CC - Item 6B - Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project Award of ContractROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER `Ya, DATE: SEPTEMBER 24, 2019 SUBJECT: GARVEY PARK RESTROOM RENOVATION — PROJECT NO. 31017 AWARD OF CONTRACT SUMMARY As a part of the City's Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a project to renovate the Garvey Park Restrooms. The project consists of renovations to the existing restrooms that include new toilets, urinals, sinks, privacy partitions, flooring and paint. The project is funded with General Funds in the amount of $210,000, and CDBG funds in the amount of $390,000, for a total budget of $600,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications for the Garvey Park Restroom Renovation - Project No. 31017; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Concept Consultant, Inc., in the amount of $333,805. In addition, authorize an amount of $33,381 (10%) as a contingency to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses. DISCUSSION A Notice Inviting Bids was published in local newspapers and trade publications on August 5th, and August 12th, 2019. Sealed bids were received in the Office of the City Clerk until 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 27th, 2019. At 11:00 a.m. on August 27th, 2019, the City Clerk publicly opened and read three (3) sealed bids with the following result: Rank Bidder Location Bid Amount 1 Concept Consultant, Inc. Los Angeles, CA $333,805.00 2 Harbor Coating & Restoration Orange, CA $428,730.00 3 New Millennium Construction Chino Hills, CA $449,890.00 Services, Inc. AGENDA ITEM 6.11 City Council Meeting September 24, 2019 Page 2 of 3 The City received a protest letter from the third low bidder objecting to the award of the contract on various grounds. The City staff carefully evaluated the correspondence and transmitted responsive correspondence to the protesting bidder explaining that the various issues raised either had no merit or concerned waivable irregularities. The bidder in question did not timely appeal the City staff's findings, and therefore City staff recommends the award of the contract to the apparent low responsive, responsible bidder. Staff conducted a bid analysis and verified Concept Consultants, Inc.'s California contractor's license, Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) registration, CDBG federal forms compliance, state and federal debarment files, and checked references. It has been determined that Concept Consultants, Inc. is the lowest responsive bidder and is qualified to complete the work as specified for this project. Concept Consultants, Inc. has previously completed public works projects for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, City of Redondo Beach, City of Santa Monica and other municipalities. City building department will provide the required building inspections. Public works/engineering department will provide construction management, project management, administration and federal labor compliance. FINANCIAL REVIEW This project was included in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Improvement Program as a carryover project from Fiscal Year 2017-2018. The carried over budget for this project is $570,891. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Description Amount Base Bid Amount $333,805.00 Construction Contingencies $ 33,381.00 Total Contract Work $367,186.00 Construction Management, Inspections, $ 55,078.00 Federal Labor Compliance, Project Management & Administration Total Project Cost $ 422,264.00 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. City Council Meeting September 24, 2019 Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: Christopher Daste Gloria M Director of Public Works City Nfanager Attachments: A. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents (Available in the City Clerk's Office) B. Bid Analysis C. Bid Submitted by Concept Consultant, Inc. (apparent low bidder) Attachment A Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents (Available in the City Clerk's Office) Attachment B Bid Analysis v O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 O O O p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m W O O O tll O O �`1 0 0 0 n'i O O l -i O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 Irl trl b oo " U O m O a O b H O O O •-I O N O O 41 01 O V O O O O O O O O O o O O m O n O O O0 M y OO h O V O N O O nl H O n o Ql OO O Irl 4l try ti Ill O O vmj tryil. trail. VNj, tnH h'i K'� hh�KK K hK'n 14 W v~j v~ v1 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m W w m O O O O u1 O N O o M Irj N W n O O O O N l -I try trl V• O Irl d d 0 0 d 0 Vl n 0 N m 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 uj m N U O O o1 O 01 h co O m m •-I 01 of V O Irl In M b n O m O O N ti o. 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STATE LICENSE BOARD Home CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD Wim. OContractor's License Detail for License # 982335 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. s CSLBcomplaint disclosure is restricted bylaw(B&P 7124.6) If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the, link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action information. , Per B&P 7071.17, only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. t Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms ofthe arbitration. t Due to workload, there maybe relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database. This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. 0 B- GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR I, A- GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR Data current as of 8/29/2019 3:45:26 PM Business Information CONCEPT CONSULTANT INC 1220 MANNING AVENUE UNIT 13 LOS ANGELES, CA 90024 Business Phone Number:(310) 439-8516 Entity Corporation Issue Date 03/27/2013 Expire Date 03/31/2021 License Status Classifications Bonding Information Contractor's Bond This license filed a Contractor's Bond with AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Bond Number: 100340365 Bond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date: 03/07/2017 Contractor's Bond History Bond of Qualifying Individual The qualifying individual NICK SAM MADI certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/membership interest of this company; therefore, the Bond of Qualifying Individual is not required. Effective Date: 08/29/2013 BQI's Bond History Workers' Compensation This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUN D Policy Number:9070420 Effective Date: 08/31/2014 Expire Date: 08/31/2020 Workers' Compensation History Back to Top Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility Accessibility Certification Copyright © 2019 State of California 6 _, (9 VVt 1,4A e,o AboutCSLB Public Mi efings Contact Us Bid Analysis, Garrey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No 31017 Join our Mailing Lists � Settings 1 Vage 6 43 City of Roseme0WCalifomia of DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER aFr110.S rp I all 4. CONTRACTORS ► 3. STATE LICENSE BOARC`Onsumers Licensees Applicants Online Services Media Resources Home W CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD 0 OContractor's License Detail for License # 757985 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. r CSLBcomplaint disclosure is restricted by law(B&P7124.6)If this entity is subject to publlccomplalntdisclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the [ink or button too btain complaint and/or legal action information. Per B&P 7071.17, only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. t Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. r Due to workload, there maybe relevant!nformation that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database. This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. � C36 -PLUMBING 1, C16- FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR Data current as of 8/29/2019 3:48:28 PM Business Information LA HABRA FIRE PROTECTION AND PLUMBING P O BOX 1415 WALNUT, CA 91788 Business Phone Number:(626) 839-8082 Entity Sole Ownership Issue Date 01/13/1999 Expire Date 01/31/2021 License Status Classifications Bonding Information Contractor's Bond This license filed a Contractor's Bond with AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Bond Number: SC6311541 Bond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date: 01/01/2016 Contractor's Bond History Workers' Compensation This license has workers compensation insurance with the lNSURANCE COM PANYOFTHE WEST Policy Number:WSA504139001 Effective Date: 05/25/2018 Expire Date: 05/25/2020 Workers' Compensation History Back to Top Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility Accessibility Certification Copyright © 2019 State of California i Cn fQV I P c o About CSLB Puhlic N1ir;tln[?s ContarL Us Join Our Mailing Lists � efiings City of Rosefneaad, California Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Pmjecl No. 31017 me Iage of 43 ® of-1.1NT Or c0N ..1F1aM CONTRACTORS Consumers Licensees -Applicants Online Services Media Resources m�. . STATE LICENSE BOARD