CC - Item 6A - Resolution No. 2019-06 Amending Comprehensive Fee Schedule Resolution No. 2018-24ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 15, 2019 SUBJECT: AMENDING COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE RESOLUTION NO. 2018-24 SUMMARY The City provides various "individualized" services (i.e., inspections, permits, variances, etc.) that are not of general benefit. Historically, many of these services are being provided at a cost greater than the price being charged for them thus, resulting in the subsidy of the remaining cost of a service from the general taxpayers. From time -to -time, as a matter of routine fee maintenance, to keep pace with increasing costs of individualized services, to maintain compliance with Federal, State, or County statutes, or to add new fees, the fees charged to the beneficiary are reviewed and updated on a regular basis and when necessary. Resolution No. 2019-06 (Attachment A) amends the current Comprehensive Fee Schedule (Attachment B) to include a new proposed Parks and Recreation fee for the leasing of garden plots. ANALYSIS With the new Temporary Rosemead Community Garden located at 8828 Glendon Way nearly completed, staff is requesting to establish a new fee for the leasing of garden plots. The proposed fee would be used to cover a portion of the annual cost for general maintenance (ie. trash collection, gardening equipment), utilities (ie. water), and staff costs (ie. administration and grounds keeping). The proposed fee for a single garden plot is $1.20 per square foot annually, beginning July 1, 2019. A single garden plot at the community garden on Glendon Way will be 5 ft. x 10 ft., which would total to $60 annually per plot. Resolution No. 2019-06 would amend and incorporate this new fee as part of the Comprehensive Fee Schedule. The new proposed garden plot fee is located on page 16 and identified in red and with a "NEW FEE" next to its description. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6.A City Council Meeting January 15, 2019 Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that a new annual $1.20 per square foot fee for the leasing of community garden plot space be approved, and that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2019-06 which would amend and update the "Comprehensive Fee Schedule" to include this new fee. FISCAL IMPACT Fees proposed in the comprehensive fee resolution. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT - None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared and Submitted by: Tam Chu, Acting Parks and Recreation Director Attachment A: Resolution No. 2019-06 B: Resolution No. 2015-24 Attachment A Resolution No. 2019-06 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2018-24 COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE OF FEES BY ADDING A FEE FOR LEASING OF GARDEN PLOTS WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead is creating temporary community gardens with garden plots to be leased to the community; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that a fee of $1.20 per square foot is appropriate for each garden plot leased. The fee will cover portions of the annual cost for general maintenance of trash collection and gardening equipment. In addition, the fee will also cover the cost of utilities and staff time associated with the administration and ground keeping of the community garden; and NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HERESY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Rosemead City Council imposes the following fee: • Leasing of Garden Plots $1.20 per square foot annually SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this. resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Rosemead on January 15, 2019. Steven Ly, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 2018-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES WHEREAS, the Municipal Code of the City of Rosemead provides that certain filing fees, permit fees, inspection fees, deposits, and conditions of service may from time to time be established by the City Council, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemead has determined that the cost of providing certain services is not of general benefit but of benefit to the individual and, therefore, certain filing fees, permit fees, inspection fees and deposits should be required to pay for materials and special services performed by the City staff, and WHEREAS, after the passage of Propositions 4 and 218, local governments were made to charge for the costs of services to those who benefited, and WHEREAS, for certain services performed, the cost of providing said services greatly varies and is contingent upon the specifics of each project or application. In certain instances, the City Council finds it more appropriate to require an initial deposit to guarantee the applicant will reimburse the City for costs associated. If the costs exceed the deposit, the applicant shall be responsible for additional deposits or reimbursement necessary to offset cost. If cost of service performed is less than deposit, then the difference shall be refunded to applicant, and WHEREAS, based upon fee justification reports on file with the City Clerk and the City Finance Director, the City Council finds that the fees included in the Resolutions represent a portion of the actual costs of the services provided or facilities funded and, therefore, there is a rational relationship between the fees charged and the services and facilities funded, and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that since the fees represent a portion of the actual costs of the service or facilities provided, there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the fee charged and the costs of the services provided to the person paying the fee, and WHEREAS, the City Council may adjust