CC - Item 7D - Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Award of ContractROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER ,M , DATE: JUNE 11, 2019 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES — AWARD OF CONTRACT SUMMARY The current contract for traffic signal maintenance services with St. Francis Electric will expire on June 30, 2019. The scope of work for this contract includes performing routine preventive maintenance, scheduled repairs, and emergency repairs to traffic signals, traffic signal equipment, safety street lights, flashing beacons, speed feedback signs, in -pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and other related equipment by duly trained and qualified personnel. A Request for Proposals was circulated to several traffic signal maintenance providers, and on May 30, 2019, four proposals.were received. Staff reviewed the proposals for completeness, understanding of scope of work, methodology, experience and cost; and is recommending the award of a new contract to St. Francis Electric for an amount not to exceed the City's annual budget of $160,000 for traffic signal maintenance services. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a three-year contract with St. Francis Electric for an amount not. to exceed $160,000 pot year, with the option for up to two one-year extensions' and 2. Take such additional, related action that may be necessary. DISCUSSION The City of Rosemead currently operates and maintains 43 signalized intersections with a variety of traffic signal controllers and equipment, 15 in -pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and 18 speed feedback signs. The scope of work for the traffic signal maintenance services contract includes the followings performing routine preventive maintenance, scheduled repairs, and emergency repairs to traffic signals, traffic signal equipment, safety street lights, flashing beacons, speed feedback signs, in -pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and other related equipment by duly trained and qualified personnel. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7.1) City Council Meeting June 11,2019 Page 2 of 3 In January 2017, the City entered into a two-year contract with St. Francis Electric to provide traffic signal maintenance services to the City that expired on December 31, 2018. Although the contract allowed for a two-year extension, St. Francis Electric was granted a six-month extension approved by the City Council on November 13, 2018. With the six-month extension, the contract will expire on June 30, 2019, which was intended to bring the contract in line with the fiscal year budget and give staff time to seek competitive bids from other providers to ensure the City is receiving the best traffic signal maintenance services available. Staff sent a Request for Proposals to several traffic signal maintenance providers. On May 30, 2019, the City received four proposals and the results were as follows: Rank Contractor Location Bid Amount 1 St. Francis Electric Riverside, CA $45,811 2 Siemens Riverside, CA $48,669 3 Computer Service Company Azusa, CA Disqualified 4 Bear Electrical Solutions Anaheim, CA Disqualified It should be noted that the cost proposals submitted above represent the annual cost of preventive maintenance only. Preventive maintenance involves monthly and bi-monthly inspections and minor troubleshooting of the City's traffic signals, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and speed feedback signs. However, the total cost for traffic signal maintenance services will include both preventive maintenance and "extraordinary" maintenance, which consists of scheduled repairs and emergency repairs. Staff reviewed the overall proposals for completeness, understanding of scope of work, methodology, experience and cost. Upon reviewing all the bids, staff discovered that the bids submitted by Computer Service Company and Bear Electrical Solutions contained mathematical errors that resulted in miscalculated bid amounts. Therefore, those bids were disqualified as non- responsive bids. While both the remaining firms are well qualified to provide traffic signal maintenance services, St. Francis Electric provided the lowest cost proposal.Therefore, staff is recommending the award of contract to St. Francis Electric. St. Francis Electric has been in business for over 70 years and is currently providing traffic signal maintenance services to the Cities of Huntington Park,Corona, Palm Springs and Rosemead. By all accounts, St. Francis Electric has been very responsive to Rosemead's needs, and has performed very well the last two years. FINANCIAL REVIEW While the cost of preventive maintenance is constant, the cost of extraordinary maintenance is unpredictable from year to year. Over the last two years, the City has expended approximately $160,000 per year for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services.Accordingly,the proposed Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget includes $160,000 in Public Works' Field Services Budget for Traffic Signal City Council Meeting June 11,2019 Page 3 of 3 Maintenance. Therefore, the traffic signal maintenance contract should be awarded for a not-to- exceed amount of$160,000. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Not applicable. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Rey Alfonso, P.E. Director of Public Works Attachments: A. Request for Proposals B. St.Francis Proposal C. Siemens Proposal D. CSC Proposal E. Bear Electrical Proposal 5 E ME ,4iott - O C!V C PRIDE 14 ii1911,IM �9 ATEA 1 ............") Attachment A Request for Proposals E M E O 7 '!I c EP DEItijm MINUTES OF THE BID OPENING REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - RFP NO. 2019-07 Traffic Signal Maintenance Services TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Due Wednesday, May 30, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. A total of 4 bids were received. Contractor Date/Time Received City 1. Bear Electrical Solutions May 29, 2019 Alviso, CA @ 10:30 a.m. 2. St. Francis Electric May 30, 2019 Riverside, CA @ 8:51 a.m. 3. Siemens May 30, 2019 Riverside, CA @ 8:52 a.m. 4. CSC/Computer Service Company, Inc. May 30, 2019 Azusa, CA @ 9:20 a.m. Submitted By: )\JUhthLcflAU1AM1 ' Natalie Haworth, Deputy City Clerk S E N E MAYOR: City of Wpsemeaci MARGARET CLARK MAYOR PRO TEM: SANDRA ARMENTA ' 8838 E.VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 ROSEMEAD,CALIFORNIA 91770 COUNCIL MEMBERS: AILI7 o TELEPHONE(626)569-2100 SEAN DANG POLLY Low FAX(626)307-9218 STEVEN LY May 21, 2019 To: Qualified and Interested Consultants SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP NO. 2019-07) FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES Dear Contractor, The City of Rosemead is soliciting Proposals from qualified firms for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services to provide routine preventive maintenance, schedule repairs, and emergency repairs to traffic signals, traffic signal equipment, safety street lights, flashing beacons, speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and other related equipment by duly trained and qualified personnel. Requirements for this RFP are enclosed. In order to be considered in the selection process, interested parties shall submit five (5) sealed copies of their Proposals no later than 10:00 AM on May 30, 2019 to: Robert Chavez Public Works Manager City Clerk's Office City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 If you have any questions, please contact: Name: Robert Chavez Title: Public Works Manager Email: rchavez@cityofrosemead.org Late proposals will not be accepted. Sincerely, Robert Clfiavez Robert Chavez Public Works Manager City of Rosemead REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP 2019-07 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD A. INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead (City) is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) from qualified electrical contractors to provide traffic signal, intersection street light, speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and flashing beacon maintenance which would include emergency traffic repair, non-emergency routine inspections, and new equipment upgrade and installation work. The City currently operates and maintains forty-three (43) intersections with a variety of traffic signal controllers, fifteen (15) in pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and eighteen (18) speed feedback signs. The contractor is responsible for verification of the models and number of devices. The City is seeking a contractor whose combination of experience and personnel will provide timely, cost-effective, and quality professional services to the City. The selected Contractor will be required to have qualified traffic technicians that have demonstrated experience with traffic signal, street light, and other electrical work. The Contractor shall also have the ability to troubleshoot and diagnose problems with all of the City's traffic signal related electrical operation systems. The total amount of work available will be a function of routine traffic signal maintenance plus the amount of work that is required due to normal "wear and tear", collision damage, vandalism, and other factors that may result in the need for emergency response maintenance services. The City expects traffic signal technicians to be regularly assigned to the City as necessary to provide preventive maintenance and to respond to unscheduled/emergency work. B. SCOPE OF WORK AND PROPOSAL ITEMS I. General Description The Contractor shall provide routine preventive maintenance, schedule repairs, and emergency repairs to traffic signals, traffic signal equipment, safety street lights, flashing beacons, speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and other related equipment by duly trained and qualified personnel. The Contractor shall also perform Underground Service Alerts (USA) at the direction of the City. All preventive maintenance, scheduled repair, and USA will be billed at an established flat rate, with additional emergency work/unscheduled repair paid at hourly labor rates and vehicle and equipment rates, in accordance with the cost proposal per this RFP. An inability to provide routine preventive maintenance to each traffic signal, safety street light, speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and flashing beacon may cause the Contractor to be subject to liquidated damages. The Contractor shall provide and maintain emergency service response of the City's traffic signals, safety street lights, speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and RFP 2019-07,Page 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD flashing beacons on a twenty-four (24) hour a day, seven (7) days per week basis, including all holidays. The Contractor must provide vehicle(s)to be used by the Contractor's Technicians which shall be equipped with a permanently mounted arrow board; warning beacon/strobe lights; traffic cones; construction warning sign; a hydraulic bucket capable of reaching a height of at least twenty-eight (28) feet from the roadway surface; necessary computer laptop for programming, maintenance and testing of traffic signal controllers and various equipment; and communications equipment for dispatch. All of the Contractor's employees working within the boundaries of the City shall be equipped with a communications device capable of appropriate communications for extended periods of time with the Contractor's shop or with City staff. The Contractor must possess, and have readily available in functioning order, all required tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, and materials needed to perform all work necessary to maintain and repair the traffic signals, safety street lights, flashing beacons, and speed feedback signs in the City in compliance with current Caltrans and County of Los Angeles standards and specifications. All excess materials and equipment in the Contractor's inventory shall be the property and responsibility of the Contractor until such materials or equipment is used or installed in the City. The Contractor shall furnish temporary flashing beacons and other (portable) replacement equipment for non-operational traffic signals. Contractor furnished temporary spare equipment shall be equivalent to the component being replaced in manufacture, make, and model. The Contractor shall provide traffic control/lane closures that conform to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)— California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD). The Contractor shall cooperate with the City in recalibrating traffic signal coordination timing and progression. The Contractor shall change the timing of traffic signal only upon the direction or advance written approval of the City. During emergency conditions, the Contractor shall assure full cooperation with the City and those employees of the City and other agencies as indicated. The Contractor shall not represent the City in matters of policy or procedures under this contract, shall not make any reference to City policy or procedures, and shall refer all questions or inquiries from the public regarding policy and procedures, or terms and conditions of this contract to the City. The Contractor will be required to maintain any additional traffic signals, lighted crosswalks, and appurtenant devices as they are installed, or become a part of the maintenance requirements to the City. II. Maintenance Requirements Preventive Maintenance Traffic Signalized Intersections The Contractor to provide preventive maintenance for the traffic signal equipment as listed below. The Contractor will be required to furnish and use a preventive maintenance checklist form approved by the City for each inspection. The Contractor will be required to provide one completed electronic copy of the maintenance checklist to the City following each inspection, to maintain a copy of the maintenance checklist in the traffic signal controller cabinet, and to maintain a copy of the maintenance checklist at the Contractor's office of records. RFP 2019-07,Page 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD The Contractor will be required to follow a program of continuing comprehensive maintenance designed to eliminate or reduce the incidence of malfunctions, reduce complaints, and extend the useful life of the equipment. The program will include, but not be restricted to, the following: Routine Maintenance (Performed Monthly) - Preventive Maintenance (PM) Checklist Form: maintain a copy of the Preventive Maintenance Checklist Form approved by the City at each traffic signal. The PM Checklist Form will be completely filled out during each maintenance inspection and during any time repairs are made to the traffic signal controller or any related equipment in the controller cabinet or the signal equipment at the intersection (detector loops, pedestrian heads, signal heads, lenses, lamps and signal poles, etc.). - Intersection Records: Ensure that all intersection cabinet wiring diagrams are present and up to date. - Verify timing charts to controllers. If they are not correct contact City staff to verify differences and request update timing chart. - Controller Cabinet Mounting: Check the snugness of the nuts on the traffic signal cabinet anchor bolts, tighten, if necessary, being sure not to distort the cabinet door opening by over tightening. - Controller Cabinet Foundation Seal: If standing water or evidence of water is present inside the bottom of the cabinet, check the seal between the bottoms of the foundation for deterioration, and reseal the cabinet foundation as necessary with duct seal. - Door Gaskets: Check all door gaskets on the controller cabinet, service cabinet and any other enclosures for evidence of moisture or deterioration. Report the need to completely replace any gaskets showing signs of leaking or deterioration. - Cabinet Vents: Check the vents in both the cabinet door and above the door, or at the top of the cabinet to ensure that they are free of any foreign material. Air Filter: Vacuum, replace or knock out any dust accumulated in air filters. Take appropriate action based on the condition of the filter. - Cabinet Fan: Verify that cabinet fan(s) operate properly with a minimum of noise. - Thermostat: Verify that the cabinet fan thermostat is set at 96 degrees and operational. - Interior Light: Verify the proper operation of the cabinet's interior light. - Door Panel Harnesses: Check the harnesses leading from the main panel and auxiliary panels on the cabinet door to ensure they are not being pinched and do not bind against the cabinet door. Adjust, if necessary. - Hinges and Locks: Check for free movement of all doors, latching assemblies and locks on the controller cabinet, service cabinet and any other enclosures. Use a minimum of oil or spray lubricant and remove any excess. - Vacuum Cabinet: Blow or brush off shelves, terminal blocks and components and thoroughly vacuum the interior of the cabinet. RFP 2019-07,Page 3 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD - Insect or Rodent Infestation: Check for signs of ants, wasps or other insects or rodents within the cabinet, Check duct seal on conduits for proper fit and snugness. Use appropriate insect traps or powders if any positive findings are discovered. More serious problems shall be reported to the City. - Cabinet Grounding: Using appropriate equipment, check annually the resistance between AC and ground. - Service Connections: Verify the neutral, ground and power connections are secure in the controller and service cabinets. - Plug-In Components: Check that each plug-in component (rack mount detectors, relays, load switches, etc.)fits tightly and securely. - Ground Fault Receptacle: Verify the proper operation of"Test" and "Reset" buttons on GFCI type outlets. - Controller Operation: Manually place vehicle and pedestrian calls on each phase through the cabinet test switches or the controller keypad, to verify controller servicing of each active phase. Check controller logs for any faults that have occurred and make note for the file. Confirm controller time and dates are correct. (Especially after day light savings time change). - Conflict Monitor/Malfunction Management Unit: Verify time and dates are correct in any CMU/MMU with an internal clock. - Detector Operation (inductive loops): Verify the detection zones for each detector by observing the turn-on of the appropriate detection indicator as a vehicle passes over the detector loop(s). Check also that a call is placed on the correct controller phase. - Detector Operation (video detection): Verify camera operation by monitoring the vehicle call on the video controller unit. Also, verify the calls going to the detector call page in the controller. - Equipment Displays and Indicators: Verify that all LED and LCD displays and indications on all cabinet equipment are working properly. - Battery Backup System: (If Equipped)Check battery backup display for AC IN, UPS OUTPUT, and INVERTER indications. All should be on when utility power is supplied to the cabinet. Make note if either is out of range. Keep records of events recorded and total battery run time between maintenance checks to help indicate problem intersections. Check all battery connections to ensure they are clean and secure. Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning units or parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Intersection Walk-Around (included as a part of Routine Maintenance): - General: Remove any easily removable, unauthorized signs, stickers and posters and note any graffiti existing on signal poles or equipment. Notify City of any graffiti observed on traffic signal equipment. - Signal Heads: Verify that all vehicle and pedestrian heads properly display all indications and the signals are not damaged. Verify the alignment of all heads to the intended direction. Verify RFP 2019-07,Page 4 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD that all back plates, visors and doors are visibly secure. Report any landscaping that restricts the view of signal heads to the City (Signal heads should be visible from 250 feet). Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning displays with ITE approved LED units will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Pedestrian Equipment: Check all pedestrian push buttons (and bicycle push buttons where provided) and signals by hand to ensure that they are securely mounted and operating properly. Replace damaged or malfunctioning buttons with larger size 2"ADA type buttons as necessary. Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning buttons will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Internally illuminated street name signs (IISNS) or Reflectorized Street Name Signs (RSNS): Verify that the IISNS or RSNS is adequately connected to frame, clamp and brackets, and no panel is broken or missing. Labor and material costs to replace damaged parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Safety Lighting (Night Check): Conduct nighttime check of safety lights and illuminated street name signs at signalized intersections where such devices exist. Submit to the City for approval a report listing necessary repairs with cost estimates. Labor and material costs to replace damaged parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Miscellaneous: Check all detector loops for sealant deterioration, exposed wire, etc. Labor and material costs to reseal or replace loops will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Semi-Annual (Twice yearly) In addition to the Monthly preventative maintenance services above - Air Filter: Replace air filters for Traffic Cabinet, Service Cabinet and if equipped Battery Backup Cabinet every 6 months. - Electrical service: (type II or Type III pedestal) customer section of electrical service shall be thoroughly cleaned and documented on the cabinet log book to date and time of cleaning Annual (Yearly) In addition to the Monthly & Semi-Annual preventative maintenance services above - Annual Conflict Monitor Testing: Replace conflict monitor units and malfunction monitor units (CMU's, MMU's) with a spare unit and testing and certification. Printed certifications meeting industry standards shall be provided to the City for each monitor unit. Labor and material costs to repair or replace failed or obsolete units will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Preventive Maintenance Flashing Beacons, Flashing Crosswalks, and Speed Feedback Signs The maintenance of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and speed feedback signs will be conducted on a Bi-monthly basis. RFP 2019-07,Page 5 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD Routine Maintenance (Bi-Monthly) The maintenance and inspection of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and electronic speed feedback signs shall include, but not limited to: • Clean cabinet inside and outside, wipe down all lenses, displays and remove any foreign material. - Check power supply voltage, Check Batteries, solar equipment/chargers, voltage regulators and verify operations. • Check settings for on/off timing, flashing rate, flashing duration, and time of day. • Maintain all digital time clocks to National Bureau of standards time. • Observe each pole, head, traffic control sign, etc., and remove foreign material. • Special attention shall be given to update Holidays, Daylight Savings Time, and shut- down periods. • Replace damaged or malfunctioning lamps, LED indications, in-road warning lights (IRWL), detection bollards, and pressure pads meeting manufacturer's specifications with prior approval by the Director of Public Works or their designee. All repairs and replacements shall be authorized by City prior to performing; Labor and material costs shall be submitted to the City for Authorization. Extraordinary Maintenance/Emergency Response/Extra Work Repairing downed signal heads, poles, damaged controller and cabinet, damaged internally illuminated street name signs, and damaged inductive loops, sensing elements, pedestrian push buttons, pedestrian signal heads, wiring, audio devices, and other operational equipment related issues. Providing assistance to the City during special events and/or support during City construction projects as necessary to implement revised traffic signal timing and phasing for changed traffic conditions. Traffic Signal and Pedestrian Signal Indications: Replace or repair standard traffic signals (red, yellow, green & Arrows) and pedestrian signal display units as they malfunction upon authorization from the City. All traffic signal and pedestrian indications shall be ITE approved LED units only. Emergency work includes, but is not limited to the following: Respond within two (1) hours after City's notice of the following events: 1. Any signal controller malfunction. 2. Burned-out Signal Indications. 3. Other situations deemed potentially hazardous to public safety. Notify the City within twenty-four (24) hours of any change in traffic signal operation caused by RFP 2019-07,Page 6 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD controller replacement, timing changes, and loss of master control or traffic collisions. Emergency calls that require replacement of equipment will not require approval from City before such replacement occurs. Additional staffing shall be provided where the responding technician cannot handle emergency work alone (knockdowns, wire pulls, etc.). Maintain a single local telephone where an on-call traffic signal technician can be reached twenty-four (24) hours per day. This telephone number will be made available to all persons designated by the City. Compensation for all Extraordinary work, Emergency work, and Extra work identified above will be paid at the hourly labor rates, vehicle and equipment rates, and material cost (plus markup) in accordance with the Cost Proposal included in this RFP. a. Scheduled Repair The Contractor shall investigate and determine the corrective requirements for each reported malfunction, failure, or outage of the traffic signal system. The equipment and components shall include, but are not limited to the following elements: Incandescent Lamps, Light Emitting Diode (LED) signal faces, Conflict Monitors, Internally Illuminated Street Name Sign Tubes, LED Illuminated Street Name Signs, Signal Safety Lights, Load Switches, Detector Amplifiers, Transfer Switches, Flasher Switches, Breaker Switches, Ballasts, Starters, Sockets, Fuses, Fuse Holders, Photoelectric Cells, Signal and Safety Light Wiring in Poles, etc. This work shall be performed in accordance with the unit cost provided in the Cost Proposal in this Solicitation. For any work not covered by the Cost Proposal in this Solicitation, the Contractor shall submit a cost proposal to the City prior to performing any corrective work. The City reserves the right to furnish supplies, materials, and installed equipment required for performance of the work. b. Emergency Response Work The City may request that the Contractor perform emergency response work on the traffic control system. The Contractor shall provide and maintain emergency service response on a twenty-four (24) hour a day, seven (7) days per week basis (24/7), including all holidays. This work shall be performed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the unit cost provided in the Cost Proposal in this Solicitation. The Contractor shall provide the City with a contact name and phone number of personnel responsible for 24/7 services. 1. Emergency Response Work may include, but is not limited to the following: • Downed signal heads, poles, signal on flash, signal blackout, burned-out lamps, damaged controller and cabinet, damaged illuminated street name signs, damaged inductive loops, sensing elements, pedestrian push buttons, electroliers, pedestrian signal heads, wiring, and other operational equipment related issues. RFP 2019-07,Page 7 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD • Assisting the City for special events or for City construction projects, as necessary to implement revised traffic signal timing and phasing for changed traffic conditions. 2. Equipment for Emergency Work • Repair, replace or otherwise render in good working order any and all defective parts of the traffic signal equipment with like make and model parts. Whenever equipment is removed, the City representative shall be notified by phone and email within twenty-four (24) hours. • The Contractor shall cover the cost of replacing any parts to the traffic signal system. The City shall reimburse the Contractor for materials used for repairs, in an amount equal to the cost of the materials including an agreed mark-up price. • Notify the City representative in advance of any traffic signal deactivations (by phone and email) that may be required to provide the required services. Traffic signal de-activations shall not be scheduled without the approval of an authorized representative of the City. All traffic signal controller equipment shall be maintained as recommended by the manufacturer. • The Contractor, at own cost, shall place barricades, clean up debris, properly dispose of all damaged components. c. Maintenance Records Contractor shall create and maintain an inventory list of the equipment in the controller cabinet at each location. The inventory shall include the model, manufacturer, serial number, and quantity of each piece of equipment and installation date. The inventory list shall be continuously updated and a copy shall be furnished to the City every four (4) months in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Contractor shall maintain a copy of the Preventive Maintenance Inspection Form approved by the City at each intersection. The checklist shall be completely filled out during each routine maintenance inspection and during any time repairs are made to the controller or any related equipment in the controller cabinet or the signal equipment at the intersection (detector loops, pedestrian heads, signal heads, lenses, lamps and signal poles, etc.). A printout of the signal control database shall be kept in each controller cabinet. Timing changes shall be indicated on the printout. Only the City's representative shall authorize timing changes except that the Contractor may make changes required on a temporary basis due to maintenance operations or to maintain a satisfactory signal operation when there is a detection failure. d. Monthly Activity Report The Contractor shall provide a computerized monthly activity report to the City by the fifteenth working day of each month for the previous month's activities. The report shall be provided both as a printout and as a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet compatible computer RFP 2019-07,Page 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD file transmitted by e-mail and attached to the monthly invoice. No payment will be made without submittal of the report. The report shall include: 1. Preventive Maintenance: Time and date the preventive maintenance was performed. 2. Scheduled Repairs: A complete record of all work that was performed on the traffic signal equipment during the previous month including the date and time, make, model, and serial number of any major components or other equipment that was newly installed at each intersection. 3. Emergency Response Work: Time the service calls were received, time arrived at the intersection, the response time, nature of the problem, the number of hours spent for each repair, materials used, whether the activity is related to accident or vandalism, and a special listing of intersections with three or more calls in one month. e. Response and Service The Contractor shall provide response and service on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day per week basis. Immediate action shall be taken to safeguard the public any time a signal installation becomes partly or totally inoperative from any cause whatsoever. The Contractor shall provide the City with a contact name and phone number of personnel responsible for 24/7 services. The maximum response times shall be as follows: 1. Emergency and accident maintenance —one (1) hour 2. Replacement of burned out signal faces—two (2) hours 3. All other signal maintenance —twenty-four(24) hours 4. Safety Lighting —twenty-four (24) hours 5. Illuminated Street Name Signs —forty-eight (48) hours Signal on flash, signal blackout not caused by a power outage, and any malfunction of pedestrian signals shall constitute an emergency. The City may extend the maximum response time for maintenance on a case-by-case basis if the signal remains operational in a satisfactory manner and the condition poses no immediate hazard to the public. Failure to meet the response time requirements by the Contractor shall be sufficient cause for the City to authorize maintenance to be completed by others and deduct the costs of said maintenance from payments due to the Contractor. Repetitive failure shall be deemed sufficient cause for the City to terminate the contract. f. Signal Shut Down and Signal on Flash The contractor shall immediately notify the City's Public Works Department, Rosemead LA County Sheriff Department, and Fire Department of any signal turn-offs or signal on flash necessitated by their operation. Signal shut down of any'duration and signal on flash operation in excess of fifteen (15) minutes must be first authorized by the Public Works Department. g. Spare Equipment RFP 2019-07,Page 9 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD The Contractor shall maintain adequate storage and shop facilities and sufficient stock of spare parts and signal equipment to affect maintenance to the signals. The Contractor shall maintain at least one fully tested standby controller that is compatible with the City's system. The Contractor will own and maintain all spare parts until installation in the City. h. Salvaged Equipment The Contractor shall deliver any salvaged or salvageable equipment or material to the location in the City as directed by the Public Works Department.Any material or equipment declared non-salvageable by the Public Works Department shall be taken from the City and disposed of properly by the Contractor and Contractor's cost. Components such as mast arms and luminaries that are undamaged may be reused at the direction of the City. i. New Traffic Signals The contractor shall maintain new traffic signals, safety lights, speed feedback signs, in- pavement flashing crosswalk lights, flashing beacons, and appurtenant devices as they are being installed, or become a part of the maintenance requirements of the City. As requested by the City, the contractor shall provide support and review of new traffic signal turn-ons. j. Other Devices The Contractor will be required to maintain any additional beacons, speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and appurtenant devices as they are installed in the City. The maintenance of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and speed feedback signs will be conducted on a Bi-Monthly basis or as directed by the City. The maintenance and inspection of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and electronic speed feedback signs shall include, but not limited to: • Clean cabinet inside and outside, and remove any foreign material. • Check power supply voltage, solar equipment, and replace any batteries as needed. • Check settings for on/off timing, flashing rate, flashing duration, and time of day. • Maintain all digital time clocks to National Bureau of standards time. • Observe each pole, head, traffic control sign, etc., and remove foreign material. • Special attention shall be given to update Holidays, Daylight Savings Time, and shut- down periods. • Replace damaged or malfunctioning lamps, LED indications, in-road warning lights (IRWL), detection bollards, and pressure pads meeting manufacturer's specifications with prior approval by the Director of Public Works or their designee. RFP 2019-07,Page 10 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD III. Underground Service Alert (Dig Alert) Monitoring The Contractor will be required to adequately mark all traffic signal conduits, traffic signal interconnect/communication lines, and equipment as well as street lights on behalf of the City in accordance with the California Government Code Section 4216 et seq. The City's designated representative will monitor notifications submitted by Underground Service Alert(USA)to the City, and will furnish applicable notifications to a representative of the Contractor to coordinate the markings of any signalized intersections that may be scheduled for construction work or excavations as evidenced by notification from USA. The Contractor shall establish a process for monitoring and tracking the marking of any affected intersections; an Intersection Record Log shall be created, with the USA notification and corresponding action noted in the controller, with a copy provided to the City. The Contractor shall assume all liability for satisfying the City's obligations to adequately identify underground structures in accordance with this law. Compensation for providing USA—Dig Alert services identified above will be paid at a flat rate per occurrence in accordance with the Cost Proposal in this Solicitation. IV. Warranty Service New equipment installed by the Contractor shall be covered with a material and workmanship warranty for one (1) year after acceptance. Where parts or material become defective during this warranty period, the Contractor shall notify the City so that the warranty may be exercised. The Contractor shall be responsible for exercising maintenance and replacement covered by the warranty. No additional or separate compensation shall be paid for warranty service work. At expiration of the warranty, servicing of traffic signals shall be performed in accordance with these specifications. V. Payment Payments will be made within thirty (30) days after an invoice has been approved by the City's designated representative. Copies of all invoices for supplies, materials, and installed equipment shall be included with the invoice. VI. Working Day The Contractor's working day activities for preventive maintenance and scheduled repairs shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding designated City holidays. Deviations from normal working hours will not be allowed without prior written consent of the City. VII. Wages Paid to Contractor's Workers Pursuant to California Labor Code Article 2, Wages, Section 1770 et seq., the work described herein is a "public work" as defined by this Article of the Labor Code and requires payment of prevailing wages pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771. Contractors are advised to familiarize themselves with this provision and with Departmental of Industrial Relations opinions and interpretations relative to traffic signal maintenance. Failure to comply with the Labor Code may result in imposition of statutory penalties enumerated in Labor Code Section 1775. RFP 2019-07,Page 11 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD VIII. Contract Period The Traffic Signal Maintenance contract will have a three (3) year term, with two optional one (1) year terms. The total term of the proposed contract may extend for five (5) years from award by the City. IX. Schedule Notice for Request for Proposal (RFP) posted and issued May 21, 2019 Deadline for receipt of Questions May 27, 2019, 3:00 PM Deadline for receipt of Proposals May 30, 2019, 10:00AM Contract awarded by City Council June 11, 2019 X. Minimum Qualifications and Reference Contact Information a. Contractor's License The Contractor shall possess a valid, current and in good standing California Class A or Class C-10 License and a C-31 Contractors License issued by the California State Contractor Licensing Board. A copy of the contractor's license number and date of expiration shall be included in the submitted Proposal. Failure to produce and possess the specified license will render the Proposal as non-responsive. b. Qualified Personnel All equipment shall be CAL-OSHA Certified and the Contractor shall have on-staff, certified personnel with the following qualifications: 1. Level Three technician with certification by the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA)with at least three(3)years' experience in traffic signal repairs; 2. Level Two technician with certification by the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) with at least three (3) years of experience in traffic signal repairs. The submitted Proposal shall identify by name the certified personnel who will be available and would be assigned to provide traffic signal maintenance services to the City. c. Company Background The Contractor shall be skilled and regularly engaged in traffic signal maintenance as well as performing Underground Service Alerts (USA's). Provide a minimum of three (3) references from other municipal, city, or county governmental agencies for which the Contractor is currently providing the services described in this Solicitation must be provided. Provide an additional two (2) references for which the Contractor previously provided the services described in this Solicitation within the last five (5) years. All listed references shall be a municipal, city, or county governmental agency. d. Negative History The Contractor shall include in its Proposal a complete disclosure of any alleged RFP 2019-07,Page 12 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD significant prior or on-going contract failures, any civil or criminal litigation or investigation pending which involves the Contractor or in which the Contractor has been judged guilty or liable within the last five (5) years. If there is no negative history to disclose, the firm shall affirmatively state in its Proposal there is no negative history to report. Failure to comply with the terms of this provision may disqualify any proposal. The City reserves the right to reject any proposal based upon the firm's prior documented history with the City or with any other party, which documents, without limitation, unsatisfactory performance, adversarial or contentious demeanor, significant failures to meet contract milestones or other contractual failures. Xl. Proposal Requirements The proposal shall describe the methodology to be used to accomplish each of the project tasks and services expected as defined in the Scope of Work. The Proposal shall also describe the work that shall be necessary to satisfactorily complete the tasks and service requirements. Please note that this Request for Proposals cannot identify each specific, individual task required to successfully and completely implement this project. The City of Rosemead relies on the professionalism and competence of the Proposing Contractor to be knowledgeable of the general areas identified in the Scope of Work and of adequate competence to include in its proposal all required tasks and subtasks, personnel commitments, man hours, direct and indirect costs, etc. The City of Rosemead will not approve addenda to the Contractor's agreement which do not involve a substantial change from the general Scope of Work identified in this Request for Proposal. a. Criteria Each Proposal Package shall consist of the format described below. Due to demands on the time of the Selection Committee members, please limit your submittal to 25 pages and number all pages. Submittals that are longer in length or do not conform to the submittal format described below may be removed from consideration at the discretion of the City. The cover letter, required forms, tabs, dividers, and appendix do not count toward the page limit. The cover letter shall present an executive summary of the Proposal, and emphasize strong points of the project team and the firm's experience. Include the name, address, telephone number, title, and signature of the firm's contact person for this procurement. The signatory shall be a person with the official authority to bind the company. The cover letter shall state that the submittal is valid for 61. Submittals shall include: • One (1) printed copy marked "Original" and containing an original signature. • Three (3) printed copies marked "Duplicate". • One (1) complete electronic copy in pdf format on a compact disc or flash drive. b. Responses shall be organized into five (5) sections RFP 2019-07,Page 13 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD 1. Information/background on the Contractor Provide a brief introduction, address the size of the firm, the number of years in business, the availability of the firm to perform the tasks and services requested, and the history of the firm. Include key contact information (address, phone, fax, and email). Refer to the"Company Background"and"Negative History"requirements listed above. 