CC - Item 5D - Request for Red Curb at 2516 Muscatel Avenue E M tti 500 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CIVIC PRIDE STAFF REPORT Atb,p0RATED�9y9 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER O.,' DATE: SEPTEMBER 24, 2019 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR RED CURB—2516 MUSCATEL AVENUE SUMMARY Staff received a request from Tam Hang,resident of 2516 Muscatel Avenue,for the installation of 5-foot length red curb on each side of the existing driveway apron. The Ms. Hang indicates that they have difficulty entering/exiting their driveway. It is likely that the concern comes from on- street vehicles parked on either side of the driveway. The Traffic Commission at its regularly - scheduled meeting on August 1,2019 considered the request and voted to recommend that the City Council not approve the red curb as requested. DISCUSSION The resident at 2516 Muscatel Avenue has expressed a concern that they have difficulty entering/exiting their driveway. Based on similar requests,it is likely vehicles are parked too close to the existing driveway apron obstructing the vehicular access and possibly blocking the view of oncoming traffic, which makes it difficult for the resident to enter and exit the driveway. Through deliberation with the Traffic Commission, the resident indicated that she has changed her request which was originally to install 5 feet of red curb on each side of her driveway to red curb in front of her entire house. Part of the resident's reasoning was that she was burglarized in the past and wants no one parking in front of her house. Muscatel Avenue is approximately 36-feet wide street in a single-family residential neighborhood. Parking is permitted on both sides of the street and currently is unrestricted with the exception of certain hours every week for street sweeping. Staff conducted a site visit and determined that the curb north of the 2516 Muscatel Avenue property driveway apron is approximately 34-feet in length to the northern neighbor's driveway. The curb south of the subject property driveway apron is approximately 47-feet in length to the southern neighbor's driveway. This area would accommodate one parking space of 20-feet in length on the north side and two parking spots of 20-feet in length on the south side, which is the minimum length for a parking space established in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Based on the assessment and minimum safety requirements, staff's determination is that although the conditions may not be AGENDA ITEM 5.D City Council Meeting September 24,2019 Page 2 of 2 ideal, care should be taken by the resident in ingress/egress of their driveway, and that the 5-foot curb painting is not warranted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council deny the said request for red curb on each side of the existing driveway as requested. FISCAL IMPACT—None STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Strategy 2, Public Safety, Section D lists "Expand engagement through community policy, fire safety and public safety"This item is before the City Council because of community engagement. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Ail / r Chris)r- e Director of Public Works Attachment A: Traffic Commission Staff Report for August 1, 2019 Attachment B: Draft Traffic Commission Minutes S E M F O ' '9 k',s• O CIVIC PRIDE /iv, ORPORATED 1959 Attachment A Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated August 1, 2019 111 RISEMEAD FFIC COMMISSION A r rripr STAFF REPORT 4,0_,00viicpor '4cclooRATED%959 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER - DATE: AUGUST 1,2019 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR INSTALLATION OF RED CURB AT 2516 MUSCATEL AVENUE SUMMARY Staff has received a request from a resident who lives at 2516 Muscatel Avenue,for the installation of red curb on each side of their driveway apron.The resident indicates that they have difficulty entering/exiting their driveway. It is likely that the concern comes from vehicles parked on either side of their driveway, which may block or partially block the resident from entering and exiting the driveway. Thecurb in front of the resident's property north of their driveway is approximately 34-feet in length and approximately 47-feet in length south of their driveway.This area would accommodate one parking space of 20-feet in length on the north side and two.parking spaces of 20-feet in length on the south side,which is the minimum length fora parking space established in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission deny the request to paint 5 feet of red curb both the north and the south of the driveway apron at 2516 Muscatel Avenue: Staff has analyzed the request and although the field conditions may not be ideal,found them to meet the minimum safety requirements and consistent with many other locations throughout the City. • ANALYSIS The resident at 2516 Muscatel Avenue has expressed a concern that they have difficulty entering/exiting their driveway. Based on previous similar requests, it is likely vehicles are parking too close to the driveway apron obstructing the driveway access and blocking the view of oncoming traffic,which makes it difficult for the resident to enter and exit the driveway. Muscatel Avenue is approximately 36-feet wide in a single-family residential neighborhood. Parking is permitted on both sides of the street and currently is unrestricted with the exception of certain hours every week for street sweeping. 