fees for certain services from time to time and incorporate all adjusted and/or new fees for services provided into one comprehensive schedule, and WHEREAS, the City Council has found it necessary to adjust fees for services, and to maintain a comprehensive document which incorporates most or all fees for services provided by the City into one schedule, however, the City Manager has the authority to establish staff billing rates and equipment charges by Administrative Policy on an as needed basis, and WHEREAS, after complying with public meeting and agenda posting requirements; the City Council adopted the various resolutions establishing fees at various meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rosemead has resolved as follows: SECTION 1. That the general regulations and project deposit guidelines are established as follows: A. TIME AND MATERIALS DEPOSITS — Certain types of applications have been determined by the City Council to benefit the applicant. Therefore, these deposit projects will be billed on a time and materials basis including applicable administrative overhead. Project costs include City Attorney, City Staff, City Engineer, City Landscape Consultant and other fees including overhead costs for staff and contract personnel. All deposited fees shall be due and payable immediately upon presentation of a billing statement by the City. All deposited fees not used to process and manage the application shall be returned after receipt and payment of final project -related bills. Staff's billing rates and equipment charges are established periodically by Administrative Policy of the City Manager. B. BILLING - Failure to pay all charges invoiced within thirty (j0) days of the date of invoice shall be considered a sufficient cause to stop processing until full payment is made. The City will accept only cash, cashier's checks, bank checks or credit/debit cards; payment by credit/debit card may not exceed $5,000 (five thousand). Work on a deposit project will not commence until payments have cleared the bank and funds have been transferred to the City. Projects shall not be deemed approved until all City fees have been paid in full. C. LATE PAYMENT CHARGE - Outstanding balances that are not paid in full within the time frame specified will incur late charges established by the City according to the type of application. D. REVISIONS - Fees set forth for plan check and development review shall be for the initial application. See attached fee listing for additional costs for revisions. E. RECORDS - Records of deposit projects are available by contacting the City. Project deposit updates or closing out of projects shall be accompanied by project summary sheets, detailing costs of staff time, City Attorney, City Engineer, City Landscape Consultant, and other consultation charges. F. HARDSHIPS - Fees shall be paid in full for all development projects. The City recognizes that in unique and special circumstances financial hardship may preclude the full payment of fee prior to application for permits. In such cases, the applicant shall apply for a payment deferral agreement with the City Manager. In no case shall the fees be waived or partially paid when the project is completed. The applicant shall state in writing the reasons for deferral. The City Manager shall inform the Community Development Director and Finance Director in writing of the fee deferral and reasons for the deferral. In no case shall the City Manager permit less than half of the fee to be initially paid. G. OTHER FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICE - Applicants should be aware that they may be subject to other fees and charges for service established periodically by Administrative Policy of the City Manager or by Ordinance. 2 H. EXEMPTION OF FEES - Where it is verified by the City Manager or appropriate department head that the City is the applicant or party to be charged, fees will be waived. Additionally where a contractor has been hired on behalf of the City, fees may be waived at the discretion of the City Manager. SECTION 2. That the general regulations and project deposit guidelines are established as follows: TYPE OF FEE A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. A. TABLE OF CONTENTS PLANNINGFEES......................................................................... ENGINEERING SERVICES FEES ............................................ BUILDINGPERMIT FEES.......................................................... PARKS AND RECREATION FEES .......................................... PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FEES ........................................ CITYCLERK FEES..................................................................... FINANCE DEPARTMENT FEES ............................................... PARKINGIVEHICLE CITATION FINES .................................... ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL FEES ............................ PUBLICSAFETY FEES ....................................................... BUSINESS LICENSE FEES ................................................ FILMPERMIT FEES............................................................. SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT FEES ....................................... CIVIL FINES (ADMINISTRATIVE CITATIONS) ............... PASSPORTFEES................................................................. PLANNING FEES General Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit Lot Line Adjustment Landscape Review 3 ......................................... 3 ......................................... 7 11 ....................................... 12 ....................................... 17 ....................................... 17 ....................... I............... 18 ....................................... 18 ....................................... 