Home W W LI CONTRACTORS STATE CENSE BOARD a rn. . OContractor's License Detail for License # 724511 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. , CSLB comp laintdisclosure is restricted by law(B&P 7124.6) If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the [Ink or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action information. Per B&P 7071.17, only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitratlon. r Due to workload, there maybe relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database. This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. C-2- INSULATION AND ACOUSTICAL 1, C -61/D50- SUSPENDED CEILINGS Data current as of 8/29/2019 3:49:06 PM Business Information EXCEL ACOUSTICS INC 357 N SHERIDAN ST#16 CORONA, CA 92880 Business Phone Number:(951i 371-5500 Entity Corporation Issue Date 06/26/1996 Reissue Date 01/03/2018 Expire Date 01/31/2020 License Status Classifications Bonding Information Contractor's Bond This license filed a Contractor's Bond with AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Bond Number: 100376144 Bond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date: 01/03/2018 Contractor's Bond History Bond of Qualifying Individual The qualifying individual PETER HERMAN DOGGER certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/membership interest of this company; therefore, the Bond of Qualifying Individual is not required. Effective Date: 01/03/2018 Workers' Compensation This license has workers compensation insurance with the INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST Policy Number:WDS503581002 Effective Date: 02/01/2019 Expire Date: 02/01/2020 Workers' Compensation History Miscellaneous Information k 01/03/2018 -LICENSE REISSUED TO ANOTHER ENTITY Other � Personnel listed on this license (current or disassociated) are listed on other licenses. City of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restmom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 0 of 43 Back to Top Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility Accessibility Certification Copyright© 2019 State of California 0 https:INAvw.cslb.ca.gov/OnlineServices/CheckLicenseli/LicenseDetall.aspx?L!cNum=724511 212 a x,'41 &ffd F aoo About CSLB PUNIC Meetings Contact Us Join Our AwIme, Lists City of Rose eedvColilomia Bid Analysis, Garvey Park ReslmS;�tfingsom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 1 Pagle 9 of 43 ® DEPARTMENT Or (ONSUM[R 1rrAlg3 C 0NTR ATE LICENSE BOORD Consumers Licensees gpp is Online Services Media Resources Home W CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD OContractor's License Detail for License # 785373 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. / CSLBcomplaint disclosure is restricted by law(B&P7124.6) If this entity is subject to public complaintdisclosure, a link for complaint disclosure wMappear below. Click on the link or button to abtain complaint and/or legal action information. / Per B&P 7071.17, onlyconstruction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. P Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractorfails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. r Due to workload, there maybe relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database. This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. / C33 -PAINTING AND DECORATING / C54 -TILE (CERAMIC AND MOSAIC) Data current as of 8/29/2019 3:49:36 PM Business Information DOO-RITE PAINTING 1921 W 23RD ST LOS ANGELES, CA90018 Business Phone Number:(213) 365-2500 Entity Sole Ownership Issue Date 10/03/2000 Expire Date 10/31/2020 License Status Classifications Bonding Information Contractor's Bond This license filed a Contractor's Bond with AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Bond Number: 100249694 Bond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date: 01/01/2016 Contractor's Bond History Workers' Compensation This license has workers compensation insurance with the BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY Policy Number:DOWC087774 Effective Date: 08/02/2019 Expire Date: 08/02/2020 Workers' Compensation History Back to Top Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility Accessibility Certification Copyright © 2019 State of California �a d ff tai in ®° About C5,W Publi( Meetings Contact 0s Join OUr Mailing Lists '>� eltings ([�� City of Rosemeaa Calliomia Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project Project No. 31017 emnelt I Page 10 of 43 ® DEPARTMENT Or CONSUMER AFFAIR{ CONTRACTORS Consumers Licensees Applicants OntineServices Mgdia Resources ?. STATE LICENSE BOARD Home 1,11h. CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD ►0. OContractor's License Detail for License # 830286 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. R CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law (S&P 7124,6) If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the Ilnk or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action Information. Per B&P 7071.17, only construction related civil judgments reported to the CS LB are disclosed. R Arbitrations are not listed un less the contractor falls to comply with the terms of the arbitration. t Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Boa rd's license database. This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. C-61 / D34- PREFABRICATED EQUIPMENT Data current as of 8/29/2019 3:50:12 PM Business Information YT I ENTERPRISES INC 1260 S STATE COLLEGE PKWY ANAHEIM, CA 92806 Business Phone Number:(714) 632.8696 Entity Corporation Issue Date 12/30/2003 Expire Date 12/31/2019 License Status Classifications Bonding Information Contractor's Bond This license filed a Contractor's Bond with SURETEC INDEMNITY COMPANY. Bond Number: 452697 Bond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date: 12/01/2017 Contractor's Bond History Bond of Qualifying Individual The qualifying individual JAI R NOE ROCHVERGER certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/membership interest of this company; therefore, the Bond of Qualifying Individual is not required. Effective Date: 12/30/2003 Workers' Corpensation This license has workers compensation insurance with the EMPLOYERS ASSURANCE COMPANY Policy Number:EIG229967000 Effective Date: 01/01/2016 Expire Date: 01/01/2020 Workers' Compensation History Back to Top Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility Accessibility Certification Copyright © 2019 State of California n er null Ifo "o AbotiICSLB Public Meetings ContIIAUs Join Our Mailing ListsSellings ([�� City of Rosdicio lCalifomia Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Pro)acl Pmjwt No. 31017 I Page Ti of 43 �P3® DEPARTMENT Or CONSUMER AFFAIRS CONTR CTOo S Consumers Licensees -Applicants Online Services Media Resources STATE ILICENSE Home '� CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD OContractor's License Detail for License # 468110 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. r CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted bylaw(B&P7124.6) lflhisentityis subjectto public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action information. N Per B&P7071.17, onlyoonstruction related civiljudgments reported to the CSLBaredisclosed. r Arbitrations are not listed unlessthe contractorfails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. s Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered ontothe Board's license database. This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. C10 - ELECTRICAL Data current as of 8/29/2019 3:50:37 PM Business Information BRYDEN ELECTRICAL INC 2930 WESTWOOD BLVD 8205 LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 Business Phone Number:(310) 470-2900 Entity Corporation Issue Date 01/16/1985 Expire Date 01/31/2021 License Status Classifications Bonding Inforration Contractor's Bond This license filed a Contractor's Bond with BUSINESS ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY. Bond Number: G90319288091 Bond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date: 03/24/2019 Contractor's Bond History Bond of Qualifying Individual The qualifying individual BRYAN MALCOLM COHEN certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/membership interest of this company; therefore, the Bond of Qualifying Individual is not required. Effective Date: 01/16/1985 Workers' Compensation This license has workers compensation insurance with the INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST Policy NUmber:WPL504287700 Effective Date: 09/01/2018 Expire Date: 09/01/2019 Workers' Compensation History Back to Top Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility Accessibility Certification Copyright © 2019 State of California Ff 'd t 1-9 in rtx00 AbaItCSLU PLINiCf1t.el:ingS Contact US Join Our hlalhnpLists tlSettings City of RosemeaOdrCalifomia Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Pmjecl Pmjecl No. 37017 menI S I Page k of 43 ® DERARTMENTor CONSUMER AFFAIRS STO TCRACTOENSEO S Consumers Licensees gRp is nts Online Services i e Resources Home �Idabi.S. CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD OContractor's License Detail for License # 992395 