful and interactive way.
The City holds regular community meetings on a monthly basis, ten times a year. At these
Connections meetings concerned citizens are invited to, participate in town hall style meetings, that
provide an opportunity for the City to present and promote the City's objectives and plans, and to
request and invite participation in the process.
The City plans, to be very intentional and diligent with outreach efforts for the Complete Streets Plan
so it is interactive, educational and garners community input and support.
Task 2.11: Develop Community,.1n,volvement Strateg
L%$ 1 mgKOJI K01,05.10MM11
i. Opinion leaders (elected officials, city management and staff, and sub regional and
regional agency, representatives (San Gabriel Valley COG, Metro, SCAG)).
ii. City residents with special focus on low-income,, non-English speaking persons,
1111111111 r 1111111 1
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iv. Major employers and business leaders.
V. Community-based organizations such as the Lions Club, Senior Center, Rosemead
Kiwanis, and Rosemead Chamber of Comirnerce.
vi. Bicycle coalitions such as the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalibon,
Vii. Homeowner assodations, civic organizations, etc. and adjacent cities.
viii. Ernployee transportation coordinators, and trucking industry representatives.
b. A Community Involvement Strategy will define the long-term direction and systematic action
required to achieve the City's goals in meeting the needs of the community while achieving
a successful complete streets implementation. The strategy will align with, stakeholder
expectations and program objectives. It will establish program goals and expected
outcomes while building effective communication skills and strategies to advance
Community involvement,
c. The City will reach out to the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition and inquire about a potential
partnership to assist in the plan's development through engagement at community
d. The Community Involvement Strategy will evaluate the best times of day and practices to
accommodate all residents and acquire the highest participation rate.
e, Responsible Party: Consultant
Task 2.2: Prepare Outreach pt✓4"aterrals
a. Consultant willl be respon§ible for preparing and producing WI outreach materials, including
but not limited to:
i. flyers
ii. brochures
iii. posters
iv. presentation boards
V. Surveys
vi. interview questionnaires
vii. fact sheets
b. The City is aware of the linguistic/Cultural needs of residents and will ensure elimination of
language barriers by generating all marketing/distrib,utional material in English, Chinese,
Vietnamese, and Spanish, etc, and hosting planning workshops multi-Ilingually to increase
turnout and participation,
c. Information about workshops will be made available in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and
Spanish on the City's website and the City will partner with the Rosemead,, Garvey, El Monte
Nigh Union, and Alhambra School!, Districts so the information is accessible to parents,
teachers and students,
• Furthermore, multi-lingual surveys will be distributed and collected (see Task 2'.91) which will
help the City develop a database with the contact information of respondents allowing the
facifitation of future outreach efforts.
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Task 2.3: Report of Stakeholder Outreach Outcomes
a. Consultant will perform ani outreach evaluation that considers the project's goals, objectives,
and priorities. Evaluating against these considerations will demonstrate the success of the
program. Evaluations can be based on either qualitative or quantitative measures or both.
b. The community will be asked for their input on this project and Consultant will take note of
the community's ideas, concerns and suggestions for bicyclelpedestrian/transit
c. Consultant will create a report summarizing and analyzing outreach outcomes from
workshop community input, survey and interview responses, workshop attendance, and
stakeholder participation.
Task 2.4: �qomrr
a. Consultant and City will introduce the project to the public, define project parameters, inform
community of opportunities and constraints, and solicit opinions from the community on
amenities, trip origin, desired routes (bike/walk/transit), frequency, etc. Caltrans will be
invited to participate at alll meetings and during the, first workshop we envision Caltrans
taking a critical role in explaining the goals of the agency and the funding opportunities it
can offer to a disadvantaged community through this planning grant. If they accept the
invitation to pa,rtner, the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition can assist in community outreach
efforts to ensure the bike community, the youth and local groups/oirgianizations participate
in these meetings.
Task 2.5: Community Workshon #2
a. Convoke a subsequent workshop with Caltrans where we invite the community to participate
and learn more, about the progress made in conducting research, gathering the data and!
evaluating existing conditions of the City's transit, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. The
community's ideas, thoughts and comments will be welcomed and considered to ensure we
meet the needs of residents and all commuters, and work to create a bike/pedestrian friendly
environment that is conducive to utilization of alternative modes of transportation citywide.