22 ............................................ 23 ............................................ 23 ............................................ 31 ............................................ 31 ............................................ 31 ----- 32 $2,000 + $50 each additional parcel $1,320 $225 Cost + 10% Tentative Parcel Map $1,385+$10011ot Tentative Tract Map $1,385+ $100/lot Single Family Residential Variance $975 Other Variances $1,375 Zone Changes $1,700 + $50 each additional parcel Municipal Code Amendment $2,750 Design Review: Single Family Nome $800 Design Review: Multi Family (3 or More Units) $1,000 Design Review: Sign Design Review $800 Design Review: Master Sign Program $800 Design Review: New Nonresidential Structures $1,540 Design Review: Residential Commercial Mixed -Use $1,540 Design Review: Remodel with Additions to Nonresidential Structures $900 Design Review: Facade or Site Improvement for Nonresidential $800 Projects Only Review of Conditional Use Permit (Maximum 2 site inspections) $225 Modification of Entitlements (Discretionary) $800 Planned Development Review $1,200 Covenants/Agreements Cost + 10% Relocation Impact Report (mobile home parks) $1,500 Specific Plan Review (In-house) (NEW FEE) Non-residential or Mixed Use (NEW FEE) $700 per review 4 Residential - 2 or less units (maximum 3 reviews) (NEW FEE) $225 per dwelling unit Residential - 3 or more units (NEW FEE) $700 per review Specific Plan Review (Outsource) Cost + 10% Specific Plan Amendment Cost + 10% Other Public Hearing Requests (modifications) $980 Other (LA County Clerk recording fee, subject to LA County fee schedule) Fee subject to LA County Fee Schedule Other Planning Items: Pre -Application (optional) $500(one review per project) With Workshop Noticing (NEW FEE) $300(one workshop per project) Entitlement Plan Check Modification Fee $600 (Ministerial) Publication Fee $500 Expediting Fee $6,500 Entitlement Extensions $300 each Residential Site Plan Review (maximum 3 $225 per dwelling reviews) unit Residential Tenant/Site Improvement/No New Sq. $70 Ft. Non-residential Tenant/Site Improvement/No New $225 Sq. Ft. Non-residential Site Plan Review (maximum 3 $700 reviews) Lot Coverage Review (i.e. landscape and $25 hardscape) Mechanical Elements Review $25 Fence Pian Review $25 5 Sign Plan Review $225 Water Efficient Landscape Review $225 Oak Tree Permit $800 Negative Declaration Fee (Not including County Cost + 10% charges) Mitigated Negative Declaration (Not including Cost + 10% County charges) Categorical Exemption Fee $90 EIR Plus Outside Consultant (Not including County charges) Cost + 10% Mitigation Monitoring Cost + 10% Other Environmental Reviews/Documents Cost + 10% Administrative Determination $450 Administrative Use Permit $500 Density Bonus (i.e. application, document review, Cost + 10% etc.) Development Agreement Cost + 10% Joint/Off-Site Parking Agreement Cost + 10% Minor Exception $300 Reasonable Accommodation No fee Site Inspection $25 GeologiclGeotechnical Review Cost + 10% Traffic Review Cost + 10% Zoning Verification Letter Residential $00 Nonresidential $225 Accessory Dwelling Unit -Covenant $100 Accessory Dwelling Unit Agreement $100 C.1 Banner Permit $60 Outdoor Sales (Nonresidential) $70 Private Bus Application Review $25 Temporary Use Permit $225 Yard Sale Permit First yard sale of (Two yard sales are allowed per residence every each 12 -month six months. There is no charge for the first yard period is free sale of each 12 -month period.) $5 each additional yard sale Appeals: Filing Fees (Planning Commission) $650 Filing Fees (City Council) $750 Development Impact Fees: Single Use Zones Residential Single Family $6,500(per dwelling unit) Multi -family $5,197(per dwelling unit) Nonresidential Retail $1,365 (1,000 sq ft) Office $1,997 (1,000 sq ft) Industrial $1,250 (1,000 sq ft) Mixed Use Zones Residential Single Family $6,388(per dwelling unit) Multi -family $5,126(per dwelling unit) Nonresidential Retail $1,242 (1,000 sq ft) Office $1,812 (1,000 sq ft) Industrial $1,127 (1,000 sq ft) B. ENGINEERING SERVICES FEES Tract Map 7 Tentative Tract Map (Establishing engineering and public $450 improvement conditions) Tentative Parcel Map (Establishing engineering and public $450 improvement conditions) Record Map Analysis: $5,500 plus $150/lot and 1. Monument review $550 2. Verification that map is consistent with conditions to $500 tentative approval 3. Map clearance and review of agreement and/or $300 improvement securities 4. Fourth and each subsequent check submittal $850 Deferred Monuments Monument Review $300 Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment) Record document analysis, clearance, and processing $2,000 Plus parcel and: $150 1. Verification of compliance with conditions of approval $500 2. Review of agreements and/or improvement securities $350 Plan Checking 1. Initial $750 plus 2 '/z percent of the first $50,000 plus 2 percent of the next $100,000 plus 1 '/2 percent thereafter of the estimated construction cost 2. Revision Actual cost Same as initial plan checking P Construction Permits 1, Issuance Fee $100 2. Initial Observation $500 plus 6 percent of first $100,000 plus 5 percent of next $100,000 plus 4 percent thereafter of the estimated construction cost 3. Modifications Observation Actual cost (an initial deposit is required) for all modifications requiring plan revisions or as built Road permit fees (applicable to improvements not subject to Section 3) $50 issuance fee for all construction and encroachment permits plus corresponding observation fee Construction Permits in Right of Wa 1. Driveway — Residential $3001driveway Commercial $3501driveway 2. Close existing driveway opening — Residential $3001driveway Commercial $3501driveway 3. Individual sidewalk — Residential $3001Iocation Commercial $350/location 4. Individual curb and gutter — Residential $30011ocation Commercial $35011ocation 5. Individual alley improvement $3/sq. ft/location 6. Street trees $10011ocation for first tree plus $501tree thereafter 7. Curb drain (curb only) - Residential $1501drain Commercial $2001drain 8. Parkway drain $3001drain 9. Relocate existing drainage structure $1,OOOIstructure N7 Excavation Permits 1. Service cut $17.50/cut and $2/sq. ft. of excavation 2. Sewer cut (residential) $2501connection to main; plus Service Cut Charges 3. Sewer cut (commercial) $3501connection to main; plus Service Cut Charges Encroachment Permits 1. Stockpile material or waste in street right -of way or $3501stockpile easement ($150 Refundable) 2. Placing container for material orwaste in a street right- $475/container of -way or easement ($325 Refundable) 3. Placing temporary structure or parking equipment in $2001structure or street right-of-way or easement piece of equipment 4. Pedestrian protection required by building code $20011ocation (Construction at parkway grade) 5. Street closures Street closures $4001dayllocation Lane closures $2001ianelday 6. Commercial filming $4001working day plus $8001night, Saturday, Sunday or holiday 7. Other Encroachments (deposit required) $50 issuance fee plus actual cost B. News rack permit fee $201Rack per year Parcel Ma Tentative Parcel Map (establish engineering and public improvement $450 conditions) Record Map Analysis $3,400 plus $1501parcel and 1. Dedications $2,000 10 2. Monument review $500 3. Verification that map is consistent with conditions of $500 tentative approval 4. Map clearance and review agreements and/or $300 improvements securities 5. Fourth and each subsequent check submittal $850 Plans and Specifications (In-house) $25 walk-in $40 mailed Plans and Specifications (Prepared by outside consultant) Cost + 10% Other Engineering Services Easement/vacation deed research & review Cost + 10% Covenant agreement research & review Cost + 10% Legal description/offer of dedication research & review Cost + 10% Preparation of legal description/dedication documents Cost + 10% Plan copies — larger than 24" x 36" $5.00/page Standard Hourly Review Charge $150 Standard Hourly Inspection Charge $125 Tree Planting In -lieu Fee $750/Residential $1,000/Commercial Self -Hauling Permit $100 (Jan. —June) $50 (July — Dec.) NPDES Fee Cost + 10%; Plus ongoing inspection costs Oak Tree Verification Letter $60 C. BUILDING PERMIT FEES Based on L.A. County fee schedule and adjusted per Rosemead Municipal Code. 11 D. PARKS AND RECREATION FEES Resident Non -Resident Administrative Fee (Patron initiated refunds) $5 $5 Poo(Admission: Daily recreation swim (17 and under) $1 $1 Daily recreation swim (18 and over) $2 $2 Season recreation swim (17 and under) $25 NIA Season recreation swim (18 and over) $35 NIA Family pass $75 NIA Lap Swim (Rosemead Pool): Per visit $3 $5 20 visits $40 $65 Lessons: Group Swim Lesson—Youth (Rosemead) $30 $45 Group Swim Lesson — Adult (Rosemead) $35 $50 Group Swim Lesson —Youth (Garvey) $30 $30 Group Swim Lesson — Adult (Garvey) $35 $35 Private Lessons (one instructor one student) (Rosemead) $100 $130 Private Lessons (one instructor one student) (Garvey) $100 $100 Semi -Private Lessons (one instructor two or three students) (Rosemead) $80 ea. $100 ea. Semi -Private Lessons (one instructor two or three students) (Garvey) $80 ea. $80 ea. Aqua Aerobics (Rosemead) $40 $65 Aqua Aerobics (Garvey) $45 $45 12 Programs: Resident Non -Resident Sr. Nutrition $1.25 $3.25 Garvev Center Billiard Room Fees: Monthly Pass $10.00 $15.00 Bi -Annual Pass $50.00 Classes: Preschool classes — four days per week Instructional Classes Youth Sports (3ys. To W, Grade): Early Registration Registration Late Registration Facility Use: Auditoriums: $380/qtr (10wks) $420/qtr (10 wks) Fee Set by Inst. Fee Set by Inst. +$5 $351season $40/season $451season $45/season $60/season $65/season Garvey Center — Banquet Room $65/hr $130/hr Garvey Center— FGT Room $50/hr $100/hr Security Deposit $300 $500 Rosemead/Garvey Kitchen $25/hr $50/hr Meeting Rooms: Rosemead Center — Room 5 $25/hr $60/hr Garvey Center— Rooms 103 & 104 (50) $25/hr $60/hr Garvey Center — Room 103 (100) $40/hr $100/hr Garvey Center — Rooms 108 & 109 (50) $25/hr $60/hr 13 Resident Non -Resident Garvey Center— Room 108 (100) $401hr $1001hr Rosemead Center — Room 1 $501hr $1001hr Rosemead Center— Room 2 $65/hr $1301hr Rosemead Center — Room 3 or 4 $251hr $601hr Security Deposit $100 $150 Community Center use during non -business hours (for otherwise exempt Government agencies, Rosemead -recognized non -profits, and community Organizations): Where it costs the City to staff facilities for such use, the Fully burdened hourly staff rate will be passed on to the facility user. Dinsmoor Gardens - 6 Hr. Rental $350 $700 Dinsmoor Kitchenette Usage (In conjunction with 6 Hr. Rental) $75 $100 Security Deposit $300 $500 5aecial Event Insurance (Facility Use): Hazard Class L 1-100 $100 $125 101-500 $130 $150 501-1500 $200 $225 Hazard Class II: 1-100 $140 $160 101-500 $235 $260 501-1500 $280 $300 Hazard Class III: 1-100 $215 $230 101-500 $360 $375 501-1500 $475 $525 14 Resident Pool Facilitv Use: RAC Lane Fee (3 Lane Minimum) $1511 -ane RAC (Pool and Deck Area Only) $75/hr Covered Picnic Area (1/ canopy — During swim hours) $25/hr Lawn Area (Picnic) (During swim hours) $25Ihr RAC (Exclusive Use) $175/hr Splash Zone (Exclusive Use) $1401hr Sm. Shade Shelter (During swim hours) $25/hr Lg. Shade Shelter (During swim hours) $35/hr RAC Lights $25/hr BBQ Rental (RAC) $15/hr BBQ Rental (Splash) $151hr Pool Facility Deposits: Shelter Deposit $50 Facility Deposit $300 Life uard/A uatic Staff (Splash minimum 4-6 required and RAC minimum 5-6 $16/hr required) Special Event Insurance (Pool Facility Use) Hazard Class III: Non -Resident $15/Lane $150/hr $50/hr $501hr $3501hr $140/hr $25/hr $35/hr $50/hr $20hr $15/hr $150 $500 $16/hr 1-100 $215 $230 101-500 $360 $375 501-1500 $475 $525 Park Facility Use: Rosemead Park (per field) $12/hr $50/hr Rosemead Park — Lights $25/hr $60/hr 15 Field Security Deposit $0 $150 Field Security Deposit (Rosemead Non -Profit Teams Only) $100/season NIA Staff $11.161hr $11.16/hr Miscellaneous Fee: Vendor Booths — Special Events: Rosemead non-profit organizations will be required to pay 75% of a proportional share of City costs for booth operation including Los Angeles County fees and associated rental costs. Other non-profit organizations will pay a proportional share plus $50. All other vendors will pay a proportional share plus $150. All vendors are required to pay a $50 deposit of total fees at time of event application. Deposit will be forfeited for vendors cancelling within 45 days of event. Excursions Banner put up/take down (Rosemead Non -Profit Orgs. Only) Military Street Banners (NEW FEE) 16 Event admission Event admission plus 10% plus 25% $200 per banner NIA $150 $150 1.20 per sq. ft. annually NIA Resident Non -Resident Garvey Park (per field) $121hr $50/hr Garvey Park -- Lights (per field) $25/hr $60/hr Sports Complex — Fields $121hr $50/hr Sports Complex — Lights $251hr $60/hr Garvey Park — Multi -Purpose Field $12/hr $50/hr Garvey Park — Multi -Purpose Field W/Lights $18/hr $65/hr Garvey Park — Gymnasium $50/hr $115/hr Garvey Park -- Gymnasium (Rosemead Non -Profit Teams Only) $25/hr NIA Sm. Picnic Shelter Reservation (Day Use) $50 $100 Lg. Picnic Shelter Reservation (Day Use) $75 $150 Park Facility Deposits. Field Security Deposit $0 $150 Field Security Deposit (Rosemead Non -Profit Teams Only) $100/season NIA Staff $11.161hr $11.16/hr Miscellaneous Fee: Vendor Booths — Special Events: Rosemead non-profit organizations will be required to pay 75% of a proportional share of City costs for booth operation including Los Angeles County fees and associated rental costs. Other non-profit organizations will pay a proportional share plus $50. All other vendors will pay a proportional share plus $150. All vendors are required to pay a $50 deposit of total fees at time of event application. Deposit will be forfeited for vendors cancelling within 45 days of event. Excursions Banner put up/take down (Rosemead Non -Profit Orgs. Only) Military Street Banners (NEW FEE) 16 Event admission Event admission plus 10% plus 25% $200 per banner NIA $150 $150 1.20 per sq. ft. annually NIA E. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FEES Senior Bus Pass $9/mo Dial -A -Ride $0.50/ride Shopper Shuttle $0.50/ride F. CITY CLERK FEES Subpoenas — Documents (Government Code Section 68096.1) $15 Subpoenas — Personal Appearance (Govt Code Section 68096.1) $275 Actual attendance (per person/per day) Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Mileage traveled (both ways/per mile) Legal Rate Certification of Copies $5 Proof of Life Certification $5 Photocopies- Plans/Maps (includes General Plan & Zoning Maps) $5 Copy of General Plan Map $5 Photocopies of documents — per page $020 Photocopies of documents larger than 8'/ x 11 (per page) $1 Photocopies of FPPC documents (Govt Code Section 81008) $0.10 Copies of electronic records that have to be constructed, programmed & computer services necessary to produce a copy Actual Cost of the record (Govt. Code Section 6253.9(2)(a -g) Search and Retrieval fee for FPPC documents five years or older $5 (Govt. Code Section 81008) Notary Fee per signature $15 Plans and Specifications $25 walk-in $40 mailed Ownership Notification List $35 General Plan $25/each 17 General Plan Map $5/each NSF check (first $5/each Zoning Map NSF check (second and each subsequent check) Zoning Requirements No charge $351each Zoning Ordinance $73 Candidate Statement Deposit By Resolution G. FINANCE DEPARTMENT FEES NSF check (first check) $25 NSF check (second and each subsequent check) $35 H. PARKINGIVEHICLE CITATION FINES CVC 4000 (a) Registration required (if not corrected) $73 CVC 4152.5 Failure to apply for registration $38 CVC 4152.5 With Proof of correction $35 CVC 4454 (a) Registration card $38 CVC 4454 (a) With proof of correction $35 CVC 4457 Mutilated or illegal license plate $38 CVC 4457 With proof of correction $35 CVC 4462 (b) Evidence of registration —wrong vehicle $38 CVC 5200 Display of license plate $38 CVC 5200 With proof of correction $35 CVC 5201 Position of license plate $38 CVC 5201 With proof of correction $35 CVC 5201 (f) Plate clearly visible $38 CVC 5201 (f) With proof of correction $35 18 CVC 5202 Period of display $38 CVC 5202 With proof of correction $35 CVC 5204 (a) No tabs $73 CVC 5204 (a) With proof of correction $35 CVC 27155 Fuel cap required $38 CVC 21113 (a) Unlawful parking — public grounds $53 CVC 22500 (a) Parking within intersection $53 CVC 22500 (b) Parking on crosswalk $53 CVC 22500 (c) Parking/safety & curb (marked with red paint) $55 CVC 22500 (d) Parking within 15ft. from fire station entrance $68 CVC 22500 (e) Parking in front of public/private driveway $53 CVC 22500 (f) Parking on sidewalk $53 CVC 22500 (g) Parking along excavation $53 CVC 22500 Q) Parking in tunnel $53 CVC 22500 (k) Parking on bridge $53 CVC 22500 (1) Parking — blocking wheelchair ramp $258 CVC 22500.1 Parking in fire lane (properly marked and posted) $78 CVC 22502 (e) Curb parking one-way roadway $53 CVC 22507(a) Illegal stopping, parking or standing of vehicles $500 CVC 22507,8 (a) Disabled — no visible placard or plate $338 CVC 22507.8 (b) Parking — blocking handicapped space $338 CVC 22507.8 (c) Parking in disabled crosshatched boundary $338 lanes CVC 22515 Unattended vehicle $53 19 CVC 22516 Locked door — no escape $48 CVC 22517 Open door into traffic lane (driver's side) $68 CVC 22521 Parking on railroad tracks $43 CVC 22522 Parking near sidewalk access ramp $288 CVC 2523(a)(b) Abandonment prohibited $113 LAC 15.20.070 Failure to obey