2. Key Personnel/Qualifications Provide a brief resume for each of the key persons proposed to work on this project. Credentials of corporate executives or firm principals are not necessary or desired unless these individuals will play an active role in the proposed project. Any key sub- contractors proposed should be identified, and information on their respective role in the project shall be included. Refer to"Qualified Personnel" requirements listed above. 3. Past Experience/References Refer to "Company Background" listed above. 4. Understanding of Scope of Work and Work Proposal Demonstrate the understanding of the tasks and services requested in the Scope of Work, and provide the Work Proposal/Approach to accomplish the services described in this Request for Proposals. 5. Cost Proposal The Contractor shall provide a Cost Proposal for the following items: i. Preventive Maintenance—Total Annual Amount ii. Emergency Response Work — Hourly labor rate and overtime labor rate; vehicle and equipment fee schedule; material mark-up rate iii. Underground Service Alert— Rate per occurrence c. Due Date All proposals must be received in the City of Rosemead, City Clerk's Office by 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 30, 2019. It is the responsibility of the Proposer to see that any proposal sent through the mail, or any other delivery method, shall have sufficient time to be received by the City of Rosemead, City Clerk's Office prior to the proposal due date and time. Late proposals will be not be accepted. Proposals shall be sealed, clearly marked and identified and must be submitted to: City of Rosemead City Clerk's Office 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 All inquiries and responses to this proposal shall be submitted via mail or e-mail to: RFP 2019-07,Page 14 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD Robert Chavez Public Works Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 rchavez@cityofrosemead.org (626) 569-2154 Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary in response to such questions will be resolved by the issuance of formal Addenda to the RFP. The deadline for all questions is Monday, May 27, 2019 at 3:00 PM. Questions received after this date and time may not be answered. Only questions that have been resolved in writing will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal or contractual effect. d. Delivery Proposals must be delivered in a SEALED envelope/package and shall state the following on the outside of the envelope: "Proposal for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services". e. Contractor Selection Each proposal will be reviewed by an evaluation committee to determine if it meets the proposal requirements. Failure to meet the requirements of the Request for Proposals may be cause for rejection of the proposal. The evaluation committee may ask for interviews. Attendance at any such interview will be at the Proposer's expense. The evaluation committee will make a recommendation of the Contractor for a contract to be awarded by the City Council. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to determine which proposal is, in the City's judgment, the most responsive. The City also reserves the right to waive any informality in any proposal and to delete certain items listed in the proposal as set forth therein. Costs for developing, submitting, and presenting proposals are the sole responsibility of the Proposer and claims for reimbursement will not be accepted by the City. f. Award of Contract It is the City's intent to award a single contract to the contractor that can best meet the requirements of the Request for Proposals document. This contract would be for three (3) consecutive years with the possibility of two (2)one (1) year extensions. The City reserves the right to award a contract to multiple contractors or a single contractor or to make no award, whichever is in the best interest of the City. g. Business License The successful Contractor that is awarded the contract will be required to be licensed in accordance with the City of Rosemead Business License Ordinance of the Rosemead Municipal Code. h. Insurance Requirements RFP 2019-07,Page 15 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMEAD The selected Consultant shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of this contract the following insurance policies: 1. Comprehensive General Liability, including contractual liability, products and completed operations and business automobile liability, all of which will include coverage for both bodily injury and property damage with a combined single limit of $2,000,000. The City shall be named as "additional insured" on all policies required to be furnished. 2. Professional liability coverage with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. 3. Workers' Compensation coverage at statutory limits. 4. The consultant shall assume liability for the wrongful or negligent acts, errors and omissions of its officers, agents and employees and subcontractors, and have adequate insurance to cover such negligent acts, errors and omissions with limits of $2,000,000. C. PRE-CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES IN RESPONDING TO THE RFP PREPARATION The City shall not be liable for any pre-contractual expenses incurred by any bidder or by any selected consultant. Each bidder shall protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all liability, claims, or expenses whosoever incurred by, or on behalf of, the entity participating in the preparation of its response to this Request for Proposals. Pre-contractual expenses are defined as expenses incurred by bidders and the selected consultant, if any, in: • Preparing and submitting information in response to this Request for Proposals. • Negotiations with the City on any matter related to this procurement. • Costs associated with interviews, meetings, travel or presentations • All other expenses incurred by a bidder/consultant prior to the date of award and a formal notice to proceed. The City reserves the right to amend, withdraw and cancel this request. The City reserves the right to reject all responses to this request at any time prior to contract execution. The City reserves the right to request or obtain additional information about any and all proposals. RFP 2019-07,Page 16 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "A" FLAT RATE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Total Annual Price Amount I. Preventive Maintenance (Traffic Signal System: includes safety lights) 43 Per Intersection $ $ II. Preventive Maintenance (Speed Feedback Signs) 18 Per Location $ $ III. Preventive Maintenance (In-Pavement Flashing Crosswalk Lights) 15 Per Location $ $ IV. Underground Service Alert—USA (Dig Alert Service) Per USA $ $ Special Note: The flat rate fee represents total compensation for all labor, material, equipment, and vehicles necessary to provide the corresponding tasks. TOTAL PROPOSAL ITEMS (I, II, Ill, IV) $ COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "B" SCHEDULED REPAIR SERVICES Item No. Description Unit Price 1. Replace Type A Detector Loop (1 to 4 loops) $ Per Loop 2. Replace Type A Detector Loop (5 or more 4 loops) $ Per Loop 3. Replace Type D Detector Loop (1 to 4 loops) $ Per Loop 4. Replace Type D Detector Loop (5 or more loops) $ Per Loop 5. Remove& Replace Video Detection Camera Unit (Iteris) $ Per Unit 6. Remove& Replace Vehicular LED Face Replacement During PM $ Per Face 7. Remove & Replace Pedestrian LED Face Replacement During PM $ Per Face 8. Remove & Replace Pedestrian Push Button During PM $ Per Button Special Note: The unit price represents total compensation for all labor, material,equipment,and vehicles necessary to complete the corresponding task. For any work not listed on Schedule B, the Contractor shall submit a cost proposal to the City prior to performing the work. RFP 2019-07,Page 17 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES List the position titles and responsibilities of personnel that will be providing emergency response services to the City per this RFP. PERSONNEL Position Hourly Straight Time Hourly Overtime Title: Traffic Signal Supervisor $ $ Title: Traffic Signal Electrician Foreman $ $ Title: Traffic Signal Electrician $ $ Title: Traffic Signal Laborer $ $ COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES CONTINUED VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT The vehicles and equipment listed hereon may not accurately reflect the rolling stock used by your firm. For those vehicles and equipment that are not used by your firm, cross out and mark as "N/A" to indicate that the vehicle or equipment is not available or necessary for the emergency response services requested in this RFP. Personnel Vehicle $ Per Hour Pickup Truck $ Per Hour Service/Utility Truck $ Per Hour Altec/Tesla Bucket Truck $ Per Hour Crane Truck $ Per Hour Concrete Saw $ Per Hour Air Compressor with Tools $ Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour RFP 2019-07,Page 18 Any equipment not listed will be paid per current Caltrans equipment rates. The City will pay a maximum travel time of one hour in each direction. MATERIAL MARK-UP Material mark-up will not exceed 15 % of supplier's invoice price (cost) that will be furnished to the City in any cost proposal for emergency response work. RFP 2019-07,Page 19 Traffic Signal Intersection Locations, Flashing In-Pavement Crosswalk Locations, and Speed Feedback Sign Locations Traffic Signal Intersection Locations ID Location ID Location 1. Lower Azusa Rd./ Encinita Ave. 24. Garvey Ave./ Kelburn Ave. 2. Mission Dr./Walnut Grove Ave. 25. Garvey Ave./ Delta Ave. 3. Mission Dr./ Muscatel Ave. 26. Garvey Ave./ Muscatel Ave. 4. Mission Dr./ Encinita Ave. 27. Garvey Ave./ Rosemead Pl./River Ave. 5. Mission Dr./Valley Blvd. 28. Garvey Ave/ Garvey Community Center 6. Valley Blvd./ Delta Ave. 29. San Gabriel Blvd./ Hellman Ave. 7. Valley Blvd./Walnut Grove Ave. 30. San Gabriel Blvd./ Emerson PI. 8. Valley Blvd./ Muscatel Ave. 31. San Gabriel Blvd./ Garvey Ave. 9. Valley Blvd./ Ivar Ave. 32. San Gabriel Blvd./ Klingerman Ave. 10. Valley Blvd./ Hart Ave. 33. San Gabriel Blvd./ Graves Ave. 11. Valley Blvd./ Rio Hondo Ave. 34. San Gabriel Blvd./ Potrero Grande Dr. /Rush St. 12. Valley Blvd./ Merwyn C. Gill Way 35. Walnut Grove Ave./Wells St. 13. Valley Blvd./Temple City Blvd. 36. Walnut Grove Ave./ Marshall Ave. 14. Temple City Blvd./ Marshall St. 37. Walnut Grove Ave./ Garvey Ave. 15. Temple City Blvd./ Loftus Dr. 38. Walnut Grove Ave./ Fern Ave. 16. Rush St./Walmart 39. Walnut Grove Ave./ Klingerman Ave. 17. Jackson Ave./ Hellman Ave. 40. Walnut Grove Ave./ Edison Way 18. Jackson Ave./ Garvey Ave. 41. Walnut Grove Ave./ Rush St. 19. Jackson Ave./ Graves Ave. 42. Walnut Grove Ave./Walmart 20. Del Mar Ave./ Hellman Ave. 43. Walnut Grove Ave./ Landis View Ln. 21. Del Mar Ave./ Emerson Pl. 22. Del Mar Ave./ Garvey Ave. 23. Del Mar Ave./ Highcliff St. RFP 2019-07,Page 20 Traffic Signal Intersection Locations, Flashing In-Pavement Crosswalk Locations, and Speed Feedback Sign Locations Flashing In-Pavement Crosswalk Locations ID Located on Quantity Between 1. Ivar Ave. 2 Mission Dr. Newby Ave. 2. Muscatel Ave. 1 Scott St. Hovey St. 3. Mission Dr. 1 Earle Ave. Walnut Grove Ave. 4. Mission Dr. 1 Delta Ave. West City Limit 5. Mission Dr. 1 Muscatel Ave. Ivar Ave. 6. Mission Dr. 1 Rosemead Blvd. Loma Ave. 7. Encinita Ave. 2 Mission Dr. Lower Azusa Rd. 8. Fern Ave. 1 Walnut Grove Ave. Earle Ave g. Rush St. 1 San Gabriel Blvd. Walnut Grove Ave. 10. Jackson Ave. 1 Garvey Ave. Newmark Ave. 11. Jackson Ave. 1 Whitmore St. Emerson PI. 12. Emerson Pl. 1 Stevens Ave. Prospect Ave. 13. Emerson PI. 1 Del Mar Ave. Kelburn Ave. Speed Feedback Locations ID Located on Quantity Between 1. Ivar Avenue 2 Valley Boulevard Mission Drive 2. Muscatel Avenue 2 Valley Boulevard Mission Drive 3, Mission Drive 1 Walnut Grove Avenue Willard Avenue 4. Mission Drive 2 Rosemead Boulevard Encinita Avenue 5. Encinita Avenue 2 Mission Drive Lower Azusa Road 6. Fern Avenue 2 Walnut Grove Avenue Angelus Avenue 7. Rush Street 2 San Gabriel Boulevard Walnut Grove Avenue 8. Del Mar Avenue 1 Highcliff Street Graves Avenue g. Mission Drive 1 Muscatel Avenue Tomik 10. Mission Drive 1 Ivar Avenue Rosemead Boulevard 11. Mission Drive 1 West City Limit Delta Avenue 12. Walnut Grove 1 Hellman-Ramona Dorothy Street RFP 2019-07,Page 21 E M F O � '9 � � 4 CIVIC PRIDE POpATEO�� Attachment B St. Francis Proposal Proposal For The CITY OF ROSEMEAD FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES A 1kik ,1 r T $ , a Qt _Dv . . 1.14; 41177,44, ts1411111,11 0SEMEAb i‘tOSE$ ...4 .., , . ,,- ,s elk, , i 7 • 0 .44 ' y _,, -air ,sf-� . ', , - _ _... :.ri4,7 -.....-- ,i Proposal to the City of Rosemead _ <gtgranci6geectric Presented by: St Francis Electric 1420 Citrus St. Riverside, CA 92507 "Experience, Quality & Reliability..." Due by: May 30, 2019 @ 10:00 a.m. TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER LETTER 1 INFORMATION / BACKGROUND 2-4 SFE'S KEY PERSONNEL 4-8 SFE'S SUBCONTRACTORS 9 SFE'S QUALIFICATIONS 10-15 PAST EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES 16 SFE'S UNDERSTANDING SCOPE OF WORK 17-24 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE"A&B" 25 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE"C" 26 APPENDIX 27 LOCATIONS 27 PROOF OF INSURANACE 28 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 29 EQUIPMENT& RESOURCES 30 LITIGATION HISTORY, ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS AND CLOSING 31 `' 4. Cover Letter May 15, 2019 i cgt,arancid gee ctric Mr. Robert Chavez—Public Works Manager ` J City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 RE:Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Dear Mr. Chavez, St. Francis Electric, LLC (herein after referred to as SFE) is pleased to respond to the Request for Proposal for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services to the City of Rosemead. SFE agrees to provide services outlined in the RFP in providing traffic signal routine and extraordinary maintenance. Our service shall significantly reduce the frequency of malfunction/operational complaints, and extend the useful life of the City's (43) traffic signals, (15) in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and (18) speed feedback signs for the City of Rosemead. SFE will maintain a 24-hour per day emergency response service (1-844- LIGHT88)to respond to emergency call-outs within (1) hour of notification. SFE is a California licensed and bonded Class "A-General Engineering" and "C-10 Electrical" contractor (CA license #1003811). SFE has a long history (Since 1946) of servicing California's transportation and electrical needs proving to be a beneficial resource when dealing with everyday maintenance and operations. Having a core business of traffic signal installation and maintenance, SFE has established itself as one of the top electrical service providers in California with satellite office locations in Riverside, San Leandro, Napa, Gilroy, and Rancho Cordova. SFE is the current Traffic Signal Maintenance contractor and has similar contracts in Southern California in the Cities of Huntington Park, Lancaster, South El Monte, Corona, Rialto, Palm Springs & County of San Bernardino to name a few in this region. In addition, the current project team has maintained the City of Rosemead continually for over 2 years. Our company currently has over 250 employees including a solid team of skilled IMSA certified traffic signal technicians, electricians, CA licensed traffic & civil engineers, project managers & project coordinators. We have also aligned ourselves with reputable subcontractors in this area such as: Sierra Pacific Electrical (new intersection builds/modifications & underground utility), Crosstown Electric (Communications, CCTV & fiber optics) and Smithson Electric (Saw Cutting & Vehicle Loop Detector installation) in order to offer the best services from around the industry. SFE sets high standards in customer service with regards to safety, time & budget. We constantly monitor our staff's and subcontractors' service quality to satisfy our clients and ultimately lead to better & safer living for the citizens. We thank you for giving SFE the opportunity to present this proposal and look forward to retaining a working partnership with the City of Rosemead. Jill Petrie is the Proiect / Area Manager designated for the City of Rosemead (email — ipetrie@sfe-inc.com; phone 951-304-4903). This contract would be managed by the local office located at 1420 Citrus St, Riverside, CA 92507; phone (951) 304-4902. SFE agrees to the effect that this proposal will remain valid for a period of 61 days from May 15,2019. SFE also acknowledges receipt of Addendum#1. Since ely, / Guy SYnith�-Vice President(Authorized individual to contractually bind St. Francis Electric, LLC.) 975 Carden Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 639-0639 Ext. 211 Office/(510) 639-4653 Fax guy@sfe-inc.com/www.stfranciselectric.com St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 1 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903--Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Information/Background St. Francis Electric Availability `i -, iffer, . SFE understands the importance to maintain a functional traffic signal system for the City's public reception and safety . + ,' concerns. SFE promises to make available for the City of Rosemead on a 365/24/7 basis to perform tasks and services under this contract. SFE as a company has an excellent €, reputation performing traffic signal maintenance contract work on time and on budget.We are confident that our existing clients ,K-.t are greatly satisfied with our services and will be providing the _if, i' positive feedback and recommendations. St. Francis Electric History The year was 1945, World War II had just ended and Lorenzo Spinardi was discharged from the Army Air Corps.Although he was born and raised on a tomato farm in Merced, California, he decided to settle down and make a go of it in the fast growing San Francisco Bay Area. He started as an electrician in San Jose, but Mr.Spinardi soon desired his independence. In 1946, Lorenzo founded St. Francis Electric while living in San Leandro, California.The company has remained in business since that time under ownership and direction of the Spinardi Family. In the early years, SFE offered wiring installation for homes in the numerous new housing tracts that were popping up all over the Bay Area. It quickly gained a reputation for honest, quality work at a fair price. By the late Fifties, in addition to its core business of tract homes, SFE was performing electrical work on commercial buildings and industrial facilities. Since the core management consisted of veteran airmen from the Second World War, it was inevitable that the company would soon be doing work at the local airports. Gradually this division expanded to outlying areas, including Nevada. In those years, SFE was one of the few electrical companies that specialized in this type of work. In 1972, Lorenzo's oldest son, Thomas, joined the company. Together with their father, they expanded the company's geographical client base and core service offerings. They successfully completed more complex jobs such as installation of underground utilities,traffic signals, and airport projects. In the mid-1980's, a decision was made to completely drop residential and commercial work, while devoting resources towards infrastructure development. This required a significant investment in equipment and a specialized trained workforce. Several of the employees from this period are still with the company. They represent some of the best skilled craftspeople in the industry. In the past 20 years, SFE has dedicated its goals to perfecting the art of infrastructure work which includes traffic signal maintenance and emergency response. This quest has involved taking on numerous and a variety of challenging projects. The company's performance on these projects has always been excellent. The level of expertise possessed by the personnel has risen to the highest standard in the industry, and the equipment fleet has grown to be one of the largest owned and operated by any contractor in the Bay Area. Thomas Spinardi retired in 2002, yet still participates in an advisory role on special projects. In 2003, management was restructured in order to expand the level of previous performance. Robert Spinardi became President, and promoted 3 long time employees to senior staff positions. Under new management team, SFE was able to increase the volume of work while maintaining the same quality, integrity, innovation,and service that defines its culture and personality. Today, SFE has over 250 employees and service clients throughout California and Nevada. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 2 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Negative History St. Francis Electric has NO negative history within the last five (5)years to report. Key Contact Information Local Contact Headquarters Jill Petrie Guy Smith Project Manager Vice President St. Francis Electric, LLC St. Francis Electric, LLC 1420 Citrus St. 975 Carden St. Riverside, CA 92507 San Leandro,CA 94577 (951) 304-4903 Office (510) 639-0639 Office (951) 203-4586 Mobile (510) 750-8271 Mobile (951) 274-0061 Fax (510) 639-9116 Fax jpetrie@sfe-inc.com guy@sfe-inc.com 24/7/365 Traffic Signal Telephone Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 www.stfranciselectric.com Web-site socalmadmin@sfe-inc.com Email St. Francis Electric's Identification St. Francis Electric is a Limited Liability Corporation chartered under the State of California and incorporated in 1986. Headquarters is located at 975 Carden St, San Leandro, CA 94577 with many satellite offices located throughout California including Riverside. Our contractor's license number is 1003811 for A, C-10 classifications and expires 5/31/21. Our DIR# is 1000022208. Our City of Rosemead Business License number is 977362.The principals of the company are listed below: Name Title Address Robert Spinardi President 975 Carden St, San Leandro,CA 94577 Vice President,Secretary& 975 Carden St,San Leandro,CA 94577 Guy Smith Manager Andrew Amador Vice President 975 Carden St,San Leandro, CA 94577 Karla Brauer Treasurer 975 Carden St,San Leandro, CA 94577 , • St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 3 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Staffing Resources SFE's Maintenance Division Management Team has extensive experience for more than 50 years in serving the governmental needs as well as in charge of municipalities' maintenance programs as government employees. Jill Petrie will g be the Project Manager and Guy Smith will be the Management contact that is authorized to sign an agreement for St. Francis "" Electric. SFE's solid team of over 250+employees strongly consists of IMSA certified traffic signal technicians, State Licensed Electricians, Master Electricians, CA licensed engineers, trained project managers, and project coordinators. Our Southern California Staff has worked with this City and many other Cities throughout California, completing this exact scope of services. SFE, while considering the opening of our Southern California office, had wanted to do this with the best possible customer service and experienced staff in mind. Through many many recommendations we found our now Southern California Area Manager Jill Petrie. Several of her then customers and staff have also chosen to follow her to SFE due to her outstanding work ethic, customer service, dedication, and knowledge of these specific types of traffic signal maintenance and response contracts. Throughout the years she and her staff have provided Maintenance & Response services for 100+ Cities throughout California to include Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and Ventura Counties. She and her team take pride in not having lost a single contract due to any service related issues which speaks volumes for their service commitment. She has helped in the development of these Cities' specified traffic signal equipment, complete equipment inventories, street rename sign change out projects, LED retrofits, rehab modifications and ADA & infrastructure upgrade projects. She has assisted many Cities to develop their maintenance scope of work when it was needed in order to help with the longevity of equipment and safety of their citizens. This SFE Staff has been well embedded and invested in this area, its customers and this exact scope of work for decades. This office staff has focused on ways to relieve our Customer's pain points: Clear communications with City staff both internal and externally in the field, meeting with Citizens on the City's request to address their concerns, monitoring their existing maintenance/response budgets, helping with planning accordingly each fiscal year to assure that our Cities assets are not only serviced and protected but getting the attention they need including State Standard (MUTCD) upgrades. It is without doubt we feel this team is and has always been the right team for the City of Rosemead; we'll take pride in servicing and working alongside with the City and its staff. We believe customer service is in fact return service, and our service is peace of mind knowing this team is there for the City of Rosemead. SFE Key Personnel Currently, SFE has over 250+ employees. The estimated proposed staff to provide services for this contract would be 25+ employees. The local staff support consists of 15+ employees and continues to grow rapidly. Corporate staff has also dedicated its staff (approximately 10+ employees) to support the Southern California operations which would include services provided for the City of Rosemead. SFE is an active union company and is supported by the local unions in all areas which provides upon request certified IBEW journeyman electricians, traffic signal technicians, laborers, and apprentices for these classifications. SFE supports these unions and their apprenticeship programs in order to develop knowledge and growth which in turn provides jobs for our local communities in the traffic signal maintenance industry. Currently, SFE has many qualified IMSA candidates on file pursuing employment with SFE and we would be willing to bring these candidates on as needed or with our continued growth. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 4 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903--Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Assigned Technicians/Key Team Members/Primary Personnel Jill Petrie-SoCal Area Manager/Project Manager Jesus Sanchez-Foreman/Lab Tech/Traffic Signal (Primary Personnel) Technician IMSA Level III (Assigned Tech 1) Andy Briones-Project Administrative Support(Primary Salvador Aguirre-Traffic Signal Technician IMSA Personnel) Level II (Assigned Tech 2) Guy Smith-Maintenance Division Manager/VP/CEO Lance Alm-Traffic Signal Technician IMSA Level III (Management Contact) (Additional as needed Technician) Allen Chen-Consultant Transportation Engineer Jose Sanchez-Traffic Signal Technician IMSA Level II (Support) (Additional as needed Technician) Vance A Gonzales-Consultant Project Manager and Stephen Petrie-Traffic Signal&Streetlight Signal Technician (Support) Technician (Additional as needed Technician) Organizational Chart SFE understands any request to replace consultant's key staff member will be submitted in writing to the City for review. City of Rosemead Guy Smith Maintenance Division Manager Andy Briones lilt Petrie 24/7 Call Service Service Coordinator SoCal Area Manager / 1-844-Light88 /Project Manager Jesus Sanchez Assigned Tech 1 IMSA Level III 1 1 1 II Salvador Aguirre Lance Alm lose Sanchez Stephen Petrie Alex Lara Assigned Tech 2 TS/SL Technician TS/SL Technician TS/SL Technician TS Technician IMSA Level II IMSA Level Ii IMSA Level II IMSA Level I IMSA Level Ill Summarized Resumes-(Information on additional SFE Staff available upon request) Jill Petrie SoCal Area Manager/Project Manager(Principally Responsible) 7 Jill is the assigned Project Manager and principal contact for the City of Rosemead. Her responsibilities include: quality of service, communications with the City, working with City inspectors, vendor communications and Proposal/Estimating. She is fully available to the City of Rosemead for repairs, upgrades, warranty exchanges, extraordinary work, city project planning, assisting City with Fiscal budgeting and contract execution. She has over 19 years of experience in the Traffic Signal, ITS, and Street Light industry working with numerous Government agencies and contractors. Jill has excellent relationships with manufacturers, contractors, municipalities, Regional Transportation Associations, and State Department of Transportations. Extensive experience in both technical and construction related aspects of the traffic signal and streetlight maintenance industry. Experienced in scheduling, St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 5 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 coordinating field work, support calls and intersection turn-ons. Familiar with Caltrans Specifications and MUTCD requirements. Experience with estimating & take-offs of Traffic Signal Equipment. Extensive Best price purchasing and material negotiation with vendors. Assisting Agencies with LED retrofit projects, Infrastructure solutions and Public Safety Concerns.A vast exposure to all types of traffic signal gear, components and equipment to assist all agency needs including Signal Cabinets, Traffic signal standards, Controllers, Service Meters, Battery Backup systems, Emergency Vehicle Pre-Emption and Video Detection systems. Work Experience > SoCal Area Manager/Project Manager—St. Francis Electric, LLC—2015 to Present ➢ Service Account Manager-Siemens Industry, Inc.-2010 to 2015 ➢ Project Manager—Republic ITS-2001 to 2010 Jesus Sanchez Foreman/Electrician/Lab Tech(Secondary Technician)—Bucket Truck Jesus's responsibilities include: Overseeing projects and technicians, as well as all Laboratory Testing. He is fully available to the City of Rosemead. He is a Master Electrician and has over 50 years of experience in the Traffic Signal Maintenance. He has worked in Cities that are similar in Scope of Work and size as the City of Rosemead. He is knowledgeable in all aspects of traffic signal maintenance and troubleshooting. Previously owned and managed a manufacturer of traffic signal components for 20 years. Originally designed and manufactured VMS signs. Has built all his own tools for troubleshooting controller cabinets and loop detectors. Proficient with TS1, TS2, and 332 Controller Cabinets. Proficient with Type 170 and NEMA Controllers, i.e. Eagle, Siemens, Traconex, 170 & 2070. Experienced with various Video Detection installations and maintenance. Proficient with troubleshooting loop detection. Familiar with CCTV, Radar Speed Signs, and Crosswalks. Knowledgeable in maintenance and troubleshooting of Battery Backup Systems to include Alpha, Dimensions, Myers, and Tesco. IMSA Level I, II,and III Field Certified.State Certified General Electrician NEC(#129961). Work Experience > Senior Traffic Signal Technician—St. Francis Electric LLC.—2017 to Present ➢ Senior Traffic Signal Technician—Econolite—2002 to 2017 > Traffic Signal Technician—PEEK/SMI—2000 to 2001 > Mechanical Maintenance—SCE San Onofre—1999 to 2000 > Manufacturing/Quality Control Supervisor—IDC/US Traffic—1993 to 1999 > Owner/President- Manufacturing Contractor—1982 to 1999 ➢ Production Supervisor—Traconex—1980 to 1990 > Cabinet Wiring, Electronic Tech, Cabinet Test, Field Tech—Econolite—1973 to 1980 Salvador,Aguirre Traffic Signal Technician/Electrician(Principally Responsible)-Bucket Truck Salvador is assigned as a primary technician 1 for the City of Rosemead, His responsibilities include completing the preventative maintenance tasks as well as troubleshooting and repair. He has over 6 years of experience in traffic signal and street lighting maintenance service for major cities. He has worked in Cities that are similar in Scope of Work and size as the City of Rosemead. He has been a primary responder for many emergency calls such as traffic signal pole and cabinet knock downs and is very knowledgeable in trouble-shooting controllers and ITS equipment. 5+ years of NEMA & Non NEMA (332) controller cabinet programming/troubleshooting and repair. Knowledgeable with Eagle EPAC, BI-Tran Systems software. Experienced with traffic signal cabinet installation, maintenance & trouble shooting (NEMA TS-1 TS-2, P, M, and 332). Knowledgeable in Battery Backup Systems to include Alpha, Dimensions, Myers, and Tesco. Experienced with communications troubleshooting and Video Detection software and maintenance, specifically Iteris, Autoscope. He has also successfully completed his certification from LRN Transportation for design, diagnostic and maintenance Level I & II, and signal timing. Aside from his electrical experience, Salvador is experienced in installing both street light and St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 6 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 traffic signal foundations, conduit, pull boxes and concrete work. IMSA Work Zone Safety.Traffic signal technician/electrician with IMSA Traffic Signal Technician Level II Certifications. ➢ Traffic Signal Technician—St. Francis Electric—2015 to Present ➢ Traffic Signal Technician—Bear Electrical Solutions—2014 to 2015 ➢ Electrician—Peter Irving Electric—2013-2014 Lance Alm Traffic Signal Technician/Electrician (Available when needed)—Bucket Truck Lance is assigned as a primary technician 2 for the City of Rosemead and is assigned to the Riverside County Area. He has over 11 years of experience in the Traffic Signal Maintenance. Skilled in all aspects of traffic signal and streetlight maintenance and troubleshooting. Proficient with TS1, TS2, Type 170 and NEMA Controllers. Video Detection installation and maintenance, specifically: Iteris, Autoscope. Experienced with installation and wiring of battery backup system and traffic signal controller cabinets. Experienced with communications troubleshooting. ATSI (Athens Technical Specialist, Inc.) CMU/MMU Testing Equipment Certified. Familiarity with Various different Solar and Hard wired Speed Feedback Systems for both installation and troubleshooting. Intersection inspection and Service Meter installation inspection turn-on support. IMSA Level I, H, and III Field Certified. IMSA Work Zone Safety Certified. State Certified General Electrician NEC (#138598). Certified for Underground Service Alert(USA)mark outs. Work Experience > Traffic Signal Technician—St. Francis Electric, LLC. -2016 to Present ➢ Traffic Signal Technician—Siemens Industry, Inc.—2010 to 2016 > Traffic Signal Technician—Republic ITS—2008 to 2010 Andy Briones Project Administrative Support(Primary Personnel) Andy is responsible for assisting with proposal estimates, monthly billing tasks, assisting City with Fiscal accounting and contract administrative/coordination tasks. He has over 12 years of experience in managing traffic signal maintenance, repair and construction contracts. Possesses strong written and oral skills when dealing with customers and professionals. Microsoft OfficeTM, SAP®, SalesforceTM Proficient. Efficient in Government and City's Invoicing, and Billing. Provides forecasts and maintained project schedules & equipment. Technician, Fleet and Dispatch Support. Agency's liaison in scheduling and coordinating with Contractors and Vendors. Work Experience ➢ Service Coordinator—St. Francis Electric, LLC.—2015 to Present ➢ Service Coordinator—Siemens Industry, Inc—2010 to 2015 D. Service Coordinator—Republic ITS—2007 to 2010 Alejandro Lara Traffic Signal Technician/Electrician (Available if needed)—Bucket Truck Alejandro's responsibilities include completing the preventative maintenance tasks as well as troubleshooting and repair. He has over 7 years of experience in traffic signal maintenance service. He has worked in Cities that are similar in Scope of Work and size as the City of Rosemead. Skilled in aspects of traffic signal, streetlight maintenance and troubleshooting. Working with CA DOT and Municipal Utilities. Experienced with traffic signal controller programming NEMA and 170. Experienced with traffic signal cabinet installation, maintenance &troubleshooting (NEMA TS-1,TS-2, P, M, and 332). Experienced in troubleshooting safety lights and internally illuminated street name signs. Experienced in troubleshooting vehicle loop detection. IMSA Traffic Signal Technician Level I, II, & Ill Field Certified. International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) Work Zone Safety Certified. Metro Certified in Rail Safety. Work Experience ➢ Traffic Signal Technician—St. Francis Electric, LLC.—2016 to Present ➢ Traffic Signal Technician—Computer Service Company—2014 to 2016 St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 7 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 ➢ Construction Wireman—CSI—2013 to 2014 Stephen Petrie TS&ST/L Technician/Electrician(Available if needed)—Bucket Truck Stephen is assigned to the Riverside County Area and has over 11 years of experience in the street lighting / traffic signal maintenance and on-call emergency response. Skilled in aspects of traffic signal, streetlight maintenance and troubleshooting. Working with CA DOT and Municipal Utilities. Experienced with TS1, TS2, Type 170 and NEMA Controllers. Experienced with installation and wiring of battery backup system and traffic signal controller cabinets. Knowledgeable of various different solar and hardwired Speed Feedback Systems for both installation and troubleshooting. International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) Work Zone Safety Certified. IMSA Level I Roadway/Street lighting Field Certified. ATSI (Athens Technical Specialist, Inc.) CMU/MMU Testing Equipment Certified.Certified for Underground Service Alert(USA)mark outs. Work Experience > Traffic Signal/Street Lighting Technician—St. Francis Electric, LLC.