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. R CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law(B&P 7124.6) If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action Information. Per B&P 707 1.17, only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed. Arbitrations a re not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. r Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license database. This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. Data current as of 8/29/2019 3:51:17 PM Business Information C & M INDUSTRIES INC P O BOX 4759 LA PUENTE, CA 91747 Business Phone Number:(626) 337-0501 Entity Corporation Issue Date 04/25/2014 Expire Date 04/30/2020 License Status Classifications B -GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR C21- BUILDING MOVING, DEMOLITION I. C22 -ASBESTOS ABATEMENT (Check DOSH Asbestos Registration) Bonding Information Contractor's Bond This license filed a Contractor's Bond with SURETEC INDEMNITY COMPANY. Bond Number: 221754 Bond Amount: 515,000 Effective Date: 01/01/2016 Contractor's Bond History Bond of Qualifying Individual R This license filed Bond of Qualifying Individual number221755 for JOHN WESLEY THOMPSON in the amount of $12,500 with SURETEC INDEMNITY COMPANY. Effective Date: 03/24/2015 BQI's Bond History I' The qualifying individual JAIR JOSIMAR CARVAJAL certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more ofthe voting stock/membership interest of this company; therefore, the Bond of Qualifying Individual is not required. Effective Date: 06/15/2016 BQI's Bond History Workers' Comhensaiion This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number:9096532 Effective Date: 04/17/2014 Expire Date: 04/17/2020 �11 City of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis,GervAylbarltRl4�l orifi l2brlbVAMIaY,, Pmjecl No. 31017 Document Control Page 13 of 43 P 07/11/2016 - DOSH REGISTRATION VERIFIED FOR C22 � 07/15/2016-C22 NOT VALID 06/15/16 TO 07/11/16 OMer t Personnel listed on this license (current or disassociated) are listed on other licenses. Back to Top Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility Accessibility Certification Copyright © 2019 State of California ca hltps:l www.csrb.ca.gov/OnllneServiceslCheckLlcenselilLlcenseDetail.aspx7LicNum=992395 2l2 8/29/2019 City of Rosemead, California Contractor Information https:Hcadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/P rintReg Details Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 14 of 43 Legal Entity Name CONCEPT CONSULTANT, INC. Legal Entity Type Corporation Status Active Registration Number 1000008410 Registration effective date 7/1/2019 Registration expiration date 6/30/2020 Mailing Address 1220 MANNING AVE. # 13 LOS ANGELES 90024 CA... Physical Address 1220 MANNING AVE. # 13 LOS ANGELES 90024 CA... Email Address Trade Name/DBA CONCEPT CONSULTANT, INC. License Number(s) CSLB:982335 Legal Entity Information Corporation Number: C3149271 Federal Employment Identification Number: President Name: NICK SAMMADI Vice President Name: NICK SAMMADI Treasurer Name: NICK SAMMADI Secretary Name: NICK SAMMADI CEO Name: NICK SAMMADI Agent of Service Name: NO AGENCY Agent of Service Mailing Address: 1220 MANNING AVE. # 13 LOS ANGELES 90024 CA United States of America Workers Compensation https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails Registration History Effective Date Expiration Date 5/21/2018 6/30/2019 5/16/2017 6/30/2018 6/19/2016 6/30/2017 10/1/2015 6/30/2016 2/4/2015 6/30/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 1/2 8/29/2019 Ck Doolease emia ployees through Professional Employer Organization (PEO)?: Please provide your current workers compensation insurance information below: PEO PEO InformationName https://cad!r.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails NO Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 PEO PEO Phone Email Insured by Carrier Policy Holder Name:CONCEPT CONSULTANT, INC.Insurance Carrier: STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUNDPolicy Number:9070420Inception date: 8/30/2015Expiration Date:8/30/2019 Document Control Page 15 of 43 https:Hcadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 2/2 8/29/2019 City of Rosemead, California Contractor Information https://cadir.secure.force.com/GontractorSearch/PrintRegDetails Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 16 of 43 Legal Entity Name LA HABRA FIRE PROTECTION & PLUMBING Legal Entity Type Sole Proprietorship Status Active Registration Number 1000008634 Registration effective date 7/1/2019 Registration expiration date 6/30/2020 Mailing Address 1877 E Woodgate Drive West Covina 91792 CA ... Physical Address 1877 E Woodgate Drive West Covina 91792 CA ... Email Address Trade Name/DBA License Number(s) CSLB:757985 Legal Entity Information Sole Proprietor Name: Workers Compensation Do you lease employees No through Professional Employer Organization (PEO)?: Please provide your current workers compensation insurance information below: PEO PEO PEO PEO InformationName Phone Email Registration History Effective Date Expiration Date 6/27/2018 6/30/2019 6/28/2017 6/30/2018 6/21/2016 6/30/2017 7/8/2015 6/30/2016 2/6/2015 6/30/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 Insured by Carrier Policy Holder Name:LA HABRA FIRE PROTECTION & PLUMBINGInsurance Carrier: Access Partners Insurance ServicesPolicy Number:WSA5041390-01Inception date: 5/24/2019Expiration Date:5/24/2020 https://cadi r.secure.force. com/ContractorSearch/PrintReg Details 1/2 8/29/2019 https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails City of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 17 of 43 https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 2/2 8/29/2019 City of Rosemead, California Contractor Information https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 18 of 43 Legal Entity Name EXCEL ACOUSTICS, INC. Legal Entity Type Corporation Status Active Registration Number 1000056118 Registration effective date 7/1/2019 Registration expiration date 6/30/2020 Mailing Address 357 N. SHERIDAN STREET #116 CORONA 92880 CA... Physical Address 357 N. SHERIDAN STREET #116 CORONA 92880 CA... Email Address Trade Name/DBA License Number(s) CS LB:724511 Legal Entity Information Corporation Number: 4006925 Federal Employment Identification Number: President Name: PETER H. DOGGER Vice President Name: Treasurer Name: MICHAEL DOGGER Secretary Name: DEBORAH DOGGER CEO Name: Agent of Service Name: PETER H. DOGGER Agent of Service Mailing Address: 357 N. SHERIDAN STREET #116 CORONA 92880 CA United States of America Workers Compensation Do you lease employees No through Professional Registration History Effective Date Expiration Date 6/14/2018 3/6/2018 7/1/2019 6/30/2019 6/30/2018 6/30/2020 https:Hcadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 1/2 8/29/2019 Emfpioyer'(�rganization (PEO)?: Please provide your current workers compensation insurance information below: PEO PEO InformationName hftps:Hcadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 PEO PEO Phone Email Insured by Carrier Policy Holder Name:EXCEL ACOUSTICS, INC.Insurance Carrier: INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WESTPolicy Number:WSD503581002Inception date: 1/31/2019Expiration Date:1/31/2020 Document Control Page 19 of 43 https:Hcadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 2/2 8/29/2019 City of Rosemead, California Contractor Information https:Hcadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 20 of 43 Legal Entity Name DOO-RITE PAINTING & DECORATING Legal Entity Type Corporation Status Active Registration Number 1000022519 Registration effective date 7/1/2019 Registration expiration date 6/30/2020 Mailing Address 1921 W. 23RD STREET LOS ANGELES 90018 CA ... Physical Address 1921 W. 23RD STREET LOS ANGELES 90018 CA ... Email Address Trade Name/DBA DOO-RITE PAINTING & DECORATING License Number(s) CSLB:785373 Legal Entity Information Corporation Number: 71-0923303 Federal Employment Identification Number: President Name: DAVID KIM Vice President Name: WON H. LEE Treasurer Name: NONE Secretary Name: NONE CEO Name: NONE Registration History Effective Date Expiration Date 7/18/2018 6/30/2019 10/9/2017 6/30/2018 12/16/2015 6/30/2016 5/25/2015 6/30/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 Agent of Service Name: DAVID KIM Agent of Service Mailing Address: 1921 W. 23RD STREET LOS ANGELES 90018 CA United States of America Workers Compensation https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 1/2 8/29/2019 C6ofyou ��d��s fMployees through Professional Employer Organization (PEO)?: Please provide your current workers compensation insurance information below: PEO PEO InformationName hftps:Hcadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails No Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 PEO PEO Phone Email Insured by Carrier Policy Holder Name:DOO-RITE PAINTING & DECORATINGInsurance Carrier: WESCO INSURANCE COMPANYPolicy Number:AN049657Inception date:7/18/2018 Expiration Date:7/18/2019 Document Control Page 21 of 43 https:Hcadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 2/2 8/29/2019 City of Rosemead, California