CC - Item 4B - Minutes of October 8, 2019MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 8, 2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, Council Members Dang, Low and Ly ABSENT: NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council�Member Ly INVOCATION was led by Mayor Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant City Manager Kim, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director of Public Works Daste, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor ClariC opened the Public Comment period. Speaker'Elise Frederick expressed concerns when traveling east on Lawrence Avenue as itis challenging to see;'oncoming vehicles turning from Ivar Avenue to Lawrence Avenue, duejo,:,parked car's on the corner of the street. She suggested painting the curb red on the southbound; corner or to install a three-way stop sign at the interseeton. Mayor Pro Tern: rmenta,directed staff to investigate the different possibilities of painting the cuth red if a" ible obstruction exists. She also suggested a traffic study to determine if a three-way stop is warranted at the intersection. Mrs. Armenta recalled. in the past, Engineers have indicated there must be a distance between each stop. City Manager'' Molleda stated Director of Public Works Daste will contact Mrs. Frederick to discuss her concerns further and bring the item to the Traffic Commission for review. Mrs. Frederick also expressed concerns about the poor maintenance of the southbound side of the Rosemead Boulevard Bridge that separates Temple City and the City of Rosemead. She reiterated that the graffiti and poor maintenance of the medians and road does not help property values nor the City's image. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 Page 1 of 9 AGENDA ITEM 4.11 Council Member Ly interjected and explained to Mrs. Frederick that the southbound side of the Rosemead Boulevard Bridge was on Temple City's jurisdiction and not in Rosemead. The City had approached Temple City to help clean up the bridge on their side, but they insisted on maintaining the bridge. Mr. Ly noted the City of Rosemead was working on a grant to improve the landscape on Rosemead Boulevard with Caltrans. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta also indicated to Mrs. Frederick that Rosemead Boulevard is a state-owned highway. Temple City was able to make improvements on Rosemead Boulevard within their jurisdiction because they took back the road at the cost of $20 million. Mrs. Frederick suggested the City relocate the Welcome to Rosemead sign on the southbound side of the bridge away from Temple City's bridge. Speaker Mathew Buck, East Los Angeles County representative from the California Apartment Association, introduced himself and stated he now serves the East Los Angeles area, which includes San Gabriel Valley cities. Mr. Buck said the California Apartment Association assists municipalities on apartments and rental issues in the County of Los Angeles. Speaker Ron Esquivel, on behalf of the Rosemead School District's Educational Foundation, invited the City Council to their Annual Health and Fitness Fair Run - Walk on October 26th at Mildred B. Janson Elementary School. There being no further speakers, Mayor Clark closed the Public Comment period. 3. PRESENTATIONS - None 4. PUBLIC HEARING - None 5. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2019-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,328,172.49 NUMBERED 104527 THROUGH NUMBER 104615 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-51. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 Page 2 of 9 B. Approval of Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the special joint meeting minutes of May 28, 2019. C. Introduction of Ordinance No. 989 Adding Chapter 2.38 to Title 2 of the Rosemead Municipal Code Relating to the Use of the City's Seal and Logos The City of Rosemead recognizes the importance of proper use and consistency of the City Seal and Logos to prevent any confusion for the public concerning representation by City employees, officers or agents bearing the City Seal and Logos. Therefore, the City desires to establish an ordinance to protect and govern the use of the City Seal and Logos to en$nfecide uniformity. Recommendation: That the City Council introduce° and,eonduct a first reading, by title only, and waive further reading%of Ordinance No `989; ;entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE°y, CITY OF ROSEMEAD,CFOA, ADDIN�r, CHAPTER 2,38 TO TITLE 2 `OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL SCD RELATING Q. THE USE OF THE CITY'S SKA. ANS LOGOS D. March The CWCouncil X11 consider=ap roving Resolution No. 2019-52, calling and giving not e; f th ,-Udmg of a general municipal election to be held on Tuesday, March 3, 2 2 , %r tide e eCU.pn of contain officers as required by the provisions of the lbws of the Stare of Cahfo�rrua relting to general law cities; Resolution No. 20l9 -537-1'----'-t', reques14 tkie Board` --"Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles to render spea1,fe6d ser;Agi s to the City related to'the conduct of a general municipal lection on Tu�4y,1VTia, 2020; Resolution No. 2019-54, adopting regulations candidates fr'lective`�t`fice pertaining to candidates statements submitted to the voters during pity elections; and Resolution No. 2019-55, providing for the conduc of a sverunoff election for elective offices in the event of a tie vote at any That the City Council take the following actions: • Approve Resolution No: 2019-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, CALLING FOR THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2020, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AS Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 Page 3 of 9 REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES; • Approve Resolution No: 2019-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO DIRECT THE, REGISTRAR- RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK ;TO %'ADMINISTER, MANAGE AND OVERSEEE CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S GENERAL MUNLCIPAL,ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY-- MARCH , 3 2020; AND REQUEST FOR CONSOLIDATION OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION, -WITH ANY COUNTYWIDE ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 3, 2020; • Approve Resolution No. 20 A RESOLUTlJ1 QF THE CITY �=COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF R6SEMEAD, „ CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING REGULATIONS�'F,OR 'C"ANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFJOE PERTAINING >, `O ;CANDIDATES fi %jI' `rEM15 TS SUAI�TTED TO TH ,VOTERS AT AN ELECTIO1N`TO BE MELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 3, x, 2x20: and >. 