—2016 to Present ➢ Traffic Signal/Street Lighting Technician—Siemens Industry, Inc.—2010 to 2016 > Traffic Signal/Street Lighting Technician—Republic ITS—2008 to 2010 Jose Sanchez TS Technician/Electrician(Available if needed)—Bucket Truck Jose has over 11 years of experience in the Traffic Signal Maintenance. Skilled in all aspects of traffic signal and streetlight maintenance, troubleshooting and construction. Proficient with TS1, TS2, Type 170 and NEMA Controllers. Video Detection installation and maintenance, specifically: Iteris & Autoscope. Experienced with installation and wiring of battery backup system and traffic signal controller cabinets. Familiarity with Various different Solar and Hard wired Speed Feedback Systems for both installation and troubleshooting. Intersection inspection and Service Meter installation inspection turn-on support. IMSA Level I and II Field Certified. IMSA Work Zone Safety Certified. ATSI (Athens Technical Specialist, Inc.) CMU/MMU Testing Equipment Certified. Certified for Underground Service Alert(USA) mark outs. Work Experience > Traffic Signal Technician—St. Francis Electric, LLC.—2017 to Present > Traffic Signal Technician—Siemens Industry, Inc-2010 to 2014 ➢ Traffic Signal Technician/Electrical Construction—Republic ITS—2006 to 2010; ➢ Groundsman/Laborer—Highlight Electric—2003 to 2004 Guy Smith Maintenance Division Manager/VP/CEO(Management Contact) Guy is responsible for the maintenance operations for all offices he also oversees all field and front office. Guy is available to the City of Rosemead to ensure contract satisfaction. He has over 20 years of experience in the Traffic Signal and Street Light business in maintenance, repairs, and modification for public agencies from the Bay Area through Central Valley. Guy has a reputation for providing excellent customer service and top notch technical knowledge when it comes to traffic signal and ITS. ➢ Chief Executive Officer,Vice President and Secretary of Company > Authorized representative to sign agreements for SFE; > Supervisor responsible for managing 250+employees; > Responsible for the management of all Maintenance and Construction projects and accounts. > 10+Years of multiple Video Detection installations,specifically: Iteris,Autoscope,Trafficon & Aldis; ➢ Knowledgeable with CCTV installation, maintenance and troubleshooting; St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 8 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Subcontractors L74 SFE will/may subcontract work within E the City using the subcontractors listed �,a, LLABORATIOI� below. If it is found that additional z 1rz E. >M subcontractors are required, their information would be submitted to City -T� ""i at that time. -I" IR Company Address Phone Number License RegisDtration Functions Smithson 1938 E. Katella Ave (714)997-9556 614518 1000001610 Detector Loops Electric, Inc. Orange, CA 92867 C-10 Crosstown 5454 Diaz St 756309 Electrical& Irwindale, CA 91706 (626)813-6693 C 10 1000000155 Communications Data, Inc. Sierra Pacific 2542 Avalon St 264048 Underground Electrical, Riverside, CA 92509 (951)784-1410 A, B, C- 1000004626 Inc. 10 Construction r 3 • ♦: - 'a iblik: tr I -441111110 ° 44111,161utrAw'44.6- • 04. mow St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 9 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Statement of Qualifications SFE's Maintenance Division Management XF If Team has extensive experience for more than 50 .= years in serving the governmental needs as well Off4p as in charge of municipalities' maintenance programs as government employees. SFE's solid team of over 250+ employees strongly consists of IMSA certified traffic signal technicians, Statew4.11 Licensed Electricians, Master Electricians, CA licensed engineers, trained project managers, 1111 and project coordinators. SFE Our maintenance division stands out over many due to our experience and providing exceptional customer service year after year. Working with municipalities is our primary focus. All SFE Employees have the same goal to focus an "be the best in this industry", not to be in every industry. We understand to last the test of time you must be the very best at what you do and prove it every day. Our owners have from day one always had their feet on the ground, in the field working side by side, standing with us strong, and leading by example. • SFE has been in the traffic signal industry for over 70 years and has built an outstanding reputation all over California for its work and services provided. • We have over 250+ employees throughout our offices and in the field, IMSA certified, NEC certified, VMS qualified, USA trained, Traffic Engineers on staff and Construction specialists dedicated to this industry alone. Our motto "Experience, Quality& Reliability..." is something we all stand by. • We strive to understand our customer's pain points,their needs and goals. We understand there can be many obstacles our customers may have to navigate and we are there to help them in any way possible. Our project managers/field staff make it a point to answer calls and emails responsively,we meet with our customers on a routine basis whether it be onsite or at their facility to have clear concise communications at all times. With this type of effort we can sustain from common issues that arise when there is a lack of communication. • We offer our customers an emailing option socalmadmin@sfe-inc.com during our normal business hours so that our Cities' will receive a rapid response from our in-house office staff. We inform our customers that a tech has been dispatched and also when a service request has been completed in the field by our technicians so that they are not left wondering if a problem has been addressed. • We have a live person dispatch service when calling our 24/7 Direct Line Teleservice every time you call in, and the service call is immediately dispatched to our on-call technicians. Our techs will follow up with a return phone call notifying the reporting party confirmation of receipt and our estimated time of arrival. All of our technicians have smartphones/tablets and/or laptops and can be reached at any time while performing services within the City. • We have built outstanding relationships with our suppliers over the past few decades giving us the advantage of outstanding pricing, expedited shipping and also making it so we have access to thousands of components that may not be the standard everyday part, and a tremendous amount of resources that we can rely on. • SFE continuously works with all of our customers on getting their warranty items repaired or replaced throughout the city even when they were not the original installer. We make every effort to handle and relieve our customers of this burden, while keeping the customer informed and up to date on the status. • We have In house testing/training Lab in both our Southern California and Northern California facilities. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 10 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Technical Competence SFE is proud to utilize Salesforce Project Tracking TM our computerized electronic maintenance and inventory '1 management system. This internet cloud-based website sale force www.salesforce.com/products/service-cloud/overview represents what we believe to be the forefront of customer account management and maintenance tracking in our industry. The City's Salesforce Project Tracking TM account will include a complete list of all of City of Rosemead's intersections, equipment inventory, a log of repair and replacement parts, and records of all routine and emergency calls received for the City. Once the technician has received a notification of a service request, he/she will respond and arrive on site within one (1) hours, making the proper repair work, and report the incident via online real time Salesforcerm on their mobile tablets. Reporting for routine maintenance activities is handled the same way. The information handled by SalesforceTM includes: • Service Request Management and Scheduling, including time stamping and dispatching. • Scheduled Maintenance Management and Scheduling. • Location details of technicians and start work/end work times in the case of Emergency call- outs. • Intersection Details, inventories of equipment, maps, CAD drawing,timing sheets, etc. • Report Generation: including invoices, material use, etc. • Inventory control, including real-time tracking of available and installed equipment. • Information available to view or download through the Customer Portal,which includes: • Real-time status of Scheduled Maintenance and Service Request calls. • Real-time Intersection Inventories. • Real-time Equipment Inventories. • Intersection maintenance histories, maps, CAD drawings, digital photographs. • Account information, such as contacts and billing Essential key functions of this online database are made available to the Public Works Director and staff, all Traffic Engineers and authorized agent(s)to monitor maintenance, service call history, and review all activities performed by SFE technicians working within the City. Salesforce m Customer Portal Wi City of Rosemead-Traffic Signal Maintenance Services S% »`D!I:21&51013 J :s' tec•zA.4.l PoICA.1.10LI I ScSLIlret :ceminb.lmrq..,.a-art vxmcwJc ., Account Demi •s.M,.rlc.c Wizard .__ ._-_.._._.___._—._ _- \iwub aNaal sna Conlon C.ma•.l>;atnna Cm•Calsa C.a1M akn< SBC.' •Account Intormetim _�-- _----- — ___-- •ecaumo»i+e. f *c ttm rcocncat Pr^^e 1518Fsto-2100 As....me oi ivsamsatl lam:SOW Maintenance Se.asY.lia HlxariBYj Cm.Do.wo w.u.m nm IM CeMtLEIMOSSIV Buq Aau�n BINENWSI.d last LA112a0 Usbi Moto • AnesnINna CiY y m ryzor:nean vw-tya is eau B2.ISGcgk Information that is associated with each service call will be documented as follows: • Call to Dispatch Center or Office is logged as to time and location of request. • Dispatch time is noted as well as Technician name that is dispatched • Arrival time to site of call for service. • Technician notes of problem(s)discovered, and process to repair. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 1 1 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 • Any notes of other circumstances seen by the technician will also be captured. • Resolution of problems and equipment used or replaced to remedy the location will be noted. • Technician completion of service call will be noted. All SFE work done under this maintenance contract will be verified and available to the City of Rosemead through this online Salesforce Project Tracking rM tool SAMPLE OF CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT 11001 ROSIMN01AM.111019 RESPONSI BILLING 020001 1411111101000000 coo Or 104101(00 6111 N1BLK WORKS DEPARIMENI WM L.SAILER BLVO 005CM100.CA 91170 Regaeted By mike,D arf., LIBM0ype PA*,TSye TIP* Cly CsreAR Pas Fart 4WM1e.k lb 'Mania lme Rae MEC*A.A.1 Wiley Me Proton* $[100 Wwk onion Work Ord.Numb.:100000S0 wool.)t) $000 .411111 1,-,11,110:lie/ IIIr.1000011,5/[I D1011, 9.1110 PPI/ VANDALIan 0171(10.00(1 D. P111001 R 0,00'. 1 01.11 0..001 VTR Slgml M¢/rhG Ton MOAT - 3/15/)01930.00 OS 90.00 1..,111 Spr1I RegoI 3/15001,11•00 0... $ 0.00 100 Irk inn S• Ialkwn Ave)Ganef a (2r. 4) 1: $1000 Work Craw.Work Od.Nunb.:WO000S1)10(2 monk) $030 fund ll- o,1 0000 111,1001011. 10,1nl.ISSINV. 1,111:, 030(/10.121ook Rrµ1u IRIn-r MISSING INN 10'.1 R INSI411E11010 - 1/1]001912.00 2.5 5800 .,IfOh..10P.n._ Spa 5.(LRER.:WON,MADE 111[ Trams Sinn1 Regular './11/201932'00 2 S 5000 TO4lnirnn Ste:LOWel Aluaa Rd 1 LIYIOIS Ave(Srnad0) $1100 Work Oder:War&Order Number:W0000331319(3r.ada) Sow Ir,ln�llw.1/0,10: 010110 P011,IRK(091R MISSING. 11,011 !Mier MISSING NW(OM INSTALLER AND 11111 A1e0.11 1 $000 S.I/LNG 10010(111 Signal Akt<%Iola Truth Regular 1/10;2010130/ 0.1 50000 ,rank slgrul 10131111: 1/>9PmS 1145 05 $0.1. Ire Irk un 930:k14+W0 Ca valley Ws.(3ward{) - $000 Work Order:Wort Ord.Norma:WO 00055297(Sraorb) $0.00 to um]119+San[1e1 011/1M 01014•NBP11r5R.N 1121111 - - PPB VAIILMIN10PIM Sy0N RI(1,00111. P111SIg1l 0(0.3 1 50.02 VAritinJ 101 R. 91 1AI Ai n/leaW lrurk IhguMr 1/20/2019 14'15 U 5 )0110 Talk Signal Regula: 3/210'201911-.15 0.5 50.00 51300: 1111,1141 1 W 00,103(l mead) $0111 Work Order:Work Oder Number:WO 00058)6)(ir.ad) $0 0 round Jew,MIN 0e1 M R.MARTIN itMIS1105[M1AN 11111 13/021211 I NOS((/MA PULL,OW RI ICAO GRN 1M Vellktlllr 110 T air - 1 $0.031 • 001IIIRAO:,RN 110011111/O01 Signal 010 BMA 01ACK 0111.A 1 AKLN.11,GI:N lirpOiemenl RAG LCD 01 PON 0.1 CST/0 AND Mac, Gland hatabill.tratonia) - - _ GPS Navigation System TELETRAC NAVMAIJ SFE uses Teletrac Navman DIRECTOR to track our workforce and fleet. Teletrac DIRECTOR Navman's DIRECTOR fleet management platform organizes daily workflow management to help managers effectively respond to customer requests. Its instant visibility map feature allows users to view all drivers and vehicles in real-time to pinpoint exact locations to dispatch the best routes. When a customer calls for an ETA or last-minute status update, SFE can accurately answer inquires based on location within seconds. a R,. wwww • • .�n� a . �. s` te''" �.. „ , •• w ti �... ,,::� jy '` � r�.,- • .0 we .«.�,.. e,r.a,•,3 rt,.wa...Ra.«�.-.. � 0 • se . r•"7T �+. i .. W. new0rr. miwit 1,IR *mirk owwa 4 lO W A•w- -. • r era, a+so.e. .00,- i'n 00ar..40- s- •' • c • i2 St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 stfranciselectric.com-Phone(951)304-4903--Fax(951)274-0061-24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Safety Measures Safety is the top priority within SFE. In order to operate as a larger '• ''.6. Safety _ •` general electrical contractor, SFE has developed a culture to always pay N:::::- extra attention with regard to safety. With our designated safety officer and safety team constantly going from job to job, SFE promises to plan and Volta,4,1 , conduct the work in a manner that will safeguard all persons from injury in n accordance with CAL OSHA regulations and shall take precautions required by all other applicable governmental regulations. In order to ensure good quality from SFE staff, we believe in proper foresight and preparation. We train our technicians to IMSA, OSHA, State specific requirements, Caltrans specs, and Vendor Specific standards. We supply the "right tools" for the job, from hand tools to heavy equipment. Once the proper tools and training are supplied, we can then progressively inspect and ensure proper production and quality levels are met. We regularly and randomly inspect our technician's quality and thoroughness. We strive to "see things" from our customer's perspective. When performing maintenance on Traffic Signals and Street Lights, we believe that the efforts we put into the quality of our service prolongs the life and efficiency of the components, and The City of Rosemead's confidence in our work. SFE's Senior Management is fully committed to addressing the safety of today and beyond. We have established aggressive goals and have adopted a zero tolerance regarding safety compliance. Our focus on a Safer tomorrow is paramount, to our future. The success of reaching our goals rests on the shoulders of each and every employee at SFE. With their knowledge, by their preparations, and through their practices, we can achieve these goals. We have identified a number of actions and our efforts are doubled with regard to safety awareness.Since 2012,SFE has not received an OSHA citation. In addition, the renewed efforts are already being shown in Our Experience Modification Rate. Training Programs SFE has several training programs we use for our employee's to insure the highest quality, with the most up to date knowledge and training. We also review the latest maintenance procedures and suggestions from the industry, the industry periodicals and NECA, IMSA seminars, so that SFE can maintain our service capability to the latest industry guidelines. We work with our Local Unions who have an Apprenticeship and Training programs for Technical Application/Training, First Aid and also OSHA Safety. Many of our staff are trainers in these programs and have the opportunity to instruct and mentor the electricians in the industry. In-House SFE has many employee's that have been in this industry for 40+years, these Journeymen / Foremen/ Mentors/Area Leads help to train, develop and grow our team with real life exposure and situations both in the field and at our in-shop training lab. We work with all of our field staff and project managers to help them to acquire and maintain IMSA certified training and the State Certified National Electrical Certification. 1e -}: , 3 St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 13 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 r a I 12. NECKM £ s U N ITt° 7 411111111! 04. zA .•:. rI rats. We feel the attainment of these types of certifications is a means for individuals to indicate to the general public, coworkers, agencies, and others that an impartial, nationally-recognized organization has determined that they are qualified to perform specific technical tasks by virtue of their technical knowledge and experiences. Certification also bestows a sense of achievement upon the certified individual since it reflects professional advancement in a chosen field. We encourage all of our Technicians to be certified in Work Zone Safety, TS Level 1, II and III and Roadway Lighting Levels I, & II. We employ several employees who have gone beyond these certifications. IMSA currently offers certification in the following fields: Electronics in Traffic Signals Fiber Optics for ITS Flagging and Basic Traffic Control Microprocessors in Traffic Signals Roadway Lighting Signs and Markings Traffic Signals Traffic Signal Inspector Work Zone Traffic Control Safety SFE Technicians and Project managers also receive specialized training from METRO. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority(METRO) has developed a comprehensive program in the areas of signal operation and maintenance to upgrade the skills of local traffic engineers and signal maintenance personnel. The programs include: include Bi-Trans 200/233, NEMA controllers and video detection, Type 170 hardware and troubleshooting and introductions to 2070 traffic control systems. We have been trained and certified in several of these classes and also continue to take refresher courses to stay up to date on all industry changes. We encourage our staff to attend these classes and make available time to attend these trainings as needed. ii -s 1 11 St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 4 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Experience It is always the goal of SFE to hone our service around a City's needs. We understand that throughout the term of a contract of this type, those needs may change. We approach all of our contracts with the same vision; build a partnership with the City's staff and work towards achieving common goals set forth through that partnership. We realize that this is an ever evolving process and that is why we believe that the only successful route is through establishing these common goals. SFE's account management team as well as our field staff will work closely with the City in order to make sure that all of your requests are being effectively addressed. We make every effort to ensure that the City's staff is always aware of issues that are in need of attention. SFE has been conducting business for 72 years and including 5 years of experience in providing the required Scope of Services for public clients and has established strong working relationships with clients as well as vendors and manufacturers. SFE has been extremely successful in retaining & acquiring traffic signal maintenance and response contracts due to our customer service and reputation; this is largely due to our desire to offer the best possible customer service. SFE staff has an exemplary I I / customer service track-record highlighted by our well-qualified field personnel, knowledgeable customer service representatives, and our accounting department with on time monthly invoicing and reports. We understand what is required to maintain a community's electrical infrastructure and exceed our customer's ,,�i► expectations. Our Southern Californian staff has an overwhelming combined Traffic signal maintenance response team experience for this exact scope of work of 50 years. It is from this experience that we have grown to understand that Cities such as the City of Rosemead isn't just looking for a contractor,they want a partner that they can trust has their best interest in mind. With SFE's work ethics we intend to gain that trust and not ever lose it. SFE will assign the appropriate number of skilled traffic signal technicians to this contract as necessary to provide routine "Preventive Maintenance" to each traffic signal once every two months, as described in the Request for Proposal documents. We will also provide a 24-hour call service for knock-downs and emergencies. SFE will have available and readily available qualified personnel which will meet or exceed the following qualifications: • At least two Level Three technician with certification by the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA)with at least three(3)years' experience in traffic signal repairs. • One Level Two technician with certification by the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA)with at least three (3)years' experience in traffic signal repairs. • Familiarity with programming and repair of all traffic signal controllers. • Proficient in programming of conflict monitors (CMU) and malfunction management units (MMU). • Familiarity with basic traffic signal timing principals. • Proficient with Iteris& Econolite (or like)video detection systems. • Familiarity with hardwire and wireless communications technology including troubleshooting, installation and adjustment of external and internal modems. • Familiarity with various battery backup systems to include installation, programming and testing procedures, and maintenance. • Ability to perform cabinet modifications and up-grades as required by the City. • Technician(s)will be available by phone 24-hours a day by calling 1-(844) LIGHT88. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 )S stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Past Experience / References St. Francis Electric has established a reputation of quality service with our Southern California team.The field and office staff has provided maintenance/response services to public agencies for over Iwo decades and continue to build strong relationships with new clients. We understand the value of our clients as well as their demands all while keeping the citizens' safety in mind. Agency Contact Phone Services Performed Year/ Duration Name City of Beaumont Martin (951) 769-8520 Traffic Signal Maintenance& 2016/2-yr+l Gutierrez Response Services City of Corona Gabe (951)279-3709 Traffic Signal Maintenance& 2019/2-yr Hernandez Response Services City of Grand Traffic Signal Maintenance& Terrace Alan French (909)824-6621 Response Services 2017/3-yr+1+1 City of Loma Linda Dave Lofton (909)478-4269 Traffic Signal Maintenance& 2018/1-yr+1+1+1 Response Services Robert On-Call Traffic Signal Response City of Palm Desert Becerra (760) 346-0611 Services 2017/2-yr City of Palm Traffic Signal and Traffic Springs Marcus Fuller (760) 323-8202 Management Maintenance & 2016/3-yr+1+1 Response Services City of Rialto Azzam (909)820-2525 Traffic Signal Maintenance& 2016/1-yr+1+1 Jabsheh Response Services City of Rosemead Jimmy Limon (626) 644-1287 Traffic Signal Maintenance& 2017/2 yr+2 Response Services County of San Jeremy (909) 387 8192 Traffic Signal Maintenance& 2017/2 yr Bernardino Johnson Response Services City of South El Rene Salas (626) 579 6540 Traffic Signal Maintenance& 2018/2 yr+3 Monte Response Services City of Temecula Jeff (951) 760-9409 On Call Traffic Signal Response 2016/4-yr+1 Beardshear Services Armando Traffic Signal Maintenance & City of Yorba Linda Jaime (714) 961-7170 Response Services 2016/3-yr+2+2 Client Testimonials "SFE always goes above and beyond whenever we need anything... " - Jeff Beardshear, City of Temecula "I would like to extend my appreciation to your team in maintaining the remaining budget..." - Azzam Jabsheh,City of Rialto "I also want to thank your team for your rapid response to this incident. That was impressive and much appreciated."-Staci Schafer,City of Palm Springs St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 1 6 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Understanding of Scope of Work and Work Proposal SFE's Technical and Management approach is to provide a thorough maintenance program for all of the City's Traffic Signals, Speed Feedback signs and In-Roadway Crossings. In order to do this we know it is imperative to not only understand the scope of services requested but to also allow our field technicians the time required to perform these tasks. In order to provide the best service possible we have hired an experienced staff and have listened to what they feel is providing Platinum services. Having heard what has caused constraints in the past from both Field Technicians and Management it all comes back to time spent, if they had just a bit more time. At SFE we found if we focus on the services provided and not so much the time spent, our customers become partners who trust us and are undeniably satisfied with the services they are paying for, and our technicians and management are able to provide a service that give them pride and enjoyment in what they do. Our Understanding Scope of Services St. Francis Electric(SFE)agrees to provide routine preventative maintenance, prompt scheduled repairs, and emergency response to the City's traffic signals, traffic signal equipment, safety street lights, flashing beacons, speed feedback signs and other related equipment by duly trained and qualified personnel. SFE also agrees to perform Underground Service Alert(USA) at the direction of the City. It is understood that all preventative maintenance scope and USA's will be billed at an established flat rate as we proposed in Schedule A, with additional scheduled repair services and emergency response services for personnel, vehicle, and equipment in accordance with the Cost proposal, Schedule B and C as we proposed in this proposal. SFE understands that an inability to provide routine preventive maintenance to each traffic signal, safety street lights, or flashing beacons may cause the Contractor to be subject to liquidated damages. SFE agrees to provide and maintain emergency service response of the City's traffic signals, safety street lights, and flashing beacons on a twenty-four(24) hour a day, seven (7) days per week basis, including all holidays. SFE understands that all vehicle(s) to be used by the technicians shall be equipped with a permanently mounted arrow board; warning beacon/strobe lights; traffic cones; construction warning signs; a hydraulic bucket capable of reaching a height of at least twenty-eight (28) feet from the roadway surface; necessary computer laptop for programming, maintenance and testing of traffic signal controllers and various equipment; and communications equipment for dispatch. In addition, all SFE's employees will be equipped with a mobile computer or tablet with 4G LTE access and a cellular phone capable of numeric and text messages with vibration alert. All SFE required equipment shall be properly maintained and functional twenty-four(24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, including holidays. SFE agrees to possess, and have readily available in functioning order, all required tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, and materials needed to perform all work necessary to maintain and repair the traffic signals, safety street lights, and flashing beacons in the City, in compliance with current Caltrans and County of Los Angeles standards and specifications. All excess materials and equipment in the SFE's inventory shall be SFE's property and responsibility until such materials or equipment is used or installed in the City. SFE agrees to furnish temporary beacons and other (portable) replacement equipment for non- operational traffic signals. Any SFE furnished temporary spare equipment shall be equivalent to the component being replaced in manufacturer, make and model. SFE agrees to provide traffic control/lane St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 1 7 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 closures that conform to the most current edition of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) — California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(CA MUTCD). SFE agrees to cooperate with the City in recalibrating traffic signal coordination timing and progression only upon the direction or advance written approval of the City. Otherwise, SFE will not change the traffic signal timing. During emergency conditions, SFE agrees to assure full cooperation with the City and those employees of the City and other agencies as indicated. It is understood that SFE shall not represent the City in matters of policy or procedures under this contract. SFE shall not make any reference to City policy or procedures, and shall refer all questions or inquiries from the public regarding policy and procedures, or terms and conditions of this contract to the City. SFE agrees to maintain any additional traffic signals, lighted crosswalks, and appurtenant devices as they are installed, or become a part of the maintenance requirements to the City. At SFE, we understand the importance for the City of Rosemead to provide quality service to its residents; therefore we are here to do just that. Our focus is to provide the City with high quality, cost effective,trouble free, and innovative maintenance. WORK PROPOSAL SFE's maintenance team intends to approach this maintenance contract with an honest mentality and to provide the best customer service experience for the City of Rosemead and its citizens. SFE understands that,as a maintenance contractor,we represent the City while working on its streets. Many of our team members have worked for municipalities; therefore, we always thrive to provide responsive and innovative services to our clients. We will proactively communicate with the City officials to inform issues encountered during the contract period for work performed and we want to accomplish all the services described in this RFP as directed as the following: A. Maintenance Requirements Preventative Maintenance Traffic Signalized Intersections SFE proposes to perform a routine, comprehensive preventive maintenance program designed to minimize the incidence of outages and malfunction; reduce complaints; and extend the useful life of the traffic signal equipment. SFE will furnish and use a preventive maintenance checklist form approved by the City and provide one electronic copy of the maintenance checklist to the City following each inspection, to maintain a copy of the checklist in the traffic signal controller cabinet, and to maintain a copy of the maintenance checklist at the Contractor's office of records. SFE proposes to perform Monthly Inspection as following: Routine Maintenance(Performed Monthly) - Preventive Maintenance (PM) Checklist Form: maintain a copy of the Preventive Maintenance Checklist Form approved by the City at each traffic signal. The PM Checklist Form will be completely filled out during each maintenance inspection and during any time repairs are made to the traffic signal controller or any related equipment in the controller cabinet or the signal equipment at the intersection (detector loops, pedestrian heads, signal heads, lenses, lamps and signal poles, etc.). - Intersection Records: Ensure that all intersection cabinet wiring diagrams are present and up to date. - Verify timing charts to controllers. If they are not correct contact City staff to verify differences and request update timing chart. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 18 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 - Controller Cabinet Mounting: Check the snugness of the nuts on the traffic signal cabinet anchor bolts, tighten, if necessary, being sure not to distort the cabinet door opening by over tightening. - Controller Cabinet Foundation Seal: If standing water or evidence of water is present inside the bottom of the cabinet, check the seal between the bottoms of the foundation for deterioration, and reseal the cabinet foundation as necessary with duct seal. - Door Gaskets: Check all door gaskets on the controller cabinet, service cabinet and any other enclosures for evidence of moisture or deterioration. Report the need to completely replace any gaskets showing signs of leaking or deterioration. - Cabinet Vents: Check the vents in both the cabinet door and above the door, or at the top of the cabinet to ensure that they are free of any foreign material. Air Filter: Vacuum, replace or knock out any dust accumulated in air filters. Take appropriate action based on the condition of the filter. - Cabinet Fan: Verify that cabinet fan(s)operate properly with a minimum of noise. - Thermostat: Verify that the cabinet fan thermostat is set at 96 degrees and operational. - Interior Light: Verify the proper operation of the cabinet's interior light. - Door Panel Harnesses: Check the harnesses leading from the main panel and auxiliary panels on the cabinet door to ensure they are not being pinched and do not bind against the cabinet door. Adjust, if necessary. - Hinges and Locks: Check for free movement of all doors, latching assemblies and locks on the controller cabinet, service cabinet and any other enclosures. Use a minimum of oil or spray lubricant and remove any excess. - Vacuum Cabinet: Blow or brush off shelves, terminal blocks and components and thoroughly vacuum the interior of the cabinet. - Insect or Rodent Infestation: Check for signs of ants, wasps or other insects or rodents within the cabinet, Check duct seal on conduits for proper fit and snugness . Use appropriate insect traps or powders if any positive findings are discovered. More serious problems shall be reported to the City. - Cabinet Grounding: Using appropriate equipment, check annually the resistance between AC and ground. - Service Connections: Verify the neutral, ground and power connections are secure in the controller and service cabinets. Routine Maintenance(Performed Monthly)cont... - Plug-In Components: Check that each plug-in component (rack mount detectors, relays, load switches, etc.)fits tightly and securely. - Ground Fault Receptacle: Verify the proper operation of "Test" and "Reset" buttons on GFCI type outlets. - Controller Operation: Manually place vehicle and pedestrian calls on each phase through the cabinet test switches or the controller keypad, to verify controller servicing of each active phase. Check controller logs for any faults that have occurred and make note for the file. Confirm controller time and dates are correct. (Especially after day light savings time change). - Conflict Monitor/Malfunction Management Unit: Verify time and dates are correct in any CMU/MMU with an internal clock. - Detector Operation (inductive loops): Verify the detection zones for each detector by observing the turn-on of the appropriate detection indicator as a vehicle passes over the detector loop(s). Check also that a call is placed on the correct controller phase. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 )9 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 - Routine Maintenance (Performed Monthly) cont... - Detector Operation (video detection): Verify camera operation by monitoring the vehicle call on the video controller unit. Also, verify the calls going to the detector call page in the controller. - Equipment Displays and Indicators: Verify that all LED and LCD displays and indications on all cabinet equipment are working properly. - Battery Backup System: (If Equipped) Check battery backup display for AC IN, UPS OUTPUT, and INVERTER indications. All should be on when utility power is supplied to the cabinet. Make note if either is out of range. Keep records of events recorded and total battery run time between maintenance checks to help indicate problem intersections. Check all battery connections to ensure they are clean and secure. Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning units or parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Intersection Walk-Around (included as a part of Routine Maintenance): - General: Remove any easily removable, unauthorized signs, stickers and posters and note any graffiti existing on signal poles or equipment. Notify City of any graffiti observed on traffic signal equipment. - Signal Heads: Verify that all vehicle and pedestrian heads properly display all indications and the signals are not damaged. Verify the alignment of all heads to the intended direction. Verify that all back plates, visors and doors are visibly secure. Report any landscaping that restricts the view of signal heads to the City (Signal heads should be visible from 250 feet). Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning displays with ITE approved LED units will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Pedestrian Equipment: Check all pedestrian push buttons (and bicycle push buttons where provided) and signals by hand to ensure that they are securely mounted and operating properly. Replace damaged or malfunctioning buttons with larger size 2" ADA type buttons as necessary. Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning buttons will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Internally illuminated street name signs (IISNS) or Reflectorized Street Name Signs (RSNS): Verify that the IISNS or RSNS is adequately connected to frame, clamp and brackets, and no panel is broken or missing. Labor and material costs to replace damaged parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Safety Lighting (Night Check): Conduct nighttime check of safety lights, and illuminated street name signs at signalized intersections where such devices exist. Submit to the City for approval a report listing necessary repairs with cost estimates. Labor and material costs to replace damaged parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Miscellaneous: Check all detector loops for sealant deterioration, exposed wire, etc. Labor and material costs to reseal or replace loops will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Semi-Annual (Twice yearly) In addition to the Monthly preventative maintenance services above - Air Filter: Replace air filters for Traffic Cabinet, Service Cabinet and if equipped Battery Backup Cabinet every 6 months. - Electrical service: (type II or Type III pedestal) customer section of electrical service shall be thoroughly cleaned and documented on the cabinet log book to date and time of cleaning Annual(Yearly)In addition to the Monthly&Semi-Annual preventative maintenance services above - Annual Conflict Monitor Testing: Replace conflict monitor units and malfunction monitor units (CMU's, MMU's) with a spare unit and testing and certification. Printed certifications meeting industry standards shall be provided to the City for each monitor unit. Labor and material costs to repair or replace failed or obsolete units will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 20 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Preventive Maintenance Flashing Beacons, Flashing Crosswalks, and Speed Feedback Signs The maintenance of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and speed feedback signs will be conducted on a Bi-monthly basis. Routine Maintenance (Bi-Monthly) The maintenance and inspection of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and electronic speed feedback signs shall include, but not limited to: - Clean cabinet inside and outside, wipe down all lenses, displays and remove any foreign material. - Check power supply voltage, Check Batteries, solar equipment/chargers, voltage regulators and verify operations. - Check settings for on/off timing, flashing rate, flashing duration, and time of day. - Maintain all digital time clocks to National Bureau of standards time. - Observe each pole, head, traffic control sign, etc., and remove foreign material. - Special attention shall be given to update Holidays, Daylight Savings Time, and shut-down periods. - Replace damaged or malfunctioning lamps, LED indications, in-road warning lights (IRWL), detection bollards, and pressure pads meeting manufacturer's specifications with prior approval by the Director of Public Works or their designee. All repairs and replacements shall be authorized by City prior to performing; Labor and material costs shall be submitted to the City for Authorization. Extraordinary Maintenance/Emergency Response/Extra Work Repairing downed signal heads, poles, damaged controller and cabinet, damaged internally illuminated street name signs, and damaged inductive loops, sensing elements, pedestrian push buttons, pedestrian signal heads, wiring, audio devices, and other operational equipment related issues. Providing assistance to the City during special events and/or support during City construction projects as necessary to implement revised traffic signal timing and phasing for changed traffic conditions. Traffic Signal and Pedestrian Signal Indications: Replace or repair standard traffic signals (red, yellow, green & Arrows)and pedestrian signal display units as they malfunction upon authorization from the City.All traffic signal and pedestrian indications shall be ITE approved LED units only. Emergency work includes, but is not limited to the following: Respond within one(1) hours after City's notice of the following events: 1. Any signal controller malfunction. 