The community will be asked to provide insight on the intersections they consider to be most
dangerous and the types of enhancements they believe could remedy safety concerns,
Based on the research and findings so far obtained, we will work with the community to
ascertain this plan is a representation of the community and that any and all projects
identified in said Plan align with the views and needs of the residents.
b. The information gathered at the community workshops will be used to guide the planning
efforts of the City and the Consultant as the Complete Streets Plan is developed.
c, Responsible Party: The City/Consultant
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Task 2.6: COMMU17ityWorkshop #3
a, Host a workshop, to present a draft of the Complete Streets Plan based on the
information submitted by residents, businesses, community leaders, agencies, and the
general public. Caltrans Will be asked to participate.
Task 2,7: ln-personInterviews
a. Conduct multi-lingual (Eniglish/Chine,se/Vietnamese/Spanish) interviews with Dial-A-
Ride/Rosemead Explorer clients. Sample will be prepared to assure a confidence interval
of at least 94% within 95% probability range. Residents will be asked about where they
feel improvements in the — fixed route, dial -a -ride or medi-taxi systems can be made and
where they think deficiencies exist.
The interviews will be spaced throughout the service hours, seven days of the
week (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to assure a broad representation of different rider groups.
b. Conduct multi-lingual (Etiglislh/Chinese/Vietnamese/Spanish) interviews with bus riders
on board buses or at representative bus, stop locations. This will account for the transit
element of the Citywide Complete Streets Plan.
i. The interviews should' be spaced throughout the service hours, seven days of the
week (8 a.m. to 5 p,m,) to assure a broad representation of different rider groups.
No more than 15% of total interviews will be conducted at any one location,
ii. The interviewees will be asked about their travel experience and their
suggestions for improving the local transit system.
iii. Additionally, riders will be asked to score the transportation system and assess
whether they believe interregional mobility is accomplished through the system
in place or if sub -regional interconnectivity can be enhanced by the addition of
new routes, an increase in the number of buses or through other improvements.
Task 2.8: Survey — Online & Handout
a. To obtain a better understanding of the community's needs, the Consultant, in collaboration
with the City, will develop a questionnaire that will touch on topics such as bike and
pedestrian accessibility. The concept of Complete Streets will be presented along with a
description of the City's quest for a Citywide Complete Streets Plan. The goal of the survey
is to communicate to residents the City's objective of creating an effective transportation
system that relies on alternative modes of transportation and reduces vehicular use while
also providing an opportunity for residents to express their discontent with existing
conditions (bike/ped) and facilitate an outlet for suggestions on what roads or streets could
benefit most from Complete Streets improvements.
b. The City will expand accessibility by employing different outreach approaches to ensure
Optimal Community participation. The City will increase survey availability by distributing a
multi-lingual (English/ChineseNietnamese/Spanish) survey that will be circulated at local
clubs and community centers such as the Senior Center, the Rosemead Kiwanis, the Lions
Club and bicycle coalitions such as the Los Angeles County Blcy6le Coalition:. Additionally,
the City will work with its school districts (Rosemead, Garvey, El Monte Union High, and
Alhambra School Districts) to expand the avenues for survey distribution, the City has been
City of Rosemead
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successful in engaging the community through the schools. Students are provided with,
surveys for themselves and their parents. Survey distribution also takes place during PTA
meetings and at school assemblies where parents, community members and a variety of
stakeholders are present to ensure equitable dissemination of the questionnaires.
c. Face to face, interaction provides a great opportunity to get the community involved through
canvassing (door-to-door knocking) efforts. Residents and visitors will be able to
comfortably talk to City Staff about their thoughts and vision for a Complete Streets
community that makes, regional mobility possible through alternate transportation options.
c. Responsible Party. The City/Consultant
. ............... ....
. ..........
. . ...........
Community Involvement Strategies
... ................ . . . ..
Outreach Materials
-------------------- -
111111-11-1 --- - ------ ... ...... . . .... .......
Report of Stakeholder Outreach Outcomes
..... . ...... —
Workshop Summaries, PowerPoint
Presentation, Photos, Interviews, Survey
tits, and Meeting Min ute1s.._____..._.._.
