CC - Item 5B - CC Minutes Special Joint Meeting 5-28-2019 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MAY 28, 2019 The special joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark at 5:40 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Armenta (arrived+at 5:44 p.m.), Council Members Dang, and Ly; Chair Tang, Vice Chair Eng, Commissioners Herrera, and Vuong ABSENT: Council Member Low; Commissioner Lopez :".. . STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, CityAttorney Richman,'Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director of Community Development Kim, "Planning and Economic\Development Manager Valenzuela, and City Clerk Hernandez , �. 1. WORKSHOP ,' .; .y A. Olson Company PIesentation,. on Proposed 29-Unit Residential Planned Development �`\ ,. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela stated the subject site is located,-a -31.33\-3,141 Willard'Avenue •.informed Council that The Olson Companrhas submitted a Pre`Apphication (Pre-Application 19-01), proposing to develop-'a"new 29-unit residential planned development; noted the size of each single-family dwelling varies from-.1,150 square feet to 1,800 square feet with an attached-.two-car garage;'introduc4•`the applicant: Steve Armanino, Director of Development, The Olson Company'to present the project in detail. \Applicant MK. ArmaiIino'stated The Olson Company entered into agreement to \purchase subject propertHn':December 2018, and since then has been under due 'diligence which'includes geotechnical investigation, environmental investigation, title site planning, Rosemead Pre-Application submittal and staff review, meetings'-with„/Rosemead Community Development and Public Works staff, review ander "inspection of surrounding infrastructure, and understanding of entitlement process. Mr. Armanino provided a project overview of the 29 three story townhomes consisting of the following: • Open space areas: landscaped paseos, connecting resident entries to amenities and Willard Avenue, shade trellis, barbecue/picnic area, site furniture, mailboxes, etc. • Community features: upgraded architecture including Spanish Colonial Architecture with tile roofs, balconies, and enhanced elevations,water and energy efficient fixtures, high efficiency insulation, new sidewalk, landscape, street trees, and improvements along Willard Avenue. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page I of 5 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.B In response to Council Member Ly's inquiry, Mr. Armanino asserted after the geotechnical and environmental investigations, there were no issues of fault lines to be reinforced; informed Council that the posttension rods will be built to help keep the foundation more rigid. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela responded to Council Member Ly, confirming that the Edison easement right behind the project is a vacant lot as the nursery is no longer there. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta clarified the nursery-is now located in the front on Dorothy Street and Hellman Avenue; opined the.Superintendent is in support of the development as it will increase the number of attendees, however there is concern of the congestion before and after school;�inquired if The Olson Company has completed any traffic studies since..there is ari'elementary school in the vicinity, and what are their plans in partnering with the City`to ensure these potential home owners are aware of the parkingrissues. Mr. Armanino noted he is personally working with a school that is adjacent to his project in the City of.,,Torrance byvmeeting with the principaPand California Environmental Quality Act,h(CEQA) representative from Los `Angeles School District to put plans in'place will ensure the school is not impacted; indicated that The Olson Company will ,make those same efforts by partnering with Rosemead City staff to conduct a� traffie study fo,learn the existing traffic pattern generated by Willard Elementary School and-require all potential home owners to sign the Covenants'Conditions and Restrictions`(CCRs), which will disclose the use of�theadjacent-school anddictate its associated rules; emphasized the Home Owner Association (IIOA) Champion program not only provides community presence, but. also inspections to ensure that garages are properly being used for -par-king'rather'than.storage:.. M ,> \' ' In response,to'Counci1Member Ly, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta ascertained from her " ',familiarity with'the site;,that,other than street sweeping restrictions, there are only ` ‘•red and white curbs in front.of the school. Council.Member Pang inquired with respect to the parking issues, if there is surplus/guest parking available. r, Mr.Ai-mann-lot-responded there is 15 spaces for guests,with a combination of seven parking spots outdoor and some in the garages. Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period. Speaker Rosemary Berumen indicated she lives a couple of houses down from this development; expressed concern for the safety of students and residents, noting a young man was killed years ago on Willard Avenue due to a driver speeding; stated the City denied the school's previous request for installation of speed bumps; suggested the City build something beneficial to all residents such as a park or Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 2 of 5 community garden instead of this development; urged Council to consider how the construction will affect the students and nearby residents — more congestion and no privacy. Speaker Julie Liang echoed Ms. Berumen's concerns; further noted increased parking, crime, and pest issues; stated the height poses potential danger to the Edison poles. Speaker Jeff Lam expressed concern for his son and other students that attend Willard Elementary School as there is no crosswalk; indicated opposition to enduring two more years of construction for another development. Speaker Brian Lewin opined he is pleased that'nnotification was made to affected residents; expressed concern for the density as\thedevelopment will be in the middle of a neighborhood; inquired how the City rwill,,mitigate the