CC - Item 5B - Minutes 3-26-19 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGULAR JOINT MEETING • MARCH 26, 2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Steven Ly at 7:02 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Pro Tern Clark` INVOCATION was led by Council Member Armenta STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant-City, Manager Tsujiuchi, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director of',,Community Development Kim, Director of Public Works Alfonso, Director of Finance LieuDirector of Parks and Recreation Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Ly opened the PublicComment period. Elizabeth Martinez, Municipal Relationship Manager, Republic Services, announced-Republic Services will awardfive(5)college-bound Rosemead students a $1,000,scholarship each; indicated the students'are required to write an essay discussing important\environmental topics; requested Council's help to promote this opportunity. , Council Member Arinentaarequested the scholarship flyer be shared on the City's website: '‘. There being no,further comments, Mayor Ly closed the Public Comment period. 2. PRESENTATIONS\ A. Proclamation Declaring March as "Red Cross Month" in the City of Rosemead Mayor``Ly presented a Proclamation declaring March as "Red Cross Month" in the City of Rosemead to Tony Gutierrez, Ambassador, American Red Cross. B. Presentation by the Los Angeles County Temple Sheriff Station on the Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers Mayor Ly indicated this presentation was tabled for a future Council meeting. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 1 of 13 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.B A. Annual Action Plan and CDBG &Home Programs for Fiscal Year 2019-20 The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has not yet announced the final amounts to be allocated to participating communities;however, staff is conservatively estimating that Rosemead will be receiving $640,000 in CDBG funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 and $200,000 in HOME funds. When combined with projected carryover funds and projected program income, the City anticipates having a total of approximately$856,000 of'CDBG funds available and approximately$1,298,000 in HOME funds available for the,2019-20 year. Recommendation: That the City Council take thefollowing actions: 1. Conduct public hearing and take public testimony on the Annual Action Plan covering the period July 1, 2019 to'June-'30,2020. 2. Approve CDBG and HOME funding recommendations and; FY 2019-20 Annual Action Plan, as well as authorize the submittal; of` the FY 2019-20 Annual Action Plan to the U S Department of Housingrand Urban Development(HUD),. 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute all appropriate and necessary documents to receive funding, and impleinent,approved use and;:make necessary budget adjustments based on HUD's final>funding allocation amounts. 4. Award the,Yfollowing public-'service agencies with CDBG funds and authorize the City Manager to execute agreements: • Family Promise of San Galitiel Valley - $5,000 • Southern California Housing Rights Center- $10,000 ,Senior Nutrition Program- $55,000 •4a �'�Summer Youth Employment Program - $25,000 t Y 5. Authorize the City 1Vlariager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Barr & Clark, Inc.,and Lead Tech Environmental for lead based paint and may' .asbestos testing, assessment, and clearances tests of properties according to federal and'state laws in a combined amount not to exceed $19,000. 6. Awa4$2,000 of HOME funds to the Rio Hondo Community Development Commission to defray certain costs for the operation as the City's Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary operating and service agreements. 7. Approve the CDBG amounts of $257,000 to be allocated for the City's CIP Public Facilities Improvements, and $250,000 for Commercial Façade Improvements. Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 2 of 13 Director of Community Development Kim presented a draft Annual Action Plan before the City Council to propose the Fiscal Year 2019-20 programs and budgets; indicated there will be a 30-day review and comment period before the Annual Action Plan is taken before the City Council for final adoption on May 14, 2019; stated staff is proposing the same activities as approved by the City Council in November 2018 with approval of the substantial amendment to the Annual Action Plan;asserted four of the five public service agencies will continue to receive CDBG funds, noting the previous subrecipient, Family Counseling Services of San Gabriel Valley, stopped operations and did not respond to the funding request application; specified the four public service agencies will receive the following allocations. fi • Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley - $5,000 • Southern California Housing Rights Center - $10,000-' • Senior Nutrition Program - $55,000 • Summer Youth Employment Program- $25,004 In response to Council Member Armenta's inquiry,.Director,,of Community`-Development Kim stated in September and October 2018 staff started to;examine how the City can better use the CDBG funds, which led to the Summer Youth Employment Program Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking indicated the Summer Youth Employment Program will be open to students attending Rosemead and San Gabriel`High School, ages 14-17 years old that meet the CDBG guidelines of low to moderate income families; noted those students that qualify will be assigned to work at the Rosemead and Garvey Parks'anl Centers, and perhaps City Hall depending on the number of applicants received.; o., In response to Mayor Pro TernClark's inquiry, Director of. Community Development Kim affirmed since