PC - Item 4A - Minutes of September 16, 2019Minutes of the PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING September 16, 2019 'The regular meeting of thio Panning Commission was called to order by Chair Eing at 7:00 pm in'the IGily Hall Council Chambers, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Commissioner Berry INVOCATION — Commissioner Vuonig ROLL CALL — Commissioners Berryjang, Wong, Vice -Chair Lopez and Chair Eng �i !on Sedretaty Lockwood. t 5XP�LANATtONOPHtAANO�kWEDukt�tMO,*i*LRtdHI 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE None 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS # 0. 0 M10 Chair Eng asked if there were any questions or comments for staff. Commissioner Tang stated It looks 'like the nonconforming its the side yard setback of Unit #1 and Unit #2 on and asked' if that was correct, Assistant Planner Wong replied yes„ units #1 and 2 have substandard setbacks, and in addition, there is a substandard building separation between the detached tern -c r garage with Unit #1, Commissioner Tang asked' ghat is the required and what is currently, Assistant Planner Wong asked for clarification if Commissioner Tang was referring to the building separation. Commissioner Tang stated he is referring to both the setbacks arid buildingsaparatiom �»� �w, � � w � r., .��� e � ��• -� Www •it #21 Ka added orr missioner Vuoing referre4"'Othe fire prevention notes orad stated that it seemed that the proposed additions meet fire code and asked,staff to explain the municipaN code ' I this access way is viable for emergency vehicles when necessary e� 6 t1ni'thilrd unit. Assistant, istaint Plannere Wong stated staff routed the plans to the Fire Department for review and they did not issue any comme is pertaining to fire accesg onto the property. Commissioner T n asked on a property like this"nth free differervt uuriib, is it the property owner responsibility for maintaining the common area like the driveway. Assistant Planner Wong, r" plied yes, in would be the property owner` Chair Eine stated currently the setback is nonconforming' because the City updated the code, She questioned if the setback would have conformed when it was constructed in 1955 but became nonconforming due to Municipal Coda updates. Assistant Planner Wong replied yes. Chair Eng asked if there were any further quost"uons for staff None Chair Eng opened the public Hearing and invited the applicant to the podium, E= ior`Exception process, He e T ling the unit in the front and ie family, He added) haat his gr ilt, and his sister and nephe be their family compound, an( it in the back because be luring in the front unit, ng in the rear unlit, He "lanning Commission. In n1 to another ti years and "led by three sntly residing en a year, to Chair Eng thanked Mr. Hu and stated he had answered her question because she was going to ask if the units will be owwner-occupied. Commissioner Vuong asked staff how many parcels are similarly designed like this in the City for driveway access and what is normally Fine Code's requitement for driveway access if you Fame multiple units on a parcel, Planning & Economic Development Manager, alen uela replied that typically a driveway is 18 - 20 feet. She added, through the agency distribution process, this project wwas,,, drrt to the Fire Department and if there had been major concems, they would let .staff know', She explained that `during the building plan check, process, this will main be reviewed by the (Fire Department. Commissioner Tang thanked lir, Hu for sharing his story with three generations diving here and it is common story in Rosemead where we have ai lot of multi-farnily'dwwellin , units as well as long term residents that have been living here for multiple years; He added as families grow, you have to find room to Crouse them and thanked lir, Hu for sharing his story again, "ice -Chair Lopez thanked Mr. f Hu also and stated he has lived in Rosemead fair 44 years. He added he has thought of selling his home from time to time, but his grandkids tent him no, it"s going to be theirs. Chair Eng thanked Mr. Hu and asked if thane was anyone else wishing to speak on this item. None Chair Eng closed the Public Hearing, 9,he ,asked if the Planning Commission had any further questions or comments for staff, None Chair Eng asked for a motion. Commissioner Berry made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tang, to ADOPT Resolution No.1g-1t0`with findings and APPROVE )Minor Exception 19-09, subject to the 31 conditions.. 'foto resulted in ,dyes; Berry, Eng, Lopez, Tsang, and Wong Noes: A Abstain: Ione Chair Eng opened the public Hearing and invited the applicant to the podium, E= ior`Exception process, He e T ling the unit in the front and ie family, He added) haat his gr ilt, and his sister and nephe be their family compound, an( it in the back because be luring in the front unit, ng in the rear unlit, He "lanning Commission. In n1 to another ti years and "led by three sntly residing en a year, to Chair Eng thanked Mr. Hu and stated he had answered her question because she was going to ask if the units will be owwner-occupied. Commissioner Vuong asked staff how many parcels are similarly designed like this in the City for driveway access and what is normally Fine Code's requitement for driveway access if you Fame multiple units on a parcel, Planning & Economic Development Manager, alen uela replied that typically a driveway is 18 - 20 feet. She added, through the agency distribution process, this project wwas,,, drrt to the Fire Department and if there had been major concems, they would let .staff know', She explained that `during the building plan check, process, this will main be reviewed by the (Fire Department. Commissioner Tang thanked lir, Hu for sharing his story with three generations diving here and it is common story in Rosemead where we have ai lot of multi-farnily'dwwellin , units as well as long term residents that have been living here for multiple years; He added as families grow, you have to find room to Crouse them and thanked lir, Hu for sharing his story again, "ice -Chair Lopez thanked Mr. f Hu also and stated he has lived in Rosemead fair 44 years. He added he has thought of selling his home from time to time, but his grandkids tent him no, it"s going to be theirs. Chair Eng thanked Mr. Hu and asked if thane was anyone else wishing to speak on this item. None Chair Eng closed the Public Hearing, 9,he ,asked if the Planning Commission had any further questions or comments for staff, None Chair Eng asked for a motion. Commissioner Berry made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tang, to ADOPT Resolution No.1g-1t0`with findings and APPROVE )Minor Exception 19-09, subject to the 31 conditions.. 