signs/curb markings (altered) $50 LAC 15.20.070 Failure to obey signs/curb markings (time limits) $63 LAC 15.20.130 Parking space markings $50 LAC 15.48.050 Vehicle exceeding posted weight limits $55 LAC 15.48.060 Vehicle exceeding 14,000 lbs. — posted $65 LAC 15.64.010 Stopping prohibited, parking time limits $50 LAC 15.64.020 Parking in loading zones (commercial) $78 LAC 15.64.030 Parking time limit — post office $48 LAC 15.64.040 Parking at mailbox $48 LAC 15.64.050 No commercial parking (more than 6,000 lbs.) 2:00 A.M. $78 to 6:00 A.M. in residential zone (5 exceptions) LAC 15.64.052 No commercial parking (more than 10,000 lbs.) in $78 residential district at anytime (5 exceptions) LAC 15.64.055 Commercial vehicle (more than 6,000 lbs.) parked in $78 violation of posted limits LAC 15.64.100 Parking, disconnected trailer $53 LAC 15.64.110 Parking in bus zone $263 LAC 15.64.120 Parking in passenger zone $53 LAC 15.64.130 No parking -- alleys $53 LAC 15.64.140 Temporary no parking/street sweeping $53 20 LAC 15.64.210 Key in ignition/unaltered vehicle LAC 15.64.220 Parking on grades LAC 15.64.230 Parking more than 18 in. from curb LAC 15.64.240 Angle parking LAC 15.64.250 Double parking LAC 15.64.260 No parking at any time LAC 15.64.270 Parking on private or public property without consent LAC 15.64.271 Parking in front yard LAC 15.64.280 Parking on wrong side of the street LAC 15.64.290 Parking between curb and adjacent property LAC 15.64.300 Blocking street LAC 15.64.310 Parking of vehicle transporting hazardous materials LAC 15.64.320 Blocking driveway on private street LAC 15.64.330 Parking within intersection LAC 15.64.350 Parking special hazard LAC 15.64.360 Parking adjacent to school LAC 15.64.370 Parking within 15ft. of fire hydrant LAC 15.64.390 Parking in assigned parking space LAC 15.64.400 Disabled parking on street LAC 15.64.410 Disabled parking off street LAC 15.76.080 Parking on sidewalk LAC 15.76.120 Repairing vehicles on street LAC 15.76.130 Washing vehicles on street 21 $53 $48 $50 $48 $53 $55 $53 $40 $53 $53 $53 $363 $53 $53 $53 $53 $68 $53 $338 $338 $53 $53 $53 LAC 17,04.370 Parks — unauthorized parking $53 LAC 9.12.1410 Obstructing emergency access routes $68 Overnight parking permit commercial $60 Expired registration tabs $73 DUI Cost Recovery $573 Impounded vehicle admin. Fee $128 Stored Vehicle admin. Fee $103 Designated electric charging station parking spaces — $55 unauthorized parking (NEW) I. ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL FEES Dog Licensing: New/renewal for male or female $25 Newlrenewal for spayed or neutered with certificate $15 New/renewal for spayed or neutered with certificate $7 Owned by senior citizen (60 yrs. and older) Dead Animal Disposal: Picked up from owner by Animal Control — small (less than 30 $0 pounds) Picked up from owner by Animal Control — small without a dog $25 license (less than 30 pounds) Picked up from owner by Animal Control — cat $0 Picked up from owner by Animal Control — large (more than $0 30 pounds) Picked up from owner by Animal Control — large without a dog $50 license (more than 30 pounds) Delivered by Animal Control $0 Delivered to Animal Control by business $0 22 J. PUBLIC SAFETY FEES Live Scan Fees $32 Department of Justice (DOJ) FBI $49 Administrative Fee $25 SECTION 3. That the Business License fees are established as follows: K. BUSINESS LICENSE FEES Acupuncture Establishment (New License)* $360 Acupuncture Establishment (Renewal) $145 Acupressurist (New License)* $351 Acupressurist (Renewal) $259 Adult Business*: Model Studio (New License) $1,752 Model Studio (Renewal) $1,618 Performer (New License) $150 Performer (Renewal) $125 Book Store (New License) $2,228 Book Store (Renewal) $1,737 Cabaret (New License) $1,981 Cabaret (Renewal) $1,737 Motion Picture Arcade (New License) $1,988 Motion Picture Arcade (Renewal) $1,737 Motion Picture Theater (New License) $1,836 Motion Picture Theater (Renewal) $1,577 Theater (New License) $1,836 Theater (Renewal) $1,577 Am bu lance/Am b u lette: Owner/Operator (New License)* $179 Owner/Operator (Renewal) $75 Each Vehicle (New License) $139 Each Vehicle (Renewal) $139 23 Apartments: 5-10 Units (New License) $86 5-10 Units (Renewal) $65 11-15 Units (New License) $104 11-15 Units (Renewal) $65 16 -Over Units (New License) $178 16 -Over Units (Renewal) $109 Beauty Salon (Skin and Nail Care) (New License) $360 Beauty Salon (Skin and Nail Care) (Renewal) $145 Beauty Technician (New License) $220 $145 Beauty Technician (Renewal) $233 Billiard Room (New License)* $390 Billiard Room (Renewal) $151 Billboard (New License) $100 for 15t billboard; $35 for each add'l Billboard (Renewal) $75 for 151 billboard; $35 for each add'l Bingo: Bingo Games (New License) $30 Bingo Games (Renewal) $30 Bingo Manager (New License)* $30 Bingo Manager (Renewal) $30 Boarding House (New License) $84 Boarding House (Renewal) $66 Body Art Establishment (New license)* $2°254 Body Art Establishment (Renewal) $238 Body Art Technician (New License)* $252 Body Art Technician (Renewal) $233 Book Store (New License) $354 Book Store (Renewal) $151 Bowling Alley (New License) $392 Bowling Alley (Renewal) $247 24 Card Club (New License) $380 Card Club (Renewal) $181 CasinotTour Sus Company (New License)* $233 Casino/Tour Bus Company (Renewal) $83 Casino/Tour Bus First Vehicle (New License) $132 Casino/Tour Bus First Vehicle (Renewal) $132 Additional Casino/Tour Bus Vehicle (New License Each) $57 Additional Casino/Tour Bus Vehicle (Renewal Each) $57 Charitable institutions (New License) $2 Charitable Institutions (Renewal) $2 Close Out Sale: $107 60 days $BO 30 days Coin Operated Game— Each (New License) $104 Coin Operated Game - Each (Renewal) $89 Cold Storage Locker (New License) $86 Cold Storage Locker (Renewal) $84 Consultant (New License) $100 Consultant (Renewal) $75 Contractors (New License) $100 