FamilyCounseling Services of San;Gabriel Valley did not reapply, the other funds were redistributed accordingly; indicated there is as,maximum cap of 15% for social services, further explaining with the introduction of the Summer Youth Employment Program, which we did not have-theprevious fiscal year, the City, is at 14.58%. Mayor Lys opened the public hearing for public comment; there being none the Mayor closed the public hearing. ACTION: 1VIQtion made by Mayor Pro Tern Clark and seconded by Council Member Armenta to adopt and approve staff recommendation No. 1 through No. 7. Motion was carried by the following vote AYES:Armenta, Clark,Dang, Low,Ly ABSENT: None B. Minor Exception for the Expansion of Residential Lots with Enlargements or Additional Dwelling Units on Existing Nonconforming R-1 and R-2 Lots — Municipal Code Amendment 19-01 The proposed Municipal Code Amendment 19-01 would amend sections of the Rosemead Municipal Code relating to the processing of Minor Exception Applications for the expansion of residential lots with enlargements or additional dwelling units on existing nonconforming R-1 and R-2 lots. The proposed Code Amendment streamlines the current Minor Exception application process and requires public noticing to adjacent property Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 3 of 13 owners and a hearing, to ensure transparency and to give opportunity for the public to participate and provide comment. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; and 2. Introduce for first reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 987, approving Municipal Code Amendment 19-01, entitled: AN ORDNANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY, OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF 'NONCONFORMING USES, STRUCTURES, LOTS ,'AND PARKING FACILITIES� AND MINOR EXCEPTIONS Associate Planner Lao stated on March 27, 2018 and April 24, 2018, the Council held a duly noticed zoning code update workshop,''in which staff discussed the complaints received and proposed several amendments to the Municipal Code;noted to streamline the process,the Council directed staff to amend the applicable Code'sections relating to the said-non-conforming and minor exception language by removing the neighboring written consent requirement and adding a noticing requirement to abutting property owners within 10 business days of the hearing date; ascertained the proposed amendment will remove all minor exception application processes and approval procedures for additions of new structures on R-1 and R-2 lots where nonconforming residential structures exist from Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.142.020 B and relocate them to Chapter 17.142\Minor Exceptions. Ms. Lao emphasized the relocation of the minor exception application processes and approval procedures will provide clarity and cohesiveness, ensure transparency, and give`opportunity for..the public to participate and provide comment. Inresponse to Council Member Dang, Associate Planner Lao clarified if there is an addition to a single-family®home, it is a hearing beforerthe Director of the Community Development and if it is a new structures.it is a hearing before the Planning Commission. Council Member Dang applauded staffs effort to streamline the application process; suggested adding verbiage to'clarify that if no objections are received, then the Community Development Director is authorized to make the determination. Mayor Ly sought City Attorney Richman's input to the suggested added verbiage. City Attorney Richman indicated it is at the City Council's discretion if they choose to add the suggested verbiage. Mayor Ly opened the public hearing for Public Comment. Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 4of13 Raymond Hu, expressed appreciation to Director of Community Development Kim and his staff for listening and addressing the community's concerns; indicated support for the proposed amendments to the Municipal Code as it provides an impartial third party making the decision, which ultimately serves both parties,the home owner submitting the application and the neighbors. Vidal Pedro,indicated the City has not addressed his concern regarding his neighbor's construction that has been going on for three years and continues to be a noise nuisance; expressed concern that homes continue to be built only two feet apart from each other; inquired if the City is going to be liable for a fire spreading from one home to the next. / Mayor Ly acknowledged that Mr. Pedro's concerns are warranted'and important, however, this was not the appropriate time to discuss this matter as it was not relevant to the subject of the public hearing at hand; advised staff to schedule a meeting with Mr. Pedro to°address his concerns and to report back to Council. , There being no further speakers, Mayor Ly closed the Public Comment period.Nt Council Member Armenta concurred with Council Member Dan-that the verbiage should clearly state the Director of Community Development is authorized to make determinations if no objections are received. ; ti By consensus the City Council agreed toaddCity Attorney Richman's suggested verbiage to Section 17.14.2 "If no objections are received, no hearinguwill be required and the Community Development Director may approve the application"° Mayor Pro Tem Clark.,expressed concern that there is only a 10-day notice for the abutting neighbor(s) to submit,an appeal; suggested changing to a 20-day notice to ensure residents have ample time to respond,if desired. Mayor Ly-asked when"an item getsyappealed from,either direction, whether it is from the Director of Community Development to they Planning Commission or from Planning Commission to the Council,how many days'aie''provided? Associate Planner Lao clarified 10 calendar days is provided. Mayor Ly stated he isnot concerned for the developer,rather the disservice it is to the homeowner that is losing money,to for that extra construction time. ti In response to Mayor Pro'Tern Clark, Director of Community Development Kim indicated every case is different as it pertains to,costs; ascertained as a homeowner, there would be costs incurred to produce the plans, and to ensure setbacks and the scale of the project are correct. Council Member Low concurred with Mayor Ly that Accessory Dwelling Units are still considered people's homes; opined the City must look at what is reasonable, further stating 10 business days is reasonable for neighbors to be made aware of matter. Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 5-of 13 Per Council Member Armenta's request for clarification for residents, Director of Community Development Kim read Municipal Code Section 17.142.040 entitled "Hearing and notice", "Notice shall be given by mailing, postage prepaid, to the owners of all property abutting the exterior boundaries of the subject property. If any objections are received within ten(10)business days (Monday-Friday), the Community Development Director shall hold a hearing on the application. Such hearing shall be held not less than ten (10) business days after submittal of a complete application." Mr. Kim also noted the following verbiage approved at tonight's meeting will be added at the end of the aforementioned Section "If no objections are received, no hearing will be required and the Community Development Director may approve application." In response to Council Member Low's inquiry,Director Kim explained if any objection is received within the noticing period, the hearing will be scheduled subsequentlyvafter the notice to a date that works for all parties. City Attorney Richman emphasized the hearing can,be scheduled more than10 days, however, must be scheduled a minimum of 10 days subsequent to notice Mayor Pro Tem Clark expressed support for the proposed ordinance,pwith exception to the 10-day notice period; inquired if there is a way to breakdown the ordinance for approval'as she would rather not have to vote no for the whole ordinance. Mayor Ly indicated that if desired, Mayor Prop Tem Clark can` make°a motion to amend the ordinance and see if a second is made by any�CouncilMember. Council Member Armenta stated that when it is time to adopttthe'City budget, while the Council may not agree with the<budget as a whole,the Council's practice is to either vote yes or no for it. City Attorney Richman advised we are looking for approval and adoption of the entire ordinance as proposed,not justuspecific portions'of it. ACTION: Motion made,by Council,Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to.take the following actions:* vs 1. Conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; and 2. Introduce for first reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 987 as amended (Section 17.142.040), approving Municipal Code Amendment 19-01, entitled: AN�ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF NONCONFORMING USES, STRUCTURES, LOTS AND PARKING FACILITIES AND MINOR EXCEPTIONS Motion was carried by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low, Ly NOES: Clark ABSENT: None Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 6 of 13 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2019-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE\SUM OF $721,819.64 NUMBERED 102536 THROUGH NUMBER 102646 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-12. %,. • Resolution No. 2019-14 �' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, -CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS�IN, THE SUM OF $603,743.35 NUMBERED � 402647 THROUGH NUMBER 102861,-INCLUSIVELY- Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-14 • Resolution No. 2019-62 RHDC A.--RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $3,330.00 NUMBERED 1605IN CLUSIVELY Recommendation:°AdoptResoluution No. 2019-02 RHDC. B. Approval of Minutes:: wd Recommendation: Thatfrthe City Council approve the special and regular joint b meeting minutes of October 23, 2018,November 13, 2018, and of special meeting of February 26 2019. C. 2018 General,Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports California Government Code § 65400 requires the filing of a General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report by April 1St of each year, for the prior calendar year, with the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). State law also requires that the Annual Progress Reports be presented at a public meeting before the City Council where members of the public are given an opportunity to comment on the City's progress. This agenda item meets these statutory requirements. Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 7 of 13 The General Plan Annual Progress Report summarizes the status of the City's General Plan and progress in its implementation. The Housing Element Annual Progress Report summarizes low to moderate-income residential building activity, Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) progress, and progress of housing program implementation for the 2018 calendar year. The Housing Element Annual Progress Report was prepared on forms provided by HCD, using definitions adopted by HCD. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Receive and file the 2018 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports; and 2. Direct the Community Development Depafment to transmit the 2018 General Plan and Housing Element Annual-Progress Reports to thegGovernor's Office of Planning and Research/_44,,,California Department`* Housing and Community development. � < ACTION: Moved by Council<Member Low and`"seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve Consent Calendar ItemseA, B, and C. Motimi>yvas carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark,Day g,Low,Ly ABSENT None 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER& STAFF A. 2019 CDBG Policies and Procedures Manual The CityDof Rosemead is a federal, entitlement grant recipient of Community Development?pBlock Grant (CDBG) Bunds from the U.S. Department of Housing wand Urban Development (HUD -AAs part of the process in receiving CDBG `..