CC - Item 4A - Public Hearing on Substancial Amendments to the 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan and The 2018-2019 Annual Action PlanROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER . DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 2018 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS TO THE 2015- 2020 CONSOLIDATED PLAN AND THE 2018-2019 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN SUMMARY In accordance with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the City of Rosemead's Citizen Participation Plan, the City of Rosemead required to amend its 2015- 2020 Consolidated Plan and the 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan. The reason for the "Substantial Amendment" is to reallocate CDBG and HOME funds for new activities and programs, including Commercial Fayade Improvement Program, Garvey Park bathroom renovation for ADA Compliance, Parks & Recreation Summer Youth Employment Program, and new affordable housing creation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council: 1. Conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; and 2. Approve the Substantial Amendment to the 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan and the 2018- 2019 Annual Action Plan. HUD requires every state and local government that receives CDBG and HOME funding to prepare a five-year comprehensive plan which brings community needs and resources together to achieve statutory goals, and thereby address decent housing, create a suitable living environment and expand economic opportunities for the City's residents; particularly for low -and -moderate income persons. As an Entitlement Community, the City of Rosemead is required to prepare and submit a five-year Consolidated Plan that serves as the federal planning document for receiving CDBG and HOME Program funds. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.A City Council Meeting November 13, 2018 Paee 2 of 4 The City is also required to prepare and submit an Annual Action Plan to HUD which serves to update and delineate efforts in the program year ahead toward meeting the priorities established by the City in its Consolidated Plan. The Annual Action Plan operates on a single program year established by the City (i.e., July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019), whereas the Consolidated Plan covers a five-year planning period (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2020). The City shall amend the approved Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans when: A substantial change (e.g., 50% or more) in its allocation priorities or a substantial change in the method of distribution of funds takes place; or • Carries out an activity, using funds from any program covered by the Consolidated Plan (including program income), not previously described in the action plan; or • Substantially change the purpose, scope, location, or beneficiaries of an activity. The substantial change criteria utilized by the City of Rosemead is determined by a change in an activity which had been originally initiated through the HUD Program and in which the change would exceed: • 50% of the original allocations or when beneficiaries are impacted by the change; and/or • The description of the activity is modified to the extent whereby the general public would consider it to be a new activity for that particular program year. For this particular amendment, the City is reallocating CDBG and HOME Program funds to add new programs, including Commercial Fayade Improvements, Garvey Park bathroom renovation for ADA compliance, Summer Youth Employment Program, and new affordable housing creation (CHDO). In addition, the Substantial Amendment will reallocate the CDBG and HOME Program funds to better reflect the performance history of the City's Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Loans and Grant programs, as well as an updated budget based on the actual fiscal year 2017-2018 closing cycle. Public Hearing for the 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan was approved by the City Council at its meeting on June 12, 2018. Subsequently, the approved Action Plan was submitted to HUD on June 25, 2018, and the Action Plan Grant Agreements (CDBG and HOME) were executed and sent to HUD on October 4, 2018. For Fiscal Year 2018-2019 the City received from HUD CDBG amount of $708,721 and HOME Program amount of $346,837; for a total amount of $1,055,558. The following tables exhibit the approved 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan CDBG and HOME Program allocations, and the proposed reallocation amounts. City Council Meeting November 13, 2018 Paee 3 of 4 JROSEMEAD PROPOSED 2018-2019 SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT HOME PROGRAM BUDGET City Administration (10% Cap) Previous: Funding ':. Proposed. Funding Administration - Program Administration Costs (PACs)34,683 Proposed Funding Administration- Program Administration Costs(PACs) $ 34,683 Administration - Carryover $ 19,000 $ - Subtotal $ 53,683 $ 34,683 Subtotal $ 128,500 $ 141,744 Rehabilitation Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Loans $ 258,128 $ 200,000 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Loans- Carryover $ 320,500 $ - Down Payment Assistance Program - Carryover $ 190,000 $ 100,000 Subtotal $ 768,628 $ 300,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) (15% Cap) $ 30,000 $ Rio Hondo CDC Operating Expenses $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Rio Hondo CDC -Affordable Housing Program $ 52,026 $ - Rlo Hondo CDC -Affordable Housing Program Carryover $ 131,402 $ - Affordable Housing Program (e.g., Senior/Veteran's Housing) $ $ - $ 898,454 Subtotal $ 185,428 $ 900,454 TOTAL $ S,OD7,739 $ 1,235,137 ROSEMEAD PROPOSED FY 2018-2019 SUBSTAN nAL AMENDMENT CDBG BUDGET City Administration (20% Cap) Previous Funding Proposed Funding Administration- Program Administration Costs(PACs) $. 