Workshop Summaries, PowerPoint
Presentation, Photos, Interviews:, Survey
Handouts, and Meeting Minutes
Workshop Summaries, PowerPoint
Presentation, Photos, Interviews, Survey
Handouts, and MeeLitlgmMirlrr7rrrutersrrrr-"rrrrrrrr---------"'-
Compile infonnation, data, and analysis based
on interviews into a detailed report __.. . . .. ..... ...
Compile information, data, and analysis based
on surveys into -a detailed re oil
3. Complete Streets Plan
Task 3.11: Iden* Existing Conditions
a. Conduct necessary research and initiate evaluation of existing conditions and background
data in the transportation network. Identify opportunities and constraints as well as
standards that should be used to guide preparation of the plan such as existing and planned
land uses, population characteristics, and travel projections within the City.
L Bicycle/Pedestrian Conditions Evaluation: Consultant will evaluate existing
conditions for walking and bicycling in Rosemead as a, basis for creating
recommendations for future facilities. Special attention will be paid to conditions
surrounding schools to eliminate existing congestilon and safety hazards. The
existing conditions analysis will be based on a field review by the Consultant team
of the existing facilities throughout the City. Studies will employ strategic data
collection techniques, including pedestrian and bicycle counts, Workers' pathways
to major employment centers will be studied, identifying safe and predictable routes
for non -motorists and creating transit first -last mile strategies to ensure transit -
dependent workers can travel from home to work safely. Collision history, community
input, and field observation analysis will pinpoint spatial hot spots where
infra,structure/design and behaviorall elements contribute to safety hazards. A
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focused traffic analyslis will reduce the speed or volume of motor vehicles, creating
a safer environment for all roadway users.
Revi ew/Recom men dations for Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities: Recommendations
for pedestrian and bicycle faclilities will be created to complete gaps in the existing
system and create new facilities that will rneet the goa,ls of the proposed plan.
Particular attention will be paid to completing the sidewalk network along major
streets and potentially developing a family friendly bicycle boulevard network.
Design strategies will improve sight distance and visibility between motorists and
non-m!otorists and will create physical separation between motorized and non -
motorized users to elim,inate potential conflict/collisions. The final plan will determine
the ideal configuration of a bicycle network for the project area, the type of bicycle
infrastructure appropriate to each street selected:, recommend support�ing bicycle
facilities needed, and will include an implementabon plan to create an environment
that supports and encourages active transportatiogoccupant
vehicle use.
Ridership Count: A cornplete survey (100%) of fixed-roiute passenger boarding and
alighting will be conducted for all weekday, Saturday and Suinday service. This
information wi�ll include on/off activity by biuis stop for each trip of the system, Furthur
load information, as well as schedule adherence data and running times, shall be
collected for all t6p segments,
Sampling of Passenger Mile Data: This sampling will follow the FTA guidelines as
described in FTA Circulars C 2710.1A Sampling Techniques for Obtaiining Fixed
Route Bus Operating Data Required under the National Transit Database Reporting
System (NTD) and C 2710.2A Sampling,Procedures for Obtaining Demand
Responsive Bus Systern Operating Data Required under the National Transit
Database Report�ng System (NTD).
V. Route Productivity Analysis: The productivity odual routes wHI be assessed
by use of statistical rankings. Routes with low productivity shall be targeted for in-
depth analysis. Rankings will be done separately for weekday, Saturday and Sunday
Information collected will include running times, traffic conditions, route
interrelationships and passenger activity to identify possible operational problems,
ridership patterns and trip generators, current and projected land use, population
densities, activity centers, and development trends and relate them to transit
vi, Linguistic Analysis of the Service Area: The study area shall be linguistically
analyzed to identify different ethnic groups, any ethnic clusters within the service
area,, in order to determine service area needs relating to public transportation and
the associated literature.
