Form A - Rosemead Cost Proposal Pages 2. 3ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM A, PAGE 2 Proposer's Name: This Cost Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractor's firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and Scope of Work. The detailed Cost By Category for Hourly and Fixed Costs should support and add to the Cost Per Vehicle Revenue Hour and Monthly Fixed Costs being proposed. TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL COST This table auto-fills from Hourly and Fixed Cost Tables. Do not overwrite formulas. COST FORMULA 1. Cost per VRH 2. Monthly Fixed Cost Projected Annual VRH 3. Annual Hourly Costs 4. Annual Fixed Costs TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL COST (3+4) PROPOSED TOTAL VEHICLE REVENUE HOUR COSTS TOTAL VRH COST BY CATEGORY Driver Wages Driver Fringe Benefits Maintenance Parts Maintenance Supplies Outside Repairs Other(specify) TOTAL HOURLY COSTS Year One [12 Months] 0 0 15355 0 0 0 Year One 0 Year Two [12 Months] 0 0 15355 0 0 0 Year Two 0 Year Three [12 Months] 0 0 15355 0 0 0 Year Three 0 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM A, PAGE 3 Proposer's Name: PROPOSED FIXED COSTS (Note: Costs shown are to be the total fixed costs by category) TOTAL FIXED COST BY CATEGORY Project Manager Salary Project Manager Fringe Maintenance Mgr Salary Maint. Mgr Fringe Operation Supervisor Salary Operation Supervisor Fringe Dispatch Staff Wages Dispatch Staff Fringe Maintenance Staff Wages Maintenance Staff Fringe Other Wages (Specify) Other Fringe (Specify) Hiring/Training Safety Uniforms Non-Revenue Vehicles Facility Lease/Rent Costs Janitorial Telephone Utilities Office Supplies Accounting INSURANCE: General Liability Automobile Liability Collision/Comprehensive Workers Compensation Computer Hardware Computer Software On-Board Camera Costs Other (Specify): Start Up Costs Overhead Management Fee/Profit TOTAL FIXED COSTS [Note: Listing of typical cost items on this provided form does not require Contractor to provide this position, utility or service.] ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Projected Total Vehicle Miles Estimated Annual Fuel Cost Assumed Propane Cost/Gal Assumed Cost/Gal Gasoline Year One 0 Year One Year Two 0 Year Two Year Three 0 Year Three