Contractors (Renewal) $75 Criminal Background Check $110 NOTE: Additionally, a $57 fee for the Livescan is paid directly to the Public Safety Department Dance Establishment License Annual (New License)* $403 Annual (Renewal) $176 Duplicate License (Reproduction of Original) $5 Entertainment: With dance license (New License)* $140 With dance license (Renewal) $140 Without dance license (New License)* $508 Without dance license (Renewal) $285 25 Exhibition (New License) $444 Exhibition (Renewal) $194 Fertilizer Plant (New License) $110 Fertilizer Plant (Renewal) $81 Filling Stations — Car Wash (New License) $100 Filling Stations — Car Wash (Renewal) $75 Foundry (New License) $260 Foundry (Renewal) $218 Fortune Telling (New License)" $600 Fortune Telling (Renewal) $325 Funeral Escort Business (New License) $100 Funeral Escort Business (Renewal) $75 Gardener (New License) $100 Gardener (Renewal) $75 Game Arcade: 4 or more (New License) $391 Game Arcade: 4 or more (Renewal) $170 Garment Factory (New License) $100 Garment Factory (Renewal) $75 Gasoline and Oil Truck (New License) $100 Gasoline and Oil Truck (Renewal) $75 General/Miscellaneous Business (New License) $100 General/Miscellaneous Business (Renewal) $75 Gun Dealer (New License)* $145 Gun Dealer (Renewal) $99 Handyman (New License) $100 Handyman (Renewal) $75 Health/Fitness Facility (New License)* $1,750 Health/Fitness Facility (Renewal) $276 Home Based Occupancy (New License) $100 $75 Home Based Occupancy (Renewal) Hotel/Motel (New License) $97 Hotel/Motel (Renewal) $69 NEV Identification Cards (New License) Identification Cards (Renewal) import/Export (New License) Import/Export (Renewal) Internet Cafe (New License) Internet Cafe (Renewal) Launderette: Coin Operated (New License) Coin Operated (Renewal) Dry Cleaner (New License) Dry Cleaner (Renewal) Locksmith (New License)` Locksmith (Renewal) Lumberyard (New license) Lumberyard (Renewal) Manufacturing (New License) Manufacturing (Renewal) Massage Parlor (New License)* Massage Parlor (Renewal) Massage Technician (New License)" Massage Technician (Renewal) Model Studio (New License) Model Studio (Renewal) Motor Vehicle: Body and Fender (New License) Body and Fender (Renewal) Lube and Tune (New License) Lube and Tune (Renewal) Rental/Sales (New License) Rental/Sales (Renewal) 27 $128 $97 $100 $75 $391 $170 $71 $57 $71 $57 $73 $66 $406 $337 $100 $75 $2,174 $238 $220 $220 $466 $191 $142 $100 $142 $100 $100 $75 Painting (New License) $142 Painting (Renewal) $100 Repair (New License) $142 Repair (Renewal) $100 Washing/Detailing (New License) $142 Washing/Detailing (Renewal) $100 Nursery — Plants (New License) $100 Nursery— Plants (Renewal) $75 Outdoor Festival $168 Religious Worship $12 All Others $532 Additional Day $185 Pawn Broker (Renewal) $104 Peddler: (Includes Catering and Ice Cream Trucks) Commercial Motor Vehicle (New License)* $168 { Commercial Motor Vehicle (Renewal) $156 Special Event (New License) $31 Special Event (Renewal) $31 Picture Arcade (New License) $416 Picture Arcade (Renewal) $173 Pony Ride (New License) $37 Pony Ride (Renewal) $37 Poultry Dealer (Renewal) $62 Private Patrol: (e.g. Security Guards) Business (New License)* $152 Business (Renewal) $75 Special Officer (New License)* $58 Special Officer (Renewal) $41 Professional Occupation wlGovernment License (New License) $100 Professional Occupation wlGovernment License (Renewal) $75 28 Professional Office w/o Government License (New License) $100 Professional Office w/o Government License (Renewal) $75 Public Eating/Food Establishment (New License) $162 Public Eating/Food Establishment (Renewal) $141 Retail — General (New License) $100 Retail — General (Renewal) $75 Rides— Mechanical (New License) $152 Rides — Mechanical (Renewal) $90 Salvage collector for vehicle: For -Profit (New License) $173 For -Profit (Renewal) $110 Non — Profit (New License) $2 Non — Profit (Renewal) $2 Shipping/Mail Service -Private (New License) $100 Shipping/Mail Service Private (Renewal) $75 School Private (New License) $280 School Private (Renewal) $125 Sign Maker (New License) $100 Sign Maker (Renewal) $75 Solicitor (New License)* $175 Solicitor (Renewal) $156 Studio-- Art, Dance, Martial Arts, Music, etc. (New License) $280 Studio-- Art, Dance, Martial Arts, Music, etc. (Renewal) $125 Taxicab/Shuttle Service: Driver (New License)* $175 Driver (Renewal) $956 Owner (New License)* $233 Owner (Renewal) $83 Cab/Shuttle — vehicle (New License) $132 Cab/Shuttle — vehicle (Renewal) $132 29 Additional cab/shuttle (New License) $57 Additional cab/shuttle (Renewal) $57 Theatre (New License) $478 Theatre (Renewal) $251 Tow Truck (New License) $91 Tow Truck (Renewal) $86 Translation Service (New License)* $100 $75 Translation Service (Renewal) $71 Traveling Show or Circus First Day $650 Additional Day $338 $25 Carnival Game Booth (Each) Valet Parking Service (New License) $133 Valet Parking Service (Renewal) $128 Waste Collector —Vehicle (New License) $71 Waste Collector— Vehicle (Renewal) $71 Waste Disposal Facility (New License) $712 Waste Disposal Facility (Renewal) $617 Warehouse (New License) $100 Warehouse (Renewal) $75 Wholesale (New License) $100 Wholesale (New License) $75 "Requires Sheriff background check and/or inspection NOTE: The California State Mandated (CASA) Fee of $4.00 is not included in the list of fees above, and is added to each new license and renewal at the time of transaction. Late Payment Penalties Penalties apply to late Business License payments as follows: 25% penalty - "01-30 days after the Expiration date" 50% penalty - 31-60 days after the Expiration date" 75% penalty - "61-90 days after the Expiration date" If fees are not paid within 90 days, a new application must also be submitted 30 L. FILM PERMIT FEES Permit Fees $100 per day Community Services Officer Fully burdened hourly rate Parking Control Officer Fully burdened hourly rate Code Enforcement Officer Fully burdened hourly rate LASD Fully burdened hourly rate M. SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT FEES Daily Permit Fees (filing application 60 days or more of event) $250 per day Daily Permit Fees (filing application. 