The needs assessment through the Linguistic Analysis will be evaluated to
determine which languages the public information should be translated into to
provide the largest benefits to the service area population, and where linguistic
clusters lie to target public information.
vii. Customer Satisfaction Market ResearchStudy: Conduct a customer satisfaction
market research study to measure current customer satisfaction as well as
community attitudes and awareness levels regarding transit services,. Results of the
study will be used to identify perceived strengths and weaknesses of the transit
services provided, and to serve as a foundation for developing programs to improve
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service quallity. The results will also be used to identify appropriate marketing
strategies to increase market penetration,
Bicycle End�-oif-TriIp and Intermodal Facilities- The City will examine high -activity
�ocations such as transit stations and major commercial districts to evaluate the
viability of prod'ing secured bicycle lanes and bicycle parking. Any in!termodal
facility should study and provide secure bicycle parking as part of the facility's
'Task 12: Develoo Complete Streets Concep
a. Based on the Existing Conditions Report andl the community input from Community
Workshop #1, a concept will be designed, The conceptual design will incorporate complete
streets concepts and will include plans, sketches, and photos. Contact and coordination with
engineering staff are essential. Concept development will include data collection,
coordination with stakeholders, defining a purpose and need statement, developingi practical
conceptual alternatives, and selecting the preferred alternative. Including all users in the
definition of project need ensures that all'! modes are considered from, the project outset. The
multimodal approach is built into the process, riot an add-on or afterthought.
i. Existing bicycle, pedestrian, and transit accommodations
ii. Existing bicycle and pedestrian operations
iii. Existing transit operations
iv. Existing motor vehicle operations
V. Existing truck/freight operations
vi. Existing access and mobility
VH. Land usage
villi. Major sites
ix. Existing streetscape
X. Existing plans
c. Responsible Party: Consultant
Task 33: DeveloConceptUal Design Conc22t Altematives
a. Up to three complete streets conceptual design alternatives will be developed. Illustrations
will be made in plan -view, as street cross sections, and, as sketches. Flexibility is built into
the street cross-sections. A model simulation will be developed for each alternative. Visual
materials will, iniform, the public and show them, what complete streets could look like and
which streets might be affected within the plan. The alternatives will be prepared and
presented at Community Workshop #2.
b. Potential stakeholders invited to attend the workshop to assist in the concept alternative
decision will include:
j. Facility users (all modes)
H. Adjacent residents and neighborhood organizations
iiii. Adjacent businesses and business associations
iv, Elected officials and local/county boards and commissions
V. Other city/county departments
vi. Regional planning organizations
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Vii. Regional transit authorities (Metro)
viii. State agencies (Caltrans)
ix. Federal agencies
X" Watershed districts/management organizations
xi, Advocacy and special interest groups (bicycling organizations, preservation
xii. Local emergency responders
xiii. Utilities and railroads
c. Responsible Party: Consultant
Task 3.4: Draft Complete Streets Plan
a, Based on the preferred design alternative chosen in Community Workshop #2, a draft
report/plan will be prepared, The draft report plan will be presented at Community Workshop
#3 for public comment.
b. The Consultant will respond to and address concerns from the public and local business
community by updating and revising the implementation plan as needs and conditions,
c. Complete Streets Evaluabon Criteria
i. Safety issues
Appropriate context
iii. Mobility needs
Suitable connectivity
V. Roadway design
4, Development of the complete streets plan will consider the needs of motorists, pedestrians,
transit users, bicyclists, and commercial and emergency vehicles moving along and across
roads, intersections, and crossings in a manner that is sensitive to the local context.
& The draft will create a complete streets network plan: develop street and area typologies
and circumstantial exceptions as needed; define project types that may trigger complete
st�reets implementation; and integrate and institutionalize a complete streets approach.
f. The draft will create individual network plans for bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and roadway
modes while being developed in conjunction, with each other to ensure that the combined
network does not over -program specific streets and that logical connections are made
between various modes, such, as bicyclists transferring to bus routes for work commutes.
The modal network planning will be developed in conjunction with land use planning, to
ensure the appropriate mode provides safe and convenient access to desired destinations,
such as truck routes to industrial areas and sidewalks and bike routes to schools and parks,
Task 3.5: /denffy Potential Funding Sources
a. Review and identify potential funding sources for future implementation of the preferred
As the complete streets plan is developed and its goals are attained, more
organizations will be inclined to participate and offer resources through services or
funding. A funding tracking system to, monitor funding commitments will be
established. Conduct quarterly reviews of progiress for funders and donated
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services. Create project presentation highlights to use at public events and
community workshops to create, awareness and encourage new ftin6ng support.