20 A IWSOLLT, ON OF `THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR `THE 66AbUCT OF A SPECIAL RUNOFF ELECTIQN FOR kECTIVE OFFICES IN THE EVENT OF A TIEWTE AT ANY MUNICIPAL ELECTION E. Resolud""' O M2,049-56 — In Support of Reducing Crime and Keeping California Safe Act of 200' Since 2014, California has had a larger increase in violent crime than the rest of the United States. Reducing Crime and Keeping California Safe Act 2020 (Act), is a measure that reclassifies currently "non-violent" crimes like rape of an unconscious person, sex trafficking of a child, and 14 other serious crimes as "violent" to prevent the early release of inmates convicted of these crimes. Also, the Act reforms the parole system to stop the early release of violent felons, expand parolee oversight, and strengthen penalties for parole violations. Furthermore, the Act reforms theft laws to restore accountability for serial thieves and organized theft gangs by Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 Page 4 of 9 expanding DNA collection to include those convicted of drug, theft, domestic violence and other serious crimes to help solve rape, murder and other violent crimes and to exonerate those wrongly accused. Recommendation: That the City Council approved Resolution No: 2019-56, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE REDUCING CRIME AND KEEP1 ' CALIFORNIA SAFE ACT OF 2020 ACTION: Moved by Council Member Lr -,,aid second4 by Council Member Low to approve Consent Calendar Items A through Motion wash�ried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low'Ly ABSENT: None r= 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER& STAFF t i._ A. Coyote Management ePlanA19 The goal of the City of Ro emeQ Coyote Management Plan 2019 (RCMP) is to discourage the habituation oy'8be`s­Jm-`4nurbaw1qi,ironment by using education, behavior—on and ` hpman/ebgte reporting and responding system. The ultimdt� goal of eoe behavipriiadicatiori� taencourage the natural relocation of coy to their ve environment. The acti6ns in this RCMP are designed to increase tho'�bgmmur't, 's knowledge and understanding of how coyotes behave, to ze clear toyw sucl�b�ayior car} lie managed or reduced to eliminate human coi1ficts with cpes, and toavlde aresponsible and regional response plan that is consistent acrosthe San Gabriel Valley sub -region. G � Recommendation; That t "ity Council approve the updated Coyote Management �'l p 2019, w D, woul�l..:�be consistent with SGVCOG's Regional Coyote k"gement Fe ework and authorize the City Manager to enter into a Memox-andum of:'4' Agreement with SGVCOG for Coyote Management Implem�io"an (CMIP) programing at an annual cost of $10,000 for a two- year period y Assistant City Manager Kim reported the City Council reviewed the City's Coyote Plan on September 22, 2019 and discussed joining the Council of Governments' Coyote Implementation Plan. The City Council requested that the Council of Governments consider forming an oversight committee of representatives of participating jurisdictions. After the City Council meeting, the Council of Governments responded that having to revise the Memorandum of Agreement would delay the implementation of the project since other cities have adopted their coyote implementation plan. It is recommended that the Council of Governments' Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 Page 5 of 9 project manager hold monthly meetings with participating jurisdictions that join the program to discuss updates, implementation of the plan, and Council of Governments staff will only provide specified services to those cities. City Manager Molleda noted the concern was that cities that did not contribute financially to the plan would have input on the process. Also, the Council of Governments Board expressed concerns with changing the language in the Memorandum of Agreement already approved by other cities. However, the Council of Governments Board agreed to create an advisory committee. Council Member Ly explained the Council's,ca participate financially in the program would-lh- from it. The primary reason for requestxing tYe; from the Council of Governments Bo#d`;is for implementation process worksan cines that co decisions. �� �>� Mayor Clark reiterated Council Metrier Ly's that could address the,.City's concerns;of pt e to the plan would have uaput on the inli A of Governments staff City ] cities it wi n was that the cities that do not access to the plan and benefit tion of an advisory committee ,,committee _ ' to control how the itefinancially could make the ;ern that by creating a committee es that did nbt contribute money on of thet�' ro r with Council P [a,n is public and available to all 1' 00 fee. However, the data cities. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta expressed concern with not documenting a commitment by #the CounAQ CrYeri%naonts Board as the Council of Governments did not follow:<througli to commitmetat�agr6ed upon in the past. Assistant G Manager Kim informed the City Council the Memorandum of Agreement identifies v�esnonsibilities the Council of Governments Board will Mayo, Pro Tema' Arnenta noted the Council of Governments Board would not chang&f6k, p u e on the Memorandum of Agreement. City Manager'Molleda reiterated the Council of Governments Board would not change the language on the Memorandum of Agreement because other cities have already adopted the Memorandum of Agreement as is. However, the Council of Governments Board has agreed to create an advisory committee for the Cities paying into the program. Mayor Clark affirmed that as a delegate to the Council of Governments Board, they did express concerns with changing the language on the Memorandum of Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 Page 6 of 9 Agreement since some cities have approved it. The Council of Governments Board is open to the idea of creating an advisory committee. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta opined the Council of Governments Board might be open to the idea one day and change their minds later. Council Member Low asked for clarification if the Council of Governments Board is open to creating an advisory committee, although the language will not be in the Memorandum of Agreement since eight other cities have already signed the agreement. City Manager Molleda asserted the Councd, .Of Governments staff indicated they are open to the idea of an advisory comuftpeo participating cities only. Per Council Member Dang' following from the staff repo handled by the Public Safety due to the current staffing leve community meetings? trainin place. Staff recommends that the SGVCOG's CMIPtro S request; Assistant`�Ctty Manager Kim read the rt, "The"online reporting of coyote citing is currently Division Staff (CSOs and`su�port staff). However, 1 anti a house e e tise on co to matters, the safety g, and pWlir,sdutrOdch programs aie currently not in as an interim d trial basis, the City participates in gram for SGVCOG) at the annuaftosf�a adopted FY 2.0~19-2020 budget for (minimum term requested by late funds are available in the Co uu ember]ag indicatclttt�}e City currontly does not have the resources to imp *pint a coyo &lan Also;'Aho-'staff s analysis is that the plan is on an interim basis; thdrefore, the- City doesno�have to continue with the program after two years.. In th`� wh sea l&,the, plan v El provide the City with a mechanism to deal Mayor Pro Tem Arm,eta disagreed and stated adding the language to create a committee was appropae ,a�n the Memorandum of Agreement. The City Council oo�- always take ¢�r'ide in`d'd' umenting what is being voted on. The Memorandum "ireement is the issue, as long as it is noted on the record that the City will ensure :'hat the Q cil of Governments Board will do what they promised to do. In responsc �tayor Pro Tem Armenta, City Manager Molleda stated staff did receive ane ail response from the Council of Governments Board to the idea of creating an advisory committee. Council Member Ly requested from Mayor Clark, as the City's delegate to the Council of Governments Board, to place the creation of an advisory committee on their next Council of Governments Board agenda. Mayor Clark insisted the Council of Governments Board will not make any changes to the language in the Memorandum of Agreement. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 Page 7 of 9 Council Member Ly explained that he is requesting her to place an item on the November 4th Council of Governments Board meeting agenda to establish a committee on coyote management made up of the member cities who approved the Memorandum of Agreement. City Manager Molleda noted the request is not to make changes to the Memorandum of Agreement but is suggesting to the Council of Governments Board to discuss the creation of an advisory committee. Mayor Clark expressed concern with cities that eve already approved and signed the Memorandum of Agreement. Those crti#wduld have to get together and agree to join a committee. Council Member Ly reiterated the oti} iicil of Governmnlits Board would not make changes to the Memorandum Fa6t'.1"' greement language',They agreed to create a parallel committee, separate fromthe agreement, with tie .derstanding that the responsibility of the committee wvill be to assist between -Ah development and implementation of the P'lan. The C6i*JJ of Governments Board„ in good faith, should be willing to qr an advisory committee. He stated there was a consensus by the City Council to 1? rove the updatedF Coyote Management Plan; therefore, moved to adopt the �`MCnorandum of Agreement between the Council of Governments _.and the Crt�, addition,chrected staff and the Mayor to coordinate with the"ed e,board d Coupcif of �rovernn. eats to place the creation of a subcoxnitt'ee disu_scion on te,Npydnber q�tl eeting agenda. ACTION: seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to L `Approve the update& -Coyote Management Plan 2019; 2E 'authorize the `i -Y Mana.,ge4� to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with San, Gabriel Valley Coy affil ofFGooTnments for Coyote Management Implementation Plan proing at an annual cost US 10,000 for a two-year period; and 3. DirectItff and the yor to coordinate with the executive board of the Council of GovernhK s top 'he creation of an advisory committee on their November 4th meeting agepia. f ' Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Veteran Draft Ordinance Discussion Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 Page 8 of 9 This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Council Member Steven Ly. He would like to discuss a Veteran draft ordinance. City Manger Molleda requested the item to be tabled to a future meeting. B. Council Comments Council Member Low shared she was approached by a member of the public and was pleased on how well the Rosemead City Council works collectively. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta reported out on Cities Association Fall Summit. She sl discussions about the 2020 Census, r residents, and many more important,sessl 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m. The n4f.regular take place on October 22, 20 L9 ,at 7:00 p m iri#the R• ATTEST: Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2019 Page 9 of 9 aice to the California Contract were sessions that included savings renewable energy to ikig local agencies. City Clark meeting will -il Chamber.