Contractor Information hftps://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 22 of 43 Legal Entity Name YTI ENTERPRISES INC. Legal Entity Type Corporation Status Active Registration Number 1000005750 Registration effective date 7/1/2019 Registration expiration date 6/30/2021 Mailing Address 1260 S. STATE COLLEGE PKWY ANAHEIM 92806 CA... Physical Address 1260 S. STATE COLLEGE PKWY ANAHEIM 92806 CA... Email Address Trade Name/DBA YTI ENTERPRISES INC License Number(s) CSLB:830286 CSLB:830286 Registration History Effective Date Expiration Date 7/16/2018 6/30/2019 5/19/2017 6/30/2018 5/16/2016 6/30/2017 6/18/2015 6/30/2016 1/15/2015 6/30/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 1/2 8/29/2019 https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails City of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Legal Entity Information Corporation Number: C1966957 Federal Employment Identification Number: President Name: JUDITH ROCHVERGER Vice President Name: Treasurer Name: Secretary Name: CEO Name: Agent of Service Name: JUDTIH ROCHVERGER Agent of Service Mailing Address: 1260 S.STATE COLLEGE PKWY ANAHEIM 92806 CA United States of America Corporation Number: Federal Employment Identification Number: President Name: JUDITH ROCHVERGER Vice President Name: JAIR ROCHVERGER Treasurer Name: Secretary Name: CEO Name: Workers Compensation Do you lease employees No through Professional Employer Organization (PEO)?: Please provide your current workers compensation insurance information below: PEO PEO PEO PEO InformationName Phone Email Insured by Carrier Policy Holder Name:YTI ENTERPRISES INC.Insurance Carrier: EMPLOYERS ASSURANCE COMPANYPolicy Number:EIG229967000Inception date: 12/31/2018Expiration Date:12/31/2019 Document Control Page 23 of 43 https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 2/2 8/29/2019 City of Rosemead, California Contractor Information https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetalls Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 24 of 43 Legal Entity Name BRYDEN ELECTRICAL INC Legal Entity Type Corporation Status Active Registration Number 1000025756 Registration effective date 7/1/2019 Registration expiration date 6/30/2020 Mailing Address 2930 WESTWOOD BLVD, SUITE #205 LOS ANGELES 90064... Physical Address 2930 WESTWOOD BLVD, SUITE #205 LOS ANGELES 90064... Email Address Trade Name/ DBA License Number(s) CSLB:468110 Legal Entity Information Corporation Number: 95-3869477 Federal Employment Identification Number: President Name: BRIAN COHEN Vice President Name: Treasurer Name: Secretary Name: EILEEN COHEN CEO Name: Agent of Service Name: EILEEN COHEN Agent of Service Mailing Address: 2930 WESTWOOD BLVD #205 LOS ANGELES 90064 CA United States of America Workers Compensation Do you lease employees Yes through Professional Employer Organization (PEO)?: Please provide your https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails Registration History Effective Date Expiration Date 6/20/2018 6/30/2019 6/16/2017 6/30/2018 7/1/2016 6/30/2017 7/13/2015 6/30/2016 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 1/2 8/29/2019 https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails tlluvnwrbkY€vr�a Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 25 of 43 compensation insurance information below: PEO Name TRADESMEN PEO (747) 208-5001 PEO PEO Information INTERNATIONAL Phone Email Insured by Carrier Policy Holder Name:BRYDEN ELECTRICAL INCInsurance Carrier:ICWPolicy Number: WPL-5042877-001nception date:8/31/2018Expiration Date:8/31/2019 https:Hcadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 2/2 8/29/2019 City of Rosemead, California hftps://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 26 of 43 Contractor Information Registration History Legal Entity Name Effective Date Expiration Date C & M INDUSTRIES,INC. Legal Entity Type 6/8/2018 6/30/2019 Corporation Status 5/25/2017 6/30/2018 Active Registration Number 6/28/2016 6/30/2017 1000025331 Registration effective date 7/7/2015 6/30/2016 7/1/2019 Registration expiration date 7/1/2019 6/30/2022 6/30/2022 Mailing Address P.O. BOX 4759 LA PUENTE 91747 CA United State... Physical Address 4506 MAINE AVE. # D BALDWIN PARK 91706 CA ... Email Address Trade Name/DBA License Number(s) CSLB:992395 Legal Entity Information Corporation Number: C3393845 Federal Employment Identification Number: President Name: AMARIS CARBAJAL Vice President Name: JAIR CARVAJAL Treasurer Name: AMARIS CARBAJAL Secretary Name: AMARIS CARBAJAL CEO Name: AMARIS CARBAJAL Agent of Service Name: Jair Carvajal Agent of Service Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4759 La Puente 91744 CA United States of America Workers Compensation https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 1/2 8/29/2019 Cb Uof$O ��d�se employees through Professional Employer Organization (PEO)?: Please provide your current workers compensation insurance information below: PEO PEO InformationName https:/Icadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails No Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 PEO PEO Phone Email Insured by Carrier Policy Holder Name:C & M INDUSTRIES, INC.Insurance Carrier: STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUNDPolicy Number:9096532-2019Inception date: 4/16/2015Expiration Date:4/16/2020 Document Control Page 27 of 43 https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 2/2 8/29/2019 City ofemead, California U Public Works Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Pa a 28 of 43 Press room Indice en espanol Settings Department of Industrial Relations Labor Commissioner's Office DLSE Debarments DLSE Debarments The following contractors are currently barred from bidding on, accepting, or performing any public works contracts, either as a contractor or subcontractor, for the period set forth below: As part of your due diligence, we suggest that you also check: • Contractor status at the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) • The Federal debarment list at the Excluded Parties List System For a list of past DLSE debarments of public works contractors, please contact: Susan Nakagama Special Assistant to the Labor Commissioner 1515 Clay Street Suite 401 Oakland, CA 94612 SNakagama@dir.ca.gov Name of contractor Period of debarment Worthington Construction, Inc.; 6/15/2018 through 9/16/2019 Dale Worthington, an individual and CEO/RMO of Decision LB 5267 Worthington Construction, Inc.; and, Holi Jeanne Worthington, an individual and Officer of Worthington Construction CSLB Number: 714836 RMV Construction, Inc., A California Corporation; and Robert 4/1/2017 through 8/18/2018 Michael Vasil II a.k.a. Robert Michael Vasil a.k.a. Decision LB 5266 Mike Vasil, an Individual and CEO/RMO President of RMV Construction, Inc. CSLB Number: 892389 https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.htmi 1/12 8/29/2019 Public Works Gewargis Youkhanis Narso, an individual dba 2/1/2017 through 1/31/2020 GEHVAC and Technologies, a sole proprietorship, Decision 40-48480-516 And GEHVAC Co., a sole proprietorship CSLB Number: 899312 and 1013848 Joseph Brothers Enterprise, Inc.; Ken Joseph Individually and 4/3/2018 through 10/3/2019 as CEO Decision SC 6390 CSLB Number: 849169 Dave Cook Concrete Construction, Inc., and David William 3/1/2017 through 2/29/2020 Cook Decision LB 6207 34231 Camino Capistrano #102 Capistrano Beach, CA 92624-1189 CSLB Number: 461897 Bannaoun Engineers Constructors Corporation; Omar Maloof, 05/12/17 through 05/11/20 An Individual Decision SC 5517 P.O. Box 16599 Beverly Hills, CA 90209-2599 CSLB Number: 827829 Evans Roofing Co., Inc. 10/31/16 through 10/30/19 2020 South Yale Street Decision LB 6270 Santa Ana, CA 92706 CSLB Number: 610549 Guillermo Ibaibarriaga dba Sierra Nevada Stucco and 2K 05/14/17 through 05/13/20 Roofing Decision SC 6037 Sierra Nevada Stucco P.O. Box 8472 Reno, NV 89502 CSLB Number: 915812 2K Roofing 820 Kuenzli Street https://www.dir.ca.gov/dise/debar.html 2/12 8/29/2019 Public Works tyKenom V {fg8j Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation ProjectProject No. 31017 Document Control Page 30 of CSLB Number: 954551 Del Norte Construction, And Trinidad Manuel Canales, an 6/01/16 through 5/31/17 Individual Decision LB 5533 PO Box 5101 Oxnard, CA 93030 5020 Wooley Rd. Oxnard, CA 93030 CSLB Number: #945723 Diversified Building & Electric Company, Inc. 409 Tennant Station Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Denis Andrew Maris, Individually and Doing Business as Diversified Electric Company CSLB Number: #765312 Fast Demolition, Inc. 601-C East Palomar Street #123 Chula Vista, CA 91911 CSLB Number: #792729 Rogelio Medina Vazquez., an individual and in his capacity as Responsible Managing Officer of FAST DEMOLITION, INC. 2/15/16 through 8/15/17 Decision SC 5714 4/1/44 through 3/31/47 Decision LB5742 4/1/41 through 3/31/44 Decision LB5665 4/1/36 through 3/31/39 Decision LB5740 4/1/33 through 3/31/37 Decision LB5651 4/1/33 through 3/31/37 Decision LB5739 4/1/24 through 3/31/27 Decision LB5741 4/1/30 through 3/31/33 Decision LB5743 4/1/27 through 3/31/30 Decision LB5666 https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.html 