59 to 30 days of event) $500 per day Community Services Officer Fully burdened hourly rate Parking Control Officer Fully burdened hourly rate Code Enforcement Officer Fully burdened hourly rate LASD Fully burdened hourly rate N. CIVIL FINES ADMINISTRATIVE CITATIONS Pursuant to Ordinance No. 918, which authorized the issuance of Administrative Citations that impose civil fines upon those who violate the Rosemead Municipal Code; and pursuant to Section 1.20.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code which provides that fines, interest and penalties shall be set by City Council resolution, Resolution No. 2011-45 established the fines, interest and penalties for municipal code violations as follows. (The following has been reprinted from Resolution No. 2011-45 for purposes of information and ease of reference.) 1. Fines. Violations of the Municipal Code of the City of Rosemead shall be subject to the fines shown below. A subsequent violation is any violation where the cite was cited one or more times in the preceding twelve (12) months for the same violation, unless the violation was cancelled pursuant to Chapter 1.20. 31 2. Administrative Fee. All citations shall incur an administrative fee of $20. 3. Late Payment Penalties. A penalty of 10% will be added on any delinquent fines on the last day of each month after the due date. This penalty will be imposed and collected according to the discretion of the City Treasurer upon considering such factors bearing on the practicability as to the cost to compute the amount owed the amount of penalty due, and its collectability. The purpose of granting this discretion to the Treasurer is to not require collection of interest when it would not be cost effective. 4. Collections. Fines that are delinquent for sixty (60) days or more and total at least $250 shall be processed through the abatement and/or assessment procedures specified in section 1.20.150 of the Municipal Code. All other delinquent fines may be referred to a collection agency as determined by the City Treasurer. 5. Shopping Carts. All citations that relate to shopping cart violations shall be $50 for the first offense and $100 for the second offense. These violations include Removal, Abandonment or Possession of a shopping cart pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9.12.080. This fine can be reduced to zero if, within ten days, the individual cited can show that a hand cart was purchased. The individual must show proof that they have purchased a hand cart by providing a receipt to the Rosemead Public Safety Center within ten days. The violation may only be waived for the first offense. O. PASSPORT FEES Passport Processing Fee Passport Photo 32 Fee set by U.S. Department of State $15 FVNE AMOUNT FINE AMOUNT FINE AMOUNT CODE FOR FIRST FOR SECOND SUBSEQUENT SECTION VIOLATION: VIOLATION: VIOLATION: Violation of RMC Titles: $250 $500 $1,000 5 — Business License and Regulations 16 — Subdivisions 17 — Zoning Violation of RMC Titles: $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 8 — Health and Safety Violation of RMC Title: $100 $500 $1,000 15 — Building and Construction Violation of RMC Section: $500 $1,000 $1,000 9.12.040 — Damaging Property 10.24 — Operation and Parking of Private Buses Violation of all other Code sections. $100 $250 $500 2. Administrative Fee. All citations shall incur an administrative fee of $20. 3. Late Payment Penalties. A penalty of 10% will be added on any delinquent fines on the last day of each month after the due date. This penalty will be imposed and collected according to the discretion of the City Treasurer upon considering such factors bearing on the practicability as to the cost to compute the amount owed the amount of penalty due, and its collectability. The purpose of granting this discretion to the Treasurer is to not require collection of interest when it would not be cost effective. 4. Collections. Fines that are delinquent for sixty (60) days or more and total at least $250 shall be processed through the abatement and/or assessment procedures specified in section 1.20.150 of the Municipal Code. All other delinquent fines may be referred to a collection agency as determined by the City Treasurer. 5. Shopping Carts. All citations that relate to shopping cart violations shall be $50 for the first offense and $100 for the second offense. These violations include Removal, Abandonment or Possession of a shopping cart pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9.12.080. This fine can be reduced to zero if, within ten days, the individual cited can show that a hand cart was purchased. The individual must show proof that they have purchased a hand cart by providing a receipt to the Rosemead Public Safety Center within ten days. The violation may only be waived for the first offense. O. PASSPORT FEES Passport Processing Fee Passport Photo 32 Fee set by U.S. Department of State $15 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this P day of May, 2018, APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 a Rachel Richman, City Attorney Steven Ly, Mayor ATTEST: Ericka Heraandcz, City Clerk v STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LDS ANGELES) § CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2018-24, was duly adopted by the City Counts of the City of Rosemead, California, at a special meeting thereof held on the 8t" day of May, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AY'; : ARNIF.NTA, CLARK, LOW, LY NOES: NONE ABSENT: ALARCON ABSTAIN: NONE Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk 34