CC - Item 5D - Revision to the Memorial Bench and Tree ProgramROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER J. 1" 1 , DATE: JANUARY 14, 2020 SUBJECT: REVISION TO THE MEMORIAL BENCH AND TREE PROGRAM SUMMARY On April 23, 2019, the City Council approved the Administrative Policy 50-08, which provides guidelines for a Memorial Bench & Tree Program. This program provides Rosemead the opportunity to commemorate or honor family, friends, and business professionals whom have passed away or have had a positive impact on the community. The dedication helps enhance and beautify the City of Rosemead's parks while helping to meet the City's vision of developing a premiere park, recreation and open space system. The purpose of this policy is to outline the terms and conditions of commemoration on a memorial bench and/or tree. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the revised Administrative Policy 50-08, to include the dedication of a garden and move forward as the Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Program. DISCUSSION Staff developed a policy that will assist with the implementation of this program while safeguarding the ambiance of the parks as well as regulating participation. Establishing a policy on eligibility and placement of such memorials will provide guidance for those seeking the memorials. The policy establishes and limits the eligibility for a memorial bench or tree to those individuals who once resided in Rosemead at some time in their life, or those who provided a public service to the community of Rosemead. During the implementation of the program, staff was approached regarding a dedication of a garden. Staff supports the addition of gardens to the policy. The addition will enhance the program and expand the opportunity for the community to honor deserving individuals. AGENDA ITEM 5.1) City Council Meeting January 14, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Staff presented the revised policy to the Parks Commission at the January 7, 2020 meeting. The Parks Commission was in full support of the revision to the policy allowing individuals to dedicate garden spaces in designated areas. FISCAL IMPACT All costs associated with the Bench, Tree and Garden Memorial will be paid 100% by the donor. Public Works staff and Parks and Recreation staff will need to determine the type of bench and/or tree that will be utilized. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The proposed agreement is consistent with Strategy 4 (Parks and Recreation) of the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Tom B ecking Director of Parks and kecreation Attachment A: Revised Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Policy Attachment B: January 7, 2020 Parks Commission Meeting Minutes Attachment A Administrative Policy 50-08 SUBJECT: PURPOSE: CITY OF ROSEMEAD Administrative Policy Manual Policy Number: Date: 50-08 City Manager Approval: MEMORIAL BENCH, TREE AND GARDEN PROGRAM POLICY To establish guidelines for the establishment of a Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Program Policy. The City of Rosemead supports allowing memorial benches, trees and gardens in parks and green space areas, with the mindset that these facilities have many uses and are enjoyed by the public. The program is reserved for memorial purposes only for individuals who resided in Rosemead at some time in their life, or who provided public service to the community of Rosemead. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines with respect to the memorial bench, tree and garden program. The policy will ensure that appropriate oversight is provided in preserving our City parks, to protect park resources, and enhance the park visitor experience. Responsibilities with the City for services provided by this program will be assigned as follows: 1. The Director of Parks and Recreation or his/her designee (Hereinafter referred to as Director) shall work with other Departments within the City such as the Public Works Department to ensure compliance with this policy. 2. The Parks Commission shall have the authority to accept or deny memorial bench or tree applications and ensures all guidelines are met. The City Council will ratify all approvals or denials the first year and will revisit therefore after. DEDICATION GUIDELINES: 1. The policy establishes and limits eligibility for a memorial bench, tree and garden for individuals who resided in Rosemead at some time in their life, or who provided public service to the community of Rosemead. 2. The dedication of a bench, tree or garden will be acknowledged by an accompanying custom plaque. The plaque is symbolic of the dedication and does not entitle the donor to ownership of the particular donated item. 3. Memorials cannot have a commercial appearance or corporate label. The City of Rosemead will provide a plaque template and will have final approval of commemorative plaque, style, and wording. The donor will cover 100% cost of the bench/tree/garden and associated plaque. 4. The type and material of the bench, type and size of tree, and locations will be consistent with the City of Rosemead landscape plans, standards and policies. The donor, with the approval and guidance of the Director, will select the park and location for the memorial. Page 2 of 4 Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Program Policy Policy 50-08 5. The dedication of a garden will only be given to existing garden spaces with in the City of Rosemead. Temporary Community Gardens are not eligible as dedication locations. 