CC - Item 5G - Request to Install Red Curb at 9063 Mission Drive at Rosemead High SchoolTO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM, GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGERJ. M . DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO INSTALL RED CURB, — 9063 MISSION DRIVE — ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL SUMMARY During the August 14, 2018 City Council meeting, resident Chuck I...yons expressed concern that a safety condition exists at 9063 Mission Drive, where cars exit from the east side parking lot. The City Council directed staff to review Mr. Lyons' request and present the findings to the Traffic Commission, The El Monte Union High School. District Superintendent, Dr. Edward Zuni a, was contacted about this request and provided the attached letter from the District Director ofd Rask Management & Safety,, Roy Monge, expressed the District's support of marking red, a portion of the curb in front of the east parking lot. The item was presented to the Traffic Commission during the September 6, 2018 meeting. Members of the Traffic Commission determined that although there was existing no parking signage from 7 a.m, to 4 p.m. the addition of 27 -feet of red curbing would assist in reinforcing that the area be kept clear of vehicles at all hours to allow a safer exit onto Mission Drive. 'rhe remaining area not being painted red would continue to have the limited no Parking signage that states "NO PARKING 7 A.M. — 4 P.M." TRAFFIC COMMISSION DISCUSSION Resident Chuck Lyons expressed a concern to the City Council during the August 14, 2018 Council meeting about unsafe parking on Mission Drive in tront of Rosemead High School. The concern was that vehicles parked on Mission Drive block the view, of vehicles exiting the east parking lot, creating a hazard for westbound traffic on Mission Drive and for the vehicles exiting the parking lot onto Mission Drive. The total length of curb in front ofthe Rosemead High School parking loton the east side is approximately 225 -feet. At this distance, a red curb adjacent to the exit ofthe east parking lot with a distance of 27 -feet, would continue to allow I I vehicles to park in the remaining space during allowed times (7 A..M. to 4 P.M.). Without the red Curb, 12, vehicles would be able to park along that same space when parking is allowed, For reference, 18 -feet are needed for one parking space as established in Standard Plans issued by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), City' COL1116I.MeetilIg September 25, 2018 Page 2 oft TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Traffic Commission's reconirnendation to paint 27 - feet of red curb on (fie east side of the exit frena the east parking lot. located at 9063 Mission Drive. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT — None ENVIRONVIEN'FAL REVIEW — None, PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notifeation Process. Prepared By. Stibinitted By: . . . .. . .. . a ael M. Fwardo, P.E. Greg s. "rsu iucin f, J J City lingineer Assistant City Manager/Interini Public Works Direct r Attachments A: September 6, 2018, TC Staff Deport Attachments R. September 6, 2018, Draft Minutes Attachment A. TrafficCommission Staff Report September 6, 2,0 18 TO: 'TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: GREG S. TSUJIUCI-II, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER / ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION O,F RED CURB PAINMIG —9063 MISSION DR11E — ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL SUMMARY During the August 14, 2018 City Council meeting, resident Chuck Lyons expressed concern that a safety condition exists at 9063 Mission Drive. Mr. Lyons concern is that cars parked on Mission Drive near the west driveway of the main parking lot block the visibility of vehicles traveling westbound on Mission Drive, which creates a hazard for vehicles exiting the west driveway. The El Monte Union High School District Director of Risk Management & Safety, Roy Menge, was contacted about this request and the attached letter from. the District expresses their support of marking red, a portion of the curb in front of the east parking lot. The total length of curb in front of the Rosemead ffigh School main parking lot is approximately 225 -feet. At this distance, a red curb with a distance of 27 -feet would allow 11 vehicles to park in the remaining space during allowed times. Without the red curb, 12 vehicles would be able to park along that same space. For reference, 18 -feet are needed for one parking space as established in Standard Plans issued by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). It is recommended the Traftic Commission: 1. Discuss the item; 2. Receive and consider public comment, both written and oral; and 3. Provide direction on whether to propose to the City Council that 27 -feet of curb be painted red at 9063 Mission Drive. Resident Chuck Lyons, presented a complaint to the City Council during the August 14, 2018 Council meeting to express his concerns about traffic safety as it relates to vehicles exiting the east parking lot of Traffic Commission Meeting September 6, 2018 Paget o"7 Rosemead High School,, located at 9063 Mission Drive. Staff reached out to the El Monte Union High School District Director of Risk Management & Safety, Roy Monge, who directed his staff to provide a written letter in support of this request. Staff has noted that there are already "NO PARJ-'-ING 7AM — 4PNr' signs posted in this location, and in the letter provided by the school district it was acknowledged that law enforcement conducts directed patrols in the area, however, the adding of red curbing would be an extra layer of protectionfor vehicles and student pedestrians. On Mission Drive between 'rhe Rosemead Aquatic Center and Rosemead Blvd, there are a total of six locations of red curb totaling 254 -feet, and two sections of green curb totaling 57 - feet. Most of the red curbing is in front of Rosemead Park and the Rosemead Aquatic Center. The total distance between the entrance and exit of the east parking lot is approximately 225 -feet, which currently would accommodate 12.5 vehicles to park on the street in front of the east parking lot, when parking is allowed between 4PM and 7AM. Painting 27 -feet of red curb on the east side of the east parking lot exit, there would be a remaining distance of approximately 198 -feet that would accommodate I I vehicles during the period when parking is not restricted. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, as well as notification to 93 property owners located within a 300 -foot radius of the subject property. Prepared By: afael M. F Pardo, P.B. City Engineer Attachments, 1. Resident's Request 2. School District Letter of Support 3. Vicinity Map 4, Proposed Red Curb 5. Public Notification Submitted By: Greg S. Tsujiuchi Assistant City Manager / Acting Director of Public Works Traffic Commission Meeting September 6, 2018 Page 3 of 7 Attachment I > from: CL [malit > Sent: Thursday, August 16. 2018 9.77 AM > Cc; Maggie Cla6 3reg Tsujiuchl <GTsujiuchl e@cltyofrosemead.org> > Subject: Paint curb, sheriff patrol on Monday. > Dear City Council: > Please paint curb red frown Rosemead HS east parking lot exit driveway to about 30 feet east of the driveway on ncrtha side of street. > Also the no parking sign about 8 feet from driveway was knocked down and then cut off at the ground probably by city crews. > High school year starts Monday so there is urgent need about these matters Principal Dr, Bristol supports the Ideas, > And most of that big lot is under Construction for solar panels so could you ask Sheriffs to have a couple of motorcycle or bicycle officers in front of school especially by the crosswalk by pool parking lot from 7:15 to 7:50 on Monday and Tuesday please, then maybe the following Monday as reminder, > ?It could be chaos with first day of school and construction. They don't need to write tickets as much as educate, > Thanks, > Chuck Lyons > Rosemead resident Traffic Commission Meeting September 6, 2018 Page 4 of 7 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Made Morgan ftfdanf RlCArdDPadll9 We Pirasklml David Diaz clark Flonmob R BrIones Member CUIDIG.Sol"da, Member DistrIvIAdmInkleillon Edyeard Zflmliro, Ed. 0. suPff#Vmrd,W Wool Molar chlafft*w Wdet Larry L. Cecil EduonVoml SONkes Felipe & Werra AuNhug Sirear*wden� Human Resoarm Attachment 2 Letter From El Monte Union High Sebool District El Monte Union High School District 3537 3ohnson Avenue a E:l Monte, Calftnila 91731 (626) 444-9005 nate: August 22, 2018 To: City of Rosemead, Public Works Departnient(Traffic Commission From: Roy Monge, El Monte Union High School District Director oMak Management & Safety Subject: Red curb request, Rosemead High School Location, 9063 Mission Dr. Rosemead CA 917'70 Dear Traffic Commission, I was contacted by one of the administrators at Rosemead Ugh School with a request to paint a red curb on Mission Drive just south of the school main entrance. As it currently stands parking is permitted on the street temporarily which reduces visibility for vehicles exiting the parking lot during peak times. Although parents have been notified of the visibility issues, and law enforcement conducts directed patrol in the area, administrators at Rosemead High School feel the red curb would be an additional layer of protection for vehicles and for student pedestrians, Therefore, I = requesting the Traffic CommiWon take into consideration a red curb in front of the high school, Respectfully, ioY Monge comm:uinity Committed to College and6reer Traffic Commission Meeting September 6, 2018 Page 5 of 7 ", "ll u 1 , O'sm ml "I Traffic Commission Meeting September 6, 2018 Page 6 of 7 Attachment 4, Pntjj�osej Ree t LEGEND Proposed red curb painted on the south side of the approach Existing red curb Existing green curb Traffic Commission Meeting September 6, 2018 Page 7 of 7 City of Rosemead Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification On Thursday, September 6, 2018, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon IfiereaftLr as the matter may he heard, the Rosernead'rraffic Commission will hold a public!rnecting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, for the purpose of reviewing the possible installation of pat -king restrictions (red curbing) to the east side, of the west driveway, of the main parking lot at 9063 Mission Drive, The City received a request froin a resident and The school district that vehicle,s parked along the curb or) the north side of Mission Drive, in front of Rosemead Iligy ated ,it 9063 Nfission Drive, park too close to the west side parking lot exit, which ,� School loc, restricts the view of oncoming, traffic for vehicles attempting to cxft the parking lot. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by attending the'fraffic Commission meeting, or by sending i comment letter by 5-100 p,m. on Thursday, September 6, 2018, Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Greg Tsujiuchi, Acting Director of Nblic Works Written comments may be mailed to the above address, ernafled totifa faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only "I �_J.111,1111 - ­­­ ­­­ ­ letters received by 5:00 p.m. on'l'bursday, September 6, 2018, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the City Engincer, Rafael Ftrijardo, at (626) 569-2151. For information please call Para obtLner maxis informacn5n, ravor de, Harnar ak W'Utr*, AfWRX D6 bi6t thCirr elli ti6t, x in gQj 626-569-2150 Proposed Red Curbing 9063 Mission Drive FMAYMNTI"T= Traffic Commissioii Draft Minutes September 6, 2018 Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING September 6, 2018 eA F Chamiber, 8838 E, Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, Califom�a, FLAG SALUTE: Chair Masuda INVOCATION: Vice Chair Ornelas PRESENT. Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Cmelas, Commissioner Berry, Comm Sevilla STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City ManageActing D' ,Issist2nt Silvia Llamas 1. PUWC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Commissioner Berry asked to remove the "'August" 42,Z18 minutes t -l' � correction. Mr, Berry requested to change left to right am, on his, Commissioner Berry mottoole I 'E-, seconded by Commls§Joner,06ihf , 6016, from the Consent Calendar after revia Votes reS6It6d, f", 12994-MMEMMIAM, TIA 0 Tsujiuchi, and Administrative Consent Calendar for a minor rider Cornm.ssioner Report, M31MMEEM3= Staff gave the dTraffib""Cominissioner�.��� brief descripflon on the item, along with recommending that the Traffic i , it e Commission discuss thii"I 0m, racety6and consider public comment, both written and oral; and provide � direction on whether to propose to the Cfty council that 27 -feet of red curb be painted at 9063 Mission Drive, Commissioner Berry commented that late at night there's not many people parking in front of the school and I there is a function at the school they use the school's parking lot, Commissioner Qulntanllla asked staff when the study was done and during what 11OUrs, Staff informed the Commissioner that a study wasn't done. Chair M,Bsuda ment�ioned that adding the red curb will help with visibifity issues and agrees with adding the M. Vice Chair Ornelas, also agrees with adding the red curb Rosemead Traffic Commfission Meeting Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2018 Page I of 3 Commissioner QUintanilla informed the Commissioner that the school parking lot is currently under construction and suggested bring back the item after the construction is completed, Commissioner Sevilla also agrees with Commissioner Quintanilla, Chair Masuda suggested approving staf s recommendation on having the red curb Installed, but delaying tM �nstallaton until the construction is compieted, 0 Commiissiioner Berry motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Ornelas to approve that the Traffic Cornmissi recommend and propose to the City Council that 27 -feet of red curb be painted at 9063 Mission Drive, Vot resulted in: I Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description,"66 the item: 16171g with informinig.,'thern of the traffic improvements approved in the past. Brian Lewin, 9501 E. Ralph Street will alsoIJO,;,spu-o meeting. The resident wanted the Commissjoners speeding is also an issue that has become veryIrk enaWes robbers and criminals 16choose this, vid6 personally been robbed..Mr,, L eW I in `also agrees W'i cost and what may bie'-['0`61ved in doth Ahe closure doing basic traffic couihfib�'tee how rnj6y­�`,Vehlcles see roughly how much is , c , d through MIJ IT i 10 t t has had an increase in robberies, Yvonne Ma ,.,.9550 Olney Str also bb;''speaking on behalf of her neighbors that live around her, Ms. Martinez also infbi , med the Traffic I Commissioners that vehicles are always speed down their street, along with witnessing and st000ln4llc a W burglary ,,,JJj:*hich the vehicle got away by getting onto the freeway. She also agrees 0, , � with having the street .or h avifn g, speed bumps installed to slowdown vehicles going down their street, NVAINIM 1 001110 1 vehlcles being vandalized, that he would o like to see Olney Street closed off, Chair Masuda clarified that the item was put on the agenda for discussion and no decisions will be made at tonight's meeting. Commissioner Berry asked with the increase in crime, what's the Sherriff's department doing about sit, Staff Informed the Commissioners, that they did talk to the Lieutenant and he provided stats on robberies within the last 12 month period, they had 3 robberies in their system, two in the area in question and one on the other side that didn't have access to the freeway on ramp, Commissioner Berry suggested in possibly having a roundabout installed between Olney Street and Ellis Lane. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Chair Masuda summarized the two main issues in the area; the first one being 'vehicles speeding and making U- turns and the second is possibly doing a study on cios'ing the street, Mr. Masuda would also like for staff to continue working on finding solutions to improve the current speeding situation and possibly doing a, feasibility study, Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Ornelas to have staff revisit the location and come back with ideas and recommendations that can help improve the speeding and safety concerns in the area, while looking to see if it's feasible to close down the street. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Ornelas, Masuda, Quintanilla and Sevilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5. STAFF REPORT Staff provided the 'Traffic Commissioners with an update on fututdr-Ttaffic Cdfnr ssloin items, gilt! II -IJ I I I # I I for future items, signs throughout the City. Howard Masuda Chair Greg Tsujiuchi Assistant City, Manager/Acting Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission MWetng Meeting Minutes et September 6, 2018 Page 3 of 3