2. Burned-out Signal Indications. 3. Other situations deemed potentially hazardous to public safety. Notify the City within twenty-four (24) hours of any change in traffic signal operation caused by controller replacement, timing changes, and loss of master control or traffic collisions. Emergency calls that require replacement of equipment will not require approval from City before such replacement occurs. Additional staffing shall be provided where the responding technician cannot handle emergency work alone (knockdowns, wire pulls, etc.). Maintain a single local telephone where an on-call traffic signal technician can be reached twenty-four(24) hours per day. This telephone number will be made available to all persons designated by the City. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 21 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Compensation for all Extraordinary work, Emergency work, and Extra work identified above will be paid at the hourly labor rates, vehicle and equipment rates, and material cost (plus markup) in accordance with the Cost Proposal included in this RFP. a.Scheduled Repair SFE will investigate and determine the corrective requirements for each reported malfunction, failure or outage of the traffic signal system, including the communication network. SFE will repair or replace equipment and components(as re-defined in Addendum No. 1)that have failed, deteriorated or malfunctioned from the normal operation of the traffic signal system (including controllers and battery backup systems) under Time and Materials. SFE agrees to perform all required steps to submit work proposals as indicated in this section of RFP. b. Emergency Response Work Only when authorized by the City, SFE may perform Unscheduled and Emergency Response Work on the traffic signal system not covered by preventative maintenance and scheduled repair. This work shall be performed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the unit costs listed in Schedule C or by a negotiated cost. The Unscheduled or Emergency Work hours could be during regular business hours(7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday) or after regular business hours. SFE understands and agrees to perform work and requirements as listed in this section of RFP. SFE understands; 1. Emergency work may include, but is not limited to the following: • Downed signal heads, poles, signal on flash, signal blackout, burned-out lamps, damaged controller and cabinet, damaged illuminated street name signs, damaged inductive loops, sensing elements, pedestrian push buttons, electroliers, pedestrian signal heads,wiring, and other operational equipment related issues. • Assisting the City for special events or for City construction projects, as necessary to implement revised traffic signal timing and phasing for changed traffic conditions. 2. Equipment for Emergency Work • Repair, replace or otherwise render in good working order any and all defective parts of the traffic signal equipment with like make and model parts. Whenever equipment is removed, the City representative shall be notified by phone and email within twenty-four(24)hours. • The Contractor shall cover the cost of replacing any parts to the traffic signal system. The City shall reimburse the Contractor for materials used for repairs, in an amount equal to the cost of the materials including an agreed mark-up price. • Notify the City representative in advance of any traffic signal deactivations (by phone and email) that may be required to provide the required services. Traffic signal de-activations shall not be scheduled without the approval of an authorized representative of the City.All traffic signal controller equipment shall be maintained as recommended by the manufacturer. • The Contractor, at own cost, shall place barricades, clean up debris, properly dispose of all damaged components. c. Maintenance Records SFE will create and maintain an inventory list of the equipment in the controller cabinet at each location. The inventory shall include the model, manufacturer, serial number, and quantity of each piece of equipment and installation date. The inventory list shall be continuously updated and a copy shall be furnished to the City every four (4) months in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. SFE understands and agrees to perform work and requirements as listed in this section of RFP. SFE shall maintain a copy of the Preventive Maintenance Inspection Form approved by the City at each intersection. The checklist shall be completely filled out during each routine maintenance inspection and during any time repairs are made to the controller or any related equipment in the controller cabinet or the signal St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 22 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 equipment at the intersection (detector loops, pedestrian heads, signal heads, lenses, lamps and signal poles, etc.). SFE will maintain the printout of the signal control database if currently present and understands it is to be kept in each controller cabinet. Timing changes shall be indicated on the printout. Only the City's representative shall authorize timing changes except that the Contractor may make changes required on a temporary basis due to maintenance operations or to maintain a satisfactory signal operation when there is a detection failure. d.Monthly Activity Report SFE will provide a computerized monthly activity report to the City by the fifteenth (15th) working day of each month for the previous month's activities. The report shall be provided both as a printout and as a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet compatible computer file transmitted by e-mail and attached to the monthly invoice. The monthly activity report will include the followings: 1. Preventive Maintenance:Time and date the preventive maintenance was performed. 2. Scheduled Repairs: A complete record of all work that was performed on the traffic signal equipment during the previous month including the date and time, make, model, and serial number of any major components or other equipment that was newly installed at each intersection. 3. Emergency Response Work:Time the service calls were received,time arrived at the intersection, the response time, nature of the problem, the number of hours spent for each repair, materials used,whether the activity is related to accident or vandalism, and a special listing of intersections with three or more calls in one month. e.Responses and Service SFE will provide response and service on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day per week basis. Immediate action will be taken to safeguard the public any time a signal installation becomes partly or totally inoperative from any cause whatsoever. SFE will provide the City with a contact name and phone number of personnel responsible for 24/7 services. SFE understands that the maximum response times shall be as follows: 1. Emergency and accident maintenance—one (1) hour 2. Replacement of burned out signal faces—two(2) hours 3.All other signal maintenance—twenty-four(24) hours 4.Safety Lighting—twenty-four(24) hours 5. Illuminated Street Name Signs—forty-eight(48) hours SFE understands that Signals on flash, signal blackout not caused by a power outage, and any malfunction of pedestrian signals shall constitute an emergency. The City may extend the maximum response time for maintenance on a case-by-case basis if the signal remains operational in a satisfactory manner and the condition poses no immediate hazard to the public. Failure to meet the response time requirements by the Contractor shall be sufficient cause for the City to authorize maintenance to be completed by others and deduct the costs of said maintenance from payments due to the Contractor. Repetitive failure shall be deemed sufficient cause for the City to terminate the contract. and agrees to perform work and remaining requirements as listed in this section of RFP. f.Signal Shut Down,and Signal on Flash SFE shall immediately notify the City's Public Works Department, Rosemead LA County Sheriff Department, and Fire Department of any signal turn-offs or signal on flash necessitated by their operation. Signal shut down of any duration and signal on flash operation in excess of fifteen (15) minutes must be first authorized by the Public Works Department. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 23 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 g. Spare Equipment SFE shall maintain adequate storage and shop facilities and sufficient stock of spare parts and signal equipment to affect maintenance to the signals. The Contractor shall maintain at least one fully tested standby controller that is compatible with the City's system. The Contractor will own and maintain all spare parts until installation in the City. h. Salvaged Equipment SFE shall deliver any salvaged or salvageable equipment or material to the location in the City as directed by the Public Works Department. Any material or equipment declared non-salvageable by the Public Works Department shall be taken from the City and disposed of properly by the Contractor and Contractor's cost. Components such as mast arms and luminaries that are undamaged may be reused at the direction of the City. i. New Traffic Signals The contractor shall maintain new traffic signals, safety lights, speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights,flashing beacons, and appurtenant devices as they are being installed, or become a part of the maintenance requirements of the City. As requested by the City, the contractor shall provide support and review of new traffic signal turn-ons. j.Other Devices The Contractor will be required to maintain any additional beacons, speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and appurtenant devices as they are installed in the City. SFE understands and agrees to perform work and requirements as listed in these sections of RFP. III. Underground Service Alert (Dig Alert) Monitoring SFE will provide service, as directed by the City, to adequately mark all traffic signal conduits, traffic signal interconnect/communication lines (twisted copper or fiber), and equipment as well as street lights on behalf of the City in accordance with the California Government Code Section 4216 et seq. As required by this RFP to monitoring and tracking the marking of any affected intersections, SFE will establish an Intersection Record Log with the USA notification and corresponding action noted in the controller and provides a copy to the City. IV. Warranty Service SFE will provide warranty services as described in this RFP for new equipment installed by SFE with a material and workmanship warranty for one (1) year after acceptance. SFE will notify the City where parts or material become defective during this warranty period, so that the warranty may be exercised. SFE will exercise maintenance and replacement covered by the warranty and servicing of traffic signals will be performed at the expiration of warranty. SFE agrees to the terms for warranty service compensation as described in this RFP. 'te :.. I ` St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 24 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Cost Proposal COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "A" FLAT RATE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Total Annual Price Amount I. Preventive Maintenance (Traffic Signal System:includes -)00 1 ' 00 safety lights) 43 Per Intersection S '-' S V 11. Preventive Maintenance (Speed Feedback Signs) 18 Per Location S 43.00 S 4,641.00 Ill. Preventive Maintenance (In-Pavement Flashing Crosswalk :13.00 3,870.00 Lights) 15 Per Location S S IV. Underground Service Alert—USA 145.00 (Dig Alert Service) Per USA S 145.00 S Special Note: The flat rate fee represents total compensation for all labor, material, equipment. and vehicles necessary to provide the corresponding tasks. TOTAL PROPOSAL ITEMS(1, II. III,IV) S 45,81 1.00 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "B" SCHEDULED REPAIR SERVICES Item No. Description Unit Price 1. Replace Type A Detector Loop(1 to 4 loops) $ 650.00 Per Loop 2. Replace Type A Detector Loop(5 or more 4 loops) $ 475.00 Per Loop 3. Replace Type D Detector Loop(1 to 4 loops) $ 675.00 Per Loop 4. Replace Type D Detector Loop(5 or more loops) $ 500.00 Per Loop 5. Remove&Replace Video Detection Camera Unit (Iteris) $2.225.00 Per Unit 6. Remove&Replace Vehicular LED Face Replacement During PM $ 110.00 Per Face 7. Remove&Replace Pedestrian LED Face Replacement During PM $199.00 Per Face 8. Remove&Replace Pedestrian Push Button During PM $ 118.00 Per Button Special Note:The unit price represents total compensation for all labor,material,equipment.and vehicles necessary to complete the corresponding task.For any work not listed on Schedule B. the Contractor shall submit a cost proposal to the City prior to performing the work. RFP 2019-07,Page 17 St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 • 25 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE"C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES List the position titles and responsibilities of personnel that will be providing emergency response services to the City per this RFP. PERSONNEL Position Hourly Straight Time Hourly Overtime Title:Traffic Signal Supervisor $ 104.00 $ 150.00 Title: Traffic Signal Electrician Foreman $ 104.00 $ 150.00 Title: Traffic Signal Electrician $ 98.00 $ 142.00 Title: Traffic Signal Laborer $70.00 $ 100.00 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES CONTINUED VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT The vehicles and equipment listed hereon may not accurately reflect the rolling stock used by your firm. For those vehicles and equipment that are not used by your firm, cross out and mark as"NIA'to indicate that the vehicle or equipment is not available or necessary for the emergency response services requested in this RFP. Personnel Vehicle $ 20.00 Per Hour Pickup Truck $ 20 00 Per Hour Service/Utility Truck $ 30.00 Per Hour Attec/Testa Bucket Truck $ 32.00 Per Hour Crane Truck. $ 75.00 Per Hour Concrete Saw $ 20.00 Per Hour Air Compressor with Tools $ 20.00 Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour RFP 2019-07,Page 18 St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 1111 Appendix SFE's Primary, Headquarters, and Satellite Offices St. Francis Electric's Southern California's office is the designated local office/yard for this project located at 1420 Citrus St, Riverside, CA 92507 in the County of Riverside. We currently provide these exact services to your neighboring cities, allowing for our technicians to always be in the neighborhood just minutes away-this allows for eyes on in the field of day-to-day operations of the intersections and emergency support when needed. SFE's office has secured outdoor storage space sufficient for all the contract equipment, parts, components, and inventory. In addition to the outdoor storage,we also have ample warehouse indoor secured storage space necessary for these types of contracts. SFE's Southern California shop is not only set up for our typical maintenance & response work but has the necessary room for growth to support the addition of many new customers, contracts and projects. SFE has a Southern California traffic signal lab located in Riverside County used for the testing and repairs of new/used equipment and the on-going training of field technicians in a controlled environment.SFE also has a testing lab facility located at our Headquarters office for these same types of services in that area. St. Francis Electric, LLC. (Primary Office) St. Francis Electric, LLC. (Headquarters) 1420 Citrus St 975 Carden St Riverside, CA 92507 San Leandro, CA 94577 Other SFE Office Locations Include: 1850 West Imola Ave 230 Mayock Rd 4545 Harlan Dr 1919 Commonwealth Ave Napa, CA 94559 Gilroy,CA 95020 Sacramento,CA 95826 Fullerton, CA 92833 Northern California Locations Southern California Locations os ,,.,:..�N Lancaster -� W odl yR�y n+c - ictorville Santa,Rod AG * cramento f' : tura Clarlta .Hesperia alley aifdd. tod< / ar. ,�Rw� �•,� d � an Bemardino nR Sanliatael " tockton 4 s lands ee.x ,* ConeWrt d Los Allge t1W *", San FranCls : .fl anda„ A 'Nest { Long set y4 an, ..4 remon u 10 a 'na SunnYva nJos: r* a0 SauaC.utwt.- ,'' San Cl ente SanlaC• *dw0) tosBasn\<sn5 . ra ,Holl ste >{ Oceanst.e \-ta . . 1 1 ,1 C rafrin SFE's Southern California office currently has contracts for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services with such Cities as: City of Beaumont, Corona, Grand Terrace, Indian Wells, Huntington Park, Lancaster, Loma Linda, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Rialto, Rosemead, County of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino Waste, South El Monte, Temecula, and Yorba Linda as well as several projects with other cities throughout Southern California. We graciously hope for the opportunity to work hand and hand with your City. St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 27 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Appendix (continued) Proof of Insurance SFE carries General Liability and Automotive Liability insurance that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of this RFP. SFE carries Worker's Compensation Insurance per State Law. SFE will meet all additional required Insurance provision said in this RFP. Feel free to contact our insurance broker, Nicki Graham, at (925)822-9051 for any questions regarding our insurance. ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE O3/fa/7019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER_THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND.EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ODES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the pottcy(les)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements➢). PRuoU:IN CA LIC 0E29370 1.925-79B-3334 Cs;ITACThieE NSrkl drab= Edges 10 Partners Insurance Center IXPICI PHOITE 19751 877 9051 ' -19251 609 9513 [Concord - trench 10 154691 �A{•HIa.EW�_ _l f.N•I_ P.O. Boa 5666 5=6,.....nick*.grahaa9ePiabsOkere,GOm elW01 d31 AF FORDING 0C72tHAiiF 554C( Concord, CA 94524 ssmiemeA NATIONAL 02(2071 PIPE IRS CO OP PITTS 19445 IeiVIr1D INSur>£ae ALLTRD WORLD ASSDR CO OS INC 19489 St. Prams Electric, LLC IAUJR�6C SILTED 3100W)ATL£3505 CO 10690 Prenoie Electric. Enc, TRAT/ELXYB PROP GLS CO P Attie 2'674 PO Eon 2057 INAUREeO `' ' IeUDD e r Bao Leandro, CA 94577 mei/Eft( COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:55811463 REVISION NUMBER: H110 IS TO CEHII6°TINT 114E POLICIES OF INSURANCE LIST5J MELON RAVE SEEN ISSUED 10 THE 11BUR=L'NAN1O 0 u.':E-CR 1916 POLICY PtifiCIJ 11.010411.1. NCTW.TNSTANCNNG ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONIIIICN OF ANY CONTRAC'OR OTHER roICL.AtE141'1611.1 RESPECT TO W11101 THIS CERT IF,C.ATE MAY Of ISSUED OR 1401.PERTAIN,1HE 0 'JRANCE ArFOROED ST THE POLICIES DESCICEZD I'.'_REI*I IS SOBJECt TO ALL THE TERMS. EXr..-I Is•-+NG AND C iarliTlONS Lir suck="•IC`:S r'A1115 SIZE VN!,AY RAVE EWEN Rtmom I RV PATI:CLAMS DWI ADOtsultm ITR TYPEOFNBURANCE Iblb,.V.1POLICYNL*IBER I T10YYY1 /NSM('rY I LIILTS A X COMD:IC,IAT CENER*/LmNLITY X A 00.5342010 04/01/19 04/01/20 re:n=11/01r00V 11,000,000WAXIIUTIPlithittf- .. Timm-HME X OCATUR _I•fe wsF-rfErc<1n 1._.f_500, DLOESP IAO,oro Wsorj 1.2S,000 rttimm41AAD'.s.u.s(Y i 1.000.000 1011105Att AT1 Leat eirM 5F7-a • :fitrAt man TtialL f 2,000,000 2.. (? _ flf ;'R TR.... s V Af5". 1 2,000.000 L VIER • A II7N0 .LUAe1L1TY S S CA471)676 04/01/19 01/01/201'M" . 1,000.000 I ANY Rill C. aunty A:NWY IR+arse, (VMEDS 37-NE011F0 • Willr LOMAT In,.,00s.w S E .01Nr:.RNl TrH ..,l'w Yt.v..u. E ALrCo CM. .005_II' .......t_ .. _ . `t B UMIRELLALIAe X IIT,,II 0310-267306/91/19 04/01/20 EACHOLCUFRENCF 125.000,000 I mese tMD 000gtDYTf s 25,000.000 CC^ RE1601.;Y1i 1 A MCRAERs owEeaTCN `S HCO22290334 04/01/79 r 04/01/20 X IRP OR ANO ERPI UyER9LEIBLITY cr -ccuR.1c03'^,p'•T Y 'N:A E- SACRA'T13ENT :1,000,000lala .. F.ec "i Lxt..Lf.EO` T.CI.CA_E FAF7I'lYrts:s 1.COO.000 H.1,dde I'm N+1 - .. N.T4 PTCtb.R Of SCP.PTtN:Y iayF;4Tr_NED.I"s - Ll tri?R."L P.501115111 c 1.000,700 C Pollution 03092664 04/01/19 '04/01/20 Aggregece Limit 5.000,000 D Com-vaetor'e OqulpSO.It OT-660-30566674-500..$9 .04/01/19 04/01/20 Scheduled Limit 3.208.460 C Pro(eeeioe4l Liability - 03042664 24/01/10 04/01/20 Rath Claim 1,000.000 CesCRIPT6INbr nPERAnQI41,0cANnIe I WHILES(ACM 101.AddOnnal Re..okI 5,9ed,0.may M MI.11ed II mom%Deese."B..,.4} Proof or Coverage CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Proof of Insurersa THE EXPIRATION RATE 'THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 01. Prencie S1eotric, LLC ACCORDANCE WTI+THE POLICY PH07115;0,0. Costreore 975 Carden Street AUTII5RI0000EFAESENTM1'E y1 SAD Leandro, CA 94577 USS JJ If)1988.2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25{2016103) The ACORD❑nine and logo are registered marks of ACORD 312(„010010 55013463 St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 28 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Appendix (continued) Community Involvement Veteran Program As a proud member of United Contractors "United for Veterans" program, St. Francis Electric recognizes and honors active military,veterans, and retirees seeking employment. Obtaining employment here not only provides a rewarding career but the training and support needed to ensure a successful transition into civilian job duties. t'' TA ****,***** atl ' h+tE ... k * is t4'I, ., , .�.r . . \. , UNITED for 4.1 ETERANS Community involvement Palm Springs Festival of Lights :'ti . +a. ) '* — 'Citi•!i.' +�..�-, .,_ ...- fi= r ; kit -i i v ,' . - i".cr.. ..J1:—.1. -k4,4_1 ,:k•. -4::'-4: ' " .Zi',11 1r^, a z '-2-- NNW Vfla. 1. 14-, -" _ City of Rosemead Public Works Day 2019 Y ,.. `—....„t g AL k. V r , w .\ - , - ,- -; ,,,,. . ., � �i it.Ate"— pE 4- � — . ?3ti--, -411P,36-6414 - '''''_. j 1 St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor I 1420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 29 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT8S Appendix (continued) Equipment and Resources The following is a list of equipment owned by SFE, which is available for use on the proposed work as required: Quantity Name, Type &Capacity Condition 20 Bucket Truck, Diesel Gas Running Great 3 Crane Running Great 17 Dump Truck(Ford,GMC,and Ram) Running Great 3 Bore Machine, Running Great American/Vermeer/Ditch Witch 2 Bore Truck Running Great 16 Arrow Board, Bemis Allmand, Eclipse, Excellent Wanco,SolarTech,and Arrow Master 3 Concrete Saw, Meco and Core Cut Running Great 23 Flatbed Truck, Ford, GMC, and Chevy Running Great 4 Generator,Multiequipt Excellent 3 Saw Truck,Ford Running Great 6 Trencher, Ditch Witch and Vermeer Running Great 7 Light Tower Running Great 2 Conflict Monitor Tester(ATSI/PCMT Excellent Brand New ' 8000,CMU/MMU Tester) 1 170/2070 Controller Tester ; Excellent Brand New 1. ! NEMA TS 1 Controller Tester Excellent Brand New 2 Cabinet Test Display Excellent Brand New 1 2070N Controller Tester Excellent Brand New 1 ATSI MMT-900 Conflict Monitor Excellent Brand New Tester 1 x; 1.1 11141110.11 St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 30 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 Appendix (continued) , Litigation History SFE has no claims filed by SFE or against SFE that were related to the provision of services for more than 4 years. 4 - Acceptance of Conditions SFE has no exceptions or deviations to contractual or technical --, requirements; therefore, it accepts all conditions of this RFP and the Agreement for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services per Exhibit C. In Closing SFE would like to thank the City of Rosemead for giving us this opportunity to submit this RFP and for their consideration to use our local Staff as part of a crew that represents its City. If chosen our staff will make every effort to insure your City is our next best reference on future RFP's to other cities'.We don't strive to be the biggest but we do strive to be the BEST! Our Staff Assigned in Riverside County-See Below Our Office/Warehouse/Lab Testing Facility is Local itt ti �' - a * :ij 1 n 1 * .1 ' '' L Contractor A and C10 Licenses California Traffic and Civil Engineer Licenses [.7C -PM'S-- -+.. .. DG "sw;.i. o. .. 1003811 ate' �; raurp r-PVC11sAs L" n..uv a CIVIL ENCI.%EER a;nt,a[-.germ^iso a wet•• s.s 7Laotw+sr a...n c rEN Q;;;;71; t+h tCAAppp ALLEN ERNXANG CHEN CA 9(S7) 16,3: fR:1 RD LOS ALTOS HILLS CA 94072 '•�*MbD.wla µ.. De•artment of Industrial Relation SB 854 re•istration Number: 1000022208 Legal Name Registration County City stration Expiration Number .L.. Date ST FRANCIS 1000022208 ALAMEDA SAN 5/12/17 6/30/19 ELECTRIC LLC LEANDRO St.Francis Electric I A and C-10 Licensed Contractor 11420 Citrus St.Riverside,CA 92507 31 stfranciselectric.com—Phone(951)304-4903—Fax(951)274-0061—24/7/365 Traffic Signal Service 1-(844)-LIGHT88 S E M F O '9 CIVIC PRIDE 14/41M:07 Attachment C Siemens Proposal SIEMENS ' Helping Our Communities Become Vibrant, Growing & Green s Proposed to: , �'', k;' ', Mr. Robert Chavez "F " Public Works Manager , City Clerk's Office rKOSEME' A \ ': City of Rosemead Todds,',, `71-nn11 Toe,ri Ameri 44 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 riiiiik t 4AiaL 44. ---- : -- 1446 • / ( x f ' r�> o -s l iit M CAiIr, City of Rosemead Proposal for: Traffic Signal Maintenance Services (RFP NO. 2019-07) May 30th, 2019 S I E M E N S Mr. Robert Chavez ILotr .t4i#y-for(A f4.. Public Works Manager (/ City Clerk's Office City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Proposal for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services (RFP NO. 2019-07) Mr. Chavez, Siemens ITS would like to express our appreciation for the opportunity to participate in the proposal process for providing maintenance, emergency response and repairs for the City's traffic signal system. The prices and terms stated in our proposal package will remain in effect for 90 days from the date of submission, May 30th, 2019. Siemens Mobility, Inc. is a corporation, incorporated in the State of Delaware on November 29th, 2017. Siemens Intelligent Traffic Solutions (ITS) is a business unit within Siemens Industry, Inc. a subsidiary member of the Siemens AG corporate group. Our federal tax employer I.D. number is 30-1018552 and our corporate address is One Penn Plaza Suite 1100, New York, NY 10119. Siemens ITS is an electrical contracting firm who is a California licensed A & C-10 contractor (CA License #1042278) and is also a registered Public Works Contractor (DIR No. 1000059880), who provides leading edge traffic technology for the fast-paced Intelligent Transportation Systems world. Whether providing maintenance services, local controllers, controller firmware, central systems, system analysis, design, or integration, Siemens brings innovative and reliable solutions to customers. During the evaluation, if there are any questions regarding this proposal please, feel free to contact either of us using the contact information listed below. We look forward to continuing to serve the needs of the City of Rosemead and would like to thank you in advance for your consideration. Respectfully, Siemens Mobility, Inc. Siemens ►/•/� ' teven . Teal utchens Director of Services Area Operations Manager 2250 Business Way 2250 Business Way Riverside, CA 92501 Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 497-5043 Cell (714) 448-6943 Cell (951) 784-6600 Office (951) 784-6600 Office (951) 784-6700 Fax (951) 784-6700 Fax steven.teal@siemens.com michael.hutchens@siemens.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INFORMATION/ BACKGROUND ON THE CONTRACTOR 1 OUR QUALIFICATIONS 2 CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE/PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION 3 NEGATIVE HISTORY 4 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 4 KEY CONTACT 4 OFFICE/WAREHOUSE LOCATION 5 2. KEY PERSONNEL/QUALIFICATIONS 6 RESUMES AND GENERAL INFORMATION 7 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT TEAM 7 FIELD MAINTENANCE TEAM 8 MANAGEMENT CONTACTS 9 SUB-CONTRACTOR'S EXPERIENCE 10 3. PAST EXPERIENCE/REFERENCES 11 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE 11 REFERENCES 11 4. UNDERSTANDING OF SCOPE OF WORK AND WORK PROPOSAL 14 SCOPE OF WORK 14 Routine Maintenance 14 Emergency Response 17 Extraordinary Services 17 OUR APPROACH 18 WHAT SETS US APART 18 Testing Services 18 Fiber Optic Repair,Installation, Maintenance Services 19 Material Inventory 19 Spare equipment available to the City of Rosemead 19 USA Dig Alert 20 Loop Installation 20 Industry Specific Tools 20 Vehicles&Equipment 21 Communication and Teamwork 23 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 25 5. COST PROPOSAL ("SCHEDULE A-C" PAGES 17-19 FROM RFP) 26 1. Information/ background on the Contractor Our Past Founded by Werner Von Siemens (pictured right) in 1847, Siemens has 151 become a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the industry, energy and healthcare sectors. Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) entered the traffic industry market in 1924 with the implementation of the first signal system with red, yellow and green in 41:00010/ Berlin, Germany.Innovation continued when Siemens introduced the first centrally controlled light signal system in 1926 and a tradition of developing ground-breaking technology in the traffic industry began. With its many years of presence in the world markets, Siemens Traffic Solutions possesses extensive international know-how and proven technical platforms in the areas of traffic management and guidance. Siemens entered the US transportation market in 1997 when they acquired Automatic Signal/Eagle Signal Corporation. This gave Siemens an immediate business presence in the North American market for traffic signal equipment and traffic control systems. In the year 2000, Siemens acquired Gardner Transportation Systems, which strengthened our I.T.S. Engineering Offerings in the United States. Finally, in 2010 Siemens acquired Republic ITS, a U.S. leader in traffic signal equipment installation, maintenance, and service. This acquisition enabled Siemens to expand their reach into the traffic signal maintenance and construction business, making Siemens a leader in complete transportation solutions. S1t EAGLE Republic ITS Traffic Control Systems Intelligent Transportation Services Our Present Siemens Mobility Inc. currently services over 10,000 traffic signalized intersections and 400,000 streetlights under long-term maintenance agreements nationwide. We are dedicated to meeting and exceeding the challenging public safety requirements associated with our industry. Siemens has been in the traffic signal maintenance industry worldwide for over 50 years. Locally, Siemens Mobility Inc. (formerly Republic ITS & Signal Maintenance, Inc.) has been in business for over 40 years servicing numerous contracts throughout the state of California. Currently, in California alone Siemens Mobility Inc. maintains intersections for over 140 agencies encompassing over 4,000 locations of various sizes from full function intersections to in-pavement flashing crosswalks and rapid flashing beacons. Our Future At Siemens, we are always looking to the future and for our ITS division, the future is bright. With infrastructure improvement being the focus for many municipal governments these days, it is imperative that Siemens stays on the cutting edge of technology in order to remain relevant. Whether the agency is looking for connected vehicle, smart street lighting solutions, service/support contracting, ITS software and controllers or complete infrastructure management, Siemens is constantly evolving the industry. We look to the future with the foresight that can only be gained through 170 years of experience and more importantly, we aim to shape it. City of Rosemead Page 11 Proposal for:Traffic Signal Maintenance Services(RFP NO.2019-07) Our Qualifications Siemens Mobility Inc. is dedicated to meeting and exceeding the challenging public safety requirements associated with our industry. Siemens has been in the traffic signal maintenance industry worldwide for over 50 years. Locally, Siemens Mobility Inc. (formerly Republic ITS & Signal Maintenance, Inc.) has been in business for over 40 years servicing numerous contracts throughout the state of California. * Siemens Mobility Inc. continues to successfully execute long term service agreements . Emma � in over 200 communities nationwide,which include maintenance programs for: - 10,000 Signalized Intersections `T - 400,000 Streetlights - 600 Call Boxes In California, Siemens Mobility Inc. maintains traffic signals and street lighting for 140 * communities, encompassing: CALIFORNIA - 5,000 signalized locations 11111. - 40,000 streetlights - 600 Call Boxes As the leader in the private traffic signal and streetlight maintenance industry in the United States, Siemens Mobility Inc. is able to provide unparalleled expertise and outstanding value in traffic signal and street lighting related services.Among the most beneficial: ✓ Siemens Mobility Inc. has the largest workforce of IMSA level III Certified Technicians and NEC Certified Electricians in the industry. In addition, Siemens employs a wealth of key construction personnel for major repairs, dedicated utility locators for underground service alert (USA) Dig Alert service and Corning certified fiber optic technicians. ✓ Siemens Mobility Inc. has strategically positioned local field offices with an abundance of inventory and technical resources. ✓ Our ability to complete entire projects in-house. Although we have many valuable external partners, we do not have to rely on consultants, outside sub-contractors, or sourced project management. This improves communication, streamlines work, and eliminates unnecessary costs or delays. ✓ We give our Customers the access to effectively track progress and manage service orders and the ability to review historical intersection information using our web-based Customer Portal. All technicians wirelessly update the street light and traffic signal database as work is performed making all information available virtually real time. In summary, Siemens Mobility Inc. is focused on delivering what your city needs the most today, safe, reliable infrastructure solutions. Whether you choose to commute by foot, bike, car, bus or light rail, Siemens traffic management solutions can help you arrive safely, more efficiently and with less impact on the environment. City of Rosemead Page 12 Proposal for.Traffic Signal Maintenance Services(REP NO.2019-07) Contractor's License/ Public Works Contractor Registration Siemens Mobility Inc. is an electrical contracting firm who is California licensed and bonded as an A & C-10 contractor (CA License #1042278). Our company specializes in construction and maintenance of traffic signals, streetlights and associated equipment. Siemens Mobility, Inc.'s national staff of more than 200 employees includes an array of professional engineers and technicians with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), IMSA and numerous industry manufacturer and systems certifications. tee: . STATE OF CALIFORNIA • CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD it Pursuant to Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code and the Rules and Regulations of the Contractors Slate License Board, I the Registrar of Contractors does hereby issue this license to: SIEMENS MOBILITY INC " License Number 1042278 to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a contractor in the following classifications: • � C10-ELECTRICAL �r> A-GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR • Witness my hand and seal this day, AprIl 17,2019 - • Issued July 25,2018 Marto Richardson,Board Chair This license is the property of the Ree:atra,of Contractors, David R.Fo9t,Registrar of Contractors is not tr,nslereble,end than be returned to the Registrar -._• ..' upon demand when suspended,revoked,or lnvsildeted -- - `- ' tel any reason.It becomes void if not renewed. - - t I31.41 Men tong - Milkaer/esoao 1. Public Works Contractor Registration Pursuant to Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, (commencing with section 1720 of the California Labor Code.) State of California -.C,OV H Department of Industrial Relations 101.. Details Legal Name ! Reglstratlon County t City License TypeiNumber(s) Current Status Registration Expiration Ntenber Date Date View SIEMENS MOBILITY INC. 1000059880 ORANGE ANAHEIM C5LI3:10422T8 Active 07/30/2018 06/30/2019 City of Rosemead Page 13 Proposal for:Traffic Signal Maintenance Services(RFP NO.2019-07) Negative History At present Siemens Intelligent Traffic Solutions, a business unit of Siemens Mobility, Inc. (SMI) has no pending criminal, civil or administrative litigations. Please note that this certification primarily reflects information related only to this business unit and not to its affiliates. Intelligent Traffic Solutions is a part of a large corporate enterprise, with numerous directly or indirectly controlled or controlling affiliates, conducting various disparate businesses in multiple jurisdictions, and employing over 60,000 employees in the United States. Information from Siemens Mobility, Inc. affiliates regarding issues not material to the business of Siemens Mobility, Inc. is generally not centrally maintained by Siemens Mobility, Inc. As a result, Siemens Mobility, Inc. cannot ensure the completeness of such information. Consequently a material risk of insolvency to either the Service Provider or Guarantor or materially affects the Service Provider's or Guarantor's ability to perform their obligations due to pending litigation is not apparent. SMI performs tens of thousands of projects annually through over one hundred offices. As such SMI has been involved in miscellaneous litigations and disputes arising out of its business none of which are of a material nature as to adversely impact its ability to completely and satisfactorily perform any of its projects. Financial Information Siemens Mobility, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("SMI") is a subsidiary member of the Siemens AG corporate group, a multinational, multi-billion dollar company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. As such, Siemens AG files consolidated financial reports with the US Securities & Exchange Commission. A copy of Siemens, A.G. most recent annual report can be found at www.siemens.com through "Investor Relations". All required financial reports and filings are available at the SEC's website http://sec.gov/edqar.shtml. SMI and its subsidiaries are not publicly traded companies and do not release separate annual financial statements. Key Contact During the evaluation, if the City should have any inquiries regarding this proposal please, feel free to contact: Michael J. Hutchens Operations Manager 2250 Business Way Riverside, CA 92501 Office Phone (951) 784-6600 Fax(951) 784-6700 Email: michael.hutchens@siemens.com City of Rosemead Page I=1 . --- - - -- �� - - - _ . - - • .• 0-1 Office/Warehouse Location If selected, all contract management, coordination and field technicians will be based out of this office: Siemens ITS' Anaheim, CA Office Invoicing, Contract Administration, and Warehouse - 1026 E. Lacy Ave PPP"r �, a att Anaheim, CA 92805 C4 ;1101ly Phone (714)456-9902 1 :.`f ;Ill pi ; Fax(71 ) • 4 456-9905 `lj' 11 i. Our Anaheim location is located near Disneyland and is located just 28 miles from the Rosemead City center. The warehouse at this location stocks over $500,000.00 in inventory including new controllers, cabinets, signals, luminaries and most necessary ancillary devices. Though most of our staff keeps plenty of equipment on their trucks, if the need arises, this location can be easily accessed around the clock 365 days a year as a source of additional inventory that is readily available. With our Riverside warehouse facility 44 miles west of the city near the 60/215 freeway interchange, it houses another $600,000.00 in readily available equipment as an additional resource. Other Local Siemens ITS Facilities: Siemens ITS' Riverside, CA Office Siemens ITS' San Diego, CA Office Office, Warehouse, & Testing Facility Warehouse&Office 2250 Business Way 1820 John Towers Ave., Suite A Riverside, CA 92501 El Cajon, CA 92020 Phone (951) 784-6600 Phone (619) 562-1104 Fax(951) 784-6700 Fax(619) 562-1125 • City of Rosemead Page 15 • ••• . • .• .1.1 ► .in -nance Services REP NO.2019-07 2. Key Personnel/Qualifications As required, Siemens will assign an appropriate number of traffic signal technicians to this contract as necessary to provide traffic signal maintenance services as outlined in the City's RFP. Our services include a team of readily available/accessible qualified personnel, which meets or exceeds the specified qualifications.I<OSEMEAD istificz,, Today's Small Tutivn Anteri[3 AIL Steven Teal Director of Service Michael Hutchens Operations Manager 141,,I.