3/12 8/29/2019 Public Works ty of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Projec Project No. 31017/1/21 through Dppj5ye �optrol Page 31 of 4 4 Decision LB5636/731 4/1/18 through 3/31/21 Decision LB5668 4/01/15 through 3/31/18 Decision LB5345 Amerivet Plumbing, Inc.; Walter Edward Jacob Kuhlmann III, 8/6/15 through 8/5/18 Individually And dba Amerivet Plumbing Services Decision CSLB Number: #969048 and #919761 Ultimate Inc., And, Enrique Vera, an Individual 12/1/15 through 11/30/18 PO Box 571117 Decision Tarzana, CA 91356-1117 CSLB Number: #949229 Travioli Construction, Inc. 9/11/15 through 3/10/17 PO Box 231 Decision Visalia, CA 93274 CSLB Number: #936832 Integrity Sheet Metal, Inc. 2/01/15 through 1/31/18 319 McArthur Way Decision Upland, CA 91786 CSLB #726770 William Ben Hicks, an individual; Margaret Mary Hicks, an individual L A Builders, Inc., a California Corporation 2/01/15 through 1/31/18 15635 Saticoy Street, #H Decision Van Nuys, CA 91406 CSLB #748591 Alon Gamliel, an individual USA Wall Systems, Inc. 4/01/15 through 3/31/18 8309 Sunshine Lane Decision Riverside, CA 92508 CSLB #929610 https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.html 4/12 8/29/2019 Public Works ty of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 32 of Edward Eugene Brammer, an individual and in his capacity as President/CEO/RMO Daughter Construction 4/01/15 through 3/31/18 formerly dba Hy Carpentry Construction Decision 15407 Thornlake Avenue Norwalk, CA 90650 CSLB #979297 Sharon Jin Yoo, an individual; Dae Hyun Yoo, an individual and in his capacity as manager/supervisor for Sharon Jin Yoo and in his capacity as General Partner for HY Construction, a General Partnership. RDA Construction, Inc. 12/15/14 through 12/14/16 1692 W. Bullard Ave., Decision Fresno, CA 93711 CSLB# 383306 Titan Electrical Construction, Inc. 11/3/14 through 11/2/17 Lucas Oliver Stickney, an individual Decision Jamie Noel Furr, an individual 630 Natoma Street San Francisco, CA 94103 CSLB# 919516 Ramos Painting 11/3/14 through 11/2/15 Carlos Ray Ramos, an individual Decision P.O. Box 3871 Paso Robles, CA 93447 CSLB# 753575 Dick Emard Electric. 11/3/14 thorough 11/2/17 dba Emard Electric Luke Richard Emard, an individual and RMO Decision 5930 Key Court, Suite A Loomis, CA 95650 CSLB# 794007 Nixon Electric 8/1/14 through 7/31/17 https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.htmi 5/12 8/29/2019 Public Works fyafoogme $GllifonaNixon, an indiviaidA alysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Projec Gor5624 Project No. 31017 DeCISIOnDocument Control Page 33of Faust Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CSLB# 796802 Neris General Contractors, a California Corporation 2/28/14 through 2/27/17 Efren Neri, an individual Decision Servando Ned, an individual Rebeca Neri, an individual Luis Abelardo Castro, an individual 6087 California Ave. Long Beach, CA 90805 CSLB# 797967 Southland Construction 10/14/14 through 10/13/17 Reza Mohammedi, an individual Decision 3943 Irvine Blvd., #405, Irvine, CA 92602 CSLB# 663784 (expired) National Drywall Corporation, 8/4/14 through 8/3/17 A Dissolved California Corporation Decision 603 S. Milliken Avenue, Suite F Ontario, CA 91761 CSLB #834335 Miguel Contreras, an Individual and Responsible Managing Officer/CEO/President Dora Maria Contreras, an Individual and Agent/Officer of the Corporation Tadros & Youssef Construction, Inc. 5/10/14 through 5/9/17 Kamel Shaker Tadros & Makram Youssef Youssef, Individually Decision 1221 E 8th Street, Unit A, Upland, CA 91786 CSLB# 698182 (expired) Serenity Fire Protection 5/1/14 through 4/30/17 417 S. Associated Road, Brea, CA 92821 Decision CSLB# 902927 https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.html 6/12 8/29/2019 Public Works ty f of Rell�/Ceonstruction , Inc. Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project Project No. 31a��25/14 throug�ioGUrll�nt petrol Page 34 of 3/L4�1! Don Kelly, Individual and Lisa Kelly, Individual Decision 171 Northview Ridge Lane, P.O. Box 10760, Bozeman, MT 59719 Aldan, Inc. 2/28/14 through 2/27/17 P.O. Box 9428, Brea, CA 92822 Decision CSLB #949229 Russell/Thompson, Inc. 10/31/13 through 10/31/16 James Jean Russell & Valery Alena Thompson, Individually Decision 4684 Oak Glen Dr., Redding, CA 96001 CSLB# 915036 (revoked) Ayodejia A. Ogundare, Individual 5/15/2013 through 5/15/2014 Dba Pacific Engineering Company Decision 6310 Stewart Way, Bakersfield, CA 93308 CLSB#710322 Wallcrete Industries, Inc.; Garit David 7/29/12 through 7/28/15 Wallace and Amber Anderson, Individuals Decision 400 Kansas, Redlands, CA 92373 CSLB#834220 FEI Enterprises, Inc 6/14/12 through 6/13/15 Gabriel Fedida, Individual Decision 5749 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019 CSLB#659252 Jeffrey Alan Mott and Michelle Mott, individuals 3/29/12 through 3/28/15 Dda Integrity Landscape Decision 3756 Independence Avenue Sanger, CA 93637 CSLB#774222 https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.html 7/12 8/29/2019 Public Works tySensenbryfwall & Stucco Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Projec Project No. 310.731/11 througgoWrll�ut,rpntrol Page 35 of J 3/3U�13 Jeffrey E. Jensen Decision 3714 Lynda Place National City, CA 91950-8121 CSB # 664168 Exp. 2/18/11 (expired) All West Construction, Inc. 3/31/11 through 3/30/13 Donald Kent Russell Decision 495 N. Marks Ave. Fresno, CA 93706 CSB # 592321 Exp. 4/3/12 (suspended) Country Builders, Inc. 3/1/11 through 2/28/14 Weldon Offill, individually Decision 5915 Graham Ct. Addendum Livermore, CA 94550 CSB # 699574 Exp. 11/30/12 (active) Sutter Foam & Coating, Inc. 7/1/10 through 6/30/13 909 A. George Washington Decision Yuba City, CA 95993 CSB # 732014 Exp. 1/31/09 (inactive) David Alvin Trexler, an individual 909 A. George Washington Yuba City, CA 95993 Kenneth A. Trexler, an individual 2603 Lago Lane Marysville, CA 95901 Soo Dong Kim, an individual, 4/19/10 through 4/18/13 dba Soo Kim Electric Company Decision 16224 Ridgeview Lane La Mirada, CA 90638 CSB # 568103 Exp. 8/1/09 (inactive) Hyo Nam Jung, an individual, dba Lucid Electric 18621 Well Street Rowland Heights, CA 91748 CSB # 914692 Exp. 4/3/10 https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.htmi 8/12 8/29/2019 Public Works ty of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Projec Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 36 of Southwest Grading, 3/18/10 through 3/17/13 dba Southwest Grading Services, Inc., Decision 22031 Waite Street Wildomar, CA 92595 David Walter Cholewinski, an individual 22031 Waite Street Wildomar, A 92595 29970 Technology Drive, Ste. 205 Murrieta, CA 92563 CSB #840416 Exp. 6/30/10 S.J. Cimino Electric, Inc., a California corporation, 10/15/09 through 10/14/12 3267 Dutton Ave. Decision Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Salvatore Joseph Cimino, RMO, CEO and President of S.J. Cimino Electric, Inc. and sole owner of S.J. Cimino Electric, an individual 5825 Heights Rd. Santa Rosa, CA 95401 CSB #343802 Exp. 2/28/10 CSB #294141 Exp. 9/30/13 (inactive) Cedar Development Corporation 8/5/09 through 8/4/12 Serghon Gabriel Afram, individually Decision 12477 Feather Dr Mira Loma, CA 91752 CSB # 839898 Exp. 6/30/10 (suspended) All Floors Commercial and Residential Flooring, Inc. 5/14/09 through 5/13/12 Salvador Elias Perea, individually Decision 750 E. McGlincy Lane, #103 Campbell, CA 95008 CSB #430969 Exp. 7/31/09 1 -AMD Construction, Inc. 3/16/09 through 3/15/12 Alberto Mordoki, individually Decision> Mirella Mordoki, individually 5300 Beach Blvd., Suite 110-416 Buena Park, CA 90621 https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.html 9/12 8/29/2019 Ity%IQfSW069!Y,nirevoked August 2019 Public Works Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Projectl Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 37 of i<._abor Corflnrii siol` er's Office Quick Links ► Bureau of Field Enforcement ► Wage Claim Adjudication ► Retaliation (RCI) ► Registration Services ► Public Works ► Electrician Certification Unit ► Frequently asked questions ► Legislative reports ► Labor Commissioner's Databases ► Private Attorney General Act (PAGA) Resources ► Frequently asked questions ► Labor Commissioner's Databases ► Legislative reports ► Publications ► Forms About the Labor Commissioner's Office https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.htmi 10/12 8/29/2019 Public Works City of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 ► About Us ► Locations, Contacts, and Hours of Operation Jobs at DIR About DIR Who we are DIR Divisions, Boards & Commissions Contact DIR Learn More Acceso a l idioma Frequently Asked Questions Site Map Back to Top Disclaimer You can pay your bill online. Need to make a payment? ( Haga un pago en linea.) Work with Us Jobs at DIR Licensing, registrations, certifications & permits Required Notifications Public Records Requests Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility Site Help https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.html Document Control Page 38 of 43 11/12 8/29/2019 Public Works City of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 39 of 43 Contact DIR Copyright © 2019 State of California https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.htmi 12/12 8/29/2019 Advanced Search - Exclusions I System for Award Management City 17f Rosemead, Caillonlia Bid Analysis, GarveyFr Frojell Iqo. 3 1 0 11 DucurflenlL rontral Page 40 of 43 VSAM' ANEW WAY TO SIGN IN - If you already have 0- Log 11.1 a SAM account, use your SAM email for logiri Login.gov FAQs ,& ALERT: SAM.gov will be down for scheduled maintenance Saturday, 09/14/2019, from 8:oo AM to i:oo PM (EDT). Advanced Search - Exclusion 0 Single Search Data Aecess Accessibilitv Oo Multiple Names Privacy -Policy GS.,-\.gov All • .............. - . ..... Name I Concept Consultant .. ..... .......... -.1 ........... . ......... ....... All Name [La Habra 1. Fire 111. Protection 11 I . . . I .1 & I I P I I I u 1. m 1. b . i Name Excel Accoustics . . ..... .. .. . .... .. . . .. .. .. ....... All Name 'Doo -rite Painting and Decorating .................... .... I ............. ......... LAII Name YTIEnterprises, Inc. ........... ......... 