'foto resulted in ,dyes; Berry, Eng, Lopez, Tsang, and Wong Noes: done Abstain: Ione ,absent. bone 93 1 i It ILI Fwatalgi 11MR-5141,561NOW Ms., 'ME 0; B.: ,Associate Planner Lao presented the staff report. Chair Eng asked if there were any questl6hs, or comments for staff. Commissioner, Tang referred to the lot line discrepancy and asked what it means, what is the process, and what does the applicant need to do., Associate Planner Lao stated on Sepytember 27, 2018, the,vious applicant applied for a lot fine ad ustment to pre i unmerge the lots. In staffI s,,review of the current entitlements, it was determined that tyle property owners were not description was inconsistent, therefore, the applicant is currently woridng with the Public Works Department to complete a C6dificate of Compflahcd,'which provides a record thatthe City is determining that each parcel was created legally. Commissioner Tang, asked if the previous owner had owned both properties and didn't have a fence to separate the two properties, so they made, a, makeshift line. Associate, Planner Lao replied no, its still the same property owners and it was a fivingtrust, and currently it is an LLC. Chair Eng asked if staff knows why the lots were originally merged, Associate Planner, ILao replied staff does not have any record of why the lots were merged. Chair Eng asked ff staff K there is record that the lots had previously been separate parcels and they had been tied together. ... ............ Associate Planner Lao irepiled yes, Chair Eng asked if this is anew owner or is it indicated that they just changed the title of ownership, Associlate Planner Lao replied it is the same owners it just went from a trust to an LLC. Chair Eng stated the homes mfill be two-story homes and she noticed that there are other, two-story homes in the neighborhood. She asked in terms of height, will the proposed height conform with the other, two-story homes inthe area. Associate Planner Lao replied yes, they are very similar. Chair Eng asked If are both homes are proposed to be 3,000 square feet each and If they are similar to the other homes, Associate Planner ILao replied the other homes range from 2,100 square feet to 2,EGO square feet, Chair En;g referred to Condition of Approval 25 and 37. She read Condition of Approval 35, "A Certificate of Compliance for the Lot Line Adjustment to unmerge two lots shall be recorded Ihefore the issuance of a building perrhit". She asked if thatshould be meant to say "building permiW or "building permit," or does It need to be just one permit, Associate Planner Lao replied it only needs to say one permit because there are two resolutions and each project is separate. , Chair, Erg asked if "permit' is inconclusive of all permits such as the derno, excavation, and the other req uired permits. Associate Planner Lao replied yes, Chair Eng referred to Condition of Approval 37 and read "Detailed construction requirements will be determined after a full Building Divislon plan review'. She asked staff what the purpose, of this condition of approval is,, Associate Pla:nnerLao replied this condition of approval was given by the Building Official, IBrad Filehmann, and when the applicant submit their plans, the Building Officialis requidng detailed construction plans and grading plans, Chair Eng clarified that is something that the Building Official is requesting after the Planning Commission has determined this item this evening'. Associate Planner Lao replied yes. Chair Eng asked if patios are included in the upstairs units, Associate Planner Lao replied no, Chair Eng asked if the Planning Commission had! any further questions or comments for staff, None Chair Eng opened the, Public Hearing and invited the applicant to the podium, Eric Tsang, Designer for this project stated that he may answer any questions the Planning Commission may have, 61 Chair Eng asked if either one of these homes be owner-oocoo6d. -rwliekyr a Chair Eng asked If there were any further questions or comments. None Chair Eng asked the Planning Commission if there were any further comments or questions, None Chair IN closed the Public Heading and asked for a motion, Commissioner Berry made a motion, seconded by Vice -Chair Lqpez, to ADOPT fes oMlon No, 19-08 with findings and APPROVE Design Review 1903, subject to the " conditions. Vote resulted In: Assistant ( Noes, He it Berry, Eng, Lopez, Tang, and Wong None None None �mmunity Development Virelotoir IKirn st6i C. DEMON RVft 1*0�4 Kim U d,the vote passes with a vote of 5 Ayes and 0 Notice and, explained the 1 0 -day appeal process, ation for a Design Review to construct a new itlh an attached thiree-car Sarage.Thegranting lilW ................ I 74MV037 -j ig=oft IM ;ji ja Wp � T Associate Plariner Lao presented' the M report. M . . . ........... A None Chair, Eng opened the Public Hearing and asked if there was anyone wishingto speak on this item. None Chair Eng closed the Public Hearing: and asked for a motion, Vice-Chalir Lopez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner''Wong, to ADOPT Resolution No. 19-09 with findings and APPROVE Design Review 19-014, subject to the 37 conditions,, Vote resulted In: Ayes,: Berry, Eng, Lopez� Tang, and 'anong Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None Assistant City Managori Community Development Director Kim stated the motion passes with a vote of 5 Ayes and 0 Noes., He reminded the applicant to remove the onsite Public Hearing Notice and explained t,he 10 -day appeal process,. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR I A. PC MINUTES B-19-19 Commissioner Tang made a motion, seconded by Vice -Chair Lopez, to approve PIC Minutes 8-16-19 as presented. Ay0s., Berry, EnI Lopez, Tang, and Vluong Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None 0 Award and the C4bf Roi6m064 lsinolud6d as one fthe'ohwis�� Chair Eng owgraWted stWandl WMW them good luck. 6. A&db#MIS"En Chair Eng thanked= nd, also congratulated Community Development Director Ben Kim on his recent promotion to ,Assistant Cfty Manager, T, ADJOURNMENT Chair no adlourned the Mannino Commission meefinaart ,710 pm. in Nancy Eng Chair ATTES'T: Rachel Lockwood Commission: Secretary 8