impact of the traffic congestion. ..t t There being no other comments,Mayor Clark closed the Pub11c„Comment period. Mayor Clark expressed'concern with ,a threeastory home being l uilt next to a single-story home as"the proposed changes 'double the density, creating privacy issues; inquired if therevare any,low-income units available. Mr. Armanino responded there are no plans.of providing low-income units. Vice ChaiiNancyEng urged Council to uphold the"City's goal in protecting single- family"stories in R-1 and R-2:.zones; indicated support for the development's 3-bedroo tiunits, noting.it will help\accommodate Rosemead families; queried if ' the developer�has researched-other design alternatives and liabilities for families with physical limitations orseniors,asked if the price point of$500,000 is realistic; expressed appreciationfor the company's long term HOA. \\ 'City Attorney R clunan reiterated for the record that the Mayor already opened and "cld � sed the PublicCommerit period; suggested members of the audience with fiirther,questions shb uld speak with the developer after the meeting. Chair John'Tang ekpressed appreciation that The Olson Company is interested in developing'in Rosemead; inquired if there is any interest in making these a PUD standalone townhome, developing 3-4 bedroom units rather than 2-3 bedroom units; opined by limiting the number of total units and selling it at a higher price, the surrounding areas will not be as impacted. In response to Vice Chair Eng,Mr.Armanino affirmed there will be a master water meter with submeters to be serviced by the San Gabriel Valley Water Company. Council Member Ly emphasized the importance in the City making a concerted effort to commit to building quality housing, it will give the State more incentive Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 3 of 5 to take away our local government authority; queried how far was Rosemead from reaching the numbers set by Southern California Association of Governments' (SCAG) Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for this year in terms of actual housing development and allocation. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela responded Rosemead was expected to reach 602 units, however only reached 262 units. Mayor Clark clarified the City zoned for the housing; however, we simply did not meet the RHNA numbers as to units built. Council Member Ly requested that City staff/Work with Edison Company to convert the parcel behind the project into a park;and as part of the traffic study, to create an ingress and egress for pedestrian and`vehicular access,which will help mitigate traffic issues for Willard Elementary School; inquired if the project meets the variable height requirement. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela.stated the developer does not have to comply,with the variable height requirement as`itnot mandatory for residential Planned Development projects. y Council Member Ly urged\staff to`work with thedeveloper to ensure good faith effort in following the variable heighthrequirement,or if not possible,to determine other alternatives'to improvethe privacy concern of.these residents. Council Member Karig echoed r Council Member Ly's concerns; applauded The Olson Company for`taking on this project as it is a challenging site; inquired what -isthe required"code setback as gdPanning anEconomic Development Manager Valenzuela stated City staff and !� o the developer worked,oi,the setback requirements as it is an irregular shape,further explaining in some areas,itis 8 feet, 10 feet and other areas it is 15 feet; noted the ``jdans right now„are very preliminary, however, the developer has strived to meet the standards in the condominium section as much as possible. Mayor'ProoTern Armenta indicated support for Council Member Lys request to create a pedestrian and vehicular access; suggested staff work with Edison on establishing'a'side alley as another means to exit the street. Commissioner Michael Vuong inquired if there are any plans to build solar panels on this property, and if the State has any such requirements. Mr. Armanino affirmed California has a mandate for new homes to be "net-zero energy” as part of the State's Building Energy Efficiency Standards, which will require solar panels on homes and take effect in 2020; there will be a solar lease between the owner of the unit and the solar company. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 4 of 5 Mayor Clark stated she serves on the SCAG Regional Council, further explaining the City has done their due diligence to zone for housing,however,we cannot make developers come and build in Rosemead; emphasized the issue with the project is it is doubling the amount of units that the City zoned for; opined this is the wrong place for this high density development and the three-story units are unfair for those residents that bought into an R-2 zone and we are now allowing an R-3. Council Member Ly opined that it is worth working with The Olson Company on this rather than being outright against the project; stated it's important to ensure any project brought forth to Council is fully mitigated and to move forward on it as there is a shortage in housing. ,/' a, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta opined legislation is`cre\ating bills such as SB 50 in effort to take away our local control of land use;noting"it'"is unfair to use these RHNA numbers as many of the allocated-areas'are not viable for development. a \. R\ Commissioner Vuong concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Armenta. Chair Tang reiterated this is a Pre-Appi.icationprocess,which means residents will have another opport�inity`to. speak on this matter. f \ " \ C'''' °-. °." s. 2. ADJOURNMENT °� .`ty" "" ° ''4. v \ "" N. Mayor Clark adioumed'the special joint meeting-at.6 34,,.p:m. The next City Council meeting is scheduled to-he held on Mayv28; 2019, at-6 00>>p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber:, \� \ `\ �''j f \ \ `°� ,.,, \ Erick Hernandez, City Clerk PPR AOVED: \ ; *°' ti `�. °'s ° . y� \ Margaret Clark, IVlayof i Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting . Minutes of May 28, 2019 Page 5 of 5