-26 ,- , Shenoa Townsend Service Account Manager Debra McVay-Manzo Jennifer Dalby Service Coordinator Dispatcher I Micheal Ortega Minh Tran Henry Graves IMSA Level III Engineering Technician Field Supervisor Traffic Signal Technician Gerardo Anguiano 23 Const./Auxiliary 21 Additional IMSA Level ill Employees(Foreman, Traffic Signal Technicians Crane Operators, Traffic Signal Technician Groundsman,etc.) City of Rosemead Page 16 i. ... . •- ..ii' '. . u.i■ -n. ce Services RFP NO.2019-07 Resumes and General Information If selected, Shenoa Townsend will be the Account Manager serving the City of Rosemead. Shenoa, her service coordinator (Debra Mcvay-Manzo), the area supervisor (Henry Graves) and most importantly your assigned Technicians, will be responsible for maintaining communication with the City regarding daily operation and maintenance of all traffic signal equipment. Our account management team as well as our field staff will work closely with you and your team in order to ensure that all of your requests are being effectively addressed. We make every effort to make certain that the City's staff is always aware of issues that are in need of attention. Contract Management Team Shenoa Townsend,Service Account Manager Shenoa has 14 years of experience with service coordinating and contract management related to traffic signal and streetlight maintenance. She has served as Service Coordinator, Senior Service Account Coordinator and i t — now Service Account Manager. Shenoa is accountable for the overall contract performance in the Los Angeles ` y and Ventura County areas, manages 8 field employees and will be responsible for the overall contract performance and day to day correspondence for this contract. If selected, Shenoa will be directly responsible for administering the contract and ensuring all maintenance activities are performed in line with the City's scope of work. Shenoa will be the first point of contact and can assist with all inquiries pertaining to the entire agreement. Experience: Other Industry Certifications: - - Service Account Manager,Siemens-2015 to Present Microsoft Word/Excel - - Senior Service Account Coordinator,Siemens-2012 to 2015 Adobe Products - - Jr.Project Manager,Republic ITS-2008 to 2012(acquired by siemens in 2010) Microsoft Project - - Service Coordinator,Republic ITS-2005 to 2008 SAP(ERP System) Debra McVay-Manzo,Service Coordinator Debra has 6 years of experience maintaining customer contracts and providing support to the management and field execution team. She is well versed in many software applications and systems including, but not limited to, Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook, Live Meeting, SAP ERP systems, Photo Mcompanion, and SharePoint. Debra is responsible for day to day coordination,dispatching, Customer not and supports Shenoa and the field technicians with all other topics. Other Certifications: Experience: - SAP(ERPSystem) - Service Coordinator,Siemens-2014 to Present - Administrative Support, Siemens-2012 to 2014 IIIHenry Graves,Maintenance Field Supervisor Henry has 32 years of experience maintaining and repairing traffic signal and streetlight systems. He is extremely knowledgeable with all field elements including, but not limited to, traffic signal rewiring, underground conduit installation, traffic signal modifications, pole foundation removal and installation, complete traffic signal installation, and routine/emergency maintenance response. Henry will be responsible for supporting the Service Account Management Team with monitoring maintenance field activities,site inspections, and scheduling maintenance technicians. Experience: 40DIM - Field Supervisor,Siemens-2010 to Present Your Purim In PUBLIC SAFETY - Maint.Superintendent,Republic ITS-2004 to 2010(acquired by Siemens in 2010) - IMSA Work Zone Safety - Utility Supervisor,Signal Maintenance,Inc.-2000 to 2004(acquired by Republic in 2004) - Utility Lead,Signal Maintenance,Inc.-1995 to 2000 - Utility Worker,Superior Signal Services-1986 to 1995 City of Rosemead Page I y • , . I • I Field Maintenance Team Siemens will assign one primary IMSA certified Level III traffic signal technician to perform the cities routine preventive maintenance for each traffic signal, flashing beacons, and speed feedback signs. Your primary technician will also be responsible for responding to calls within normal business hours. We will assign a secondary IMSA Level III traffic signal technician to provide back up support in the event your primary technician is unavailable (i.e. vacation, sick days,jury duty, etc.). Siemens Mobility Inc. has a total of 7 certified Traffic Signal Technicians assigned to Los Angeles/Ventura Counties that will provide a 24-hour call service for unscheduled work and emergencies.Technicians responding to call outs outside of normal business hours will be qualified and at least an IMSA Level II certified technician. Each technician in the area (including your primary technician) will be involved in the weekly call rotation which starts Monday at 7:00am and ends the following Monday at 7:00am. Primary Technician Micheal Ortega,Traffic Signal Technician Mike has 15 years of experience with all facets of traffic signal maintenance and repair. He is extremely knowledgeable with all traffic signal control equipment, specifically 170/2070 controllers and BiTrans /LACO software systems. Mike also has a vast understanding of the field elements such as traffic signal wiring, loop detection,video detection, emergency vehicle and railroad preemption, etc. Experience: COM - Traffic Signal Technician,Siemens-2010 to Present Y•.Partner in MILK SAFETY - Traffic Signal Technician,Republic ITS-2007 to 2010(acquired by Siemens in 2010) - IMSA Work Zone Safety - Traffic Signal Technician,Signal Maintenance-2001 to 2004(acquired by Republic In 2004) - IMSA Level I,II,III Certified Traffic Signal Technician Other Industry Certifications: - Bucket Truck Certified - ATSI CMU/MMU Test Equipment Certified Secondary Technician I Gerardo Anguiano,Traffic Signal Technician Gerardo has over 17 years' experience in traffic signal maintenance, with extensive experience on all types of . systems. He is extremely knowledgeable with video detection,telemetry,communications and all other aspects of traffic signal and streetlight maintenance as well as troubleshooting. Experience: CREM - Traffic Signal Technician,Siemens—2010 to Present Your Panna.In PUBLIC SAFETY - Traffic Signal Technician,Republic ITS—2007-2010 - IMSA Work Zone Safety - Traffic Signal Technician,Signal Maintenance—2001-2004 - IMSA Level 1,11,111 Certified Traffic Signal Technician Other Industry Certifications: - NEC Certified • Cert.No.E-114965-G • Expires:05/25/2020 - Econolite ASC3 Controller Certified - Econolite Autoscope Certified - Bucket Truck Certified - ATSI CMU/MMU Test Equipment Certified City of Rosemead Page 18 • --- - - _. - - ' - - • k• I •-I Management Contacts Michael Hutchens is the Southwest Area Operations Manager and is responsible for all operations in California and directly manages the service team that, if selected, would be managing the day to day traffic signal maintenance activities in the City of Rosemead. Steven Teal, the Director of Service for Siemens Mobility Inc., is heavly involved in the operations and is available as an escalation point if ever necerssary. Both Michael and Steven have signatory authority and are authorized to execute legal documents on behalf of Siemens Mobility,Inc. Steven M.Teal,Director of Service(U.S.) Steven has had a long, productive, and successful career in the traffic signal maintenance and repair industry. Currently he assumes the accountability for overall profits and losses for the complete Customer Service (CS) business nationwide with responsibility for 60 office employees, management of 250 field employees and over 250 municipal traffic signal and street lighting maintenance contracts. Steven is involved in the local operations and will provide technical support to the local contract management team. We feel it's important that Customers have the ability to voice opinions, concerns, and compliments to our senior managers,therefore Steven will be available to you as a top level escalation point. Experience: r?Kst] Your - Director of Service(U.S.),Siemens-October,2015 to Present �artner I^PUBLIC SAFETY - Southwest Operations Manager,Siemens-2012 to 2015 - IMSA Work Zone Safety - Regional Manager,Republic ITS-2007 to 2012(acquired by Siemens in 2010) - IMSA Level I, II, Ill Certified Traffic - Operations Manager,Republic ITS-2006 to 2007 Signal Technician - Project Manager,Republic ITS-2004 to 2006 - IMSA Associate Member - Maint.Manager,Signal Maintenance,Inc.-2003 to 2004(acquired by Republic ITS in 2004) Other Industry Certifications: - Lead Traffic Signal Technician,Signal Maintenance,Inc.-2001 to 2003 - Microprocessors - Traffic Signal Technician,Signal Maintenance,Inc.-1998 to 2001 - Iteris Video Detection 111 Michael Hutchens, Area Operations Manager Mike has over 24 years of extensive experience in both the technical and construction related aspects of the traffic signal and streetlight maintenance industry. He has served in many different capacities with increasing responsibility as he has shown himself to be thorough, professional and competent through the years from field laborer to project management, and most recently Operations management. Mike is responsible for overall profits and losses for the Southwest US territory with responsibility for 30 office employees, management of 70 field employees and 115 traffic signal and street lighting maintenance Customers. Mike is directly involved in the day to day operations. Mike will support the contract management team and also serve as the City's first point of escalation,if necessary. Experience: 1.7k:IiMg sZi - Operations Manager,Siemens-November,2015 to Present Your Parts In PUBLIC SAFETY - Senior Service Account Manager,Siemens-2010 to 2015 - I MSA Work Zone Safety - Sr.Project Manager,Republic ITS-2006 to 2010(acquired by Siemens in 2010) - IMSA Level I,II,III Certified Traffic Signal - Maintenance Operations Manager,Team Econolite-2003 to 2006 Technician - Chief Estimator,US Traffic Corporation-1998 to 2003 - Utility Technician,Signal Maintenance,Inc.-1994 to 1998 City of Rosemead Page 19 • ... _ . • _.' '.._ u.'. -.. - -a. - . . ki I •-17 Additional Resources In addition to the previously mentioned technicians, Siemens has 21 additional traffic signal technicians (mostly IMSA III certified) located in the Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego County areas. We also employ over 20 key construction personnel for major repairs. These include certified crane operators, dedicated utility locators for(USA) Dig Alert service and Corning certified fiber optic technicians. The following list is a complete listing of all available technicians with corresponding certifications. 1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ROSTER e0 Wo,nose troll l.vdu Isere 01 - Aran employee Name Pedalos/Ma La.d1 Moab Inspector NEC ,�f ¢o �. Sealy Technician T.chdcW Torinlean s,eVrn,ra, nkntnr of Setaire o a d a A r e q Mrarm.crl,rn, recrsOleianomManagd a a a a t j II Manager./ Iet.rey Fie., Service Amman.Manag et C7 O a a * s Supwimn ��� ,,//�/ Christopher Sloane Field Sapernsnr it oranuniarvvtiliryl a a SQ. •, r Henry Graves Void Samar..fllakueranel a c U/OEW i Rodrigo Donner Sufic Signal tectnldan O O a O O O E OF FXCELLETICf arrim Damn Tintlk SignalTnMirinn a a a a o a N.nmvari, TrarerSignal Technician O a a O a Orange County r.err•i.:a Alnlrb Tame Signal Tnit'a,alan O a 9 O William FUllmann Tretir Sgml Technician 9 d a Rodney rad Sound,Commuicationsiednnian 3 David Elias I relic signal technician O C ulture 0 MU,do Hemavei rulsc Signet chnkian 3 a a a lsa 4);S S It n,jmin Ftellips -runic Signal Technic Ian a a a ; S OYgo County bc y r.7 timothy Koanan t i.dn Signal!menet 4 d a Raphael Lo • Suerilght-n Indio ,t Samson Mario lead Traffic Signal Th leien a a a 3 e ' .a 0/011 Tin-Inky Wap. lead'Nene Siga 1 Tec I dam a a O r, br 5. e rnara[no! Albano Karolyn_ Trek SgnlTe(1nKYn a a a6 O �.o, as\ v F' longe Luria» Staffs Signal techniciana aP RN.nld.CountyNook Nanros trek Sgnatlectniden a 3 a a t- It"s a min c et).iii an.rt>oo T.Itrn Signa,Ted.,ki.n a a a O bunion Sind] Ttatfc Sig ml Telnklan _.__...0 0_ .� a - Cnatdn o Anguiao ITe b affit Sig .- 6 . a a a a a I rods McNe@ traffic Signal Technician a ® a a 3 Ins Artg.Yn/ tmlgdio Creams trekSignal Tednidan a 3 3 3 Sti;heat Ortega irelfia SigNI TecMkt+n O a a a vertwre County ben Ldsm Tres:Signal t ednidan O O O a TRAINEu Mende kimono Ttarfie Signal Te,k kion aa Jamb Gamboa r,affic Signal/Street Light Groundmen 0 ,a 9 p,a a.-.Sp.cY1bV Mina,Tian emgina.r6N g T. nician/SpecYeat a 3 3 a d Marlow Hagin Traffic Signal&peclage/I ab Taranken O O a O O A. T.shnlcsl Suppan Nahariel bake leefir Signal/Mae Optics Technician a O a .y Sinn le Sn,Iight/rtaific Slgral Technician a O d a a - - ChristopherFranco Stremijht/TietkSkim'Technician a a a a a 'ERTIFIE°'' CoGn Landis SUreeegln./TMbl Sigma Te ken 3 3 a a David Moline trek Signal CnnN niers toren. O a O Cele Telly ler. Thetis Signal Cantina-km Foreman a a Craig Vanes Ttdfa Signal Ferner,Loop Cana Lad i Hugo Mums intik Signe Seminar,Cure Oleamr a len Willis Trek Sgrel/Sgrn Light Groundman a 5, a Chad Newmrs tyska Signal Gtoardnsen,Crane Operator a ,, 9 �, [onmueetan Jar David Woman Trnhi:Signal Gro.ndmen,Crane°prim, O - hooey Support ,oar Robles Banns. Trarfi Sig...VSuee Light GlnerTm.n a Ogen Cranio Tredic Signal Grourdnsan.Loop Crew a lohne than forger Wife.Sig nal/So rn Light Goundm.n OI titin luaus trek Signeelbar optics Technician a a(�. frank MA.. traffic Signal/Sum light Groundman a e/ Hyman Na"wda Trek Signe/Sure lig hi Gloundnaln aP c Ike s Mara IVretina trek Signe/Mien Light Gmundman a ca r_y Gracia USA Underground Utifdy lemons a Raphael Vargas Seem 11pM outage Check., Sub-Contractor's Experience We are not anticipating the need of any subcontractors with this contract. If it becomes necessary, we will make sure the City is notified and all required information is provided ahead of any work being performed. City of Rosemead Page 110 Proposal for:Traffic Signal Maintenance Services(RFP NO.2019-07) 3. Past Experience/References Previous Experience 633 East Broadway,Room 300 Glendale,City of • Traffic Signal Maintenance Pastor Casanova (818)548-3945 Glendale,CA 91206 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Steve Barry (909)824-6621 Grand Terrace,CA 92324 825 E.Third Street San Bernardino,County of Traffic Signal Maintenance Ed Petrie (909)387-8186 San Bernardino,CA 92514 References Siemens has been extremely successful in retaining traffic signal, streetlight, and engineering customers due to our desire to offer the best possible customer service. We have an exemplary customer service track-record highlighted by our well-qualified field personnel, knowledgeable customer service representatives, and proprietary detailed monthly reports. We understand what is required to maintain a community's infrastructure and strive to exceed our customer's expectations. 68 South First Street Alhambra,City of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Stan Hertel (626)570-5074 Jun-07 Ongoing $15,000.00 Alhambra,CA 91801 200 South Anaheim Blvd Anaheim,OW of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Jeff Swanson 17141 412-9233 Oct-04 Ongoing $1,080,000.00 Anaheim,CA 92805 14955 Dale Evans Pkwy. (760)240-7000 Oct-04 Ongoing $183,395.00 Apple Valley,Town of Apple Valley,CA 92307 Traffic Signal Maintenance Mike Cadet' ex17544 11800 Goldring Road Arcadia,City of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance David McVey (626)256-6676 Oct-04 Ongoing $44,470.00 Arcadia,CA 91066 18747 Clarkdale Ave Artesia,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance C Hu La (714)974-7863 Dec-97 Ongoing $25,000.00 Artesia.CA 90701 213 E.Foothills Blvd. Traffic Signal Maintenance Carl Hassel (626)812-5064 Sep-88 Ongoing 965,800.00 Azusa,City of Azusa,CA 91702 99 Ramsey Street Banning,City of gaming,CA 92220 Traffic Signal Maintenance Kahono Oei (951)922-3130 Feb-96 Ongoing $25,000.00 220 East Mountain View St,Suite A Barstow,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Domingo D.Gonzales (760)255-5121 May-11 Ongoing $245,670.00 Barstow,CA 92311 3801 West Temple Avenue Cal Poly Pomona Traffic Signal Maintenance Earl Roberts (909)869-7659 Jul-10 Ongoing 91,Oo0.00 Pomona,Ca 91768 100 Gvic Center Way Calabasas,City of Calabasas.CA 91302 Traffic Signal Maintenance Ryan Thompson (818)224-1673 Jun-11 Ongoing $50,coo.00 908 Park Avenue [909)795-9801 Calimese,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Bob French Oct-04 Ongoing $25,000.00 Cal'mesa,CA 92320 ext.235 13220 Central Ave Chino,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Mario Flores (909]591-9828 Jul-12 Ongoing $918,374.00 China,CA 91710 650 No La Cadena Drive Colton,City of k Colton,CA 92324 1 Traffic Signal Maintenance Victor Ortiz (909)370-5065 . -08 Ongoing $87,120.00 2535 Commerce Way (323)722-4805 Commerce,City of Commerce,CA 90040 Traffic Soria!Maintenance Victor San Lucas Ext 2206 Oct-04 Ongoing $50.000.00 400 South Vicentia Ave. On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Gabriel Hernandez (951)903-9286 Apr-04 Ongoing $125,000.00 Corona,City of Corona,CA 92882 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa,City of Traffic Si9nal Maintenance David Lha (714)754-5017 Mar-11 Ongoing $347.016.00 Costa Mesa,CA 92628 5220 Santa Ara Street Cudahy,City of Traffic Signal&Streetlight Maintenance Greg Castanon (323)773-5143 Jun-85 Ongoing $15,000.00 Cudahy,CA 90201 Dana Point,City of 33282 Golden Lantern Traffic Signal Maintenance Matt Sinacori [949)248-3574 Jul-02 Ongoing $35,000.00 Dana Point,CA 92629 65950 Pierson Blvd Desert Hot Spirrgs,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Scott Wittig (760)329-6411 Mar-11 Ongoing $4,000.00 Desert Hot Springs,CA 92240 21825 E.Copley Drive Traffic Signal Maintenance David Liu (909)839-7041 Sep-00 Ongoing $150,000.00 Diamond Bar,City of Diamond Bar,CA 91765 10200 Slater Ave. Fountain Valley.City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Temo Galvez (714)593-4517 Oct-00 Ongoing $100,000.00 Fountain Valley,CA 92708 11222 Acacia Parkway Garden Grove,City of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Rosemarie Jacot (714)741-5000 Feb-12 Ongoing $300,000.00 Garden Grove CA 92840 1700 West 102nd Street Gardena.City of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Jon Felix (310)217-9642 Sep-98 Ongoing $5,000.00 Gardena,CA 90247 13533 Seal Beach Blvd Golden Rain Foundation Traffic Signal Maintenance Mark Weaver [562)431-6586 Dec-91 Ongoing $5,000.00 Seal Beach,CA 90740 1315 Valley Drive Hermosa Beach,City of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Frank Senteno (310)318-0259 Sep-98 Ongoing $1,000.00 Hermosa Beach,CA 90254 15776 Main Street Hesperia,City of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Scott Smith (760)947-1814 Jul-03 Ongoing $15.000.00 Hesperia,CA 92345 City of Rosemead Page I 11 • ••• . ... ii. . .. - - - e RFP NO.2019-07 27215 Base Line (909)864-6861 ext. h6ghland,0t of F6ghland,CA 92346 Traffic Signal Maintenance Dennis Barton 251 Jul-02 Ongoing $5800.00 2000 Main Sl Huntington Beach,City of Huntington Beach,CA 92646 Streetlight Maintenance Bob Stachelski (714)536-5523 Jul-17 Ongoing $2,250,000.00 93-101Avenue 45 Indo,City of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Ben Salazar (760)347-1058 Jul-06 Ongoing $25,000.00 Indio,CA 92201 6427 Oak Canyon 113 Traffic SiMaintenance Dave Flans 724-7684 Sep-98 Ongoing $850,826.00 Irvine,City of Irvine,CA 92618 San (949) 201 West La Habra Blvd La Habra,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Nelson Wong (562)905-9622 Jul-10 Ongoing $93.000.00 La Habra,C.90633 15900 E.Main Street La Puente,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Ricardo Carrillo (626)855-1500 Jan-09 Ongoing $55,000.00 La Puente,CA 91744 78-495 Calle Tampico La Orenta,City of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Kris Gunterson (760)777-7051 Sep-08 Ongoing $1.00000 La quints.CA 9229 24264 El Toro Road Laguna Woods.City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Douglas C.Reilly [949)452-0600 Oct-09 Ongoing $45,00000 Laguna Woods,CA 92637 24360 Narbonne Lomita,City of Traffic Signal&Streetlight Maintenance Gregory McPherron (310)325-7110 Feb-03 Ongoing $5,000.00 Lomita,CA 90717 23815 Stuart Ranch Road Traffic Signal Maintenance Richard Calvin (310)456-2489 May-98 Ongoing $7,920.00 Malibu.Gryal Malibu,CA 90265 4319 East Slauson Avenue Maywood-City of Maywood.CA 90270 Traffic Signal Maintenance Ed Ahrens (323)562-5024 Aug-79 Ongoing $30,000.00 1600 West Beverly Blvd Montebello,City of Montebello,CA 90640 Traffic Signal Maintenance Sam Kouri (323)887-1462 Sep-99 Ongoing $150,000.00 799 Moorpark Ave. Moorpark,City of Moorpark,CA 93021 Traffic Signal Maintenance Michael Nazito (805)529-6864 .1.4-87 Ongoing $20,000.00 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach,City ofd Beach,CA 92663 Traffic Signal Maintenance Bryan Loo (949)644-3324 Oct-04 Ongoing $280,000.00 Newp100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach,City of Newport Beach,CA 92660 Streetlight Maintenance Anthony Nguyen (949)644.3080 Aug-17 Ongoing $280800.00 1281 Fifth Street Norco,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance William Thompson (951)270-5601 Dec-06 Ongoing $25,000.00 Norco,CA 92860 303 E.B Street Ontario,City of Ontario,CA 91764 Traffic Signal Maintenance Mau-icio Diaz (909)395-2151 Jul-06 Ongoing $497,124.50 303 E.B Street Ontario,City of Streetlight Maintenance Patrick Malloy (909)395-2600 Oct-04 Ongoing $568-48500 Ontario,CA 91764 Orange County 550 South Main Street Call Box Maintenance Patrick Sampson (714)560-5425 Jul-09 Ongoing $300,000.00 Transportation Authority Orange,CA.92863 73510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert,City of palm Desert,CA 92260 Traffic Signal Maintenance Robert Becerra (760)346-0611 Feb-06 Ongoing $100,000.00 746 Industrial Ave. Port Hueneme,City of Port Hueneme,CA 93041 Traffic Signal Maintenance Rita Turbyville (805)986-6507 Jul-96 Ongoing $25,000.00 P.O.Box 789 Poway,City of Streetlight Maintenance Diane Mann (858)668-4640 Jul-13 Ongoing $50,600.00 Poway,CA 92074 P.O.Box 789 Poway,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Diane Mann (858)668-4640 Jul-16 Ongoing $75,00080 Poway,CA 92074 10500 Civic Center.Dr. Rancho Cucamonga,City of Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91729 Traffic Signal Maintenance Ernie Ruiz (909)477-2700 Oct-04 Ongoing $828,050.00 69-825 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage.City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Si)Harrison 1760)770-3224 May-04 Ongoing $14000.00 Rancho Mirage,CA 92270 4045 Palos Verdes Drive N. Rolling Pills Estates,City of 0. Rolling Hills,CA 90274 Traffic Signal Maintenance Greg Grarrrner (310)377-1577 Feb-99 Ongoing $50,0000 222 West Hospitality San Bernardno Waste San Bernardino,CA 92415 Traffic Signal Maintenance Brooks Webb (909)386-8915 Nov-08 Ongoing $15,000.00 117 Macneil Street Sari Fernando,City of On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Michael Walker 1818)898-1297 Oct-04 Ongoing $55,000.00 San Fernando,Ca 91340 San Marino-City of 2200 Huntington Drive Traffic Signal Maintenance Dean Warner (6261960-1809 Jan-93 Ongoing $25.000.00 San Marino,CA 91108 970 Ventura St Santa Paula,City of Santa Paula,CA 93060 Traffic Signal Maintenance Clifford Finley (805)933-4298 Jun-06 Ongoing $100,000.00 211 Eighth Street Seal Beach,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Bill Moran (562)493-8660 Oct-04 Ongoing $49,76100 Seal Beach,CA 90740 336 Pacific Avenue Shaffer,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Michael James 1661)746-2065 Ex1.118 Mar-92 Ongoing $2,500.00 Shaffer,Ca 93263 2929 Tape Canyon Road Simi Valley,City of Simi Valley,CA 93063 Traffic Signal Maintenance Dave Medna [805)583-6700 Aug-03 Ongoing $200,000.00 635 South Highway 101 Solana Beach,City of Streetlight Maintenance Steve Kerr (858)720-2400 Jul-11 Ongoing $29,70400 Solana Beach,CA 92075 635 South Highway 101 Solana Beach,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Steve Kerr (858)720-2400 Jul-il Ongoing $24200.00 Solana Beach,CA 92075 South El Monte,City d 1415 Santa Anita Ave Traffic Signal Maintenance Patrick Lang (626 579-6540 A 95 ❑ $50 00000 South EI Monte,CA 91733 ) 825 Mission Street South Pasadena,City of South Pasadena,CA$1030 Traffic Signal Maintenance Gabriel Nevarez (626)403-7379 Mar-87 Ongoing $49,000.00 P.O.Box 128,Mail Stop W47 Southern California Edson Traffic Signal Maintenance Tony Jaime (800)332-3612 Jan-03 Ongoing $2,500.00 San Clemente-CA 92672 P.O.Box 995 Twentyrvne Palms,City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Jose Nieves (760)367-7623 Ju4-88 Ongoing $5-00080 Twentymine Palms,CA 92277 University of California, 200 Public Services Building Traffic Signal Maintenance Kevin Tobin 949-824-0967 Oct-04 Ongoing $50,000.00 Irvine[UGI Irvine,Ca.92697 City of Rosemead Page 112 Proposal for:Traffic Signal Maintenance Services(RFP NO.2019-07) University of California, 555 Westwood Plaza Suite 165 ,Traffic Signal&Count Station Maintenance Piyali Chardui (310)206.8564 May-12 Ongoing $4,00000 Los Angeles(UCLA) Los Angeles,Ca 90095 1785 Santiago Blvd Villa Park.City of Traffic Signal Maintenance Jarad L.Ffldenbrard (7141998-1500 Jan-87 Ongoing $5,000:00 Villa Park,CA 92861 1165 E.Taylor Stree (mo)726- 1340 Vista City of Traffic Signal&Streetlight Maintenarce Dennis Dudek ExL1631 Jam Ongoing $54,166.10 Vista,CA 92084 1444 Wed Garvey Ave West Covina,City of On-Call Traffic Signal Mairienance Carlos Dominguez (626)939-8784 Sep-98 Ongoing $2,50000 West Covina CA 91790 8300 Santa Monica Blvd P West Hollywood.City of Rapid Flash Beacon Maintenance Eric Mllsap (323)848-6368 Jul-13 Ongoing 910.000.00 Well Hollywood,CA 90069 23873 Girton Keith Road ailte 201 Wildomar,City of Wldomar,CA 92595 Traffic Signal Maintenance Jon Crawford (951)990-3600 Ju000.l-09 Ongoing $25, 00 10250 Iron Rock Way Willdan Engineering USA DigAlert John Pumphrey (916)687-364 Dec-11 Ongoing $35400000 Elk Grove CA 95624 589288usines Cerner U. Yucca Valley,Town of Traffic Signal Maintenance Barbara Noble (760)369-6579 Aug-13 Ongoing $10000.00 Yucca Valley,CA 92264 pF 04L �VPPo . c • o. Valifillii:022 HtfV.) ...),,......01-*...4--7.-----,-At \p, ., .... „ 2wJIP �. PUBLIC UTILITIESfivO'IL �1' �r. -` ry ‘71,4-3' . --4iL‘i ys 'N....0' fFOR \k`-„,c.,1% -f o p r 0 { City of Rosemead Page I 13 • ••• . . - 'ii. u. a -a.a - -1i - RFPNO.2019-07 4. Understanding of Scope of Work and Work Proposal Through multiple incarnations of this service business (SMI, Republic Electric and now Siemens Mobility Inc.) and numerous years of field and office experience in the area, our field and management personnel have developed a unique and broad perspective of the needs of the traffic signal maintenance industry in California. With that stated, every contract is different and we strive to continually develop processes that not only comply with the requirements of the contracts that we serve, but to help fill the gaps and modify our processes as the needs for our clients evolve. Infrastructure changes, Siemens understands that and we as a company are highly adaptable to change. We have a plethora of industry specific tooling that allows us to state with 100% confidence that we will have no problem in this area. This coupled with our strong relationships with industry leading subcontractors, allows us to service all aspects of this particular contract. Scope of Work It is always the goal of Siemens Mobility Inc. to hone our service around a Customer's needs.We understand that throughout the term of a contract of this type, those needs may change.We approach all of our contracts with the same vision; build a partnership with the City's staff and work towards achieving common goals set forth through that partnership. We realize that this is an ever evolving process and that is why we believe that the only successful route is through establishing these common goals.This methodology and a commitment to service will be applied to every aspect of our maintenance program for the City of Rosemead. Routine Maintenance D Preventive Maintenance (PM) Checklist Form: Maintain a copy of the Preventive Maintenance Checklist Form approved by the City at each traffic signal. The PM Checklist Form will be completely filled out during each maintenance inspection and during any time repairs are made to the traffic signal controller or any related equipment in the controller cabinet or the signal equipment at the intersection (detector loops, pedestrian heads, signal heads, lenses, lamps and signal poles, etc.). D Intersection Records: Ensure that all intersection cabinet wiring diagrams are present and up to date. D Verify timing charts to controllers. If they are not correct contact City staff to verify differences and request update timing chart. D Controller Cabinet Mounting: Check the snugness of the nuts on the traffic signal cabinet anchor bolts, tighten, if necessary, being sure not to distort the cabinet door opening by over tightening. D Controller Cabinet Foundation Seal: If standing water or evidence of water is present inside the bottom of the cabinet, check the seal between the bottoms of the foundation for deterioration, and reseal the cabinet foundation as necessary with duct seal. D Door Gaskets: Check all door gaskets on the controller cabinet, service cabinet and any other enclosures for evidence of moisture or deterioration. Report the need to completely replace any gaskets showing signs of leaking or deterioration. D Cabinet Vents: Check the vents in both the cabinet door and above the door, or at the top of the cabinet to ensure that they are free of any foreign material. Air Filter: Vacuum, replace or knock out any dust accumulated in air filters.Take appropriate action based on the condition of the filter. D Cabinet Fan:Verify that cabinet fan(s) operate properly with a minimum of noise. D Thermostat: Verify that the cabinet fan thermostat is set at 96 degrees and operational. D Interior Light:Verify the proper operation of the cabinet's interior light. D Door Panel Harnesses: Check the harnesses leading from the main panel and auxiliary panels on the cabinet door to ensure they are not being pinched and do not bind against the cabinet door.Adjust, if necessary. D Hinges and Locks: Check for free movement of all doors, latching assemblies and locks on the controller cabinet, service cabinet and any other enclosures. Use a minimum of oil or spray lubricant and remove any excess. D Vacuum Cabinet: Blow or brush off shelves, terminal blocks and components and thoroughly vacuum the interior of the cabinet. City of Rosemead Page I 14 Proposal for:Traffic Signal Maintenance Services(RFP NO.2019-07) ➢ Insect or Rodent Infestation: Check for signs of ants, wasps or other insects or rodents within the cabinet, Check duct seal on conduits for proper fit and snugness. Use appropriate insect traps or powders if any positive findings are discovered. More serious problems will be reported to the City. ➢ Cabinet Grounding: Using appropriate equipment, check annually the resistance between AC and ground. ➢ Service Connections:Verify the neutral, ground and power connections are secure in the controller and service cabinets. ➢ Plug-In Components: Check that each plug-in component (rack mount detectors, relays, load switches, etc.) fits tightly and securely. ➢ Ground Fault Receptacle:Verify the proper operation of"Test" and "Reset" buttons on GFCI type outlets. D. Controller Operation: Manually place vehicle and pedestrian calls on each phase through the cabinet test switches or the controller keypad, to verify controller servicing of each active phase. Check controller logs for any faults that have occurred and make note for the file. Confirm controller time and dates are correct. (Especially after day light savings time change). ➢ Conflict Monitor/Malfunction Management Unit: Verify time and dates are correct in any CMU/MMU with an internal clock. D. Detector Operation (inductive loops):Verify the detection zones for each detector by observing the turn-on of the appropriate detection indicator as a vehicle passes over the detector loop(s). Check also that a call is placed on the correct controller phase. D. Detector Operation (video detection): Verify camera operation by monitoring the vehicle call on the video controller unit.Also, verify the calls going to the detector call page in the controller. D. Equipment Displays and Indicators: Verify that all LED and LCD displays and indications on all cabinet equipment are working properly. D. Battery Backup System: (If Equipped) Check battery backup display for AC IN, UPS OUTPUT, and INVERTER indications. All should be on when utility power is supplied to the cabinet. Make note if either is out of range. Keep records of events recorded and total battery run time between maintenance checks to help indicate problem intersections. Check all battery connections to ensure they are clean and secure. Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning units or parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Intersection Walk-Around (included as a part of Routine Maintenance): D. General: Remove any easily removable, unauthorized signs, stickers and posters and note any graffiti existing on signal poles or equipment. Notify City of any graffiti observed on traffic signal equipment. ➢ Signal Heads: Verify that all vehicle and pedestrian heads properly display all indications and the signals are not damaged. Verify the alignment of all heads to the intended direction.Verify that all back plates, visors and doors are visibly secure. Report any landscaping that restricts the view of signal heads to the City (Signal heads should be visible from 250 feet). Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning displays with ITE approved LED units will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. D. Pedestrian Equipment: Check all pedestrian push buttons (and bicycle push buttons where provided) and signals by hand to ensure that they are securely mounted and operating properly. Replace damaged or malfunctioning buttons with larger size 2" ADA type buttons as necessary. Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning buttons will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. ➢ Internally illuminated street name signs (IISNS) or Reflectorized Street Name Signs (RSNS): Verify that the IISNS or RSNS is adequately connected to frame, clamp and brackets, and no panel is broken or missing. Labor and material costs to replace damaged parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. ➢ Safety Lighting (Night Check): Conduct nighttime check of safety lights and illuminated street name signs at signalized intersections where such devices exist. Submit to the City for approval a report listing necessary repairs with cost estimates. Labor and material costs to replace damaged parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. City of Rosemead Page 115 Proposal for:Traffic Signal Maintenance Services(RFP NO.2019-07) ➢ Miscellaneous: Check all detector loops for sealant deterioration, exposed wire, etc. Labor and material costs to reseal or replace loops will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Semi-Annual (Twice yearly) In addition to the Monthly preventative maintenance services above ➢ Air Filter: Replace air filters for Traffic Cabinet, Service Cabinet and if equipped Battery Backup Cabinet every 6 months. ➢ Electrical service: (type II or Type III pedestal) customer section of electrical service will be thoroughly cleaned and documented on the cabinet log book to date and time of cleaning Annual (Yearly) In addition to the Monthly&Semi-Annual preventative maintenance services above ➢ Annual Conflict Monitor Testing: Replace conflict monitor units and malfunction monitor units (CMU's, MMU's)with a spare unit and testing and certification. Printed certifications meeting industry standards will be provided to the City for each monitor unit. Labor and material costs to repair or replace failed or obsolete units will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Preventive Maintenance Flashing Beacons, Flashing Crosswalks, and Speed Feedback Signs The maintenance of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and speed feedback signs will be conducted on a Bi- monthly basis. Routine Maintenance (Bi-Monthly) The maintenance and inspection of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and electronic speed feedback signs will include, but not limited to: • Clean cabinet inside and outside,wipe down all lenses, displays and remove any foreign material. ■ Check power supply voltage, Check Batteries, solar equipment/chargers, voltage regulators and verify operations. • Check settings for on/off timing, flashing rate, flashing duration, and time of day. • Maintain all digital time clocks to National Bureau of standards time. • Observe each pole, head, traffic control sign, etc., and remove foreign material. • Special attention will be given to update Holidays, Daylight Savings Time, and shut-down periods. • Replace damaged or malfunctioning lamps, LED indications, in-road warning lights (IRWL), detection bollards, and pressure pads meeting manufacturer's specifications with prior approval by the Director of Public Works or their designee. All repairs and replacements will be authorized by City prior to performing; Labor and material costs will be submitted to the City for Authorization. Extraordinary Maintenance/Emergency Response/Extra Work Repairing downed signal heads, poles, damaged controller and cabinet, damaged internally illuminated street name signs, and damaged inductive loops, sensing elements, pedestrian push buttons, pedestrian signal heads, wiring, audio devices, and other operational equipment related issues. Providing assistance to the City during special events and/or support during City construction projects as necessary to implement revised traffic signal timing and phasing for changed traffic conditions. Traffic Signal and Pedestrian Signal Indications: Replace or repair standard traffic signals (red, yellow, green & Arrows) and pedestrian signal display units as they malfunction upon authorization from the City. All traffic signal and pedestrian indications will be ITE approved LED units only. City of Rosemead Page 116 • ... . • •Traffic Si.nal Maintenance Services(RFP NO.2019-07) Emergency work includes, but is not limited to the following: Respond within two (1) hours after City's notice of the following events: 1. Any signal controller malfunction. 2. Burned-out Signal Indications. 