6. A ceremony or gathering at the time of dedication is permitted but must be arranged in advance with the City of Rosemead and must be done in accordance with City of Rosemead ordinances and policies. To ensure public use and safety; memorial wreaths, flowers and any other items placed for a private gathering or ceremony must be removed immediately following the dedication by the donor. PROCEDURES: 1. The potential donor will meet with the Parks and Recreation Department staff to share ideas and ask questions regarding the City's Memorial Application and Agreement Form. 2. The potential donor will submit a completed Memorial Application and Agreement Form to the Parks and Recreation Department. As part of the application process the donor will also submit the potential wording of plaque to the Parks and Recreation Department who will work with donor and internal staff to approve. 3. Department staff will work with the donor to get internal approval with appropriate staff on final park choice and location of the bench/tree. 4. The Director will review and determine the appropriateness of the proposal. 5. Department staff will notify the donor in writing of results of City evaluation of proposal identifying any final conditions of approval. 6. With a positive review decision, department staff will finalize the Memorial Application and Agreement Form between the City and donor and submit to the Director for final approval. 7. The Director's approval must be received before ordering and installing the memorial. 8. Once location is agreed upon, donor will submit payment in full to: City of Rosemead Parks and Recreation Department Memorial Program 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA. 91770 9. The complete fee payment must be received before the materials are ordered or construction is initiated. LOCATION: 1. While the potential donor is free to suggest the proposed location, certain location requirements shall apply. The appropriate members of Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments shall make the final precise determination of location. Page 3 of 4 Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Program Policy Policy 50-08 2. Benches or trees under this program shall be located in accordance with the following criteria: a. The location does not interfere with any active park facility; b. The location does not interfere with any components or displays; c. Sufficient space is provided for the proposed bench or tree and accompanying plaque; d. The bench will meet the facility accessible design standards; e. The tree will meet the current City guidelines for tree species and size that has been recommended by the City arborist and approved by the City. This will ensure the tree has the best chance at a successful lifespan within our climate and meets the City's overall design guidelines; and f. The location is appropriate for a bench or tree installation. 3. The following are possible locations within the City for memorial installations: a. Garvey Park b. Guess Park c. Klingerman Park d. Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex e. Rosemead Park f. Rosemead Plaza g. Sally Tanner Park h. Zapopan Park INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 1. Installation a. Once the bench or tree and plaque are received from the suppliers, the City will contact the donor. The timing of the installation will be determined by a variety of factors including the availability of City staff, weather, time of the year etc. b. The donor shall pay full cost for the purchase, supply, delivery, and installation of the bench or tree and plaque. The costs shall be established by the City, based upon the City's normal providers, and shall be updated from time to time. c. The complete fee payment must be received before the process is initiated. d. The City will oversee the installation. 2. Relocation of Benches/Trees a. When the useful life of the bench or tree has expired, a new bench or tree may be installed but the existing plaque will not be replaced. b. The City reserves the right to relocate a bench or tree. In the eventuality that such a move is necessary the City will attempt to contact the donor for consultation prior to relocation to discuss alternative locations. The City of Rosemead will make the final determination. Page 4 of 4 Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Program Policy Policy 50-08 3. Maintenance and Replacement a. The routine cleaning and general maintenance of the memorial bench, tree or garden and plaques are the responsibility of the City of Rosemead. If any benches, trees, gardens or plaques are damaged, the City will attempt to make minor repairs with City forces. If this cannot be done, the bench, tree, garden or plaque will be removed and not replaced. b. There is a ten-year (10) guarantee of bench maintenance and replacement. The furniture will be kept in place as long as it is serviceable beyond the 10 year period. When a bench is no longer serviceable, applicants will be advised and given the opportunity to purchase a new bench under the terms and conditions then in effect. c. There is a ten-year (10) guarantee of plaque maintenance and replacement. The plaque will be kept in place as long as it is serviceable beyond the 10 year period. When a plaque is no longer serviceable, applicants will be advised and given the opportunity to purchase a new plaque under the terms and conditions then in effect. d. The City will not be responsible for acts of nature, survivability of trees, damage or vandalism to benches or trees. At the City's sole and absolute discretion, the City may replace memorial trees and make repairs or replacement of memorial benches. Attachment B Parks Commission Draft Minutes of January 7, 2020 MINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 7, 2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Parks Commission was called to order by Chair Morten at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Chair Morten, Vice -Chair Lin, Commissioners Nguyen, Ruvalcaba and Tocki ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissi INVOCATION was led by Commissioner Ru 1. 