CC - Item 5B - Minutes of October 9, 2018 SpecialMINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2018 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Ly at 5:03 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Conference Room located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Ly, Mayor Pro Tem Clark, Council Members Armenta and Low STAFF PRESENT: City Clerk Hernandez 1. 2. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT - None MATTERS FROM MAYOR AND A. Interviews and Appointments Recommendation: Conduct Beautification Commission. The City Council Commission with appointments will end J, June 30, 2020. The, City make to the newly created Beautification 9, 2018. Three Commission nission appointments will end ACTION:, Moved by, Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to appoint Brian Lewin and Can Liu to the Beautification Commission to a 20-monthterm endmg June;30, 2020: Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES; A ,rmenta Clark, Low and Ly ABSENT: None ACTION: Moved by'Council Member Armenta and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clark to appoint Paul Duran, Larry Liu, and Vanessa Oceguera to the Beautification Commission to ani$-monthterm ending June 30, 2019. Motion was carried out by the following vote, Armenta, Clark, Low and Ly ABSENT: None Mayor Ly adjourned the City Council special meeting at 5:58 p.m. The next City Council Special meeting is scheduled to take place on October 9, 2018, at 6:30 p.m, in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. APPROVED: Steven Ly, Mayor Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2018 Page 1 of I Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.13