Conduct fundraisingi, events with potential donors,
The City and Consultant will seek implementation of Complete Streets projects
through funding strategies. The balancing: act for the City and Consultant is to
implement a network of visible Complete Streets construction projects that build
community support, while also ensuring a long-term funding source is in place for
continuous planning andl implementation. Criteria associated with recent federal
discretionary funds, such as the U.S. Department of Transportation's TIGER
Program, have helped to jump-start Complete Streets implementation. Successful
implementation can also be promoted through, monetary set -asides of existing
transportation funds. The City will work with its regional partners to determine the
best way forward in funding Complete Streets projects. Options include the, following:
Target existing and future federal discretionary funding programs for
Complete Streets projects. This option can only take place if a project is
designed/ready for construction and appropriate program funding
• Work with the City Council and City staff to set-aside a certain percentage of
one or two federal transportation funds. Initially the set -asides will be used to
fund a limited number of Complete Streets, demonstration projects. This will
help the City and its partners decide how best to implement Complete Streets
in the long-term.
• Once the demonstration projects are implemented, restructure the funding
mechanism for demonstration projects into a long-term Complete Streets
Program, with a fund source andl a selection process identified.
iii. City staff and the Consultant will select funds for the program and determine the
proper cost of the projects selected (keeping in mind that not all Complete Streets
projects can feature the multitude of Complete Streets concepts, that are feasJble for
a particular roadway segment). At first, the group will determine a set-aside
percentage from one or more of the available sources of transportation funds.
Determination of these set-aside percentages will provide funding for demonstration,
projects that build community support for Complete Streets. The number of
demonstration projects will be based on what fund sources were chosen for set-
aside funding.
iv, Once demonstration projects are chosen and implemented, the City will once again
work to select funds to set-aside. This tirrie, however, the funds selected will be for
the actual program long-term. Final determination of set-aside fund sources (and
their percentages) will be made by City staff and the City Council. At this point,
federal transportation funds are considered the main group of fund sources for the
program. Local funds, however, can be used if the City is able to secure a local
Complete Streets fund source, which may occur once the program is, established
and the City builds local support. The local match for projects is based on the fund
source being used. The following are potential sources of funds:
• Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
• Surface Transportation Program (STP)
• STP Enhancement
• Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program
• Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
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• S.5307 Enhancement
• Section 5310,
• Los Angeles County Metropolitan, Transit Authority (LACMTA)
• Metro Call for Projects
• Local Return Program
• California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
• Active Transportation Program (ATP)
• Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
• South Coast Air, Quality Management District
0 Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee
• A future local fund source if it becomes available
b. Responsible Party: The City/Consultant
Task 3.7: Final Complete Streets Plan
Pilot projectsi/p rog rams to build support�, demonstrate, the value of complete streets,,
provide synergy with other local goals and plans, such as economic development,,
Community revitalization, redevelopment, or cost savings,
Short-term and long-term infrastructure projects positioned! into a prioritized l�ist to
implement complete streets goals and objectives,
i. Make bicycling and walking more attractive than driving for trips under two miles
fi. Increase pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between existing residential
neighborhoods, nearby commercial areas,, parks and schools.
iii. Require implementation of pedestrian and bicycle facilities as part of new
iv. Improve connections to transit for pedestrians and bicyclists, including regional
master plan connections.
V. Construct high-quality pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure to provide safer, more
appealling andl well-connected facilities.
vi. Build pedestrian and bicycle facilities on new roadways, and retrofit older roadways
to complete the pedestrian and bicycle network,, using routes and facility designs
identified in the City of Rosemead Citywide Complete Streets Plan.
Using data collected in the previous tasks, evaluate existing route conditions,
summarize the following data by route, and analyze and evaluate routes
(tra n s it/pedestria n/ bicycle) as follows:
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• Bike lane accessibility
• Number of miles of sidewalk
■ Number of miles of all bikeways
■ Percentage of arterial and collector streets served by sidewalks.
• Progress towards implementing the total number of miles and bikeways
proposed in the Plan
■ Density of pedestrian and bicycle facilities in areas with higher
concentrations of racial and ethnic minorities and low-income households
compared to other parts of the City
• Bicycle and pedestrian level of service (LOS) and quality of services, (QOS)
• Number of bike racks or other parking infrastructure installed in the public
• Number of bike racks or other bicycle parking infrastructure permitted for
private development.
