PC - Item 4A - Minutes - 12-3-18 Minutes of the PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING December 3,2018 The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Tang at 7:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE—Commissioner Lopez INVOCATION—Vice-Chair Eng ROLL CALL—Commissioners Dang, Herrera, Lopez, Vice-Chair Eng and Chair Tang STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney Thuyen, Community Development Director Kim, Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela, Assistant Planner Lao,and Commission Secretary Lockwood. 1. EXPLANATION OF HEARING PROCEDURES AND APPEAL RIGHTS City Attorney Thuyen presented the procedure and appeal rights of the meeting. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE None 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. DESIGN REVIEW 18-03 -420 Boyd Street, LLC has submitted a Design Review Application (DR 18-03) requesting to renovate the primary facade (Valley Blvd. frontage) of an existing commercial shopping center.The subject site is located at 8801-8845 Valley Boulevard(APN:5391-009-001 and 5391-009-003) in a Central Business District with Residential/Commercial Mixed-Use Development and Design Overlays(CBD/RC-MUDO/D-0)zone. The proposed project also consists of various site improvements such as the rehabilitation of the existing parking lot, landscaping, shopping cart containment stations, locksmith structure, and an upgraded trash enclosure. The proposed project would not add any new floor area to the property.Approval of a Design Review is required for all significant improvements(per Section 17.28.020.A) requiring a building permit or visible changes in form, texture, color, exterior façade, or landscaping within a Design Overlay zone. - PC RESOLUTION 18-17 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW 18- 03, PERMITTING THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PRIMARY FACADE (VALLEY BLVD. FRONTAGE)OF AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER,IN ADDITION TO SITE VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS SUCH AS THE REHABILITATION OF THE EXISTING PARKING LOT, LANDSCAPING, SHOPPING CART CONTAINMENT STATIONS, LOCKSMITH STRUCTURE, AND AN UPGRADED TRASH ENCLOSURE, LOCATED AT 8801-8845 VALLEY BOULEVARD(APN: 5391-009-001 and 5391-009-003), IN A CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT WITH RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN OVERLAYS(CBD/RC-MUDO/D-0)ZONE. STAFF RECOMMENDATION-It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 18-17 with findings and APPROVE Design Review 18-03,subject to the 32 conditions. Assistant Planner Lao presented the staff report. 1 Chair Tang asked if there were any questions or comments for staff. Vice-Chair Eng asked if the lights in the parking lot lights will be changed or remain the same. Assistant Planner Lao replied the existing parking lot lights will remain the same. Vice-Chair Eng asked if the locksmith structure is currently active. Assistant Planner Lao replied yes, along with an active business license. Vice-Chair Eng asked if the current signage will be upgraded. Assistant Planner Lao replied no, it is going to remain the same. Vice-Chair Eng asked if there's been any graffiti issues at this site. Assistant Planner Lao replied no, not that staff is aware of. Commissioner Herrera asked a question. (Not audible) Assistant Planner Lao replied that is correct and there is no new square footage. Chair Tang asked what type of improvements will be made to the parking lot. Assistant Planner Lao replied what is being proposed is that the parking lot will be restriped, parking spaces will not be added or reduced,and cracks will be repaired. Chair Tang asked if the flow of traffic in the parking lot was reviewed since this project was first approved and if the parking is sufficient to date or needs to be improved. Assistant Planner Lao replied the applicant is not proposing to do anything to the parking lot, because there is an existing easement with the adjoining property at the corner. She reiterated the applicant is only restriping and fixing cracks in the parking lot. Chair Tang stated since they are already repaving the parking lot, it is an opportunity to look into the flow of the parking lot to ensure it meets today's code or can it be enhanced. Community Development Director Kim asked Assistant Planner Lao if the parking lot currently meets the Municipal Code. Assistant Planner Lao replied currently the parking lot is under parked. Community Development Director Kim asked in terms of the parking spaces and circulation pattern, do they meet code. Assistant Planner Lao replied yes,and they are double striped. Chair Tang expressed that the flow of traffic in that shopping center's parking lot feels odd and asked if it still meets the City's current standards. 2 Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela explained that the parking lot does meet the current standards. She added staff reviewed the plans and if modifications are made to the parking lot, the flow would be worse, and the applicant will lose parking spaces. Chair Tang referred to the height increase and asked if that was due to the exterior façade improvement. Assistant Planner Lao replied yes, and explained the applicant is adding a new fur wall,which is a fake wall, but it still meets the height requirement. Chair Tang asked if there is a rendering of what the locksmith building will look like. Assistant Planner Lao replied the locksmith structure will remain the same,the roof will be changed to a different color, and the exterior of the structure will be painted to match the new commercial façade. Chair Tang asked if this property is grandfathered in because that is not allowed in the code currently. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela replied the permits were issued in the 80's or 90's for that locksmith structure,so it was legally permitted. Vice-Chair Eng commented that she shares Chair Tang's concern with the circulation,especially by the post office, and asked staff if there are any plans to improve on the signage to improve the circulation. Assistant Planner Lao stated the parking lot located in front of the Post Office belongs to a different owner, with a different address and APN number, and is not part of the subject site. Chair Tang asked if that part of this property is not part of this renovation. Assistant Planner Lao replied no. Chair Tang recommended staff contact that owner in regards to upkeep of their property because the landscaping could use improvement also. Planning& Economic Development Manager Valenzuela replied the property owner is present and is in the audience this evening. The property owner commented from the audience. - Chair Tang stated his comments may be heard when the Public Hearing is open. Commissioner Lopez referred to the parking lot and asked if the property owner in front of the Post Office is also a partial owner of the subject site parking lot. He stated he recalls there had been issues in the past between the two property owners and they could not come to terms. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela stated that had been with a previous owner and Valley Gateway currently has a different owner. Community Development Director Kim stated that the other parking lot is a separate parcel and not part of this application. He requested that the Planning Commission review the application on hand. Commissioner Dang stated he understands what staff is saying regarding the existing parking and the way this is configured, everything looks in line. He said it maximizes the parking lot in question and he was also under the 3 impression that the parking lot is owned by the same person, but looking at the plot plan it looks like it is owned by the bank building. He requested staff display the plan on the monitor if possible. (Staff attempted, but it was not able to be displayed). He added that the configuration already maximizes the number of parking as is, and if you were to add introduce anymore landscaping, or change of the traffic flow, it might diminish the parking spaces, and make the nonconforming parking situation worse. Chair Tang responded and clarified that he had been looking at this as an entire shopping center and did not focus on the property in question today. He added after clarification that they are looking at this specific property only, and then yes,they have maximized their parking spaces. He added that he was looking at this from a holistic view as the whole shopping center. Commissioner Dang agreed and commented if this was looked at holistically, then the other property owner would have to be asked for a consensus, but for the purpose of this hearing they would need to just focus to the shopping center to the left side. He asked staff if that was correct. Planning&Economic Development Manager Valenzuela replied yes. Commissioner Dang suggested that Assistant Planner Lao walk up and show the site plan to the Planning Commissioners because it was not able to be viewed on the monitor. Chair Tang thanked staff and asked the Planning Commission if there were any further questions or comments for staff. None Chair Tang opened the Public Hearing and invited the applicant to the podium. Michael Sun, Architect from JWDA, stated his office has been providing architectural services for more than 20 years. He added his office is local and is a few minutes away from this job site. He stated they started this project a year ago and in the last few months, they have been working with staff,various departments,and the Structural Engineers from"Lee & Lee". He gave a brief description of project details and stated he may answer any questions the Planning Commission may have. Chair Tang asked if the Planning Commissioners had any questions or comments. Vice-Chair Eng thanked the applicant for taking the time into putting so much thought into the design. She stated it is a nice facelift and thanked the property owner for investing and beautifying that corridor. She said she liked the use of the metal, she had not seen that before for a facelift and confirmed it was powder coated. She asked if the powder coat will fade over time and does it just have to be cleaned. Michael Sun replied the powder coat does not fade and it is permanent. Commissioner Eng stated the use of metal panels are interesting. Michael Sun stated the use of metal panels are an upgrade and the property owner is willing to pay the cost. Vie-Chair Eng stated they appreciate that and commented the new market is nice. She asked if there are any plans to change out the lights to complement the new facade. Michael Sun replied the current scope is just the façade renovation. He stated the area lights are currently sufficient, but the landscape lighting with low voltage decorative lighting will be discussed. 