3. Other situations deemed potentially hazardous to public safety. Notify the City within twenty-four (24) hours of any change in traffic signal operation caused by controller replacement, timing changes, and loss of master control or traffic collisions. Emergency calls that require replacement of equipment will not require approval from City before such replacement occurs. Additional staffing will be provided where the responding technician cannot handle emergency work alone (knockdowns, wire pulls, etc.). Maintain a single local telephone where an on-call traffic signal technician can be reached twenty-four (24) hours per day. This telephone number will be made available to all persons designated by the City. Compensation for all Extraordinary work, Emergency work, and Extra work identified above will be paid at the hourly labor rates, vehicle and equipment rates, and material cost (plus markup) in accordance with the Cost Proposal included in this RFP. Emergency Response Emergency response call outs and unscheduled repairs are initiated by calling our toll free emergency phone number, 1-800-229-6090 (this will be a live dispatcher 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Our technicians are equipped to handle traffic signal system repairs including, but not limited to: - Downed signal heads and poles - Safety lighting outages - Blacked out Intersections - Phasing and detection calls - Intersections in flash - Underground wiring troubleshooting - Burned out lamps/LEDs - Planned power outages - Damaged controller and/or cabinets - Other operational equipment related issues When dispatched, the technician will arrive within the below contracted response time to assess and correct the reported problem. > Emergency and accident maintenance—one (1) hour ' Replacement of burned our signal faces—two (2) hours ➢ All other signal maintenance—twenty-four(24) hours > Safety Lighting—twenty-four(24) hours > Illuminated Street Name Signs—forty-eight (48) hours Extraordinary Services In addition to our preventative maintenance program and emergency response capabilities, Siemens will provide other extraordinary services in accordance with the City's requirements. These services may include, but are not limited to: traffic signal loop replacements, repair and replacement of illuminated street name signs, damaged underground conduit and/or signal conductors (including signal interconnect), traffic signals and poles, battery back-up equipment (including replacement of batteries), in-pavement flashing pedestrian crosswalk warning lights, and other improvements or modifications performed with prior approval. City of Rosemead Page 117 . _._ .._ LA_ . . - -. - t • k• • •-• Our Approach Our approach is simple; we work diligently with our cities to develop and evolve the systems of communication and to hone in on their needs as a customer. It is always the goal of Siemens Mobility Inc. to structure our service around each individual Customer's needs. We understand that throughout the term of a contract of this type, those needs may change so we approach all of our contracts with the same simple vision; build a partnership with the City's staff and work towards achieving common goals set forth through that partnership. This is an ever evolving process and that is why we believe that the only successful route is through establishing these common goals. Our methodology and a commitment to service will be applied to every aspect of our services for the City of Rosemead and we strive to continually evolve this concept. Response times as requested in the RFP are easily met due to the City of Rosemead's central location to our territory here in Southern California. We have a large staff and a customer base that allows us to be near or even in the city at all times. Response times of less than one hour are commonplace with our service group and are what we strive for. These times would simply not be possible if not for the fact that we have numerous highly qualified technicians, all equipped with bucket trucks and a rolling stock of materials, working throughout the territory. In a nutshell, if we aren't already there, we are always nearby which makes the one hour as requested in the RFP very easy to accommodate. As stated above, response times are not an issue; this pertains to after-hours calls as well. All of our staff live throughout the area and take their vehicles home daily. We have numerous on-call technicians working/available 24 hours a day. Both our standard phone lines and our toll free 1 (800) 229-6090 are answered around the clock 365 days a year. We also encourage direct contact with individuals responsible for the contract such as the technician or superintendent in the event that the city believe that information can more easily transferred. What Sets Us Apart Though there are many reasons we feel that we are the best choice, listed in the following pages are just some of the remaining highlights that we feel we make us the better prepared and more qualified service provider to serve the needs of the City of Rosemead. Testing Services Our laboratories specialize in controller and cabinet system testing and support services including, but not limited to conflict monitor testing and certification. Siemens' local testing facility is located in Riverside, California. Our facility have the f, ° , r ability to test and certify more than five (5) TS-1 or TS-2 Type control cabinet assemblies simultaneously. Our laboratory has all tools and spare parts available to allow our lab technicians to troubleshoot, test and repair typical traffic signal ' controllers and apparatus as long as it's found to be both economically and time :. wise beneficial to the City. Our facilities service all types and brands of traffic signal control equipment including Caltrans Standard, NEMA TS-1 and TS-2 and ITS equipment. Siemens' laboratory personnel include degreed IMSA certified traffic signal technicians and certified Electricians. Our Field technicians perform all traffic signal related tasks with decades of cumulative traffic signal test and repair experience. City of Rosemead Page 118 • ... . . .. • . u. • . - -rvices RFP NO.2019-07 Fiber Optic Repair, Installation, Maintenance Services Siemens has a dedicated fiber optic placement, troubleshooting, and emergency repair team available for the City of Rosemead. The team is fully equipped to perform OTDR testing, troubleshooting, fusion splicing, and any documentation needs for the City. Siemens' fiber optic team was responsible for successfully upgrading all CCTV cameras and bringing in the fiber optic infrastructure into the new Caltrans District 8 Traffic Management Center in San Bernardino. Material Inventory Siemens maintains an extensive inventory of traffic .._- signal and streetlight equipment including controllers, cabinets, load switches, signal heads, poles, LED indications, luminaries (HPS, MH, MV LPS and LED), I . . service enclosures, controller cabinets and other ' _ •' I i_ _ ._._ _ miscellaneous parts. This extensive inventory t 1. � ,'� ����"` ~~~"' combined with our vast experience and testing ' ' I ! facilities enable Siemens to repair or replace damaged - a ..--. t equipment expeditiously and professionally. "� n Siemens employees will be equipped with all spare parts necessary to place a signal system back in operation for all trouble calls, including sensing devices for induction loop detectors. No permanent or temporary change of controller mechanisms will be done without prior approval of the City except in case of an emergency. Siemens will notify the City that the equipment was removed and replaced with approved spare equipment. Inventory levels are maintained in order to accommodate each individual Customer's needs. Siemens continually monitors and modifies inventory levels as required by current maintenance and repair. Spare equipment available to the City of Rosemead Below is a list of spare equipment that is on-hand and available for the City of Rosemead: • 15— Model 170E signal controllers • 10—2070 controllers • 25— NEMA controllers (such as Econolite ASC3, ASC2-S, Siemens M50, M60, and Traconec 390CJ) • 25—24VDC Power Supply's • 25— Malfunction Management Units (MMU) • 20—Conflict Monitors (CMU) • 30— Flash Transfer Relays • 150—Load Switches • 60— Detectors • 250+ of each type— Replacement LED lamps (Red/Yellow/Green) • 250+ —LED pedestrian signals • Ordered on an as-needed basis (15+ batteries in stock)—Speed feedback and batteries • 50—ADA compliant pedestrian activation buttons City of Rosemead Page 119 USA Dig Alert Siemens has in-house underground utility locators that will respond to all Underground Service Alert (USA) requests/notices or at the request of City staff for the marking and protection of traffic signal underground facilities such as traffic signal and electrical conduit; interconnect facilities, loops, street light conduits, and other appurtenant equipment which may conflict with other right-of-way construction or repairs. Our technicians are equipped and certified with the proper locating devices provided by Metrotech. DIGA RT Loop Installation Siemens is one of the only local maintenance providers with an in-house Loop installation crew. We have the capability to handle any size loop installation job from a single loop to a full intersection on relatively short notice. Industry Specific Tools Siemens owns the following equipment used for various ITS components: ➢ Two ATSI PCMT 8000 Conflict Monitor (CMU) and Malfunction Monitor (MMU) Test and Certification Units ➢ Two ATSI PCMT 2600 Conflict Monitor (CMU) and Malfunction Monitor (MMU)Test and Certification Units ➢ Fiber Optic Fusion Splicer w/Cleaver t ➢ OTDR Tester yew ➢ LED lumens Testers/various brands ➢ Multiple Metrotech Underground Locators (USA Dig Alert) City of Rosemead Page 120 • • • . -.. . . 11.i -nance Services RFP NO.2019-07 Vehicles & Equipment Siemens owns and operates approximately 100 service vehicles of various types and sizes in the State of California, the bulk of which are located in Southern California. All technicians are assigned vehicles which are taken home daily in order to ensure rapid response in case of emergency. To help ensure safety, Siemens uses hydraulic bucket trucks with aerial lifts which are OSHA approved, inspected and certified as required by law. All drivers are trained through the Sentry Program for Insulated Devices. In addition to bucket trucks, Siemens also owns many construction vehicles such as:towable arrow boards, towable air compressors, towable changeable message signs, Bobcat with auger & backhoe attachments, all required hand tools, and many other items for maintenance and construction. The list below shows our fleet in Southern California and its respective proximity from the City of Rosemead. Siemens Vehicles and Equipment Area Employee Name Vehicle No. Year Make Description Minh Tran 'v9061 2011 Ford Pickup Technical Support Matthew HullMvn V061 2014 Ram Pickup Kevin Dacron V079 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck zc 'he a Francisco Alvarado V078 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck Nam Yanie 57-41570586 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck Orange County Rodrigo Gonzalez V050 2013 Ford Econaline Van Benjamin Phillips 77-36287313 2017 Ford 42'Insulated Bucket Truck ,a b William Eidrnarn V074 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck David Eras 57-16707258 2011 Dodge 40'Nan-insulated Bucket Truck Alberto Ramirez V082 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck Christopher Franco V083 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck ®Jorge Luviarw V031 2017 Ford 45'Insulated BucketTruck San Bernardino! Neale Ramos 47-22406942 2012 Ford 42'Insulated Bucket Truck Riverside County Samson Monte V084 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck Timothy Walker V075 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck Brandon Meidi 57-16707256 2011 Dodge 40'Non-Insulated BucketTruck 1abnellrurtson V085 2017 Ford 45'huulated Bucket Truck Ben Lokken 47-19322329 2011 Ford 40'Non-Insulated Bucket Truck - k Gerardo Anguiano V076 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck Emigtbio Cervantes 57-20910276 2017 Ford 40'Non-Insulated Bucket Truck Los Angeles Linda Mcneill 57-20910286 2012 Ford 42'Insulated Bucket Truck County Micheal Ortega V077 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck 57-16711733 2011 Dodge 40'Non-Insulated Bucket Truck Yolanda Br)areno V1.97PK 2009 Ford Econohne Van Christopher Slocum V019 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck Cohn Landis V069 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck San Le 57-20910290 2017 Ford 42'Insulated Bucket Truck Nathaniel Baker 57-27077547 2013 Ram 42'Insulated Bucket Truck Jeff Willis 57-41570570 2016 Ford 42'Insulated Bucket Truck r Timothy Korman W70 2017 Ford 45'Insulated Bucket Truck . David Moino V037 2012 Ford UOTrty/Coeutruction Service Truck Pedro Vanes V3060 2011 Ford May/Construction Service Truck Utility/ `*Cecil Terry Jr. V034 2012 Ford May/Construction Service Truck Construction Craig Yanes V015 2011 Ford Utility/Construction Service Truck Hugo Munn¢ V026 2012 Ford Utility/Co nstruction ServiceTruck • Chad Newton 'V036 2012 Ford Utility/Construction ServiceTnuk ,p Johnathon Burgess V6022 2009 Chev Utility/Const Truck "=Jose Robles Herrera 57-39702400 2016 Ram 45'!Mated Bucket Truck C'seri Garcia V031 2012 Ford May/Construction Service Truck Casey Garcia V251SZ 2012 Chev Service Truck Mark Medina V3064 2011 Ford Pickup z Michael De La Riva V3052 2009 Ford 40'Non-Insulated Bucket Truck City of Rosemead Page 121 • ... . . • .t. ...nal Maintenance Services RFP NO.2019-07) Additional/Pooled Vehicles Vehicle No. Year Make Type License V093 2016 Ford 4 Yard Dump Truck CA 37946C2 V052 2014 Freightliner Crane Track CA 41167M1 V3063 2011 Ford Pickup Truck CA 89537C1 V3064 2011 Ford Pickup Truck CA 44932L1 V023 2005 Ford 3 Yard Dump Truck CA 7R94547 V3033 2002 GMC 7 Yard Dump Truck CA 7A52545 57-20910295 2012 Ford 42'Non Insulated Bucket Truck CA NRF1-0915 47-11832323 2008 Ford Utility/Construction Service Truck IN 1093034 Available Construction Equipment Equip.No. Year Type License AB588 2014 Arrow Board(Towable) CA NRF1-0915 CCS1 2011 GP Concrete Saw(Circle Saw) N/A TR311 2004 MLBLT Trailer CA 4KE1864 AB584 2014 Changeable Message Sign (Towable) TBD AB587 2014 Changeable Message Sign (Towable) TBD HM341 2000 Crafco Hot Melt Machine TBD AC313 1999 Ingersoll Rand DP Air Compressor CA 5E618073 AB321 1999 Allmand 25 Lamp SP Arrowboard(Towable) TBD TR511 1980 Cable Trailer CA 2FE4803 M311 2009 Cimline Loop Sealing Hot Melt Machine CA 5E560124 VAC311 2009 Ditch Witch 800gal Vacuum (Towable) CA 4LE8242 AC312 2008 Airman DP Air Compressor(Towable) TBD TR315 2007 Zieman 1170 Tilt Deck Trailer CA 4JE2941 AC060131 2007 Sullair Air Compressor(Towable) CA 5E600037 TR312 2007 Individual Conductor(Wire)Trailer CA 4FU2188 AC290018 2007 Sullair Air Compressor(Towable) CA 5E600038 AC321 2006 Sullair Air Compressor(Towable) CA 5E600034 AB312 2006 Allmand 25 Lamp SP Arrowboard(Towable) CA 5E613989 AC341 2005 Ingersoll Rand DP Air Compressor CA 5E600022 *` `_, j, moi ,. :d ti + f `.4.• l�llll��:''' —r-1 LT N‘k.-A. ' 1)( -41 lel 1 <I 7' — .. r City of Rosemead - Page 12' • ... . .r-Tr.ffic Siena! Maintenance Services RFP NO.2019-+ : • - Communication and Teamwork At Siemens, we are your partner. Our project management team as well as our field personnel will be constantly communicating with the City representatives and we will follow all communication/notification requirements as set forth and agreed upon. Routine monthly meetings will be key to ensure that everyone is on the same page, not only for system status but to make sure that we are on track with the City's budget and that we are serving the citizens of the City of Rosemead to the highest level possible. .AM{Yr1Y Siemens employees working for the City will be equipped with any necessary communication devices in order to keep our City liaison(s) informed at all times. Currently, all of our staff is outfitted with an Android device that will enable them to send, and receive !i1 real-time information as well as text, email and phone capabilities. Siemens recognizes that speed, efficiency, and comprehensive service are the keys to EU 11 customer satisfaction in our industry. With this in mind, we are constantly seeking - .- innovative ways to improve our service delivery. We have developed an in-house suite of • • • - • • applications that represent what we believe to be the forefront of customer account tet' • 41110 ;=3 management and maintenance tracking in our industry. t , Traffic Signal Service Management System All maintenance activities will be documented on the cabinet log and in their handheld device which is wirelessly communicating to our maintenance server enabling our customers to view all progress in real time. Siemens utilizes a proprietary management system that we refer to as mCompanion. This software is used to dispatch work orders and to track the progress of all work. Our technicians are now transmitting service response items (preventative maintenance, emergency calls, scheduled extraordinary repairs, etc.) in real-time back to our traffic signal maintenance and management system using a handheld device.This allows our customers to view all work orders in real time through our Customer Portal. This software also allows us to monitor many key performance items such as time arrived onsite, time of completion, materials used, and vehicle/equipment used. This information is then pulled into our internal processing system which features a secure web portal that the City can access in order to obtain progress on technician work for call outs and maintenance activities as well as a list of assets, asset map, real-time status of scheduled maintenance and service request calls, history per functional location, real-time equipment inventories, maps and event reporting as well as digital photographs of equipment. Detailed training of our management system is available anytime. ItSIEMENS ' y • Technicians are transmitting response and _ .- G r ^ • ' C1.1.acM cc 1,4 routine maintenance items in real-time 4 I a ' •mn A D,x • back to our order management system •( using tablets/chrome books. fit •Af cq • Manage material(truck and warehouse Nese ;�`•" • stock availability,material ordering,truck to Yuck transfers,etc.) SIEMENS • This software also allows us to monitor many key performance items such as time �.•..—�•..• „�.� arrived onsite,time of completion, ....• I •�--;�• materials used,and vehicle/equipment used. ® � • - • The contractual scope of work and all The Siemens Customer Service Portal gives our Customers access to: �. • Monitor real-time status of routine maintenance and service calls. maintenance activities are also available • Location history(sort/filter by date,location,call type,etc.) for technicians to review In order to • Overall historical maintenance and repair data. *1 ensure all tasks are completed within the • Real-time equipment Inventories,maps,event reporting. specified timeframe. • Asset management(includes digital photographs.GIS data.Google Street View application.etc.) City of Rosemead Page I 23 Pro.osal for:Traffic Sinal Maintenance Services(RFP NO,2019-07) Reporting and Record Keeping Detailed Billing/Activity Reports In addition to our Customer Portal, which was outlined above, the City will receive a detailed billing report in PDF and Excel formats on or before the 15th day for the prior month. Each invoice will lists the description, response, caller information, and the labor, equipment and materials billed for each location. 11 TS B-Merrill/Bloomington/Riverside Date Completed: Fri.MAR/18/2016 01:00 Work Order#:5002764108 Debit Memo Req. 3801177197 Descnptlon NEC POLE KD'CALLER:PD Response: REMOVED DAMAGED EQUIPMENT.DRILLED&INSTALLED NEW 10 POLE. TV2T,TWO 3 SEC.PV HEAD S WITH ARROW LENSES. 2 R,2 Y&2 G PV LEDS, COUNT-DOWN COMBO M8 LED.RE-USED PEDHEAD&PPB ASSY.REPLACED PPB AND DIRECTIONAL PLATE.OLD S/H WERENT PROGRAM.WILL FOLOW UP WITH BALL LENSES&PROGRAM SIH'S IF CITY WANT THEM PROGRAMMED. Item: Qty and Unit Cost Extra Routine Charges Maint. ELECTRICIAN(RT) 12.000 H (al per H S S 0.00 ELECTRICIAN(OT) 8.000 H @ per H S S 0.00 ELECTRICIAN(PT) 6.000 H @ per H S S 0.00 SERVICE BUCKET TRUCK 26.000 H @ per H S S 0.00 MATERIALS 1 PC @ per PC S S 0.00 Visit Total S S 0.00 Total S S 0.00 S Intersection Records We will maintain permanent service records at each signalized intersection documenting all preventative maintenance visits, as well as all ongoing work, operations and hardware malfunctions, repairs and configuration work. An example of our cabinet log (intersection record) is below: SIEMENS CABINET LOG DATE TIME MMIDDNY ARRNE DEPART DESCRIPTION OF WORK PRERfORMED NAME City of Rosemead Page 24 Insurance Requirements Siemens Mobility, Inc. and our insurance partners have reviewed the insurance requirements outlined in the RFP and fully intend to comply with the insurance requirements as set forth, should we be awarded the contract. Please see sample Insurance Certificate below: ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE D, ) Tis CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MAI 1Elt OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: IT the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the poli y(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT PRODUCER NAME MARSH USA NC. PHONEPAX 445 SOUTh b1IQL I (AJC,NA Ext: (AJC.NRI: MORRBTOWN,NJ 0796C-6654 E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER(1)AFFORDING COVERAGE HAIG/ 1101294.4091-1&19 MOBN INSURER A:HD(Global insurance COIFRIY 41345 INSURED NRURER 8:Travelers Property Casuati Co_of America 25674 SEMENS MOBILITY,INC. 170 WOOD AVENUE SOUTH hi SURER 0:The Travelers Ir dernMy CommeW 2 ISELN,NJ DeCID INSURER D: INSURER El INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: NYG009510077-2T REVISION NUMBER: THIS LS TO CERTIFY THAT TIE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT.TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR Oil-ER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. AWL SUBIC POLICY ESF POLICY EXP NIR UR TYPE OF INSURANCE MID WMNNY YD POLICY NUMBER (MAYYY) LINTS A X COMIERCIAL GENERAL LIABLITY 0LO11101-10 10101.2013 1181/2019 EACIIOCCWLRENCE S 1,000,007 DAMAGE TO RENTED XEnsc./Fence,csc./Fence,ce, I 1,5 0,ICW cLAIMOt4ADE I I OCCUR PREMISES WEE)EXP(Any one Pennon) 1 100;000 PERIORAL A AOV INJURY $ 1,000p00 GEM.AGGREGATE Lean APPLIES PER: GESEO&LAGGREGATE 5 SQ,008,000 X I POLICY .SECT l LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO I MCL OTHER: I a AUTOMOBLELMBILtTY TC2J-CAP-74401_34A-18 10012018 1157112019 COMNHEIBINDLE Lam s 2,036,000 X AUNT AUTO BOGEY INJURY tPer person) I N/A X OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY IPU arndent) C NFA NROS ONLY AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE X "'MD x (SON-OWNED PROPERTY WA AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY JPer ettlmeM) I UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EACH COCU(RENCE 5 — — EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-11.10E AGGREGATE i IGED I RETENTION! a WORMERS COMPENSATION TC2J-UE-8041X508-l8(AO51 IIC1rL018 1ammr2019 X I STATUTE I I ER AND EMPLOYERS UABLFrY TR-IJS-3O4IXS1A-18 ,OH Al) 01/18018 14N1r?I919 1,D33�OC3 C ANYPROPRIETOR,ARTPERIEXECUTTSE YtN IAS I) EJ..EACH ACCIDENT s a OFFICE313MNLBEREXCLUDED' I N I NIA YY1GFl)87444WS)]/(QHS WA) 7007128]/ 144i12019 100(0017(LlanddNY In NIN TE.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE C I Yes.drIDE.under "$SOC1(UMITO WOK 5R- 1,010,1X0 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT i DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION!I LOCATIONS 1 VEHICLES(ACO RD 101,Addlllonal Remarks aahsdI,te,may be aRAaAed Neon some N rewired) EVEENCE OF COVERAGE CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SIEMENS)JOCILI(Y INC. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 110 AWE)AVENUE SOUTH THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 15EUN,NJ 05130 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHDRIZEDREPRESENTATNE Cf/iamb USA Inc. Manashi Mukherjee ..]'+E&s.n+aals..:. �.4,..t�nrr.,a-..t I 1919811-2016ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved_ ACORD 25{2016)03) The AC ORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD City of Rosemead Page 125 .. - ►• •-� SIEMENS COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "A" FLAT RATE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Total Annual Price Amount I. Preventive Maintenance (Traffic Signal System: includes safety lights) 43 Per Intersection $80.00 $41,280.00 II. Preventive Maintenance (Speed Feedback Signs) 18 Per Location $33.00 $3,564.00 III. Preventive Maintenance (In-Pavement Flashing Crosswalk Lights) 15 Per Location $40.00 $ 3,600.00 IV. Underground Service Alert—USA (Dig Alert Service) Per USA $225.00 $225.00 (each) Special Note: The flat rate fee represents total compensation for all labor, material, equipment, and vehicles necessary to provide the corresponding tasks. TOTAL PROPOSAL ITEMS (I, II, Ill, IV) $48,669.00 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "B" SCHEDULED REPAIR SERVICES Item No. Description Unit Price 1. Replace Type A Detector Loop (1 to 4 loops) $600.00 Per Loop 2. Replace Type A Detector Loop (5 or more 4 loops) $500.00 Per Loop 3. Replace Type D Detector Loop (1 to 4 loops) $600.00 Per Loop 4. Replace Type D Detector Loop (5 or more loops) $500.00 Per Loop 5. Remove & Replace Video Detection Camera Unit (Iteris) $2.200.00 Per Unit 6. Remove& Replace Vehicular LED Face Replacement During PM $73.00 Per Face 7. Remove & Replace Pedestrian LED Face Replacement During PM $150.00 Per Face 8. Remove& Replace Pedestrian Push Button During PM $79.00 Per Button Special Note:The unit price represents total compensation for all labor, material, equipment, and vehicles necessary to complete the corresponding task. For any work not listed on Schedule B, the Contractor shall submit a cost proposal to the City prior to performing the work. RFP 2019-07, Page 17 SIEMENS COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES List the position titles and responsibilities of personnel that will be providing emergency response services to the City per this RFP. PERSONNEL Position Hourly Straight Time Hourly Overtime Title: Traffic Signal Supervisor $115.00 $ 115.00 Title: Traffic Signal Electrician Foreman $130.00 $165.00 Title: Traffic Signal Electrician $128.00 $152.00 Title: Traffic Signal Laborer $101.00 $ 142.00 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES CONTINUED VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT The vehicles and equipment listed hereon may not accurately reflect the rolling stock used by your firm. For those vehicles and equipment that are not used by your firm, cross out and mark as "N/A" to indicate that the vehicle or equipment is not available or necessary for the emergency response services requested in this RFP. Personnel Vehicle $15.00 Per Hour Pickup Truck $22.00 Per Hour Service/Utility Truck $25.00 Per Hour Altec/Tesla Bucket Truck $28.00 Per Hour Crane Truck $55.00 Per Hour Concrete Saw $5.00 Per Hour Air Compressor with Tools $5.00 Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour RFP 2019-07,Page 18 SIEMENS Any equipment not listed will be paid per current Caltrans equipment rates. The City will pay a maximum travel time of one hour in each direction. MATERIAL MARK-UP Material mark-up will not exceed 15 % of supplier's invoice price (cost) that will be furnished to the City in any cost proposal for emergency response work. RFP 2019-07, Page 19 Siemens Mobility, Inc. SIEMENS 2250 Business Way Riverside, CA 92501 951.784.6600 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 951.784.6700 To: Mr.Robert Chavez DATE:05/30/2019 Project ID:RFP NO.2019-07 Public Works Manager ATTN: Mr.Robert Chavez City Clerk's Office City of Rosemead RE: Proposal for:Traffic Signal Maintenance Services 8838 E.Valley Boulevard (RFP NO.2019-07) Rosemead,CA 91770 WE ARE SENDING YOU: ®Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑Contract Documents ❑Prints El Plans ❑Samples ❑Specifications ❑Copy of letter ❑Change order ❑ Copies Date Description 1 05/30/2019 Printed Proposal marked"Original"and containing original signatures 3 05/30/2019 Printed duplicates marked"Copy" 1 05/30/2019 USB drive containing a PDF copy of Proposal ® For approval ❑Approved as submitted ❑Resubmit ® For your use 0 Approved as noted ❑Submit 0 Copies for distribution ®As requested ❑ Returned for correction ❑Return ❑Corrected prints ® For review 0 Other ® For bids due REMARKS: Thank you for this opportunity and we look forward to working with you and the City of Rosemead.Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have(951)784-6600 Regards, Robert Paquette Sales Manager S E M E iii '9 C� O CIVIC PRIDE liw m..7 4tek. A944 Attachment D CSC Proposal Th •••••....IY Ji City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal 1)4' Maintenance Services Issued: May 21, 2019 — CSCccmuter Service CCmPanv Traffic Signal Maintenance and System Specialists (j i`.,S ; CSCComputer Service Company Traffic Signal Maintenance and System Specialists { 805 Todd Avenue,Azusa CA 91702 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Issued: May 21, 2019 CSC C.>mpu er Ser.;cr Cumpnny Tc <SIRrta!Rfainunaner and Srsrem J'prciafirf B SCCtmputerSeniceCompuiy Traffic Signal Maintenance and System Specialists May 29, 2019 Mr. Robert Chavez Public Works Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Cover Letter Dear Mr. Chavez, Computer Service Company ("CSC") is pleased to submit this proposal in response to the City of Rosemead's Request for Proposal for Professional Traffic Signal Maintenance Services dated May 21, 2019. CSC was incorporated by the State of California in 1957 and has been providing traffic signal maintenance since 1979. CSC is a Women Owned Business. CSC currently employs professional IMSA certified traffic signal technicians and an operational staff consisting of dispatchers, billing specialists, customer service representatives, purchasing agent, and management team. CSC has a proven track record for 40 years as an organization entirely focused on providing quality work to our customers for traffic signal, street lighting and communication system maintenance. CSC intends to use in-house personnel and equipment required to service the City of Rosemead's traffic signal and street light systems. We will continue to perform the city's routine, extraordinary maintenance and on-call status to ensure that all of the city's intersections remain safe and operational. CSC supports the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) training procedures with all of our technicians obtaining advanced certification through in house training and participation in IMSA certification courses. The specialized experience and professional competence of CSC personnel identified as part of this RFP is reflected in the following section of this response. CSC currently provides traffic signal maintenance, equipment, street and parking lot lighting, cabinet and conflict monitor testing and intersection construction projects for approximately 15 cities containing up to 115 intersections serviced per customer. Page fl City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC Issued: G;Curnm,.ant Issued: May 21, 2019 Tresgnal.,ra, cradS,,,c CSC stands by all conditions proposed and everything within this RFP are valid for a period of at least sixty one (61) calendrer days from the Proposal Due Date. In the event further information or clarification is required during review of the proposal, please feel free to contact me directly. Kind Regards, Jerr •avis — President 8 : N. Todd Ave. zusa, CA 91702 Mobile: (951) 260-3694 Phone: (951) 738-1444 Email: jdavis@computerservco.com Page 21 Table of Contents City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC �,;m,.uLer Se,vi,:e Pomp:m7 Issued: May 21, 2019 T n,c Signal Maintenance and Sr stem JPecialirt+ 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Cover Letter 1 2. Table of Contents 3 3. Information/Background on CSC 4 4. Key Personnel/Qualifications 8 5. Past Experience/References 13 6. Understanding of Scope of Work and Work Proposal 14 7. Cost Proposal 26 -;#41t '- . - - v A ..i.. .l Vii; .)7 / c 0 II 1,. , r. ,.. • ,A �i - l .4#1a ,.g,. ill 7 y Page 31 Information/Background on CSC City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC Ce;mtmLerServicr.tcmp+ny Issued: May 21, 2019 Tr fJio Signal afainrenaace and Svsrwn Specialists 3. Information/Background on CSC Company Name: Computer Service Company (CSC) Legal Form of Company: Corporation Contact: Jerry Davis: President Corporate Office/Local Office: 855N. Todd d 91Ave Azusa02 Telephone Number: (951) 738-1444 Website: www.computerservco.com Email: info@computerservco.com icense ith California Business License CSC and aluitss subcontracer: CSC tors s will obtain and pay for fall permitsandIicenDses number 1000013135 as required under this contract. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Contractor *tate 1.icene TSoarb Pursuant to Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code and the Rules and Regulations of the Contractors State License Board, the Registrar of Contractors does hereby issue this license to: COMPUTER SERVICE COMPANY License Number 171920 to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a contractor in the following classification(sl: C10-ELECTRICAL A-GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR Witness my hand and seal this day, March 1,2013 Issued December 3,1957 Reissued December 26,1979 Paul SchifinoStephen P.Sands rmakeme is the prnxm of the Reporar of eomraaws. I Board Chair ll bNd In tm_•Reglurar Registraristrar of Contractors upon demand when evoked,anvda 6r any reason.It becartess void it not renewed. —- Ill.+Riv l}O.i @pY n%I�SwI Page 41 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Ser CSCfcmpuLrrSwricr(omp:my Issued: May 21, 2019 Trnir Signal.turcanrSSrsmm Bpecintists CSC currently employs seven (6) office staff personnel and nine (8) Traffic Signal Electrician/Technician. Please refer to "Key Personnel/Qualifications" for their information. CSC supplies the best traffic system maintenance service possible by fulfilling each City's expectations and requirements. Since the inception of CSC in 1979, we have continued to foster an attitude and approach to customer service that provides value through care and accountability to delivery of quality work in these forty (40) years of business. As a result, technicis consider each City, of CSC inCity"the Traffic Signal System maintenance industry its care a source of personal pride. ls is and evidenced by the longevity the quality work provided to our customers. CSC maintains a quality assurance program for quality control and identification of continual service improvement opportunities. Methods include the review for accuracy of all service reports and invoices, periodic independent site evaluation and review sessions with assigned personal. Our offices are open from 7:00am to 4:30pm Monday thru Friday with emergency contacts available 24 hours a day. Field technician's normal working hours are from 7:30am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday with after hour availability on an as needed basis. List of Current Representative Projects U.S. Border Patrol (On Call Services) Doug Baldassini, Service Manager (619) 713-5211 dbaldassini@brownpoint.com City of El Monte (On Call Services) Frank Drevdahl, Public Works Administrative Analyst 3990 Arden Drive El Monte, CA 91731 fdrevdahl @ elmonteca.gov City of San Clemente (On Call Services) Donald Rosensteel, Master Electrician 390 Avenida Pico San Clemente, CA 92672 (949) 361-8347 RosensteelD @ san-clemente.orq City of Monterey Park (63 Intersections) Cesar Vega, Civil Engineer Associate 320 W. Newmark Avenue Monterey Park, CA 91754 (626) 307-1320 cvega@ montereypark.ca.gov Page 51 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC E,>mpuLerSrrvice Company Issued: May 21, 2019 Trnrusr Com1Iul crnn n reCompnlisrs City of Chino Hills (53 Intersections) Joe Dyer, Assistant City Engineer 14000 City Center Dr. Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 364-2771 jdyer @ chinohills.orq City of San Dimas (36 Intersections) Providing USA coverage for the city John Campbell, Public Works Maintenance Superintendent 245 East Bonita Avenue San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 394-6270 icampbell@ci.san-dimas.ca.us City of Downey (101 Intersections) Providing USA coverage for the city Edwin Norris, Deputy Director of Public Works 11111 Brookshire Ave. Downey, CA 90241 (562) 904-7110 enorris @ downevca.orq City of Mission Viejo (115 Intersections) Providing USA coverage for the city Brett Canedy, Transportation Analyst 200 Civic Center Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 470-8422 bcanedv@cityofmissionvieio.orq City of Laguna Hills (49 Intersections) Providing USA coverage for the city Kenneth Rosenfield, Director of Public Works 24035 El Toro Road Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 707-2655 kronsenfield@ci.laquna-hills.ca.us City of Laguna Woods (14 Intersections) Providing USA coverage for the city April Baumgarten, Maintenance Programs Analyst 24351 El Toro Road Laguna Woods, CA 92367 (949) 693-0568 abaumgarten @ citvoflaqunawoods.orq County of Orange (68 Intersection) Dan Richards, OCPW Traffic Engineer 300 North Flower Street, OC Public Works Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 448-1046 dan.richards@ocpw.occiov.com Page 61 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC fompulvr5ervicr.Comp:�ny Issued: May 21, 2019 r n„•s;Rna,.,,a,n, a,,,.•RA�s„•msp,•,„rr, City of Los Alamitos (21 Intersections) Farhad Iranitalab, Public Works Superintendent 3191 Katella Avenue Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 368-4893 firaitalab@wildan.com City of La Palma (21 Intersections) Larry Baldwin, Engineer Technician 7821 Walker Street La Palma, CA 90623 (714) 690-3325 larrvb @ cityoflapalma.orq City of Hemet (41 Intersections) Steve Wolny, Facilities Manager 3777 Industrial Avenue Hemet, CA 92545 (951) 765-3710 swolnv@citvofhemet.orq City of Azusa (47 Intersections) Daniel Bobadilla, Director of Public Works/ City Engineer 213 E. Foothill Boulevard Azusa, CA 91702 (626) 812-5264 dbobadilla@azusaca.gov Negative History CSC consistently operates in a safe, workmanlike manner. Safety meetings are held on a regular basis and all safety laws are adhered to. There is no negative history to report with respect alleged significant prior or on-going contract failures, civil or criminal litigation or pending investigation involving CSC. • Page 71 Key Personal Qualifications City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSCC,;,n,�nLer S�rv;,:e fom Win', Issued: May 21, 2019 hCJS'ic5,gnal.tInimmalice and System Spec iallrls 4. Key Personnel/Qualifications A. Management Contacts for the City i. Jerry Davis — President — Key Staff: As President Jerry is also the Management Contact and will sign any agrees on behalf of CSC. He is responsible for providing strong strategic leadership for the company by working with other management staff and ownership to establish long-range goals, strategies, plans and policies. As well as plan, develop, organize, implement, direct and evaluate the organization's fiscal function and performance, Jerry works closely with our entire team as well as our clients. He is responsible for the day-to-day direction, oversight and quality control of and delivery of service on this contract. Jerry has over 35 years of experience in traffic signal construction, maintenance and service operations, many of those years have been spent in high profile leadership roles. Jerry worked many of his years in this industry as an IBEW Union journeymen electrician, foreman, and general foremen and as a Project Engineer for Steiny&Co. Jerry came to CSC in early 2013 and now oversees all aspects of the company's operations. He is an active IMSA Member and holds his IMSA Work Zone Safety, Level I and Level II Traffic Signal Field Technician Certifications. ii. Calvin Hansen — Business Development/ Project Manager— Key Staff: Cal has 25+ years of experience in the traffic signal maintenance field where he started out with CSC in 1993, and seven years of traffic signal engineering work with Advantec Consulting Engineers 2011-2018. His vast knowledge includes operational and management positions responsible for planning, engineering, construction, installation ,testing, maintenance/repair, inventory, business development, marketing, programming, vendor and customer relations, staff development, product and service management. Cal is driven by his passion for public safety, quality and customer service. He is trained and uses communication systems such as; Bi-Trans, QuicNet Pro, Transparity (TMS), Aries, Centracs and MICS. Cal covers "turn-on" activities for other manufacturers to meet their workload demand. Cal also has strengths in effectively troubleshoot field cabinet, communication, and video detection, microwave, and fiber optic related problems. He has IMSA certifications in Work Zone Safety, Field Technician Levels I, II and III. Cal will be assisting CSC using his project management skill set for this contract. iii. Ralph Maciel — Inventory / Warehouse Manager: Ralph has been with CSC for 17 years. He started out as a delivery driver and over the years has worked his way up to warehouse manager. Ralph is in charge of ordering the equipment that is needed on a day-to-day basis and ensuring that the supplies stays well stocked. His knowledge of traffic signal equipment has been a vital asset in keeping our warehouse stocked with all the equipment, tools, and supplies needed to keep our cities intersections running and looking great. Page 81 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSCE+;+npuLerServiceConq+++nv Issued: May 21, 2019 z SCt,.,mptal ,rr..eas,,=«m� Ipd„r= iv. Cynthia Yuan — Human Resource / Accounting Manager: Cynthia maintains our financial / payroll and human resource part of CSC. Cynthia has more than 20 years of comprehensive accounting experience, including over 17 years of experience in a construction company with 12 years in a traffic signal construction and maintenance company. She is an analytical thinker and strategic thought partner with a track record of success in a variety of routine and advanced accounting experience, includingand t limited to general ledger activities, fixed assets schedules, job cost, payroll, AP, bank reconciliation, month-end journal, amongst others. Cynthia is responsible to ensure that the preparation and analysis of financial statements are able to meet all statutory requirements and are complaint with applicable standards (i.e. GAAP). Her experience also includes preparation and analysis of federal and state quarterly and yearly payroll tax returns, union reports, sales and use tax returns, 1099 and W-2 tax forms and others. She is able to guide financial reporting and to put in place prudent management and reporting decisions. Cynthia holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. v. Dan Bylund — Purchasing / IT System Administrator: Dan has a BA in Business and is a Certified Microsoft Professional. He has been with the company for over two years and currently working with our Web-based Maintenance Management System (MMS). This real time work monitoring program (Sales Force) allows the cities to see how the preventative and response maintenance is going on a day-to-day, hour-by-hour time basics. Dan is our liaison with the companies we purchase our equipment through. He also is involved with our monthly invoicing to the cities. vi. Candice Gonzales-Office Administration: Candice has been with CSC for 1 year. She has over 10 years of knowledge and experience in Administrative Support, Customer Service and Office Procedures. As Admin Assistant for CSC, Candice currently handles all aspects of the daily operational and administrative functions of our office. Her history of experience has allowed her to be efficient in many different areas here at CSC. She assists in our month end billing process for all of our cities and also assists with the routing and dispatching of all Field Service Calls for CSC's Service Technicians. CSC Qualified Maintenance Personnel CSC will maintain adequate level of labor resources as required by the Scope of Work. The designated manager will have full involvement of the work effort and conversant in its details on a day-to-day basis. The following key personnel and support team will be associated with the fulfillment of this Scope of Work and performance of specified tasks. vii. Scott Ver Planck- Construction & Utility Lead / NEC Certified / IMSA Field Technician Level II— Key Staff: Scott is our Construction Forman and will be a point of contact on any major construction work that will be done in your city. He also assist with preventative maintenance as well as working on the on-call status. Scott has been with CSC for a little over a year now. He has his NEC and is an IMSA Level II Technician and is currently studying for his IMSA Level III Field Electrician Certification. viii. Albert Soto — Maintenance Electrician / IMSA Field Electrician Level III- Key Staff: Albert has been with CSC for 15 years as a Maintenance Technician based out of the Baldwin Park office. Albert provides maintenance support for CSC contracted cities in the Northern Call area. He is proficient with NEMA and 170 controllers and is also working with safety lighting. Page 91 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services C$C�„m,�nler 5en;ie C,,m,�ani' Issued: May 21, 2019 r SCCempuI rrS I iysremsv p rx, ix. Eric Shrum— Maintenance Electrician / IMSA Field Electrician Level III: Eric came to us from the City of Long Beach as a Traffic Signal Technician. He was with the City for 9 years where he did the same work as CSC is currently doing. Eric also worked 4 years with Redflex Traffic Systems and a maintenance technician for the Photo Enforcement Devices in the Los Angeles and Ventura County areas. Eric also just received his IMSA Field Level III Certification and Traffic Signal Inspector Level I. He also holds a BS in Electronic Engineering Technology from California State University of Long Beach. x. Joey Coronado — Maintenance Electrician Southern Lead / IMSA Field Electrician Level III: Joey has worked with CSC as a Maintenance Technician for 13 years with ability as CSC. His Technic an Lead.Heicion to CSC ad l is proficient wits quick h NEMA and enabled and 170 controllers.to J Joey is ecome our Company also a certified USA marking locator. xi. Leonardo Alvarado — Maintenance Electrician & Painter / IMSA Field Electrician Level III: Leo has been with CSC for over 21 years as a dedicated employee. He is our primary signal equipment painter and has also transitioned into a Technician as well. Leo attention to details with his work as a Tech and his want to learn more about his job has assisted him on passing his IMSA Level Ill Field Electrician Exam.This dedication is what makes Leo an outstanding Field Electrician. xii. Mando Coronado — Maintenance Electrician / IMSA Field Electrician Level III: Mando has over two years with CSC as a Maintenance Technician. His quick learning ability has allowed him to advance quickly. Mando is set up to be USA marking certified. xiii. Jorge Gomez — Maintenance Electrician / NEC Certified / IMSA Field Technician Level II: Jorge has been with CSC for over two years as a Traffic Signal Technician. He came to us from the Construction side and has proven to be a great asset as a Southern Area Technician. Jorge is proficient with NEMA and 170 controllers and is also set up to be USA marking certified. xiv. Galt Grotke — Maintenance Technician / IMSA Field Technician Level II: Gait came to us from the United States Air Force and has been with us for one year and has achieved his IMSA Level II with his extensive electrical background from the Air Force. He also performs State Certification Testing on Traffic Signal Controller Assemblies. Galt is responsible for running CSC's bench repair, test as well as doing our Conflict Monitor Testing. Technicians Certificates available upon request. All of CSC's Maintenance Technicians are Bucket Truck Certified. Key staff members proposed on the organizational chart shall remain on the project for the duration of the contract. Page 101 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC�„mpulrr5e��iceCemp+any Issued: May 21, 2019 TrC ., Swat and Staten,Spec,n(;t„ B. Subcontractors Crosstown Electrical & Date, Inc. — Fiber installation and repair Dave Heermance 5454 Diaz Street Irwindale, CA 91706 dave@crosstowndata.com Smithson Electric— Loop installation Chris Zell 1938 E. Katella Avenue Orange, CA 92867 chris@smithsonelectric.com A ' `, jam~, ,'-rs-..