CC - Item 1A - Budget Workshop 2 - PresentationBudget Workshop 2 Fiscal Year 2019/20 Parks & Recreation Changes 1.Staff is no longer requesting for the Parks & Recreation Manager position -$130k 2.Under General Recreation Division, staff is no longer requesting for an increase in hours for Summer Day Camp (initial request was for an increase of 420 hours) -$7k 3.Under Community Promotions/Special Events, staff is reducing part-time request hours of an additional 2,400 hours to 670 hours to reflect actual staff usage in the past -$24k 4.Decrease the overall budget request by $161k 2 Parks & Recreation Overview Expenditures FY 17/18 Actual FY 18/19 Budget FY 19/20 Proposed $ Change % Change Parks & Recreation $2,487,832 $2,694,406 $2,873,800 $179,394 6.7% Significant changes shown below: Division FY 18/19 Budget FY 19/20 Budget Increase P&R Administration 4001 557,000 435,500 (121,500) General Recreation 4005 315,400 374,700 59,300 Youth &Adult Sports 4010 63,100 73,100 10,000 Aquatics 4015 710,700 897,900 187,200 Senior Services 4030 140,300 182,900 42,600 Community Promotions/Special Events 4040 224,000 251,300 27,300 Total $2,010,500 $2,215,400 $204,900 3 General Recreation 4005 –Increase $59k Prior Year budget hours 9,515 hours versus Current Year hours 15,223, Increase of 5,708 hours o Increase PT hours to match level of services provided o Increase Pay Rate from $12 to $13 per hour to comply with Minimum Wage requirements Category 17/18 Budget 17/18 Actual 18/19 Budget 18/19 Estimate 19/20 Proposed Increase over PY Budget Reason for increase Evening & Weekend Roving Supervision 2,300 5,168 2,300 5,500 5,512 3,212 Correct budget hours to reflect staffing hours used in the past Field Supervision --936 936 New hours request Gym Rental Supervision 1,560 1,560 New hours request New Hours Request --2,496 2,496 5,708 Total PT Hours Increase 4 Evening & Weekend Roving Supervision 19/20 Request: Roving Park Supervision: Monday thru Sunday: 5:00 to 10:00 pm 5 hours per day x 2 staff x 7 days x 52 weeks = 3,640 hours Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 9 hours per day x 2 staff x 2 day x 52 weeks = 1,872 hours TOTAL HOURS: 5,512 17/18 Budget: 2,300 hours 17/18 Actual: 5,168 hours Deficit: 2,868 hours 18/19 Budget: 2,300 hours Estimated 18/19: 5,500 hours (estimate based on 4,804 hours worked during the last 10.5 months) 5 Part-time Salaries & Wages History Budget to Actual Comparison Division 17/18 Budget 17/18 Actual Diff 18/19 Budget 18/19 Projected Diff 19/20 Request General Recreation 4005 $101,900 $133,984 ($32,084)132,900 130,000 2,900 199,700 Youth & Adult 4010 28,000 34,035 (6,035)33,800 38,500 (4,700)41,400 Aquatics 4015 250,400 205,544 44,856 298,700 285,000 13,700 345,800 Instructional Class 4020 43,500 40,111 3,389 58,800 52,400 6,400 52,000 Community Center 4025 192,200 199,000 (6,800)230,600 230,600 0 238,000 Senior Services 4030 0 3,737 (3,737)0 4,000 (4,000)35,000 Community Promotions/ Special Events 4040 6,300 2,817 3,483 7,700 13,000 (5,300)16,500 $622,300 $619,226 $3,074 $762,500 $753,500 $9,000 $928,400 General Recreation: Evening & Weekend Roving –Deficit of 2,868 hours•How was the deficit covered?•Staff used budgeted hours from the After School Youth Program & Summer Camp Program to cover the deficit. •The remaining hours used were from budgeted hours of the 3/4 staff (budgeted separately). After school youth programs –Budget 2,200 hours•Operation: 5 days (M-F) x 4 hours x 2 staff x 52 weeks = ~2,000•Low Participation –utilized only 1 PT staff•Actual PT Hours in FY 17/18 was ~1,000 hours•Went under budget by ~ 1,200 hours Summer Camp Program –Budget 2,200 hours•Anticipated 400 registration fee, actual was 114 •Low Participation since it was the 1st Year of the Program•Actual PT Hours in FY 17/18 was ~1,000 hours•Went under budget by ~ 1,200 hours 6 Field Supervision –NEW Request 19/20 Request: Field Supervision at Garvey & Rosemead Park: Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 9 hours per day x 1 staff x 2 day x 52 weeks = 936 hours Total Hours: 936 Fiscal Impact $13,800 No Cost Recovery Gym Rental Supervision –NEW Request 19/20 Request: Rental Supervision at Garvey Park Gym: Monday thru Sunday: Times Vary 30 hours per week x 1 staff x 52 weeks = 1,560 hours Total Hours: 1,560 Fiscal Impact $23,000 Cost Recovery is over 100% 17/18 Gym Rental Revenue: $49,200 (includes staff time & facility rental) 7 Youth & Adult Sports 4010–Increase $10k Current year proposed hours increase 600 hours to implement new programs o Increase PT hours to match level of services provided o Increase Pay Rate from $12 to $13 per hour to comply with Minimum Wage requirements o General Supplies increase $3,300 for new programs o Fiscal Impact –GF increase of $8k for PT salaries & $3k for General Supplies o Cost Recovery 100% Programs Hours Increase Reason for increase Youth Sports Clinics –Volleyball & Basketball 192 New hours request Adult Basketball League 240 New hours request Start Smart Program 168 New hours request Total PT Hours Increase 600 8 Community Promotions/Special Events 4040 –Increase $10K Increase PT hours by 670 to provide coverage for special events. Fiscal year 19/20 request: 4th of July: ▪14 hours x 30 staff = 420 hours 60th Anniversary Celebration: ▪8 hours x 10 staff = 80 hours Moon Festival: ▪6 hours x 6 staff = 36 hours Fall Fiesta: ▪10 hours x 30 staff = 300 hours Haunted House: ▪10 hours x 4 staff = 40 hours Trunk or Treat: ▪8 hours x 15 staff = 120 hours Dinner with Santa & Tree Lighting: ▪5 hours x 10 staff = 50 hours City Yard Sale: ▪7 hours x 6 staff = 42 hours 911 Event: ▪4 hours x 6 staff = 24 hours Memorial Day Event: ▪2 hours x 1 staff = 2 hours Concerts in the Parks: ▪4 hours x 4 staff x 6 concerts = 96 hours Easter Eggstravagnza: ▪6 hours x 10 staff = 60 hours Total Hours Required 1,270 Total Hours Budgeted for FY 17/18 *600 Additional Hours Requested 670 * Scheduled PT staff hours for FY 18/19 special events are estimated at approximately 1,100 hours 9 Community Promotions/Special Events 4040 –Increase $18,600 Events Budget 17/18 Actual 17/18 Budget 18/19 Actual 18/19 Requested 19/20 Increase 911 Memorial $700 $1,276 $700 $1,203 $1,000 $300 Christmas Tree Lighting/Dinner w/Santa *7,000 7,136 7,000 10,592 8,000 1,000 Citywide Yard Sale 1,500 166 1,500 2,460 1,500 - Easter Eggstravaganza 1,500 2,247 2,000 1,930 2,500 500 Fall Fiesta *7,000 7,314 10,000 12,837 10,000 - 4th of July *74,000 80,965 74,000 78,505 77,000 3,000 Memorial Day Program 200 356 200 150 500 300 Moon Festival 6,000 6,665 8,000 8,329 8,000 - Summer Concert Series 10,000 12,753 10,000 10,893 12,000 2,000 Trunk or Treat 2,500 3,218 2,500 6,307 4,000 1,500 Jay Imperial Park Opening -2,766 ---- Rec -Military Hero Banner Program *-905 ---- 60TH Anniversary Celebration --50,000 -60,000 10,000 Total $110,400 $125,767 165,900 $123,206 $184,500 $18,600 * Partial Cost Recovery 10 General Fund Budget General Fund FY 19/20 Revenues $24,862,900 Expenses 23,691,700 Surplus $1,171,200 Grants Reimbursements $810,533 GF Surplus 360,667 Total Surplus $1,171,200 Fund Balance Fund Balance 7/1/19 $19,249,234 Surplus 1,171,200 Fund Balance 6/30/20 $20,420,434 11 Other Follow Up Item –Metro Grant On January 26, 2016, the City held a workshop on Metro Grants for Improvements to Garvey Ave Garvey Avenue (from New Ave to East City Limit) •Funding allocated for FY 19/20 & FY 20/21 •Awarded $2.3 million with local match of $992,273 (30% match), for a total project of $3.3 million •Decision to accept/deny grant will have to be made when executing the grant funding agreement with Metro in early FY 19/20 •Implementing the grant requires: ▪Removal of certain convenient on-street parking during peak hours o Restrict parking on the north side of the street between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., to provide a 3rd westbound through lane o Restrict parking on the south side of the street between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., to provide a 3rd eastbound through lane ▪It would facilitate both vehicular and transit flow on Garvey Avenue ▪3rd Lane would serve as deceleration lane for ingress to adjacent businesses ▪Grant can be used for street furnishings, landscaping enhancements, traffic signal upgrades, and sidewalk improvements •Staff requests City Council for additional time to research this grant and bring a staff report to the City Council 12 Other Follow Up Item –Unfunded CIP Projects Garvey Park Main Office Renovations ❑Staff was unable to locate a budget carryover from prior years ❑Staff seeks direction from the City Council to move the project to funded status or leave it on the Unfunded Projects List ▪General Fund Fiscal impact is $200,000 13 Discussion & Questions