1AII Name �(Bryden El . c .. t . r i . c 1 11 in .. c. ....... ..... ........ ........................ ............ ... ... .. .. ...................... .. . ................ Exclusion Status I Active V] Selecting "All" displays both Active and Inactive Exclusions. You may only perform a search with the criteria contained in one accordion. 0 SSN/TIN Search Seaicli ]., ecords DisclaitTlers FAPITS.gov Data Aecess Accessibilitv GSA.gov/1AE Check Status Privacy -Policy GS.,-\.gov About This r k U.S. uomal 8 ,IV! (-,,.,A dnfl,iWi Fode, a I G.'e, nm nt Cmr IE", Y' I en, thal, i� 'POR WT K: JA L 11SE ONJS," TI is �ubiva tc) n),M4o I in,. T 0 dkidt r116 i0und pe[ w I, nin", 'In J'aho I .ed a, I. MIR,, rirc uhwd to dm6 p i nji V a(tj,)n inchiding ( rinnina I I wivoinioi i https://www.sam.gov/SAM/pages/public/searchRecords/advancedPIRSearch.jsf 1/1 8/29/2019 Advanced Search - Exclusions I System for Award Management '�g.6171 MR 11 3 10 11 Duculnerit Control rage 4 1 uf 43 4•.t.:udr,t'na._sa or l.ylV MAMsm 41110111"'— -- SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENT A NEW WAY TO SIGN IN - If you already have 3.,acy I1> a SAM account, use your SAM email for login.gov. Login.gov FAQs ® ALERT: SAM.gov will be down for scheduled maintenance Saturday, 09/14/2019, from 8:oo AM to 1:0o PM (EDT). Advanced Search - Exclusion O Single Search Data Access Acre:ssibilih% O Multiple Names Privacy Polic, GSA.gov All • Name iC&M Industries, Inc. All • Name All • Name All • Name All • Name All • Name .......... ................................... ....................... ........................ ..' Exclusion Status Active • I Selecting "All" displays both Active and Inactive Exclusions. You may only perform a search with the criteria contained in one accordion. O SSN/TIN Search Searcb Records Disclai>ners FAPII6,gbv Data Access Acre:ssibilih% GSA.gov/I.-k Che-ek Status Privacy Polic, GSA.gov .About US.,�.gov IEM-NP-2019091q-h0es Ifi!lp wwc•V Thi, is " U.S. G,ni-,-tl aerviurs Ad minis Inuen fedr.ra[ ,o,-e.rnincnt' WITIrlttler }cLzin LhaLis FOR OFF K.1 At, 1'SE ONiA ""Phis sy i:un is subjettto muniWiin_ Todi vidunls I'ocmrI perf, rrnina unauthorised Rfll Cies are subject to dis.ipl in,vy onion includin; rritninal lsnsecatl i,u, https://www.sam.gov/SAM/pages/public/searchRecords/advancedPIRSearch.jsf 1/1 of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garver?&69aMh)x l'i86R1 f&, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 42 of List of records matching your search for : Classification: Individual, Firm, Special Entity Designation, Vessel Entity Name: concept consultant, Entity Name: la habra fire protection & plumbing, Entity Name: excel accoustics, Entity Name: doo-rite painting and decorating, Entity Name: yti enterprises, inc., Entity Name: bryden electric, inc. Functional Area: Performance Information Record Status: Active No Search Results August 29, 2019 7:00 PM https://www.sam.gov Page 1 of 1 of Rosemead, California Bid Analysis, Garve"P&aS&AXQhJlRiOMJjtR, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 43 of List of records matching your search for : Classification: Individual, Firm, Special Entity Designation, Vessel Entity Name: c&m industries, inc. Functional Area: Performance Information No Search Results August 29, 2019 7:00 PM https://www.sam.gov Page 1 of 1 Attachment C Bid Submitted by Concept Consultant, Inc. (apparent low bidder) N 6 O]ft P(OMM041M.: 0 E . OPER . �P' OOPIC: pyi li ........... . . .............. ....... ..... . .................... . . ......... ...... . ........ ..... .... ...... .. ..... ... . .. .. ....... . ..... ........ .. .. .. .. .... . ..... ......... a a . ........ ..... ................ ... ... .. . ... ... . ........... .. .. . . . ....... ..... .. .... .. ..... .... ...... .. .... .. ....... . ....... .. . . ...... . ... .. .......... .. .. .... . ..... . .. ......... .... .. . - -aliftumd, G. wWy-PArk.kWr66m AM DO"rOm6fco:h-ir6l:Pjged.9 of 452: peg, Concept Consultant, 1pa, :CAAWY�PARXa9STP.00MRENOVAMN:,PR0 CT :bg-2 Otl QT-.Yla! VNIT PRIME T-Im COIST ter q Olt .37,37-6 37'375 rr leotion-rta` aid: dxspnsal'i d4,374 $74 $: 2 Ons - Q - Oftd. 0.060S.. allftegsarvw s.5,925 4:$:34,745 .... .... ... -header :at ries operizi:rfx ►t?M wA.q.t existing R 34, 748 -miscol*oug .j3�041 Od 4*41. M, tQ Pe. tD .... tb "C 0 :00 m tac. "Xi uii P 2,988 WaQ s-& Hast es: Raugh:Garpenir :2,.58.2,585. W440 FA 0 w4. W -Was A. ,PI4!, tw�.:,OtbW t.:w I $A,000 1,000: -9: $:4.,500 4,50,0: ................ ............ ....... ...... .. ... ........ -3, .000 3,000 . .. ... 14. .. ...... ... .... .......... .............. ........ .... Flighe -'Mdt.M - M- �,U=149.. .. ...... . ::L9 ... .... .. . $.- 21,21-3. ... ........... . . 21,9 :bg-2 City 't . R ,Go la :uArmay , R eisi ll� . 0 citvil 69oims't 1104' kkioviatiob.prb t.Tidledt No: 3101.7 06cuffiofittdhirol PaigiOb of 452. WOOER.. Concept Consultant,inc. X 0, ff".twwwfts: UNIT, E$f :0.. Y, T UNIT PRIC.E., ITEM: COST T TU"sh"w.- 0. mum. i0god": $ 6,450 -6j450- a T. -UP" 42 -,041 �. : -1 $ _42tO4 'V-440e 'Ax4 -:(.ir 2,500 & -2,500 1-6- Vihh§ es;" -p 1,500 1 ,5.00 -$g -ge4o(- at. ;:re t, /'quacmW: ftiw*4Olalwl� 376 s: 5.75 $':10,6.25 $. 10,626 $ S.2,125 :$::21.25 -2,125 Q: 4.c -rd, ]Akfii . . ToP , A . :L I $ 7,0007,000 -21 -41 J-Haad. .0 Othev. 04000, pp i - -:,.* I per specificatibfis). 1,500 sl,500 22 1� 79144 $ 79,744 --LS; 12,125 if Ee-.r,"tA :. 1 2,250 $2250 $A.1.2-6 :TOT :WO AMOUMI.N.N-t-MOM $1333t8O5 bbr -:3 ResiTo D6othmi:0:6W Peiibe,-X of 452.. -Cancept Conautta_nt, Inc., E10DER: TOT B>CIt.A oflhirty three thousand eight dr .0 Three hun IN WORDS;:: hundred five d.0.11a. rs... 'e f -th anfideg: of: ahy ikijhs: it igi� -6.qu Q.ve,; W-1. [x; -th P la. lm.: -s�he.j e - 1 vd finev -:Soctfdff. 1­2*2ZJ of the Stand p ecf: .. ..... ... .. . .. ....... Bid: -mou haH Date ON 9 Pit 'T b e- 40144 .11 -PA e. twx po: I)te-r d . .6 �ov.,Thviii '' r: ikhoos 6 bib I eml 6 9 d§ ir .............. f th... It ... ... ... ti" A' T" AU f t . :A te t - i vneim-marem'. da ema esin. m:, -ot ....... ..... Bit !:.4r. outifizedbythw0w.nerW. dexed� the TOM Mi Price,for-tho ()06r to.Ihe Ow.nor-whirz-h, k. x� -g -U-ew� hfiq th &..Ofoi Days its ate 46 Contraet fby3fte,:W.*k­is:. Fully executed. by tho'.0wiler and-. vi. T un4epign A -be V.041 tween ;1 Va. ere a.: er. s ic ed or Atqi�d' -h- k AS: --�L: xikghi: chock a bid: horid .1ii the of . 10% bid am6untboftoxsthan ten percent ( `Thov ift0d- A. w..'Pa.. that §4 gm0fif gjialj b6 r6u inpd by tho-Con"ttga. -diid: Tuiti'814h.e. xequiired bands] '.... In'the tiioe.: "doit rovi other:Ccr au'uns with. or!exe.pu6Qn with1h five(5) Calendar:Days follow" g, diel etfer4f- Award..'for ihe po: t�o-pjee 41:c6r..ti.fid4te of esary prigin of, bstmoo,- P606nmoel Bond, Payment Bond and all. other ;-dPalma 0A. 444 Apteft0i'04 --roqui i* -the coaw.,. . ..... ..... Th' . itm-Al. ass ip...to -the purchaqing:body q60 .y 64R. -T10% f i -Ad. . ftd :t t�i9!ht 6t. 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CA '..0 •President ..... .. . ........ .. . ... ..... .. .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . OV df;zOift POO $; Mw.3TO of 462 VA AVAY-ol-A MAT -OmAgN.0 .,T[Q.'N . ... .. ...... .. .......... . . PERFORMANQ ... RAN -T- Qty TH 'OKIVINITY Ci-�-AUOE- SUSCONT 10-U-041SM10: h-WFQUAL:- P. T "HE: FILINT 'OPREQ.WRE P. R PQ . 9. O-Uh SA.0A:Paftlp0sd (oort t�00W -0h . ...... .. ... # i40. Pit IOU 92 -14,114 Q a 'It. h 12 "; and t*.h :b 43NO-00j-11 V h -t :.j .11,24 'O.l h.014h. Oat, jgt EX00,00W.1-10mg -.10MM: bt. thi. 01 6CF-6ddriAl. C"on, tract" Com. PlWnoo3o ue Ripo 11" 10 MA" P" Y� MOO -0 ` ilia-'agim IN omm CM0 or. .001h m p ..m. Op dun'Ity', JI- n Oy §,2/20j# pp r. ,a. t. -Um -b. 7 ..... C o.ntractAwa/9 G."Ity of Rose mead, C -A AwW�q A NO ............. ... ;;oil H. er-,.dflem. 0ye *ul're Of.. .44 d.report0should. .1�t�#MTOWROD- fio g0rolq0. UA,�'-D4p djnsM:qVtheA*0r..r by .0. hoptor, Pfto of; Fod reil. 6 teApt-.,,Cq.mplNn0e,, : bire.. {,A)4t1'rlVtmpid ,.r when -0 'It '..%-Apt: UT 41 MO.* �Nlth P.PVP 9 owned .-or dMIlMod wl . t�o. ate. :.h 10. Or.. -Petlio TMO.. 4 : Mpamy, w - - - "'olMe b XFi n or,o ...0rols."a p t of 1.00'ormo 74, � i44 s- io �4 j�i '. h a n r p T. j 0:4i!". 