} '.'' i � .. L ` •`\ , ..., , --:7-1.,,..' _ .1 crc t r-' 44l 'r•, . 7 . lid ' '' vN 1�., .a'_ -"' .- .;, Page 11I City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC E.%�»Pulr.rSeni�r.fompant Issued: May 21, 2019 frail e Signal Maintenance and System Specialists Computer Service Company Organizational Chart Jerry Davis President Calvin Hansen Project Manager Ralph Maciel Dan Bylund Candice Gonzales Cynthia Yuan Warehouse HR-Accounting Purchasing-IT Office Admin Manger Leo Alvarado Scott Ver Plank Joey Coronado Albert Soto IMSA III / IMSA II / IMSA III / IMSA III / Maintenance Construction Maintenance Maintenance Electrician- Foreman Electrician Electrician Painter I Galt Grotke Eric Shrum Mando Coronado Jorge Gomez IMSA II / IMSA III / IMSA II / IMSA III / Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Electrician - Electrician Electrician Electrician Lab Technician CSC (C iilU111e& se sit t ilii traffic Signal Maintenance and Systems Specialists Page 12 Past Experiences/References City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CS�C.;m,rnl+r5er,i..e fom,r.+n, Issued: May 21, 2019 T SCu er.ServiirCum,an). 5. Past Experience/References List of Past Representative Projects City of Baldwin Park (56 Intersections), Past Experience David Lopez, Associate Engineer 14403 East Pacific Avenue Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (626) 960-4011 dlopez@baldwinpark.com City of Lake Forest (98 Intersections), Past Experience Dave Rogers, Traffic Engineering Manager 25550 Commercentre Drive, Suite 100 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 461-3485 droders @ Iakeforestca.dov City of Corona (On Call Services) Gabriel Hernandez, Traffic Signal Supervisor 400 South Vicentia Corona, CA 92882 (951) 279-3709 Gabriel.Hernandez@ci.corona.ca.us —1"1.1111,1 ' 4, -4,' _ k i PI < .1"°\ 4 ... _ ..... ...,,, -,. 4 is _ . 6.. III . • s .,,, Page 131 Understanding of Scope of Work and Work Proposal City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSCE,>m,,uLvrSe�,iteCotn„any Issued: May 21, 2019 Tmlh'rCfumpulerr nnGSrstanVrn kin} 6. Understanding of Scope of Work and Work Proposal 414 er,_ Fcnlndl The following sets forth Computer Service Company's (CSC) approach to accomplishing the tasks outlined in the Scope of Work (SOW). CSC complies with all applicable federal, state �; and local laws, codes, ordinances and regulations. In the lgi case of a conflict between federal, state, or local laws or regulations, the strictest shall be state,dreds to. and agrees City of r + permit any authorized federal, Rosemead official access to its place of work, books, - c documents, papers, payroll materials, and other relevant '' • contract-related records associated with this contract. All relevant records shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years. A. Facilities CSC will provide and be equipped with spare parts sufficient to place the signal system back in operation for ordinary trouble calls, including sensing devices for induction loop detectors. All work performed or equipment or parts supplied by the CSC may be inspected for approval by the City Engineer, or his authorized representative. No permanent or temporary change of controller mechanisms shall be done without prior approval of the City except in case of an emergency. CSC shall be equipped with spare parts sufficient to return a defective signal to operation following ordinary trouble calls. CSC maintains a lab and bench repair operation located at the Azusa office that uses certified testing procedures that are on file with the California Department of Transportation allowing for the testing of new equipment and other related technical activities as may be required. CSC has excellent facilities and tools available to assist in the repair and bench testing of existing equipment. B. General Description CSC will provide one IMSA Level III or Level II Traffic Electrician that meets City requirements to visit and provide preventative maintenance for the City's 43 traffic signals once every month, and 15 in pavement flashing crosswalk lights, 18 speed feedback signs locations once every other month as well as providing night survey of lighting fixtures and illuminated street name signs per month specified in the RFP. CSC will develop a monthly summary report containing the minimum information outlined in the Scope of Work in cooperation with the City and submitted with the monthly invoice. CSC will perform Underground Service Alerts (USA) at the direction of the City. All preventive maintenance, scheduled repair, and USA will be billed at an established flat rate, with additional emergency work/unscheduled repair paid at hourly labor rates and vehicle and equipment rates, in accordance with the cost proposal per this RFP. Page 141 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC�•`n,,rnler Servirx Crmpanj Issued: May 21, 2019 T an, sr f unin,uI4 r..r e s,.=»CIr.•,anvt Extraordinary maintenance as listed in the Contract Agreement includes all the labor, equipment, and materials necessary to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the City's traffic signal system that goes beyond the normal routine preventative maintenance program established by this SOW. The extraordinary maintenance, except for emergency repairs as provided for in this SOW, shall require prior written authorization from the City Engineer. CSC will provide and maintain emergency service response of the City's traffic signals, safety street lights, and flashing beacons on a twenty-four (24) hour a day, seven (7) days per week basis, including all holidays. CSC will provide vehicle(s) to be used by the our Technicians which shall be equipped with a permanently mounted arrow board; warning beacon/strobe lights; traffic cones; construction warning sign; a hydraulic bucket capable of reaching a height of at least twenty- eight (28) feet from the roadway surface; necessary computer laptop for programming, maintenance and testing of traffic signal controllers and various equipment; and communications equipment for dispatch. All of the CSC's employees working within the boundaries of the City shall be equipped with a cellphones capable of appropriate communications for extended periods of time with our office or with City staff. CSC will possess, and have readily available in functioning order, all required tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, and materials needed to perform all work necessary to maintain and repair the traffic signals, safety street lights, and flashing beacons in the City in compliance with current Caltrans and County of Los Angeles standards and specifications. All excess materials and equipment in CSC's inventory shall be the property and responsibility of the CSC until such materials or equipment is used or installed in the City. CSC will cooperate with the City in recalibrating traffic signal coordination timing and progression. We will change the timing of traffic signal only upon the direction or advance written approval of the City. During emergency conditions, CSC will assure full cooperation with the City and those employees of the City and other agencies as indicated. CSC will not represent the City in matters of policy or procedures under this contract, and not make any reference to City policy or procedures, and refer all questions or inquiries from the public regarding policy and procedures, or terms and conditions of this contract to the City. C. Maintenance Requirements Preventive Maintenance Traffic Signalized Intersections CSC will provide preventive maintenance for the traffic signal equipment as listed below. We will be required to furnish and use a preventive maintenance checklist form approved by the City for each inspection.CSC will be required to provide one completed electronic copy of the maintenance checklist to the City following each inspection, to maintain a copy of the maintenance checklist in the traffic signal controller cabinet, and to maintain a copy of the maintenance checklist at the our office of records. Page 151 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC�,;mpulersrrvicefompany Issued: May 21, 2019 7�i.'Sigrtaldfa puce.randit C mp.nl CSC will be required to follow a program of continuing comprehensive maintenance designed to eliminate or reduce the incidence of malfunctions, reduce complaints, and extend the useful life of the equipment. The program will include, but not be restricted to, the following: Routine Maintenance (Performed Monthly) - Preventive Maintenance (PM) Checklist Form: maintain a copy of the Preventive Maintenance Checklist Form approved by the City at each traffic signal. The PM Checklist Form will be completely filled out during each maintenance inspection and during any time repairs are made to the traffic signal controller or any related equipment in the controller cabinet or the signal equipment at the intersection (detector loops, pedestrian heads, signal heads, lenses, lamps and signal poles, etc.). - Intersection Records: Ensure that all intersection cabinet wiring diagrams are present and up to date. - Verify timing charts to controllers. If they are not correct contact City staff to verify differences and request update timing chart. - Controller Cabinet Mounting: Check the snugness of the nuts on the traffic signal cabinet anchor bolts, tighten, if necessary, being sure not to distort the cabinet door opening by over tightening. - Controller Cabinet Foundation Seal: If standing water or evidence of water is present inside the bottom of the cabinet, check the seal between the bottoms of the foundation for deterioration, and reseal the cabinet foundation as necessary with duct seal. - Door Gaskets: Check all door gaskets on the controller cabinet, service cabinet and any other enclosures for evidence of moisture or deterioration. Report the need to completely replace any gaskets showing signs of leaking or deterioration. - Cabinet Vents: Check the vents in both the cabinet door and above the door, or at the top of the cabinet to ensure that they are free of any foreign material. Air Filter: Vacuum, replace or knock out any dust accumulated in air filters. Take appropriate action based on the condition of the filter. - Cabinet Fan: Verify that cabinet fan(s) operate properly with a minimum of noise. - Thermostat: Verify that the cabinet fan thermostat is set at 96 degrees and operational. - Interior Light: Verify the proper operation of the cabinet's interior light. - Door Panel Harnesses: Check the harnesses leading from the main panel and auxiliary panels on the cabinet door to ensure they are not being pinched and do not bind against the cabinet door. Adjust, if necessary. - Hinges and Locks: Check for free movement of all doors, latching assemblies and locks on the controller cabinet, service cabinet and any other enclosures. Use a minimum of oil or spray lubricant and remove any excess. Page 161 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services i CSCC,;m,�nLvServ.e Com,�:mt Issued: May 21, 2019 Trn,�s;Rnal ,a,fl«•lta„ree,,=Vc,Rspcc,a,,,, - Vacuum Cabinet: Blow or brush off shelves, terminal blocks and components and thoroughly vacuum the interior of the cabinet. Insect or Rodent Infestation: Check for signs of ants, wasps or other insects or rodents within the cabinet, Check duct seal on conduits for proper fit and snugness. Use appropriate insect traps or powders if any positive findings are discovered. More serious problems shall be reported to the City. - Cabinet Grounding: Using appropriate equipment, check annually the resistance between AC and ground. - Service Connections: Verify the neutral, ground and power connections are secure in the controller and service cabinets. - Plug-In Components: Check that each plug-in component (rack mount detectors, relays, load switches, etc.) fits tightly and securely. - Ground Fault Receptacle: Verify the proper operation of "Test" and "Reset" buttons on GFCI type outlets. - Controller Operation: Manually place vehicle and pedestrian calls on each phase through the cabinet test switches or the controller keypad, to verify controller servicing of each active phase. Check controller logs for any faults that have occurred and make note for the file. Confirm controller time and dates are correct. (Especially after day light savings time change). - Conflict Monitor/Malfunction Management Unit: Verify time and dates are correct in any CMU/MMU with an internal clock. - Detector Operation (inductive loops): Verify the detection zones for each detector by observing the turn-on of the appropriate detection indicator as a vehicle passes over the detector loop(s). Check also that a call is placed on the correct controller phase. - Detector Operation (video detection): Verify camera operation by monitoring the vehicle call on the video controller unit. Also, verify the calls going to the detector call page in the controller. - Equipment Displays and Indicators: Verify that all LED and LCD displays and indications on all cabinet equipment are working properly. - Battery Backup System: (If Equipped) Check battery backup display for AC IN, UPS OUTPUT, and INVERTER indications. All should be on when utility power is supplied to the cabinet. Make note if either is out of range. Keep records of events recorded and total battery run time between maintenance checks to help indicate problem intersections. Check all battery connections to ensure they are clean and secure. Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning units or parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Page 17 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC�,;r,,,,nler Sewi,:r Crnu�ny Issued: May 21, 2019 Tr SCC puler and io rC 3D'p.inl Intersection Walk-Around (included as a part of Routine Maintenance): - General: Remove any easily removable, unauthorized signs, stickers and posters and note any graffiti existing on signal poles or equipment. Notify City of any graffiti observed on traffic signal equipment. - Signal Heads: Verify that all vehicle and pedestrian heads properly display all indications and the signals are not damaged.Verify the alignment of all heads to the intended direction. Verify that all back plates, visors and doors are visibly secure. Report any landscaping that restricts the view of signal heads to the City (Signal heads should be visible from 250 feet). Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning displays with ITE approved LED units will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Pedestrian Equipment: Check all pedestrian push buttons (and bicycle push buttons where provided) and signals by hand to ensure that they are securely mounted and operating properly. Replace damaged or malfunctioning buttons with larger size 2" ADA type buttons as necessary. Labor and material costs to replace malfunctioning buttons will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Internally illuminated street name signs (IISNS) or Reflectorized Street Name Signs (RSNS): Verify that the IISNS or RSNS is adequately connected to frame, clamp and brackets, and no panel is broken or missing. Labor and material costs to replace damaged parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Safety Lighting (Night Check): Conduct nighttime check of safety lights and illuminated street name signs at signalized intersections where such devices exist. Submit to the City for approval a report listing necessary repairs with cost estimates. Labor and material costs to replace damaged parts will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. - Miscellaneous: Check all detector loops for sealant deterioration, exposed wire, etc. Labor and material costs to reseal or replace loops will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Semi-Annual (Twice yearly) In addition to the Monthly preventative maintenance services above - Air Filter: Replace air filters for Traffic Cabinet, Service Cabinet and if equipped Battery Backup Cabinet every 6 months. - Electrical service: (type II or Type III pedestal) customer section of electrical service shall be thoroughly cleaned and documented on the cabinet log book to date and time of cleaning. Page 181 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSCf,;m,.uLHr Ser.;.efom,.:�ny Issued: May 21, 2019 Trajjic Signal Maintenance and System Specialists Annual (Yearly) In addition to the Monthly & Semi-Annual preventative maintenance services above - Annual Conflict Monitor Testing: Replace conflict monitor units and malfunction monitor units (CMU's, MMU's) with a spare unit and testing and certification. Printed certifications meeting industry standards shall be provided to the City for each monitor unit. Labor and material costs to repair or replace failed or obsolete units will be paid in addition to the established flat pm rate fee per intersection. Preventive Maintenance Flashing Beacons, Flashing Crosswalks, and Speed Feedback Signs - The maintenance of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and speed feedback signs will be conducted on a Bi-monthly basis. Routine Maintenance (Bi-Monthly) The maintenance and inspection of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and electronic speed feedback signs shall include, but not limited to: - Clean cabinet inside and outside, wipe down all lenses, displays and remove any foreign material. - Check power supply voltage, Check Batteries, solar equipment/chargers, voltage regulators and verify operations. - Check settings for on/off timing, flashing rate, flashing duration, and time of day. - Maintain all digital time clocks to National Bureau of standards time. - Observe each pole, head, traffic control sign, etc., and remove foreign material. - Special attention shall be given to update Holidays, Daylight Savings Time, and shut- down periods. - Replace damaged or malfunctioning lamps, LED indications, in-road warning lights (IRWL), detection bollards, and pressure pads meeting manufacturer's specifications with prior approval by the Director of Public Works or their designee. All repairs and replacements shall be authorized by City prior to performing; Labor and material costs shall be submitted to the City for Authorization. Extraordinary Maintenance/Emergency Response/Extra Work Repairing downed signal heads, poles, damaged controller and cabinet, damaged internally illuminated street name signs, and damaged inductive loops, sensing elements, pedestrian push buttons, pedestrian signal heads, wiring, audio devices, and other operational equipment related issues. Providing assistance to the City during special events and/or support during City construction projects as necessary to implement revised traffic signal timing and phasing for changed traffic conditions. Page 191 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSCE+,��+uLersenicefc.mpany Issued: May 21, 2019 T,on; C 11.111 1"Seni,s I tupdvi, Traffic Signal and Pedestrian Signal Indications: Replace or repair standard traffic signals (red, yellow, green & Arrows) and pedestrian signal display units as they malfunction upon authorization from the City. All traffic signal and pedestrian indications shall be ITE approved LED units only. Emergency work includes, but is not limited to the following: Respond within one (1) hour after City's notice of the following events: • Any signal controller malfunction. • Burned-out Signal Indications. • Other situations deemed potentially hazardous to public safety. Notify the City within twenty-four (24) hours of any change in traffic signal operation caused by controller replacement, timing changes, and loss of master control or traffic collisions. Emergency calls that require replacement of equipment will not require approval from City before such replacement occurs. Additional staffing shall be provided where the responding technician cannot handle emergency work alone (knockdowns, wire pulls, etc.). Maintain a single local telephone where an on-call traffic signal technician can be reached twenty- four (24) hours per day. This telephone number will be made available to all persons designated by the City. Compensation for all Extraordinary work, Emergency work, and Extra work identified above will be paid at the hourly labor rates, vehicle and equipment rates, and material cost (plus markup) in accordance with the Cost Proposal included in this RFP. a. Scheduled Repair CSC will investigate and determine the corrective requirements for each reported malfunction, failure, or outage of the traffic signal system. The equipment and components shall include, but are not limited to the following elements: Incandescent Lamps, Light Emitting Diode (LED) signal faces, Conflict Monitors, Internally Illuminated Street Name Sign Tubes, LED Illuminated Street Name Signs, Signal Safety Lights, Load Switches, Detector Amplifiers, Transfer Switches, Flasher Switches, Breaker Switches, Ballasts, Starters, Sockets, Fuses, Fuse Holders, Photoelectric Cells, Signal and Safety Light Wiring in Poles, etc. This work shall be performed in accordance with the unit cost provided in the Cost Proposal in this Solicitation. For any work not covered by the Cost Proposal in this Solicitation, the Contractor shall submit a cost proposal to the City prior to performing any corrective work. The City reserves the right to furnish supplies, materials, and installed equipment required for performance of the work. Page 201 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSCfompuler5rrvice pin Comany Issued: May 21, 2019 rr,�.s;Rna,.,,.,�,.•na....a�Q„=,m� I, b. Emergency Response Work The City may request that CSC perform emergency response work on the traffic control system. We will provide and maintain emergency service response on a twenty-four (24) hour a day, seven (7) days per week basis (24/7), including all holidays. This work shall be performed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the unit cost provided in the Cost Proposal in this Solicitation. CSC will provide the City with a contact name and phone number of personnel responsible for 24/7 services. 1. Emergency Response Work may include, but is not limited to the following: - Downed signal heads, poles, signal on flash, signal blackout, burned-out lamps, damaged controller and cabinet, damaged illuminated street name signs, damaged inductive loops, sensing elements, pedestrian push buttons, electroliers, pedestrian signal heads, wiring, and other operational equipment related issues. Assisting the City for special events or for City construction projects, as necessary to implement revised traffic signal timing and phasing for changed traffic conditions. 2. Equipment for Emergency Work - Repair, replace or otherwise render in good working order any and all defective parts of the traffic signal equipment with like make and model parts. Whenever equipment is removed, the City representative shall be notified by phone and email within twenty- four (24) hours. - CSC will cover the cost of replacing any parts to the traffic signal system. The City shall reimburse CSC for materials used for repairs, in an amount equal to the cost of the materials including an agreed mark-up price. - Notify the City representative in advance of any traffic signal deactivations (by phone and email) that may be required to provide the required services. Traffic signal de- activations shall not be scheduled without the approval of an authorized representative of the City. All traffic signal controller equipment shall be maintained as recommended by the manufacturer. - CSC will place barricades, clean up debris, properly dispose of all damaged components. c. Maintenance Records CSC will create and maintain an inventory list of the equipment in the controller cabinet at each location. The inventory shall include the model, manufacturer, serial number, and quantity of each piece of equipment and installation date. The inventory list shall be continuously updated and a copy shall be furnished to the City every four (4) months in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Page 211 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC t,>mpuler Service Cum,Mny Issued: May 21, 2019 CSC shall maintain a copy of the Preventive Maintenance Inspection Form approved by the City at each intersection. The checklist shall be completely filled out during each routine maintenance inspection and during any time repairs are made to the controller or any related equipment in the controller cabinet or the signal equipment at the intersection (detector loops, pedestrian heads, signal heads, lenses, lamps and signal poles, etc.). A printout of the signal control database shall be kept in each controller cabinet. Timing changes shall be indicated on the printout. Only the City's representative shall authorize timing changes except that CSC may make changes required on a temporary basis due to maintenance operations or to maintain a satisfactory signal operation when there is a detection failure. d. Monthly Activity Report CSC will provide a computerized monthly activity report to the City by the fifteenth working day of each month for the previous month's activities. The report shall be provided both as a printout and as a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet compatible computer file transmitted by e-mail and attached to the monthly invoice. No payment will be made without submittal of the report. The report shall include: 1. Preventive Maintenance: Time and date the preventive maintenance was performed. 2. Scheduled Repairs: A complete record of all work that was performed on the traffic signal equipment during the previous month including the date and time, make, model, and serial number of any major components or other equipment that was newly installed at each intersection. 3. Emergency Response Work: Time the service calls were received, time arrived at the intersection, the response time, nature of the problem, the number of hours spent for each repair, materials used, whether the activity is related to accident or vandalism, and a special listing of intersections with three or more calls in one month. e. Response and Service CSC will provide response and service on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day per week basis. Immediate action shall be taken to safeguard the public any time a signal installation becomes partly or totally inoperative from any cause whatsoever. We shall provide the City with a contact name and phone number of personnel responsible for 24/7 services. The maximum response times shall be as follows: 1. Emergency and accident maintenance —one (1) hour 2. Replacement of burned out signal faces—two (2) hours 3. All other signal maintenance—twenty-four (24) hours 4. Safety Lighting —twenty-four (24) hours 5. Illuminated Street Name Signs —forty-eight (48) hours Page 221 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC f,;m„nler 5e,,;,:e C,;m,r.+ny Issued: May 21, 2019 7r0S,�Signal.Vnlnrrnanrr ad SnSUtn�o..c,a„:r, Signal on flash, signal blackout not caused by a power outage, and any malfunction of pedestrian signals shall constitute an emergency. The City may extend the maximum response time for maintenance on a case-by-case basis if the signal remains operational in a satisfactory manner and the condition poses no immediate hazard to the public. Failure to meet the response time requirements by the Contractor shall be sufficient cause for the City to authorize maintenance to be completed by others and deduct the costs of said maintenance from payments due to the Contractor. Repetitive failure shall be deemed sufficient cause for the City to terminate the contract. f. Signal Shut Down and Signal on Flash CSC will immediately notify the City's Public Works Department, Rosemead LA County Sheriff Department, and Fire Department of any signal turn-offs or signal on flash necessitated by their operation. Signal shut down of any duration and signal on flash operation in excess of fifteen (15) minutes must be first authorized by the Public Works Department. g. Spare Equipment CSC will maintain adequate storage and shop facilities and sufficient stock of spare parts and signal equipment to affect maintenance to the signals. The Contractor shall maintain at least one fully tested standby controller that is compatible with the City's system. The Contractor will own and maintain all spare parts until installation in the City. h. Salvaged Equipment CSC will deliver any salvaged or salvageable equipment or material to the location in the City as directed by the Public Works Department. Any material or equipment declared non- salvageable by the Public Works Department shall be taken from the City and disposed of properly by us at our cost. Components such as mast arms and luminaries that are undamaged may be reused at the direction of the City. i. New Traffic Signals CSC will maintain new traffic signals, safety lights, speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, flashing beacons, and appurtenant devices as they are being installed, or become a part of the maintenance requirements of the City. As requested by the City, the contractor shall provide support and review of new traffic signal turn-ons. j. Other Devices CSC will be required to maintain any additional beacons,speed feedback signs, in-pavement flashing crosswalk lights, and appurtenant devices as they are installed in the City. The maintenance of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and speed feedback signs will be conducted on a Bi-Monthly basis or as directed by the City. Page 231 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services CSC(cmcruler Srrvicr.Comny Issued: May 21, 2019 Tr ni �;Rnal$-lalnnxane.•.nd Starch S mpodar t The maintenance and inspection of flashing beacons, flashing crosswalks, and electronic speed feedback signs shall include, but not limited to: • Clean cabinet inside and outside, and remove any foreign material. • Check power supply voltage, solar equipment, and replace any batteries as needed. • Check settings for on/off timing, flashing rate, flashing duration, and time of day. • Maintain all digital time clocks to National Bureau of standards time. • Observe each pole, head, traffic control sign, etc., and remove foreign material. • Special attention shall be given to update Holidays, Daylight Savings Time, and shut- down periods. Replace damaged or malfunctioning lamps, LED indications, in-road warning lights (IRWL), detection bollards, and pressure pads meeting manufacturer's specifications with prior approval by the Director of Public Works or their designee. III.Underground Service Alert (Dig Alert) Monitoring CSC will be required to adequately mark all traffic signal conduits, traffic signal interconnect/communication lines, and equipment as well as street lights on behalf of the City in accordance with the California Government Code Section 4216 et seq. The City's designated representative will monitor notifications submitted by Underground Service Alert (USA) to the City, and will furnish applicable notifications to a representative of the Contractor to coordinate the markings of any signalized intersections that may be scheduled for construction work or excavations as evidenced by notification from USA. CSC will establish a process for monitoring and tracking the marking of any affected intersections; an Intersection Record Log shall be created, with the USA notification and corresponding action noted in the controller, with a copy provided to the City. CSC will assume all liability for satisfying the City's obligations to adequately identify underground structures in accordance with this law. Compensation for providing USA—Dig Alert services identified above will be paid at a flat rate per occurrence in accordance with the Cost Proposal in this Solicitation. IV. Warranty Service New equipment installed by CSC shall be covered with a material and workmanship warranty for one (1) year after acceptance. Where parts or material become defective during this warranty period, we will notify the City so that the warranty may be exercised. CSC shall be responsible for exercising maintenance and replacement covered by the warranty. No additional or separate compensation shall be paid for warranty service work. At expiration of the warranty, servicing of traffic signals shall be performed in accordance with these specifications. Page 241 City of Rosemead RFP for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Issued: May 21 2019 CSC fompuh'rier i.n'Comihin Ti c Signal Malnlcnanm and Sink?,,Spcc,al,,le V. Payment Payments will be made within thirty (30) days after an invoice has been approved by the City's designated representative. Copies of all invoices for supplies, materials, and installed equipment shall be included with the invoice. VI. Working Day CSC's working day activities for preventive maintenance and scheduled repairs shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding designated City holidays. Deviations from normal working hours will not be allowed without prior written consent of the City. VII.Wages Paid to Contractor's Workers Pursuant to California Labor Code Article 2, Wages, Section 1770 et seq., the work described herein is a "public work" as defined by this Article of the Labor Code and requires payment of prevailing wages pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771. Contractors are advised to familiarize themselves with this provision and with Departmental of Industrial Relations opinions and interpretations relative to traffic signal maintenance. Failure to comply with the Labor Code may result in imposition of statutory penalties enumerated in Labor Code Section 1775. Page 251 Cost Proposal COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "A" FLAT RATE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Total Annual Price Amount I. Preventive Maintenance (Traffic Signal System: includes safety lights) 43 Per Intersection $ 70.00 $36,120.00 II. Preventive Maintenance (Speed Feedback Signs) 18 Per Location $ 30.00 $ 6,480.00 III. Preventive Maintenance (In-Pavement Flashing Crosswalk Lights) 15 Per Location $ 25.00 $ 4,500.00 IV. Underground Service Alert—USA (Dig Alert Service) Per USA $150.00 $ 1 ,800.00 Special Note: The flat rate fee represents total compensation for all labor, material, equipment, and vehicles necessary to provide the corresponding tasks. TOTAL PROPOSAL ITEMS (I, II, Ill, IV) $48,900.00 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "B" SCHEDULED REPAIR SERVICES Item No. Description Unit Price 1. Replace Type A Detector Loop (1 to 4 loops) $ 650.00 Per Loop 2. Replace Type A Detector Loop (5 or more 4 loops) $ 600.00 Per Loop 3. Replace Type D Detector Loop (1 to 4 loops) $ 650.00 Per Loop 4. Replace Type D Detector Loop (5 or more loops) $ 600.00 Per Loop 5. Remove&Replace Video Detection Camera Unit (Iteris) $ 1,412.00 Per Unit 6. Remove &Replace Vehicular LED Face Replacement During PM $ 75.33 Per Face 7. Remove &Replace Pedestrian LED Face Replacement During PM $ 178.60 Per Face 8. Remove &Replace Pedestrian Push Button During PM $ 83.52 Per Button Special Note: The unit price represents total compensation for all labor, material,equipment, and vehicles necessary to complete the corresponding task. For any work not listed on Schedule B, the Contractor shall submit a cost proposal to the City prior to performing the work. RFP 2019-07,Page 17 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES List the position titles and responsibilities of personnel that will be providing emergency response services to the City per this RFP. PERSONNEL Position Hourly Straight Time Hourly Overtime Title: Traffic Signal Supervisor $ 110. 00 $ 158. 00 Title: Traffic Signal Electrician Foreman $ 110. 00 $ 158. 00 Title: Traffic Signal Electrician $ 97. 00 $ 130. 50 Title: Traffic Signal Laborer $ 85. 00 $ 120. 00 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES CONTINUED VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT The vehicles and equipment listed hereon may not accurately reflect the rolling stock used by your firm. For those vehicles and equipment that are not used by your firm, cross out and mark as "N/A"to indicate that the vehicle or equipment is not available or necessary for the emergency response services requested in this RFP. Personnel Vehicle $ N/A Per Hour Pickup Truck $ 15. 00 Per Hour Service/Utility Truck $ 30 . 00 Per Hour Altec/Tesla Bucket Truck $ 36. 00 Per Hour Crane Truck $ 70. 00 Per Hour Concrete Saw $ 15. 00 Per Hour Air Compressor with Tools $ 20 . 00 Per Hour Arrow Board $ 10 . 00 Per Hour Wire Trailer $ 1 U . U U Per Hour $ Per Hour RFP 2019-07,Page 18 Any equipment not listed will be paid per current Caltrans equipment rates. The City will pay a maximum travel time of one hour in each direction. MATERIAL MARK-UP Material mark-up will not exceed 15 % of supplier's invoice price (cost) that will be furnished to the City in any cost proposal for emergency response work. RFP 2019-07,Page 19 S E M tdE O '9 a `Z O 'ON.„, , CIVIC PRIDE � f .til/M07 MOP- -toRPppATE0, Attachment E Bear Electrical Proposal S E M E 0.1 DES 4. 0 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS T=Q DfVT W.