4 Vice-Chair Eng stated that is all her questions and thanked Michael Sun. Chair Tang asked if there were any further questions or comments. None Chair Tang closed the Public Hearing. He asked if there were any further questions or comments from the Planning Commissioners. Commissioner Herrera commented, but it was not audible. City Attorney Thuyen reminded the Planning Commissioners that this is really just a hearing on the application for the Design Review and to the extent of this gentleman wanting to make any comments on this approval he can, but recommended that discussion should not go back and forth on another property that is not an issue this evening. Chair Tang stated he will leave this up to the gentleman if he would like to comment on this item. Gentleman from the audience declined to speak. Chair Tang closed the Public Hearing again, seeing there are no further questions or comments. He asked if there were any further questions or comments from the Planning Commissioners. Commissioner Herrera asked a question(barely audible). Chair Tang requested Assistant Planner Lao comment on the fact that there are no changes to the floor area ratio and that they are just looking at the changes of the exterior façade. Assistant Planner Lao replied that is correct and there will not be any new square footage. Commissioner Herrera stated she is talking about the configuration of each tenant because there are several. Assistant Planner Lao replied the current tenants are remaining. There have not been any new business licenses issued for new tenants. Peter Ta, Managing Partner for Boyd Street, LLC, stepped to the podium and stated he would like to address that question. He said there is no change, but in the future,there may be potential tenants as leases expire. Commissioner Dang stated he would like to applaud the applicant and property owner for taking the initiative to bring Valley Boulevard to a modern state. He said he knows this is expensive,this will garner the businesses they want in the City of Rosemead,and he appreciates it. This may be something that may ignite the whole renovation along Valley Boulevard and other investors may do the same. Chair Tang stated he echo's Commissioner Dang's comments and thanked the applicant. He requested a motion from the Planning Commission. Vice-Chair Eng made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Herrera, to ADOPT Resolution No. 18-17 with findings and APPROVE Design Review 18-03,subject to the 32 conditions. Vote resulted in: 5 Ayes: Dang,Eng,Herrera, Lopez,and Tang Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None Community Development Director Kim stated the motion passes with a vote of 5 Ayes and 0 Noes. He also explained the 10-day appeal process and reminded the applicant to remove the on-site Public Hearing Notice. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Lopez made a motion,seconded by Commissioner Herrera,to approve PC Minutes 10-1-18 as presented. Vote resulted in: Ayes: Dang, Eng, Herrera,and Lopez Noes: None Abstain: Tang Absent: None Community Development Director Kim stated the motion passes with a vote of 4 Ayes, 0 Noes, and 1 Abstain. 5. MATTERS FROM STAFF Community Development Director Kim announced the City will be holding the 10th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting& Dinner with Santa Event and gave the date, time, and location of this event. He added details of activities taking place are also available on the City Website. 6. MATTERS FROM THE CHAIR &COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Lopez reported that since the time change the lights at the parks are not coming on at 5:00 pm and are coming on later. He also stated the lights on Garvey Avenue over the bridge are also not coming on and suggested that the timers may need adjusting. Community Development Director Kim replied he would contact the Public Works Department. Vice-Chair Eng congratulated Planning Commissioner Sean Dang on his promotion as a newly elected City Council member. She commented that as a City we should be proud, the turnout of this election was great, the number of votes were over 7,800, and all three candidates did well. Chair Tang thanked Vice-Chair Eng for sharing that information. Commissioner Dang stated speaking of votes there was 50 percent turnout and close to 9,500 in numbers. He commented that as a City,they could not go wrong,there were three phenomenal candidates,one being his colleague Planning Commissioner Eng. He stated the votes were very close and that is because they all share similar goals, passion, and beliefs for the City. He congratulated Planning Commissioner Eng, stated it was a tough race, and they all did their best. Commissioner Herrera congratulated Planning Commissioner Dang on his Council Member election. 6 Chair Tang reported that new signs were successfully posted prohibiting big rig trucks from parking in front of Jay Imperial Park. He explained the big rig trucks have been parking their and he thought it could be a safety/beautification hazard, so he is pleased the signs were installed and this is in partnership with the City Manager Molleda, Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi, and Community Development Director Kim. He thanked staff for their efforts and making sure this matter was adequately addressed. Community Development Director Kim thanked Chair Tang for bringing this matter to their attention because it needed to be addressed. Chair Tang congratulated Council Member Elect Dang on his victory in the election. He added the Planning Commission will miss working with him on this Commission, but will likely be working with him more on the City Council level. The Planning Commission and staff presented Planning Commissioner Dang a Certificate of Recognition for his service and contributions to this commission and commented that he has brought some very valuable insights while serving this commission. He thanked Commissioner Dang and stated that the Planning Commission hopes they can do more together with him moving forward. The Planning Commission and staff took a ceremonial photo together. Planning Commissioner Dang stated he would like to thank his family, they are the best, and he really enjoyed the Planning Commission meetings. He added this is a dynamic group,they agreed to disagree, but that was alright,and everyone always walked away with a smile. He stated this Planning Commission is phenomenal and if they have any concerns he is available. 7. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm. The next regular Planning Commission meeting will be on Monday, December 17,2018,at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. John Tang Chair ATTEST: Rachel Lockwood Commission Secretary 7