BC - Item 2A - Minutes of April 10, 2019 MINUTES OF THE BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 10, 2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Beautification Commission was called to order by Chair Brian Lewin at7:03 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Commissioners Duran, C. Liu, L. Liu; Vice-Chair Oceguera; and Chair Lewin ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Clerk Hernandez and Deputy City Clerk/Staff Liaison Natalie Haworth PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner L. Liu INVOCATION was led by Chair Lewin 1.PUBLIC COMMENT There being no comments, Chair Lewin opened and closed the Public Comment period. 2.CONSENT CALENDAR 3.MATTERS FROM STAFF A. Civic Pride Day 2019 City Clerk Hernandez informed the Commission that staff has been diligently promoting Civic Pride Day on the City website, social media, and distributing flyers at City facilities and events; noted staffhas already received interest from various community groups such as Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, Rosemead High School, San Gabriel High School Public Works Superintendent Scott presented a status update on the upcoming Annual Civic Pride Day being held on May 4, 2019, at Garvey Park; informed the Commission that Public Services staff have purchased all materials, removed shrubs, started excavation to prepare for the event; provided a list of the flowers and plants that will be utilized at Civic Pride Day, an anatomy of a rain garden, the importance of cobble rock and mulch, and a guide to planting flowers properly. noted there will be about 30 different flowers and plants available the day of to plant; indicated there will be duties for all ages, including clean up around Garvey Park. Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2019 Page 1of 3 City Clerk Hernandez requested the Commissioners be at Garvey Park an hour prior to the participants check-in time; asserted as of now, there are about 25-30 volunteers locked in and will have a more solid number as the event approaches. B.Little Free Libraries Project City Clerk Hernandez discussed the Little Free Libraries Project, a book-sharing program designed to promote literacy in the community and to reach kids that may have challenges visiting a library or do not have access to books; explained the library boxes will be built by the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters, whom have the skills and experience in building and installing the library boxes with other organizations. Ms. Hernandez indicated the Beautification Commission will lead the program and collaborate with local community groups to fundraise the funds needed by selling items at City events such as waters or snacks, and seeking sponsorship from members of the business community; noted the Commission will also hold book drives to obtain book donations to supply the library boxes. City Clerk Hernandez opined once the funds are raised and construction materials are purchased, the Beautification Commission will coordinate a construction date with the Carpenters to build the library boxes. Ted Jimenez, Special Representative, Southwest Regional Carpenters of Council, provided background on the Carpenters role; indicated he has cases of books to donate to Ros and would coordinate delivery of the books with staff. In response to Vice-Chair Oceguera, Mr. Jimenez indicated Rosemead would be nd the 2city that they facilitate the Little Library boxesfor. Commissioner Duran expressed appreciation to the Southwest Regional Carpenters of Council for volunteering their time to such a worthwhile cause. In response to Chair Lewin, Mr. Jimenez asserted a notice of 2-3 weeks is needed to coordinate volunteers, etc.; noted 6 little libraries would only take 6-8 hours, and that a Saturday would suffice. In response to Vice-Chair Oceguera, Mr. Jimenez stated the main office is in Downtown Los Angeles;noting there are ninetraining centers in California; invited the Commission for a tour of the local training center. City Clerk Hernandez stated staff is coordinating with the Parks and Recreation Department to determine the fundraising logistics such as City events and what type of items we can raffle off; encouraged the Commissioners to share any other fundraising ideas. Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2019 Page 2of 3 Mr. Jimenez reiterated the Carpenters cannot receive money for any materials, labor, etc.; emphasized the City would have to purchase the material and the Carpenters can arrange the items to be picked up. City Clerk Hernandez assertedwe will have a better timeline once staff confirms how much fundraising can be done; noting the Library Boxes Program can be initiated by fall. 4.MATTERS FROM COMMISSION A. Commissioners Comments Chair Lewin invited the community to join the Commission for Civic Pride Day on th May 4, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., in effort to beautify Garvey Park. 5.ADJOURNMENT Chair Lewin adjourned the regular meeting at 7:45 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on May 8, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead Council Chamber. ________________________________ Natalie Haworth, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED: ______________________________ Brian Lewin, Chair Rosemead Beautification Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2019 Page 3of 3