1 Traffic Commission Meeting August 1,2019. Page 2 of 5 Staff conducted a site visit on Wednesday morning,May 15,2019, and determined that the curb north of the 2516 Muscatel Avenue property driveway apron is approximately 34-feet in length to the northern neighbor's driveway. The curb south of the subject property driveway apron is approximately 47-feet in length to the southern neighbor's driveway. Based on the assessment and minimum safety requirements, staffs determination is that although the conditions may not be ideal, care should be taken by the resident in ingress/egress of their driveway, and that the 5-foot red curb painting is not warranted. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, as well as notification to 26 property owners located within a 300-foot radius of the subject property. Prepared By: IJ - . AaI Ahmad Ansari, P.E. Interim Director of Public Works/City Engineer Attachments: 1. Site Photo 2. Vicinity Map/Proposed Red Curb 3. Public Notification Traffic Commission Meeting August 1,2019. Page 3 of 5 Attachment 1 Site Photo 2516 Muscatel Avenue ==te=a— s - - -- _= = _ = - — 2516 Muscatel Av i iS 11 • • _-- _ -- - . North Traffic Commission Meeting August 1,2019. Page 4 of 5 Attachment 2 Vicinity Map and Proposed Red Curb 2516 Muscatel Avenue .A; - 4,:• ) LEGEND- EXISTING c.�i CONDITIONS • J •; , , • _ 11----� Approximately o f si 34-feet of curb to -- 1 L the north and 47- i feet of curb to - :., the south of the • i e •i' l', driveway If r. a—,'',. rr 1 ,t- approach " 34' = 1 Parking { 47' =2 Parking ` . 1 ' Space a Spaces - North I (0...... LEGEND-REQUESTED North RED CURB ®- Paint 5'of red kcurb (NOT -_ • - RECOMMENDED) K rl _ - _ Paint 5' of Red Curb Paint 5' of Red Curb (Not Recommended) (Not Recommended) Traffic Commission Meeting August 1,2019. Page 5 of 5 Attachment 3 0SIE1VtE`A% Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, August 1, 2019, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the t.osemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard,Rosemead, California )1770,for the purpose of reviewing the possible installation of parking restrictions(red curbing)on both sides of the driveway apron at 2516 Muscatel kvenue. The City received a request from a concerned resident that vehicles parked along the curb on both side of the driveway apron at 2516 vluscatel Avenue block or partially block the driveway making it unsafe for vehicles attempting to exit the premises. (ou are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding raffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by sending a comment etter by 5:00 p.m.on Thursday,August 1,2019. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead,California 91770 Attention: Mr.Ahmad Ansari,P.E.,Interim Director of Public Works/City Engineer Written comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to ahmad.ans @transtech.org or faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only letters eceived by 5:00 p.m.on Thursday,August 1,2019,will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should 'ou have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Interim Director of Public Works/City Engineer, Ahmad Ansari, P.E. al i26-569-2158. For information please call: Para obtener más informacit n, favor de llamar al: fiMi`'fli, Magi: De biet them chi tier,xin goi: 626-569-2150 Proposed Red Curbing 2516 Muscatel Avenue - - _ -- � 11 [ttfltn,., i1 . Paint 5'of Red Curb Paint 5'of Red Curb (Not Recommended) (Not Recommended) (EM Attachment B Draft Traffic Commission Minutes Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING August 1,2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:05 p.m.in the Council Chamber,8838 E.Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, FLAG SALUTE: Chair Masuda INVOCATION: Vice-Chair Ornelas PRESENT: Chair Masuda,Vice-Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Lim and Commissioner Ly ABSENT: Commissioner Quintanilla REORGANIZATION: Vice-Chair Ornelas nominated Commissioner Masuda as Chair. Commissioner Lim motioned,seconded by Vice-Chair Ornelas. Motion was carried out by the following votes: Yes: Lim, Ornelas, Masuda,and Ly No: None Abstain: None • Absent:Quintanilla Chair Masuda nominated Commissioner Ornelas as Vice-Chair. Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ly. Motion was carried out by the following votes: Yes:Lim, Ly,Ornelas,and Masuda No:None Abstain.None Absent:Quintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Interim Director of Public Works/City Engineer Ahmad Ansari and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Sonneary Samuth,resident at 4870 Walnut Grove Avenue stated she submitted plans for a room addition,and one of the requirements was to close her driveway and use street parking. Ms. Samuth asked if she could keep her driveway. Staff responded that they will talk to the Planning Department and find out the reasoning for the driveway closure and contact her with the findings. Arthur Landing,resident at 4864 Walnut Grove Avenue also concurred with Ms.Samuth request and would like to appeal the decision. Staff informed Mr. Landing that they would contact him once they gather the information.t. 2. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR INSTALLATION OF RED CURB AT 2488 JACKSON AVENUE Staff provided a brief description of the item,and with recommending the Traffic Commission approve the extension of 15 feet of red curb to the eastside of Jackson Avenue to improve visibility of oncoming northbound traffic. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of August 1,2019 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Ly asked staff if it would be beneficial to the residents in the area to implement a four-way stop at that intersection. Staff replied to the Commission that a study could be done and if it passes the warrant, it could be done. Commissioner Ly mention that north of Garvalia Avenue there are two schools, there is heavy traffic, and during school pick-up times there may be potential issues. Staff informed the Commissioners if the warrant study warrants a four-way stop sign,then appropriate actions can be taken,if a four-way stop is not warranted,it's not uncommon to extend the red curb in these types of situations. Commissioner Lim asked if any studies were done on traffic collision at that intersection. Staff informed the Commission that from January 2015 to December 31, 2017 there has been one reported collision. Vice Chair Ornelas went to the location and recommended extending the red curb, Chair Masuda agreed with extending the red curb and suggested having a study done at that location to see if a red curb can be installed at the northeast corner. Staff informed the Commission that they will move forward with the study at that intersection to see if a four-way stop is warranted in that intersection. Vice Chair Ornelas motioned, seconded by Commissioner Lim to approve staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council the extension of 15 feet of red curb on the eastside of Jackson Avenue at 2488 Jackson Avenue to improve visibility of oncoming northbound traffic. Votes resulted in: Yes:Ornelas, Lim, Masuda and Ly No: None Abstain:None Absent: Quintanilla B, REQUEST FOR INSTALLATION OF RED CURB AT 2516 MUSCATEL AVENUE Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with a brief description of the item, along with recommending that the Traffic Commission deny the request to paint 5 feet of red curb on both the north and the south of the driveway apron at 2516 Muscatel Avenue. Tam Hang, resident at 2516 Muscatel Avenue expressed concerns with people parking in front of her house and is requesting for the curb to be painted red. Commissioner Lim commented that street parking is on a public roadway and if she is having problems with certain individuals,she should call the sheriffs department. Mr.Lim also asked Ms,Hang if she was having trouble backing out of her driveway. Ms, Hang responded that due to having a narrow driveway,she has trouble backing out. Commissioner Lim suggested to Ms.Hang to apply to extend her driveway apron. Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ly to approve staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission propose to the City Council to deny the request to paint 5 feet of red curb on both the north and the south of the driveway apron at 2516 Muscatel Avenue. Votes resulted in: Yes: Lim, Ly, Ornelas and Masuda Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of August 1,2019 Page 2 of 3 No None Abstain: None Absent:Quintanilla 3. STAFF REPORT Staff provided the Traffic Commission with an update on current and upcoming city events. 4. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ly requested if staff can talk to the construction company working on Walnut Grove Avenue and ask if they can level the temporary construction plates because they are high and unsafe. Chair Masuda asked if there are any plans on recoating the streets in Rosemead, 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.The next Traffic Commission meeting is sCheul..ed for September 5,2019 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Ahmad Ansari Interim Director of Public WorkslCity Engineer Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of August 1,2019 Page 3 of 3 1