118,500 $ - 131,744 Fair Housing $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Subtotal $ 128,500 $ 141,744 Rehabilitation - ProgramAdministration- Activity Delivery Costs (ADCs) $ 214,037 $ 70,000 Emergency Grant $ 50,000 $ 6,000 Handyman Grant $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Rebates $ 30,000 $ 15,000 Lead/Asbestos Testing $ 6,000 $ 4,000 Lead/Asbestos Remediation $ 40,000 $ 25,000 Commercial Eapde improvements $ - $ 150;OD0: Subtotal $ 490,037 $ 420,000 Public Safety - Code Enforcement $ 11,634 $ 11,634 Code Enforcement - Carryover I $ 380,000 $ 206,189 Subtotal $ 391,634 $ 217,823 Social Sewkes.(15%Cap) Family Counseling Services $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Family Promises $ 51000 $ 5,000 Senior Nutrition Services $ 70,800 $ 70,800 Senior Nutrition Services - Program income $ 9,000 $ - SummeTYouth Employment Program $ - $ 25;000: Subtotal I $ 89,800 $ 105,800 Public Facilities Improvements Garvey Park $ ",$ 390,000: Subtotal $ 390,000 TOTAL $ 1,699,971 $ 1,275,367 City Council Meeting November 13,2018 Pave 4 of 4 A draft Substantial Amendment was made available for public comment between November 1, 2018 and December 1, 2018. FISCAL IMPACT — On June 12, 2018, the Annual Action Plan was approved with a total CDBG fund balance of $1,099,971 and HOME fund balance of $1,007,739. The Substantial Amendment to the Annual Action Plan accounts for the actual fiscal year 2017-2018 closing cycle (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018) whereby the HOME fund balance is increased to $1,235,137 and CDBG fund balance is increased to $1,275,367. The Substantial Amendment reallocates the increased funding amounts to better reflect the anticipated expenditures for ongoing programs and administrative costs based on the City's historic performances, as well as adding funding for new programs and activities. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT — The Substantial Amendment to the Annual Action Plan implements the "Key Organizational Goals" of ensuring the City's continued financial viability by actively pursuing quality economic development; enhance public safety and quality of life; and beautify residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a public hearing notice published in the Rosemead Reader on November 1, 2018, and posting of the notice at the six (6) public locations. Prepared by: Ben Kim, Dir or o�Community Development Attachment A: Substantial Amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2015-2020 and Annual Action Plan 2018-2019 Attachment A Substantial Amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2015-2020 and Annual Action Plan 2018-2019 CITY OF ROSEMEAD CONSOLIDATED PLAN 2015 — 2020 2018 — 2019 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT Introduction Each year the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides funding for housing and community development programs to the City of Rosemead, specifically Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program funds. To receive these funds, the City must complete a report every five year called the Consolidated Plan. The purpose of the Consolidated Plan is to identify Rosemead's housing and community development needs, priorities, goals, and strategies and to stipulate how funds will be allocated to housing and community development activities over the period of the Consolidated Plan, which in this case is every five years. The City shall amend the approved Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans when: • A substantial change (e.g., 50% or more) in its allocation priorities or a substantial change in the method of distribution of funds takes place; or • Carries out an activity, using funds from any program covered by the consolidated plan (including program income), not previously described in the action plan; or • Substantially change the purpose, scope, location, or beneficiaries of an activity. The substantial change criteria utilized by the City of Rosemead is determined by a change in an activity which had been originally initiated through the HUD Program and in which the change would exceed: 1. 25% of the original allocations or when beneficiaries are impacted by the change; and/or 2. The description of the activity is modified to the extent whereby the public would consider it to be a new activity for that particular program year. Proposed Amendment to the 2015 — 2020 Consolidated Plan During the five-year plan period, the City expects to receive approximately $700,000 annually in CDBG funds and $350,000 annually in HOME funding. Over a five-year period, this equates to $3.51M in CDBG and a five-year total of $1,750,000 in HOME funds. These funds are being awarded to the City based on the goals submitted to HUD in previous fiscal years. The City has not expended some of these funds and is in jeopardy of returning some of these funds to HUD. This proposed Substantial Amendment will reallocate these funds to programs that will expend the dollars in accordance with HUD Guidelines. In addition, some of the Goals set forth in the five-year Consolidated Plan have become unattainable. The City would like to amend those goals in order not to jeopardize future funding from HUD. The goals that are being requested to be amended are provided in the table below: Goal Strategic Strategic Program Program ' Difference New 5 Plan - Plan - Year - Year - in Strategic Year Expected Actual Expected Actual Plan Goal Affordable 50 0 2 0 50 1 Owner Housing (FTHB) Senior 75,000 35,587 4,000 560 39,413 40,000 Nutrition Program Lead 50 16 10 4 34 25 Abatement