CC - Item 1A - HUD 2019-2023 Consolidated Plan Workshop1 Rosemead Council Workshop: CDBG and HOME Allocation Estimate June 11, 2019 2 What is an AI? The AI is a review of impediments to fair housing choice in the public and private sector. The AI involves an assessment of: ▪a review of a jurisdiction’s laws, regulations, and policies, procedures, and practices ▪how those laws, etc. affect the location, availability, and accessibility of housing ▪conditions, both public and private, affecting fair housing choice for protected classes of the Fair Housing Act (race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or familial status) ▪the availability of affordable, accessible housing in a range of unit sizes 3 What is an impediment? Impediments to fair housing choice are: ▪Any actions, omissions, or decisions taken because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin which restrict housing choices or the availability of housing choices ▪Any actions, omissions, or decisions which have the effect of restricting housing choices or the availability of housing choices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin. 4 What is a Consolidated Plan? The Consolidated Plan is designed to aid jurisdictions in assessing affordable housing and community development needs to determine investment of funds from the CPD formula block grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The consolidated planning process •structures a plan for a community dialogue to identify priorities •Sets forth the goals for the next five year period •analyzes housing and economic market conditions •addresses the priority needs and specific goals through Annual Action Plans •allows the jurisdiction to track its accomplishments 5 Forecasted Allocations •CDBG -$3,500,000 •HOME -$1,500,000 •TOTAL HUD ALLOCATIONS -$5,000,000 6 Accomplishments •Affordable Owner Housing-2/0 •Code Enforcement- 200/140 •Community Housing Development-1/0 •Expand Fair Housing – 75/138 •Homeless services-300/484 •Services for Seniors- 15,000/18,285 •At-Risk Youth-50/32 •Supply lead-safe housing-10/4 •Prevent Homelessness- 5/17 •Repair Aging Housing Infrastructure-10/7 •Support Community Housing Development Org-1/0 •Affordable Owner Housing-2/0 •Code Enforcement- 200/388 •Community Housing Development-1/1 •Expand Fair Housing – 75/77 •Services for Seniors-4,000/4,356 •At-Risk Youth-30/31 •Supply lead-safe housing-10/4 •Prevent Homelessness- 5/12 •Repair Aging Housing Infrastructure-10/3 •Support Community Housing Development Org-1/0 •Affordable Owner Housing-2/0 •Code Enforcement- 200/388 •Community Housing Development-1/1 •Expand Fair Housing – 75/119 •Services for Seniors-15,000/560 •At-Risk Youth-30/29 •Supply lead-safe housing-10/4 •Prevent Homelessness- 0/5 •Repair Aging Housing Infrastructure-10/0 •Community Housing Development Org-1/0 •Affordable Owner Housing-2/0 •Code Enforcement-200/2 •Community Housing Development- •Expand Fair Housing – •Services for Seniors- •At-Risk Youth- •Supply lead-safe housing- •Prevent Homelessness- •Repair Aging Housing Infrastructure- •Community Housing Development Org- Underway Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 * Expected number/Actual 7 Planned Engagement Activities Public hearings Community survey Press releases Focus groups One-on-one stakeholder meetings Social Media releases ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