0, 10 y 0, �6-emp oy Oto (0ji v0*r ......... . .... A -.FR 004 .... . . . .... "t �t-j sop eb 'cip#.6 qeovroho Ore." Or g. .4q . ...... t on 10n; MONO .... ...... .. .... ..... ..... ..... . .. .... .::.:. A. . . ... .. ..... .. .. ... .............. ... .. .... . ...... . ..... 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I y . aajhstil.abi it ar , w ': -POP -h Ope-M i.th P.OmAlon' -o Presidiant . - e 0'!t!i 'a� ::t! —FROQIPRWWW�� Rr q74AiRki ! '6*C- M . . M ! T" FIR TMA�R;Xgp.I�Nt RMO.semn-Oad P:uD6,portMer.):t. Garvey Pa* RestrbQm Renovation ,lid.wo.rkmms: Project 3:10.17 083-8--V Pay Bind:..... Om: 71.0. Rosem ad:, C 1 PORWPOWO) City -°of Rosemead CA -ROM of Mery and Women restrowns lu-mblhq, sewer line', -c.trl.'Caf,, -amio P cer ifid: MIT . ... ......... .. ........... 'Vor., d 01, -010 #'A-0.10 Federal ling wages 0 A. PM: WA -AA $0 'A00 �RlNdt Ok 'U'Vir"I'' $40146: :$1.1-5 .. ........ . 45. 2; La4orer( Brid, T-6nder).... 3 �2'. 8.40. LA CNIT-Oup. 0:694: 0 ywp 0 $41-1 $ PI M $2-2: 16 'Wwrv�-Ta $:42.54$°1.x.1:7: ....... .... ...... ......... . PF 7' M, C.-Oncopt Oorts-uffapt tnc.k ....... ............ .... .. . ....... .... .... .. ....... .. .. .......... ...... - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . V; I Wo. d.:M-0onji.,U06.44'' &- 6 :q- OOMA . ... ....... .06..k. r . . ..... .. 0 V . '40 Thopm.ppAWw"o. 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P.010.0 to -t 1 pa --�Y: pr W .1, '. area. ip—, jhp -Por-' A. 01 R,66awing of (00bfoq -.O..: j - 4 _ st�- * -b ftem to fho- grea4st: e MASIbI6. to. p Otto 0.0140. n: 0�.g. toot ro p*.,W eod. fit mwhiOitop -j�: Sb*p►2 .1 . .. ...... �jWjjtj�ogjn F 'M rm.@ -Q.. YQP My t�ttifaotV ... ......... ......... 7. QftfiKrlAnO: Iq th 'M --:6.0 big0.d . b.ft...D.6OppMont' vf060-Copfosoh10-Battle 'I[I b0soWd 00s 0 , *49 Ole ;-prin. ry -.04, h AWO relopod Jh;r�-Ono*u ,ia -to ployeft"Vro Tor �§ Mr . ... ........ ... ....... .... . . . . . . . . . . . F : %ij;cf: . .. .. .. ....... ............. ... . ... . . .... ..... . .............. .. ... .. ............. . . ....... . ......... . .. ... ....... .. .. ... ..... . . ... .. . . ..... .......... . . ....... . ...... . .. ; -:: :. .:.::: . .. .: ::. olor000l -Pb000z. ONO RohpVOO Pf6jb(A.. PMJOQL.Nd, -P 017 DcCQ EXHISIT 14: 3111' C, PO' R-11-UNIT.N. -L, N: 'D IVA ..... .. .. qi1n.i.b.1 .. .. .. ... d o Pl. . ... .. ....... .. . ....... .. . . . . . 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GENERAL CONTRACTOR LIC. # 982335 BUILUiNG AND ENCiiiVEER fj __.. _........_.mow,.., .......... _.w :.....g.;....i ................. .............. ......... 2355 Westwood'Blvd # 9U1` L'os Ari' eles CA 90004 tel 310.439.8516 fax 310.400.5829 I nicksammadi@smail.com Date :8/29/2019 Subject : Authorization Reference : Garvey Park Restroom Renovation- City of Rosemead — Project # 3017 Dear City Clerk Manager: We would like to inform you that we herby authorize our president Mr. Nick Sammadi To do all related work to the above-named project, and his signature on behalf of the corporation has the authority to do so. Sincerely, Nick Sammadi President 08/23/2019 FRI 15:44 FAX F►aml HIck Bimmadl Fa, =005129 TO; Faxi (929) 927-4316 Aaoc 2 of g CONCEPT CONSULTANT, INC. 2355 Westwood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064-2109 Tol # 310-#177-1192 Fax4310-400-3829 Contractor License# 982335 niaksgarnmadi(ct)gmail.cotn INVITATIOIW TO BID Date: 8/23/2019 To: R & R Masonry, Ina. ,ASM: Bidding TEL: 818-985-1635 FAY,:81 &927-4316 Owner: City of Rosomoad PrWect: Oarycy Park Restroom Renovationro eat # 31017 Location: 7933 Emerson Place Roseanead CA 91770 did Date & Time: Bid request by no later than: 8126/2019 4:00 pm 0001/441 DR19312029 22:a2 AM We are preparing it bid as a gonoral contractor on the above-mentioned projoot and are requesting bids in tho following trades: (include but not limited to :) CMU Wall (Masonry). 'This !request is an effort to obtain quotes from certified MBE/V1BE/DY-BE/DBE/SBC companies. You can be assured that we will evaluate your bid and conduct ourselves in good faith with you on this job, The General Coniractor concerning to assistance to Subcontractors in obtaining bonds, line of credit and or insurance Please include a edgy ofyourcurrent certificatlon(s) with ytur bicl._ They Are required in our bid naclnize. If you are intorostod in bidding, the plans and opwificationsc pertaining to your appropriate section of work by contacting &k,-UUMadi 310-877-1192. At Conoept Consultant, Ina. or email to, nioksammadi@gnaii.com wo will provido you roquirod links. We are an Equal Ouvorturdty Employer Sincerely, Concept Consultant, Inc. WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR REPLY AS". PLEASE COMPLETE THE SPACES BELOW ANPI�AX $ACK TO 'CJS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION NO:t! nicksammadi@gmaii.com From: RingCentral <service@ringcentral.com> Sent: Friday, August 23, 2019 11:34 AM To: Nick Sammadi Subject: Fax Message Transmission Result to +1 (818) 9274316 - Sent Were are the results of the 2 -page fax you sent from your phone number (310) 400-582.9: Name Phone Number Date and Time Result +1 (818) 9274316 Friday, August 23, 2019 at 11,33 AM Sent Your fax(es) included the following files), which were rendered into fax format for transmission: File Name Result Bid invitation -Minority - Garvey mark Bid request from R & R Masonry project -.doe Success nicksammadi@gmail.com From: RingCentral <service@ ringcentral,com > Sent: Friday, August 23, 2019 11:48 AM To: Nick Sammadi Subject: Fax Message Transmission Result to +1 (714) 8179428 - FAILED Here are the results of the 2 -page fax you sent from your phone number (310) 400.582% Name Phone Number Date and Time Result +J (714) 8179428 Friday, August 23, 2019 at 11:47 AM Failed Your fax(es) included the following file(s), which were rendered into fax fon-nat for h-ansmission: File Name Result Bid invitation -Minority - Garvey park Bid request from Yf1 'roilet partition, project. -.doc Success nicksammadWamail.com From: RingCentral <service@ ringcentral.com > Sent: Friday, August 23, 2019 11:34 AM To: Nick Sammadi Subject: Fax Message Transmission Result to +1 (818) 9274316 - Sent v'�aYa ay. W CaLinK.. �M4 Fi4��" J f V: Here are the results of the 2 -page fax you sent from your phone number (310) 400-5829: Name Phone Number Date and Time Result +1 (818) 9274316 Friday, August 23, 2019 at 11;33 AM Sent Your fax(es) Included the following file(s), which were rendered into fax format for transmission, File Name Result Bid invitation -Minority - Garvey park Bid request from R & R Masonry project -.doc Success CONCEPT CONSULTANT, INC. 2355 Westwood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064-2109 Tel # 310-877-1192 Fax # 310-400-5829 Contractor License# 982335 nicksammadi@gmaii.com INVITATION TO BID Date: 8/23/2019 To: YTI Enterprises, Inc. Attn: Larry Boyd TEL: 714-817-9637 FAX:714-817-9428 Owner: City of Rosemead Project: Garvey Park Restroom Renovation project # 31017 .Location: ,7933 Emerson Place Rosemead CA 91770 Bid Date & Time: Bid request by no later than;` AlZonQ19 ..2 QO;:, :iiia. We are preparing a bid as a general contractor on the above-mentioned project and are requesting bids in the following trades: (include but not limited to :) Toilet partitions and accessories. This request is an effort to obtain quotes from certified MBE/WBE/DVBE/DBE/SBC companies. You can be assured that we will evaluate your bid and conduct ourselves in good faith with you on this job. The General Contractor concerning to assistance to Subcontractors in obtaining bonds, line of credit and or insurance Please include a copy of your current certification(s) with your bid. They are required in our bid package. If you are interested in bidding, the plans and specifications pertaining to your appropriate section of work by contacting flick Sammadi 310-877-1192. At Concept Consultant, Inc. or email to, nicksammadi@gmail.com we will provide you required links. We are an Eaual Opportunity Employer Sincerely, Concept Consultant, Inc. WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR REPLY ASAP. PLEASE COMPLETE THE SPACES BELOW AND FAX BACK TO US. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION NO: , we'll not be bidding this time; Company & Contact: Trade(s) we are bidding We Are a Certified: MBE If DVBE YES:Z, we'll fax our bid l WBE_J/_DBE SBE DOL YouthBuild Program Manuals Counseling and Case Manaqement at a YouthBuild Program This handbook provides help planning and Implementing the counseling and case management components of a YouthBuild program. It Includes in-depth information on issues such as substance abuse, sexual harassment, and violence or negative behavior Construction Training at a YouthBuild Program Construction Training is designed to help people run effective YouthBuild programs in their communities by offering practical advice on ways to plan, organize, and implement the construction component of a YouthBuild program. Education at a YouthBuild Program The Education at a YouthBuild Program Manual is designed to help programs develop and implement a comprehensive education component. It provides guidance to program directors, school administrators, education coordinators, and teachers. DAL YouthBuild Program Manual The DOL YouthBuild Program Manual offers advice on how to'plan, organize, and implement all of the components of an effective YouthBuild program. Leadership Development at a YouthBuiId Program Leadership Development at a YouthBuild Program offers advice on how to plan, organize, and implement the leadership development component of a YouthBuild program. Partnerirr i with Ematoyers This manual will help your program develop connections to local employers, making it more likely for their graduates to be hired and for the employers to provide valuable input to program staff on the specific knowledge, skills and aptitudes young people need in order to be successful in their initial placements. Pathways to Long Term Success This manual will help your program develop a comprehensive plan for the post -program success of your students. It provides ready -to -use tools and resources so you can provide effective career development for your young people. Relto, Log In R YouthBuild Sea rch WorklbrceGPS / jmii,Fhadd / Community Resources / Construction Training ata YouthBuild Program POST INFORMATION Likes: 3 Views: 2746 Posted: 11/1/2017 6:45 AM Pasted By: Lisa Reddy Posted In: YouthBuild RELATED CONTENT Construction Trains g at a YouthBuild Program Handbook Uodated201.7 pdf -size: 4.2MB CONTENT INFORMATION Topics: Qnstrudion Trainfng Construction Training at a YouthBuild Program Resource Newly Updatedl The revision of the Construction Handbook was done to ensure that DOL Youtheuild Grantees have the most relevant and up-to-date Information In hand for sustaining a well-managed and compfiant work site. 113 8/2201%4^ 1nr .r.c nno The handbook also provides guidance for implementing an effective construction training component, where In addition to the hanOp-on vocational education provided, trainees learn work readiness skills, develop and practice leadership skills, and apply academic learning. DOL YouthBuild Grantees will find that this updated Handbook now Includes guidance on all the major DOL work site compliance factors, is aligned with the recent Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), emphasizes effective worksite safety procedures and best practices, and now Includes Information and resources on green building and weatherization. You can find additional DOL YouthBulld Program Manuals and Handbooks fiere. Comments Type your comment here (up to 300 characters.,.) YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE —52 Online Chat with Daryl W)ght on Multi -Craft Core Curriculum viamts • 447 . Upcoming Webinar: How to SuccesduffAmtegrate and Implement the Y u 1DAI Constructi r Component Views • 104 0 DOL YouthRmild Region 5 Peer -to -Peer Training Views • 487 r\ii Ileozfi;r.11iVli�;lI:P!'1 ';Afl11 I,!i.1 ::!'Il•'•�•:r)`I:1::�_ri.!S.: !•�r (I IS':. `�.I.%i;'IiJ1 !*oi. _ m 1.00; 1 i°:11..111•! 11'i:i lig ..'i 1111;I:i 1:1 i. 11111. https:,,,, ....w .1, .... ,..,... yN...a..,...,......,.,..-,...,,.,,., t. 213 8122/r"A"n Hk, MA� X D Nk,*Y),:-.,� fl r o E, ...:P: iryl' r IA Yotwh I r);!,w(jo.111-� loly. https:#vouthbuild.workforceqps.org/resources/2Ol5/O5/04/l0/32/Construction-Tralning 3/3 City of Rosemead, California Garvey Park Restroom Renovation Project, Project No. 31017 Document Control Page 24 of 452 BIDDER: Concept Consultant, Inc. Bidder shall submit its Bid data in accordance with the format shown on each of the following Bid Data Forms. Bidders shall prepare and use as many sheets as are necessary to adequately provide the infori7iation required. Bidder shall ensure that every page of its Bid Data Forms are properly identified with the Bidder's name and page number. 2.A BID.BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Concept Consultant, Inc. as Principal, and Old Republic,Stt etv..=any , as Surety, are held firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (hereinafter called the OWNER) in the sum of Terx..Pexcgaf Amount Bid DOLLARS ($ 101%Y6 of bid}, being not less than ten percent (10%} ofthe Total Bid' Price; for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted a bid to the OWNER to perform all Work required for the GARVEY PARK RESTROOM RENOVATION PROJECT—as set forth in the Notice Inviting Bids and accompanying Bid Documents, dated August 27. 2019 NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal is awarded a Contract for the Work by the OWNER and, within the time and in the manner required by the above- referenced Bid Documents, enters into the written form of Contract bound with said Bid Documents, furnishes the required bonds (one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials) furnishes the required insurance certificates and endorsements, and furnishes any other certifications as may be required by the Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the OWNER and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the OWNER in such suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court. SIGNED AND SEALED, this day ofugust , 20J_9 . Concept Consultant, Inc. (SEAL) By: Signature CBF - 8 OldRepublicSurety SIJAL _—�Y ( ) ; Surety Signature( David Za. Noddle, Attorney in Fact ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Los Angeles On AUG 21 2019 before me, A. Bisordi, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared David Zachary Noddle I who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. A. BISORDI NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA WITNESS my hand and official seal. LOS ANGELES COUNTY COMMISSION * 2285751 MY COMM. EXPIRES MAY 11, 2023 0 Signature \ A- \ jam"`--/ (Seal) 11� OLP N to r� :01 A %3% 1• W, T RNEY 0; 0'REV C nsinsto nf mdt �q 0&' KNOW E 14, E. y6t OLD MrvI,( Voint.. E ICA AN ELA BISORDI, SHEILA NODDLE, OF TARZANA, CA A. olt—N en T�' ,off BCH NODDLE. RE W J p to y as sun 2C IW n the nature aD ces 01 rl rih....1poy q?MW tdh,,hrl th at is required), d a, recogn an mo;Na; Faranty bhnds guarantees of installment paper and note guaranty bonds, self-insurance workers an tid%ft,or black I a h tf.ff a' ement ba'� p'a Wk as 0� a a n q, li M R;,� tocy h , 0a�ttif P"idenT�'ijM the ftt9 tm a iv'� d tte f ny' M a "t " agent "Vokj We, At%rne RES �,M*MflURT,41211,4,4hat q* qtfft�Xaking, re Q ftjibn$Vp ident or i ed 0 r.rd 'd wh ti or ash Vic T Silent 7 Aptklt or agent; . a (ii requii ')bya&: Loriz attg i) w dpi . quired) by one or more attorneys -in or agents pursuant to and within. a limits of the authority en executed and sealed (if a seal be re ts urguan th udd A 'AMY, f U Suo Mon or r 0 c �Tne r- 110 or SOLVEVI an u d n me ea o '0m b to any n�cwpl'w offiney e a pa 471 11 co IX a dt y ag md e & .4�'pahi* ion there authorizing cout IVC f signature and seal when so used shall have e sameforce and a ect as though mama y affix A. lly ceffia, d BW -�b-ft and t Q Ii - duals- khaclmc Ing W me I s anaer In wl the )t and that the sea affixe corporation aforesaid, he &.,fr2d Qtr"'ih'c's'eij of the were ment by a t 0board.. M p indmikspribed d I A U that IY( n irw_ 3atio- 'd"lN'that said CoW' seal and their. ii9fiatures WNW offiddY4 5 id 0 a My cominisslon UP 4/2 2 1 .1 -affid rM Inj tj I stant t Ill t d4ft th ,,as i forge and of be A n force. L 74-7hw1 W inQ4 a 4 IVY P x Assistantw.ry .G606yftr R6*601i AA040 PFQj9t,Pf*9ql NO;3017. TWcDm4n.(0OhtM N0.4 dfA52 81.0051R, . .--Concept Consultant, .inc. Ci -=jVjjQN AFERAV in lind6rAigned, Vo g fh-svwordwe 44- Pubile -Corwaot ('�Qdo $041on. - -1106 411d: it duly 4eposes,an4 says ihafho.,br!she holds -the pq8itibl 4tec b kh the bidder, the; gortrjtAk. -*0 foregoing; ' 4.q. gomg t' fh pny u p.pts.oa:.0": p . 4iplosed artn Lite:at a . 0jv 6b ispqu!6eu4-4bt.-C'0'.'11U the bid&i hat nddirodly or indirectly fnduaed:.0'r'-wwted,a0 offior'bidderto put ini a1sjc or shm bid, and has. uqtdirpcdor indirectly Gollud 1, -boos, p fi, .amyo;.ne 61sotb put i�'.a -sham bail, of -tot �fvon6 "A -r0W1.kqbiddi g.;:fhattht - ldaft,'110not 4f WY m4PO d.jrtQfty4DTW1N0t1y;soughOyareqmoat;;comm- ullidation, or-conference.w.itI I - or any oftier'bidden or to 6k uO OvorWdi Pmfjtprcost. 0161�10* of 'tho:t1d�pAQ0) or.'Of tW Of '-0thqbidder, orlas,equ secure; any .advimmge apinot ft.*116 0'i).dy �W.�rd!O: �1�b -0611ifOOt .0f.;MY-00'. t1tO 004 in tine PxOpOed' that All Stat6m,66TS . % . ...A. seed cont Wod io thOid uo 04s; -aftd, fvkhdr, Aa -the kidder bas' -not; Airtedy,or w&wlyr, snbrrtitti�d hila: S W 0 6 vu od f " 19 wW&pr!oe.qyafiy-bre8k.d lawn thi�toof, -orthe onte.1t. -the or i . #-f0#ft4t . ion anti feato'40yoprpwjrafibrj y mp Nick Sammadi Typed orNathe. President Title Concept Consultant, Inc... Bidder CBF -14 MICHAEL J. SORIANO- I COMM,# 2240762 NOTARY PUBLIC- CALfFORNfA LOS'ANGELES COUNTY O MY COMM. Expfres May 30 2022 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of LOS ANGELES Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this 23RD day of AUGUST , 20 19, by NICK SAMMADI XXXXXXX 00(XX)O= XXX)OC proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me. °t MICHAEL J. SORIANO pl{X " COMM.# 2240762 NOTARYPUBLIC- CALIFORNIA N Y O LOS ANGELES COUNTY My Comm. Expires May 30, 2022 (Seal) Signatu