- allocation, the City adopted thefive-year Consolidated Plan (FY 2015-2019) and every year%also adoptsthe Annual Action Plan. The City is further required by HUD to prepare and implement policies and procedures (i.e., CDBG Policies and k\c',‘,.., Procedures Manual) for,CDBG funded the programs and activities. The intent of the said manual.is to clearly identify HUD's pertinent regulations and requirements '.'related to the administration, implementation and monitoring of the programs. Recommendation: That the City Council review and adopt the 2019 CDBG Policies and Procedures Manual. Director of Community Development Kim stated the City's current CDBG Policies and Procedures was prepared in 2013; ascertained an update is needed in order to add implementation policies and procedures for the two new CDBG programs (Commercial Façade Improvements and Summer Youth Employment) that were added in November 2018 as part of the Substantial Amendment to the Annual Action Plan; informed Council that staff has also enhanced the CDBG Policies and Procedures Manual so that it is a more comprehensive document applicable with the HUD guidelines and procedures. Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 8 of 13 Council Member Armenta thanked Director of Community Development Kim,Director of Finance Lieu and City Manager Molleda for ensuring monies are being allocated correctly. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Clark to adopt the 2019 CDBG Policies and Procedures Manual. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang,Low,Ly ABSENT: None B. Proposed Activities to Commemorate the City's 60th Anniversary On August 4, 1959,the City of Rosemead officially incorporated. Over the past six decades,the Rosemead has provided residents with a,safe place to establish a home and given businesses an opportunity for growth. With less than five months until the actual birthday, it is important to finalize the planning for the celebration as soon as possible. Recommendation: That the CityCouncil consider and approve theproposed event " Ppp P_ ; and promotional efforts that they'vdeem appropriate for Rosem:ead's 60th Anniversary celebration and direct staff�toproceed with planning and-budgeting for these activities. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking stated in honor of Rosemead's 60th Anniversary, the following celebrations.are proposed for Council consideration: • Birthday Celebration (August 3';.16th,-or 24th) which will include a burial of a time capsule to beopened on°„they 100th Anniversary, cake, live entertainment, food trucks, food vendors, carnival games and rides, a car .show, and sidewalk art contest • 60thi"Anniversary Logo Development • Banners and-Signage, • Commemorative LapelPinand Promotional Items By consensus, Council approved the proposed event for Rosemead's 60th Anniversary celebration on August ,24, 2019 and directed staff to proceed with promotional efforts utilizing Logo Option A (with staffs edits), in addition to the planning and budgeting for these activities. C. Approval of^Professional Services Agreements for On-Call Engineering Services The City has traditionally used professional consultant services for the design of various capital projects that include street, sidewalk, traffic signal, landscaping, park facility and building improvements. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into 3-year professional service agreements,in a form approved by the City Attorney,with Elie Farah Inc.,RKA Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 9 of 13 Consulting Group, KOA Corporation, Transtech Engineers, and Willdan Engineering to provide On-Call Engineering Services; and 2. Take such additional, related action that may be desirable. Director of Public Works Alfonso stated staff will utilize consultants as the workload requires, in order to perform engineering design, public works inspections, development review, geotechnical review, material testing, transportation planning, surveying, construction management, federal labor compliance, environmental compliance, grant preparation/administration, landscape design, traffic studies, and staff augmentation; emphasized on-call professional service agreementsallow staff to streamline the contracting process and expedite the delivery of projects. . Council Member Armenta reiterated her previous concern of°overuse of consultants; indicated the contracts are warranted as the"public Works Departments currently very short staff, however urged the Public Works°Department to be mindful'ofthe budget and to only utilize consultants when City staff is notable to assist and there isa dire feed. In response to Council Member Low, Director,,Alfonso confirmed the five proposed contracts for on-call engineering services has a budget that will not exceed $265,000. Per Council Member Dang's inquiry, D irector Alfonso noted this is not a closed list as other contractors can be added on in�the futureWif special projects arise. Mayor Ly emphaasized if staff desires to-add,any other contractors to the list,they also need to be presented to Council for consideration; applauded Director of Public Works Alfonso for his efforts within the Department. Director of Public Works Alfonso„stated there'are currently 31 projects totaling 8 million do lars�and,staff is looking„to add-another16-15 projects totaling 4 million dollars. Mayor Ly echoed C:ouncil `Membera Armenta's request to utilize City staff as much as possible in effort `to' reduce cos 'however encouraged Director Alfonso to utilize a consultant if professional services are needed to develop a quality project and the result benefits the community:„ y f Council Member Low highly encouraged City staff to monitor the work and ensure these companies are providing Rosemead quality service. N;b Mayor Ly noted for the record even though there is no actual conflict,he is abstaining from this vote for perception purposes as his brother works for one of the proposed companies. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Low and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Clark to take the following actions: Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 10 of 13 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into 3-year professional service agreements,in a form approved by the City Attorney,with Elie Farah Inc.,RKA Consulting Group, KOA Corporation, Transtech Engineers, and Willdan Engineering to provide On-Call Engineering Services; and 2. Take such additional, related action that may be desirable. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low NOES: None ABSTAIN: Ly ABSENT: None , 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR& CITY COUNCIL A. Reduce Crime and Keep California Safe Act 208 `,%4 This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Mayor Ly. Mayor Ly would like to discuss the positi6n in support':o f Reducing Ciime\and Keeping California Safe Act of 2018. \ Recommendation: That the City Council Adopt,Resolution No. 2019-13, entitled: ` ,' , A RESOLUTION QP----THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIAvSUPPORTING THE REDUCING CRIMEAND'KEEPING CALIFORNIA SAFE-ACT OF 2018 *',, Mayor Ly stated this item is,important as many residents have voiced concerns pertaining to public safety issues such as burglaries arid other crimes; emphasized the City is limited in our ability to,create structural and legislative,changes, which is why we rely on our partners__in Sacramento to_, do°so...on our behalf; noted this resolution is to support an initiative that will be on the 2020-ballot to-address these public safety issues. --I" Council Member Armenta'mdicated support for the resolution; thanked Chief of Police `Kusayanagi for his,efforts to ensufe Rosemead is safe. Mayor-Pro Tern Clark indicated/support for the Resolution. ACTION`*Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Clark and seconded by Council Member Armenta to adopt Resolution No:'12019-13, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA SUPPORTING THE REDUCING CRIME AND KEEPING CALIFORNIA SAFE ACT OF 2018 Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly NOES: None ABSENT: None Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 11 of 13 B. Resolution for Maintaining Local Control of Energy Solutions This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Mayor Pro Tern Clark. Mayor Pro Tern Clark would like to discuss the position in support of a Model Resolution for Maintaining Local Control of Energy Solutions. Recommendation: That the City Council Adopt Resolution No. 2019-15, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING A MODEL RESOLUTION FOR MAINTAINING LOCAL CONTROL OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS \„ \ ,\ ,\ At the request of Mayor Ly, Item No. 6B was tabled for the next,City Council meeting. Mayor Ly requested, with no objections to hear City Council Comments prior to Council reorganization. ' E. City Council Comments ✓�' Mayor Pro Tem Clark stated.at the Energy arid,Environmental Committee meeting the issue of PFAS was, di cussed, which are chemicals that have been in manufactured goods since'the 40sz emphasized fi'refighters are suffering physical ailments as a result;noted the°NationalLLeague of Cities,will be passing a resolution addressing thisnmatter. Council.Member,Low thanked Mayor Ly for his service as Mayor and ensuring the City Council meetings run in a timely manner. Council Member Armenta expressed\appreciation to Mayor Ly for his leadership and"love of Rosemead,'praised Mayor Ly for his patriotism and service as First -�/- Lieutenant in theAizny Reserve.-,/ VykL0.a \ , Mayor Lythanked MayorPro Tern Clark and Council Member Armenta for their � 10-year journey yon Council; requested to adjourn tonight's Council meeting in memory of Katie'Vicario, a longtime resident and former City employee. The City'Council will/reorganize by appointing a new Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem, respectively. `.`\,,\,. A C. Appointment of Mayor-City Clerk Presiding City Clerk Hernandez opened nominations for Mayor. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to appoint Margaret Clark as Mayor. Motionnwas carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang,Low, Ly ABSENT: None Rosemead City Council and Ho using Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 12 of 13 D. Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem—Newly appointed Mayor Presiding Mayor Clark opened nominations for Mayor Pro Tem. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Low and seconded by Council Member Ly to appoint Sandra Armenta as Mayor Pro Tern. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang,Low, Ly ABSENT: None 7. ADJOURNMENT , Mayor Ly the regular meetingin memo ,,.of\Katie Vicario at 8:37 p.m. Y adjournedg ,r3' ,, The next regular City Council meeting is scheduledffor April 9;,2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. � �s 'N , , . 'N i *,. <-, Ericka,Hernandez, City Clerk ,. . APPROVED: ` ' �'~ �`�, '\ rv, `� ; ' Margaret Clark,Mayor ' \ �'� f ,�� � / `,,,� ''y �,,, A , _-- °' \\ t\ iV ) } J,r 'ff Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019 Page 13 of 13