—cm- _I::E JSE 82c 7 ► Traffic Signal Maintenance Services RFP No. 2019-07 Bear Electrical Solutions, Inc. Headquarters: 1341 Archer Street, Alviso, CA 95002 Local Regional Office: 3911 E. La Palma Avenue Anaheim, CA 92807 1(800) GO BEAR1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD `,III' RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES a(!:, RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS Table of Contents Information/Background on the Contractor 2 Past Experience/References 5 Key Personnel/Qualifications 10 Understanding of Scope of Work and Work Proposal 12 Scope of Work 15 ATTACHMENTS 17 1i Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD � �: Air% RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES'014•. RFP 2019-07 BEAN ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS , Information / Background on the Contractor Bear Electrical Solutions, Inc.was created with the simple belief that no other firm in our space was delivering the level of service that customers deserved. Knowing that there was a better way,we created Bear Electrical using a high standard that is focused on two simple objectives: 1. Delivering on our promises and 2. Putting people first. We achieve this high standard by having the right people,smart systems,and challenging the status quo. Right People We only hire people that, not only have the perfect balance of experience and expertise, but MUST have the right mindset. Our people operate with a high standard of professionalism, reliability, and responsiveness when they perform their duties. Our team is constantly empathic to our customers and naturally possess a sense of genuine care and concern to the needs of our customers. We work relentlessly to give the best possible customer experience while ensuring all work is done safely and in compliance to public agency standards and best practices. Smart Systems Building smart systems and processes is essential to empowering our team to deliver on our promises. Leveraging our long-time experience as well as constantly learning from our customers' needs, Bear Electrical has developed systems and processes using industry best practices and world-class software. This allows us to raise the bar by providing insightful data and reports,and delivering real time communication and access to critical service information. Challenging the Status Quo This inspires us—we believe that by continually improving and searching for better maintenance solutions allows us to become the best service provider in the industry. We approach each agency as a new customer —customizing fresh new solutions, use data to drive future decisions and make smart recommendations, and most importantly—free you up to do other aspects of your job and make signal and streetlight infrastructure maintenance easy for you. 2IPage CITY OF ROSEMEAD ( ` • RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES tat A1011 RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS Company Background Bear Electrical Solutions, Inc.was founded in 2013 to deliver the best signal and lighting electrical construction and maintenance service possible to California. Headquartered in San Jose,CA and with our southern California branch office in Anaheim,CA-Bear Electrical employs 66 full time employees,operates three field offices with a statewide service area,and provides maintenance services to 56 public agency contracts. Our company carries all the necessary licenses and credentials to ensure the public that we are competent, responsible,and above all, safety experts in our craft. California Contractor's License(#982079) • Class A—General Engineering—Required to perform or oversee work specialized in civil-related works such as foundations, concrete work, paving and trenching. • Class C-10—Electrical—Required for installation and maintenance of high-voltage devices. • Class C-31—Construction Zone Traffic Control—Required for preparation and implementation of traffic control such lane closures,flagging, etc.which is a vital task in maintenance. • Class D-31 — Pole Installation and Maintenance— Required to perform pole installation and maintenance Individual Licenses and Certifications • Department of Industrial Relations Certified & Registered (#1000002158) • Gold Shovel Certified by Pacific Gas&Electric • National Electrical Contractors Association Certified • Department of Industrial Relations—Electrical License • Professional License in Traffic Engineering Involved and Active in Various Industry Organizations • Prospect Silicon Valley(Major Sponsor) • Traffic Signal Association of Silicon Valley Chapter(TSA) • California Street Light Association (CALSLA) • United Contractors(UCON) Our company specializes in: • Emergency Response—We are capable and commit to have an electrician in your City within one (1) hour during emergency and accident maintenance and within (2) hours during non-emergency conditions. • Routine Maintenance — We are experts in performing traffic signal routine maintenance — non- affiliated with any specific traffic signal equipment manufacturers—we exist to perform the best traffic signal maintenance with knowledge and expertise for all manufacturers. We will perform monthly and bi-monthly for signalized intersections and lighted crosswalks/speed feedback signs, respectively. • Underground Service Alerts(USA)—We are capable and have the systems to provide responsive and accurate Dig Alert monitoring. Our processes and systems allow us to be organized and efficient to 31 Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD ki RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS i� provide best-in-class service to meet the needs of the City and the community performing work within the City's jurisdiction. • Traffic Signal Timing—Bear Electrical Solutions, Inc. is the only maintenance company in the area that has an in-house licensed traffic engineer as owner and manager. Robert Asuncion has provided such services to our existing customers on an as-needed basis. • Traffic Signal Controller Programming—With a maintenance team comprised of all IMSA Level III Field electricians-our team of electricians are fully capable and knowledgeable to input any signal controller programming in your city in practically any software format. • Streetlight Maintenance (can be provided if required by Rosemead)—Bear Electrical Solutions is the largest private streetlight maintenance provider (for municipalities) providing service to over 160,000 agency owned infrastructure. We have crafted our systems to not only effectively service your streetlight issue but have a proprietary system in tracking work history, asset information (both City and third party), and costing on a per pole basis. • Solar-powered Devices — As a leader in the maintenance business, our electricians have working knowledge and experience on virtually every solar-powered traffic device in the market. • Fiber Optic,Wired, and Wireless Communications—Our team have experience installing new builds, troubleshooting, and repairing all typical forms of communication media for both traffic signal and streetlight applications. From deploying CCTV cameras,SMART streetlights,adaptive signal system to Bluetooth travel time readers to V2X technology — our team has experience with all forms of communications and understands the intricacies to your signal infrastructure. • NEGATIVE HISTORY—Bear Electrical has no negative history report. 41 Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD ( %.‘ RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES B E 5 tip:. \ :'A • RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS • ''M1" "=/ Past Experience / References Below is our current list of agency contracts throughout California. Contract Maintenance #of #of #of Radar No. Agency-Contract , Contract Type #of TS #of SL Flashing Lighte Speed Signs Duration (ACTIVE) Beacon 1 d CW Citrus Heights Full Turnkey I ( 2015- 1 Streetlight Streetlighting I 4,503 I 1 2025 1-- .... ; i --_ _... _ ._._.i..... ——.._.__.._._.__... 2014- 2 Elk Grove Full Turnkey Streetlight Streetlighting 16,646 ! ! 2019 Fremont Full Turnkey 12017- 3 Streetlight Streetlighting 16,994 2022 Full Turnkey 2014- 4 Lathrop Streetlight I 2020 Streetlighting 1,518 Manteca Full Turnkey 2014- 5 Streetlight Streetlighting 4,040open I I 6 Tustin Full Turnkey ; i 2017- Streetlighting Streetlighting 3,161 1 , I 2022 Aliso Viejo Traffic Full Turnkey 2017- 7 Signal Traffic Signal 47 I 3 { I 6 I 2024 8 Benicia Traffic Full Turnkey 2018- Signal................_._._.._ —.Traffic Signal..........._._.........__1.1......._........ _....---; ...._._12 ..._..._�...-_.. 2023 Burlingame Traffic Full Turnkey ! 2017- 9 Signal Traffic Signal 26 i 2022 10 Capitola Traffic Full Turnkey 2014- Signal Traffic Signal 8 I-- i 2 } 2020 Carlsbad Traffic Full Turnkey I i 2015- 11 Signal Traffic Signal 177 2022 12 Ceres Traffic Signal Full Turnkey ! — j 2018- Traffic Signal 34 I i 2023 Citrus Heights Full Turnkey I I 2015- 13 Traffic Signal Traffic Signal 68 2025 14 Covina Traffic Full Turnkey i I 2017- Signal Traffic Signal -- 48 1 { 1 12 2022 El Dorado County Full Turnkey I 2017- 15 Traffic Signal Traffic Signal 49 I _ 2022 16 Elk Grove Traffic Full Turnkey i 2014- Signal Traffic Signal 144 _—,-- 7 10 2019 Elk Grove Unified School District Full Turnkey I i ! 2019- Traffic Signal 4 I 2023 17 Traffic Signal 18 Escalon Traffic Full Turnkey ' 2019- Signal Traffic Signal 2 I 2023 Fremont Traffic Full Turnkey I I + 2018- 19 Signal Traffic Signal 173 ( 2023 Full Turnkey i j 2019- 20 Galt Traffic Signal j 2022 Traffic Signal __..._......__........5---...._...�. _..._.._......._._._. Glendora Traffic Full Turnkey , I 2016- 21 Signal Traffic Signal 51 1 1 1 2021 51 Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD lk%*. Al RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES •• RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS ' Hollister Traffic Full Turnkey I I • 2017- 22 Signal Traffic Signal 20 ! 3 2 I open Jay Paul Company Full Turnkey J j lI 1 2018- 23 Traffic Signal Traffic Signal 1 j I open Lathrop Traffic Full Turnkey I ! l 2014- 24 Sinal Traffic Signal 30 i 1 9 i 2020 Lincoln Traffic Full Turnkey , 2016- 25 Signal Traffic Signal 35 1 2021 Loomis Traffic Full Turnkey 1 2015- 26 Signal Traffic Signal 7 ._ �—�_._.—_... __.- _—_ .__—._....—__.—_' 2020 i Los Altos Traffic Full Turnkey ' i 2018- 27 Signal Traffic Signal 3 !••• I I 2_._...__ ' 2023 l-... Manteca Traffic Full Turnkey I ! 2018- 28 Signal Traffic Signal 57 __2023 Monterey Traffic Full Turnkey ' 2019- 29 Signal Traffic Signal 56 { ' 7 1- 15 i- 2022 .-......._.._....._.__.__._.___--.i 2018 Oakdale Traffic Full Turnkey 30 Signal _... Traffic Signal $.-_._ _..__ _....._._......_.._..-...._...-_-_-•-•-' 2023 Pacific Grove Full Turnkey 1- ' ' I 2019- 31 Traffic Signal Traffic Signal 2i ' 2022 Palo Alto Traffic T Full Turnkey ! I ; 2018- 32 Signal/ Traffic Signal I 17 j 1 2022 Augmentation _ I Paradise Traffic Full Turnkey � - - 1 2017- 33 Signal Traffic Signal 15 i 2022 34 Paso Robles Traffic Full Turnkey I 2018- Signal _.._.... Traffic Signal.........._._.._ 32 —............�..._.. __ _.._._._._.__._..._ -.--._—.—i__ 2022 Patterson Traffic Full Turnkey r I I 2016- 35 Signal Traffic Signal 13 I T 2021 36 Placentia Traffic Full Turnkey ! I I 2019- __ ._...-._ Signal - -.._....--___Traffic Signal _.._.. 60 ..._ I..... - . I 2022........_.. San Joaquin Traffic Full Turnkey ! ! — I 2018- I 37 Signal __..-_.-.._.._.._. -._Traffic Signal 31 ...-.�_...._...._.—...1 s 2023 San Juan Full Turnkey I 2018- 38 Capistrano Traffic Traffic Signal 38 ! 1 3 i 2023 _._._._-_......._Signal................_..._........................ _.-. i - ...._...... Saratoga Traffic Full Turnkey i ' 1 2019 39 Signal Traffic Signal 15i 7 5 L- - ---._�_ 2018 Seaside OMC- Full Turnkey - 40 Traffic Signal _-..:....___.._.._.... Traffic Signal 2 ; i } 2022 Seaside Traffic Full Turnkey l I 2018- 41 Signal Traffic Signal 21 i 2022 42 Stanton Traffic Full Turnkey ! ; 2019- Signal Traffic Signal 142 I 2023 Full Turnkey -�-�---_.I. � 2017- Tustin Traffic Signal 43 Traffic Signal 128 _.._.:_2 —I 5 �....._.__...__._._—_(_2021_ 44 .-.-..-...-._......-.—- -....._._. r--_ ._....-..._......_ t_..__....._...._.._.I 7 2019- UC Santa Cruz Full Turnkey Traffic Signal Traffic Signal _ 2 �— 2022 Watsonville Traffic Full Turnkey I 2019- 45 Signal Traffic Signal 25 i l 1._...._-__L __..__...__.._! 2022 Wage CITY OF ROSEMEAD ,",��: (41, RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS Dixon Traffic Signal Full Turnkey TS 2018- 46 and Streetlight &SL 4 ! 1 5 ` 2021 Lake Forest Traffic Full Turnkey TS 1 i I 2017- 47 Signal......_.........__._._.._.....__......._.............._&5L_._................_.._....._.-_............_.._.�91 362 6 2022 _ . ..._._.. Los Altos Traffic I j 1 2018 Full Turnkey TS 48 Signal and &SL 8 8 2 12 i 16 i 2021 Streetlight T Salinas Traffic I t I 2019 Full Turnkey TS Signal and &SL 110 I I 2023 49 Streetlight __......__._ ! Contra Costa ' County Traffic On-Call/ ; 2019- 50 Signal and Augmentation 195 6,700 l 2023 Streetlight....................................__.................._._......_.._...... _.................._.—_.. ...___ -�-----..-._.._...._....._.__. ....._ 2017_....__.. Fremont Park On-Call/ i 1 51 Department...........................__..._Augmentation............. ..-_._......._._.._. 2,300....._..1--__..._...._.�...... �!_. _._._....... x_._....._2022........._.. Monrovia On-Call/ I 2019 52 Streetlighting Augmentation 2,400 -- — Monrovia Traffic On-Call/ ; I � i 1 2019 53 Signal Augmentation 35 I San Jose Traffic On-Call/ ; I ; ! 2019- 54i ' Signal &Streetlight Augmentation 920 62,000 2021 55 Sacramento Traffic On-Call/ I i Signal &Streetlight Augmentation 700 1 40,000 I __ Yuba CountyOn-Call/ 1 �� - - 2018- 56 Traffic Signal Augmentation 57 2022 Totals 3,582 160,632 73 42 62 #of #of Flashing Lighte #of Radar #of TS #of SL Beacon d CW Speed Signs 7i i) ge CITY OF ROSEMEAD 4� �,RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES Bests% RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS "• We are proud of the customer base that we have that allows us to work collaboratively and feeds our passion as traffic signal electricians and managers. Below is a list of references of local government entities that we have a privilege of serving. Customer Reference No. 1 Name City of Tustin Project Description Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance- Routine& Response Services Project Duration 2016-ongoing Project Cost $500k annually Contact Name Krys Saldivar, Public Works Manager Contact Telephone 714-573-3172 l,�fY Number Contact Email 'A _ �A Address ksaldivar@tustinca.org v's'� Customer Reference No. 2 Name City of Carlsbad Project Description Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance-Routine& Response Services Project Duration 2015-ongoing Project Cost $600k annually Contact Name Doug Bilse,Senior Traffic Engineer Contact Telephone OF C 44 Number 760-602-7504 Contact Email cs ='V•,. Q Address doug.bilse@carlsbadca.gov -1‘/FORX\ Customer Reference No. 3 Name City of Aliso Viejo Project Description Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance-Routine& Response Services 81 Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD ,014 RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES •f RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS , Project Duration 2017-ongoing Project Cost $100K annually Contact Name Shaun Pelletier,City Engineer ov Contact Telephone �__ �IsoL,F Number 949-425-2533 (,s :14 Contact Email • Address spelletier@cityofalisoviejo.com Customer Reference No.4 Name City of Covina Project Description Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance- Routine& Response Services Project Duration 2017-ongoing Project Cost $50K annually 01- y� t ii _ Contact Name Steven Pivovaroff, City Engineer ‘-'11.47 Contact Telephone .�� Number 626-422-0396 "1-1f'oV•c"` Contact Email Address spivovaroff@covinaca.gov Customer Reference No. 5 Name City of Glendora Project Description Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance-Routine& Response Services Project Duration 2016-ongoing Project Cost $45k annually Contact Name Ulises Benavente ��GLe4,� Contact Telephone 626-914-8247 " � a Number -ooRATE9% Contact Email Address ubenavente@ci.glendora.ca.us __- Additional references can be provided, if requested. 9I r _ P e CITY OF ROSEMEAD ,,,��� RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS , Key Personnel / Qualifications The Bear Electrical Solutions'Anaheim Branch will be the office servicing the City of Rosemead contract. The organization chart for Bear Electrical Solutions is comprised of two divisions — Maintenance and Construction Operations. For the City of Rosemead,the key staff are highlighted below: Andrew Bader CFO/Construction I VP/Maintenance I I I I Felipe Calderon Brent Paulson Pitch Shefke San Jose Manager Sacto.Manager I Anaheim Manager' I I I Jeff Grimes 10 Maintenance 7 Maintenace project Support Electricians Electricians Construction Super San Jose Sacramento 6 Office Staff 'Field Manager) 19 Electrical/ Wes Sumner- Minh Pham Laborers Vinny Nguyen Lab Manager IMSA Level 3 IMSA Level 3 IMSA Level 3 IMSA Level 3 (IMSA Level3/Fiber' I � I Jesse Coronado James Moreno I IMSA Level 3' IMSA Level 3 IMSA Level 3 For this contract,we anticipate dedicating(6) key staff to the City of Rosemead. As extraordinary work arises, additional qualified maintenance staff can provide support to the key Rosemead team. Moreover, any work such as foundation builds,trenching&concrete will be supported by our construction division. Jason Hayes,Anaheim Project Manager—Jason will be the main point of contact for the City. Jason has been in the electrical maintenance industry for over 20 years starting as an apprentice to currently being a regional manager for our company. Not only is Jason a hands-on electrician,Jason is subject matter teacher and consultant and will be your project manager for City of Rosemead. Jason will be coordinating bi-monthly meetings with the City and providing project management estimating and invoicing for the City. Jason possesses a wealth of field experience and skills managing similar contracts. IMSA Level Ill Field,NEC Licensed,OSHA Certified Justin Cataldo,Anaheim Field Manager—Justin will be secondary point of contact for City and will be responsible for field staff work scheduling. Justin is an expert in scheduling and logistics. He ensures all work orders are completed and meets customer expectation. Justin has over 35 years of experience in the traffic signal maintenance business. Ralph Murillo,Field Foreman—Ralph is the regional office foreman and supervises several electricians for maintenance. Ralph has over 16 years of experience performing traffic signal maintenance. He is Econolite-certified and is proficient with 170/2070 controllers. He is knowledgeable in IP networking, 101 Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD �;61� RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS wireless and wired communication installation, troubleshooting, and modifications. IMSA Level III Field, NEC Licensed, IMSA Fiber Optic Certified. Rene McGaugh, Field Electrician/Construction Lead — Rene has over 20 years of experience performing traffic signal maintenance and roadway electrical construction. Rene is passionate about the maintenance trade and at one-time was a partner at another company performing electrical work. He is Econolite-certified and is proficient with 170/2070 controllers. IMSA Level III Field, NEC Licensed. Bernardo Torres,Field Electrician—Bernardo has over 8 years of experience performing traffic signal maintenance. Bernardo is Econolite-certified and is proficient with 170/2070 controllers. IMSA Level III Field. Robert Asuncion, Traffic Engineer — Robert has worked in the public sector as a Transportation Engineer as well as the private sector in the traffic signal/streetlight maintenance manager for over 15 years. As Co-Founder of Bear Electrical Solutions, Robert has made streetlights and traffic signal maintenance his career and life's work. IMSA Level III Field &II Bench, Professional Traffic Engineer Licensed,Contractor A Licensed Wes Sumner, In-House Laboratory Engineer-Wes has been in the traffic signal industry for over 35 years and specializes in controller cabinet testing and certification, controller and cabinet design and engineering. Wes provides third-party testing and certification to several cabinet manufacturers prior to customer delivery. He is extremely knowledgeable with signal operation troubleshooting and repair. Wes is certified and trained to operate on all the traffic signal software/hardware platforms in the industry. IMSA Level III Field&Ill Bench. Fiber Optic and Network Certified. OSHA certified. Additional field electricians will provide service to Rosemead as extraordinary work is requested by the City. 11I Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD ,k ��i RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES k415001" RFP 2019-07 BERN ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS Understanding of Scope of Work and Work Proposal Based on our review of the RFP and background knowledge of the City, we understand the City needs the following: • A traffic signal maintenance service provider that can provide a full turnkey maintenance program for a continuously innovating and expanding community in the San Bernardino County area. • A maintenance service provider that can operate as a "project partner" and have a team of responsible, experts of the trade -available 24/7/365 with the ability to respond to emergency work in two-hour max. o A team of electrical experts that is properly licensed, knowledgeable, drug-free, and highly certified to perform the work at hand throughout the entirety of the contract. • A maintenance company that can handle and recommend best practices regarding routine maintenance of traffic signal infrastructure as well as unscheduled maintenance items with a proper work authorization process. • A maintenance company that can provide industry-standard, certified traffic signal equipment that is consistent with City of Rosemead standards and specifications, including but not limited to, signal poles,controller cabinet, cabinet components,and field indication hardware. • A maintenance company that can effectively communicate and report routine activities as well as extraordinary issues that arise such as emergency or scheduled work. o Ability to maintain accurate and up-to-date documentation o Transparent billing reporting o Submit maintenance invoices in an expedient and accurate manner monthly Approach Our approach to meet the goals and objectives of this RFP is as follows: • We will assign our best electricians and project manager that are locally based. We have experience working with developing communities and will bring proactive innovative solutions to the table. • Our live dispatch team answers our toll free 1-800-GOBEAR1 phone number from 8:00am—5:00pm during weekdays. We have a call center that handles after hour calls and routes them to the correct person immediately. You can also dispatch/create work orders online by submitting a case through your portal, or by emailing our dispatch email address. • We will establish a positive and regular routine with the City of Rosemead by having,at a minimum,a monthly meeting to review work progress and discuss pertinent issues to complete open work. • Continue to enhance and share our working knowledge of new ITS technologies and maintenance approaches with you. 12I Page ROF ROSEMEAD BES 1b RFPFP �&FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES RFP 2019-07 BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS `, • Traffic Engineering Support for Rosemead,if needed—In the true spirit of"extension of staff,"Robert Asuncion can provide traffic engineering consultation to assist in budget and design review,grant data collection and strategy, timing review and validation, and traffic engineering best practices recommendations for signal operations. • Perform Monthly Inspections- Per RFP Page 3"Scope of Work—Routine Preventative Task List"—our team will perform all activities mentioned in this section with safety and integrity as key values in this program. We will document all inspection work as described in the RFP as well as include high resolution photographs of issues to be uploaded and email to the City,as needed. As we get to know your city, we will make recommendations to the routine with idea of having the ideal, value- engineered inspection for budget. A routine checklist listing items checked as well as reporting issues found will be provided to you in electronic format as well as available on-line. • Perform unscheduled maintenance. We excel in unscheduled maintenance with a team of labors and electricians that have experience in traffic signal and streetlight construction. We have a process developed for authorizing extra work as part of our online maintenance system. • Provide a truly innovative approach to knowing your traffic signal maintenance program. The S.T.A.R. (Service Tracking And Reporting) system is Bear Electrical Solution's proprietary software suite built to drive a higher standard for the maintenance industry. The STAR system enables real- time exchange of information from our field&office to our customers to ensure optimal accuracy and responsiveness. Key highlights of the system are: o Setup and customization of your own online portal to view real-time status of your work orders. o One centralized place for all your data—locations,installed assets,and work order history organized by locations. o Automated approval process for extraordinary work proposals. o Smart reports and analytics to drive better decisions on how to maintain your infrastructure. Our system is built on the salesforce platform which allows it to integrate with all other industry software solutions. If the City has their own work order management system, we can integrate our system with the City's system in terms of data upload and work order management. 13JPage CITY OF ROSEMEAD ,ki /i AmkRFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES ' RFP 2019-07 DEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS o • Audit and establish a baseline inventory of assets and report and enter data in STAR as well as provide completed inventory reporting to the City on a per location basis. This includes traffic signal cabinet inventory. Inventory reporting will be online and accessible through the City port AccountGo, _.'ZJ kr S Zones $Vi3 Protocol mteraonneo,u.du tsl Dewey B IP Pntr 2nd Devoe i IP efr•.w.ctti. ' Modem et5ra,,d'Sena!Numbs __..__._.. -- - ----- ------ l4Mw B r Cahmet Slot P V -,_ Cabinet 5e.Al• 122-55 Live Intersection ConbolN!5er.al• :522 0:548-3, eBSoe.c =425°-"'° - Location Inventory Asset _. EVP Choc 2:2522a'15:ant ---.. Fbmet.re 55.Co CNB MU Maroc 5155 1,16536422-0667 _ --. Database ---� ----- can CSJ Date _ Inventory Dale 1Z20i' - Phase.2 Phases, — - Mr�x I ... _ Phase FB System Loops . se�n tee., video Detection Phase ___ �°� a�` Nada.Phases ListB.en•astiesLx __—_— Bicycle Detect.,List • Routine communication will be made by our field foreman to the City either by phone or email (City preference) to communicate work scheduled for the day, any extraordinary calls that came in overnight or from the weekend, and a forecast of any work ahead. 141 Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD 440)64RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICESBES Alb� RFP 2019-07 BERN ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS i�. 0�", Scope of Work Our proposed scope of work is to provide: • Bi-monthly routine inspections to the City's(43)signalized intersections, (15) in-roadway lights,and (18) speed feedback signs. These inspections will be billed on a bi-monthly bases per Attachment A as each item is completed. • Perform pre-authorized,extraordinary maintenance based on emergency situations or based on City request. Extraordinary maintenance work will be performed and billed per the Fee Schedule in Attachment C or per respective City-approved task order. • Provide on-going consultation with City staff on the current signal system infrastructure. This consultation is included in the bi-monthly fee and no special fees will be charged. A proposed bi-monthly routine maintenance is as follows: 1. To inspect, clean, and adjust each controller unit and controller cabinet and make a routine inspection once per calendar month. All controller settings shall be checked using the cabinet timing sheets to ensure that all settings are correct. Any discrepancies shall be reported to the designed City representative. BES will maintain a record in each controller cabinet showing the date and time checked. As well as noted in the BES STAR system. 2. Replace or repair any and all defective parts of the traffic signal system which may cause a signal malfunction or failure, as the occasion arises per routine maintenance, such as the signal controller,flashers,vehicle detectors,etc. 3. Replace the air filter elements as needed. 4. Perform annual conflict monitor unit(CMU)or MMU test using certified ATSI PCMT 8000. Repair/replace failed units immediately. Keep documentation of test results at the controller cabinet as well as in the BES STAR system. 5. Check with City representative bi-monthly on the status of City's interconnect system and check for locations where communication has been lost. 6. Move the fan thermostat setting and determine if the fan is operable. Reset to proper temperature. 7. Visually inspect all relays, clocks, dials, and' photocells, cabinet locks, cabinet fans, switches,and appurtenances and make routine adjustments or minor repairs if necessary. 8. Check and tighten all screws on the terminal strips in the controller cabinets. 9. Check all anchor bolts at all poles of the intersection and tighten as necessary. 10. Remove and/or cut any weeds from around the immediate vicinity of the controller cabinet. 11. Check signal cabinet and service box for presence of graffiti. Remove graffiti by either by brushing,wiping,or painting over it.Obtain approval by the City prior to any painting.(No painting on any existing unpainted anodized aluminum cabinets or on painted cabinets with treated anti-graffiti coating.) 12. Check signal cabinet for presence of pests or insects and mitigate appropriately. 13. Vacuum cabinet and remove any foreign material. Check cabinet filter for tight fit and tape if required. Check cabinet seal for water-tightness and re-seal where necessary. 14. Inspect all vehicle and pedestrian signal heads including backplates,visor,and indications for proper operation, alignment, broken lenses. 151 Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD k'0i4 RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BES .�" RFP 2019-07 UEUIi ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS 15. Check all vehicle detectors for functional operation. Walk intersection and check condition of all pavement loops. Verify all loops are functional and placing calls to the designated phases. Check the seal of all pavement loops and reseal if needed. 16. Check all pedestrian push buttons for functional operation. Replace or repair any broken and defective pedestrian push buttons. All new pedestrian push buttons shall be 2" diameter ADA push buttons when replacing existing non-APS push buttons. New push buttons must be Piezo driven solid-state, capable of placing a call when pushed with as little as two pounds of force, shall provide both an audible and visible confirmation on activation by a pedestrian. 17. Walk the intersection and inspect all pullboxes and hand-holes relating to the traffic signal. Replace all missing and broken, missing pullbox lids and hand-hole covers. 18. Check that all pullboxes are clear of dirt and debris. 19. Check related photoelectric circuitry and make routine adjustments or repairs as necessary. a. Make recommendations to the Engineer if trees or shrubs need to be trimmed or removed for approval. 20. Replace or repair any broken or defective audible pedestrian signals or APS units. Replacement units shall be new and of the same make and model of the unit being replaced. 21. At locations equipped with emergency vehicle preemption equipment, visually inspect the alignment of the optical detectors, check that the phase selectors are turned on, ensure all connections are tight and secure and all indicators output normal readings for regular operations.Test each preemption approach for proper operations per the signal timing sheet. 22. At locations equipped with a battery back-up system,visually inspect all battery back-up system panel indicators during normal signal operations and run time operations of the traffic signal system with battery back-up power. Check all batteries and verify they are fully charged.Clean all battery terminals. Measure battery conductance,flow charge,and deep cycle charge.Verify system is operational. a. a. Document all readings and log into maintenance log. 23. At locations equipped with a CCTV camera, clean the dome of the camera. Check and secure the camera mounting and tighten all connections.Visually inspect for any damage. 24. Call and coordinate with City staff to ensure video output can be viewed at the City office. 25. The work to be performed per the City's"Inspection Checklist"is entered into our system and the frequency of work is defined whether bi-monthly, semi-or annual routine. This allows us to communicate both to the City and our employees what tasks and expectations are to be performed for that given location on a work order basis. EXCEPTIONS: We recommend all CMUs/MMUs to be tested in the City annually(for tort liability reasons). Bear electricians are certified to perform CMU/MMU testing and will self-perform this testing instead of sending it out. 16I Page CITY OF ROSEMEAD : RFP FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES BESAPAM RFP 2019-07 BERN ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS ° ATTACH M E NTS 171 Page COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "A" FLAT RATE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Total Annual Price Amount Preventive Maintenance (Traffic Signal System: includes 85.00 3,655.00 safety lights) 43 Per Intersection $ $ II. Preventive Maintenance (Speed Feedback Signs) 18 Per Location $ 60.00 $ 1,080.00 III. Preventive Maintenance (In-Pavement Flashing Crosswalk Lights) 15 Per Location $ 60.00 $ 900.00 IV. Underground Service Alert— USA (Dig Alert Service) Per USA $ 250.00 $ 250.00 Special Note: The flat rate fee represents total compensation for all labor, material, equipment, and vehicles necessary to provide the corresponding tasks. TOTAL PROPOSAL ITEMS (I, II, Ill, IV) $ 5,885.00 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "B" SCHEDULED REPAIR SERVICES Item No. Description Unit Price 1. Replace Type A Detector Loop (1 to 4 loops) $ 1,200.0o Per Loop 2. Replace Type A Detector Loop (5 or more 4 loops) $ 900.00 Per Loop 3. Replace Type D Detector Loop (1 to 4 loops) $ 1,200.00 Per Loop 4. Replace Type D Detector Loop (5 or more loops) $ 900.00 Per Loop 5. Remove & Replace Video Detection Camera Unit (Iteris) $ 8,500.00 Per Unit 6. Remove & Replace Vehicular LED Face Replacement During PM $ 150.00 Per Face 7. Remove & Replace Pedestrian LED Face Replacement During PM $ 325.00 Per Face 8. Remove & Replace Pedestrian Push Button During PM $ 200.00 Per Button Special Note: The unit price represents total compensation for all labor, material, equipment, and vehicles necessary to complete the corresponding task. For any work not listed on Schedule B, the Contractor shall submit a cost proposal to the City prior to performing the work. RFP 2019-07, Page 17 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES List the position titles and responsibilities of personnel that will be providing emergency response services to the City per this RFP. PERSONNEL Position Hourly Straight Time Hourly Overtime Title: Traffic Signal Supervisor $ 125.00 $ 190.00 Title: Traffic Signal Electrician Foreman $ 125.00 $ 190.00 Title: Traffic Signal Electrician $ 115.00 175.00 Title: Traffic Signal Laborer $ 70.00 $ 110.00 COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "C" EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES CONTINUED VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT The vehicles and equipment listed hereon may not accurately reflect the rolling stock used by your firm. For those vehicles and equipment that are not used by your firm, cross out and mark as "N/A"to indicate that the vehicle or equipment is not available or necessary for the emergency response services requested in this RFP. Personnel Vehicle $ 25.00 Per Hour Pickup Truck $ 25.00 Per Hour Service/Utility Truck $ 35.00 Per Hour Altec/Tesla Bucket Truck $ 45.00 Per Hour Crane Truck $ 250.00 Per Hour Concrete Saw $ 25.00 Per Hour Air Compressor with Tools $ 25.00 Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour $ Per Hour RFP 2019-07,Page 18 Any equipment not listed will be paid per current Caltrans equipment rates. The City will pay a maximum travel time of one hour in each direction. MATERIAL MARK-UP Material mark-up will not exceed 15 % of supplier's invoice price (cost) that will be furnished to the City in any cost proposal for emergency response work. RFP 2019-07, Page 19 7. Page 14. Cost Proposal Schedule "A" Scheduled Repair Services. Replace Video Detection Unit. Question: Could the City verify what type video detection system the City uses? Answer: The type of video detection system is to be ITERIS. 8. Page 14. Cost Proposal Schedule "A" Scheduled Repair Services. Question: There are two (2) Cost proposal Schedule "A", please clarify? a. Second Cost Schedule should read: COST PROPOSAL SCHEDULE "B" SCHEDULED REPAIR SERVICES The addendum No. 1 forms a part of the RFP for the above described RFP and shall supplement or supersede referenced sections of the original RFP. This Addendum No. 1 must be signed by the Bidder and submitted along with the Bidder's Proposal. Failure to acknowledge receipt of addendum will disqualify the Bidder. Respectfully, Robert Chavez Public Works Manager Acknowledgement: Bidder: Date: 5/27/19 Title: Vice President - Bear Electrical Solutions, Inc. CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD Contractor's License Detail for License # 982079 DISCLAIMER:A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information,you should be aware of the following limitations. CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law(B&P 7124.6)If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure,a link for complaint disclosure will appear below.Click on the link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action information. Per B&P 7071.17,only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. Due to workload,there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database. Data current as of 5/28/2019 3:39:15 PM Business Information BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS INC PO BOX 924 ALVISO, CA 95002 Business Phone Number:(408)449-5178 Entity Corporation Issue Date 03/18/2013 Expire Date 03/31/2021 License Status This license is current and active. i Ali information below should be reviewed. Classifications C10-ELECTRICAL A-GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR C31 -CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL C-61 /D31 -POLE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE Bonding Information Contractor's Bond This license filed a Contractor's Bond with INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY. Bond Number: 0605247 Bond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date:03/25/2016 Contractor's Bond History Bond of Qualifying Individual The qualifying individual MICHAEL ARTHUR PETERS certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/membership interest of this company;therefore,the Bond of Qualifying Individual is not required. Effective Date:09/13/2017 This license filed Bond of Qualifying Individual number 5172205 for JAMES REXFORD KING in the amount of$12,500 with SURETEC INDEMNITY COMPANY. Effective Date: 11/06/2013 The qualifying individual ROBERT QUE ASUNCION certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/membership interest of this company;therefore,the Bond of Qualifying Individual is not required. Effective Date: 05/21/2015 Workers' Compensation STATE OF CALIFORNIA • CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD Pursuant to Chapter 9 of Division 3 of t t� Business and Professions Code and the Rules and Regulations of the Contractors State License Board, the Registrar of Contractors does hereby issue this license to: } I� I I BEAR ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS INC I License Number 982079 to engage In the business or act in the capacity of a contractor in the following classifications: C10 - ELECTRICAL A- GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR C31 - CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL D31 - POLE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE• if Witness my hand and seal this day, i! September 14,2017 Issued March 18, 2013 f�J w Kevin J. Albanese. Board Chair - This license is the property of the Registrar of Contractors, David R. Fogt, Registrar of Contractors is not transferable,and shell be returned to the Registrar upon demand wher suspended,revoked,or Invalidated for any reason.tt becomes void if not renewed. f :OSP+6 13C64.8 Alin.'Nc?•AaK'