Housing 50 14 10 4 36 25 Rehabilitation Program Affordable 2 0 1 0 2 1 Housing (CHDO) All the above activities are significantly below what was stated in the City's Consolidated Plan. As a part of the Substantial Amendment, we are proposing to redefine the five-year expectations to closely align with performance to date. Proposed Amendment to the 2018 — 2019 Action Plan As mentioned above, the City has decided to reallocate some of its available dollars, so the funds are not at risk of being returned to HUD. Below is a list of CDBG and HOME Programs that we wish to amend and reallocate funds. The current and proposed amounts are included: CDBG Proposed Revisions are listed in the table below: ROSEMEAD PROPOSED FY 2018-2019 SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT CDBG BUDGET Previous Funding Proposed Funding City Administration (20% Cap) Administration $118,500 $131,744 Fair Housing $10,000 $10,000 Subtotal $128,500 $141,744 Rehabilitation Program Administration $214,037 $70,000 Emergency Grant $50,000 $6,000 Handyman Grant $150,000 $150,000 Rebates $30,000 $15,000 Lead/Asbestos Testing $6,000 $4,000 Lead/Asbestos Remediation $40,000 $25,000 Commercial Fagade Improvements $ - $150,000 Subtotal $490,037 $420,000 Public Safety Code Enforcement $11,634 $11,634 Code Enforcement - Carryover $380,000 $206,189 Subtotal $391,634 $217,823 Social Services (15% Cap) Family Counseling Services $5,000 $5,000 Family Promises $5,000 $5,000 Senior Nutrition Services $70,800 $70,800 Senior Nutrition Services - Program Income $9,000 $ - Summer Youth Program - Parks & Recreation $ - $25,000 Subtotal $89,800 $105,800 Public Facilities Improvements Garvey Park $ - $390,000 Subtotal $390,000 TOTAL $1,099,971 $1,275,367 HOME Proposed Revisions are listed in the table below: A description of the new activities being added to the fiscal year are as follows: - Commercial Fagade Improvement Program The Job Creation and Business Incentive Program is designed to assist new and existing businesses through the provision of financial assistance. Financial assistance is in the form of a forgivable no interest loan that is predicated on the creation of new jobs for moderate- and low-income persons. Maximum assistance under the program is $50,000. One permanent full-time equivalent position for moderate- and low- income persons is required per $25,000 loaned or portion there -of above $25,000. - Garvey Park Improvements The project consists of the demolition of an existing 500sf restroom that is not in compliance with current ADA rules. The City will replace this restroom with a new 680 sf restroom for men and women including the installation of the required ADA Previous Funding Proposed Funding City Administration (10% Cap) Administration $34,683 $34,683 Administration -Carryover $19,000 $_ - btotal btotal $53,683 $34,683 Rehabilitation Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Loans $258,128 $200,000 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Loans - Carryover $320,500 $_ - Down Payment Assistance Program - Carryover Down $190,000 $100,000 Subtotal $768,628 $300,000 Community Housing Development Organization CHDO Rio Hondo CDC Operating Expenses $2,000 $2,000 Rio Hondo CDC - Affordable Housing Program $52,026 $ - Rio Hondo CDC - Affordable Housing Program Car over Car $131,402 $_ - Affordable Housing Program (e.g., SeniorNeteran's Housing) $ - $898,454 Subtotal $185,428 $900,454 TOTAL $1,0071739 $1,235,137 A description of the new activities being added to the fiscal year are as follows: - Commercial Fagade Improvement Program The Job Creation and Business Incentive Program is designed to assist new and existing businesses through the provision of financial assistance. Financial assistance is in the form of a forgivable no interest loan that is predicated on the creation of new jobs for moderate- and low-income persons. Maximum assistance under the program is $50,000. One permanent full-time equivalent position for moderate- and low- income persons is required per $25,000 loaned or portion there -of above $25,000. - Garvey Park Improvements The project consists of the demolition of an existing 500sf restroom that is not in compliance with current ADA rules. The City will replace this restroom with a new 680 sf restroom for men and women including the installation of the required ADA fixtures. This project also includes the removal of the existing sidewalk ramps that are currently not in compliance with ADA and the installation of new sidewalk and ADA ramps including new lighting and appurtenances. - Summer Youth Program Activity provides for the hiring of 20 low and moderate -income community youths to work in various City locations as Clerical Assistants, Aquatic Personnel; and Community Services Aides. In addition to the above, the Proposed Amendment would allocate $898,454 to a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) for Acquisition and Development of Affordable Housing. If approved Staff will develop an RFP for the selection of a CHDO and new Senior and/or Veteran's Housing Project By allocating this money to a CHDO for the development of affordable housing, the City would continue to meet its five-year goals set forth in the Consolidated Plan by eliminating potential barriers to affordable housing and the creation of affordable units. The above activities and funding amounts will be revised in the Annual Action Plan. HUD requires that entitlement communities provide the public with a 30 -day comment period to provide residents and other interested parties an opportunity to provide input on the proposed Amendment. This public comment period ran from November 1, 2018 to December 1, 2018. Public Comments The City will incorporate any comments received during the public comment period