• Number of wayfinding signs and markings installed.
• In service and deadhead miles operated
• Service and platform hours operated
• Operating costs
• Peak buses
• Revenues
• Daily ridership by route segment, trip and time of day for weekdays,
Saturdays, and Sundays
• Hours, miles, and passengers by route, by city, for weekdays, Saturdays and
• Passengers per hour by rouite, route segment, trip, time of day and fare
category for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
• Passengers per mile by time of day for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
■ Schedule adherence and running times at time points, with on-time
performance defined as up to 5 minutes late.
• Maximum load points, load factors and average trip lengths by time of day.
• Ratio of revenue miles to total miles operated.
• Significant origin-d,estination combinations.
• Transfer patterns,
• Number of traffic signals without Accessible Pedestrian Devices
• Annualpedestrian and: bicycle collision statistics
The Consultant will finalize and produce a final Complete Streets Plan that will
address the comments given from Community Workshop #3 and the Joint
Commission Meeting and include a comprehensive reporting on existing conditions,
conceptual designs, potential funding, sources, and a listing of potential projects to
implement in the future to garner a more efficient and safer community citywide.
It will credit the Caltrans'finaincai participation on the cover or title page.
Three hard -copies and three electronic copies of the final Complete Streets Plan will
be provided to the Caltrans District Office. An electronic version of the final Complete
Streets Plan will be available to the public on the City's website. The City wiill also
have hard -copies of the final plan available for the public at City Hall, Public Works,
and other City facilities. Credit of the financial contribution of the grant program will
be placed on the cover of the Complete Streets Plan.
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120=1 =1
Task 3.8: City Council Area tion
a, Present the final Complete Streets Plan at a City Council meeting, Resolve any critical
The findings contained in the final report/plain will be presented for council at which
time the public will have the opportunity to understand/review the process of
coil�lecting the data and the methods employed to obtain reliable information about
existing conditions in the City's transportation system. Additionally, the Crty will
receive the Consultant's recommendationis for realizing the vision of creating a
Complete Streets environment that is amicable to transit, biking and walking. The
10,11cangleir, I I legio Ii I I Ly &Win Ism I I r, IN I Sam I 'In a !VW9 I sr. lug I.W.DKOIN If I I I.Or�l I LOJ IN
b. Adopt final City of Rosemead Complete Streets Plan and incorporate it into the City's
General Plan.
c. Responsible Party: The City/Consultant
— ---- --------
Existing Conditions Report
Sketches, illustrations
Sketches, illustrations
Draft ReportlPla17
- - - - - ------- - ----- -
I' 9-Sounce --RBort .. ..... . ......
PowerPoint Presentation, Works .Surnmary, Photos
Final qq!n Tete Streets Plan
3,, 8' w.
4. Fiscal Management
Task 4.11: Invoicing
a. Administer the grant in accordance with the funding guidelines.
b. Submit complete invoice packages to Caltrans District staff based on milestone completion
- at least quarterly, but no more frequently than monthly.
c. Responsible Party: The City/Consultant
a. Submit quarterly reports to Caltranis District staff providing a summary of project progress
and granit/local match expenditures,
b, The City WH track the project's progress on a periodic basis by meeting with Consultant
monthly to ensure that any issues that may arise or that can potentially cause project delays
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c. Responsible Party: The City/Consultant
Task Deliverable
4,1 Invoice Packages
. . . . ......... . .... .
4,2 .-Q-uarteq Rqp-,o,i,l,s
Cry of Rosemead
Agreement Number 74AM4
Calfforma Oepartment of Transportation Attachment 11
State High.ay Account - SustRinablo Communities - Rosemead Citywide Complete Streets Plan PNe 19 if 19
Fiscal Year 2017-2018
CaO d—b..r by Nita P -- Ix' .tlh rugl puPl aaCl law U -i b. 11c1—d -.11 dld —.-11 tl�, 1-d IN— ",— 0" 'o", W.y�
CaO d—b..r by Nita P -- Ix' .tlh rugl puPl aaCl law U -i b. 11c1—d -.11 dld —.-11 tl�, 1-d IN— ",— 0" 'o", W.y