2. 3. Approval of minutes — at 7:03 p.m. Ruvalcaba and seconded by Commissioner minutes: Motion carried by the following Walcaba, Tocki and Tree Program Dix r of Park ''""d Recreation Boecking reminded the commissioners about the Meme Ben c : 3 d Tree Program which was brought to the commission in June 2019. rb m is meant to recognize loved ones, long-time residents or businesses 2 a dedication of a bench or tree within a list of selected locations. There was a request from residents to include gardens in the policy. The administrative policy has been updated with the inclusion of the garden. With the support and approval of the commission, the item will then be taken to City Council to add the garden. There was a stipulation included which states that the garden must be an existing garden in the designated locations and cannot be placed in the temporary community gardens. The dedication would need to be located in the parks or civic center. Chair Morten mentioned it was a good idea since the more the city is beautified, the less urban blight is seen. Vice -Chair Lin asked how the boundaries of the gardens would be defined. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking mentioned that each garden is in a designated area and the boundaries are defined by enclosure around it. It will be something natural surrounded by grass, bush, sidewalk or concrete. It will be designated as a garden area with flowers growing with the area. Vice -Chair Lin asked if the families dedicating a garden would have an opportunity to select what they plant. Director of Parks and Recreation Boc flowers provided by the City and they Commissioner Tocki inquired what garden spaces are availal Director of Parks and Recrea Tri, Boec application include a list of par] ill, yer, If there is interestmark, then tic additional informatARNOxi .as that are v i Commissioner Ruvalcal was annuqL.-4a ,%2, -going. Parks The poles tates th�the damage w:4�' . that it would include existing ve the option to select or plant. is an Od ng list where people can see in mentioneat the policy and e `is no existm T of garden areas. contact the deparf, � ent and given garden spaces. the dunon of the dedication, whether it �Zking tl atY 0 dedication is for endless years. with the City is for ten years. If the plaque is 9 City's expense; thereafter, the family would have a list of acceptable plants for the 6ation Boecking stated that the families would not have be an existing garden. asked whether the program would only be open to Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking stated that the policy is written to include anyone that has been a long-time resident, volunteer or has provided some type of service to the City of Rosemead. Commissioner Ruvalcaba inquired what would be considered a long-time resident or volunteer. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking mentioned that it was up to the commission to decide. The policy does not include a minimum or maximum of years of service. The commission will have to determine if the nominee is deserving of the program. For the first year of the program, the commission will provide the first approval and recommend the nominee to City Council which will then provide the second approval. After the first year and with the program being fully implemented, the Parks Commission will provide approval. Commissioner Nguyen asked if the packet contained a sample or actual application. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking stated that the application was for the first nominee and is the next item for discussion. ACTION: Moved by Chair Morten and so ceded by Commissioner Nguyen to approve the revised policy for the Me,iBench, Tree Policy and Garden xa' kvw'4 Program. Motion carried by the Tocki B. Memorial Bench and Tree N AYES: Lin; 1VIen, Nguyen, Ruvalcaba, Director of Parks and RQ�tion Boecktr nounced that there is an application for the Memorial Benc � eeRIK, Garden S - am. Normally the process would not include updating a pot Y anunmediatel>pprove an item directly related to the pol Wever, dui o, time Tr s i is with ,family the program is being pushe q�a 'qty Councl'll a` p licext week during the Council Meet ` d if appaed by tlie�ission v"` receive the recommendation for 1-1 the noion durifb.the second ouncil Meeting for their approval. s F' M111 embeit-� I 04-9!"U"Y e�arti4 received an application by Perry Poon for iFenn�pon, dedi�f etg tie six rose garden locations around the clock located Hai a. Fennywis a long time resident and spent over 20 years inn the Citoseril�d{while also working for the Garvey School District. Her qb brought h - to the`.1s of many people at Willard Elementary School. She cted with nts an&students on a day-to-day basis. She also took a huge ft-a, icer role as"". cout leader and became Troop Chairman where she furthered her p�iR.'i",in wng with the youth in our society. Penny's role required her to oversee f6&-% groups, all while ensuring a high-quality program was provide to the youd ensuring the leaders leading the youth were properly trained. In addition to her work with scouts, she also assisted with yearly city -related events such as the Easter Egg Hunts, Thanksgiving lunches, Breakfast with Santa, and Rosemead's 50th Anniversary event. Her role in the school district and in the City was pivotal to the success in Rosemead and her family wishes to honor her with the selected garden areas. With the Commission's approval, there would be six garden areas and one plaque designated in the Civic Plaza area. A family member is in attendance this evening in support of the dedication. She is a long-time volunteer and runs the scouts and would love to honor her sister. Chair Morten mentioned that Fenny seems like a wonderful person that Rosemead needs very much. Commissioner Tocki asked if the City would be selecting where the plaque would be located or whether the family would have the choice of doing so. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking replied that the City would select the location. For the specific nomination, the plaque would be located in the Civic Plaza by the clock in the middle west portion. Chair Morten asked whether the Commission Director of Parks and Recreation F designed yet and will not be until options for the donor to select. Commissioner Tocki inquire through the Commission first. Director of Parks ,Recr wglkl Commission for appirft, s April; however, this wKWAA1Y a year from the first appft�t make reF, ,o omm dations reco da`l d , pd have the s . only the Com; ssion fog go to i` council o January N: 1V>��1i Com mss; ockigroe tAnominaft Garden x �Win� � otion calf y the C. Mon kParkstecreatioi in the future the plaque. that the plaque has not been ..e will be a couple different would go ation DO ,ac =' k, stated it would o through the for the fir. The program was put in place in yap licant Loess Council decides they would like e _Comniis�n will be the first to review and �ouncilk�ty Ccical will then look at the toyapp�� After the year is over, then it will l approval.;e' application reviewed today will alcaba and seconded by Commissioner Poon for the Memorial Bench, Tree and vote: AYES: Lin, Morten, Nguyen, Ruvalcaba, Department Review Director of s and Recreation Boecking announced that the basketball program is thriving with 16 teams with about 150 kids. The adult basketball league, which is a new program, has 4 teams. The youth volley ball league and other youth programs are doing well and are running successfully. The children in Playschool were visited by a special guest before the holidays. Both the Rosemead and Garvey Playschool were visited by Santa and took pictures as well as received candy canes and had a great time. The pools are operating and busy. The Rosemead Rapids which had 133 swimmers in October, 132 in November and 125 in December, continue to have outstanding numbers especially given that they practice at an outside pool. The centers have been busy and hosting several events in the past months. One of the centers hosted Judy Chu and her turkey giveaway before the holidays. The seniors have been going on trips and having a great time. The Rosemead Community Center hosted the Los Angeles County for a few days for as they demonstrated their new voting system. The voting system has gone electronic. The Annual Tree Lighting and Dinner with Santa event had a bit of rain which pushed the program at a faster pace. The tree was lit and the event was successful. The Sweethearts Jamboree will be held on Saturday, February 8 at the Rosemead Community Center, with tickets already on sale. The Community Yard Sale will be held on March 7 with a planned rain date for March 14. There are many people coming in and purchasing a spot. 4. MATTERS FROM COMMISSION A. Commission Comments Commissioner Nguyen thanked request regarding the broken"' Rosemead Park that are not ope they are numbered to make ref striping in the parkin not visible. He come skate park; however, solution is found to patrol or pyafet3 move ha ark �t on nadi tl Coli there iE etor Boecking ` of� s prompt response to his at Rosemead Park` ,-' r, ere are lampposts in ial and Commissio id 'guyen suggested that ,easie .,Tere was alsozoncern with the artm0uires maina the lines are -1."of Public Works which clean up the it was 1-` tied. It was recommended that a as. more 99bacted. whether it includes more aired about the walking path A would be replaced. ratio � decking responded that the project is going to since project is managed through public works, he ameTere was an RFP put out for the project and vdefia§dditronal information at a later time. aWft ,was pleased to hear that the Yard Sale would have a �econd date irie of raiSe mentioned many other people will be happy about rainout date `well sfike it usually rains. Commissioner Ruvalcaba thanked Dir c� r BoeckirY � or including the dates on the brochure cover which makes it easie� ;�dete +timeframe for activities at a glance. Also, she inquired about update le Proposed community garden. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking mentioned the garden has been sprayed to eliminate everything that is currently there. The timeframe was for late January or early February but with the amount of rain, the timeline will need to be pushed back. There is no tentative date, but updates will be received soon. Commissioner Ruvalcaba stated that there are empty plots in the current garden and asked for announcements to be sent out on the empty plots. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking mentioned that the vacant plots were announced on social media, but the department will look into different marketing avenues. As soon as the new garden is open, there will be a big push to fill the new garden location. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m. The next Parks Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Jennifer Pi;q?4dministrative Specialist APPROVED: Beverly Morten, Chair